2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
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2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
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2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< title > 🦙 llama.cpp - chat< / title >
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
< script type = "module" crossorigin > v a r S c = e = > { t h r o w T y p e E r r o r ( e ) } ; v a r u s = ( e , t , n ) = > t . h a s ( e ) | | S c ( " C a n n o t " + n ) ; v a r W t = ( e , t , n ) = > ( u s ( e , t , " r e a d f r o m p r i v a t e f i e l d " ) , n ? n . c a l l ( e ) : t . g e t ( e ) ) , j n = ( e , t , n ) = > t . h a s ( e ) ? S c ( " C a n n o t a d d t h e s a m e p r i v a t e m e m b e r m o r e t h a n o n c e " ) : t i n s t a n c e o f W e a k S e t ? t . a d d ( e ) : t . s e t ( e , n ) , w r = ( e , t , n , r ) = > ( u s ( e , t , " w r i t e t o p r i v a t e f i e l d " ) , r ? r . c a l l ( e , n ) : t . s e t ( e , n ) , n ) , s s = ( e , t , n ) = > ( u s ( e , t , " a c c e s s p r i v a t e m e t h o d " ) , n ) ; ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { c o n s t t = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " l i n k " ) . r e l L i s t ; i f ( t & & t . s u p p o r t s & & t . s u p p o r t s ( " m o d u l e p r e l o a d " ) ) r e t u r n ; f o r ( c o n s t i o f d o c u m e n t . q u e r y S e l e c t o r A l l ( ' l i n k [ r e l = " m o d u l e p r e l o a d " ] ' ) ) r ( i ) ; n e w M u t a t i o n O b s e r v e r ( i = > { f o r ( c o n s t u o f i ) i f ( u . t y p e = = = " c h i l d L i s t " ) f o r ( c o n s t s o f u . a d d e d N o d e s ) s . t a g N a m e = = = " L I N K " & & s . r e l = = = " m o d u l e p r e l o a d " & & r ( s ) } ) . o b s e r v e ( d o c u m e n t , { c h i l d L i s t : ! 0 , s u b t r e e : ! 0 } ) ; f u n c t i o n n ( i ) { c o n s t u = { } ; r e t u r n i . i n t e g r i t y & & ( u . i n t e g r i t y = i . i n t e g r i t y ) , i . r e f e r r e r P o l i c y & & ( u . r e f e r r e r P o l i c y = i . r e f e r r e r P o l i c y ) , i . c r o s s O r i g i n = = = " u s e - c r e d e n t i a l s " ? u . c r e d e n t i a l s = " i n c l u d e " : i . c r o s s O r i g i n = = = " a n o n y m o u s " ? u . c r e d e n t i a l s = " o m i t " : u . c r e d e n t i a l s = " s a m e - o r i g i n " , u } f u n c t i o n r ( i ) { i f ( i . e p ) r e t u r n ; i . e p = ! 0 ; c o n s t u = n ( i ) ; f e t c h ( i . h r e f , u ) } } ) ( ) ; / * *
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/shared v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
**//*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */function Ke(e){const t=Object.create(null);for(const n of e.split(","))t[n]=1;return n=>n in t}const oe={},Qn=[],Fe=()=>{},Mr=()=>!1,Bn=e=>e.charCodeAt(0)===111& & e.charCodeAt(1)===110& & (e.charCodeAt(2)>122||e.charCodeAt(2)< 97 ) , lo = e= > e.startsWith("onUpdate:"),ce=Object.assign,fo=(e,t)=>{const n=e.indexOf(t);n>-1& & e.splice(n,1)},jd=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,fe=(e,t)=>jd.call(e,t),j=Array.isArray,er=e=>Er(e)==="[object Map]",$n=e=>Er(e)==="[object Set]",Ac=e=>Er(e)==="[object Date]",Gd=e=>Er(e)==="[object RegExp]",Q=e=>typeof e=="function",te=e=>typeof e=="string",it=e=>typeof e=="symbol",he=e=>e!==null& & typeof e=="object",ho=e=>(he(e)||Q(e))& & Q(e.then)& & Q(e.catch),sl=Object.prototype.toString,Er=e=>sl.call(e),Wd=e=>Er(e).slice(8,-1),Du=e=>Er(e)==="[object Object]",po=e=>te(e)& & e!=="NaN"& & e[0]!=="-"& & ""+parseInt(e,10)===e,an=Ke(",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted"),Zd=Ke("bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo"),Nu=e=>{const t=Object.create(null);return n=>t[n]||(t[n]=e(n))},Yd=/-(\w)/g,_e=Nu(e=>e.replace(Yd,(t,n)=>n?n.toUpperCase():"")),Jd=/\B([A-Z])/g,Xe=Nu(e=>e.replace(Jd,"-$1").toLowerCase()),Un=Nu(e=>e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)),tr=Nu(e=>e?`on${Un(e)}`:""),Ye=(e,t)=>!Object.is(e,t),nr=(e,...t)=>{for(let n=0;n< e.length ; n + + ) e [ n ] ( . . . t ) } , cr = (e,t,n,r=!1)= > {Object.defineProperty(e,t,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,writable:r,value:n})},Xi=e=>{const t=parseFloat(e);return isNaN(t)?e:t},Qi=e=>{const t=te(e)?Number(e):NaN;return isNaN(t)?e:t};let vc;const wn=()=>vc||(vc=typeof globalThis< "u"?globalThis:typeof self< "u"?self:typeof window< "u"?window:typeof global< "u"?global:{});function Xd(e,t){return e+JSON.stringify(t,(n,r)=>typeof r=="function"?r.toString():r)}const Qd="Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,BigInt,console,Error,Symbol",eh=Ke(Qd);function xr(e){if(j(e)){const t={};for(let n=0;n< e.length ; n + + ) { const r = e[n],i=te(r)?ol(r):xr(r);if(i)for(const u in i ) t [ u ] = i [ u ] } return t } else if ( te ( e ) | | he ( e ) ) return e } const th = /;(?![^(]*\))/g,nh=/:([^]+)/,rh=/\/\*[^]*?\*\//g;function ol ( e ) { const t = {};return e . replace ( rh , " " ) . split ( th ) . forEach ( n = > {if(n){const r = n.split(nh);r.length > 1& & (t[r[0].trim()]=r[1].trim())}}),t}function ih(e){if(!e)return"";if(te(e))return e;let t="";for(const n in e){const r=e[n];if(te(r)||typeof r=="number"){const i=n.startsWith("--")?n:Xe(n);t+=`${i}:${r};`}}return t}function kr(e){let t="";if(te(e))t=e;else if(j(e))for(let n=0;n< e.length ; n + + ) { const r = kr(e[n]);r&&(t+=r+" " ) } else if ( he ( e ) ) for ( const n in e ) e [ n ] & & ( t + = n + " " ) ; return t . trim ( ) } function uh ( e ) { if ( ! e ) return null ; let { class:t , style:n } = e ; return t & & ! te ( t ) & & ( e . class = kr(t)),n&&(e.style=xr(n)),e}const sh = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot" , oh = "svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistantLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,ra
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/reactivity v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
**/let Ze;class bo{constructor(t=!1){this.detached=t,this._active=!0,this.effects=[],this.cleanups=[],this._isPaused=!1,this.parent=Ze,!t& & Ze& & (this.index=(Ze.scopes||(Ze.scopes=[])).push(this)-1)}get active(){return this._active}pause(){if(this._active){this._isPaused=!0;let t,n;if(this.scopes)for(t=0,n=this.scopes.length;t< n ; t + + ) this . scopes [ t ] . pause ( ) ; for ( t = 0,n=this.effects.length;t<n;t++)this.effects[t].pause()}}resume(){if(this._active&&this._isPaused){this._isPaused=!1;let t , n ; if ( this . scopes ) for ( t = 0,n=this.scopes.length;t<n;t++)this.scopes[t].resume();for(t=0,n=this.effects.length;t<n;t++)this.effects[t].resume()}}run(t){if(this._active){const n = Ze;try{return Ze = this,t()}finally{Ze=n}}}on(){Ze=this}off(){Ze=this.parent}stop(t){if(this._active){this._active=!1;let n , r ; for ( n = 0,r=this.effects.length;n<r;n++)this.effects[n].stop();for(this.effects.length=0,n=0,r=this.cleanups.length;n<r;n++)this.cleanups[n]();if(this.cleanups.length=0,this.scopes){for(n=0,r=this.scopes.length;n<r;n++)this.scopes[n].stop(!0);this.scopes.length=0}if(!this.detached&&this.parent&&!t){const i = this.parent.scopes.pop();i&&i!==this&&(this.parent.scopes[this.index]=i,i.index=this.index)}this.parent=void 0 } } } function xh ( e ) { return new bo ( e ) } function dl ( ) { return Ze } function kh ( e , t = !1){Ze&&Ze.cleanups.push(e)}let ge ; const cs = new WeakSet ; class jr { constructor ( t ) { this . fn = t,this.deps=void 0 , this . depsTail = void 0 , this . flags = 5,this.next=void 0 , this . cleanup = void 0 , this . scheduler = void 0 , Ze & & Ze . active & & Ze . effects . push ( this ) } pause ( ) { this . flags | = 64 } resume ( ) { this . flags & 64 & & ( this . flags & = -65 , cs . has ( this ) & & ( cs . delete ( this ) , this . trigger ( ) ) ) } notify ( ) { this . flags & 2 & & ! ( this . flags & 32 ) | | this . flags & 8 | | pl ( this ) } run ( ) { if ( ! ( this . flags & 1 ) ) return this . fn ( ) ; this . flags | = 2 , wc ( this ) , gl ( this ) ; const t = ge,n=xt;ge=this,xt=!0;try{return this . fn ( ) } finally { bl ( this ) , ge = t,xt=n,this.flags&=-3}}stop(){if(this.flags&1){for(let t = this.deps;t;t=t.nextDep)yo(t);this.deps=this.depsTail=void 0 , wc ( this ) , this . onStop & & this . onStop ( ) , this . flags & = -2 } } trigger ( ) { this . flags & 64 ? cs . add ( this ) :this . scheduler ? this . scheduler ( ) :this . runIfDirty ( ) } runIfDirty ( ) { Ns ( this ) & & this . run ( ) } get dirty ( ) { return Ns ( this ) } } let hl = 0,Pr,Br;function pl ( e , t = !1){if(e.flags|=8,t){e.next=Br,Br=e;return}e.next=Pr,Pr=e}function mo ( ) { hl + + } function _o ( ) { if ( --hl > 0)return;if(Br){let t=Br;for(Br=void 0;t;){const n=t.next;t.next=void 0,t.flags& =-9,t=n}}let e;for(;Pr;){let t=Pr;for(Pr=void 0;t;){const n=t.next;if(t.next=void 0,t.flags& =-9,t.flags& 1)try{t.trigger()}catch(r){e||(e=r)}t=n}}if(e)throw e}function gl(e){for(let t=e.deps;t;t=t.nextDep)t.version=-1,t.prevActiveLink=t.dep.activeLink,t.dep.activeLink=t}function bl(e){let t,n=e.depsTail,r=n;for(;r;){const i=r.prevDep;r.version===-1?(r===n& & (n=i),yo(r),Ch(r)):t=r,r.dep.activeLink=r.prevActiveLink,r.prevActiveLink=void 0,r=i}e.deps=t,e.depsTail=n}function Ns(e){for(let t=e.deps;t;t=t.nextDep)if(t.dep.version!==t.version||t.dep.computed&&(ml(t.dep.computed)||t.dep.version!==t.version))return!0; return!!e._dirty}function ml(e){if(e.flags&4&&!(e.flags&16)||(e.flags&=-17,e.globalVersion===Gr))return; e.globalVersion=Gr;const t=e.dep;if(e.flags|=2,t.version>0&&!e.isSSR&&e.deps&&!Ns(e)){e.flags&=-3; return}const n=ge,r=xt;ge=e,xt=!0;try{gl(e);const i=e.fn(e._value);(t.version===0||Ye(i,e._value))& & (e._value=i,t.version++)}catch(i){throw t.version++,i}finally{ge=n,xt=r,bl(e),e.flags& =-3}}function yo(e,t=!1){const{dep:n,prevSub:r,nextSub:i}=e;if(r& & (r.nextSub=i,e.prevSub=void 0),i& & (i.prevSub=r,e.nextSub=void 0),n.subs===e&&(n.subs=r,!r&&n.computed)){n.computed.flags&=-5; for(let u=n.computed.deps;u;u=u.nextDep)yo(u,!0)}!t& & !--n.sc& & n.map& & n.map.delete(n.key)}function Ch(e){const{prevDep:t,nextDep:n}=e;t& & (t.nextDep=n,e.prevDep=void 0),n& & (n.prevDep=t,e.nextDep=void 0)}function Sh(e,t){e.effect instanceof jr&&(e=e.effect.fn); const n=new jr(e);t&&ce(n,t); try{n.run()}catch(i){throw n.stop(),i}const r=n.run.bind(n);return r.effect=n,r}function Ah(e){e.effect.stop()}let xt=!0;const _l=[];function qt(){_l.push(xt),xt=!1}function Kt(){const e=_l.pop();xt=e===void 0?!0:e}function wc(e){const{cleanup:t}=e;if(e
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/runtime-core v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
