# Playwright Scraper Scraper and crawler built with Playwright and Cheerio # Versions and Differences **BFS version** The BFS version uses the Breadth-First Search Approach To ensure the crawler explores all pages more thoroughly the crawler processes all immediate links (siblings) at the current depth level before moving on to deeper levels. **Scrape Everything** This pretty much lets the crawler to go wild (can't recommend) **Scrape Domain Scope only** Scrapes within the domain scope (worse BFS version as this goes in a straight line and doesn't scan everything) # Requirements first install npm **Arch** ```bash sudo pacman -Sy nodejs yay -S playwright ``` **Debian/Ubuntu** ```bash curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x -o nodesource_setup.sh sudo bash nodesource_setup.sh sudo apt install nodejs ``` Then install Playwright and the other dependencies ```bash npm init playwright@latest npm install path npm install url npm install cheerio npm install fs ```