turtle-wow-source-kinda/Dumps/Source Code/8 - Development_website/master/database/dynamic_content/sections.sql

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2024-08-06 16:06:40 +00:00
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home1 title", "home", "home1.title", "", "MYSTERIES OF AZEROTH", "艾泽拉斯之谜", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home1 text", "home", "home1.text", "", "Mysteries of Azeroth — is a fan-made expansion story for World of Warcraft Vanilla that delves deeper into exploring the original lore of the game. This expansion aims to take a different path from the Burning Crusade,
the familiar Azeroth of Vanilla WoW over the cosmic battle with the Burning Legion. While being
heavily based on the lore from Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW, Mysteries of Azeroth seeks to enhance
game by adding content that matches the already well-established lore of Warcraft
Get ready for a brand-new adventure that will take you on a journey around Azeroth in a new
story tailored to provide never-before-experienced adventures.", "怀怀3怀<BR><BR>
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box1 title1", "home", "home2.box1.title.1", "", "NEW PLAYABLE RACES", "全新的种族", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box1 title2", "home", "home2.box1.title.2", "", "GOBLINS & HIGH ELVES", "地精 & 高等精灵", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box1 text", "home", "home2.box1.text", "", "In addition to new dungeons, raids, and zones, the expansion also features two new
races. A
group of greedy Goblins splits off from the Venture Company to join their fellow
outcasts in the
Horde, and High Elf refugees from the fall of Quel\'Thalas lend their magical talents to
the Alliance.", ",..", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box2 title1", "home", "home2.box2.title.1", "", "Existing content", "现有内容", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box2 title2", "home", "home2.box2.title.2", "", "stays relevant!", "与时俱进!", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 box2 text", "home", "home2.box2.text", "", "We don\'t want to devalue the existing content of Vanilla WoW. Instead, new content from this
will run in parallel to existing vanilla wow content, starting at level 10 and running up to level
(which remains the max level)", " 10 60 ", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb1 title1", "home", "home2.sb1.title.1", "", "High Elves<br>of the Alliance", "高等精灵
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb1 title2", "home", "home2.sb1.title.2", "", "Silvermoon Remnants", "银月城遗迹", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb1 text", "home", "home2.sb1.text", "", "Long ago, the exiled high elves founded the magical kingdom of Quel\'Thalas. Here they
a mystical fount called the Sunwell. For generations, the elves cultivated a prosperous and
powerful country until the shadow of death fell upon them. Scourge attacked Quel\'Thalas and
destroyed the Sunwell, at the same time reducing the population of the High Elves to an
low. Scattered and regretful, the refugees of this once proud race now seek a new place to
home and a way to fill the void inside them, left by the destruction of the Sunwell.", "
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb2 title1", "home", "home2.sb2.title.1", "", "Goblins<Br>of the Horde", "地精
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb2 title2", "home", "home2.sb2.title.2", "", "Durotar Labor Union", "杜隆塔尔工会", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home2 sb2 text", "home", "home2.sb2.text", "", "Shrewd, greedy, and ruthless, goblins have a long-standing reputation for being neutral in
the rest
of the world, despite the Steamwheedle Cartel allying with the Old Horde during the Second
Heroes of goblin society are not bastions of honor or integrity. Instead, goblins tend to
the ruthless acquisition of profit, by any means necessary. Goblins are gifted engineers and
accomplished seafarers but are best known for their unabashed avarice.
<br>", "·
<br>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column1 title1", "home", "home4.column1.title.1", "", "music", "音乐", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column1 title2", "home", "home4.column1.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column1 title3", "home", "home4.column1.title.3", "", "sounds", "音效", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column1 text", "home", "home4.column1.text", "", "Sound design has always been a big part of Warcraft Universe. It helped bring players closer
to the
stories this world had to offer and enhanced the experience its players had. For that
reason, we
aim to keep up with this tradition and provide our players with excellent sound design to
match the
new content we provide.", "
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column2 title1", "home", "home4.column2.title.1", "", "lore", "传统", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column2 title2", "home", "home4.column2.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column2 title3", "home", "home4.column2.title.3", "", "factions", "阵营", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 columnt2 text", "home", "home4.column2.text", "", "Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or a new one, Mysteries of Azeroth brings with it a
ton of
new content for everyone to enjoy. Journey across Azeroth and encounter numerous new
locations and characters.", " 穿", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column3 title1", "home", "home4.column3.title.1", "", "zones", "地区", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column3 title2", "home", "home4.column3.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column3 title3", "home", "home4.column3.title.3", "", "maps", "地图", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 column3 text", "home", "home4.column3.text", "", "Azeroth is a mysterious, beautiful, and dangerous place. While some of its inhabitants
prefer to stay in the warmth and safety of their cities, others seek glory, knowledge, and
riches still hidden around the world. The new expansion Mysteries of Azeroth brings a ton of
new areas and locations to explore for the eager adventurers.", " 耀
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home4 title1", "home", "home5.title.1", "", "new class & race", "全新职业&种族", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home5 title2", "home", "home5.title.2", "", "combinations", "自由组合", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home5 text", "home", "home5.text", "", "<p>
While beautiful, no one can deny that Azeroth is a dangerous place. To rise above the challenges
face, the heroes of Azeroth found new ways to succeed.
<li>Trained by their other kin the Orcs learned how to wield the arts of the arcane.</li>
<li>Uncovering the lost texts the Dwarvish mages reconnected with their titanic roots.</li>
<li>Armed with the experiences from their past lives, the Forsaken once again seek to improve
hunting and survival skills.
<li>By using their ingenuity, the Gnomes found new ways to surpass other races. With their new
devices, the Gnomish hunters managed to bend even the mightiest of beasts to their will.
</ul>", "<p> </p>
<li> </li>
</ul>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home6 title1", "home", "home6.title.1", "", "New", "全新", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home6 title2", "home", "home6.title.2", "", "Transport", "航线", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home6 text", "home", "home6.text", "", "By creating new transport routes and flight paths, the Horde and Alliance can now access even
the farthest corners of the world. Including those undeservedly forgotten.", "线线 ", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb3 title1", "home", "home7.sb3.title.1", "", "new profession", "新的专业技能", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb3 title2", "home", "home7.sb3.title.2", "", "survival", "生存", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb3 text", "home", "home7.sb3.text", "", "<br>
Ah, the great outdoors! Make yourself at home with a camping tent, warm up with a cozy
campfire and
enjoy fishing on a sturdy fishing boat, with bonuses on top. Collect new seeds from around
world and tend to your own crops and reap the rewards.", "<br>
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb4 title1", "home", "home7.sb4.title.1", "", "Exciting seasonal", "激动人心的季节", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb4 title2", "home", "home7.sb4.title.2", "", "events", "活动事件", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home7 sb4 text", "home", "home7.sb4.text", "", "<br>
Whether you like spending summer days on the beach parties in Tanaris or enjoying cold yet
holidays in Winter Veil Vale, there is always something to do for everyone!", "<br>
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column1 title1", "home", "home8.column1.title.1", "", "items", "新物品", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column1 title2", "home", "home8.column1.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 colum1 title3", "home", "home8.column1.title.3", "", "recipes", "配方", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column1 text", "home", "home8.column1.text", "", "Uncover new treasures and lost recipes scattered around the world, defeat powerful foes or
earn the
favor of different quartermasters to earn their boons.", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column2 title1", "home", "home8.column2.title.1", "", "raids", "副本", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column2 title2", "home", "home8.column2.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column2 title3", "home", "home8.column2.title.3", "", "dungeons", "地下城", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column2 text", "home", "home8.column2.text", "", "From the depths of Karazhan Crypt to the corrupted wilds of Crescent Grove, new foes arise
threaten the world. Only by the combined might of the brave adventures do residents of
stand a chance.", " ", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column3 title1", "home", "home8.column3.title.1", "", "arena", "竞技场", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column3 title2", "home", "home8.column3.title.2", "", "and", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column3 title3", "home", "home8.column3.title.3", "", "battlegrounds", "战场", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home8 column3 text", "home", "home8.column3.text", "", "From the sands of the Blood Ring to the timeless conflicts of Sunnyglade Valley, there are
opportunities to earn fame and glory for your faction.", "耀", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home10 title", "home", "home10.title", "", "Guild Vaults", "公会仓库", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home10 text", "home", "home10.text", "", "Are you tired of stashing away your guild\'s goodies on your alts? By paying a hefty sum of gold,
can unlock the Guild Vault to store all your valuables. And if that is not enough, you can
always pay
extra gold from either the guild vault or your own pockets for additional tabs. Personalize your
by adding icons to the tabs, limiting the number of items you take daily and which guilds ranks
access them.", "西
访", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home11 title1", "home", "home11.title.1", "", "New CHARACTER", "角色外观", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home11 title2", "home", "home11.title.2", "", "CUSTOMIZATIONS", "个性化定制", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home11 text", "home", "home11.text", "", "With new hair colors, skin paints and colors its never been easier to make your character truly
yours.", "", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 column1 title1", "home", "home12.column1.title.1", "", "New Player", "玩家最新的", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 colum1 title2", "home", "home12.column1.title.2", "", "Spells & Talents", "技能法术和天赋", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 column1 text", "home", "home12.column1.text", "", "Old dogs can learn new tricks after all! Discover fresh playstyles and spells to defeat your
experience a number of improved and polished specializations.", " ", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 column2 title1", "home", "home12.column2.title.1", "", "Client interface", "客户端界面", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 column2 title2", "home", "home12.column2.title.2", "", "Improvements", "全面改进", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home12 column2 text", "home", "home12.column2.text", "", "<ul>
<li>Extended Quest Log</li>
<li>XP gain toggle on player\'s portrait</li>
<li>Looking for Players (without teleport) in-built addon</li>
<li>Battleground Finder on the minimap</li>
<br>", "<ul>
<br>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home13 title", "home", "home13.title", "", "New pets & mounts", "新的小宠物和坐骑", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home13 text", "home", "home13.text", "", "From cute critters to valiant steeds and whirring shredders, there are new companions for everyone, now safely stored in your personal pets and mounts tabs found in your spellbook.", "从可爱的动物到英勇的坐骑和嗡嗡作响的粉碎机,每个人都有新的伙伴,现在安全地存储在你的法术书中的个人宠物和坐骑标签中。", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes torta", "home", "teamQuotes.torta.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Torta</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Server Development
Turtle WoW proves that a single Vanilla WoW realm can last throughout the years without
losing the
player\'s interest. We are glad to see that the decision to switch to a horizontal gameplay
ensured that the players could enjoy both the old well-known content and the new one
and helped to connect the generations of players by allowing them to play together. Our team
strives to keep the nostalgia that so many of us have for this game but, at the same time,
in a new life that will match the feeling of the excitement we all had when we first played
it and
make it mysterious once again.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Torta</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
<p>Turtle WoW证明了单一的魔兽香草时代可以持续多年而不会让玩家失去兴趣
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes shang", "home", "teamQuotes.shang.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Shang</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Game Design
Joined the team with a background of noggit experience, and wanted to keep vanilla wow
fundamentals and game design as a pillar. My main goal has always been to reintroduce
and the unknown into old World of Warcraft once again. I sincerely hope players will enjoy
zones, dungeons, areas, quests, and mysteries added into the game.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Shang</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes druair", "home", "teamQuotes.druair.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Druair</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Music & Sound Design
Exploring Azeroth has been a huge and meaningful experience to me since the days of Warcraft
and music has played a special part in it. It\'s a key element of creating that immersive
of wonder and adventure. I\'m honored to be able to share my passion, skills and experience
with the
Turtle WoW community, and I hope my musical work can help evoke the immersion which I enjoy
so much.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Druair</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
III Turtle
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes charles l", "home", "teamQuotes.charles.l.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Charles L</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Music & Sound Design
The community that Turtle WoW fosters is one of teamwork, passion, and care that is almost
unprecedented in other games past and present. I\'m thankful to be working with such
people and extremely humbled by their willingness to let me express myself in my voicework.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Charles L</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Turtle WoW 怀
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes gheor", "home", "teamQuotes.gheor.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Gheor</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Story & Quests
World building and lore has always been my focus. The world must feel alive, the timeline
feel stagnate! We\'ve lived in this world for several years and one of my dreams was to go
back to
the roots of it and experience it all over again but in a different way and I am sure so do
all of
you. Come for the nostalgia, stay for the untold story! This is where we stand, this is who
we are,
welcome home.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Gheor</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes kazgrim", "home", "teamQuotes.kazgrim.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Kazgrim</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Client Development
Hi, Im Kazgrim, a community volunteer that works mainly with client modifications. Ive
heavily on giving high elves and goblins their uniqueness as playable races, and have worked
on a
plethora of other character customizations for the base races. Youll find some of my custom
and helmets throughout the game, all inspired by Blizzards unused game assets. Ive always
to take what Blizzard made unusable for players, and make it available for players. I hope
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Kazgrim</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
使 使西使西
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotest rile", "home", "teamQuotes.rile.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Rile</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Story & Quests
Warcraft universe became part of my life when I first encountered Tides of Darkness. Once I
out more about Turtle WoW and what this team is trying to achieve, I immediately got an urge
offer my writing experience to assist them in creating new content that fans of this
franchise will
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Rile</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Turtle WoW以及这个团队正在努力实现的目标后
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes george kouroupakis", "home", "teamQuotes.george.kouroupakis.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">George Kouroupakis</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Music & Sound Design
I am glad I have the chance to be part of this community and also part of this passionate
Always had a more appreciation for Vanilla WoW than the other expansions and still believe
music in
the old-school era was at its best. Hope with my work I succeed travel you back to the
music era as a continuity of its own form. See you in Azeroth!
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">George Kouroupakis</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("teamQuotes tamamo", "home", "teamQuotes.tamamo.text", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Tamamo</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
Story & Quests
I grew up with World of Warcraft, my first experience was with the trial shortly after
Warcraft 3. To have you be a part of that world and see the story unfold around you was
amazing. On
my birthday TBC came out, and that is when I got a subscription. I joined private servers
on roleplay to increase the immersion and there I learned the skills necessary to mod the
Since then I have been committed to ensuring the lore stays true to Warcraft 3 and to the
material at the time, while also ensuring we get new content added that stays true to the
spirit of
Vanilla WoW.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Tamamo</h3>
<p class=\"tDate\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team title", "home", "team.title", "", "Team & Credits", "团队成员展示", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team text", "home", "team.text", "", "Turtle WoW consists of a passionate and talented contributors working around the clock to provide the
possible content for our community.", "Turtle WoW由充满热情和才华横溢的贡献者组成", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits row1", "home", "team.credits.row1", "", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon crown\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Narrative Team</h3>
<p>Shang Testiramo</p>
<p>Gheor Tamamo</p>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon wrench\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Server Development</h3>
<p>Jamey Torta</p>
<p>Brotalnia Pompa</p>
<p>Dormilon Letic</p>
<p>Giperion Gurky</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon cog\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Client Development</h3>
<p>Haaxor Xerron </p>
<p>Nick Coldstar Thimz</p>
<p>Dragunovi Moon</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">3D Modelling</h3>
<p>Werdun Soft</p>
<p>Mattew Kamoodle</p>
<p>Tonky cpt_alex</p>
<p>Godfarther Regrowth</p>
</div>", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon crown\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Shang Testiramo</p>
<p>Gheor Tamamo</p>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon wrench\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Jamey Torta</p>
<p>Brotalnia Pompa</p>
<p>Dormilon Letic</p>
<p>Giperion Gurky</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon cog\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Haaxor Xerron </p>
<p>Nick Coldstar Thimz</p>
<p>Dragunovi Moon</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">3D建模团队</h3>
<p>Werdun Soft</p>
<p>Mattew Kamoodle</p>
<p>Tonky cpt_alex</p>
<p>Godfarther Regrowth</p>
</div>", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits row2", "home", "team.credits.row2", "", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Quality Assurance</h3>
<p>Gurky Bohri</p>
<p>Goblin Boy</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Music & Sound Design</h3>
<p>George Kouroupakis József Kiss</p>
<p>Gabriel Contreras Ivan Nikolić</p>
<p>Parhaus Sauli Pulkkinen</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Trailers & Graphic Design</h3>
<p>Willberg Irim Xecc</p>
<p>Evgeniy Moiseev Rennz</p>
<p>Damian TzuguMMoMo</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Community Support</h3>
<p>Happyhorror Vanth Akalix</p>
<p>Agreeable Ana-Mouz Cherry Pie</p>
<p>Evilmike Gordon Gurky</p>
<p>Glitter Juwu Liovin</p>
<p>Pippiz Saelas Shiromare</p>
<p>Sneaky Stagolee </p>
</div>", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Gurky Bohri</p>
<p>Goblin Boy</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>George Kouroupakis József Kiss</p>
<p>Gabriel Contreras Ivan Nikolić</p>
<p>Parhaus Sauli Pulkkinen</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Willberg Irim Xecc</p>
<p>Evgeniy Moiseev Rennz</p>
<p>Damian TzuguMMoMo</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Happyhorror Vanth Akalix</p>
<p>Agreeable Ana-Mouz Cherry Pie</p>
<p>Evilmike Gordon Gurky</p>
<p>Glitter Juwu Liovin</p>
<p>Pippiz Saelas Shiromare</p>
<p>Sneaky Stagolee </p>
</div>", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits ro3", "home", "team.credits.row3", "", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon star\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Hardware & SysOps</h3>
<p>Bowser Naravia</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Voice Acting</h3>
<p>Charles Lobaugh</p>
<p>Bougga Gnema Silver</p>
<p>Moonlit Majesty</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Item Design</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Roleplay Support</h3>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
</div>", "<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon star\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Bowser Naravia</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Charles Lobaugh</p>
<p>Bougga Gnema Silver</p>
<p>Moonlit Majesty</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
</div>", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits row4 title", "home", "team.credits.row4.title", "", "Special thanks", "特别鸣谢", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits row4 text", "home", "team.credits.row4.text", "", "Mosey • Zeo • Tinyfin • Kazgrim • Namreeb • Neto • Five • Hallaven • Cocely • Mr.Rosh • Sun •
Giperion Henhouse
Axon Ghost Fiur Mirajho Yurrie Sly Necropola VMaNGOS Team A2 Bengus Shagu
Cranica Tor-Tun Dodgykebaab Bruce Intra Traggyo Wall Glouton Sleambean
And every player who has helped making Turtle WoW feel like a welcoming and homely place for
everyone.", "Mosey Zeo Tinyfin Kazgrim Namreeb Neto Five Hallaven Cocely Mr.Rosh Sun
Giperion Henhouse
Axon Ghost Fiur Mirajho Yurrie Sly Necropola VMaNGOS Team A2 Bengus Shagu
Cranica Tor-Tun Dodgykebaab Bruce Intra Traggyo Wall Glouton Sleambean
And every player who has helped making Turtle WoW feel like a welcoming and homely place for
everyone.", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("footer text", "footer", "footer.text", "", "Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft
of Blizzard Entertainment.