**/const Nn=[];function sp(e){Nn.push(e)}function op(){Nn.pop()}let fs=!1;function Jt(e,...t){if(fs)return;fs=!0,qt();const n=Nn.length?Nn[Nn.length-1].component:null,r=n&&n.appContext.config.warnHandler,i=cp(); if(r)Hn(r,n,11,[e+t.map(u=>{var s,o;return(o=(s=u.toString)==null?void 0:s.call(u))!=null?o:JSON.stringify(u)}).join(""),n& & n.proxy,i.map(({vnode:u})=>`at < ${Vf(n,u.type)}>`).join(`
`),i]);else{const u=[`[Vue warn]: ${e}`,...t];i.length& & u.push(`
`,...ap(i)),console.warn(...u)}Kt(),fs=!1}function cp(){let e=Nn[Nn.length-1];if(!e)return[];const t=[];for(;e;){const n=t[0];n&&n.vnode===e?n.recurseCount++:t.push({vnode:e,recurseCount:0}); const r=e.component&&e.component.parent; e=r& & r.vnode}return t}function ap(e){const t=[];return e.forEach((n,r)=>{t.push(...r===0?[]:[`
`],...lp(n))}),t}function lp({vnode:e,recurseCount:t}){const n=t>0?`... (${t} recursive calls)`:"",r=e.component?e.component.parent==null:!1,i=` at < ${Vf(e.component,e.type,r)}`,u=">"+n;return e.props?[i,...fp(e.props),u]:[i+u]}function fp(e){const t=[],n=Object.keys(e);return n.slice(0,3).forEach(r=>{t.push(...Rl(r,e[r]))}),n.length>3& & t.push(" ..."),t}function Rl(e,t,n){return te(t)?(t=JSON.stringify(t),n?t:[`${e}=${t}`]):typeof t=="number"||typeof t=="boolean"||t==null?n?t:[`${e}=${t}`]:we(t)?(t=Rl(e,se(t.value),!0),n?t:[`${e}=Ref< `,t,">"]):Q(t)?[`${e}=fn${t.name?`< ${t.name}>`:""}`]:(t=se(t),n?t:[`${e}=`,t])}function dp(e,t){}const hp={SETUP_FUNCTION:0,0:"SETUP_FUNCTION",RENDER_FUNCTION:1,1:"RENDER_FUNCTION",NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER:5,5:"NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER",COMPONENT_EVENT_HANDLER:6,6:"COMPONENT_EVENT_HANDLER",VNODE_HOOK:7,7:"VNODE_HOOK",DIRECTIVE_HOOK:8,8:"DIRECTIVE_HOOK",TRANSITION_HOOK:9,9:"TRANSITION_HOOK",APP_ERROR_HANDLER:10,10:"APP_ERROR_HANDLER",APP_WARN_HANDLER:11,11:"APP_WARN_HANDLER",FUNCTION_REF:12,12:"FUNCTION_REF",ASYNC_COMPONENT_LOADER:13,13:"ASYNC_COMPONENT_LOADER",SCHEDULER:14,14:"SCHEDULER",COMPONENT_UPDATE:15,15:"COMPONENT_UPDATE",APP_UNMOUNT_CLEANUP:16,16:"APP_UNMOUNT_CLEANUP"},pp={sp:"serverPrefetch hook",bc:"beforeCreate hook",c:"created hook",bm:"beforeMount hook",m:"mounted hook",bu:"beforeUpdate hook",u:"updated",bum:"beforeUnmount hook",um:"unmounted hook",a:"activated hook",da:"deactivated hook",ec:"errorCaptured hook",rtc:"renderTracked hook",rtg:"renderTriggered hook",0:"setup function",1:"render function",2:"watcher getter",3:"watcher callback",4:"watcher cleanup function",5:"native event handler",6:"component event handler",7:"vnode hook",8:"directive hook",9:"transition hook",10:"app errorHandler",11:"app warnHandler",12:"ref function",13:"async component loader",14:"scheduler flush",15:"component update",16:"app unmount cleanup function"};function Hn(e,t,n,r){try{return r?e(...r):e()}catch(i){Vn(i,t,n)}}function bt(e,t,n,r){if(Q(e)){const i=Hn(e,t,n,r);return i& & ho(i)& & i.catch(u=>{Vn(u,t,n)}),i}if(j(e)){const i=[];for(let u=0;u< e.length ; u + + ) i . push ( bt ( e [ u ] , t , n , r ) ) ; return i } } function Vn ( e , t , n , r = !0){const i = t?t.vnode:null,{errorHandler:u,throwUnhandledErrorInProduction:s}=t&&t.appContext.config||oe;if(t){let o = t.parent;const c = t.proxy,a=`https://vuejs.org/error-reference/#runtime-${n}`;for(;o;){const l = o.ec;if(l){for(let f = 0;f<l.length;f++)if(l[f](e,c,a)===!1)return}o=o.parent}if(u){qt(),Hn(u,null,10,[e,c,a]),Kt();return}}gp(e,n,i,r,s)}function gp ( e , t , n , r = !0,i=!1){if(i)throw e ; console . error ( e ) } const Je = [];let vt = -1;const rr = [];let en = null,Jn=0;const Fl = Promise.resolve();let nu = null;function $ u ( e ) { const t = nu||Fl;return e ? t . then ( this ? e . bind ( this ) :e ) :t } function bp ( e ) { let t = vt+1,n=Je.length;for(;t<n;){const r = t+n > >>1,i=Je[r],u=Yr(i);u< e | | u = ==e&&i.flags&2?t=r+1:n=r}return t } function Co ( e ) { if ( ! ( e . flags & 1 ) ) { const t = Yr(e),n=Je[Je.length-1];!n||!(e.flags&2)&&t > =Yr(n)?Je.push(e):Je.splice(bp(t),0,e),e.flags|=1,Ll()}}function Ll(){nu||(nu=Fl.then(Pl))}function Zr(e){j(e)?rr.push(...e):en& & e.id===-1?en.splice(Jn+1,0,e):e.flags& 1||(rr.push(e),e.flags|=1),Ll()}function Nc(e,t,n=vt+1){for(;n< Je.length ; n + + ) { const r = Je[n];if(r&&r.flags&2){if(e&&r.id!==e.uid)continue;Je.splice(n,1),n--,r.flags&4&&(r.flags&=-2),r(),r.flags&4||(r.flags&=-2)}}}function ru ( e ) { if ( rr . length ) { const t = [...new Set ( rr ) ] . sort ( ( n , r ) = > Yr(n)-Yr(r));if(rr.length=0,en){en.push(...t);return}for(en=t,Jn=0;Jn< en.length ; Jn + + ) { const n = en[Jn];n.flags&4&&(n.flags&=-2),n.flags&8||n(),n.flags&=-2}en=null,Jn=0}}const Yr = e= > e.id==null?e.flags&2?-1:1/0:e.id; function Pl(e){try{for(vt=0;vt< Je.length ; vt + + ) { const t = Je[vt];t&&!(t.flags&8)&&(t.flags&4&&(t.flags&=-2),Hn(t,t.i,t.i?15:14),t.flags&4||(t.flags&=-2))}}finally{for(;vt<Je.length;vt++){const t = Je[vt];t&&(t.flags&=-2)}vt=-1,Je.length=0,ru(),nu=null,(Je.length||rr.length)&&Pl()}}let yt , Ir = [],Rs=!1;function Uu ( e , . . . t ) { yt ? yt . emit ( e , . . . t ) :Rs | | Ir . push ( { event:e , args:t } ) } function So ( e , t ) { var n , r ; yt = e,yt?(yt.enabled=!0,Ir.forEach(({event:i,args:u})= > yt.emit(i,...u)),Ir=[]):typeof window< "u"& & window.HTMLEleme
- rendered on server: ${JSON.stringify(g.data)}
- expected on client: ${JSON.stringify(b.children)}`),En(),g.data=b.children),K=u(g));break;case Ae:x(g)?(K=u(g),S(b.el=g.content.firstChild,g,E)):Y!==8||k?K=T():K=u(g);break;case dn:if(k&&(g=u(g),Y=g.nodeType),Y===1||Y===3){K=g; const v=!b.children.length;for(let N=0;N< b.staticCount ; N + + ) v & & ( b . children + = K . nodeType = ==1?K.outerHTML:K.data),N===b.staticCount-1&&(b.anchor=K),K=u(K);return k ? u ( K ) :K } else T ( ) ; break ; case Te:k ? K = p(g,b,E,C,P,I):K=T();break;default:if(H&1)(Y!==1||b.type.toLowerCase()!==g.tagName.toLowerCase())&&!x(g)?K=T():K=d(g,b,E,C,P,I);else if ( H & 6 ) { b . slotScopeIds = P;const v = s(g);if(k?K=A(g):Sn(g)&&g.data==="teleport start " ? K = A(g,g.data,"teleport end " ) :K = u(g),t(b,v,null,E,C,Mi(v),I),fn(b)&&!b.type.__asyncResolved){let N ; k ? ( N = me(Te),N.anchor=K?K.previousSibling:v.lastChild):N=g.nodeType===3?Bo(""):me("div"),N.el=g,b.component.subTree=N}}else H & 64 ? Y ! = = 8 ? K = T():K=b.type.hydrate(g,b,E,C,P,I,e,h):H&128?K=b.type.hydrate(g,b,E,C,Mi(s(g)),P,I,e,f):__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__&&Jt("Invalid HostVNode type: " , U , ` ( $ { typeof U } ) ` ) } return D ! = null & & Xr ( D , null , C , b ) , K } , d = (g,b,E,C,P,I)= > {I=I||!!b.dynamicChildren;const{type:k,props:T,patchFlag:U,shapeFlag:D,dirs:H,transition:Z}=b,Y=k==="input"||k==="option";if(Y||U!==-1){H&&Tt(b,null,E,"created"); let K=!1;if(x(g)){K=xf(null,Z)&&E&&E.vnode.props&&E.vnode.props.appear; const N=g.content.firstChild;K& & Z.beforeEnter(N),S(N,g,E),b.el=g=N}if(D& 16& & !(T& & (T.innerHTML||T.textContent))){let N=h(g.firstChild,b,g,E,C,P,I),W=!1;for(;N;){Rr(g,1)||(__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__& & !W& & (Jt("Hydration children mismatch on",g,`
Server rendered element contains more child nodes than client vdom.`),W=!0),En());const ne=N;N=N.nextSibling,o(ne)}}else if(D& 8){let N=b.children;N[0]===`
`& & (g.tagName==="PRE"||g.tagName==="TEXTAREA")& & (N=N.slice(1)),g.textContent!==N& & (Rr(g,0)||(__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__& & Jt("Hydration text content mismatch on",g,`
- rendered on server: ${g.textContent}
- expected on client: ${b.children}`),En()),g.textContent=b.children)}if(T){if(__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__||Y||!I||U& 48){const N=g.tagName.includes("-");for(const W in T)__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__& & !(H& & H.some(ne=>ne.dir.created))& & Rp(g,W,T[W],b,E)& & En(),(Y& & (W.endsWith("value")||W==="indeterminate")||Bn(W)& & !an(W)||W[0]==="."||N)& & r(g,W,null,T[W],void 0,E)}else if(T.onClick)r(g,"onClick",null,T.onClick,void 0,E);else if(U& 4& & ln(T.style))for(const N in T.style)T.style[N]}let v;(v=T& & T.onVnodeBeforeMount)& & tt(v,E,b),H& & Tt(b,null,E,"beforeMount"),((v=T& & T.onVnodeMounted)||H||K)& & Nf(()=>{v& & tt(v,E,b),K& & Z.enter(g),H& & Tt(b,null,E,"mounted")},C)}return g.nextSibling},h=(g,b,E,C,P,I,k)=>{k=k||!!b.dynamicChildren;const T=b.children,U=T.length;let D=!1;for(let H=0;H< U ; H + + ) { const Z = k?T[H]:T[H]=nt(T[H]),Y=Z.type===Ut;g?(Y&&!k&&H+1<U&&nt(T[H+1]).type===Ut&&(c(i(g.data.slice(Z.children.length)),E,u(g)),g.data=Z.children),g=f(g,Z,C,P,I,k)):Y&&!Z.children?c(Z.el=i(""),E):(Rr(E,1)||(__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__&&!D&&(Jt("Hydration children mismatch on " , E , `
Server rendered element contains fewer child nodes than client vdom.`),D=!0),En()),n(null,Z,E,null,C,P,Mi(E),I))}return g},p=(g,b,E,C,P,I)=>{const{slotScopeIds:k}=b;k&&(P=P?P.concat(k):k); const T=s(g),U=h(u(g),b,T,E,C,P,I);return U& & Sn(U)& & U.data==="]"?u(b.anchor=U):(En(),c(b.anchor=a("]"),T,U),U)},_=(g,b,E,C,P,I)=>{if(Rr(g.parentElement,1)||(__VUE_PROD_HYDRATION_MISMATCH_DETAILS__& & Jt(`Hydration node mismatch:
- rendered on server:`,g,g.nodeType===3?"(text)":Sn(g)& & g.data==="["?"(start of fragment)":"",`
- expected on client:`,b.type),En()),b.el=null,I){const U=A(g);for(;;){const D=u(g);if(D&&D!==U)o(D); else break}}const k=u(g),T=s(g);return o(g),n(null,b,T,k,E,C,Mi(T),P),E& & (E.vnode.el=b.el,Wu(E,b.el)),k},A=(g,b="[",E="]")=>{let C=0;for(;g;)if(g=u(g),g& & Sn(g)& & (g.data===b& & C++,g.data===E)){if(C===0)return u(g);C--}return g},S=(g,b,E)=>{const C=b.parentNode;C&&C.replaceChild(g,b); let P=E;for(;P;)P.vnode.el===b&&(P.vnode.el=P.subTree.el=g),P=P.parent},x=g=>g.nodeType===1&&g.tagName==="TEMPLATE"; return[l,f]}function Rp(e,t,n,r,i){let u,s,o,c;if(t==="class")o=e.getAttribute("class"),c=kr(n),Fp(Lc(o||""),Lc(c))||(u=2,s="class");else if(t==="style"){o=e.getAttribute("style")||"",c=te(n)?n:ih(xr(n));const a=Pc(o),l=Pc(c);if(r.dirs)for(const{dir:f,value:d}of r.dirs)f.name==="show"&&!d&&l.set("display","none"); i& & Gl(i,r,l),Lp(a,l)||(u=3,s="style")}else(e instanceof SVGElement& & bh(t)||e instanceof HTMLElement&&(Tc(t)||gh(t)))&&(Tc(t)?(o=e.hasAttribute(t),c=go(n)):n==null?(o=e.hasAttribute(t),c=!1):(e.hasAttribute(t)?o=e.getAttribute(t):t==="value"&&e.tagName==="TEXTAREA"?o=e.value:o=!1,c=mh(n)?String(n):!1),o!==c&&(u=4,s=t)); if(u!=null& & !Rr(e,u)){const a=d=>d===!1?"(not rendered)":`${s}="${d}"`,l=`Hydration ${Wl[u]} mismatch on`,f=`
- rendered on server: ${a(o)}
- expected on client: ${a(c)}
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
Note: this mismatch is check-only. The DOM will not be rectified in production due to performance overhead.
