const { chromium } = require('playwright'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); // For hashing filenames const url = require('url'); const websiteUrl = ''; const outputDir = './output'; const baseDomain = new URL(websiteUrl).hostname; // Extract the base domain const ignoredDomainsRegex = /facebook\.com|linkedin\.com|youtube\.com|focus-news\.net|novini\.bg|sliveninfo\.bg|utroruse\.com|trafficnews\.bg|pressoffice\.tu-sofia\.bg|career\.tu-sofia\.bg|digilib\.nalis\.bg|proceedings\.tu-sofia\.bg|sopkoni\.tu-sofia\.bg|elara\.tu-sofia\.bg|design\.tu-sofia\.bg|otsk-nk\.tu-sofia\.bg|rcvt\.tu-sofia\.bg|e-university\.tu-sofia\.bg|ef-conference\.tu-sofia\.bg|infotech-bg\.com|bultrans\.org|metrology-bg\.org|konkursi-as\.tu-sofia\.bg|google\.com/i; (async () => { const browser = await chromium.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); // Intercept network requests to handle file downloads await page.route('**/*', async (route) => { const request = route.request(); const fileUrl = request.url(); // Determine file type by extension const fileExtensions = ['.pdf', '.avi', '.mp4', '.jpg', '.png', '.zip', '.rar', '.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx']; const extension = path.extname(fileUrl).toLowerCase(); if (fileExtensions.includes(extension)) { console.log(`Downloading file from ${fileUrl}`); let buffer; const maxRetries = 3; let retries = 0; while (retries < maxRetries) { try { // Fetch the file content const response = await page.request.fetch(request); buffer = await response.body(); break; // Exit loop if successful } catch (error) { retries++; console.log(`Failed to download ${fileUrl}. Retry ${retries}/${maxRetries}`); if (retries === maxRetries) { console.log(`Skipping ${fileUrl} after ${maxRetries} retries.`); return route.abort(); // Abort the request after max retries } } } if (buffer) { // Hash the file path to avoid long filenames const hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(fileUrl).digest('hex'); const urlObj = new URL(fileUrl); const directory = path.join(outputDir, urlObj.hostname); const filePath = path.join(directory, `${hash}${extension}`); // Ensure directory exists fs.mkdirSync(directory, { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, buffer); } return route.abort(); // Abort the navigation } // Continue navigation for HTML pages return route.continue(); }); const crawledPages = new Set(); const queue = [websiteUrl]; while (queue.length > 0) { const currentPageUrl = queue.shift(); if (crawledPages.has(currentPageUrl)) continue; crawledPages.add(currentPageUrl); console.log(`Crawling ${currentPageUrl}`); try { const currentUrlObj = new URL(currentPageUrl); // Check if the URL belongs to the base domain if (currentUrlObj.hostname !== baseDomain) { console.log(`Skipping ${currentPageUrl} - Outside of base domain`); continue; // Skip URLs outside of the base domain } await page.goto(currentPageUrl, { timeout: 60000 }); // Wait for the page to be fully loaded await page.waitForLoadState('load'); // Extract the content safely let html; try { html = await page.content(); } catch (error) { console.log(`Error retrieving content for ${currentPageUrl}: ${error.message}`); continue; // Skip to the next URL } const $ = cheerio.load(html); // Extract text content const textContent = $('body').text().trim(); const urlObj = new URL(currentPageUrl); const hostname = urlObj.hostname; // Hash the file path to avoid long filenames const hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(urlObj.pathname).digest('hex'); const textFilePath = path.join(outputDir, hostname, hash, 'index.txt'); fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(textFilePath), { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(textFilePath, textContent); // Find new links to crawl const newLinks = []; $('a').each((index, element) => { const href = $(element).attr('href'); if (href && href.startsWith('http')) { const linkUrlObj = new URL(href); const linkHostname = linkUrlObj.hostname; // Skip ignored domains and URLs outside the base domain if (!ignoredDomainsRegex.test(linkHostname) && linkHostname === baseDomain) { newLinks.push(href); } } }); queue.push(...newLinks); } catch (error) { console.log(`Error loading or processing ${currentPageUrl}: ${error.message}`); continue; // Skip to the next URL } } await browser.close(); })();