World of Warcraft remains the intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.", " Turtle WoW
", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row1 text", "new-races", "pages.row.1.text", "", "<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">New Races</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
In addition to new dungeons, raids, and zones, the expansion also features two new races. A
group of
greedy Goblins splits off from the Venture Company to join their fellow outcasts in the Horde,
and High Elf refugees from the fall of Quel\'Thalas lends(lend) their magical talents to the
</p>", "<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row2 text", "new-races", "pages.row.2.text", "", "<h3 class=\"text-white\">High Elves of the Alliance</h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Silvermoon Remnants</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Long ago, the exiled high elves founded the magical city of Quel\'Thalas. Here they created a
fount called the Sunwell. Strengthened by its magic, the High Elves grew increasingly dependent
on the
powers provided by the well. For generations, the elves cultivated a prosperous and powerful
until the shadow of death fell upon them. Scourge attacked Quel\'Thalas and destroyed the
Sunwell, at
the same time reducing the population of the High Elves to an all-time low. Scattered and
the refugees of this once proud race now seek a new place to call home and a way to feel the
inside them, left by the destruction of the Sunwell.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"text-white\"></h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row2 title", "new-races", "pages.row.2.title", "", "<h4 class=\"orange-text\">Racial traits</h4>", "<h4 class=\"orange-text\">种族特性</h4>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row3 a", "new-races", "pages.row.3.a", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Arcane resistance</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Arcane resistance increased by 10
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row3 b", "new-races", "pages.row.3.b", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Bow specializacion</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
+5 Bow skill
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row4 a", "new-races", "pages.row.4.a", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Arcane meditation</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Recovers 40% of mana (25% HP for non-casters) while casting (8 seconds)
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row 4 b", "new-races", "pages.row.4.b", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Enchanting specializacion</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
+10 Enchanting
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row5 text", "new-races", "pages.row.5.text", "", "<h3 class=\"text-white\">Goblins of the Horde</h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Durotar Labor Union</h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
Shrewd, greedy, and ruthless, goblins have a long-standing reputation for being neutral in the
rest of
the world, despite the Steamwheedle Cartel allying with the Old Horde during the Second War.
Heroes of
goblin society are not bastions of honor or integrity. Instead, goblins tend to admire the
acquisition of profit, by any means necessary. Goblins are gifted engineers and accomplished
but are best known for their unabashed avarice.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"text-white\"></h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row6 title", "new-races", "pages.row.6.title", "", "<h4 class=\"orange-text\">Racial traits</h4>", "<h4 class=\"orange-text\">种族特性</h4>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row7 a", "new-races", "pages.row.7.a", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">chemical superfreak</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
+10 Alchemy Skill
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row7 b", "new-races", "pages.row.7.b", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Prospecting</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
+10 Mining Skill
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row8 a", "new-races", "pages.row.8.a", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">exit strategy</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Increases movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pages row8 b", "new-races", "pages.row.8.b", "", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Aggresive negotiations</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
+5 Dagger & Mace skills
</p>", "<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("donate row1 column1", "donate", "donate.row.1.column.1", "", "<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2 font-weight-bold\">Donations —<br> How does it work?</h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 mb-5 text-white\">
We have a scaling milestone donation system that starts from 30 Euro. Your support will be rewarded
with a bonus of extra 2.5% tokens every 10 Euro, that scales up to a maximum of 40%. This bonus is
calculated automatically, for each separate received donation.<br>
<span class=\"orange-text\">The ratio is 10:1, which means 1 Euro gives you 10 tokens. </span>
</p>", "<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2 font-weight-bold\"> <br> </h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 mb-5 text-white\">
<span class=\"orange-text\">10:1110</span>
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("donate boosty", "donate", "donate.boosty", "", "Please DM your account or character name together with the keyword SEA while donating via Boosty:
<a href=\"https://boosty.to/turtlewow\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"text-green\">boosty.to/turtlewow</a>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Your donation will be processed within 24 hours.</span>", " Boosty SEA
<a href=\"https://boosty.to/turtlewow\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"text-green\">boosty.to/turtlewow</a>
<span class=\"orange-text\">24</span>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("alert", "alert", "serveralert.CN", "", "<p align=\"left\">Welcome to the launch of World of Warcraft\'s Chinese servers! We look forward to continuing our exciting journey of exploring the mysteries of Azeroth!</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\">Please click the link below to join our KOOK community:</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\">https://kook.top/jzgWqY</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\">Or enter the channel ID on KOOK: 100000</p><br/>", "<p align=\"left\"> (https://luntan.turtle-wow.org/)</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\">KOOK上输入频道ID100000</p><br/>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home download links", "home", "home.download.links.CN", "", "<h5 class=\"text-white\">Download Links</h5>
<a href=\"https://turtle-wow.b-cdn.net/twmoa_1171_cn.zip\"></a>
<a href=\"https://www.123pan.com/s/iXrkjv-GuJ3d.html\">123</a>
<h5 class=\"text-white\">Change Reamlist!</h5>
<span class=\"text-white\">set realmlist cnlogon.turtle-wow.org
set patchlist cnlogon.turtle-wow.org</span>", "<h5 class=\"text-white\"> (Pinyin: Xiàzài Liánjiē)</h5>
<a href=\"https://turtle-wow.b-cdn.net/twmoa_1171_cn.zip\"></a>
<a href=\"https://www.123pan.com/s/iXrkjv-GuJ3d.html\">123</a>
<h5 class=\"text-white\">Reamlist更改</h5>
<span class=\"text-white\">set realmlist cnlogon.turtle-wow.org
set patchlist cnlogon.turtle-wow.org</span>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("rules en 1", "rules", "rules.EN.1", "", "<div class=\"tab-pane fade show active\" id=\"rules_1\" role=\"tabpanel\" aria-labelledby=\"rules-tab-1\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Server Rules &amp; Terms of Use</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Hello! Below, we have outlined our expectations for appropriate behavior on Turtle
WoW. These rules flow from our forums, to our discord, to in game. By joining this
server you\'re joining a collective effort of players and staff to create a
respectful and friendly community. Please read the rules we have set up to avoid any
misunderstandings during your gameplay. Remember, you have a responsibility not only
for your own behavior here, but also representing the entire community and the
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-1\">Cheating,
botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing-tab-1\">Multi-boxing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-1\">Account
sharing, GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#interactions-with-staff-tab-1\">Interactions with staff</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\">Things
to take into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\">Naming
rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#chat-abuse-tab-1\">Chat abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-1\">Behavior during PvP
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#griefing-tab-1\">Griefing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-reports-tab-1\">Behavior reports</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-1\">Requesting GM
assistance for bugged quest</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#loot-distribution-issues-tab-1\">Loot distribution issues</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#item-restoral-tab-1\">Item restoral</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#token-refunds-tab-1\">Token refunds</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#decisions-appeal-tab-1\">Decisions appeal</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#disclaimer-tab-1\">Disclaimer</a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Cheating,
botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">Turtle WoW is committed to
provide a cheat-free environment. The following activities are strictly
<li>Usage or promotion of any cheats and modifications to client files to benefit
your in game characters.
<li>The use or promotion of any third party programs to automate the control or
actions of your character.
<li>Abuse or promote abuse of any bug or exploit to obtain gold, experience, items,
reputation, kill NPC\'s, kill players etc.
<br>All reports for the above will be done in private via in-game tickets.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Multi-boxing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Multiboxing is the act
of controlling multiple WoW clients simultaneously. This can entail having multiple
open on a single machine or utilizing multiple machines to control the actions of
both accounts at the same time for
combat or moving. At our server, we permit the use of a maximum of two accounts at a
time, with the following
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is undergoing
a Hardcore challenge.
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is flagged for
PvP, including Warmode.
<li>Three accounts are permitted for the use of Summoning Rituals.</li>
<br>The use of software to multibox is never permitted.
<br>Hardcore characters found in breach of the boosting/multi-boxing policies may be
subject to a character lock, rendering them unplayable for the offending player.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Account sharing,
GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Selling and buying gold
or other in-game currencies (including valuable items) for real money or donation
tokens is strictly prohibited on Turtle WoW, and all gold transactions are closely
monitored. Any form of RMT will result in severe consequences for all parties
involved. Please do not support individuals who seek to harm our server.
<li>Selling or buying characters or boosting services for real money, in-game
currencies (including valuable items), or donation tokens is strictly forbidden.
<li>HC mode characters are not permitted to get assistance from players outside of
their group. (No boosting HC mode players, even for free.)
<li>GDKP raids, where groups auction bind-on-pickup or bind-on-equip items for gold,
real money, or similar in-game currencies (including valuable items), may NOT be
created, promoted or attended. For instance, farming a dungeon and inviting
players to wait in the corner for items to drop, with the expectation of payment
for the service, is not allowed.
<li>However, acting as a mercenary to sell tanking or healing services (not DPS
services) for in-game gold is permitted, but not for items or drops, only to be
compensated for time and repair costs to assist others with 5-man instances.
Mercenaries are not allowed to offer services for raids.
<li>Selling or promoting the sale of character names for gold or real money is also
strictly prohibited. Any accounts caught engaging in this activity will be
suspended, and any reserved names will be made available for use.
<li>Trading gold cross-realm is not permitted.</li>
<br>Sharing access to your account with others is allowed, as long as it is not used
to scam or deceive other members of the community. However, you are responsible for
any rule violations that occur while others are using your account. We will not
reverse any character changes caused by others while using your account.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Interactions
with staff</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW staff is
expected to treat all players with respect, professionalism, and kindness. We expect
the same from our players. If a player is found being toxic, disrespectful,
manipulative or insulting towards any Turtle WoW Staff member, it could lead to
account warnings, suspensions or closures.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Things to take
into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>While we don\'t enforce
RP, all players must respect those who decide to RP. Intentional disruption of any
RP event or interaction can result in punishments. This includes bad-faith trolling
behavior.<br> Continued problematic behavior within RP may result in a loss of
access to RP GM support for player events.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Naming rules for
a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We do not force our
players to use RP-friendly names, but we would be grateful if you contribute to the
immersion by using a good fantasy name. However, some name type are forbidden and
players will be requested to changed it. It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>To use names that reference well known people: politicians, social activists,
religious figures, culprits, actors, celebrities, etc.
<li>To use names political, religious or controversial connotations</li>
<li>To use names which are referencing inappropriate explicit matters: extremism,
sexism, racism, mocking certain groups of the people.
<li>To use names which are overly vulgar and sexual.</li>
<li>To use names created to mimic any staff name.</li>
<li>It is forbidden to use real-world country names in your guild names.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Chat abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Here at Turtle WoW, we
encourage players to come together, form communities, and openly chat with their
fellow players. There are some chat rules that we must insist upon to maintain
healthy and family-friendly vibe on our server. <br><br>The rule set for the
following public channels: /world, /hardcore, /trade, any crowded leveling or
recreation zones:<br><br>
<li>Public chats are English speaking only. The only exception are guild recruitment
announcements, those can be in your native language.
<li>Spam: do not post more than 3 consecutive lines of the same text per minute.
<br>It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>Discuss politics, religions, or any other socially controversial or
vulgar/sexual matters. Keep real life drama in real life.
<li>Encourage racism, extremism, sexism, violence, doxxing, hate speech of any kind
toward certain groups of people.
<li>Insult players, group of players (such as guild) or staff members of Turtle
<li>Promote phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the website containing
explicit content.
<li>Fail to follow directions of a GM on content that they find offensive or
<li>Use non-default font colors for the in-game chats is strictly prohibited.</li>
<br>The rules set for other types of in-game communications. Under normal
circumstances we do not interfere in conflicts emerged in private chats: whispers,
guild chats, groups, raids or custom channels. However, there are certain cases
where we could interfere and take actions against certain individuals:<br><br>
<li>If you suspect that someone is committing sexual harassment towards minors,
report it immediately.
<li>If you suspect that someone is violating your privacy by spreading personal
information about you in private chats, report it immediately.
<li>Ignore avoidance: If someone who is on your ignore list continues to make new
characters to insult you, you may report it to the GMs.
<li>Inappropriate promotions and links to phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate
links to the website.
<li>Joining a custom channel with the intent to harass the players who are having a
conversation there.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior during
PvP encounters</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>During PVP encounters,
we discourage any toxic behavior or abuse of game mechanics, bugs or glitches. Any
of the following behaviors will lead to being issued a penalty:<br><br>
<li>Wintrading. Wintrading is the practice where players throw games on purpose, in
turns, for the purpose of collecting the rewards.
<li>AFK-ing during a battleground. AFK-ing during a battleground by not taking any action during the match.
<li>Refusing to play the match. Refusing to play the match is a behavior in the same
vein as AFK-ing in a match, but the player is still at his PC. He just queues to
the match for the population and during the match he just moves around so he
does not get the AFK status. During this time he refuses any communication with
his team members or clearly states he is there just for the population or just
to observe.
<li>Using multiple accounts to queue. Logging in using two or several accounts to
queue both sides so their faction can join, and then leaving without playing the
<li>Safespotting is the act of PvPing from an advantageous position that cannot be
reached through regular jumping or walking. If you got to the position by using
a spell, potion, wall climbing, or other additional means, it is likely
<li>Cross-faction grouping during open world PvP encounters. Horde and Alliance
grouping together during open world PvP encounters.
Hardcore Characters &amp; PvP<br><br>To prevent griefing, we have implemented
several server-side checks to stop Hardcore Characters from accidental flagging for
PvP. If the hardcore character dies as a consequence of choosing to tag himself by
using /pvp, starting the War Mode challenge, attacking a PvP NPC or buffing/healing
a player tagged for PvP, he will not be considered a victim of griefing.
</div><div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"griefing-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Griefing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Griefing refers to the
act of a player ruining the gaming experience of another player. We encourage the
Turtle WoW community to respect other players different play styles and to not ruin
their experience. Everyone plays this game differently and all playstyles should be
welcomed.<br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\">To keep the community friendly the
following activities are strictly forbidden:</strong><br><br>
<li>Farming quest givers, important quest objectives and important NPC\'s for long
periods of time and blocking other players from accepting or turning in quests.
<li>Harassing a player by following them around and tagging mobs they need to kill
for a quest or tricking them into getting flagged for PvP without their intent.
<li>Kiting a group of mobs into another player\'s (AoE) spells.</li>
<li>Interfering with any player trying to complete The Balance of Light and Dark or
the Stave of the Ancients quest chain.
<li>Dropping infernals and doomguards on a group of players in low level zones.</li>
<li>Block entrances with tents or other spawnable objects.</li>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>How to report: contact support on Discord or open an
in-game ticket with as much proof as possible of the event:</strong><br><br>
<li>Link of video uploaded on : Youtube, Streamable, Vimeo etc.</li>
If you plan your RP event it\'s your responsibility to ensure all your members have
PvP flag off. GM will only interfere if you are being tricked into PvP or your event
is interfered with in any other fashion. <br><br>As a reminder: staff is not
responsible for the actions of the player that griefed and can\'t take actions
against a player that did not do anything as a preventive measure or without any
proof being offered. With those in mind, please keep discussions civil when
reporting to staff.
</div><!-- end tab: griefing -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"behavior-reports-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior reports</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Behavior reports will
be done in private with as much details as possibile.<br><br>
<li>For chat abuse: Open an in game ticket with character names, date, hour, and
chat channel in which the conversation happened.
<li>For other types of reports: Open an in game ticket and describe the players
behavior with as much details as possible.
<br>Reports without details that are done with the intent to slander, insult or
start drama will be severely punished. The GM\'s will review the report, check what
is happening and act accordingly to the situation. Different situations will require
different penalty\'s.
</div><!-- end tab: behavior reports -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Requesting GM assistance for bugged quest</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>When unable to complete
a quest due a bug, help can can be requested by contacting a GM using the in game
tickets. <br><br>While the following template is not obligatory to use, please
provide as much details as possible about the encountered issue so that our support
team can understand the situation better. <br><br>
<li>Quest name</li>
<li>NPC/Object/Item name</li>
<li>Encountered problem</li>
<li>Expected behavior</li>
<br>Depending of the situation, not all help requests will be met with GM
assistance. In some situations players will be requested to open a bug tracker
report and wait for a fix from our development team.
</div><!-- end tab: requesting GM assistance for bugged quest -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"loot-distribution-issues-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Loot distribution issues</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We will not be involved
in most inter-player disputes on loot. However, there are some occasions where we
will investigate and assist:<br><br>
<li>If you are in a group or raid, and the loot rules are clearly defined in game,
prior to the raid beginning, and those rules are not followed when the time
comes to receive loot. You may open a ticket for investigation.
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>Please be aware that we will no longer assist with
tickets requesting the transfer of an item from one party member to another in
any 5-man dungeon, regardless of level.</strong><br><br><strong
class=\"text-strong\">For raiders, we have implemented a new system that allows
you to rectify any mistakes on your own:</strong><br><br>In raids where Master
Looter mode is enabled, for a short period of 10 minutes after the boss has been
defeated, all raid members will have a claim on the item and can receive it via
trade, provided they were present during the boss kill, have not left the raid map,
and share the same raid ID with the current owner of the item. Each item can only be
traded once. <br><br>There will be a map-wide announcement to inform the raid leader
about this event. Please note that any requests for manual transfers will be refused
from now on.