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
You should fix the source of the mismatch.`;return Jt(l,e,f),!0}return!1}function Lc(e){return new Set(e.trim().split(/\s+/))}function Fp(e,t){if(e.size!==t.size)return!1;for(const n of e)if(!t.has(n))return!1;return!0}function Pc(e){const t=new Map;for(const n of e.split(";")){let[r,i]=n.split(":");r=r.trim(),i=i& & i.trim(),r& & i& & t.set(r,i)}return t}function Lp(e,t){if(e.size!==t.size)return!1;for(const[n,r]of e)if(r!==t.get(n))return!1;return!0}function Gl(e,t,n){const r=e.subTree;if(e.getCssVars& & (t===r||r& & r.type===Te& & r.children.includes(t))){const i=e.getCssVars();for(const u in i)n.set(`--${yh(u)}`,String(i[u]))}t===r& & e.parent& & Gl(e.parent,e.vnode,n)}const Bc="data-allow-mismatch",Wl={0:"text",1:"children",2:"class",3:"style",4:"attribute"};function Rr(e,t){if(t===0||t===1)for(;e&&!e.hasAttribute(Bc); )e=e.parentElement;const n=e&&e.getAttribute(Bc); if(n==null)return!1;if(n==="")return!0;{const r=n.split(",");return t===0& & r.includes("children")?!0:n.split(",").includes(Wl[t])}}const Pp=wn().requestIdleCallback||(e=>setTimeout(e,1)),Bp=wn().cancelIdleCallback||(e=>clearTimeout(e)),$p=(e=1e4)=>t=>{const n=Pp(t,{timeout:e});return()=>Bp(n)};function Up(e){const{top:t,left:n,bottom:r,right:i}=e.getBoundingClientRect(),{innerHeight:u,innerWidth:s}=window;return(t>0& & t< u | | r > 0& & r< u ) & & ( n > 0& & n< s | | i > 0& & i< s ) } const Hp = e= > (t,n)=>{const r=new IntersectionObserver(i=>{for(const u of i)if(u.isIntersecting){r.disconnect(),t();break}},e);return n(i=>{if(i instanceof Element){if(Up(i))return t(),r.disconnect(),!1;r.observe(i)}}),()=>r.disconnect()},Vp=e=>t=>{if(e){const n=matchMedia(e);if(n.matches)t();else return n.addEventListener("change",t,{once:!0}),()=>n.removeEventListener("change",t)}},zp=(e=[])=>(t,n)=>{te(e)&&(e=[e]); let r=!1;const i=s=>{r||(r=!0,u(),t(),s.target.dispatchEvent(new s.constructor(s.type,s)))},u=()=>{n(s=>{for(const o of e)s.removeEventListener(o,i)})};return n(s=>{for(const o of e)s.addEventListener(o,i,{once:!0})}),u};function qp(e,t){if(Sn(e)& & e.data==="["){let n=1,r=e.nextSibling;for(;r;){if(r.nodeType===1){if(t(r)===!1)break}else if(Sn(r))if(r.data==="]"){if(--n===0)break}else r.data==="["&&n++; r=r.nextSibling}}else t(e)}const fn=e=>!!e.type.__asyncLoader;/*! #__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */function Kp(e){Q(e)&&(e={loader:e}); const{loader:t,loadingComponent:n,errorComponent:r,delay:i=200,hydrate:u,timeout:s,suspensible:o=!0,onError:c}=e;let a=null,l,f=0;const d=()=>(f++,a=null,h()),h=()=>{let p;return a||(p=a=t().catch(_=>{if(_=_ instanceof Error?_:new Error(String(_)),c)return new Promise((A,S)=>{c(_,()=>A(d()),()=>S(_),f+1)});throw _}).then(_=>p!==a&&a?a:(_&&(_.__esModule||_[Symbol.toStringTag]==="Module")&&(_=_.default),l=_,_)))}; return Cr({name:"AsyncComponentWrapper",__asyncLoader:h,__asyncHydrate(p,_,A){const S=u?()=>{const x=u(A,g=>qp(p,g));x&&(_.bum||(_.bum=[])).push(x)}:A; l?S():h().then(()=>!_.isUnmounted& & S())},get __asyncResolved(){return l},setup(){const p=Oe;if(Do(p),l)return()=>hs(l,p);const _=g=>{a=null,Vn(g,p,13,!r)};if(o& & p.suspense||lr)return h().then(g=>()=>hs(g,p)).catch(g=>(_(g),()=>r?me(r,{error:g}):null));const A=$r(!1),S=$r(),x=$r(!!i);return i& & setTimeout(()=>{x.value=!1},i),s!=null& & setTimeout(()=>{if(!A.value& & !S.value){const g=new Error(`Async component timed out after ${s}ms.`);_(g),S.value=g}},s),h().then(()=>{A.value=!0,p.parent& & mi(p.parent.vnode)& & p.parent.update()}).catch(g=>{_(g),S.value=g}),()=>{if(A.value& & l)return hs(l,p);if(S.value& & r)return me(r,{error:S.value});if(n& & !x.value)return me(n)}}})}function hs(e,t){const{ref:n,props:r,children:i,ce:u}=t.vnode,s=me(e,r,i);return s.ref=n,s.ce=u,delete t.vnode.ce,s}const mi=e=>e.type.__isKeepAlive,jp={name:"KeepAlive",__isKeepAlive:!0,props:{include:[String,RegExp,Array],exclude:[String,RegExp,Array],max:[String,Number]},setup(e,{slots:t}){const n=_t(),r=n.ctx;if(!r.renderer)return()=>{const x=t.default&&t.default(); return x&&x.length===1?x[0]:x}; const i=new Map,u=new Set;let s=null;__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__&&(n.__v_cache=i); const o=n.suspense,{renderer:{p:c,m:a,um:l,o:{createElement:f}}}=r,d=f("div");r.activate=(x,g,b,E,C)=>{const
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/runtime-dom v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
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2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/compiler-core v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
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`);else if(Bb(u.content)){const s=e[i-1]&&e[i-1].type,o=e[i+1]&&e[i+1].type; !s||!o||n& & (s===3& & (o===3||o===1)||s===1& & (o===3||o===1& & $b(u.content)))?(r=!0,e[i]=null):u.content=" "}else n& & (u.content=w0(u.content))}return r?e.filter(Boolean):e}function Bb(e){for(let t=0;t< e.length ; t + + ) if ( ! ot ( e . charCodeAt ( t ) ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function $ b ( e ) { for ( let t = 0;t<e.length;t++){const n = e.charCodeAt(t);if(n===10||n===13)return!0}return!1}function w0 ( e ) { let t = "" , n = !1;for(let r = 0;r<e.length;r++)ot(e.charCodeAt(r))?n||(t+=" " , n = !0):(t+=e[r],n=!1);return t } function no ( e ) { ( Ee [ 0 ] | | oi ) . children . push ( e ) } function Se ( e , t ) { return { start:ke . getPos ( e ) , end:t = =null?t:ke.getPos(t),source:t==null?t:Le(e,t)}}function Ub ( e ) { return Se ( e . start . offset , e . end . offset ) } function vn ( e , t ) { e . end = ke.getPos(t),e.source=Le(e.start.offset,t)}function Hb ( e ) { const t = {type:6,name:e.rawName,nameLoc:Se(e.loc.start.offset,e.loc.start.offset+e.rawName.length),value:void 0 , loc:e . loc } ; if ( e . exp ) { const n = e.exp.loc;n.end.offset<e.loc.end.offset&&(n.start.offset--,n.start.column--,n.end.offset++,n.end.column++),t.value={type:2,content:e.exp.content,loc:n}}return t } function Zi ( e , t = !1,n,r=0,i=0){return ie ( e , t , n , r ) } function Rt ( e , t , n ) { de . onError ( xe ( e , Se ( t , t ) ) ) } function Vb ( ) { ke . reset ( ) , $ e = null,ae=null,et="",Ft=-1,Cn=-1,Ee.length=0}function zb ( e , t ) { if ( Vb ( ) , Ht = e,de=ce({},A0),t){let i ; for ( i in t ) t [ i ] ! = null & & ( de [ i ] = t [ i ] ) } ke . mode = de.parseMode==="html"?1:de.parseMode==="sfc"?2:0,ke.inXML=de.ns===1||de.ns===2;const n = t&&t.delimiters;n&&(ke.delimiterOpen=yu(n[0]),ke.delimiterClose=yu(n[1]));const r = oi=pb([],e);return ke . parse ( Ht ) , r . loc = Se(0,e.length),r.children=T0(r.children),oi=null,r}function qb ( e , t ) { Yi ( e , void 0 , t , D0 ( e , e . children [ 0 ] ) ) } function D0 ( e , t ) { const { children:n } = e ; return n . length = ==1&&t.type===1&&!xu(t)}function Yi ( e , t , n , r = !1,i=!1){const{children:u}=e,s=[];for(let l = 0;l<u.length;l++){const f = u[l];if(f.type===1&&f.tagType===0){const d = r?0:ct(f,n);if(d > 0){if(d>=2){f.codegenNode.patchFlag=-1,s.push(f);continue}}else{const h=f.codegenNode;if(h.type===13){const p=h.patchFlag;if((p===void 0||p===512||p===1)& & O0(f,n)>=2){const _=M0(f);_& & (h.props=n.hoist(_))}h.dynamicProps& & (h.dynamicProps=n.hoist(h.dynamicProps))}}}else if(f.type===12&&(r?0:ct(f,n))>=2){s.push(f); continue}if(f.type===1){const d=f.tagType===1;d& & n.scopes.vSlot++,Yi(f,e,n,!1,i),d& & n.scopes.vSlot--}else if(f.type===11)Yi(f,e,n,f.children.length===1,!0);else if(f.type===9)for(let d=0;d< f.branches.length ; d + + ) Yi ( f . branches [ d ] , e , n , f . branches [ d ] . children . length = ==1,i)}let o = !1;if(s.length===u.length&&e.type===1){if(e.tagType===0&&e.codegenNode&&e.codegenNode.type===13&&j(e.codegenNode.children))e.codegenNode.children=c(Mn(e.codegenNode.children)),o=!0;else if ( e . tagType = ==1&&e.codegenNode&&e.codegenNode.type===13&&e.codegenNode.children&&!j(e.codegenNode.children)&&e.codegenNode.children.type===15){const l = a(e.codegenNode,"default");l&&(l.returns=c(Mn(l.returns)),o=!0)}else if ( e . tagType = ==3&&t&&t.type===1&&t.tagType===1&&t.codegenNode&&t.codegenNode.type===13&&t.codegenNode.children&&!j(t.codegenNode.children)&&t.codegenNode.children.type===15){const l = ht(e,"slot",!0),f=l&&l.arg&&a(t.codegenNode,l.arg);f&&(f.returns=c(Mn(f.returns)),o=!0)}}if(!o)for(const l of s ) l . codegenNode = n.cache(l.codegenNode);function c ( l ) { const f = n.cache(l);return i & & n . hmr & & ( f . needArraySpread = !0),f}function a ( l , f ) { if ( l . children & & ! j ( l . children ) & & l . children . type = ==15){const d = l.children.properties.find(h= > h.key===f||h.key.content===f);return d& & d.value}}s.length& & n.transformHoist& & n.transformHoist(u,n,e)}function ct(e,t){const{constantCache:n}=t;switch(e.type){case 1:if(e.tagType!==0)return 0;const r=n.get(e);if(r!==void 0)return r;const i=e.codegenNode;if(i.type!==13||i.isBlock& & e.tag!=="svg"& & e.tag!=="foreignObject"& & e.tag!=="math")return 0;if(i.patchFlag===void 0){let s=3;const o=O0(e,t);if(o===0)return n.set(e,0),0;o< s & & ( s = o);for(let c = 0;c<e.children.length;c++){const a = ct(e.children[c],t);if(a===0)return n . set ( e , 0 ) , 0 ; a < s & & ( s = a)}if(s > 1)for(let c=0;c< e.props.length ; c + + ) { const a = e.props[c];if(a.type===7&&a.name==="bind"&&a.exp){const l = ct(a.exp,t);if(l===0)
`+" ".repeat(_),0)}return h}function Jb(e,t={}){const n=Yb(e,t);t.onContextCreated&&t.onContextCreated(n); const{mode:r,push:i,prefixIdentifiers:u,indent:s,deindent:o,newline:c,scopeId:a,ssr:l}=n,f=Array.from(e.helpers),d=f.length>0,h=!u&&r!=="module"; Xb(e,n);const _=l?"ssrRender":"render",S=(l?["_ctx","_push","_parent","_attrs"]:["_ctx","_cache"]).join(", ");if(i(`function ${_}(${S}) {`),s(),h& & (i("with (_ctx) {"),s(),d& & (i(`const { ${f.map(R0).join(", ")} } = _Vue
`,-1),c())),e.components.length& & (xs(e.components,"component",n),(e.directives.length||e.temps>0)& & c()),e.directives.length& & (xs(e.directives,"directive",n),e.temps>0& & c()),e.filters& & e.filters.length& & (c(),xs(e.filters,"filter",n),c()),e.temps>0){i("let ");for(let x=0;x< e.temps ; x + + ) i ( ` $ { x > 0?", ":""}_temp${x}`)}return(e.components.length||e.directives.length||e.temps)& & (i(`
