#!/bin/bash test_suite=${1:-} test_number=${2:-} PROG=${0##*/} build_dir="build-ci-debug" if [ x"$1" = x"-h" ] || [ x"$1" = x"--help" ]; then echo "Usage: $PROG [OPTION]... (test_number)" echo "Debug specific ctest program." echo echo "Options:" echo " -h, --help Display this help and exit" echo echo "Arguments:" echo " (Mandatory) Supply one regex to the script to filter tests" echo " (test_number) (Optional) Test number to run a specific test" echo echo "Example:" echo " $PROG test-tokenizer" echo " $PROG test-tokenizer 3" echo exit 0 fi # Function to select and debug a test function select_test() { test_suite=${1:-test} test_number=${2:-} # Sanity Check If Tests Is Detected printf "\n\nGathering tests that fit REGEX: ${test_suite} ...\n" tests=($(ctest -R ${test_suite} -V -N | grep -E " +Test +#[0-9]+*" | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{$1=$1};1')) if [ ${#tests[@]} -eq 0 ] then echo "No tests avaliable... check your compliation process..." echo "Exiting." exit 1 fi if [ -z $test_number ] then # List out avaliable tests printf "Which test would you like to debug?\n" id=0 for s in "${tests[@]}" do echo "Test# ${id}" echo " $s" ((id++)) done # Prompt user which test they wanted to run printf "\nRun test#? " read test_number else printf "\nUser Already Requested #${test_number}" fi # Start GDB with the requested test binary and arguments printf "Debugging(GDB) test: ${tests[test_number]}\n" # Change IFS (Internal Field Separator) sIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' # Get test args gdb_args=($(ctest -R ${test_suite} -V -N | grep "Test command" | cut -d':' -f3 | awk '{$1=$1};1' )) IFS=$sIFS printf "Debug arguments: ${gdb_args[test_number]}\n\n" # Expand paths if needed args=() for x in $(echo ${gdb_args[test_number]} | sed -e 's/"\/\"//') do args+=($(echo $x | sed -e 's/.*\/..\//..\//')) done # Execute debugger echo "gdb args: ${args[@]}" gdb --args ${args[@]} } # Step 0: Check the args if [ -z "$test_suite" ] then echo "Usage: $PROG [OPTION]... (test_number)" echo "Supply one regex to the script to filter tests," echo "and optionally a test number to run a specific test." echo "Use --help flag for full instructions" exit 1 fi # Step 1: Reset and Setup folder context ## Sanity check that we are actually in a git repo repo_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) if [ ! -d "$repo_root" ]; then echo "Error: Not in a Git repository." exit 1 fi ## Reset folder to root context of git repo pushd "$repo_root" || exit 1 ## Create and enter build directory rm -rf "$build_dir" && mkdir "$build_dir" || exit 1 # Step 2: Setup Build Environment and Compile Test Binaries cmake -B "./$build_dir" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLAMA_CUDA=1 -DLLAMA_FATAL_WARNINGS=ON || exit 1 pushd "$build_dir" && make -j || exit 1 # Step 3: Debug the Test select_test "$test_suite" "$test_number" # Step 4: Return to the directory from which the user ran the command. popd || exit 1 popd || exit 1 popd || exit 1