</div><!-- end tab: loot distribution issues -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"item-restoral-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Item restoral</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>If you have sold or
destroyed an important item, please visit <strong class=\"text-strong\">NPC Trash
Collector Gaston</strong> in Ratchet (<a
href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\" class=\"postlink\">https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8</a>).
He will offer you up to 128 lost items, from the last few months. <br><br>Please keep in mind that you will
have to pay their full vendor price to retrieve them. <br><br>Additionally, on our
server, the vendor buyback list is always available after a player logs out. Always
make sure to check it if you accidentally sell something important. <br><br>Our
support team will only assist you in the following cases:<br><br>
<li>If you have lost an important quest item and cannot progress through a
quest-chain without it, and it was looted no longer than 1 month ago.
<li>If you have lost a legendary item and it happened no longer than 1 month ago.
</div><!-- end tab: item restoral -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"token-refunds-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Token refunds</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">This server is free, and
donations are not mandatory. If you have mistakenly donated money and would like a
refund, please ensure that you do not spend your tokens. Only in this specific
scenario will our system be able to transfer your money back. For donation rewards
purchased from the shop, we can only do a token refund within 48 hours of the
purchase. Refunds are not available for Hardcore players.<br><br>Please note, that
we do not offer refunds for deleted characters. Items purchased from our donation
store are considered soulbound to the character you purchase them on, and will not
be refunded if you willingly delete your character. Please request a refund before
deleting your character if it is within our 48 hour refund period.<br><br>For
Hardcore characters, donated points are automatically refunded upon death or
deletion of the character. Manual restoration of these points with the assistance of
a GM is not possible.</p>
</div><!-- end tab: token refunds -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"decisions-appeal-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Decisions appeal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Every decision can be
appealed for a different outcome. Please open a in game ticket and argue your case.
In the case of a ban appeal, login and contact staff via user panel on our
website.<br><br>If the ticket contains any of the following, it will be closed
without a reply:<br><br>
<li>Insults or manipulation.</li>
<li>Accusations of staff favoritism or bias towards players.</li>
<br>When the final decision is reached, any further tickets on the topic will be
closed without a reply.
</div><!-- end tab: decisions appeal -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"disclaimer-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Disclaimer</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>This list may not cover
all types of behavior. Turtle WoW reserves the right to modify, update, or adjust
this document at any time. If any part of this document is changed, we will inform
all players. The GM team may take different actions than those specified in these
terms of use, as they are responsible for making decisions in unique situations.
</div>", "<div class=\"tab-pane fade show active\" id=\"rules_1\" role=\"tabpanel\" aria-labelledby=\"rules-tab-1\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">使</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW Discord
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-1\">使 & & </a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-1\">GDKP活动 & RMT</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#interactions-with-staff-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"> Turtle WoW RP </a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"> Turtle WoW RP </a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#chat-abuse-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-1\">PvP </a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#griefing-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-reports-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-1\"> GM </a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#loot-distribution-issues-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#item-restoral-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#token-refunds-tab-1\">退</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#decisions-appeal-tab-1\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#disclaimer-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> 使 & & </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">Turtle WoW <br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> GDKP & RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br> Turtle WoW RMT都将对所有相关方产生严重后果
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW工作人员尊重Turtle WoW工作人员表现出毒性</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Turtle WoW RP </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>RPRP的玩家RP活动或互动可能会导致惩罚<br>RP中持续的问题行为可能会导致失去对玩家活动的RP GM支持的访问权限</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Turtle WoW RP </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使RP友好的名称使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW<br><br>///<br><br>
<li>Turtle WoW工作人员</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> PvP </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br> PvP <br><br>
<li>WintradingWintrading </li>
<li> PvP使</li>
<li> PvP PvP </li>
<li>Hardcore Characters &amp; PvP<br><br> Hardcore Characters PvP Hardcore Characters 使 /pvp PvP NPC PvP /</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"griefing-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br> Turtle WoW <br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\"></strong><br><br>
<li> NPC</li>
<li> PVP</li>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br> Discord </strong><br><br>
<li>YoutubeStreamableVimeo </li>
RP PVP PVP GM <br><br></p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"behavior-reports-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<br> GM </p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> GM </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使 GM <br><br>使便<br><br>
<li>NPC/Object/Item </li>
<br> GM </p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"loot-distribution-issues-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br> 5 </strong><br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\"></strong><br><br> boss 10 boss ID<br><br>广</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"item-restoral-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>访 Ratchet NPC Gaston (<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\" class=\"postlink\">https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8</a>)
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"token-refunds-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> 退</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">退使退 48 退退<br><br>退退 48 退退<br><br>退 GM </p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"decisions-appeal-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"disclaimer-tab-1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW GM 使</p>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("profile services", "profile", "profile.services", "", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Unstuck</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Teleport the selected character to his hearthstone location.
This service has a Hearthstone cooldown.
</p>", "<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
</p>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("profile characters", "profile", "profile.characters", "", "<thead>
<th>Hardcore Status</th>
</thead>", "<thead>
</thead>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("donate wechat mint", "donate", "donate.wechat.mint", "", "<div class=\"gp_container\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<p class=\"text-white\">To be able to pay with WeChat, you first need to buy a mint prepaid card with WeChat and enter the mint code you received on Mint module below.</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-10-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038012\" target=\"_blank\">10 USD for 110 token</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-20-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038011\" target=\"_blank\">20 USD for 230 token</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-50-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038010\" target=\"_blank\">50 USD for 600 token</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-100-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038009\" target=\"_blank\">100 USD for 1300 token</a>
<br>", "<div class=\"gp_container\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<p class=\"text-white\">使</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-10-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038012\" target=\"_blank\">11010</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-20-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038011\" target=\"_blank\">23020</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-50-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038010\" target=\"_blank\">60050</a>
<a href=\"https://www.g2a.com/mint-prepaid-card-100-usd-key-united-states-i10000338038009\" target=\"_blank\">1300100</a>
<br>", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home legal information", "home", "home.legal.information", "", "Turtle WoW
Taxpayer registration number:
Date and number of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations:
06.10.2022, 2010350000000214420
Ukraine, Kharkov, Gaceva 7A", "Turtle WoW
Gaceva 7A", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("logos.section.1", "logos", "logos.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Turtle WoW Logotypes</h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
Are you looking for a logo to use on your stream or content? Look no further!
<spon class=\"text-gray\">Although the third logo is shrouded in mystery, Explorer\'s League found
out that it is the
intellectual property of Blizzard Entertainment.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo2.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/turtlewow_logo_lettering.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> Download PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo1.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/turtlewow_logo_full.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> Download PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo3.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/expansion_logo_mysteriesofazeroth.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> Download PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/radio_logo_image.png\') }}\" id=\"radio-img\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/radio_logo_smaller.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> Download PNG</a>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Turtle WoW标志</h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
<spon class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo2.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/turtlewow_logo_lettering.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo1.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/turtlewow_logo_full.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/logo3.png\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/expansion_logo_mysteriesofazeroth.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> PNG</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-center mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/radio_logo_image.png\') }}\" id=\"radio-img\">
<a href=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/radio_logo_smaller.png\') }}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\"> <i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-arrow-down\"></i> PNG</a>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("client-UI.section.1", "client-interface-improvements", "client-UI.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row brush p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\">CLIENT INTERFACE</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">IMPROVEMENTS</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
As the development continues and we add more content to the game, we aim to help you better
navigate through all the changes. For that reason, our team is hard at work on improving the
interface to make your journey more enjoyable.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/postman.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/postman.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Items Sent to the Winner</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Items won through group loot will no longer become free-for-all if the roll winner\'s bags are full. Any rare or higher quality items that are still unlooted upon the corpse despawning will be sent to the winner by mail, instead of being lost forever.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/world_map.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/world_map.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Minimized World Map</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Your world map can now be minimized by clicking the arrow button next to the close button, allowing a more streamlined experience.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hcchat.webp\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hcchat.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Hardcore Channel</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
You can access hardcore channel by typing a chat command /h now, if you\'re hardcore player. This channel is disabled at level 60 if you are not an Inferno Mode player and therefore immortal again. </div>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lookingforgroup.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lookingforgroup.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">LFT Looking For Turtles</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Looking for Group Addon for Turtle WoW. Allowing you to queue for a dungeon, shows a list of
dungeons and how many people are queueing. This addon will not teleport you and your
group inside the
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_questlog.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_questlog.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Extended Quest Log</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Now enough space to see all quests at the same time.
with the next update!
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_xpgaintoggle.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_xpgaintoggle.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">XP Gain Toggle on Player\'s Portrait</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Experience can now be toggled on and off by right-clicking on your character portrait.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_collections.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_collections.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Pet & Mount Collections</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Rejoice pet collectors for your little ones will no longer have to spend their time at the bank
waiting for you. New collection tab can be used to bring all of
pets with you on your numerous journeys. You heard about pulling a rabbit out of the hat. How
pulling a horse out of the spellbook? Amongst other functions, there is a
mount tab
where you can store all your favorite mounts.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_battlegroundfinder.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_battlegroundfinder.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">Battleground Finder on the Minimap</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
From the sands of the Blood Ring to the timeless conflicts of Sunnyglade Valley, there are many
opportunities to earn fame and glory for your faction!
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row brush p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/postman.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/postman.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/world_map.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/world_map.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hcchat.webp\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hcchat.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
/h 访60
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lookingforgroup.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lookingforgroup.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\">LFT </h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Turtle WoW
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_questlog.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_questlog.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_xpgaintoggle.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_xpgaintoggle.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_collections.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_collections.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-4 mb-4\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_battlegroundfinder.png\") }}\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_battlegroundfinder.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" class=\"img-fluid hand\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-3 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Blood Ring Sunnyglade Valley 耀
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("additional-transport-routes.section.1", "additional-transport-routes", "additional-transport-routes.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row horse p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\">Additional</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Transport Routes</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
By creating new transport routes and flight paths, the Horde and Alliance can now access even the
farthest corners of the world. Including those undeservedly forgotten.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">New Flight Paths</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Dun Agrath</h5>
<img alt=\"Footer Line\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
A quaint farming village nestled in the high ridges of the Wetlands. Unlocked by discovering Menethil Harbor.<Br><Br>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Horde Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Mosh\'ogg Refuge</h5>
<img alt=\"Footer Line\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
The ogre clan of Moshogg is home to Gilijims Isle and locked in an eternal conflict with the remaining troll tribes, struggling for dominance on the island. Unlocked by discovering Booty Bay.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Ironforge Airfield</h5>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Vital for many supply lines within Alliance territories, this icy plateau overlooks Dun Morogh and acts as a base for Ironforges mountaineers. Unlocked by discovering Ironforge.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Newly established city in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms that the High Elves now call their home.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Caelan\'s Rest</h5>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Shipwrecked on the shores of Lapidis Isle, these stout survivors from Kul Tiras fight tooth and nail on this hostile island surrounded by foes and traitors alike. Unlocked by discovering Booty Bay.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Horde Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
As Nordrassil heals from demonic corruption, new threats emerge from the shadows. Druids of Hyjal have gathered in the ancient shrine of Nordanaar and lead the efforts to stop the Emerald Nightmare.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Ravenshire, Gilneas</h5>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
The heart of the Ravenwood Rebellion, last bastion of resistance against tyranny of the Greymane dynasty.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Horde Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Stillward Church</h5>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Ravaged by the Greymane forces in the past, this abandoned church now serves as a main military base for the Forsaken in Gilneas.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Bael Hardul</h5>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/footerline.png\") }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Dwarven outpost in Stonetalon Mountains estabilished during the events of Warcraft 3, now reclaimed by the Explorers\' League.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Flight Path 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp1.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Flight Path 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp2.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Flight Path 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp3.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/fp3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">New Boat Routes</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Stormwind Harbor
<img alt=\"Boat Route Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Alliance Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
Sparkwater Port
<img alt=\"Boat Route Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
Revantusk Village
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Boat Route 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat1.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Boat Route 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat2.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Boat Route 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat3.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boat3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">New Zeppelin Routes</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Horde Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"Boat Route Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
Thunder Bluff
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"Small Horde Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"Boat Route Icon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\") }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Zeppelin Route 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep1.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Zeppelin Route 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep2.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"Zeppelin Route 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep3.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/zep3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row horse p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">线</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-1 mb-2 w-75\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞行路线1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp1.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞行路线2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp2.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞行路线3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/fp3.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">线</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小联盟图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_alliance_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"船路线图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"船路线图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"船路线1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat1.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"船路线2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat2.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"船路线3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boat3.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">线</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"飞艇路线图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小部落图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_horde_small.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 mr-2\">
<img alt=\"飞艇路线图标\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_boat_route.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1 ml-2 mr-2\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞艇路线1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep1.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞艇路线2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep2.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img alt=\"飞艇路线3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/zep3.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("roleplay.section.1", "roleplay", "roleplay.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row hat2 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Roleplay</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW has a bustling role-playing community that has been at the forefront of the server since its early days. Role-players have been crafting intricate storylines and character development for years, and the server is now home to a number of role-playing guilds that host regular events. Whether you\'re looking for a casual role-playing experience or an immersive narrative, you\'ll find what you\'re looking for at Turtle WoW.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"Tavern Image 1\" style=\"height: 226px; cursor: pointer;\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-1.png\") }}\')\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">Taverns and Camps:</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
\"Come, sit by the fire. For here, you will meet seasoned adventurers, those who have weathered countless storms, battled fierce foes, conquered treacherous landscapes, and survived to tell tales. These bold wanderers have risked life and limb to seek adventure, explore unknown lands, and push the boundaries of what is possible. And now, they are eager to share their experiences, stories, and wisdom with you.\"
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"Tavern Image 2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"Tavern Image 3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"Tavern Image 4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 1\" style=\"height: 226px\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">One-Time Events and Epic Plots:</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Ready for your new adventure? Join the public-hosted events on Turtle WoW, and experience an immersive and genuine journey every week. Whether you\'re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there are countless opportunities to explore, battle, and uncover secrets. So gear up and prepare for a journey beyond your wildest dreams—where the only limit is your own courage.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-7.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-7.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-5.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 5\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-5.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-6.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 6\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-6.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"Epic Event Image 7\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"Race-Specific Event Image 1\" style=\"height: 226px\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">Race-Specific Events:</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Feeling out of place among other groups? Our community is there to embrace you! We value each individual\'s unique attributes, strengths, and skills. Whether you identify as a proud member of a particular race, culture, or community, we welcome you with open arms. This is a home that celebrates diversity and encourages personal growth. Join us and become part of our family, where you\'ll find acceptance, warmth, and a place to belong.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"Race-Specific Event Image 2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"Race-Specific Event Image 3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"Race-Specific Event Image 4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">
Roleplaying Guilds:
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Join the diverse and welcoming Turtle WoW roleplaying community. With a range of guilds to choose from, you\'ll find your place here. Our community provides a warm and inviting atmosphere for role-players to engage in immersive stories and adventures. Whether you\'re a serious role-player or prefer something lighter, we\'ve got you covered. Experience the thrill of roleplaying with us, and create memorable stories and adventures together.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-8\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">Our team is dedicated to support roleplay!</h4>
<p class=\"mt-3 w-100 text-white\">
Even though roleplay is - and should be - entirely community-driven, our team supports the roleplaying scene wherever possible. This includes but is not limited to, GM support for roleplaying events. For all their roleplaying needs, our players can always count on Gheor.
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span>See more of <a
class=\"orange-text\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/turtlewowteam/\" target=\"_blank\">community screenshots</a>.