`,0),c()),l||i("return "),e.codegenNode?ze(e.codegenNode,n):i("null"),h& & (o(),i("}")),o(),i("}"),{ast:e,code:n.code,preamble:"",map:n.map?n.map.toJSON():void 0}}function Xb(e,t){const{ssr:n,prefixIdentifiers:r,push:i,newline:u,runtimeModuleName:s,runtimeGlobalName:o,ssrRuntimeModuleName:c}=t,a=o,l=Array.from(e.helpers);if(l.length>0& & (i(`const _Vue = ${a}
`,-1),e.hoists.length)){const f=[Ko,jo,xi,Go,b0].filter(d=>l.includes(d)).map(R0).join(", ");i(`const { ${f} } = _Vue
`,-1)}Qb(e.hoists,t),u(),i("return ")}function xs(e,t,{helper:n,push:r,newline:i,isTS:u}){const s=n(t==="filter"?Jo:t==="component"?Wo:Yo);for(let o=0;o< e.length ; o + + ) { let c = e[o];const a = c.endsWith("__self");a&&(c=c.slice(0,-6)),r(`const $ { si ( c , t ) } = $ { s } ( $ { JSON . stringify ( c ) } $ { a ? " , true " : " " } ) $ { u ? " ! " : " " } ` ) , o < e . length-1 & & i ( ) } } function Qb ( e , t ) { if ( ! e . length ) return ; t . pure = !0;const{push:n,newline:r}=t;r();for(let i = 0;i<e.length;i++){const u = e[i];u&&(n(`const _hoisted_ $ { i + 1 } = ` ) , ze ( u , t ) , r ( ) ) } t . pure = !1}function ac ( e , t ) { const n = e.length > 3||!1;t.push("["),n& & t.indent(),Ci(e,t,n),n& & t.deindent(),t.push("]")}function Ci(e,t,n=!1,r=!0){const{push:i,newline:u}=t;for(let s=0;s< e.length ; s + + ) { const o = e[s];te(o)?i(o,-3):j(o)?ac(o,t):ze(o,t),s<e.length-1&&(n?(r&&i(","),u()):r&&i(", " ) ) } } function ze ( e , t ) { if ( te ( e ) ) { t . push ( e , -3 ) ; return } if ( it ( e ) ) { t . push ( t . helper ( e ) ) ; return } switch ( e . type ) { case 1:case 9:case 11:ze ( e . codegenNode , t ) ; break ; case 2:em ( e , t ) ; break ; case 4:F0 ( e , t ) ; break ; case 5:tm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 12:ze ( e . codegenNode , t ) ; break ; case 8:L0 ( e , t ) ; break ; case 3:rm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 13:im ( e , t ) ; break ; case 14:sm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 15:om ( e , t ) ; break ; case 17:cm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 18:am ( e , t ) ; break ; case 19:lm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 20:fm ( e , t ) ; break ; case 21:Ci ( e . body , t , ! 0 , ! 1 ) ; break } } function em ( e , t ) { t . push ( JSON . stringify ( e . content ) , -3 , e ) } function F0 ( e , t ) { const { content:n , isStatic:r } = e ; t . push ( r ? JSON . stringify ( n ) :n , -3 , e ) } function tm ( e , t ) { const { push:n , helper:r , pure:i } = t ; i & & n ( Qu ) , n ( ` $ { r ( Yu ) } ( ` ) , ze ( e . content , t ) , n ( " ) " ) } function L0 ( e , t ) { for ( let n = 0;n<e.children.length;n++){const r = e.children[n];te(r)?t.push(r,-3):ze(r,t)}}function nm ( e , t ) { const { push:n } = t ; if ( e . type = ==8)n("["),L0(e,t),n("]");else if ( e . isStatic ) { const r = oc(e.content)?e.content:JSON.stringify(e.content);n(r,-2,e)}else n ( ` [ $ { e . content } ] ` , -3 , e ) } function rm ( e , t ) { const { push:n , helper:r , pure:i } = t ; i & & n ( Qu ) , n ( ` $ { r ( xi ) } ( $ { JSON . stringify ( e . content ) } ) ` , -3 , e ) } function im ( e , t ) { const { push:n , helper:r , pure:i } = t , { tag:u , props:s , children:o , patchFlag:c , dynamicProps:a , directives:l , isBlock:f , disableTracking:d , isComponent:h } = e ; let p ; c & & ( p = String(c)),l&&n(r(Xo)+"("),f&&n(`(${r(Pn)}(${d?"true":""}), ` ) , i & & n ( Qu ) ; const _ = f?br(t.inSSR,h):gr(t.inSSR,h);n(r(_)+"(",-2,e),Ci(um([u,s,o,p,a]),t),n(")"),f&&n(")"),l&&(n(", " ) , ze ( l , t ) , n ( " ) " ) ) } function um ( e ) { let t = e.length;for(;t--&&e[t]==null;);return e . slice ( 0 , t + 1 ) . map ( n = > n||"null")}function sm ( e , t ) { const { push:n , helper:r , pure:i } = t , u = te(e.callee)?e.callee:r(e.callee);i&&n(Qu),n(u+"(",-2,e),Ci(e.arguments,t),n(")")}function om ( e , t ) { const { push:n , indent:r , deindent:i , newline:u } = t , { properties:s } = e ; if ( ! s . length ) { n ( " { } " , -2 , e ) ; return } const o = s.length > 1||!1;n(o?"{":"{ "),o&&r(); for(let c=0;c< s.length ; c + + ) { const { key:a , value:l } = s [ c ] ; nm ( a , t ) , n ( " : " ) , ze ( l , t ) , c < s . length-1 & & ( n ( " , " ) , u ( ) ) } o & & i ( ) , n ( o ? " } " : " } " ) } function cm ( e , t ) { ac ( e . elements , t ) } function am ( e , t ) { const { push:n , indent:r , deindent:i } = t , { params:u , returns:s , body:o , newline:c , isSlot:a } = e ; a & & n ( ` _ $ { hr [ rc ] } ( ` ) , n ( " ( " , -2 , e ) , j ( u ) ? Ci ( u , t ) :u & & ze ( u , t ) , n ( " ) = > "),(c||o)& & (n("{"),r()),s?(c& & n("return "),j(s)?ac(s,t):ze(s,t)):o& & ze(o,t),(c||o)& & (i(),n("}")),a& & (e.isNonScopedSlot& & n(", undefined, true"),n(")"))}function lm(e,t){const{test:n,consequent:r,alternate:i,newline:u}=e,{push:s,indent:o,deindent:c,newline:a}=t;if(n.type===4){const f=!oc(n.content);f& & s("("),F0(n,t),f& & s(")")}else s("("),ze(n,t),s(")");u& & o(),t.indentLevel++,u||s(" "),s("? "),ze(r,t),t.indentLevel--,u& & a(),u||s(" "),s(": ");const l=i.type===19;l||t.indentLevel++,ze(i,t),l||t.indentLevel--,u& & c(!0)}function fm(e,t){const{push:n,helper:r,indent:i,deindent:u,newline:s}=t,{needPauseTracking:o,needArraySpread:c}=e;c& & n("[...("),n(`_cache[${e.index}] || (`),o& & (i(),n(`${r(_u)}(-1`),e.inVOnce& & n(", true"),n("),"),s(),n("(")),n(`_cache[${e.index}] = `),ze(e.value,t),o& & (n(`).cacheIndex = ${e.index},`),s(),n(`${r(_u)}(1),`),s(),n(`_cache[${e.index}]`),u()),n(")"),c& & n(")]")}new RegExp("\\b"+"arguments,await,break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,let,new,return,super,switch,throw,try,var,void,while,with,yield".split(",").join("\\b|\\b")
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* @vue/compiler-dom v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
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2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
* vue v3.5.13
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
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`," "],c2=["{","}","|","\\","^","`"].concat(o2),a2=["'"].concat(c2),Fa=["%","/","?",";","#"].concat(a2),La=["/","?","#"],l2=255,Pa=/^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,f2=/^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,Ba={javascript:!0,"javascript:":!0},$a={http:!0,https:!0,ftp:!0,gopher:!0,file:!0,"http:":!0,"https:":!0,"ftp:":!0,"gopher:":!0,"file:":!0};function fc(e,t){if(e& & e instanceof Su)return e;const n=new Su;return n.parse(e,t),n}Su.prototype.parse=function(e,t){let n,r,i,u=e;if(u=u.trim(),!t& & e.split("#").length===1){const a=s2.exec(u);if(a)return this.pathname=a[1],a[2]& & (this.search=a[2]),this}let s=i2.exec(u);if(s& & (s=s[0],n=s.toLowerCase(),this.protocol=s,u=u.substr(s.length)),(t||s||u.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/))& & (i=u.substr(0,2)==="//",i& & !(s& & Ba[s])& & (u=u.substr(2),this.slashes=!0)),!Ba[s]& & (i||s& & !$a[s])){let a=-1;for(let p=0;p< La.length ; p + + ) r = u.indexOf(La[p]),r!==-1&&(a===-1||r<a)&&(a=r);let l , f ; a = ==-1?f=u.lastIndexOf("@"):f=u.lastIndexOf("@",a),f!==-1&&(l=u.slice(0,f),u=u.slice(f+1),this.auth=l),a=-1;for(let p = 0;p<Fa.length;p++)r=u.indexOf(Fa[p]),r!==-1&&(a===-1||r<a)&&(a=r);a===-1&&(a=u.length),u[a-1]===":"&&a--;const d = u.slice(0,a);u=u.slice(a),this.parseHost(d),this.hostname=this.hostname||"";const h = this.hostname[0]==="["&&this.hostname[this.hostname.length-1]==="]";if(!h){const p = this.hostname.split(/\./);for(let _ = 0,A=p.length;_<A;_++){const S = p[_];if(S&&!S.match(Pa)){let x = "" ; for ( let g = 0,b=S.length;g<b;g++)S.charCodeAt(g) > 127?x+="x":x+=S[g];if(!x.match(Pa)){const g=p.slice(0,_),b=p.slice(_+1),E=S.match(f2);E&&(g.push(E[1]),b.unshift(E[2])),b.length&&(u=b.join(".")+u),this.hostname=g.join("."); break}}}}this.hostname.length>l2& & (this.hostname=""),h& & (this.hostname=this.hostname.substr(1,this.hostname.length-2))}const o=u.indexOf("#");o!==-1&&(this.hash=u.substr(o),u=u.slice(0,o)); const c=u.indexOf("?");return c!==-1&&(this.search=u.substr(c),u=u.slice(0,c)),u&&(this.pathname=u),$a[n]&&this.hostname&&!this.pathname&&(this.pathname=""),this}; Su.prototype.parseHost=function(e){let t=u2.exec(e);t&&(t=t[0],t!==":"&&(this.port=t.substr(1)),e=e.substr(0,e.length-t.length)),e&&(this.hostname=e)}; const d2=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,decode:mr,encode:Si,format:lc,parse:fc},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})),ed=/[\0-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,td=/[\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/,h2=/[\xAD\u0600-\u0605\u061C\u06DD\u070F\u0890\u0891\u08E2\u180E\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u2064\u2066-\u206F\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFB]|\uD804[\uDCBD\uDCCD]|\uD80D[\uDC30-\uDC3F]|\uD82F[\uDCA0-\uDCA3]|\uD834[\uDD73-\uDD7A]|\uDB40[\uDC01\uDC20-\uDC7F]/,dc=/[!-#%-\*,-\/:;\?@\[-\]_\{\}\xA1\xA7\xAB\xB6\xB7\xBB\xBF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061D-\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1B7D\u1B7E\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u2E52-\u2E5D\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]|\uD800[\uDD00-\uDD02\uDF9F\uDFD0]|\uD801\uDD6F|\uD802[\uDC57\uDD1F\uDD3F\uDE50-\uDE58\uDE7F\uDEF0-\uDEF6\uDF39-\uDF3F\uD
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2024-12-13 11:16:26 +00:00
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`:">",u};Sr.prototype.renderInline=function(e,t,n){let r="";const i=this.rules;for(let u=0,s=e.length;u< s ; u + + ) { const o = e[u].type;typeof i [ o ] < " u " ? r + = i [ o ] ( e , u , t , n , this ) :r + = this . renderToken ( e , u , t ) } return r } ; Sr . prototype . renderInlineAsText = function(e,t,n){let r = "" ; for ( let i = 0,u=e.length;i<u;i++)switch(e[i].type){case"text":r+=e[i].content;break;case"image":r+=this.renderInlineAsText(e[i].children,t,n);break;case"html_inline":case"html_block":r+=e[i].content;break;case"softbreak":case"hardbreak":r+=`
