// WARNING: This file was ported from json_schema_to_grammar.py, please fix bugs / add features there first. const SPACE_RULE = '| " " | "\\n" [ \\t]{0,20}'; function _buildRepetition(itemRule, minItems, maxItems, opts={}) { if (minItems === 0 && maxItems === 1) { return `${itemRule}?`; } const separatorRule = opts.separatorRule ?? ''; const itemRuleIsLiteral = opts.itemRuleIsLiteral ?? false if (separatorRule === '') { if (minItems === 1 && maxItems === undefined) { return `${itemRule}+`; } else if (minItems === 0 && maxItems === undefined) { return `${itemRule}*`; } else { return `${itemRule}{${minItems},${maxItems !== undefined ? maxItems : ''}}`; } } const result = itemRule + ' ' + _buildRepetition(`(${separatorRule} ${itemRule})`, minItems > 0 ? minItems - 1 : 0, maxItems !== undefined ? maxItems - 1 : undefined); return minItems === 0 ? `(${result})?` : result; } function _generateMinMaxInt(minValue, maxValue, out, decimalsLeft = 16, topLevel = true) { const hasMin = minValue !== null; const hasMax = maxValue !== null; function digitRange(fromChar, toChar) { out.push("["); if (fromChar === toChar) { out.push(fromChar); } else { out.push(fromChar); out.push("-"); out.push(toChar); } out.push("]"); } function moreDigits(minDigits, maxDigits) { out.push("[0-9]"); if (minDigits === maxDigits && minDigits === 1) { return; } out.push("{"); out.push(minDigits.toString()); if (maxDigits !== minDigits) { out.push(","); if (maxDigits !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { out.push(maxDigits.toString()); } } out.push("}"); } function uniformRange(fromStr, toStr) { let i = 0; while (i < fromStr.length && fromStr[i] === toStr[i]) { i++; } if (i > 0) { out.push("\""); out.push(fromStr.slice(0, i)); out.push("\""); } if (i < fromStr.length) { if (i > 0) { out.push(" "); } const subLen = fromStr.length - i - 1; if (subLen > 0) { const fromSub = fromStr.slice(i + 1); const toSub = toStr.slice(i + 1); const subZeros = "0".repeat(subLen); const subNines = "9".repeat(subLen); let toReached = false; out.push("("); if (fromSub === subZeros) { digitRange(fromStr[i], String.fromCharCode(toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1)); out.push(" "); moreDigits(subLen, subLen); } else { out.push("["); out.push(fromStr[i]); out.push("] "); out.push("("); uniformRange(fromSub, subNines); out.push(")"); if (fromStr.charCodeAt(i) < toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1) { out.push(" | "); if (toSub === subNines) { digitRange(String.fromCharCode(fromStr.charCodeAt(i) + 1), toStr[i]); toReached = true; } else { digitRange(String.fromCharCode(fromStr.charCodeAt(i) + 1), String.fromCharCode(toStr.charCodeAt(i) - 1)); } out.push(" "); moreDigits(subLen, subLen); } } if (!toReached) { out.push(" | "); digitRange(toStr[i], toStr[i]); out.push(" "); uniformRange(subZeros, toSub); } out.push(")"); } else { out.push("["); out.push(fromStr[i]); out.push("-"); out.push(toStr[i]); out.push("]"); } } } if (hasMin && hasMax) { if (minValue < 0 && maxValue < 0) { out.push("\"-\" ("); _generateMinMaxInt(-maxValue, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, true); out.push(")"); return; } if (minValue < 0) { out.push("\"-\" ("); _generateMinMaxInt(0, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, true); out.push(") | "); minValue = 0; } let minS = minValue.toString(); const maxS = maxValue.toString(); const minDigits = minS.length; const maxDigits = maxS.length; for (let digits = minDigits; digits < maxDigits; digits++) { uniformRange(minS, "9".repeat(digits)); minS = "1" + "0".repeat(digits); out.push(" | "); } uniformRange(minS, maxS); return; } const lessDecimals = Math.max(decimalsLeft - 1, 1); if (hasMin) { if (minValue < 0) { out.push("\"-\" ("); _generateMinMaxInt(null, -minValue, out, decimalsLeft, false); out.push(") | [0] | [1-9] "); moreDigits(0, decimalsLeft - 1); } else if (minValue === 0) { if (topLevel) { out.push("[0] | [1-9] "); moreDigits(0, lessDecimals); } else { moreDigits(1, decimalsLeft); } } else if (minValue <= 9) { const c = minValue.toString(); const range_start = topLevel ? '1' : '0'; if (c > range_start) { digitRange(range_start, String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - 1)); out.push(" "); moreDigits(1, lessDecimals); out.push(" | "); } digitRange(c, "9"); out.push(" "); moreDigits(0, lessDecimals); } else { const minS = minValue.toString(); const length = minS.length; const c = minS[0]; if (c > "1") { digitRange(topLevel ? "1" : "0", String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - 1)); out.push(" "); moreDigits(length, lessDecimals); out.push(" | "); } digitRange(c, c); out.push(" ("); _generateMinMaxInt(parseInt(minS.slice(1)), null, out, lessDecimals, false); out.push(")"); if (c < "9") { out.push(" | "); digitRange(String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 1), "9"); out.push(" "); moreDigits(length - 1, lessDecimals); } } return; } if (hasMax) { if (maxValue >= 0) { if (topLevel) { out.push("\"-\" [1-9] "); moreDigits(0, lessDecimals); out.push(" | "); } _generateMinMaxInt(0, maxValue, out, decimalsLeft, true); } else { out.push("\"-\" ("); _generateMinMaxInt(-maxValue, null, out, decimalsLeft, false); out.push(")"); } return; } throw new Error("At least one of minValue or maxValue must be set"); } class BuiltinRule { constructor(content, deps) { this.content = content; this.deps = deps || []; } } const PRIMITIVE_RULES = { boolean : new BuiltinRule('("true" | "false") space', []), 'decimal-part' : new BuiltinRule('[0-9]{1,16}', []), 'integral-part': new BuiltinRule('[0] | [1-9] [0-9]{0,15}', []), number : new BuiltinRule('("-"? integral-part) ("." decimal-part)? ([eE] [-+]? integral-part)? space', ['integral-part', 'decimal-part']), integer : new BuiltinRule('("-"? integral-part) space', ['integral-part']), value : new BuiltinRule('object | array | string | number | boolean | null', ['object', 'array', 'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'null']), object : new BuiltinRule('"{" space ( string ":" space value ("," space string ":" space value)* )? "}" space', ['string', 'value']), array : new BuiltinRule('"[" space ( value ("," space value)* )? "]" space', ['value']), uuid : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" [0-9a-fA-F]{8} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} "-" [0-9a-fA-F]{12} "\\"" space', []), char : new BuiltinRule(`[^"\\\\\\x7F\\x00-\\x1F] | [\\\\] (["\\\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4})`, []), string : new BuiltinRule(`"\\"" char* "\\"" space`, ['char']), null : new BuiltinRule('"null" space', []), }; // TODO: support "uri", "email" string formats const STRING_FORMAT_RULES = { 'date' : new BuiltinRule('[0-9]{4} "-" ( "0" [1-9] | "1" [0-2] ) "-" ( \"0\" [1-9] | [1-2] [0-9] | "3" [0-1] )', []), 'time' : new BuiltinRule('([01] [0-9] | "2" [0-3]) ":" [0-5] [0-9] ":" [0-5] [0-9] ( "." [0-9]{3} )? ( "Z" | ( "+" | "-" ) ( [01] [0-9] | "2" [0-3] ) ":" [0-5] [0-9] )', []), 'date-time' : new BuiltinRule('date "T" time', ['date', 'time']), 'date-string' : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" date "\\"" space', ['date']), 'time-string' : new BuiltinRule('"\\"" time "\\"" space', ['time']), 'date-time-string': new BuiltinRule('"\\"" date-time "\\"" space', ['date-time']), } const RESERVED_NAMES = {'root': true, ...PRIMITIVE_RULES, ...STRING_FORMAT_RULES}; const INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE = /[^\dA-Za-z-]+/g; const GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE = /[\n\r"]/g; const GRAMMAR_RANGE_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE = /[\n\r"\]\-\\]/g; const GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES = { '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n', '"': '\\"', '-': '\\-', ']': '\\]' }; const NON_LITERAL_SET = new Set('|.