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span>Join <a href=\"https://discord.gg/ddWaUkg2tE\"
target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\">our community
Discord</a> or <a href=\"https://discord.gg/5FYEvrDExy\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\">Turtle RP Addon Discord.</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_heart_large.png\") }}\" alt=\"Heart Icon\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"row hat2 p-5\">
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<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW一直拥有一个繁荣的角色扮演社区Turtle WoW找到适合自己的内容
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"酒馆图片1\" style=\"height: 226px; cursor: pointer;\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-1.png\") }}\')\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"酒馆图片2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"酒馆图片3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"酒馆图片4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/tavern-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片1\" style=\"height: 226px\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Turtle WoW上由公众主办的活动
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-7.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-7.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-5.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片5\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-5.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-6.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片6\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-6.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"史诗事件图片7\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/epic-1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-1.png\") }}\" alt=\"种族特定事件图片1\" style=\"height: 226px\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-1.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-2.png\") }}\" alt=\"种族特定事件图片2\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-2.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-3.png\") }}\" alt=\"种族特定事件图片3\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-3.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-4.png\") }}\" alt=\"种族特定事件图片4\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/roleplay/race-4.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\">
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Turtle WoW角色扮演社区
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-8\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"mt-3 w-100 text-white\">
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> <a class=\"orange-text\" href=\"https://www.instagram.com/turtlewowteam/\" target=\"_blank\"></a>
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> <a href=\"https://discord.gg/ddWaUkg2tE\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\">Discord</a> <a href=\"https://discord.gg/5FYEvrDExy\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"orange-text\">Turtle RP插件Discord</a>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/icon_heart_large.png\") }}\" alt=\"心形图标\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("new-factions-and-quests.section.1", "new-factions-and-quests", "new-factions-and-quests.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
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<div class=\"row book p-5\">
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<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">New Factions</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">& Quests</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
With the danger lurking around every corner and as the Mysteries of Azeroth began to unravel, prepare to meet numerous new factions and characters that will no doubt need the help of an adventurer like you.</br></br>1500 quests have been added all around Azeroth!</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Wardens of Time
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
This specific group of the Bronze Dragonflight will accept the aid of any mortal that have earned
access to the Caverns of Time. Their goal is to undo the mysterious time anomalies that have recently
begun to appear across the timeways.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Steamwheedle Blood Ring
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
A grand arena tournament organized by the Steamwheedle Cartel. The strongest fighters are invited to
compete in the bloody sands for fame and great rewards provided by the Arena Masters of the Cartel.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Kul Tiran
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Remnants of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore\'s Exploratory Fleet, these few survivors that have not been
killed by the Horde eke out a dangerous existence.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Keepers of Outerend
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
These stalwart servants have kept the relic Outerend safe for a dozen millenia. With the coming
darkness, they now seek to guide mortals to fight for Azeroth.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Theramore
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Theramore, a human city led by Lady Jaina Proudmoore, stands as a beacon of peace and alliance amidst the turbulent waters of Dustwallow Marsh.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Dalaran
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Dalaran, a magical city hidden from the eyes of bystanders, serves as a sanctuary for the Kirin Tor, a powerful group of mages dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of Azeroth.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Wildhammer Clan
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
The Wildhammer Clan, a faction of dwarves residing in the Hinterlands, are known for their mastery of aerial combat and their alliance with the Alliance, providing crucial support in the ongoing battle against the Horde.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Gelkis and Magran Centaur
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
The Gelkis and Magran Centaur tribes, residing in Desolace, are locked in a bitter conflict over resources and territory, caught in the crossfire of the ongoing war between the Alliance and the Horde.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">
<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span> Thorium Brotherhood
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
The secretive Thorium Brotherhood, based in the Searing Gorge, harnesses the power of rare minerals to create powerful weapons and armor, serving as a vital source of support for the Alliance and the Horde alike in their ongoing battles.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_01_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_01.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Caverns of Time Preview 1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_02_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_02.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Caverns of Time Preview 2\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_goblin_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_goblin.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Goblin Preview\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hightelf_tirisfal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hightelf_tirisfal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"High Elf in Tirisfal Preview\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_human_tirisfal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_human_tirisfal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Human in Tirisfal Preview\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_01_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_01.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Kul Tiran Preview 1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_02_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_02.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Kul Tiran Preview 2\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_morogal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_morogal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Morogal Preview\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_troll_lapidis_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_troll_lapidis.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"Troll in Lapidis Preview\"></div>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
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<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h2>
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<span class=\"star mr-3\">&starf;</span>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_01_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_01.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"时间之穴预览1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_02_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_02.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"时间之穴预览2\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_goblin_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_goblin.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"地精预览\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hightelf_tirisfal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hightelf_tirisfal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"提瑞斯法高等精灵预览\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_human_tirisfal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_human_tirisfal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"提瑞斯法人类预览\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_01_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_01.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"库尔提拉斯预览1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_02_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_kultiran_02.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"库尔提拉斯预览2\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_morogal_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_morogal.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"莫洛加尔预览\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_troll_lapidis_preview.png\") }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_troll_lapidis.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" alt=\"拉皮迪斯巨魔预览\"></div>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("class-race-combinations.section.1", "class-race-combinations", "class-race-combinations.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Additional class & race</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">combinations</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
As many new dangers show themselves, new heroes rise to take on the challenge. Orc mages trained by
their other kin in the arts of the arcane, dwarf mages reconnecting with their titanic past, undead
hunters rekindling their sharp senses and survival skills, gnomes hunters bending mighty beasts to
their will with technological marvels, its truly the time of adventurers.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 combinations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Orc Mage
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_mage.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Mage Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_orc.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Orc Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">While orcs typically lean towards their affinity for elemental magic, their time on Azeroth has brought them valuable teachings from the ogre and troll mages. Today, a fresh generation of orcish spellcasters diligently delves into the ancient tomes, meticulously unearthing the long-buried arcane secrets.</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_orcmage_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-4 w-100\" alt=\"Orc Mage Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_orcmage.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Dwarf Mage
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_mage.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Mage Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_dwarf.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Dwarf Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">Dwarves possess an inherent affinity for Arcane magic, a power further fortified by their lineage traced back to the Titans. In a remarkable revival, the Azurestone Order, a guild of dwarves exceptionally adept in the arcane arts, has been reestablished. Now, it falls upon the shoulders of these skilled dwarven mages to rekindle the Order\'s former strength and grandeur.</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_dwarfmage_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img w-100\" alt=\"Dwarf Mage Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_dwarfmage.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4\" style=\"height: 40rem\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Gnome Hunter
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Hunter Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_gnome.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Gnome Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">The ingenious gnomes of Gnomeregan stand as masterful inventors, skilled mechanics, and adept constructors. Their expertise with firearms and intricate gadgets has long positioned them as outstanding marksmen. However, with the invaluable support of their Dwarven allies, they have further solidified their hunting prowess. Today, they hunt amidst the rolling hills of Dun Morogh, not only showcasing their strength but also providing sustenance and vital resources for the refugees of Gnomeregan.</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gnomehunter_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-4 w-100\" alt=\"Gnome Hunter Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gnomehunter_01.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4 undead\" style=\"height: 40rem\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Undead Hunter
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Hunter Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_undead.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Undead Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">
Countless Forsaken have clung to the memories of their former lives, particularly those who once roamed the lush forests of Lordaeron as skilled hunters. Guided and mentored by the enigmatic Dark Rangers, they have embarked on a journey to rekindle their prowess as marksmen and masterful trappers. These reawakened skills now find a new purpose as they ardently dedicate themselves to the cause of the Dark Lady.</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_undeadhunter_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-5 w-100\" alt=\"Undead Hunter Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_undeadhunter_01.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4 human\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Human Hunter
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Hunter Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_human.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Human Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">Many humans have been training vigorously with their newfound High Elven allies ever since they joined forces. They have been forging strong bonds with nature and honing their marksmanship skills. Finally, the first line of Human Hunters is now fully prepared and ready to face whatever challenges the world may present.</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_humanhunter.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img hunter w-100\" alt=\"Human Hunter Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_humanhunter.webp\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"> Troll Warlock
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_warlock.webp\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" style=\"width: 2.5rem\" alt=\"Warlock Icon\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_troll.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"Troll Icon\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">The reunion of the forest trolls and the Darkspear tribes has resulted in a fusion of cultures. As a consequence, the prominence of dark magic has increased within troll society, offering new avenues for those who crave power. The audacious tusken kin, willing to pay the price, are now prepared to venture into the wider world. The question remains: Will you rise above all others, or will your insatiable hunger for power lead to your downfall?</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/troll_warlock-new.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img w-100\" alt=\"Troll Warlock Preview\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/troll_warlock-new.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 combinations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_mage.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"法师图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_orc.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"兽人图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\"></p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_orcmage_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-4 w-100\" alt=\"兽人法师预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_orcmage.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_mage.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"法师图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_dwarf.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"矮人图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\"></p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_dwarfmage_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img w-100\" alt=\"矮人法师预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_dwarfmage.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4\" style=\"height: 40rem\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"猎人图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_gnome.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"侏儒图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">使</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gnomehunter_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-4 w-100\" alt=\"侏儒猎人预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gnomehunter_01.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4 undead\" style=\"height: 40rem\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"猎人图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_undead.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"亡灵图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_undeadhunter_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img mt-5 w-100\" alt=\"亡灵猎人预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_undeadhunter_01.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4 human\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_hunter.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"猎人图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_human.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"人类图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\"></p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_humanhunter.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img hunter w-100\" alt=\"人类猎人预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_humanhunter.webp\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-4\">
<div class=\"p-4\">
<div class=\"class-race-flex\" style=\"background-color: transparent !important\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"class-race-pics\" style=\"background-color: transparent !重要\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_warlock.webp\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" style=\"width: 2.5rem\" alt=\"术士图标\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_troll.png\') }}\" class=\"pull-right ml-2\" alt=\"巨魔图标\">
<p class=\"class-race-p\">广</p>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/troll_warlock-new.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid h-100 hand class-race-img w-100\" alt=\"巨魔术士预览\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/troll_warlock-new.png\') }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("guild-banks.section.1", "guild-banks", "guild-banks.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row bank p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Guild Banks</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Are you tired of stashing away your guild\'s goodies on your alts? By paying a hefty sum of gold, you
can unlock the Guild Vault to store all your valuables. And if that is not enough, you can always pay
extra gold from either the guild vault or your own pockets for additional tabs. Personalize your vault
by adding icons to the tabs, limiting the number of items you take daily and which guilds ranks can
access them.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Feature Preview</h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
Guild Vaults have been added, they can be unlocked by paying a hefty sum of gold, with extra tabs
costing extra gold, either from the vault itself donated by members or from your pockets.
The tabs can be customized with icons, limits to amount of items you can take daily and which guild
ranks can access the tab.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/guild_banks_5.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row bank p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/guild_banks_5.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("dynamic-mount-speed.section.1", "dynamic-mount-speed", "dynamic-mount-speed.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row rocket p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Dynamic </h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Mount Speed</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
All mounts now have dynamic speed, the speed will adapt along with your riding skill.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">How does it work?</h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/mount-speed.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-4 w-100\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row rocket p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"> </h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/mount-speed.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-4 w-100\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("survival-and-gardening.section.1", "survival-and-gardening", "survival-and-gardening.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row tent p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Survival</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">& Gardening</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Ah, the great outdoors! Make yourself at home with a camping tent, warm up with a cozy campfire and
enjoy fishing on a sturdy fishing boat, with bonuses on top. Collect new seeds from around the world
and tend to your own crops and reap the rewards.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Survival</h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white mb-4\">
Visit Stranglethorn Vale and speak to S. J. Erlgadin and Rufus Hardwick of Nesingwary\'s Expedition to
your intensive training in Survival. Youll learn:
<p class=\"w-75 text-white pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to make
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6182\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Dim Torch]</span>
to brighten up your night and grant +4 Spirit
for your party while held!
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to build a simple
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50235\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fishing Boat]</span>
to catch the most tasty fish
right in the middle
of the lake! Fishing on the boat gives you +50 Fishing bonus. Boats last 60 minutes.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to build a
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50234\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Traveler\'s Tent]</span>
to have some rest during your
journey. The tent lasts 20 minutes and gives you a resting bonus while youre inside (Your rested
experience will increase faster, this speed is accelerated with more tents placed next to eachother, scaling with up to 5 tents).
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to create a <span class=\"text-green\">[Bright Campfire]</span> for you and your fellas which provides +8 Spirit to
you and your party.
How to make a
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=81187\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Iron Lantern]</span>
to light up the darkest forests during your adventures. Lantern oil not included.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to make a pair of
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65029\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Murloc\'s Flippers]</span>
that grant you small amounts of all stats and increase your swimming speed while worn.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to repair broken Electro-Lanterns to make your own
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65031\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Repaired Electro-Lantern]</span>
that grants you and your allies +4 Spirit just like the Dim Torch and adds a zap to your melee attacks,
with the added benefit of never running out of fuel,
perfect for the seasoned adventurer.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
How to make a
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50238\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Simple Wooden Planter]</span>
for your general Gardening needs, you can see more details about Gardening below.
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_survival_boats_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_survival_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Gardening</h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white mb-4\">
Grow your own food: plant the seed, water it, foster it, and enjoy the results of your hard work once
its fully grown! Yummy!
<p class=\"w-75 text-white pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Starting at level 20, take the quest You Reap What You Sow in Elwynn Forest or Mulgore.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
This little adventure will teach you where to get 4 types of seeds with an accelerated growth rate.
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
After receiving a brand new shiny Shovel and your first Wooden Planter, youll be ready to grow your
first pumpkin!
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\">How?</h5>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
Make sure to have enough Refreshing Spring Water, Un\'Goro soil, and of course, Seeds with you. Place
the UnGoro Soil and the Seeds carefully in your planter and be prepared to wait! Every 9 minute
youll have to water or fertilize the sproutling. And then, harvest it!
<span class=\"text-brown\">You must have Survival Skill (75) to get started with Gardening!</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_02_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_mulgore_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row tent p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white mb-4\">
西 S.J. ·
<p class=\"w-75 text-white pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6182\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50235\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
+50 60
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50234\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
20 5
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span> +8
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=81187\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65029\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65031\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50238\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_survival_boats_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_survival_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white mb-4\">
<p class=\"w-75 text-white pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-4\"></h5>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
<span class=\"text-brown\">75</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_02_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gardening_mulgore_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"></div>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("transmogrification.section.1", "transmogrification", "transmogrification.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row hat p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2 smaller\">transmogrification</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Complete repeatable quests to earn Fashion Tokens and change your gear looks to your desire! Some
restrictions apply.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Feature Preview</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Transmogification is back and better than ever! Now you can preview how you and item appearances look
via a brand new interface, now with improved code. Collect item appearances by equipping them, and
apply to them your items of choice using Fashion Coins, a currency obtainable by doing quests for the
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_transmogrification.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row hat p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2 smaller\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_transmogrification.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("chronoboon-displacer.section.1", "chronoboon-displacer", "chronoboon-displacer.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Suspending World Buffs:</h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Chronoboon </h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Displacer</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Alters the fabric of time, suspending beneficial world effects from dragonslaying, Dire Maul,
Zul\'Gurub, Darkmoon Faire and Felwood.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Chronoboon Displacer</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-50\">
The purpose of this item is to store world buffs pausing their timers to use the remaining duration
when you please.
<span class=\"text-gray\">Cost: </span> 5 gold <span class=\"text-gray\">Unique and Soulbound</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
Consumed on use, turns into Supercharged Chronoboon Displacer if you have world buffs, storing
them for later use. Cannot use in combat, battlegrounds, arenas, or during raid encounters.
Once consumed you can buy another one from Chromie.
Buffs stored: Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, Spirit of Zandalar, Mol\'dar\'s Moxie, Fengus\' Ferocity,
Slip\'kik\'s Savvy, Songflower Serenade, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune of Damage, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune
of Agility, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune of Armor, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune of Intelligence, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune
of Resistance, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune of Spirit, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune of Stamina, Sayge\'s Dark Fortune
of Strength, Warchief\'s Blessing.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Supercharged</h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Chronoboon Displacer</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
The purpose of this item is to restore any world buffs stored by the <span class=\"orange-text\">Chronoboon Displacer</span>.
<span class=\"text-gray\">Consumed on use</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
While you have world buffs stored you cannot benefit from them and any new world buffs you get
while having this. Item will fade from you if you already have them stored. Cannot use in combat,
battlegrounds, arenas, or during raid encounters.<Br><Br>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ßhronoboon_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
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<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"> </h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-50\">
<span class=\"text-gray\"></span> 5 <span class=\"text-gray\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">使</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-7\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ßhronoboon_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("achievement-titles.section.1", "achievement-titles", "achievement-titles.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row crown p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Achievement Titles</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Show off your outstanding accomplishments with a title granted to you by wielding legendary items
or accomplishing extreme feats.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Available Titles</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Lorekeeper</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Knowledge is power! Lorekeeper is the title for those who managed to complete 1700 quests!
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Cartographer</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
For those that are bold and adventurous enough to discover all locations in both continents of Azeroth.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Sulfuron Champion</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Wielder of Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Guardian of Tirisfal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Stormwielder</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Wielder of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Conqueror of Naxxramas</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Participated in the realm first defeat of Kel\'Thuzad in Naxxramas.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Scarab Lord</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
A proud owner of the Black Qiraji Battle Tank, the Legendary mount of Shifting Sands!
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Immortal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Reach level 60 in Hardcore Mode.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Seeker of Knowledge</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Seeker of Knowledge is the title for those who managed to complete 2800 quests!
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Blood Ring Champion</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Reach Exalted with the Steamwheedle Blood Ring faction.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Crazy Cat Lady</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Get ready to embark on a wild adventure of snatching up every feline you come across on the street! Bring them all back to your humble abode and claim the ultimate title of Crazy Cat Lady in the game. It\'s time to show the world just how much you\'re head-over-heels in love with these purrfect little creatures. Meow!
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Lord of the Frogs</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Are you a frog fanatic like us? Are you ready to hop around and explore every slimy corner in search of that rare breed? It\'s time to gather every frog in Azeroth and earn the legendary title of Lord of the Frogs! Let\'s ribbit our way to victory!
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Bloodthirsty</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Reach 250000 honorable kills.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> The Wanderer</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Reach level 60 in Vagrant\'s Endeavor challenge.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> Diplomat</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
You know what they say - you can\'t please everyone. But let\'s face it, who wants to be a people pleaser anyway? If you\'re ready to earn your title of Diplomat, it\'s time to prove the naysayers wrong! So, buckle up and get ready to cozy up with the Timbermaw Hold, Cenarion Circle, and Thorium Brotherhood.
</div><div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_atiesh_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_atiesh.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_thunderfury_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_thunderfury.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_wielderofsulfuras_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_wielderofsulfuras.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_cartographer_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cartographer.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_lorekeeper_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lorekeeper.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_grandfrogus.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_grandfrogus.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_diplomat.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_diplomat.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"row crown p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> 使</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Hardcore 60
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"> <span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</div><div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_atiesh_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_atiesh.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_thunderfury_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_thunderfury.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_wielderofsulfuras_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_wielderofsulfuras.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_cartographer_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_cartographer.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_lorekeeper_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_lorekeeper.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_grandfrogus.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_grandfrogus.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_diplomat.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_diplomat.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home14", "home", "home.14", "home 14", "<div class=\"section\" id=\"home14\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"titles\"></div>
<div class=\"p-5\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'achievement-titles\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h4>New feature</h4>
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Player Titles</h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-75\">
<p style=\"width: 70%;\">
Flaunt your outstanding accomplishments with a title granted to you by wielding legendary items or achieving extreme feats:
<li>Sulfuron Champion</li>
<li>Guardian of Tirisfal</li>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 cow2\">
<div class=\"transmog\"></div>
<div class=\"p-5\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'transmogrification\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h4>New feature</h4>
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">transmogrification</h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-75\">
<p class=\"w-50\">
Complete repeatable quests and defeat powerful foes to earn Fashion Tokens and change
your gear looks to your desire! Some restrictions apply.
