#!/bin/bash # # ./examples/ts-type-to-grammar.sh "{a:string,b:string,c?:string}" # python examples/json_schema_to_grammar.py https://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig.json # set -euo pipefail readonly type="$1" # Create a temporary directory TMPDIR="" trap 'rm -fR "$TMPDIR"' EXIT TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) DTS_FILE="$TMPDIR/type.d.ts" SCHEMA_FILE="$TMPDIR/schema.json" echo "export type MyType = $type" > "$DTS_FILE" # This is a fork of typescript-json-schema, actively maintained as of March 2024: # https://github.com/vega/ts-json-schema-generator npx ts-json-schema-generator --unstable --no-top-ref --path "$DTS_FILE" --type MyType -e none > "$SCHEMA_FILE" # Alternative, not actively maintained as of March 2024: # https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema # npx typescript-json-schema --defaultProps --required "$DTS_FILE" MyType | tee "$SCHEMA_FILE" >&2 ./examples/json_schema_to_grammar.py "$SCHEMA_FILE"