()[]{}*+?'); const ESCAPED_IN_REGEXPS_BUT_NOT_IN_LITERALS = new Set('[]()|{}*+?'); export class SchemaConverter { constructor(options) { this._propOrder = options.prop_order || {}; this._allowFetch = options.allow_fetch || false; this._dotall = options.dotall || false; this._rules = {'space': SPACE_RULE}; this._refs = {}; this._refsBeingResolved = new Set(); } _formatLiteral(literal) { const escaped = literal.replace( GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE, m => GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES[m] ); return `"${escaped}"`; } _formatRangeChar(literal) { return JSON.stringify(literal).slice(1, -1).replace( GRAMMAR_RANGE_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE, m => GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES[m] ); } _addRule(name, rule) { let escName = name.replace(INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE, '-'); let key = escName; if (escName in this._rules) { if (this._rules[escName] === rule) { return key; } let i = 0; while ((`${escName}${i}` in this._rules) && (this._rules[`${escName}${i}`] !== rule)) { i += 1; } key = `${escName}${i}`; } this._rules[key] = rule; return key; } async resolveRefs(schema, url) { const visit = async (n) => { if (Array.isArray(n)) { return Promise.all(n.map(visit)); } else if (typeof n === 'object' && n !== null) { let ref = n.$ref; let target; if (ref !== undefined && !this._refs[ref]) { if (ref.startsWith('https://')) { if (!this._allowFetch) { throw new Error('Fetching remote schemas is not allowed (use --allow-fetch for force)'); } const fetch = (await import('node-fetch')).default; const fragSplit = ref.split('#'); const baseUrl = fragSplit[0]; target = this._refs[baseUrl]; if (!target) { target = await this.resolveRefs(await fetch(ref).then(res => res.json()), baseUrl); this._refs[baseUrl] = target; } if (fragSplit.length === 1 || fragSplit[fragSplit.length - 1] === '') { return target; } } else if (ref.startsWith('#/')) { target = schema; ref = `${url}${ref}`; n.$ref = ref; } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported ref ${ref}`); } const selectors = ref.split('#')[1].split('/').slice(1); for (const sel of selectors) { if (!target || !(sel in target)) { throw new Error(`Error resolving ref ${ref}: ${sel} not in ${JSON.stringify(target)}`); } target = target[sel]; } this._refs[ref] = target; } else { await Promise.all(Object.values(n).map(visit)); } } return n; }; return visit(schema); } _generateUnionRule(name, altSchemas) { return altSchemas .map((altSchema, i) => this.visit(altSchema, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : 'alternative-'}${i}`)) .join(' | '); } _visitPattern(pattern, name) { if (!pattern.startsWith('^') || !pattern.endsWith('$')) { throw new Error('Pattern must start with "^" and end with "$"'); } pattern = pattern.slice(1, -1); const subRuleIds = {}; let i = 0; const length = pattern.length; const getDot = () => { let rule; if (this._dotall) { rule = '[\\U00000000-\\U0010FFFF]'; } else { // Accept any character... except \n and \r line break chars (\x0A and \xOD) rule = '[^\\x0A\\x0D]'; } return this._addRule('dot', rule); }; const toRule = ([s, isLiteral]) => isLiteral ? "\"" + s + "\"" : s; const transform = () => { const start = i; // For each component of this sequence, store its string representation and whether it's a literal. // We only need a flat structure here to apply repetition operators to the last item, and // to merge literals at the and (we're parsing grouped ( sequences ) recursively and don't treat '|' specially // (GBNF's syntax is luckily very close to regular expressions!) const