</div>", "<div class=\"section\" id=\"home14\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"titles\"></div>
<div class=\"p-5\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'achievement-titles\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-75\">
<p style=\"width: 70%;\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 cow2\">
<div class=\"transmog\"></div>
<div class=\"p-5\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'transmogrification\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h3>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-75\">
<p class=\"w-50\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("slow-and-steady.section.1", "slow-and-steady", "slow-and-steady.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row turtle p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Slow & Steady</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
If you really like questing and leveling, play in turtle mode, your creature kill rates will be set to
0.5 rates. Enjoy your journey and receive rewards every 10 levels.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">How does it work?</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\" style=\"line-height: 36px\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
Speak to a Glyph Master and get Glyph of the Turtle. Use it.<br>
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
You must turn on Slow & Steady Mode at Level 1. Otherwise, you\'ll remain permanently in normal
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
If you die, you lose 5% of your current level experience. Doesn\'t affect battlegrounds.<br>
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
Dungeons rates remain x1.0 for parties only to encourage players to group up and do dungeons.<br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Rewards</h4>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">10</span></h5>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-white\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=964\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Finely-Tailored Linen Shirt]</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4981\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Adventurer\'s Belt Pouch]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">20</span></h5>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-white\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50049\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Treasure Seeker\'s Torch]</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50058\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Black Piglet]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">30</span></h5>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-white\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23716\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Carved Ogre Idol]</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3762\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Adventurer\'s Satchel]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">40</span></h5>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-white\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23714\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Everlasting Firework]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">50</span></h5>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-white\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22780\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Terky]</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10683\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Adventurer\'s Knapsack]</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51836\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Illusion: Murloc]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">LEVEL <span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">60</span></h3>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-green\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51217\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Fashion Coin] x5</span>
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span> 200 Turtle Tokens
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50094\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Sword of a Thousand Truths]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">&nbsp;<span style=\"font-size: 150%;\">&nbsp;</span></h3>
<p style=\"line-height: 36px;\" class=\"text-green\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19160\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Turtle WoW Tabard]</span>
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50075\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Purple Tallstrider]</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 text-gray\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\">
Sword of a Thousand Truths* is a vanity item without combat characteristics.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 transparent\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5 text-right\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_heart_large.png\') }}\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 pt-5\">
<h4 class=\"text-white mb-0\">We reserve the right</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">to change rewards</h2>
<h4 class=\"text-white mb-0\">if we feel like we have</h4>
<h4 class=\"text-white\">something better to offer</h4>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_dunmorogh_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_dunmorogh.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_duskwood_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_duskwood.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_elwynnforest_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_elwynnforest.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_flightpaths_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_flightpaths.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" ></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hinterlands_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_hinterlands.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" ></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stonetalonmountains_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_stonetalonmountains.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\" ></div>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"row turtle p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
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<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Vagrant\'s Endeavor</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Sick of snagging two-handed axes that are as useful as a screen door on a submarine? Fed up with trying to calculate how much intellect or spell damage you need to avoid becoming the laughing stock of your dungeon party? Fear not, my friend!
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">The solution is here:</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Join the Vagrant\'s Endeavor challenge and bid farewell to the headache of having to pick the right item stats! You\'ll be forced to wear nothing but poor or common quality gear until you hit level 60. Enchanting items is not permitted.
But fear not, once you reach that milestone, you\'ll be rewarded with the coveted title of \"The Wanderer\" and a beat-up mule to lug around all your not-so-valuable possessions. Who needs rare items when you can have a unique companion for each faction, which will make your adventure much easier?
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand mt-4\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
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<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand mt-4\" onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_vagrantmode.webp\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("druid.section.1", "druid", "druid.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Druid</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
The vanilla design of the Druid is infamous for being pretty unfinished. Its mechanics werent
realized until well into the first expansion. Because of this, theres a lot of freedom on how
improve on the class while sticking with the vanilla feeling. That said, simply attempting
to recreate the druid of later expansions is a cop-out, but we feel incorporating some iconic
fan-favorite abilities would be a good idea.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 druid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Claw</span> now also deals 100% of weapon damage in addition to its
current damage.<br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Note: This value is calculated on the invisible Claw weapon druid forms get when shapeshifting and does not correspond with your normal weapon.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Frenzied Regeneration</span> now also heals for 1% of your Stamina.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Insect Swarm</span> is now a Balance spell and available to all Druids
starting at level 20.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Faerie Fire (Feral)</span> is now available to all Druids starting at
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Owlkin Frenzy
<p class=\"text-white mb-5\">
Attacks done to you while in Moonkin Form have a 15% chance to cause you to go into a Frenzy,
you to be immune to pushback while casting Balance spells. Lasts 10 sec.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Savage Bite
<p class=\"text-white\">
Learned at Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">58</span>
Requires: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">Bear Form</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30 Rage</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray\">6 Second</span>
Savagely bites the target, dealing normal damage plus 61.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Balance</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Natural Weapons</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Now 3 Ranks (down from 5)</span>
Increases the damage you deal with physical in all forms by 4/7/10% and increases your chance to
with melee attacks and spells by 1/2/3%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Wrath</span>
Reduces the cast time and global cooldown of your Wrath spell by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 sec.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Moonkin Form</span>
Transforms the Druid into Moonkin Form. While in this form the armor contribution from items
is increased by 360%, the Mana cost of your Moonfire, Starfire, and Wrath spells reduced by 20%,
all party members within 30 yards have their spell critical chance increased by 3%. The Moonkin
only cast Balance spells, Innervate, and Remove Curse while shapeshifted.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Omen of Clarity</span>
Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Each of the Druid\'s melee attacks and direct damage spell
have a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. The Clearcasting state
reduces the
Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%.
Lasts 30
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Feral</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Primal Fury </span> & <span class=\"orange-text\"> Blood Frenzy</span>
Have had their existing effects combined into Primal Fury: Gives you a 50/100% chance to gain an
additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form and your
strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50/100% chance to add an additional
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Feral Instinct</span>
Feral Instinct reduced from 5 ranks to 3 ranks.
Increases threat caused in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 5/10/15% and reduces the chance
have to detect you while Prowling.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Blood Frenzy <sup class=\"orange-text\">New</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4, 2 Ranks </span>
Increases the duration of Tiger\'s Fury by 3/6 seconds and your Enrage now also instantly
restores 5/10 rage.
In addition, Tigers Fury and Enrage increases your attack speed by 6/12% for 6/12 seconds.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Berserk <sup class=\"orange-text\">New</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 1 Rank, 6 Minute Cooldown</span>
Removes all Fear effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form,
increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is
Effect lasts 20 seconds.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Restoration</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Swiftmend </span>
has moved from a Row 7 to a Row 3 talent, replacing Insect Swarm.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Tranquil Spirit </span>
is no longer a prerequisite for the Row 7 major talent.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Rejuvenation </span>
is now a prerequisite talent for Improved Regrowth.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Enrage </span>
has been removed from the Restoration tree and has been integrated into the new talent Blood
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Subtlety </span>
now also reduces threat generated from Balance spells.
Reduces the threat generated by your Healing and Balance spells by 4/8/12/16/20%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">New Talent: Tree of Life Form </span>
Shapeshift into the Tree of Life. While in this form you increase healing received by 20% of
your total Spirit for all party members within 30 yards, your movement speed is reduced by 20%,
and you cannot cast damaging spells or Healing Touch, but the mana cost of these spells is
reduced by 20%.
The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.
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<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 100%<br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 1%
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 20使
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 30
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">58</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">6 </span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
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<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">353</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span> & <span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">42 </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">516</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
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<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> </span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("hunter.section.1", "hunter", "hunter.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hunter</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Hunters main problem in vanilla comes down to two issues: DPS does not scale well with their
gear so
they tend to not be competitive in endgame stages, and their pets are particularly fragile in a
setting, often leading to them not being used. </p>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 hunter\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">New Abilities</h3>
<p class=\"text-white mb-5\">
Burning Crusade fixed hunters problems at the same time with pet scaling, Kill Command, and
Shot abilities - leading them becoming massively overpowered. Avoiding this while also
their vanilla issues can be done by not giving them all three at once.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
A precise shot with a ranged weapon that strikes the target for X additional damage. (Cooldown
of this
ability is equal to the attack speed of your ranged weapon).
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 1:</span> 10 Additional Damage, 5% Mana</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 2:</span> 20 Additional Damage, 5% Mana</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 3:</span> 30 Additional Damage, 5% Mana</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 4:</span> 40 Additional Damage, 5% Mana</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 5:</span> 50 Additional Damage, 5% Mana</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray\">Pet Passive</span>
Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of effect attacks by an additional 50%.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Beast Mastery</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Eyes of the Beast</span>
Increases the duration of Eyes of the Beast by 30/60 seconds. While channeling this ability your
tamed pet deals 15/30% additional damage and increases its focus generation by 15/30%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Aspect of the Hawk</span>
has been renamed to Improved Predator Aspects and now gives your melee attacks a 1/2/3/4/5%
chance to increase melee attack speed by 30% for 12 seconds while Aspect of the Wolf is active.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Survival</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">New Talent: Superior Strikes</span>
Reduces the cooldown of your Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 sec.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Monster Slaying and Humanoid Slaying</span>
have been combined into one talent called Improved Slaying which gives the damage and critical
damage bonuses of both talents.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 hunter\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white mb-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
使 X
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 1</span> 10 5%</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 2</span> 20 5%</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 3</span> 30 5%</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 4</span> 40 5%</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 5</span> 50 5%</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray\"></span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("mage.section.1", "mage", "mage.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Mage</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
There isnt much to improve on for the Fire and Frost mage specs in vanilla - they are tightly
designed and synergize well with other mages very well. That said, Arcane falls far behind
having an opportunity to fill its own niche, and the possibility of encouraging the Elemental
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mage\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Refreshment Table
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Begins a ritual that summons a Refreshment Table. Requires 3 players to right-click the portal
and not move until the ritual is complete. Once complete players can use the Refreshment Table
to acquire Conjured Mana Orange. Requires 2x Arcane Powder.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Arcane Missiles:</span> Spell Power scaling coefficient has been
(0.24 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.286)
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Arcane</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Arcane Explosion</span>
changed to
<span class=\"orange-text\">Arcane Impact</span>
Increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Explosion and Arcane Missiles spell\'s by an
additional 2/4/6%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Brilliance Aura<sup>NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 1 Rank</span>
Gives Mana regeneration to party members equal to 15% of the Mage\'s mana regeneration within 30
yards. Lasts 30 minutes. Requires Arcane Potency as a prerequisite talent. (Can be cast while
riding a mount, just like how the Archmage did in Warcraft 3.)
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Arcane Potency <sup>NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4</span>
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Arcane spells by 18/36/50%. Requires Arcane
Mind as a prerequisite talent.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mage\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> (0.24 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.286)
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"><sup></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">51</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">4</span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("paladin.section.1", "paladin", "paladin.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Paladin</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Lets be frank - the only good thing a paladin can do in vanilla is heal. Sure, with the right
you can do decent tanking or decent dps, but it still doesnt all quite come together. A lot of
potential and uniqueness to the class has always attracted people to it, but that was
lost over time in retail post-vanilla. We believe there is a lot of opportunity to help the
perform more than just healing adequately without making them too powerful or warrior-lite.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 paladin\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Consecration</span>
is no longer a talent and is now available to all Paladins starting at level 20, its
scaling coefficient has been increased (0.042 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.08) and mana
for all ranks has been reduced.
Example: Rank 5 Mana Cost 565 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 505
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Judgement of Righteousness</span> scaling coefficient has been
(0.5 0.728)
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Retribution Aura</span> scaling coefficient has been added: (0.033)
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Strike</span> cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Crusader Strike
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
A strike that causes X damage and increases the holy damage taken by the target by up to Y per
Crusader Strike. Can be applied up to 5 times. Lasts 30 seconds.
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 1:</span> 25 Mana, 12 Damage, 6 Bonus Holy damage per stack
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 2:</span> 40 Mana, 27 Damage, 10 Bonus Holy damage per stack
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 3:</span> 55 Mana, 46 Damage, 15 Bonus Holy damage per stack
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 4:</span> 70 Mana, 69 Damage, 22 Bonus Holy damage per stack
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 5:</span> 90 Mana, 103 Damage, 30 Bonus Holy damage per stack
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Crusader Strike is not able to proc seals or refresh judgments.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Holy</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Healing Light</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 3, 3 Ranks</span>
Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and the effectiveness Holy Shock
spells by 4/8/12%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Shock</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Rework (Values are for Rank 3)</span>
<div class=\"ml-1\">
<ul class=\"text-white ml-4\">
<li>Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.</li>
<li>Mana cost increased from 325 to 485.</li>
<li>Healing Increased from 365 to 628.</li>
<li>Damage increased from 365 to 496.</li>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Lasting Judgements</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Protection</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Redoubt</span>
Now Redoubt has a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to activate off of any direct attack instead of being the
of a critical strike.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Precision</span>
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons and spells by 1/2/3%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Blessing of Kings</span>
Talent has been moved from the Row 3] of the Protection talent tree to the Row 3 of the
talent tree.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Shield Specialization</span>
Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10/20/30% and has a 33/66/100% chance
restore 2% mana when a block occurs. This effect cannot occur more than once every second.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Concentration Aura</span>
has been moved from the Row 4 of the Protection talent tree to the Row 5 of the Holy talent
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Seal of Justice<sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4, 3 Ranks </span>
Increases the chance your Seal of Justice will stun the opponent by 22/33/67% and your Judgement
Justice has a 33/66/100% chance to taunt your target to attack you, but has no effect if the
target is
already attacking you.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Blessing of Sanctuary</span>
Talent has been moved from Row 5 to Row 3 in the Protection tree.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Shield</span>
Talent has been moved from Row 7 to Row 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Ardent Defender<sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 7, 1 Rank </span>
When you have less than 35% health, all damage taken is reduced by 25%.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Retribution</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Seal of Command</span>
Talent moved from Row 3 to Row 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Sanctity Aura</span>
Talent has been moved from the Row 5 of the Retribution talent tree to the Row 3 of the Holy
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Greater Blessing of Kings</span>
Mana Cost has been adjusted: (150 Mana <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 15% Base Mana)
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Seal of the Crusader</span>
has been renamed to Heart of the Crusader and now also increases the holy damage bonus of
Crusader Strike.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">New Talent: Sanctified Command </span>
Gives your Seal of Command a 45/90% chance to resist dispel effects and your Judgement of
Command will restore mana equal to 10/20% of the base mana cost of the Seal of Command to you
and nearby party members. Requires Seal of Command as a prerequisite talent.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 paladin\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 200.042 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.085 565 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 505
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.5 0.728
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.033
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 81030
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<li><span class=\"text-white\">1</span> 25126</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">2</span> 402710</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">3</span> 554615</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">4</span> 706922</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">5</span> 9010330</li>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">33</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">3</span>
<div class=\"ml-1\">
<ul class=\"text-white ml-4\">
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"><sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">43</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"><sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">71</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
150<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>15%
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("priest.section.1", "priest", "priest.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Priest</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Shadow priests are notorious for being good, but also not. Their mana economy is horrendous and
with several downsides other dps+caster hybrids dont have to work around. The challenge for
Shadow is
to boost its utility and mana economy without increasing their power, as their damage per second
actually very good already. </p>
<div class=\"col-lg-6 priest\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Fire </span>
initial damage component scaling has been adjusted: (0.75 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Divine Spirit</span>
is now baseline for all Priests starting at level 30.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Lightwell</span>
has been made baseline and is available for all Priests starting at level 40.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Inner Fire </span>
now also gives Attack Power like in the beta versions, and Improved Inner Fire also scales this
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Fear Ward </span>
is now a Discipline spell and can be cast in Shadowform.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Feedback </span>
mana cost has been reduced.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/icons/priest/spell_shadow_shadowform.jpg\" class=\"mr-2\" style=\"border: 0.1px solid; border-color: #9E9783;\"-->
Improved Shadowform <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Reduces the Mana cost of your Shadow spells by 15% while in Shadowform <span class=\"text-gray\">(Passive)</span>.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
Pain Spike <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Learned at Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">60</span> Cooldown: <span
class=\"text-gray\">15 Seconds</span>
Causes 225 Shadow damage instantly, but the damage caused will begin healing itself over 5
after landing.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
Shadowmend <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Learned at Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">60</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30 Seconds</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">635 Mana</span>
Heal the friendly target 518 to 615. This spell generates a reduced threat. Requires Shadowform.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Shadow</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Vampiric Touch</span>
Talent has been renamed as Vampiric Embrace: Increases the percentage healed by.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Vampiric Embrace</span>
Talent by an additional 5/10% and your Vampiric Embrace now causes all party members to also
gain mana
equal to 2/4% of any Shadow spell damage you deal.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Holy</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Nova</span>
Talent damage component scaling has been adjusted: (0.107 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Holy Champion <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4, 2 Ranks </span>
Allows you to choose another player as your holy champion, granting you several unique
<div class=\"p-5\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Proclaim Champion</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250 Mana</span>
Cast: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10 Seconds</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2 Hour</span>
Proclaim the friendly target as your champion for 2 hrs. Increases armor by 230, all
resistances by
10 and allows the use of various Champion spells on that target.<Br><Br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Note: Persists through death and continues its duration and cooldown countdowns while offline.<Br>
Note: Armor buff does not stack with Scroll of Protection IV
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Champions Grace</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250 Mana</span>
Bestow the target Champion with grace, increasing all healing done by the priest by 10%.
Lasts 2
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Champions Bond</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250 Mana</span>
Creates a bond between priest and Champion. When the priest takes damage up to 20 will be
taken by
the Champion instead. Lasts 10 min.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Empower Champion</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">1100 Mana</span>
Cast: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10 Seconds</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2 Hour</span>
Empower the target Champion, increasing all healing and spell damage done by up to 25 and
power by 30. Lasts 2 hrs.<Br><Br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Note: Does not stack effects with Greater Arcane Elixir or Juju Power/Elixir of Giants
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Champion\'s Resolve</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250 Mana</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5 Minute</span>
Wards the champion against Fear. The next Fear effect used against the target will fail,
using up the ward. Lasts 10 sec.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/proclaim.png\" class=\"mr-3\"-->
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\">Revive Champion</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">81% Base Mana</span>
Cast: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2 Seconds</span>
Return the priest\'s Champion to life with 2500 health and 2600 mana.<BR><BR>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Note: Cannot be cast in combat.</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Discipline</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Reflective Shields <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 1 Rank</span>
Causes 20% of the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker.