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`),t=t.replace(W2,"<22> "),e.src=t}function Y2(e){let t;e.inlineMode?(t=new e.Token("inline","",0),t.content=e.src,t.map=[0,1],t.children=[],e.tokens.push(t)):e.md.block.parse(e.src,e.md,e.env,e.tokens)}function J2(e){const t=e.tokens;for(let n=0,r=t.length;n< r ; n + + ) { const i = t[n];i.type==="inline"&&e.md.inline.parse(i.content,e.md,e.env,i.children)}}function X2 ( e ) { return / ^ < a [ > \s]/i.test(e)}function Q2(e){return/^< \/a\s*>/i.test(e)}function e_(e){const t=e.tokens;if(e.md.options.linkify)for(let n=0,r=t.length;n< r ; n + + ) { if ( t [ n ] . type ! = = " inline " | | ! e . md . linkify . pretest ( t [ n ] . content ) ) continue ; let i = t[n].children,u=0;for(let s = i.length-1;s > =0;s--){const o=i[s];if(o.type==="link_close"){for(s--;i[s].level!==o.level&&i[s].type!=="link_open"; )s--;continue}if(o.type==="html_inline"& & (X2(o.content)& & u>0& & u--,Q2(o.content)& & u++),!(u>0)& & o.type==="text"& & e.md.linkify.test(o.content)){const c=o.content;let a=e.md.linkify.match(c);const l=[];let f=o.level,d=0;a.length>0&&a[0].index===0&&s>0&&i[s-1].type==="text_special"&&(a=a.slice(1)); for(let h=0;h< a.length ; h + + ) { const p = a[h].url,_=e.md.normalizeLink(p);if(!e.md.validateLink(_))continue;let A = a[h].text;a[h].schema?a[h].schema==="mailto:"&&!/^mailto:/i.test(A)?A=e.md.normalizeLinkText("mailto:"+A).replace(/^mailto:/,""):A=e.md.normalizeLinkText(A):A=e.md.normalizeLinkText("http://"+A).replace(/^http:\/\//,"");const S = a[h].index;if(S > d){const E=new e.Token("text","",0);E.content=c.slice(d,S),E.level=f,l.push(E)}const x=new e.Token("link_open","a",1);x.attrs=[["href",_]],x.level=f++,x.markup="linkify",x.info="auto",l.push(x);const g=new e.Token("text","",0);g.content=A,g.level=f,l.push(g);const b=new e.Token("link_close","a",-1);b.level=--f,b.markup="linkify",b.info="auto",l.push(b),d=a[h].lastIndex}if(d< c.length ) { const h = new e . Token ( " text " , " " , 0 ) ; h . content = c.slice(d),h.level=f,l.push(h)}t[n].children=i=sd(i,s,l)}}}}const ad = /\+-|\.\.|\?\?\?\?|!!!!|,,|--/,t_=/\((c|tm|r)\)/i,n_=/\((c|tm|r)\)/ig,r_={c:"©",r:"®",tm:"™"};function i_ ( e , t ) { return r_ [ t . toLowerCase ( ) ] } function u_ ( e ) { let t = 0;for(let n = e.length-1;n > =0;n--){const r=e[n];r.type==="text"& & !t& & (r.content=r.content.replace(n_,i_)),r.type==="link_open"& & r.info==="auto"& & t--,r.type==="link_close"& & r.info==="auto"& & t++}}function s_(e){let t=0;for(let n=e.length-1;n>=0;n--){const r=e[n];r.type==="text"& & !t& & ad.test(r.content)& & (r.content=r.content.replace(/\+-/g,"±").replace(/\.{2,}/g,"…").replace(/([?!])…/g,"$1..").replace(/([?!]){4,}/g,"$1$1$1").replace(/,{2,}/g,",").replace(/(^|[^-])---(?=[^-]|$)/mg,"$1—").replace(/(^|\s)--(?=\s|$)/mg,"$1– ").replace(/(^|[^-\s])--(?=[^-\s]|$)/mg,"$1– ")),r.type==="link_open"& & r.info==="auto"& & t--,r.type==="link_close"& & r.info==="auto"& & t++}}function o_(e){let t;if(e.md.options.typographer)for(t=e.tokens.length-1;t>=0;t--)e.tokens[t].type==="inline"& & (t_.test(e.tokens[t].content)& & u_(e.tokens[t].children),ad.test(e.tokens[t].content)& & s_(e.tokens[t].children))}const c_=/['"]/,Ua=/['"]/g,Ha="’ ";function Bi(e,t,n){return e.slice(0,t)+n+e.slice(t+1)}function a_(e,t){let n;const r=[];for(let i=0;i< e.length ; i + + ) { const u = e[i],s=e[i].level;for(n=r.length-1;n > =0&&!(r[n].level<=s); n--);if(r.length=n+1,u.type!=="text")continue;let o=u.content,c=0,a=o.length;e:for(;c< a ; ) { Ua . lastIndex = c;const l = Ua.exec(o);if(!l)break;let f = !0,d=!0;c=l.index+1;const h = l[0]==="'";let p = 32;if(l.index-1 > =0)p=o.charCodeAt(l.index-1);else for(n=i-1;n>=0&&!(e[n].type==="softbreak"||e[n].type==="hardbreak"); n--)if(e[n].content){p=e[n].content.charCodeAt(e[n].content.length-1);break}let _=32;if(c< a ) _ = o.charCodeAt(c);else for ( n = i+1;n<e.length&&!(e[n].type==="softbreak"||e[n].type==="hardbreak");n++)if(e[n].content){_=e[n].content.charCodeAt(0);break}const A = li(p)||ai(String.fromCharCode(p)),S=li(_)||ai(String.fromCharCode(_)),x=ci(p),g=ci(_);if(g?f=!1:S&&(x||A||(f=!1)),x?d=!1:A&&(g||S||(d=!1)),_===34&&l[0]==='"'&&p > =48&&p<=57&&(d=f=!1),f&&d&&(f=A,d=S),!f&&!d){h&&(u.content=Bi(u.content,l.index,Ha)); continue}if(d)for(n=r.length-1;n>=0;n--){let b=r[n];if(r[n].level< s ) break ; if ( b . single = ==h&&r[n].level===s){b=r[n];let E , C ; h ? ( E = t.md.optio
`,u.map=[t,e.line],!0}function g_(e,t,n,r){let i=e.bMarks[t]+e.tShift[t],u=e.eMarks[t];if(e.sCount[t]-e.blkIndent>=4||i+3>u)return!1;const s=e.src.charCodeAt(i);if(s!==126&&s!==96)return!1; let o=i;i=e.skipChars(i,s);let c=i-o;if(c< 3 ) return ! 1 ; const a = e.src.slice(o,i),l=e.src.slice(i,u);if(s===96&&l.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(s)) > =0)return!1;if(r)return!0;let f=t,d=!1;for(;f++,!(f>=n||(i=o=e.bMarks[f]+e.tShift[f],u=e.eMarks[f],i< u & & e . sCount [ f ] < e . blkIndent ) ) ; ) if ( e . src . charCodeAt ( i ) = = = s & & ! ( e . sCount [ f ] -e . blkIndent > =4)&&(i=e.skipChars(i,s),!(i-o<c)&&(i=e.skipSpaces(i),!(i<u)))){d=!0; break}c=e.sCount[t],e.line=f+(d?1:0);const h=e.push("fence","code",0);return h.info=l,h.content=e.getLines(t+1,f,c,!0),h.markup=a,h.map=[t,e.line],!0}function b_(e,t,n,r){let i=e.bMarks[t]+e.tShift[t],u=e.eMarks[t];const s=e.lineMax;if(e.sCount[t]-e.blkIndent>=4||e.src.charCodeAt(i)!==62)return!1;if(r)return!0;const o=[],c=[],a=[],l=[],f=e.md.block.ruler.getRules("blockquote"),d=e.parentType;e.parentType="blockquote";let h=!1,p;for(p=t;p< n ; p + + ) { const g = e.sCount[p]<e.blkIndent;if(i=e.bMarks[p]+e.tShift[p],u=e.eMarks[p],i > =u)break;if(e.src.charCodeAt(i++)===62& & !g){let E=e.sCount[p]+1,C,P;e.src.charCodeAt(i)===32?(i++,E++,P=!1,C=!0):e.src.charCodeAt(i)===9?(C=!0,(e.bsCount[p]+E)%4===3?(i++,E++,P=!1):P=!0):C=!1;let I=E;for(o.push(e.bMarks[p]),e.bMarks[p]=i;i< u ; ) { const k = e.src.charCodeAt(i);if(be(k))k===9?I+=4-(I+e.bsCount[p]+(P?1:0))%4:I++;else break ; i + + } h = i > =u,c.push(e.bsCount[p]),e.bsCount[p]=e.sCount[p]+1+(C?1:0),a.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]=I-E,l.push(e.tShift[p]),e.tShift[p]=i-e.bMarks[p];continue}if(h)break;let b=!1;for(let E=0,C=f.length;E< C ; E + + ) if ( f [ E ] ( e , p , n , ! 0 ) ) { b = !0;break}if(b){e.lineMax=p,e.blkIndent!==0&&(o.push(e.bMarks[p]),c.push(e.bsCount[p]),l.push(e.tShift[p]),a.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]-=e.blkIndent);break}o.push(e.bMarks[p]),c.push(e.bsCount[p]),l.push(e.tShift[p]),a.push(e.sCount[p]),e.sCount[p]=-1}const _ = e.blkIndent;e.blkIndent=0;const A = e.push("blockquote_open","blockquote",1);A.markup=" > ";const S=[t,0];A.map=S,e.md.block.tokenize(e,t,p);const x=e.push("blockquote_close","blockquote",-1);x.markup=">",e.lineMax=s,e.parentType=d,S[1]=e.line;for(let g=0;g< l.length ; g + + ) e . bMarks [ g + t ] = o [ g ] , e . tShift [ g + t ] = l [ g ] , e . sCount [ g + t ] = a [ g ] , e . bsCount [ g + t ] = c [ g ] ; return e . blkIndent = _,!0}function m_ ( e , t , n , r ) { const i = e.eMarks[t];if(e.sCount[t]-e.blkIndent > =4)return!1;let u=e.bMarks[t]+e.tShift[t];const s=e.src.charCodeAt(u++);if(s!==42&&s!==45&&s!==95)return!1; let o=1;for(;u< i ; ) { const a = e.src.charCodeAt(u++);if(a!==s&&!be(a))return!1;a===s&&o++}if(o<3)return!1;if(r)return!0;e.line=t+1;const c = e.push("hr","hr",0);return c . map = [t,e.line],c.markup=Array(o+1).join(String.fromCharCode(s)),!0}function za ( e , t ) { const n = e.eMarks[t];let r = e.bMarks[t]+e.tShift[t];const i = e.src.charCodeAt(r++);if(i!==42&&i!==45&&i!==43)return-1;if(r<n){const u = e.src.charCodeAt(r);if(!be(u))return-1}return r } function qa ( e , t ) { const n = e.bMarks[t]+e.tShift[t],r=e.eMarks[t];let i = n;if(i+1 > =r)return-1;let u=e.src.charCodeAt(i++);if(u< 48 | | u > 57)return-1;for(;;){if(i>=r)return-1;if(u=e.src.charCodeAt(i++),u>=48&&u<=57){if(i-n>=10)return-1; continue}if(u===41||u===46)break;return-1}return i< r & & ( u = e.src.charCodeAt(i),!be(u))?-1:i}function __ ( e , t ) { const n = e.level+2;for(let r = t+2,i=e.tokens.length-2;r<i;r++)e.tokens[r].level===n&&e.tokens[r].type==="paragraph_open"&&(e.tokens[r+2].hidden=!0,e.tokens[r].hidden=!0,r+=2)}function y_ ( e , t , n , r ) { let i , u , s , o , c = t,a=!0;if(e.sCount[c]-e.blkIndent > =4||e.listIndent>=0&&e.sCount[c]-e.listIndent>=4&&e.sCount[c]<e.blkIndent)return!1; let l=!1;r&&e.parentType==="paragraph"&&e.sCount[c]>=e.blkIndent&&(l=!0); let f,d,h;if((h=qa(e,c))>=0){if(f=!0,s=e.bMarks[c]+e.tShift[c],d=Number(e.src.slice(s,h-1)),l& & d!==1)return!1}else if((h=za(e,c))>=0)f=!1;else return!1;if(l&&e.skipSpaces(h)>=e.eMarks[c])return!1; if(r)return!0;const p=e.src.charCodeAt(h-1),_=e.tokens.length;f?(o=e.push("ordered_list_open","ol",1),d!==1&&(o.attrs=[["start",d]])):o=e.push("bullet_list_open","ul",1); const A=[c,0];o.map=A,o.markup=String.fromCharCode(p);let S=!1;const x=e.md.block.ruler.ge
`,r)});jn(this,bi);jn(this,pi,"");jn(this,gi,!1);jn(this,or,!1);jn(this,Tn,n=>n);wr(this,gi,(n==null?void 0:n.allowCR)??!1),wr(this,or,(n==null?void 0:n.returnEmptyLines)??!1),wr(this,Tn,(n==null?void 0:n.mapperFun)??Wt(this,Tn))}}pi=new WeakMap,gi=new WeakMap,or=new WeakMap,Tn=new WeakMap,bi=new WeakSet,ao=function(n,r){for(n=Wt(this,pi)+n;;){const i=n.indexOf(`