seq = []; const joinSeq = () => { const ret = []; for (const [isLiteral, g] of groupBy(seq, x => x[1])) { if (isLiteral) { ret.push([[...g].map(x => x[0]).join(''), true]); } else { ret.push(...g); } } if (ret.length === 1) { return ret[0]; } return [ret.map(x => toRule(x)).join(' '), false]; }; while (i < length) { const c = pattern[i]; if (c === '.') { seq.push([getDot(), false]); i += 1; } else if (c === '(') { i += 1; if (i < length) { if (pattern[i] === '?') { throw new Error(`Unsupported pattern syntax "${pattern[i]}" at index ${i} of /${pattern}/`); } } seq.push([`(${toRule(transform())})`, false]); } else if (c === ')') { i += 1; if (start <= 0 || pattern[start - 1] !== '(') { throw new Error(`Unbalanced parentheses; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`); } return joinSeq(); } else if (c === '[') { let squareBrackets = c; i += 1; while (i < length && pattern[i] !== ']') { if (pattern[i] === '\\') { squareBrackets += pattern.slice(i, i + 2); i += 2; } else { squareBrackets += pattern[i]; i += 1; } } if (i >= length) { throw new Error(`Unbalanced square brackets; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`); } squareBrackets += ']'; i += 1; seq.push([squareBrackets, false]); } else if (c === '|') { seq.push(['|', false]); i += 1; } else if (c === '*' || c === '+' || c === '?') { seq[seq.length - 1] = [toRule(seq[seq.length - 1]) + c, false]; i += 1; } else if (c === '{') { let curlyBrackets = c; i += 1; while (i < length && pattern[i] !== '}') { curlyBrackets += pattern[i]; i += 1; } if (i >= length) { throw new Error(`Unbalanced curly brackets; start = ${start}, i = ${i}, pattern = ${pattern}`); } curlyBrackets += '}'; i += 1; const nums = curlyBrackets.slice(1, -1).split(',').map(s => s.trim()); let minTimes, maxTimes; if (nums.length === 1) { minTimes = parseInt(nums[0], 10); maxTimes = minTimes; } else { if (nums.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Invalid quantifier ${curlyBrackets}`); } minTimes = nums[0] ? parseInt(nums[0], 10) : 0; maxTimes = nums[1] ? parseInt(nums[1], 10) : Infinity; } let [sub, subIsLiteral] = seq[seq.length - 1]; if (!subIsLiteral) { let id = subRuleIds[sub]; if (id === undefined) { id = this._addRule(`${name}-${Object.keys(subRuleIds).length + 1}`, sub); subRuleIds[sub] = id; } sub = id; } seq[seq.length - 1] = [ _buildRepetition(subIsLiteral ? `"${sub}"` : sub, minTimes, maxTimes, {itemRuleIsLiteral: subIsLiteral}), false ]; } else { let literal = ''; while (i < length) { if (pattern[i] === '\\' && i < length - 1) { const next = pattern[i + 1]; if (ESCAPED_IN_REGEXPS_BUT_NOT_IN_LITERALS.has(next)) { i += 1; literal += pattern[i]; i += 1; } else { literal += pattern.slice(i, i + 2); i += 2; } } else if (pattern[i] === '"') { literal += '\\"'; i += 1; } else if (!NON_LITERAL_SET.has(pattern[i]) && (i === length - 1 || literal === '' || pattern[i + 1] === '.' || !NON_LITERAL_SET.has(pattern[i+1]))) { literal += pattern[i]; i += 1; } else { break; } } if (literal !== '') { seq.push([literal, true]); } } } return joinSeq(); }; return this._addRule(name, "\"\\\"\" " + toRule(transform()) + " \"\\\"\" space") } _resolveRef(ref) { let refName = ref.split('/').pop(); if (!(refName in this._rules) && !this._refsBeingResolved.has(ref)) { this._refsBeingResolved.add(ref); const resolved = this._refs[ref]; refName = this.visit(resolved, refName); this._refsBeingResolved.delete(ref); } return refName; } _generateConstantRule(value) { return this._formatLiteral(JSON.stringify(value)); } visit(schema, name) { const schemaType = schema.type; const schemaFormat = schema.format; const ruleName = name in RESERVED_NAMES ? name + '-' : name == '' ? 'root' : name; const ref = schema.$ref; if (ref !