This damage causes no threat.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 priest\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
0.75 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.857
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/icons/priest/spell_shadow_shadowform.jpg\" class=\"mr-2\" style=\"border: 0.1px solid; border-color: #9E9783;\"-->
<sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
15% <span class=\"text-gray\">()</span>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">60</span> <span class=\"text-gray\">15</span>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup>
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">635</span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
0.107 <span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 0.161
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">42</span>
<div class=\"p-5\">
<p class=\"text-white\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
线 <br>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">1100</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
/ <br>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">250</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-3 w-100\">
<p class=\"text-white mt-5\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">81%</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">51</span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("rogue.section.1", "rogue", "rogue.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Rogue</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Not a lot to say for Rogues. If anything, Combat being the only viable talent spec in PvE all
the way
to late AQ40/Naxx is unfortunate. Debuff cap limits and some new abilities to add to their
without majorly changing the way the class functions is something we believe Rogue players are
<div class=\"col-lg-6 rogue\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">20 Energy</span>
Finishing move that increases your chance to parry by an additional 20%. Lasts longer per combo
<li><span class=\"text-white\">1 Point:</span> 3 Seconds</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">2 Point:</span> 4 Seconds</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">3 Point:</span> 5 Seconds</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">4 Point:</span> 6 Seconds</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">5 Point:</span> 7 Seconds</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Deadly Throw
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30 Energy</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">Equal to Ranged Weapon Speed</span>
Finishing move causes thrown weapon damage plus additional damage per combo point::
<li><span class=\"text-white\">1 Point:</span> 132 - 228 damage</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">2 Point:</span> 216 - 312 damage</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">3 Point:</span> 300 -396 damage</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">4 Point:</span> 384 - 480 damage</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">5 Point:</span> 468 - 564 damage</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Agitating Poison
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Coats a weapon with poison that lasts for 30 minutes. Each strike has a 20% chance of poisoning
the enemy which instantly inflicts 67 to 85 Nature damage, and causes additional threat. 115
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Combat</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Close Quarters Combat</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4, 5 Ranks </span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Dagger Specialization</span> <span class=\"text-gray\">(Row 4)</span>
and <span class=\"orange-text\">Fist Weapon Specialization</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">(Row 5)</span> have been combined
into Close Quarters Combat: Increases your chance to get a critical strike with Daggers and Fist
Weapons by 1/2/3/4/5%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Throwing Weapon Specialization</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 2 Ranks </span>
Increases the range of your throwing weapons by 3/6 yards.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Subtlety</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Sap</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4</span>
Gives you a 50/100% chance to return to stealth mode after using your Sap ability.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 rogue\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">20 </span>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">1 </span> 3 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">2 </span> 4 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">3 </span> 5 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">4 </span> 6 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">5 </span> 7 </li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
Deadly Throw
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\">30 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-4\"></span>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">1 </span> 132 - 228 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">2 </span> 216 - 312 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">3 </span> 300 - 396 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">4 </span> 384 - 480 </li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">5 </span> 468 - 564 </li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
Agitating Poison
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">45 </span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> <span class=\"text-gray\">(4)</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">(5)</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>1/2/3/4/5%
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">52 </span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">4</span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("character-customizations.section.1", "character-customizations", "character-customizations.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row moustache p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">New Character</h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Customizations</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
With new hair colors, skin paints and colors its never been easier to make your character truly
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Hair Dyes</h3>
<div class=\"hair-dyes\">
<p class=\"text-white\">Do your new fancy shoulderpads look awful with your hair? Would you rather
not cover your amazing face with an ugly helmet? Don\'t worry! Find your local barber in
Stormwind or Crossroads and buy some hair dyes.</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 text-center\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Barbershop\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_barbershop_square.jpg\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_barbershop_square.jpg\") }}\')\"
style=\" cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 1\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (1).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (1).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 2\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (10).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (10).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 3\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (11).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (11).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 4\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (12).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (12).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 5\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (13).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (13).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 6\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (14).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (14).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 7\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (15).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (15).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 8\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (16).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (16).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 9\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (17).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (17).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 10\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (2).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (2).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 11\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (3).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (3).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 12\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (4).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (4).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 13\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (5).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (5).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 14\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (6).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (6).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 15\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (7).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (7).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 16\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (8).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (8).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 17\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (9).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (9).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 18\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"Skin Customization 19\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown_1.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown_1.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px; cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row moustache p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<div class=\"hair-dyes\">
<p class=\"text-white\"></p>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 text-center\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"理发店\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_barbershop_square.jpg\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/turtlewow_barbershop_square.jpg\") }}\')\"
style=\" cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 1\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (1).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (1).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 2\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (10).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (10).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 3\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (11).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (11).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 4\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (12).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (12).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 5\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (13).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (13).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 6\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (14).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (14).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 7\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (15).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (15).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 8\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (16).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (16).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 9\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (17).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (17).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 10\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (2).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (2).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 11\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (3).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (3).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 12\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (4).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (4).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 13\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (5).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (5).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 14\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (6).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (6).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 15\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (7).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (7).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 16\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (8).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (8).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 17\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown (9).png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown (9).png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 18\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px;cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center\">
<div class=\"img-container\">
<img class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\" alt=\"皮肤自定义 19\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/skins/unknown_1.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/skins/unknown_1.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"height: 190px; cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("sound-design.section.1", "sound-design", "sound-design.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row speaker p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Turtle WoW Sound Design Team</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Sound design has always been a big part of the Warcraft Universe. It helped bring players closer to
the stories this world had to offer and enhanced the experience its players had. We aim
to keep up with this tradition and provide our players with excellent sound design to match the
content we provide.<br><br>
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Original Soundtracks</h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">Thanks to our talented artists and musicians (Gabriel Contreras
József Kiss George Kouroupakis Charles Lobaugh), we are able to have numerous new
soundtracks that you will experience as you embark on your journey through Azeroth.
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">Warm thanks for the contributions in the past: Ivan Nikolic Sauli
Pulkkinen Parhaus</p>
<div class=\"mt-4 icons-container\">
<a href=\"https://music.apple.com/us/artist/turtle-wow/1649088037\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/apple_music-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"Apple Music\"
<a href=\"https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/186062707\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/deezer-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"Deezer\" class=\"icon\">
<a href=\"https://soundcloud.com/turtlewow\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/soundcloud-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"SoundCloud\"
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QLoyBdT2ZlirCtRPhdOcp\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify.png\') }}\" alt=\"Spotify\" class=\"icon\">
<div class=\"row w-100 pt-5\" id=\"spotify-albums\">
<div class=\"container pb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\" style=\"padding-left: 15px\">Turtle WoW Official Music Releases</h3>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/5yvMP9OBMKZdq3qEziYBBi\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/beyond_the_graymane_wall.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Beyond the Greymane Wall Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Beyond the Greymane Wall</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/4voEbBWwhORj8nj8nptNKg\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/spectral_symphony.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Spectral Symphony Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Spectral Symphony</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/21KrbvPxWOOKWn66h37ZT6\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/return_of_the_tribes.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Return of the Tribes Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Return of the Tribes</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3FZHHDDc1kLcDuadxkXDTV\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/haunted_prison.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Original Soundtrack, Compilation I Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Original Soundtrack, Compilation I</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/7MsSTgKmCqKgZmTNk4F8qs\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/sparkwater_port.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Sparkwater Port Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Sparkwater Port</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/2TiHhY3EUF2WhCgsv3j6HB\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/pirates_hideout.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Pirate\'s Hideout Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Pirate\'s Hideout</div>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/0mAyaN2S0GFfV5ZhECy1zR\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/inferior_numbers.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Inferior Numbers Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Inferior Numbers</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/6O0PLqGOEi6EXcZXFMX93C\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/emerald_sanctum.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Emerald Sanctum Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Emerald Sanctum</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3PanocndYa9dzzXoy8dusg\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/hourglass_of_eternity.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Hourglass of Eternity Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Hourglass of Eternity</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/6S8j6PvSCTbt7hi2pryTcw\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/anchors_fall.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Anchor\'s Fall Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Anchor\'s Fall</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/2gm6SOdGs6OyBi5iNmU6Gn\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/snowing_in_the_vale.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Snowing in the Vale Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Snowing in the Vale</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3A4uB00sTyGPur9RC2RER6\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/unvisited_island.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Unvisited Island Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Unvisited Island</div>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/7dz3V406NhqEbOPq5pij0J\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/haunted_prison.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Haunted Prison Album Cover\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Haunted Prison</div>
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Unique Character Voices</h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
As we introduce many new characters, we strive to give them more life to make them feel
a part of
the world they inhabit. And what better way to do that than to provide them with their
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\" alt=\"Footer Line\">
<!--p class=\"team\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-2\">Team:</span>
Sauli Pulkkinen
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-4\">
<div class=\"row shanky ml-0 mr-0\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-white\">
<h3 class=\"mt-5 mb-4\">Charles Lobaugh, \'ol Shanky</h3>
<p class=\"mr-5 mb-5\" style=\"width: 80%\">
The community that Turtle WoW fosters is one of teamwork, passion, and care that
unprecedented in other games past and present. I\'m thankful to be working with
people and extremely humbled by their willingness to let me express myself in my
voicework. For
Charles has been a part of our project for many years, breathing life into our
characters with his voice acting skills! We highly recommend collaborating with
check Charles out on Fiverr:
<a href=\"https://www.fiverr.com/charleslobaugh/voice-act-your-character-trailer-or-advertisement?utm_campaign=gigs_show&utm_medium=shared&utm_source=copy_link&utm_term=vgg9wz\"
&nbsp;Charle\'s Fiverr
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row speaker p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Turtle WoW </h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">Gabriel Contreras József Kiss George Kouroupakis Charles Lobaugh
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">Ivan Nikolic Sauli Pulkkinen Parhaus</p>
<div class=\"mt-4 icons-container\">
<a href=\"https://music.apple.com/us/artist/turtle-wow/1649088037\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/apple_music-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"Apple Music\"
<a href=\"https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/186062707\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/deezer-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"Deezer\" class=\"icon\">
<a href=\"https://soundcloud.com/turtlewow\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/soundcloud-new.png\') }}\" alt=\"SoundCloud\"
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QLoyBdT2ZlirCtRPhdOcp\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify.png\') }}\" alt=\"Spotify\" class=\"icon\">
<div class=\"row w-100 pt-5\" id=\"spotify-albums\">
<div class=\"container pb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\" style=\"padding-left: 15px\">Turtle WoW </h3>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/5yvMP9OBMKZdq3qEziYBBi\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/beyond_the_graymane_wall.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Beyond the Greymane Wall 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Beyond the Greymane Wall</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/4voEbBWwhORj8nj8nptNKg\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/spectral_symphony.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Spectral Symphony 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Spectral Symphony</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/21KrbvPxWOOKWn66h37ZT6\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/return_of_the_tribes.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Return of the Tribes 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Return of the Tribes</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3FZHHDDc1kLcDuadxkXDTV\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/haunted_prison.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Original Soundtrack, Compilation I 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Original Soundtrack, Compilation I</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/7MsSTgKmCqKgZmTNk4F8qs\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/sparkwater_port.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Sparkwater Port 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Sparkwater Port</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/2TiHhY3EUF2WhCgsv3j6HB\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/pirates_hideout.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Pirate\'s Hideout 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Pirate\'s Hideout</div>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/0mAyaN2S0GFfV5ZhECy1zR\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/inferior_numbers.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Inferior Numbers 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Inferior Numbers</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/6O0PLqGOEi6EXcZXFMX93C\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/emerald_sanctum.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Emerald Sanctum 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Emerald Sanctum</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3PanocndYa9dzzXoy8dusg\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/hourglass_of_eternity.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Hourglass of Eternity 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Hourglass of Eternity</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/6S8j6PvSCTbt7hi2pryTcw\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/anchors_fall.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Anchor\'s Fall 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Anchor\'s Fall</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/2gm6SOdGs6OyBi5iNmU6Gn\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/snowing_in_the_vale.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Snowing in the Vale 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Snowing in the Vale</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/3A4uB00sTyGPur9RC2RER6\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/unvisited_island.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Unvisited Island 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Unvisited Island</div>
<div class=\"radio-staff\">
<div class=\"col-lg-2 \">
<a href=\"https://open.spotify.com/album/7dz3V406NhqEbOPq5pij0J\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/spotify_covers_all/haunted_prison.png\') }}\"
alt=\"Haunted Prison 专辑封面\"
<div class=\"text-center orange-text\">Haunted Prison</div>
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"row mb-4\" style=\"box-shadow: none\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mb-4\" style=\"width: 12rem\">
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<div class=\"mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\" alt=\"Footer Line\">
<!--p class=\"team\">
<span class=\"orange-text mr-2\">Team:</span>
Sauli Pulkkinen
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-4\">
<div class=\"row shanky ml-0 mr-0\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 text-white\">
<h3 class=\"mt-5 mb-4\">Charles Lobaugh, \'ol Shanky</h3>
<p class=\"mr-5 mb-5\" style=\"width: 80%\">
Turtle WoW
Charles Fiverr Charles
<a href=\"https://www.fiverr.com/charleslobaugh/voice-act-your-character-trailer-or-advertisement?utm_campaign=gigs_show&utm_medium=shared&utm_source=copy_link&utm_term=vgg9wz\"
&nbsp;Charle\'s Fiverr
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("new-locations-and-maps.section.1", "new-locations-and-maps", "new-locations-and-maps.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row web p-5\" id=\"new-locations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\">New locations</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">& maps</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or a new one, Mysteries of Azeroth offers a ton of new
maps and locations to explore. From the war-torn lands of Lordaeron to the harsh yet beautiful
shores of Durotar, travel around the world and experience never-before-seen places.
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#gillijims-isle\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Gillijim\'s
Isle & Island of Lapidis</a><br>
<a href=\"#caelans-rest\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Caelan\'s
<a href=\"#tirisfal-uplands\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Tirisfal Uplands</a><br>
<a href=\"#sparkwater-port\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Sparkwater Port</a><br>
<a href=\"#hawks-vigil\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hawk\'s Vigil</a><br>
<a href=\"#dun-agrath\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Dun Agrath</a><br>
<a href=\"#venture-camp\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine</a><br>
<a href=\"#sorrowguard-keep\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Sorrowguard Keep</a><br>
<a href=\"#hyjal\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hyjal</a><br>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#blackstone-island\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Blackstone Island</a><br>
<a href=\"#forlorn-summit\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Forlorn Summit</a><br>
<a href=\"#gilneas\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Gilneas</a><br>
<a href=\"#stormwind-additions\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Davensburg</a><br>
<a href=\"#telabim\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Tel\'abim</a><br>
<a href=\"#anchors-edge\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Anchor\'s Edge</a><br>
<a href=\"#thalassian-highlands\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Thalassian Highlands</a><br>
<a href=\"#gnomeregan-reclamation-facility\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Gnomeregan Reclamation
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#karfang-hold\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Karfang Hold</a><br>
<a href=\"#little-silvermoon\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Little Silvermoon</a><br>
<a href=\"#hateforge-excavation\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hateforge Excavation</a><br>
<a href=\"#scarlet-enclave\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Scarlet Enclave</a><br>
<a href=\"#suntail-pass\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Suntail Pass</a><br>
<a href=\"#sandmoon-village\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Sandmoon Village</a><br>
<a href=\"#redcloud-roost\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Redcloud Roost</a><br>
<a href=\"#shrine-of-the-betrayer\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Shrine of the Betrayer</a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gillijims-isle\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Gillijim\'s Isle & Island of Lapidis</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Long has it been since explorers reveled stories of the great Isle of Giljim, and the Island of
Lapidis. Stories shared around the campfires of eager voyagers ready to make their mark upon the
world. A place where trolls practiced shadow, a place where pirates called home and brewed ale
to the
cartload! Surely these tales and stories are just that, stories right? Is what the old travelers
true, are there really islands out there, that beckon new adventurers?
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'6dd28596\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gillijim\'s Isle & Island of Lapidis 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image 1412.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100 h-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image 1412.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gillijim\'s Isle & Island of Lapidis 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image-2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image-2.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gillijim\'s Isle & Island of Lapidis 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image 16231.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image 16231.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"caelans-rest\">>
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Caelan\'s Rest</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
This once proud fleet of Kul Tiras lays shipwrecked upon Lapidis Isle. Betrayed and left ashore,
battled to secure themselves at Caelan\'s Rest. With their allegiances to the Old Alliance
intact, they
graciously accept the help of those loyal to Stormwind.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
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<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"tirisfal-uplands\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Tirisfal Uplands</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The wind howls, and the clouds thicken over the Whispering Forest. The Forsaken begin their
into the Tirisfal Uplands, a land ravaged by the undead scourge and holding the remains of what
was. This forgotten territory has much at stake for those eager enough to help.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'42429472\'])
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations3\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations3\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations3\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sparkwater-port\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Sparkwater Port</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The grinding of gears, the buzzing of saws, smoke billows upon the horizon of Durotar as the
Union finds its footing within the region. Within the new Sparkwater Port the fire\'s of industry
awaken, and loom upon the shoreline as the Goblin\'s forge their new destinies within the Horde.
to the new town and find your place amongst the crafty goblins. With over 50 quests, gambling,
vendor goods, rare items, you ain\'t going to want to miss all the action!
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'63e99be1\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sparkwater Port\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sparkwater Port Goblin\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblin_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblin.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sparkwater Port Goblins\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblins_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblins.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hawks-vigil\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Hawk\'s Vigil</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Expecting a Scourge retaliation, refugees of Lordaeron managed to escape south into the
mountains and
worked hard to fortify their new settlement so it could survive a siege from the Undead. Over
the threats became less real and the inhabitants of Hawk\'s Vigil could finally start to feel a
of comfort in this small but fruitful land. Whether you\'re a warrior, wizard, or just a weary
traveler; all are welcome in the hills of Wetlands!
