Brian a2ac89d6ef
convert.py : add python logging instead of print() (#6511)
* convert.py: add python logging instead of print()

* convert.py: verbose flag takes priority over dump flag log suppression

* convert.py: named instance logging

* convert.py: use explicit logger id string

* convert.py: convert extra print() to named logger

* convert.py: sys.stderr.write --> logger.error

* *.py: Convert all python scripts to use logging module

* requirements.txt: remove extra line

* flake8: update flake8 ignore and exclude to match ci settings

* gh-actions: add flake8-no-print to flake8 lint step

* pre-commit: add flake8-no-print to flake8 and also update pre-commit version

* convert-hf-to-gguf.py: print() to logger conversion

* *.py: logging basiconfig refactor to use conditional expression

* *.py: removed commented out logging

* fixup! *.py: logging basiconfig refactor to use conditional expression

* constant.py: logger.error then exit should be a raise exception instead

* *.py: Convert logger error and sys.exit() into a raise exception (for atypical error)

* gguf-convert-endian.py: refactor convert_byteorder() to use tqdm progressbar

* verify-checksum-model.py: This is the result of the program, it should be printed to stdout.

* compare-llama-bench.py: add blank line for readability during missing repo response

* reader.py: read_gguf_file() use print() over logging

* convert.py: warning goes to stderr and won't hurt the dump output

* gguf-dump.py: dump_metadata() should print to stdout

* convert-hf-to-gguf.py: print --> logger.debug or ValueError()

* verify-checksum-models.py: use print() for printing table

* *.py: refactor logging.basicConfig()

* gguf-py/gguf/*.py: use __name__ as logger name

Since they will be imported and not run directly.

* python-lint.yml: use .flake8 file instead

* constants.py: logger no longer required

* convert-hf-to-gguf.py: add additional logging

* convert-hf-to-gguf.py: print() --> logger

* *.py: fix flake8 warnings

* revert changes to convert-hf-to-gguf.py for get_name()

* convert-hf-to-gguf-update.py: use triple quoted f-string instead

* *.py: accidentally corrected the wrong line

* *.py: add compilade warning suggestions and style fixes
2024-05-03 22:36:41 +03:00

150 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import json
import os
import struct
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Sequence
import numpy as np
import torch
if 'NO_LOCAL_GGUF' not in os.environ:
sys.path.insert(1, str(Path(__file__).parent / 'gguf-py' / 'gguf'))
import gguf
logger = logging.getLogger("lora-to-gguf")
NUMPY_TYPE_TO_FTYPE: dict[str, int] = {"float32": 0, "float16": 1}
def write_file_header(fout: BinaryIO, params: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
fout.write(b"ggla"[::-1]) # magic (ggml lora)
fout.write(struct.pack("i", 1)) # file version
fout.write(struct.pack("i", params["r"]))
# https://opendelta.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/deltas.html says that `lora_alpha` is an int
# but some models ship a float value instead
# let's convert to int, but fail if lossless conversion is not possible
assert (
int(params["lora_alpha"]) == params["lora_alpha"]
), "cannot convert float to int losslessly"
fout.write(struct.pack("i", int(params["lora_alpha"])))
def write_tensor_header(fout: BinaryIO, name: str, shape: Sequence[int], data_type: np.dtype[Any]) -> None:
sname = name.encode("utf-8")
fout.write(struct.pack("i" * len(shape), *shape[::-1]))
fout.seek((fout.tell() + 31) & -32)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
logger.info(f"Usage: python {sys.argv[0]} <path> [arch]")
logger.info("Path must contain HuggingFace PEFT LoRA files 'adapter_config.json' and 'adapter_model.bin'")
logger.info(f"Arch must be one of {list(gguf.MODEL_ARCH_NAMES.values())} (default: llama)")
input_json = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "adapter_config.json")
input_model = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "adapter_model.bin")
output_path = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "ggml-adapter-model.bin")
if os.path.exists(input_model):
model = torch.load(input_model, map_location="cpu")
input_model = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "adapter_model.safetensors")
# lazy import load_file only if lora is in safetensors format.
from safetensors.torch import load_file
model = load_file(input_model, device="cpu")
arch_name = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else "llama"
if arch_name not in gguf.MODEL_ARCH_NAMES.values():
logger.error(f"Error: unsupported architecture {arch_name}")
arch = list(gguf.MODEL_ARCH_NAMES.keys())[list(gguf.MODEL_ARCH_NAMES.values()).index(arch_name)]
name_map = gguf.TensorNameMap(arch, 200) # 200 layers ought to be enough for anyone
with open(input_json, "r") as f:
params = json.load(f)
if params["peft_type"] != "LORA":
logger.error(f"Error: unsupported adapter type {params['peft_type']}, expected LORA")
if params["fan_in_fan_out"] is True:
logger.error("Error: param fan_in_fan_out is not supported")
if params["bias"] is not None and params["bias"] != "none":
logger.error("Error: param bias is not supported")
# TODO: these seem to be layers that have been trained but without lora.
# doesn't seem widely used but eventually should be supported
if params["modules_to_save"] is not None and len(params["modules_to_save"]) > 0:
logger.error("Error: param modules_to_save is not supported")
with open(output_path, "wb") as fout:
write_file_header(fout, params)
for k, v in model.items():
orig_k = k
if k.endswith(".default.weight"):
k = k.replace(".default.weight", ".weight")
if k in ["llama_proj.weight", "llama_proj.bias"]:
if k.endswith("lora_A.weight"):
if v.dtype != torch.float16 and v.dtype != torch.float32:
v = v.float()
v = v.T
v = v.float()
t = v.detach().numpy()
prefix = "base_model.model."
if k.startswith(prefix):
k = k[len(prefix) :]
lora_suffixes = (".lora_A.weight", ".lora_B.weight")
if k.endswith(lora_suffixes):
suffix = k[-len(lora_suffixes[0]):]
k = k[: -len(lora_suffixes[0])]
logger.error(f"Error: unrecognized tensor name {orig_k}")
tname = name_map.get_name(k)
if tname is None:
logger.error(f"Error: could not map tensor name {orig_k}")
logger.error(" Note: the arch parameter must be specified if the model is not llama")
if suffix == ".lora_A.weight":
tname += ".weight.loraA"
elif suffix == ".lora_B.weight":
tname += ".weight.loraB"
assert False
logger.info(f"{k} => {tname} {t.shape} {t.dtype} {t.nbytes/1024/1024:.2f}MB")
write_tensor_header(fout, tname, t.shape, t.dtype)
logger.info(f"Converted {input_json} and {input_model} to {output_path}")