`);if(Wt(this,gi)){const u=n.indexOf("\r");if(u!==-1& & u!==n.length-1& & (i===-1||i-1>u)){const s=Wt(this,Tn).call(this,n.slice(0,crOrLfIndex));(Wt(this,or)||s)&&r.enqueue(s),n=n.slice(u+1); continue}}if(i!==-1){let u=i;n[i-1]==="\r"&&u--; const s=Wt(this,Tn).call(this,n.slice(0,u));(Wt(this,or)||s)&&r.enqueue(s),n=n.slice(i+1); continue}break}wr(this,pi,n)};function V3(e){const t=e.regex,n=new RegExp("[\\p{XID_Start}_]\\p{XID_Continue}*","u"),r=["and","as","assert","async","await","break","case","class","continue","def","del","elif","else","except","finally","for","from","global","if","import","in","is","lambda","match","nonlocal|10","not","or","pass","raise","return","try","while","with","yield"],o={$pattern:/[A-Za-z]\w+|__\w+__/,keyword:r,built_in:["__import__","abs","all","any","ascii","bin","bool","breakpoint","bytearray","bytes","callable","chr","classmethod","compile","complex","delattr","dict","dir","divmod","enumerate","eval","exec","filter","float","format","frozenset","getattr","globals","hasattr","hash","help","hex","id","input","int","isinstance","issubclass","iter","len","list","locals","map","max","memoryview","min","next","object","oct","open","ord","pow","print","property","range","repr","reversed","round","set","setattr","slice","sorted","staticmethod","str","sum","super","tuple","type","vars","zip"],literal:["__debug__","Ellipsis","False","None","NotImplemented","True"],type:["Any","Callable","Coroutine","Dict","List","Literal","Generic","Optional","Sequence","Set","Tuple","Type","Union"]},c={className:"meta",begin:/^(>>>|\.\.\.) /},a={className:"subst",begin:/\{/,end:/\}/,keywords:o,illegal:/#/},l={begin:/\{\{/,relevance:0},f={className:"string",contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE],variants:[{begin:/([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?'''/,end:/'''/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,c],relevance:10},{begin:/([uU]|[bB]|[rR]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])?"""/,end:/"""/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,c],relevance:10},{begin:/([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'''/,end:/'''/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,c,l,a]},{begin:/([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"""/,end:/"""/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,c,l,a]},{begin:/([uU]|[rR])'/,end:/'/,relevance:10},{begin:/([uU]|[rR])"/,end:/"/,relevance:10},{begin:/([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])'/,end:/'/},{begin:/([bB]|[bB][rR]|[rR][bB])"/,end:/"/},{begin:/([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])'/,end:/'/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,l,a]},{begin:/([fF][rR]|[rR][fF]|[fF])"/,end:/"/,contains:[e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE,l,a]},e.APOS_STRING_MODE,e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE]},d="[0-9](_?[0-9])*",h=`(\\b(${d}))?\\.(${d})|\\b(${d})\\.`,p=`\\b|${r.join("|")}`,_={className:"number",relevance:0,variants:[{begin:`(\\b(${d})|(${h}))[eE][+-]?(${d})[jJ]?(?=${p})`},{begin:`(${h})[jJ]?`},{begin:`\\b([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0+(_?0)*)[lLjJ]?(?=${p})`},{begin:`\\b0[bB](_?[01])+[lL]?(?=${p})`},{begin:`\\b0[oO](_?[0-7])+[lL]?(?=${p})`},{begin:`\\b0[xX](_?[0-9a-fA-F])+[lL]?(?=${p})`},{begin:`\\b(${d})[jJ](?=${p})`}]},A={className:"comment",begin:t.lookahead(/# type:/),end:/$/,keywords:o,contains:[{begin:/# type:/},{begin:/#/,end:/\b\B/,endsWithParent:!0}]},S={className:"params",variants:[{className:"",begin:/\(\s*\)/,skip:!0},{begin:/\(/,end:/\)/,excludeBegin:!0,excludeEnd:!0,keywords:o,contains:["self",c,_,f,e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE]}]};return a.contains=[f,_,c],{name:"Python",aliases:["py","gyp","ipython"],unicodeRegex:!0,keywords:o,illegal:/(< \/|\?)|=>/,contains:[c,_,{scope:"variable.language",match:/\bself\b/},{beginKeywords:"if",relevance:0},{match:/\bor\b/,scope:"keyword"},f,A,e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE,{match:[/\bdef/,/\s+/,n],scope:{1:"keyword",3:"title.function"},contains:[S]},{variants:[{match:[/\bclass/,/\s+/,n,/\s*/,/\(\s*/,n,/\s*\)/]},{match:[/\bclass/,/\s+/,n]}],scope:{1:"keyword",3:"title.class",6:"title.class.inherited"}},{className:"meta",begin:/^[\t ]*@/,end:/(?=#)|$/,contains:[_,S,f]}]}}const Ja="[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*",z3=["as","in","of","if","for","while","finally","var","new","function","do","return","void","else","break","catch","instanceof","with","throw","case","default","try","switch","continue","typeof","delete","let","yield","const","class","debugger","async","await","s
https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277`),ue=v,ne=N),W===void 0&&(W=!0); const pe={code:ne,language:ue};Y("before:highlight",pe);const Qe=pe.result?pe.result:f(pe.language,pe.code,W);return Qe.code=pe.code,Y("after:highlight",Qe),Qe}function f(v,N,W,ne){const ue=Object.create(null);function pe(R,V){return R.keywords[V]}function Qe(){if(!M.keywords){B.addText(O);return}let R=0;M.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex=0;let V=M.keywordPatternRe.exec(O),G="";for(;V;){G+=O.substring(R,V.index);const re=F.case_insensitive?V[0].toLowerCase():V[0],le=pe(M,re);if(le){const[Ce,Ge]=le;if(B.addText(G),G="",ue[re]=(ue[re]||0)+1,ue[re]< =hy&&(X+=Ge),Ce.startsWith("_"))G+=V[0]; else{const yn=F.classNameAliases[Ce]||Ce;Pe(V[0],yn)}}else G+=V[0];R=M.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex,V=M.keywordPatternRe.exec(O)}G+=O.substring(R),B.addText(G)}function qn(){if(O==="")return;let R=null;if(typeof M.subLanguage=="string"){if(!t[M.subLanguage]){B.addText(O);return}R=f(M.subLanguage,O,!0,z[M.subLanguage]),z[M.subLanguage]=R._top}else R=h(O,M.subLanguage.length?M.subLanguage:null);M.relevance>0& & (X+=R.relevance),B.__addSublanguage(R._emitter,R.language)}function je(){M.subLanguage!=null?qn():Qe(),O=""}function Pe(R,V){R!==""& & (B.startScope(V),B.addText(R),B.endScope())}function _n(R,V){let G=1;const re=V.length-1;for(;G< =re;){if(!R._emit[G]){G++;continue}const le=F.classNameAliases[R[G]]||R[G],Ce=V[G];le?Pe(Ce,le):(O=Ce,Qe(),O=""),G++}}function Kn(R,V){return R.scope& & typeof R.scope=="string"& & B.openNode(F.classNameAliases[R.scope]||R.scope),R.beginScope& & (R.beginScope._wrap?(Pe(O,F.classNameAliases[R.beginScope._wrap]||R.beginScope._wrap),O=""):R.beginScope._multi& & (_n(R.beginScope,V),O="")),M=Object.create(R,{parent:{value:M}}),M}function Ar(R,V,G){let re=D6(R.endRe,G);if(re){if(R["on:end"]){const le=new Qa(R);R["on:end"](V,le),le.isMatchIgnored&&(re=!1)}if(re){for(; R.endsParent&&R.parent; )R=R.parent;return R}}if(R.endsWithParent)return Ar(R.parent,V,G)}function Gt(R){return M.matcher.regexIndex===0?(O+=R[0],1):(ee=!0,0)}function vr(R){const V=R[0],G=R.rule,re=new Qa(G),le=[G.__beforeBegin,G["on:begin"]];for(const Ce of le)if(Ce& & (Ce(R,re),re.isMatchIgnored))return Gt(V);return G.skip?O+=V:(G.excludeBegin& & (O+=V),je(),!G.returnBegin& & !G.excludeBegin& & (O=V)),Kn(G,R),G.returnBegin?0:V.length}function Tr(R){const V=R[0],G=N.substring(R.index),re=Ar(M,R,G);if(!re)return ul;const le=M;M.endScope&&M.endScope._wrap?(je(),Pe(V,M.endScope._wrap)):M.endScope&&M.endScope._multi?(je(),_n(M.endScope,R)):le.skip?O+=V:(le.returnEnd||le.excludeEnd||(O+=V),je(),le.excludeEnd&&(O=V)); do M.scope&&B.closeNode(),!M.skip&&!M.subLanguage&&(X+=M.relevance),M=M.parent; while(M!==re.parent);return re.starts& & Kn(re.starts,R),le.returnEnd?0:V.length}function m(){const R=[];for(let V=M;V!==F;V=V.parent)V.scope&&R.unshift(V.scope); R.forEach(V=>B.openNode(V))}let y={};function w(R,V){const G=V&&V[0]; if(O+=R,G==null)return je(),0;if(y.type==="begin"& & V.type==="end"& & y.index===V.index& & G===""){if(O+=N.slice(V.index,V.index+1),!i){const re=new Error(`0 width match regex (${v})`);throw re.languageName=v,re.badRule=y.rule,re}return 1}if(y=V,V.type==="begin")return vr(V);if(V.type==="illegal"& & !W){const re=new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+G+'" for mode "'+(M.scope||"< unnamed > ")+'"');throw re.mode=M,re}else if(V.type==="end"){const re=Tr(V);if(re!==ul)return re}if(V.type==="illegal"& & G==="")return 1;if(J>1e5& & J>V.index*3)throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches");return O+=G,G.length}const F=k(v);if(!F)throw Rn(u.replace("{}",v)),new Error('Unknown language: "'+v+'"');const L=ay(F);let $="",M=ne||L;const z={},B=new o.__emitter(o);m();let O="",X=0,q=0,J=0,ee=!1;try{if(F.__emitTokens)F.__emitTokens(N,B);else{for(M.matcher.considerAll();;){J++,ee?ee=!1:M.matcher.considerAll(),M.matcher.lastIndex=q;const R=M.matcher.exec(N);if(!R)break;const V=N.substring(q,R.index),G=w(V,R);q=R.index+G}w(N.substring(q))}return B.finalize(),$=B.toHTML(),{language:v,value:$,relevance:X,illegal:!1,_emitter:B,_top:M}}catch(R){if(R.message& & R.message.includes("Illegal"))return{lan
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- - t w - r i n g - i n s e t : ; - - t w - r i n g - o f f s e t - w i d t h : 0 p x ; - - t w - r i n g - o f f s e t - c o l o r : # f f f ; - - t w - r i n g - c o l o r : r g b ( 5 9 1 3 0 2 4 6 / . 5 ) ; - - t w - r i n g - o f f s e t - s h a d o w : 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 ; - - t w - r i n g - s h a d o w : 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 ; - - t w - s h a d o w : 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 ; - - t w - s h a d o w - c o l o r e d : 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 ; - - t w - b l u r : ; - - t w - b r i g h t n e s s : ; - - t w - c o n t r a s t : ; - - t w - g r a y s c a l e : ; - - t w - h u e - r o t a t e : ; - - t w - i n v e r t : ; - - t w - s a t u r a t e : ; - - t w - s e p i a : ; - - t w - d r o p - s h a d o w : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - b l u r : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - b r i g h t n e s s : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - c o n t r a s t : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - g r a y s c a l e : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - h u e - r o t a t e : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - i n v e r t : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - o p a c i t y : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - s a t u r a t e : ; - - t w - b a c k d r o p - s e p i a : ; - - t w - c o n t a i n - s i z e : ; - - t w - c o n t a i n - l a y o u t : ; - - t w - c o n t a i n - p a i n t : ; - - t w - c o n t a i n - s t y l e : } * , : b e f o r e , : a f t e r { b o x - s i z i n g : b o r d e r - b o x ; b o r d e r - w i d t h : 0 ; b o r d e r - s t y l e : s o l i d ; b o r d e r - c o l o r : # e 5 e 7 e b } : b e f o r e , : a f t e r { - - t w - c o n t e n t : " " } h t m l , : h o s t { l i n e - h e i g h t : 1 . 