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'1b581b88\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hawk\'s Vigil 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_03_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hawk\'s Vigil 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hawk\'s Vigil 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_02_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"dun-agrath\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Dun Agrath</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The town of Dun Agrath: enjoy their secluded peace as the sun sets to rest another day.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'2baafefe\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"venture-camp\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The Venture Company have finally arrived to check on Nert Blastentom and his crew\'s mission, to
find no trace of their (now-ex) employees. They\'ve now dug open a way to the valley to find a
clue to their whereabouts and to finish the mission that was tasked to them all that time ago:
Drain the land of all of its resources.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Venture Camp and Broken Cliff Mine 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sorrowguard-keep\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Sorrowguard Keep</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Sorrowguard Keep stands as a testament to humankind\'s resillience. Originally built to keep
vigil over the orcs in the Second War, it was damaged and abandoned. It has since been repaired
by Watch Paladin Janathos and his guard, unbeknownst to the Horde. Help them conceal the keep
from scouts, gather valuable supplies and clear out the encroaching wildlife.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sorrowguard Keep 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"height: 78%; cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sorrowguard Keep 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Sorrowguard Keep 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hyjal\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Hyjal</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Perched atop the peaks of Kalimdor, Hyjal has long been a sacred place for the Night Elves,
serving as a constant watch against the horrors of the past. Archimonde\'s bones, a haunting
reminder of the War of the Ancients, adorn Nordrassil. Recently, the once secluded Hyjal has
opened its gates, beckoning for aid in the battle against the growing Nightmare and demonic
corruption that plagues the mountain. It is crucial that we climb Mount Hyjal and join the fight
against this evil, lest we return to the dark days of ten thousand years ago, or worse.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hyjal 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hyjal_0.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hyjal_0.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hyjal 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Hyjal 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gilneas\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Gilneas</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Gilneas, once the proud home of a nation, now lies in ruins. Its despondent people struggle to
survive, scavenging whatever scraps they can find from the remains. However, with the battered
and broken gate of the Greymane Wall, the nation can now open its doors to the outside world,
raising hope that Gilneas may flourish once more. </p>
<img alt=\"Gilneas City\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gilneas_city_2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"stormwind-additions\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Davensburg</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Founding an embassy in Stormwind Harbor, sailors of Kul Tiras have been welcomed into the city
heart of the Alliance, building the ground for diplomatic relations between the divided nations.
However, while many are eager to mend the deep wounds from wars long gone, other countrymen
cannot quell their hatred so easily. With torches aflame in the advent of war, the people of
Davenburg need to prove their allegiance towards the Alliance and their brittle peace with the
<img alt=\"Davensburg\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/davensburg.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"telabim\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Tel\'abim</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Found off the eastern coast of Tanaris, Tel\'abim stands as the center for banana export,
overseen by the neutral Tel Company, Tel Co. for short. Recently the apes of the island have
started a rebellion against the company, driving them off of collection sites and demolishing
equipment, it\'s up to you to restore order to the island and help Tel Co. resume collection, or
else Azeroth might never see another banana again. </p>
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d62d953b\'])
<img alt=\"Tel\'abim\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/turtlewow_telabim.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid mt-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"anchors-edge\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Anchor\'s Edge</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Kul Tirans of the expeditionary fleet led by Lieutenant Alverold have finally returned, the
promised reinforcements of Tiragarde. Settling on a new island that has been called Anchor\'s
Edge, just south of the Echo Isles. Already, scouts and commandos have pushed into the southern
Echo Isles and may become a threat to the Horde if not dealt with in time! </p>
<img alt=\"Anchor\'s Edge House\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1164/anchors_edge_house.jpg\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"thalassian-highlands\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Thalassian Highlands</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Located at the remote fringes of Quel\'thalas, these lands were initially established as an
outpost for Alah\'Thalas. Over time, with your assistance, it has developed into a thriving city,
complete with its own dock. However, one must not be deceived by the beauty of these lands, for
lurking in the shadows are sinister forces, even within the city walls. This zone serves as the
starting point for fledgling High Elves, offering a level 1-10 experience.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Thalassian Highlands 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Thalassian Highlands 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Thalassian Highlands 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gnomeregan-reclamation-facility\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility is the result of gnomekind\'s collective efforts to reclaim
their city. Located in Dun Morogh, it serves as the new home for the Gnomeregan Exiles. This
Alliance town offers familiar amenities like an auction house and bank, as well as general goods
vendors. Former residents of Tinker Town, Ironforge, have relocated here, along with new gnomes
joining the cause. The facility provides quests for reclaiming Gnomeregan, including a section
overrun by toxic components. While you will be rewarded for your helping efforts, be cautious of
the gadgets you receive, as they may turn you into a test subject.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Gnomeregan Reclamation Facility 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"blackstone-island\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Blackstone Island</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
After escaping from the lands of Stonetalon Mountains, the goblins of the Durotar Labor Union
have succumbed to their biggest weakness: greed. They have seized control of an island rich in
natural resources, but this new empire has been built on the backs of hopeful goblins who sought
an escape from the clutches of the Venture Co. These new recruits found themselves trapped in a
similar predicament again, only this time under new management. It is now your responsibility to
break free from the chains of poverty and claim your rightful place in the Durotar Labor Union.
This zone serves as the starting point for fledgling goblins, offering a level 1-10
experience. </p>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Blackstone Island 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Blackstone Island 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Blackstone Island 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"forlorn-summit\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Forlorn Summit</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Forgotten and decayed, this cliff holds Prince Arthas Menethils base from which he issued the
Culling of Stratholme during the Scourges infestation by the Cult of the Damned. In his fervent
pursuit of MalGanis, he abandoned this outpost - unbeknownst to the Silver Hand, Arthas
suspicions were about to be verified: among the refugees of Stratholme were not only bearers of
the Plague of Undeath, but also remaining agents of the Cult of the Damned, Kelthuzads
necromantic acolytes. To this day, the Forlorn Summit is a breeding ground of vile sorcery and
crimes against all life. Are you valiant enough to stand against Kelthuzads sect?
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Forlorn Summit 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Forlorn Summit 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Forlorn Summit 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"karfang-hold\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Karfang Hold</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Made aware of their position as puppets to the dragons of the upper spires, Karfang and other
wiser Blackrock orcs have ventured northeast of the Burning Steppes to establish what is now
known as Karfang Hold. Seeking the aid of the New Horde, they have opened their doors to
adventurers and allies. Quests in this hub will require you to scrounge up vital resources for
survival, clean up traces of the Orcs\' departure and the resulting betrayal of the Old Horde to
prevent an all-out attack from the Blackrock Mountain, and aid them as they strive to solidify
themselves as part of the New Horde.
<img alt=\"Karfang Hold\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karfanghold.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"little-silvermoon\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Little Silvermoon</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Established in the nook of Stormwind that was formerly called Cutthroat Alley, Little Silvermoon
serves as the embassy of the High Elven refugees, also serving as a slice of what once was
before their exile.
<img alt=\"Little Silvermoon\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/little_silvermoon.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hateforge-excavation\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Hateforge Excavation</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Under order of the Blackrock senate, an excavation by the Dark Iron dwarves has been issued in
the east of the Burning Steppes. Born from the mind of High Foreman Bargul Blackhammer, they
mine day in day out, yet with no apparent results. Suspicious of their actions, members of the
Royal Senate of Ironforge and the renegade group of Blackrock Orcs in Karfang Hold seek the aid
of adventurers to unveil the shadows seeping out of the Hateforge Quarry.
<img alt=\"Hateforge Excavation\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"scarlet-enclave\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Scarlet Enclave</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Left in disarray after the assault on the Scarlet Monastery, the leadership of the Scarlet
Crusade rapidly increased their recruitments and many of the lost and impressionable youths have
been drafted into their fanatic fold. Rumors spread across the Eastern Kingdoms, as the Crusade
started retreating and hiding more and more in the secretive Scarlet Enclave yonder Tyrs Hand.
What theyre conspiring behind that shut gate may remain a mystery for now.
<img alt=\"Scarlet Enclave\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/scarlet_enclave.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"suntail-pass\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Suntail Pass</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Located in the northeastern corner of Mulgore, this pass serves as a place of pilgrimage to a
few spirit walkers dedicated to honoring their ancestors and as a passage between Mulgore and
the Barrens, allowing a safer trip to the Crossroads for young Tauren adventurers looking to
make their place in the world. This location also serves as a small quest hub to clear the
Bristleback Quilboar presence found east of the pass.
<img alt=\"Suntail Pass\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_suntailpass.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sandmoon-village\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Sandmoon Village</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Only accessible via a hidden path from Tanaris, Sandmoon Village serves as a hidden home to a
small sect of Sandfury trolls. Less bloodthirsty than the rest of their kind and aware of the
corruption growing behind the walls of Zul\'Farrak, they\'ve established this village to separate
themselves from them, and in requirement of aid from the Horde for survival in the cliffs of the
scorching desert.
<img alt=\"Sandmoon Village\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sandmoon.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"redcloud-roost\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Redcloud Roost</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Found atop a spire at the Red Cloud Mesa, it\'s here where fledgling wyverns are given the
training needed to transport passengers around Kalimdor. Perhaps you can train a fledgling of
your own?
<img alt=\"Redcloud Roost\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_redcloud.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"shrine-of-the-betrayer\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Shrine of the Betrayer</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
An ancient statue devoted to Illidan, built by the exiled highborne a millennia ago. It is
currently occupied by blood elves and a wayward demon hunter.
<img alt=\"Shrine of the Betrayer\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/shrine.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"icepoint-rock\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Icepoint Rock</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
This frozen glacier floats in the midpoint between Kalimdor and Northrend. The means to get to
it and its inhabitants remain a mystery even to the hardiest of adventurers.
<img alt=\"Icepoint Rock\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icepoint_rock.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"chimaera-roost-vale\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Chimaera Roost Vale</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Once abandoned after the Third War, the forgotten Chimaera Roost Vale finds hope in the
determined efforts of night elf Velos, who strives to restore its former glory.
<img alt=\"Chimaera Roost Vale\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_chiemareroost.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"amani-alor\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Amani\'Alor</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Amani\'alor serves as Kalimdor outpost of the Revantusk Trolls situated in the northwestern
corner of the Stonetalon Mountains. They toil and work to unite the troll tribes under the
banner of the Horde.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Amani\'Alor 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Amani\'Alor 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"Amani\'Alor 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 worldmaps\" id=\"new-world-maps-and-updates\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">New World Maps and Updates</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
New towns to explore, new stories to tell, new villains to defeat!
<!-- <iframe width=\"100%\" height=\"480\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/8xzz7x4BNAo\"-->
<!-- title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\"-->
<!-- allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\"-->
<!-- allowfullscreen></iframe>-->
<div class=\"row\">
$imageFolder = resource_path(\'images/maps/small\');
$images = array_diff(scandir($imageFolder), array(\'..\', \'.\'));
@foreach ($images as $image)
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/small/\' . $image) }}\" class=\"img-fluid\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/\' . $image) }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 worldmaps\" id=\"zone-revamps\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Zone Revamps</h3>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Arathi Highlands:</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<li>Wildtusk Village</li>
<li>Ruins of Zul\'rasaz</li>
<li>Trails of Zul\'rasaz</li>
<li>Farwell Stead</li>
<li>Gallant Square</li>
<li>Livingstone Croft</li>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Azshara:</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<li>Flaxwhisker Front</li>
<li>Bloodfist Point</li>
<li>Rethress Sanctum</li>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Badlands:</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<li>Ruins of Corthan</li>
<li>Scalebane Ridge</li>
<li>Crystalline Oasis</li>
<li>Crystalline Pinnacle</li>
<li>Redbrand\'s Digsite</li>
<li>Angor Digsite</li>
<li>Ruins of Zeth</li>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Stonetalon Mountains:</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<li>Bramblethorn Pass</li>
<li>Powder Town</li>
<li>Blacksand Oil Fields</li>
<li>Bael Hardul</li>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Dustwallow Marsh:</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<li>Westhaven Hollow</li>
<li>Blackhorn Village</li>
<li>Deserter\'s Hideout</li>
<li>Hermit of the East Coast</li>
<li>Continuation of Shady Rest Inn</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"updated-vanilla-locations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Updated Vanilla Locations</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span>Forest Song
<span class=\"star mr-3\"></span>Thalanaar
<span class=\"star mr-3\"></span>Talonbranch Glade</p>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row web p-5\" id=\"new-locations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#gillijims-isle\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">屿</a><br>
<a href=\"#caelans-rest\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#tirisfal-uplands\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#sparkwater-port\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#hawks-vigil\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#dun-agrath\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#venture-camp\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#sorrowguard-keep\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#hyjal\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#blackstone-island\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#forlorn-summit\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#gilneas\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#stormwind-additions\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#telabim\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#anchors-edge\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#thalassian-highlands\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#gnomeregan-reclamation-facility\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<a href=\"#karfang-hold\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#little-silvermoon\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#hateforge-excavation\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#scarlet-enclave\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#suntail-pass\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#sandmoon-village\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#redcloud-roost\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#shrine-of-the-betrayer\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">殿</a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gillijims-isle\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">屿</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'6dd28596\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"吉利吉姆的岛屿与拉皮迪斯岛 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image 1412.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100 h-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image 1412.png\") }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"吉利吉姆的岛屿与拉皮迪斯岛 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image-2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image-2.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"吉利吉姆的岛屿与拉皮迪斯岛 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/image 16231.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/image 16231.png\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"caelans-rest\">>
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'18d915e6\'])
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">-->
<!-- <img src=\"images/locations2\" class=\"img-fluid\">-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"tirisfal-uplands\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'42429472\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sparkwater-port\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'63e99be1\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"电火港\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"电火港地精\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblin_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblin.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"电火港地精们\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblins_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sparkwaterport_goblins.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hawks-vigil\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'1b581b88\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"鹰眠岗 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_03_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"鹰眠岗 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_01_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"鹰眠岗 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_02_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hawksvigil_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"dun-agrath\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'2baafefe\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"venture-camp\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Nert Blastentom及其小组的任务线
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"冒险者营地和破碎悬崖矿井 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"冒险者营地和破碎悬崖矿井 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"冒险者营地和破碎悬崖矿井 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/stonetalon3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sorrowguard-keep\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"哀伤卫城 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"height: 78%; cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"哀伤卫城 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"哀伤卫城 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sorrowguardkeep_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hyjal\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"海加尔 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hyjal_0.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hyjal_0.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"海加尔 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"海加尔 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hyjal_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gilneas\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"吉尔尼斯\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gilneas_city_2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"stormwind-additions\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"达文堡\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/davensburg.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"telabim\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Tel Co.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d62d953b\'])
<img alt=\"泰拉贝姆\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/turtlewow_telabim.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid mt-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"anchors-edge\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"锚边\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1164/anchors_edge_house.jpg\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"thalassian-highlands\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"萨拉斯高地 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"萨拉斯高地 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"萨拉斯高地 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thalas_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"gnomeregan-reclamation-facility\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"侏儒墙复工厂 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"侏儒墙复工厂 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"侏儒墙复工厂 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/grf_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"blackstone-island\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"黑石岛 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"黑石岛 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"黑石岛 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/blackstone_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"forlorn-summit\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"凄凉之巅 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"凄凉之巅 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"凄凉之巅 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/forlorn_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"karfang-hold\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"卡方要塞\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karfanghold.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"little-silvermoon\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"小银月\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/little_silvermoon.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"hateforge-excavation\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"仇炉挖掘场\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"scarlet-enclave\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"血色飞地\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/scarlet_enclave.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"suntail-pass\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"日尾小径\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_suntailpass.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"sandmoon-village\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"沙月村\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_sandmoon.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"redcloud-roost\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"赤云栖地\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_redcloud.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"shrine-of-the-betrayer\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"背叛者神龛\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/shrine.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"icepoint-rock\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"冰尖岩\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icepoint_rock.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"chimaera-roost-vale\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<img alt=\"奇美拉栖谷\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_chiemareroost.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"amani-alor\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"阿玛尼阿洛 1\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"阿玛尼阿洛 2\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img alt=\"阿玛尼阿洛 3\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/amani_3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 worldmaps\" id=\"new-world-maps-and-updates\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"row\">
$imageFolder = resource_path(\'images/maps/small\');
$images = array_diff(scandir($imageFolder), array(\'..\', \'.\'));
@foreach ($images as $image)
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/small/\' . $image) }}\" class=\"img-fluid\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/\' . $image) }}\')\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"
data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 worldmaps\" id=\"zone-revamps\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> :</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> :</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> :</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> :</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"col-md-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> :</h5>
<ul class=\"text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"updated-vanilla-locations\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span>
<span class=\"star mr-3\"></span>
<span class=\"star mr-3\"></span></p>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("team credits", "home", "team.credits", "", "<br>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon crown\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Narrative Team</h3>
<p>Shang Testiramo</p>
<p>Gheor Tamamo</p>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon wrench\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Server Development</h3>
<p>Jamey Torta</p>
<p>Brotalnia Pompa</p>
<p>Dormilon Letic</p>
<p>Giperion Gurky</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon cog\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Client Development</h3>
<p>Haaxor Xerron </p>
<p>Nick Coldstar Thimz</p>
<p>Dragunovi Moon</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">3D Modelling</h3>
<p>Werdun Soft</p>
<p>Mattew Kamoodle</p>
<p>Tonky cpt_alex</p>
<p>Godfarther Regrowth</p>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Quality Assurance</h3>
<p>Gurky Bohri</p>
<p>Goblin Boy</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Music & Sound Design</h3>
<p>George Kouroupakis József Kiss</p>
<p>Gabriel Contreras Ivan Nikolić</p>
<p>Parhaus Sauli Pulkkinen</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Trailers & Graphic Design</h3>
<p>Willberg Irim Xecc</p>
<p>Evgeniy Moiseev Rennz</p>
<p>Damian TzuguMMoMo</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Community Support</h3>
<p>Happyhorror Vanth Akalix</p>
<p>Agreeable Ana-Mouz Cherry Pie</p>
<p>Evilmike Gordon Gurky</p>
<p>Glitter Juwu Liovin</p>
<p>Pippiz Saelas Shiromare</p>
<p>Sneaky Stagolee </p>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon star\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Hardware & SysOps</h3>
<p>Bowser Naravia</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Voice Acting</h3>
<p>Charles Lobaugh</p>
<p>Bougga Gnema Silver</p>