== undefined) { return this._addRule(ruleName, this._resolveRef(ref)); } else if (schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf) { return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateUnionRule(name, schema.oneOf || schema.anyOf)); } else if (Array.isArray(schemaType)) { return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateUnionRule(name, schemaType.map(t => ({ type: t })))); } else if ('const' in schema) { return this._addRule(ruleName, this._generateConstantRule(schema.const)); } else if ('enum' in schema) { const rule = schema.enum.map(v => this._generateConstantRule(v)).join(' | '); return this._addRule(ruleName, rule); } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'object') && ('properties' in schema || ('additionalProperties' in schema && schema.additionalProperties !== true))) { const required = new Set(schema.required || []); const properties = Object.entries(schema.properties ?? {}); return this._addRule(ruleName, this._buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, schema.additionalProperties)); } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'object') && 'allOf' in schema) { const required = new Set(); const properties = []; const addComponent = (compSchema, isRequired) => { const ref = compSchema.$ref; if (ref !== undefined) { compSchema = this._refs[ref]; } if ('properties' in compSchema) { for (const [propName, propSchema] of Object.entries(compSchema.properties)) { properties.push([propName, propSchema]); if (isRequired) { required.add(propName); } } } }; for (const t of schema.allOf) { if ('anyOf' in t) { for (const tt of t.anyOf) { addComponent(tt, false); } } else { addComponent(t, true); } } return this._addRule(ruleName, this._buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, /* additionalProperties= */ false)); } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'array') && ('items' in schema || 'prefixItems' in schema)) { const items = schema.items ?? schema.prefixItems; if (Array.isArray(items)) { return this._addRule( ruleName, '"[" space ' + items.map((item, i) => this.visit(item, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}tuple-${i}`)).join(' "," space ') + ' "]" space' ); } else { const itemRuleName = this.visit(items, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}item`); const minItems = schema.minItems || 0; const maxItems = schema.maxItems; return this._addRule(ruleName, '"[" space ' + _buildRepetition(itemRuleName, minItems, maxItems, {separatorRule: '"," space'}) + ' "]" space'); } } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && 'pattern' in schema) { return this._visitPattern(schema.pattern, ruleName); } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && /^uuid[1-5]?$/.test(schema.format || '')) { return this._addPrimitive( ruleName === 'root' ? 'root' : schemaFormat, PRIMITIVE_RULES['uuid'] ); } else if ((schemaType === undefined || schemaType === 'string') && `${schema.format}-string` in STRING_FORMAT_RULES) { const primName = `${schema.format}-string` return this._addRule(ruleName, this._addPrimitive(primName, STRING_FORMAT_RULES[primName])); } else if (schemaType === 'string' && ('minLength' in schema || 'maxLength' in schema)) { const charRuleName = this._addPrimitive('char', PRIMITIVE_RULES['char']); const minLen = schema.minLength || 0; const maxLen = schema.maxLength; return this._addRule(ruleName, '"\\\"" ' + _buildRepetition(charRuleName, minLen, maxLen) + ' "\\\"" space'); } else if (schemaType === 'integer' && ('minimum' in schema || 'exclusiveMinimum' in schema || 'maximum' in schema || 'exclusiveMaximum' in schema)) { let minValue = null; let maxValue = null; if ('minimum' in schema) { minValue = schema.minimum; } else if ('exclusiveMinimum' in schema) { minValue = schema.exclusiveMinimum + 1; } if ('maximum' in schema) { maxValue = schema.maximum; } else if ('exclusiveMaximum' in schema) { maxValue = schema.exclusiveMaximum - 1; } const out = ["("]; _generateMinMaxInt(minValue, maxValue, out); out.push(") space"); return this._addRule(ruleName, out.join('')); } else if ((schemaType === 'object') || (Object.keys(schema).length === 0)) { return this._addRule(ruleName, this._addPrimitive('object', PRIMITIVE_RULES['object'])); } else { if (!