5 ; - w e b k i t - t e x t - s i z e - a d j u s t : 1 0 0 % ; - m o z - t a b - s i z e : 4 ; - o - t a b - s i z e : 4 ; t a b - s i z e : 4 ; f o n t - f a m i l y : u i - s a n s - s e r i f , s y s t e m - u i , s a n s - s e r i f , " A p p l e C o l o r E m o j i " , " S e g o e U I E m o j i " , S e g o e U I S y m b o l , " N o t o C o l o r E m o j i " ; f o n t - f e a t u r e - s e t t i n g s : n o r m a l ; f o n t - v a r i a t i o n - s e t t i n g s : n o r m a l ; - w e b k i t - t a p - h i g h l i g h t - c o l o r : t r a n s p a r e n t } b o d y { m a r g i n : 0 ; l i n e - h e i g h t : i n h e r i t } h r { h e i g h t : 0 ; c o l o r : i n h e r i t ; b o r d e r - t o p - w i d t h : 1 p x } a b b r : w h e r e ( [ t i t l e ] ) { - w e b k i t - t e x t - d e c o r a t i o n : u n d e r l i n e d o t t e d ; t e x t - d e c o r a t i o n : u n d e r l i n e d o t t e d } h 1 , h 2 , h 3 , h 4 , h 5 , h 6 { f o n t - s i z e : i n h e r i t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : i n h e r i t } a { c o l o r : i n h e r i t ; t e x t - d e c o r a t i o n : i n h e r i t } b , s t r o n g { f o n t - w e i g h t : b o l d e r } c o d e , k b d , s a m p , p r e { f o n t - f a m i l y : u i - m o n o s p a c e , S F M o n o - R e g u l a r , M e n l o , M o n a c o , C o n s o l a s , L i b e r a t i o n M o n o , C o u r i e r N e w , m o n o s p a c e ; f o n t - f e a t u r e - s e t t i n g s : n o r m a l ; f o n t - v a r i a t i o n - s e t t i n g s : n o r m a l ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 e m } s m a l l { f o n t - s i z e : 8 0 % } s u b , s u p { f o n t - s i z e : 7 5 % ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 0 ; p o s i t i o n : r e l a t i v e ; v e r t i c a l - a l i g n : b a s e l i n e } s u b { b o t t o m : - . 2 5 e m } s u p { t o p : - . 5 e m } t a b l e { t e x t - i n d e n t : 0 ; b o r d e r - c o l o r : i n h e r i t ; b o r d e r - c o l l a p s e : c o l l a p s e } b u t t o n , i n p u t , o p t g r o u p , s e l e c t , t e x t a r e a { f o n t - f a m i l y : i n h e r i t ; f o n t - f e a t u r e - s e t t i n g s : i n h e r i t ; f o n t - v a r i a t i o n - s e t t i n g s : i n h e r i t ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 0 0 % ; f o n t - w e i g h t : i n h e r i t ; l i n e - h e i g h t : i n h e r i t ; l e t t e r - s p a c i n g : i n h e r i t ; c o l o r : i n h e r i t ; m a r g i n : 0 ; p a d d i n g : 0 } b u t t o n , s e l e c t { t e x t - t r a n s f o r m : n o n e } b u t t o n , i n p u t : w h e r e ( [ t y p e = b u t t o n ] ) , i n p u t : w h e r e ( [ t y p e = r e s e t ] ) , i n p u t : w h e r e ( [ t y p e = s u b m i t ] ) { - w e b k i t - a p p e a r a n c e : b u t t o n ; b a c k g r o u n d - c o l o r : t r a n s p a r e n t ; b a c k g r o u n d - i m a g e : n o n e } : - m o z - f o c u s r i n g { o u t l i n e : a u t o } : - m o z - u i - i n v a l i d { b o x - s h a d o w : n o n e } p r o g r e s s { v e r t i c a l - a l i g n : b a s e l i n e } : : - w e b k i t - i n n e r - s p i n - b u t t o n , : : - w e b k i t - o u t e r - s p i n - b u t t o n { h e i g h t : a u t o } [ t y p e = s e a r c h ] { - w e b k i t - a p p e a r a n c e : t e x t f i e l d ; o u t l i n e - o f f s e t : - 2 p x } : : - w e b k i
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / head >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< body >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< div id = "app" class = "opacity-0" > <!-- opacity - 0 will be removed on app mounted -->
< div class = "flex flex-row drawer lg:drawer-open" >
< input id = "toggle-drawer" type = "checkbox" class = "drawer-toggle" checked / >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- sidebar -->
< div class = "drawer-side h-screen lg:h-screen z-50 lg:max-w-64" >
< label for = "toggle-drawer" aria-label = "close sidebar" class = "drawer-overlay" > < / label >
2024-12-11 19:52:14 +00:00
< div class = "flex flex-col bg-base-200 min-h-full max-w-64 py-4 px-4" >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< div class = "flex flex-row items-center justify-between mb-4 mt-4" >
< h2 class = "font-bold ml-4" > Conversations< / h2 >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- close sidebar button -->
< label for = "toggle-drawer" class = "btn btn-ghost lg:hidden" >
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "16" height = "16" fill = "currentColor" class = "bi bi-arrow-bar-left" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path fill-rule = "evenodd" d = "M12.5 15a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-13a.5.5 0 0 1 1 0v13a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5M10 8a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H3.707l2.147 2.146a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708l-3-3a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708l3-3a.5.5 0 1 1 .708.708L3.707 7.5H9.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5" / >
< / svg >
< / label >
< / div >
<!-- list of conversations -->
< div :class = "{
'btn btn-ghost justify-start': true,
'btn-active': messages.length === 0,
}" @click="newConversation">
+ New conversation
< / div >
< div v-for = "conv in conversations" :class = "{
'btn btn-ghost justify-start font-normal': true,
'btn-active': conv.id === viewingConvId,
}" @click="setViewingConv(conv.id)">
< span class = "truncate" > {{ conv.messages[0].content }}< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "text-center text-xs opacity-40 mt-auto mx-4" >
Conversations are saved to browser's localStorage
< / div >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< / div >
2024-07-25 22:10:16 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- main view -->
< div class = "chat-screen drawer-content grow flex flex-col h-screen w-screen mx-auto px-4" >
<!-- header -->
< div class = "flex flex-row items-center mt-6 mb-6" >
<!-- open sidebar button -->
< label for = "toggle-drawer" class = "btn btn-ghost lg:hidden" >
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "16" height = "16" fill = "currentColor" class = "bi bi-list" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path fill-rule = "evenodd" d = "M2.5 12a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5m0-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5m0-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h10a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5" / >
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< / svg >
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< / label >
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2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< div class = "grow text-2xl font-bold ml-2" > llama.cpp< / div >
<!-- action buttons (top right) -->
< div class = "flex items-center" >
< div v-if = "messages.length > 0" class = "dropdown dropdown-end" >
<!-- "more" button -->
< button tabindex = "0" role = "button" class = "btn m-1" :disabled = "isGenerating" >
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "16" height = "16" fill = "currentColor" class = "bi bi-three-dots-vertical" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path d = "M9.5 13a1.5 1.5 0 1 1-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 3 0m0-5a1.5 1.5 0 1 1-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 3 0m0-5a1.5 1.5 0 1 1-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 1 3 0" / >
< / svg >
< / button >
<!-- "more" dropdown menu -->
< ul tabindex = "0" class = "dropdown-content menu bg-base-100 rounded-box z-[1] w-52 p-2 shadow" >
< li @ click = "downloadConv(viewingConvId)" > < a > Download< / a > < / li >
< li class = "text-error" @ click = "deleteConv(viewingConvId)" > < a > Delete< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< button class = "btn" @ click = "showConfigDialog = true" :disabled = "isGenerating" >
<!-- settings button -->
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "16" height = "16" fill = "currentColor" class = "bi bi-gear" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path d = "M8 4.754a3.246 3.246 0 1 0 0 6.492 3.246 3.246 0 0 0 0-6.492M5.754 8a2.246 2.246 0 1 1 4.492 0 2.246 2.246 0 0 1-4.492 0" / >
< path d = "M9.796 1.343c-.527-1.79-3.065-1.79-3.592 0l-.094.319a.873.873 0 0 1-1.255.52l-.292-.16c-1.64-.892-3.433.902-2.54 2.541l.159.292a.873.873 0 0 1-.52 1.255l-.319.094c-1.79.527-1.79 3.065 0 3.592l.319.094a.873.873 0 0 1 .52 1.255l-.16.292c-.892 1.64.901 3.434 2.541 2.54l.292-.159a.873.873 0 0 1 1.255.52l.094.319c.527 1.79 3.065 1.79 3.592 0l.094-.319a.873.873 0 0 1 1.255-.52l.292.16c1.64.893 3.434-.902 2.54-2.541l-.159-.292a.873.873 0 0 1 .52-1.255l.319-.094c1.79-.527 1.79-3.065 0-3.592l-.319-.094a.873.873 0 0 1-.52-1.255l.16-.292c.893-1.64-.902-3.433-2.541-2.54l-.292.159a.873.873 0 0 1-1.255-.52zm-2.633.283c.246-.835 1.428-.835 1.674 0l.094.319a1.873 1.873 0 0 0 2.693 1.115l.291-.16c.764-.415 1.6.42 1.184 1.185l-.159.292a1.873 1.873 0 0 0 1.116 2.692l.318.094c.835.246.835 1.428 0 1.674l-.319.094a1.873 1.873 0 0 0-1.115 2.693l.16.291c.415.764-.42 1.6-1.185 1.184l-.291-.159a1.873 1.873 0 0 0-2.693 1.116l-.094.318c-.246.835-1.428.835-1.674 0l-.094-.319a1.873 1.873 0 0 0-2.692-1.115l-.292.16c-.764.415-1.6-.42-1.184-1.185l.159-.291A1.873 1.873 0 0 0 1.945 8.93l-.319-.094c-.835-.246-.835-1.428 0-1.674l.319-.094A1.873 1.873 0 0 0 3.06 4.377l-.16-.292c-.415-.764.42-1.6 1.185-1.184l.292.159a1.873 1.873 0 0 0 2.692-1.115z" / >
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< / svg >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< / button >
<!-- theme controller is copied from https://daisyui.com/components/theme - controller/ -->
< div class = "dropdown dropdown-end dropdown-bottom" >
< div tabindex = "0" role = "button" class = "btn m-1" >
< svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "16" height = "16" fill = "currentColor" class = "bi bi-palette2" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" >
< path d = "M0 .5A.5.5 0 0 1 .5 0h5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v5.277l4.147-4.131a.5.5 0 0 1 .707 0l3.535 3.536a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708L10.261 10H15.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5v5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5.5H3a3 3 0 0 1-2.121-.879A3 3 0 0 1 0 13.044m6-.21 7.328-7.3-2.829-2.828L6 7.188zM4.5 13a1.5 1.5 0 1 0-3 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 3 0M15 15v-4H9.258l-4.015 4zM0 .5v12.495zm0 12.495V13z" / >
< / svg >
< / div >
< ul tabindex = "0" class = "dropdown-content bg-base-300 rounded-box z-[1] w-52 p-2 shadow-2xl h-80 overflow-y-auto" >
< li >
< button
class="btn btn-sm btn-block btn-ghost justify-start"
:class="{ 'btn-active': selectedTheme === 'auto' }"
< / button >
< / li >
< li v-for = "theme in themes" >
< input
class="theme-controller btn btn-sm btn-block btn-ghost justify-start"
