// Compatible with Zig Version 0.11.0 const std = @import("std"); const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const Compile = std.Build.Step.Compile; const ConfigHeader = std.Build.Step.ConfigHeader; const Mode = std.builtin.Mode; const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget; const Maker = struct { builder: *std.build.Builder, target: CrossTarget, optimize: Mode, enable_lto: bool, include_dirs: ArrayList([]const u8), cflags: ArrayList([]const u8), cxxflags: ArrayList([]const u8), objs: ArrayList(*Compile), fn addInclude(m: *Maker, dir: []const u8) !void { try m.include_dirs.append(dir); } fn addProjectInclude(m: *Maker, path: []const []const u8) !void { try m.addInclude(try m.builder.build_root.join(m.builder.allocator, path)); } fn addCFlag(m: *Maker, flag: []const u8) !void { try m.cflags.append(flag); } fn addCxxFlag(m: *Maker, flag: []const u8) !void { try m.cxxflags.append(flag); } fn addFlag(m: *Maker, flag: []const u8) !void { try m.addCFlag(flag); try m.addCxxFlag(flag); } fn init(builder: *std.build.Builder) !Maker { const target = builder.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const zig_version = @import("builtin").zig_version_string; const commit_hash = try std.ChildProcess.exec( .{ .allocator = builder.allocator, .argv = &.{ "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD" } }, ); try std.fs.cwd().writeFile("common/build-info.cpp", builder.fmt( \\int LLAMA_BUILD_NUMBER = {}; \\char const *LLAMA_COMMIT = "{s}"; \\char const *LLAMA_COMPILER = "Zig {s}"; \\char const *LLAMA_BUILD_TARGET = "{s}"; \\ , .{ 0, commit_hash.stdout[0 .. commit_hash.stdout.len - 1], zig_version, try target.allocDescription(builder.allocator) })); var m = Maker{ .builder = builder, .target = target, .optimize = builder.standardOptimizeOption(.{}), .enable_lto = false, .include_dirs = ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator), .cflags = ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator), .cxxflags = ArrayList([]const u8).init(builder.allocator), .objs = ArrayList(*Compile).init(builder.allocator), }; try m.addCFlag("-std=c11"); try m.addCxxFlag("-std=c++11"); try m.addProjectInclude(&.{}); try m.addProjectInclude(&.{"common"}); return m; } fn obj(m: *const Maker, name: []const u8, src: []const u8) *Compile { const o = m.builder.addObject(.{ .name = name, .target = m.target, .optimize = m.optimize }); if (o.target.getAbi() != .msvc) o.defineCMacro("_GNU_SOURCE", null); if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, src, ".c")) { o.addCSourceFiles(&.{src}, m.cflags.items); o.linkLibC(); } else { o.addCSourceFiles(&.{src}, m.cxxflags.items); if (o.target.getAbi() == .msvc) { o.linkLibC(); // need winsdk + crt } else { // linkLibCpp already add (libc++ + libunwind + libc) o.linkLibCpp(); } } for (m.include_dirs.items) |i| o.addIncludePath(.{ .path = i }); o.want_lto = m.enable_lto; return o; } fn exe(m: *const Maker, name: []const u8, src: []const u8, deps: []const *Compile) *Compile { const e = m.builder.addExecutable(.{ .name = name, .target = m.target, .optimize = m.optimize }); e.addCSourceFiles(&.{src}, m.cxxflags.items); for (deps) |d| e.addObject(d); for (m.objs.items) |o| e.addObject(o); for (m.include_dirs.items) |i| e.addIncludePath(.{ .path = i }); // https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/15448 if (e.target.getAbi() == .msvc) { e.linkLibC(); // need winsdk + crt } else { // linkLibCpp already add (libc++ + libunwind + libc) e.linkLibCpp(); } m.builder.installArtifact(e); e.want_lto = m.enable_lto; return e; } }; pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) !void { var make = try Maker.init(b); make.enable_lto = b.option(bool, "lto", "Enable LTO optimization, (default: false)") orelse false; const ggml = make.obj("ggml", "ggml.c"); const sgemm = make.obj("sgemm", "sgemm.cpp"); const ggml_alloc = make.obj("ggml-alloc", "ggml-alloc.c"); const ggml_backend = make.obj("ggml-backend", "ggml-backend.c"); const ggml_quants = make.obj("ggml-quants", "ggml-quants.c"); const unicode = make.obj("unicode", "unicode.cpp"); const unicode_data = make.obj("unicode-data", "unicode-data.cpp"); const llama = make.obj("llama", "llama.cpp"); const buildinfo = make.obj("common", "common/build-info.cpp"); const common = make.obj("common", "common/common.cpp"); const console = make.obj("console", "common/console.cpp"); const sampling = make.obj("sampling", "common/sampling.cpp"); const grammar_parser = make.obj("grammar-parser", "common/grammar-parser.cpp"); const json_schema_to_grammar = make.obj("json-schema-to-grammar", "common/json-schema-to-grammar.cpp"); const train = make.obj("train", "common/train.cpp"); const clip = make.obj("clip", "examples/llava/clip.cpp"); const llava = make.obj("llava", "examples/llava/llava.cpp"); _ = make.exe("main", "examples/main/main.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo, console, grammar_parser }); _ = make.exe("quantize", "examples/quantize/quantize.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo }); _ = make.exe("perplexity", "examples/perplexity/perplexity.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo }); _ = make.exe("embedding", "examples/embedding/embedding.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo }); _ = make.exe("finetune", "examples/finetune/finetune.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo, train }); _ = make.exe("train-text-from-scratch", "examples/train-text-from-scratch/train-text-from-scratch.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo, train }); const server = make.exe("server", "examples/server/server.cpp", &.{ ggml, sgemm, ggml_alloc, ggml_backend, ggml_quants, llama, unicode, unicode_data, common, sampling, json_schema_to_grammar, buildinfo, grammar_parser, clip, llava }); if (server.target.isWindows()) { server.linkSystemLibrary("ws2_32"); } const server_assets = [_][]const u8{ "index.html", "index.js", "completion.js", "json-schema-to-grammar.mjs" }; for (server_assets) |asset| { const input_path = b.fmt("examples/server/public/{s}", .{asset}); const output_path = b.fmt("examples/server/{s}.hpp", .{asset}); // Portable equivalent of `b.addSystemCommand(&.{ "xxd", "-n", asset, "-i", input_path, output_path }) })`: const input = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(b.allocator, input_path, std.math.maxInt(usize)); defer b.allocator.free(input); var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(b.allocator); defer buf.deinit(); for (input) |byte| { try std.fmt.format(buf.writer(), "0x{X:0>2}, ", .{byte}); } var name = try std.mem.replaceOwned(u8, b.allocator, asset, "-", "_"); defer b.allocator.free(name); std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, name, '.', '_'); try std.fs.cwd().writeFile(output_path, b.fmt( "unsigned char {s}[] = {{{s}}};\nunsigned int {s}_len = {d};\n", .{ name, buf.items, name, input.len }, )); std.debug.print("Dumped hex of \"{s}\" ({s}) to {s}\n", .{ input_path, name, output_path }); } }