(schemaType in PRIMITIVE_RULES)) { throw new Error(`Unrecognized schema: ${JSON.stringify(schema)}`); } // TODO: support minimum, maximum, exclusiveMinimum, exclusiveMaximum at least for zero return this._addPrimitive(ruleName === 'root' ? 'root' : schemaType, PRIMITIVE_RULES[schemaType]); } } _addPrimitive(name, rule) { let n = this._addRule(name, rule.content); for (const dep of rule.deps) { const depRule = PRIMITIVE_RULES[dep] || STRING_FORMAT_RULES[dep]; if (!depRule) { throw new Error(`Rule ${dep} not known`); } if (!(dep in this._rules)) { this._addPrimitive(dep, depRule); } } return n; } _buildObjectRule(properties, required, name, additionalProperties) { const propOrder = this._propOrder; // sort by position in prop_order (if specified) then by original order const sortedProps = properties.map(([k]) => k).sort((a, b) => { const orderA = propOrder[a] || Infinity; const orderB = propOrder[b] || Infinity; return orderA - orderB || properties.findIndex(([k]) => k === a) - properties.findIndex(([k]) => k === b); }); const propKvRuleNames = {}; for (const [propName, propSchema] of properties) { const propRuleName = this.visit(propSchema, `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${propName}`); propKvRuleNames[propName] = this._addRule( `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${propName}-kv`, `${this._formatLiteral(JSON.stringify(propName))} space ":" space ${propRuleName}` ); } const requiredProps = sortedProps.filter(k => required.has(k)); const optionalProps = sortedProps.filter(k => !required.has(k)); if (typeof additionalProperties === 'object' || additionalProperties === true) { const subName = `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}additional`; const valueRule = this.visit(additionalProperties === true ? {} : additionalProperties, `${subName}-value`); propKvRuleNames['*'] = this._addRule( `${subName}-kv`, `${this._addPrimitive('string', PRIMITIVE_RULES['string'])} ":" space ${valueRule}`); optionalProps.push('*'); } let rule = '"{" space '; rule += requiredProps.map(k => propKvRuleNames[k]).join(' "," space '); if (optionalProps.length > 0) { rule += ' ('; if (requiredProps.length > 0) { rule += ' "," space ( '; } const getRecursiveRefs = (ks, firstIsOptional) => { const [k, ...rest] = ks; const kvRuleName = propKvRuleNames[k]; let res; if (k === '*') { res = this._addRule( `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}additional-kvs`, `${kvRuleName} ( "," space ` + kvRuleName + ` )*` ) } else if (firstIsOptional) { res = `( "," space ${kvRuleName} )?`; } else { res = kvRuleName; } if (rest.length > 0) { res += ' ' + this._addRule( `${name ?? ''}${name ? '-' : ''}${k}-rest`, getRecursiveRefs(rest, true) ); } return res; }; rule += optionalProps.map((_, i) => getRecursiveRefs(optionalProps.slice(i), false)).join(' | '); if (requiredProps.length > 0) { rule += ' )'; } rule += ' )?'; } rule += ' "}" space'; return rule; } formatGrammar() { let grammar = ''; for (const [name, rule] of Object.entries(this._rules).sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))) { grammar += `${name} ::= ${rule}\n`; } return grammar; } } // Helper function to group elements by a key function function* groupBy(iterable, keyFn) { let lastKey = null; let group = []; for (const element of iterable) { const key = keyFn(element); if (lastKey !== null && key !== lastKey) { yield [lastKey, group]; group = []; } group.push(element); lastKey = key; } if (group.length > 0) { yield [lastKey, group]; } }