:checked="selectedTheme === theme"
@click="setSelectedTheme(theme)" />
< / li >
< / ul >
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< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- chat messages -->
< div id = "messages-list" class = "flex flex-col grow overflow-y-auto" >
< div class = "mt-auto flex justify-center" >
<!-- placeholder to shift the message to the bottom -->
{{ messages.length === 0 ? 'Send a message to start' : '' }}
< / div >
< div v-for = "msg in messages" class = "group" >
2024-12-11 19:52:14 +00:00
< message-bubble
:regenerate-msg="regenerateMsg">< / message-bubble >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- pending (ongoing) assistant message -->
2024-12-11 19:52:14 +00:00
< div id = "pending-msg" class = "group" >
< message-bubble
:edit-user-msg-and-regenerate="() => {}"
:regenerate-msg="() => {}">< / message-bubble >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
<!-- chat input -->
< div class = "flex flex-row items-center mt-8 mb-6" >
< textarea
class="textarea textarea-bordered w-full"
placeholder="Type a message (Shift+Enter to add a new line)"
@keydown.enter.shift.exact.prevent="inputMsg += '\n'"
>< / textarea >
< button v-if = "!isGenerating" class = "btn btn-primary ml-2" @ click = "sendMessage" :disabled = "inputMsg.length === 0" > Send< / button >
< button v-else class = "btn btn-neutral ml-2" @ click = "stopGeneration" > Stop< / button >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
<!-- modal for editing config -->
< dialog class = "modal" :class = "{'modal-open': showConfigDialog}" >
< div class = "modal-box" >
< h3 class = "text-lg font-bold mb-6" > Settings< / h3 >
< div class = "h-[calc(90vh-12rem)] overflow-y-auto" >
< p class = "opacity-40 mb-6" > Settings below are saved in browser's localStorage< / p >
2024-11-15 09:48:49 +00:00
< settings-modal-short-input :config-key = "'apiKey'" :config-default = "configDefault" :config-info = "configInfo" v-model = "config.apiKey" > < / settings-modal-short-input >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< label class = "form-control mb-2" >
< div class = "label" > System Message< / div >
< textarea class = "textarea textarea-bordered h-24" :placeholder = "'Default: ' + configDefault.systemMessage" v-model = "config.systemMessage" > < / textarea >
< / label >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< template v-for = "configKey in ['temperature', 'top_k', 'top_p', 'min_p', 'max_tokens']" >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< settings-modal-short-input :config-key = "configKey" :config-default = "configDefault" :config-info = "configInfo" v-model = "config[configKey]" > < / settings-modal-short-input >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / template >
<!-- TODO: add more sampling - related configs, please regroup them into different "collapse" sections -->
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
<!-- Section: Other sampler settings -->
< details class = "collapse collapse-arrow bg-base-200 mb-2 overflow-visible" >
< summary class = "collapse-title font-bold" > Other sampler settings< / summary >
< div class = "collapse-content" >
2024-11-16 13:26:54 +00:00
<!-- Samplers queue -->
< settings-modal-short-input label = "Samplers queue" :config-key = "'samplers'" :config-default = "configDefault" :config-info = "configInfo" v-model = "config.samplers" > < / settings-modal-short-input >
<!-- Samplers -->
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< template v-for = "configKey in ['dynatemp_range', 'dynatemp_exponent', 'typical_p', 'xtc_probability', 'xtc_threshold']" >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< settings-modal-short-input :config-key = "configKey" :config-default = "configDefault" :config-info = "configInfo" v-model = "config[configKey]" > < / settings-modal-short-input >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< / template >
< / div >
< / details >
<!-- Section: Penalties settings -->
< details class = "collapse collapse-arrow bg-base-200 mb-2 overflow-visible" >
< summary class = "collapse-title font-bold" > Penalties settings< / summary >
< div class = "collapse-content" >
< template v-for = "configKey in ['repeat_last_n', 'repeat_penalty', 'presence_penalty', 'frequency_penalty', 'dry_multiplier', 'dry_base', 'dry_allowed_length', 'dry_penalty_last_n']" >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< settings-modal-short-input :config-key = "configKey" :config-default = "configDefault" :config-info = "configInfo" v-model = "config[configKey]" > < / settings-modal-short-input >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< / template >
< / div >
< / details >
<!-- Section: Advanced config -->
< details class = "collapse collapse-arrow bg-base-200 mb-2 overflow-visible" >
< summary class = "collapse-title font-bold" > Advanced config< / summary >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< div class = "collapse-content" >
2024-12-11 19:52:14 +00:00
< div class = "flex flex-row items-center mb-2" >
< input type = "checkbox" class = "checkbox" v-model = "config.showTokensPerSecond" / >
< span class = "ml-4" > Show tokens per second< / span >
< / div >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< label class = "form-control mb-2" >
2024-11-16 13:26:54 +00:00
<!-- Custom parameters input -->
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< div class = "label inline" > Custom JSON config (For more info, refer to < a class = "underline" href = "https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/examples/server/README.md" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" > server documentation< / a > )< / div >
< textarea class = "textarea textarea-bordered h-24" placeholder = "Example: { "mirostat": 1, "min_p": 0.1 }" v-model = "config.custom" > < / textarea >
< / label >
2024-07-25 22:10:16 +00:00
< / div >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< / details >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
<!-- action buttons -->
< div class = "modal-action" >
< button class = "btn" @ click = "resetConfigDialog" > Reset to default< / button >
< button class = "btn" @ click = "closeAndDiscardConfigDialog" > Close< / button >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
< button class = "btn btn-primary" @ click = "closeAndSaveConfigDialog" > Save< / button >
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / dialog >
2024-12-03 18:38:44 +00:00
2024-11-07 21:31:10 +00:00
< / div >
2023-10-12 06:51:53 +00:00
2024-12-11 19:52:14 +00:00
<!-- Template to be used as message bubble -->
< template id = "message-bubble" >
< div :class = "{
'chat': true,
'chat-start': msg.role !== 'user',
'chat-end': msg.role === 'user',
< div :class = "{
'chat-bubble markdown': true,
'chat-bubble-base-300': msg.role !== 'user',
<!-- textarea for editing message -->
< template v-if = "editingContent !== null" >
< textarea
class="textarea textarea-bordered bg-base-100 text-base-content w-[calc(90vw-8em)] lg:w-96"
v-model="editingContent">< / textarea >
< br / >
< button class = "btn btn-ghost mt-2 mr-2" @ click = "editingContent = null" > Cancel< / button >
< button class = "btn mt-2" @ click = "editMsg()" > Submit< / button >
< / template >
< template v-else >
<!-- show loading dots for pending message -->
< span v-if = "msg.content === null" class = "loading loading-dots loading-md" > < / span >
<!-- render message as markdown -->
< vue-markdown v-else :source = "msg.content" > < / vue-markdown >
<!-- render timings if enabled -->
< div class = "dropdown dropdown-hover dropdown-top mt-2" v-if = "timings && config.showTokensPerSecond" >
< div tabindex = "0" role = "button" class = "cursor-pointer font-semibold text-sm opacity-60" > Speed: {{ timings.predicted_per_second.toFixed(1) }} t/s< / div >
< div class = "dropdown-content bg-base-100 z-10 w-64 p-2 shadow mt-4" >
< b > Prompt< / b > < br / >
- Tokens: {{ timings.prompt_n }}< br / >
- Time: {{ timings.prompt_ms }} ms< br / >
- Speed: {{ timings.prompt_per_second.toFixed(1) }} t/s< br / >
< b > Generation< / b > < br / >
- Tokens: {{ timings.predicted_n }}< br / >
- Time: {{ timings.predicted_ms }} ms< br / >
- Speed: {{ timings.predicted_per_second.toFixed(1) }} t/s< br / >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- actions for each message -->
< div :class = "{'text-right': msg.role === 'user', 'opacity-0': isGenerating}" class = "mx-4 mt-2 mb-2" >
<!-- user message -->
< button v-if = "msg.role === 'user'" class = "badge btn-mini show-on-hover" @ click = "editingContent = msg.content" :disabled = "isGenerating" >
✍️ Edit
< / button >
<!-- assistant message -->
< button v-if = "msg.role === 'assistant'" class = "badge btn-mini show-on-hover mr-2" @ click = "regenerateMsg(msg)" :disabled = "isGenerating" >
🔄 Regenerate
< / button >
< button v-if = "msg.role === 'assistant'" class = "badge btn-mini show-on-hover mr-2" @ click = "copyMsg()" :disabled = "isGenerating" >
📋 Copy
< / button >
< / div >
< / template >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
<!-- Template to be used by settings modal -->
2024-11-15 09:48:49 +00:00
< template id = "settings-modal-short-input" >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< label class = "input input-bordered join-item grow flex items-center gap-2 mb-2" >
<!-- Show help message on hovering on the input label -->
< div class = "dropdown dropdown-hover" >
2024-11-16 13:26:54 +00:00
< div tabindex = "0" role = "button" class = "font-bold" > {{ label || configKey }}< / div >
2024-11-10 19:42:25 +00:00
< div class = "dropdown-content menu bg-base-100 rounded-box z-10 w-64 p-2 shadow mt-4" >
{{ configInfo[configKey] || '(no help message available)' }}
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- Here we forward v - model from parent to child component, see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47311936/v - model - and - child - components -->
< input type = "text" class = "grow" :placeholder = "'Default: ' + (configDefault[configKey] || 'none')" :value = "modelValue" @ input = "$emit('update:modelValue', $event.target.value)" / >
< / label >
< / template >
2023-07-04 14:05:27 +00:00
< / body >
< / html >