Jan Ploski f5f9121de1
llm : add MPT support (#3417)
* CUDA: added support for ggml_clamp (see also: https://github.com/ggerganov/ggml/issues/545)

* mpt : added an implementation based (mostly) on falcon integration, modified with deltas from ggml/examples/mpt

* mpt : protect against "clip_qkv": null in mpt-7b

* mpt : quick fix to avoid "Strange model" warning when quantizing MPT models

* mpt : addendum to changeset:84e30e8 - leave parameter clamp_kqv out from metadata rather than use 0.0 to indicate "no clamping" (more compliant with the current GGUF spec?)

* mpt : standardized all tensor names to follow GGUF spec

* mpt : addendum to changeset:1be89c40 - use "req" parameter of GGUF_GET_KEY macro instead of duplicate code

* mpt : fixed comment s/gptneox/mpt/

* mpt : remove tabs, trailing whitespace

* mpt : removed ne01 + n_past == ne00 assertion from alibi (cuda/f32) and rope_shift from build_mpt

* mpt : updated convert-mpt-hf-to-gguf.py to reflect changes made to convert-gptneox-hf-to-gguf.py in pr:3252

* comment out n_past instead of marking it unused

* mpt : removed hardcoded +178 from convert script in favor of utilizing hparams["vocab_size"]

* mpt : remove unused tokenizer_json in convert script

* ggml : remove obsolete n_past assert in ggml_alibi

* llama : print clam_kqv and max_alibi_bias hparams


Co-authored-by: Cebtenzzre <cebtenzzre@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Georgi Gerganov <ggerganov@gmail.com>
2023-10-10 10:50:23 +03:00

217 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# HF mpt--> gguf conversion
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import json
import os
import struct
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer # type: ignore[import]
if 'NO_LOCAL_GGUF' not in os.environ:
sys.path.insert(1, str(Path(__file__).parent / 'gguf-py' / 'gguf'))
import gguf
def count_model_parts(dir_model: Path) -> int:
num_parts = 0
for filename in os.listdir(dir_model):
if filename.startswith("pytorch_model-"):
num_parts += 1
if num_parts > 0:
print("gguf: found " + str(num_parts) + " model parts")
return num_parts
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert an MPT model to a GGML compatible file")
"--vocab-only", action="store_true",
help="extract only the vocab",
"--outfile", type=Path,
help="path to write to; default: based on input",
"model", type=Path,
help="directory containing model file, or model file itself (*.bin)",
"ftype", type=int, choices=[0, 1], default=1, nargs='?',
help="output format - use 0 for float32, 1 for float16",
return parser.parse_args()
args = parse_args()
dir_model = args.model
ftype = args.ftype
if not dir_model.is_dir():
print(f'Error: {args.model} is not a directory', file = sys.stderr)
# possible tensor data types
# ftype == 0 -> float32
# ftype == 1 -> float16
# map from ftype to string
ftype_str = ["f32", "f16"]
if args.outfile is not None:
fname_out = args.outfile
# output in the same directory as the model by default
fname_out = dir_model / f'ggml-model-{ftype_str[ftype]}.gguf'
print("gguf: loading model "+dir_model.name)
with open(dir_model / "config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
hparams = json.load(f)
if hparams["architectures"][0] != "MPTForCausalLM":
print("Model architecture not supported: " + hparams["architectures"][0])
# get number of model parts
num_parts = count_model_parts(dir_model)
gguf_writer = gguf.GGUFWriter(fname_out, gguf.MODEL_ARCH_NAMES[ARCH])
print("gguf: get model metadata")
block_count = hparams["n_layers"]
gguf_writer.add_feed_forward_length(4 * hparams["d_model"])
if hparams["attn_config"]["clip_qkv"] is not None:
print("gguf: get tokenizer metadata")
tokens: list[bytearray] = []
scores: list[float] = []
toktypes: list[int] = []
# gpt2 tokenizer
print("gguf: get gpt2 tokenizer vocab")
# MPT token embedding tensors have dimension 50432 (hparams["vocab_size"]), but
# there are only 50254 (len(tokenizer.vocab)) tokens in the vocab, presumably to
# accomodate some "reserved" tokens; this is causing problems down the line in
# llama.cpp, so we pad the vocab with dummy tokens:
vocab_size = hparams["vocab_size"]
# ref: https://github.com/cmp-nct/ggllm.cpp/blob/master/falcon_convert.py
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(dir_model)
reverse_vocab = {id: encoded_tok for encoded_tok, id in tokenizer.vocab.items()}
for i in range(vocab_size):
tokens.append(reverse_vocab[i] if i in reverse_vocab else f"[PAD{i}]")
scores.append(0.0) # dummy
special_vocab = gguf.SpecialVocab(dir_model, load_merges = True)
tensor_map = gguf.get_tensor_name_map(ARCH,block_count)
# tensor info
print("gguf: get tensor metadata")
if num_parts == 0:
part_names = iter(("pytorch_model.bin",))
part_names = (
f"pytorch_model-{n:05}-of-{num_parts:05}.bin" for n in range(1, num_parts + 1)
for part_name in part_names:
if args.vocab_only:
print("gguf: loading model part '" + part_name + "'")
model_part = torch.load(f"{dir_model}/{part_name}", map_location="cpu")
for name in model_part.keys():
data = model_part[name]
old_dtype = data.dtype
# convert any unsupported data types to float32
if data.dtype != torch.float16 and data.dtype != torch.float32:
data = data.to(torch.float32)
data = data.squeeze().numpy()
# map tensor names
new_name = tensor_map.get_name(name, try_suffixes = (".weight", ".bias"))
if new_name is None:
print("Cannot map tensor '" + name + "'")
continue # for the sake of compatibility with some old published models, don't quit
n_dims = len(data.shape)
data_dtype = data.dtype
# if f32 desired, convert any float16 to float32
if ftype == 0 and data_dtype == np.float16:
data = data.astype(np.float32)
# TODO: Why cant we use these float16 as-is? There should be not reason to store float16 as float32
if ftype == 1 and data_dtype == np.float16 and n_dims == 1:
data = data.astype(np.float32)
# if f16 desired, convert any float32 2-dim weight tensors to float16
if ftype == 1 and data_dtype == np.float32 and name.endswith(".weight") and n_dims == 2:
data = data.astype(np.float16)
print(new_name + ", n_dims = " + str(n_dims) + ", " + str(old_dtype) + " --> " + str(data.dtype))
gguf_writer.add_tensor(new_name, data)
# note: MPT output is tied to (same as) wte in original model;
# for easier implementation in llama.cpp it's duplicated in GGUF, though :/
if new_name == "token_embd.weight":
gguf_writer.add_tensor("output.weight", data)
print("gguf: write header")
print("gguf: write metadata")
if not args.vocab_only:
print("gguf: write tensors")
print(f"gguf: model successfully exported to '{fname_out}'")