mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 06:14:35 +00:00
Its FFN size is 5460 which is not convenient. The offending tensors are kept in F16, which makes the final model 5.01 bpw.
176 lines
5.9 KiB
176 lines
5.9 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Sequence
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike
from .constants import GGML_QUANT_SIZES, GGMLQuantizationType
from .lazy import LazyNumpyTensor
import numpy as np
def quant_shape_to_byte_shape(shape: Sequence[int], quant_type: GGMLQuantizationType):
block_size, type_size = GGML_QUANT_SIZES[quant_type]
if shape[-1] % block_size != 0:
raise ValueError(f"Quantized tensor row size ({shape[-1]}) is not a multiple of {quant_type.name} block size ({block_size})")
return (*shape[:-1], shape[-1] // block_size * type_size)
def quant_shape_from_byte_shape(shape: Sequence[int], quant_type: GGMLQuantizationType):
block_size, type_size = GGML_QUANT_SIZES[quant_type]
if shape[-1] % type_size != 0:
raise ValueError(f"Quantized tensor bytes per row ({shape[-1]}) is not a multiple of {quant_type.name} type size ({type_size})")
return (*shape[:-1], shape[-1] // type_size * block_size)
# same as ggml_compute_fp32_to_bf16 in ggml-impl.h
def __compute_fp32_to_bf16(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
n = n.astype(np.float32, copy=False).view(np.int32)
# force nan to quiet
n = np.where((n & 0x7fffffff) > 0x7f800000, (n & 0xffff0000) | (64 << 16), n)
# flush subnormals to zero
n = np.where((n & 0x7f800000) == 0, n & 0x80000000, n)
# round to nearest even
n = (n + (0x7fff + ((n >> 16) & 1))) >> 16
return n.astype(np.int16)
# This is faster than np.vectorize and np.apply_along_axis because it works on more than one row at a time
def __apply_over_grouped_rows(func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], arr: np.ndarray, otype: DTypeLike, oshape: tuple[int, ...]) -> np.ndarray:
rows = arr.reshape((-1, arr.shape[-1]))
osize = 1
for dim in oshape:
osize *= dim
out = np.empty(shape=osize, dtype=otype)
# compute over groups of 16 rows (arbitrary, but seems good for performance)
n_groups = rows.shape[0] // 16
np.concatenate([func(group).ravel() for group in np.array_split(rows, n_groups)], axis=0, out=out)
return out.reshape(oshape)
def __quantize_bf16_array(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return __apply_over_grouped_rows(__compute_fp32_to_bf16, arr=n, otype=np.int16, oshape=n.shape)
__quantize_bf16_lazy = LazyNumpyTensor._wrap_fn(__quantize_bf16_array, meta_noop=np.int16)
def quantize_bf16(n: np.ndarray):
if type(n) is LazyNumpyTensor:
return __quantize_bf16_lazy(n)
return __quantize_bf16_array(n)
__q8_block_size, __q8_type_size = GGML_QUANT_SIZES[GGMLQuantizationType.Q8_0]
def can_quantize_to_q8_0(n: np.ndarray) -> bool:
return n.shape[-1] % __q8_block_size == 0
# round away from zero
# ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59143326/22827863
def np_roundf(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
a = abs(n)
floored = np.floor(a)
b = floored + np.floor(2 * (a - floored))
return np.sign(n) * b
def __quantize_q8_0_shape_change(s: tuple[int, ...]) -> tuple[int, ...]:
return (*s[:-1], s[-1] // __q8_block_size * __q8_type_size)
# Implementation of Q8_0 with bit-exact same results as reference implementation in ggml-quants.c
def __quantize_q8_0_rows(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
shape = n.shape
assert shape[-1] % __q8_block_size == 0
n_blocks = n.size // __q8_block_size
blocks = n.reshape((n_blocks, __q8_block_size)).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
d = abs(blocks).max(axis=1, keepdims=True) / 127
with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
id = np.where(d == 0, 0, 1 / d)
qs = np_roundf(blocks * id)
# (n_blocks, 2)
d = d.astype(np.float16).view(np.uint8)
# (n_blocks, block_size)
qs = qs.astype(np.int8).view(np.uint8)
assert d.shape[1] + qs.shape[1] == __q8_type_size
return np.concatenate([d, qs], axis=1).reshape(__quantize_q8_0_shape_change(shape))
def __quantize_q8_0_array(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return __apply_over_grouped_rows(__quantize_q8_0_rows, arr=n, otype=np.uint8, oshape=__quantize_q8_0_shape_change(n.shape))
__quantize_q8_0_lazy = LazyNumpyTensor._wrap_fn(
meta_noop=(np.uint8, __quantize_q8_0_shape_change),
def quantize_q8_0(data: np.ndarray):
if type(data) is LazyNumpyTensor:
return __quantize_q8_0_lazy(data)
return __quantize_q8_0_array(data)
__q1_3_block_size, __q1_3_type_size = GGML_QUANT_SIZES[GGMLQuantizationType.Q1_3]
def can_quantize_to_q1_3(n: np.ndarray) -> bool:
return n.shape[-1] % __q1_3_block_size == 0
def __quantize_q1_3_shape_change(s: tuple[int, ...]) -> tuple[int, ...]:
return (*s[:-1], s[-1] // __q1_3_block_size * __q1_3_type_size)
def __quantize_q1_3_rows(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
shape = n.shape
assert shape[-1] % __q1_3_block_size == 0
n_blocks = n.size // __q1_3_block_size
blocks = n.reshape((n_blocks, __q1_3_block_size)).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
# assuming the weights are pre-scaled
blocks = (np.sign(blocks).astype(np.int8) + 1).view(np.uint8)
q48, rest = np.hsplit(blocks, (48,))
q12, q4 = np.hsplit(rest, (12,))
pow3 = np.array([1, 3, 9, 27])
q48 = q48.reshape((n_blocks, 12, 4))
q48 = np.sum(q48 * pow3.reshape((1, 1, 4)), axis=2, keepdims=True).reshape((n_blocks, 12))
q4 = np.sum(q4 * pow3.reshape((1, 4)), axis=1, keepdims=True)
q48 = q48 + (q12 * 81)
q = np.concatenate([q48, q4], axis=1)
q = (((q.astype(np.uint16) * 256) + (243 - 1)) // 243).astype(np.uint8)
return q.reshape(__quantize_q1_3_shape_change(shape))
def __quantize_q1_3_array(n: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return __apply_over_grouped_rows(__quantize_q1_3_rows, arr=n, otype=np.uint8, oshape=__quantize_q1_3_shape_change(n.shape))
__quantize_q1_3_lazy = LazyNumpyTensor._wrap_fn(
meta_noop=(np.uint8, __quantize_q1_3_shape_change),
def quantize_q1_3(data: np.ndarray):
if type(data) is LazyNumpyTensor:
return __quantize_q1_3_lazy(data)
return __quantize_q1_3_array(data)