<p>Moonlit Majesty</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Item Design</h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Roleplay Support</h3>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5 mb-5 text-center\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-4\">Special thanks</h4>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-2 w-50\">
<p class=\"mb-5 mt-3\">
Mosey Zeo Tinyfin Kazgrim Namreeb Neto Five Hallaven Cocely Mr.Rosh Sun
Giperion Henhouse
Axon Ghost Fiur Mirajho Yurrie Sly Necropola VMaNGOS Team A2 Bengus Shagu
Cranica Tor-Tun Dodgykebaab Bruce Intra Traggyo Wall Glouton Sleambean
And every player who has helped making Turtle WoW feel like a welcoming and homely place for
<br>", "<br>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon crown\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Shang Testiramo</p>
<p>Gheor Tamamo</p>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon wrench\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Jamey Torta</p>
<p>Brotalnia Pompa</p>
<p>Dormilon Letic</p>
<p>Giperion Gurky</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon cog\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Haaxor Xerron </p>
<p>Nick Coldstar Thimz</p>
<p>Dragunovi Moon</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">3D </h3>
<p>Werdun Soft</p>
<p>Mattew Kamoodle</p>
<p>Tonky cpt_alex</p>
<p>Godfarther Regrowth</p>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Gurky Bohri</p>
<p>Goblin Boy</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>George Kouroupakis József Kiss</p>
<p>Gabriel Contreras Ivan Nikolić</p>
<p>Parhaus Sauli Pulkkinen</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Willberg Irim Xecc</p>
<p>Evgeniy Moiseev Rennz</p>
<p>Damian TzuguMMoMo</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Happyhorror Vanth Akalix</p>
<p>Agreeable Ana-Mouz Cherry Pie</p>
<p>Evilmike Gordon Gurky</p>
<p>Glitter Juwu Liovin</p>
<p>Pippiz Saelas Shiromare</p>
<p>Sneaky Stagolee </p>
<div class=\"row mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon star\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Bowser Naravia</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon speaker\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Charles Lobaugh</p>
<p>Bougga Gnema Silver</p>
<p>Moonlit Majesty</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon globe\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<div class=\"col-lg-3\">
<div class=\"icon eye\"></div>
<h3 class=\"orange-text\"></h3>
<p>Deekin Bearcat</p>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5 mb-5 text-center\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-4\"></h4>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-2 w-50\">
<p class=\"mb-5 mt-3\">
Mosey Zeo Tinyfin Kazgrim Namreeb Neto Five Hallaven Cocely Mr.Rosh Sun
Giperion Henhouse
Axon Ghost Fiur Mirajho Yurrie Sly Necropola VMaNGOS Team A2 Bengus Shagu
Cranica Tor-Tun Dodgykebaab Bruce Intra Traggyo Wall Glouton Sleambean
使 Turtle WoW
</div>", "0");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("raids-and-dungeons.section.1", "raids-and-dungeons", "raids-and-dungeons.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row tent p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Raids & Dungeons</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
From the depths of Karazhan Crypt to the corrupted wilds of Crescent Grove, new foes arise to
the world. Only by the combined might of the brave adventures do residents of Azeroth stand a
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#emerald-sanctum\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Emerald Sanctum</a><br>
<a href=\"#lower-karazhan-halls\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Lower Karazhan Halls</a><br>
<a href=\"#caverns-of-time-black-morass\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Caverns of Time: Black
<a href=\"#karazhan-crypt\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Karazhan Crypt</a><br>
<a href=\"#stormwind-vault\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Stormwind Vault</a><br>
<a href=\"#hateforge-quarry\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hateforge Quarry</a><br>
<a href=\"#gilneas-city\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Gilneas City</a><br>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#crescent-grove\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">The Crescent Grove</a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-concavius\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">World Boss Concavius</a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-ostarius\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">World Boss Ostarius of Uldum</a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-nerubian\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">World Boss Nerubian Overseer</a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-dark-reaver\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">World Boss Dark Reaver of
<a href=\"#cross-faction-play\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Cross-faction play (Nordanaar
<a href=\"#new-rare-monsters\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">New Rare Monsters</a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"emerald-sanctum\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Emerald Sanctum</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">40 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">T2</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
A fog of corruption has descended upon the Emerald Dream, twisting the morals and intentions of
the noblest and purest. The corrupted Wakener is preparing to send a premature call of
awakening; if
not stopped, his kin will arise and go on a frenzied rampage across Azeroth.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d4ee18b4\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_01.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_03.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"lower-karazhan-halls\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Lower Karazhan Halls</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">10 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">T1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Karazhan, once the towering stronghold of the former Guardian of Tirisfal, now hums with magical
energy as it perches atop a powerful leyline. Its long-forgotten corridors, covered in dust,
become a haven for various creatures, though it appears that not all of its inhabitants have
departed. In the depths of the lower halls, Medivh\'s loyal castellan, Moroes, remains a vigilant
guardian. If you manage to impress him, he may grant you access to the upper floors.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'7835bc7a\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_03.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_03.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"caverns-of-time-black-morass\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Caverns of Time: Black Morass</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">Dire Maul+</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">1 Hour</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Climb the spire that serves as the link between times past and present and prevent the Infinite
Dragonflight from interfering with the one true timeline.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'fb195e7b\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_03.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"karazhan-crypt\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Karazhan Crypt</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">Dire Maul+</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">1 - 1.5 Hours</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Something is twisting the dead back to life in the forlorn catacombs, find the source so the
dead may
rest again.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'45375240\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"stormwind-vault\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Stormwind Vault</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">Dire Maul+</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">40 Minutes</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
The Vault\'s runes of warding are weakening as the horrors within threaten Azeroth once again,
you must
venture down and stop these fiends once and for all.
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"hateforge-quarry\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Hateforge Quarry</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">52-60</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">Early Blackrock Depths</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">1 Hour</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Hidden away at the northeastern walls of the Burning Steppes, the Hateforge Quarry is one of the
efforts the dark iron dwarves in search for a new weapon against their adversaries. Beyond the
innocent look of the quarry hides an insidious cavern, where the shadowforge plot new schemes
all those that oppose them. Their plans cannot be allowed to come to fruition.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'ba3f6afb\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"gilneas-city\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Gilneas City</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">43-49</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">Zul\'Farrak</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">1 Hour</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
At the heart of this once-isolated land lies Gilneas City, which was once a bastion of hope for
people. Established after breaking free from the rule of the Arathorian lords, it stood as a
symbol of
resilience and prosperity. However, it is now a mere shell of its former beauty, with a dark
casting a gripping shadow over Gilneas and serving as a reminder of its once glorious past.
howls echo through the city, haunting reminders of its new occupants. Yet, there is a
possibility that
not everyone is gone and that their accursed king may still live.
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_03.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_03.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"crescent-grove\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">The Crescent Grove</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
Dungeon: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5 Man</span>
Level: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">32-38</span>
Difficulty: <span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">SM: Library</span>
Expected Clear Time: <span class=\"text-gray\">1 Hour</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Step foot into a hidden grove under the trees and find and eradicate the source of corruption
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'90dda44d\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-concavius\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">World Boss Concavius</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Trouble is afoot in the Shadowbreak Ravine. The Twilight\'s Hammer have found that the
interference of the Burning Legion\'s mortal lackeys is threatening the plans of their own dark
masters. They have summoned the powerful Concavius, a voidwalker from the dark beyond, turning
it against their enemies. However, such a creature will not stop with the Shadow Council. It
will continue to devour all in its path unless stopped. Concavius is a 20+ man world boss
designed for new max-level characters. In addition to the normal rewards you\'ll also be rewarded
with a Void-Linked Satchel of Goods that contains many endgame materials.
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-ostarius\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">World Boss Ostarius of Uldum</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
The gates of Uldum beckon, as both factions move to gather and combine the fragments of the
discs of
Uldum and finally set foot into the facility. Even with the discs reformed, the facility\'s
system has detected the curse of flesh\'s presence, locked down the entrance and deployed the
barrier to your journey below: Ostarius. Ostarius is a 40 man world boss designed for raiders in
Tier 2.5-Tier 3 range.
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ostarius_uldum_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ostarius_uldum.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_tanaris_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_tanaris.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-nerubian\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">World Boss Nerubian Overseer</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
The terror of the plaguelands and the commander of all crypt friends that roam the Plaguelands,
Nerubian Overseer patrols the webweaver tunnels, preying on any adventurers foolish enough
wander into
the tunnels. Though with a coordinated strike, there is a chance this monstrosity could be
down at last. Nerubian Overseer is a 40 man world boss designed for raiders in the Tier 2-Tier
range. In addition to the normal rewards, you can expect to get a nerubling companion of your
own and
a sizable reputation reward for the Argent Dawn from the quest found at the entrance of the
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_nerubian_overseer_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_nerubian_overseer_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div id=\"world-boss-dark-reaver\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">World Boss Dark Reaver of Karazhan</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
The Dark Reaver of Karazhan stands vigil at the entrance of Lower Karazhan Halls, preventing any
intrusion into his master\'s tower. If the secrets of Karazhan are to be unraveled, the way must
opened. Dark Reaver of Karazhan is a 40 man world boss designed for raiders in the Tier 1
range. </p>
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_dark_reaver_of_karazhan_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_dark_reaver_of_karazhan_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"cross-faction-play\" class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">Cross-faction play (Nordanaar Only)</h3>
<a id=\"war-mode\"></a>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
As ancient threats loom over Azeroth, many individuals among the races have chosen to cooperate
than fight. Players of both factions can chat, group and trade cooperatively if they chose to do
opening many new possibilities for questing, raiding or roleplay. Shaman\'s Totems and Paladin\'s
Blessings also stack and don\'t override eachother, allowing them to be used in tandem. PvP and
remain faction-locked, maintaining the unique faction identity that is an integral component of
<div id=\"new-rare-monsters\" class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\">NEW RARE MONSTERS IN THE OPEN WORLD</h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
Should luck favor you, you might encounter these new rare monsters out in the wilds of new
locations and zones that have been introduced so far, though be wary as they won\'t go out
without a fight. If you succeed you\'re sure to acquire one of many new items created just for
these elusive adversaries, with a low chance for a trinket from a few and an even lower chance
for an epic from the new mini world bosses of Gilijim and Lapidis Islands!
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row tent p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#emerald-sanctum\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#lower-karazhan-halls\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#caverns-of-time-black-morass\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#karazhan-crypt\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#stormwind-vault\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#hateforge-quarry\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#gilneas-city\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#crescent-grove\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-concavius\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-ostarius\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">·</a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-nerubian\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#world-boss-dark-reaver\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#cross-faction-play\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#new-rare-monsters\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"emerald-sanctum\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">40</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">T2</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d4ee18b4\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_01.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_03.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_sanctum-raid_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"lower-karazhan-halls\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">10</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">T1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'7835bc7a\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_03.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_karazhan-raid_03.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"caverns-of-time-black-morass\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">+</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'fb195e7b\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_03.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_cavernsoftime_black_morass_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"karazhan-crypt\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">+</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">1 - 1.5 </span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'45375240\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_karazhancrypt_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"stormwind-vault\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">+</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">40 </span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_stormwindvault_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"hateforge-quarry\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">52-60</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'ba3f6afb\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_hateforge_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"gilneas-city\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">43-49</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_02.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_02.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_03.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_gilneascity_03.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"crescent-grove\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white mb-4\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">5</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\">32-38</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-5\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">1</span>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'90dda44d\'])
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_crescentgrove_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-concavius\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_01_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_01.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_02_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_02.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_03_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_concavius_03.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-ostarius\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ostarius_uldum_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_ostarius_uldum.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_tanaris_preview.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_uldum_tanaris.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"world-boss-nerubian\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_nerubian_overseer_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_nerubian_overseer_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div id=\"world-boss-dark-reaver\" class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><img
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_dark_reaver_of_karazhan_01.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/patch_1166/turtlewow_dark_reaver_of_karazhan_01.webp\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div id=\"cross-faction-play\" class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<a id=\"war-mode\"></a>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
使使 PvP NPC
<div id=\"new-rare-monsters\" class=\"col-lg-12 mb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"></h3>
<p class=\"w-100 text-white\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("player-versus-player.section.1", "player-versus-player", "player-versus-player.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row swords p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\">Player vs Player</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Content</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
From the sands of the Blood Ring to the timeless conflicts of Sunnyglade Valley, there are many
opportunities to earn fame and glory for your faction.
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#general-pvp-changes\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">General PvP Changes</a><br>
<a href=\"#no-de-ranking\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">No De-Ranking: Allowing breaks</a><br>
<a href=\"#new-battleground\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">New Battleground</a><br>
<a href=\"#blood-ring\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Blood Ring 3v3 Unranked</a><br>
<a href=\"#pvp-bounty-boards\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">PvP Bounty Boards</a><br>
<a href=\"#city-protectors\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">City Protectors</a><br>
<a href=\"#dishonorable-ranks\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Dishonorable Ranks</a><br>
<a href=\"#challenge-war-mode\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Challenge: War Mode</a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"general-pvp-changes\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">General PvP Changes:</h4>
<div class=\"text-white\" style=\"line-height: 36px;\">
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Warsong Gulch is open for the 1-1 and 2-9 level brackets!<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Losers of specific Battlegrounds are rewarded accordingly to incentivize Battlegrounds.<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Specific Battlegrounds reward XP under normal conditions.<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>RP decay and requirements for specific PvP ranks are dynamically scaled depending on gathered data.<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Toggle XP gain off for gear collection without leaving your desired bracket!<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Arathi Basin can be queued in the 21-29 level bracket.<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Warsong Gulch: Capturing a flag now grants your team 108 reputation up from 35 reputation, amounting to 324 reputation if you capture all three flags to win the battleground.<br></div>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div>Arathi Basin: The reputation points granted for gathering resources has been increased from 13 to 25 for each tick, amounting to 325 reputation with 13 ticks if you acquire enough resources to win the battleground.<br></div>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"no-de-ranking\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">No De-Ranking: Allowing breaks.</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-2\">While we value the competitiveness of the Vanilla PvP system, we understand that the base system is too punishing for players who can\'t dedicate large amounts of time without breaks for PvP. As a result, PvP ranks will no longer drop due to decay. Decay will still occur, but your total amount of RP (Rank Points) will never drop below the minimum amount required for your current rank.<br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"new-battleground\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">New Battleground:</h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Sunnyglade Valley</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Sunnyglade Valley represents one of the largest clashes between the forces of the old Kingdom of
Azeroth and the Horde during the First War. It is a 10v10 Domination Battleground with a focus on
uncovering the mystery of the shifting of time through the exploration of the nearby woodlands, as
well as the local mines to gather clues. Here you will be acting at the behest of the guardian of the
timeways, the bronze dragon Vairozdormu, as an agent for the flight in their attempts to uncover the
ongoing crisis threatening to alter the very fabric of history and the entirety of the modern world.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'242a7c79\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"blood-ring\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Blood Ring 3v3 Unranked</h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Arena & New PvP Gear!</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Earn reputation for Steamwheedle Blood Ring by doing matches and proving your worth in the bloody
sands, rewards included.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_bloodring_pvp.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"pvp-bounty-boards\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Player vs Player Bounty Boards</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
You must kill the player listed as target to complete the quest. Group kills will not count. An active
player with the highest amount of Honorable Kills on the Last Week will become a target of the Bounty
Hunt for the opposite faction! Targets will be updated every Wednesday, for both, Horde and Alliance.
The quest for each target is not repeatable.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_bountyboards.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"city-protectors\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">City Protectors</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray w-75\">
Defend the weak, protect both young and old, never desert your friends. Give justice
to all, be fearless in battle and always ready to defend the right.
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
If the PvP stage is active enough each week, 8 players will be granted the title of City Protector,
and assigned each of them to their major city. City Protectors will receive in-game mail with City
Protectors Medallion, allowing them to teleport to their homeland, with a cooldown of 60 minutes.
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Every week, the player with the highest amount of honorable kills from each playable race will be granted the following title in addition to their PvP rank:
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-4 mb-5 w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Humans</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Protector of Stormwind</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Orcs</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Overlord of Orgrimmar</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Dwarves</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Thane of Ironforge</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Night Elves</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">High Sentinel of Darnassus</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Undead</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Deathlord of the Undercity</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Taurens</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Chieftain of Thunderbluff</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Gnomes</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Avenger of Gnomeregan</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Trolls</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Voodoo Boss of Sen\'jin</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">High Elves</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Avenger of Quel\'thalas</span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\">Goblins</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\">Bruiser of Sparkwater</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_nightelf_darnassus.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"dishonorable-ranks\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Dishonorable Ranks</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray w-50 mb-5\">
For killing low level players or civilians, players are ranked negatively. We have added these
dishonorable ranks:
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; Dishonored</h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; Exiled</h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; Outlaw</h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; Pariah</h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; Have fun and be evil!</h5>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dish.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<a id=\"war-mode\"></a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"challenge-war-mode\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Challenge: War Mode</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray w-100 mb-2\">
A new Glyph that permanently flags you for PvP in return for certain benefits: +30% for all experience
<span class=\"text-white\">This glyph will flag you for PvP combat permanently! Players can opt-out War Mode challenge once at the glyph master in starting zone or additionaly at level 60.
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thinbord.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row swords p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Sunnyglade Valley的永恒冲突耀
<div class=\"row mt-5 p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-wrap\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<a href=\"#general-pvp-changes\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">PvP变更</a><br>
<a href=\"#no-de-ranking\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#new-battleground\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#blood-ring\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"> 3v3 </a><br>
<a href=\"#pvp-bounty-boards\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\">PvP悬赏牌</a><br>
<a href=\"#city-protectors\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#dishonorable-ranks\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<a href=\"#challenge-war-mode\" class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></a><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"general-pvp-changes\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">PvP变更</h4>
<div class=\"text-white\" style=\"line-height: 36px;\">
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div class=\"pvp-row\">
<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
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<span class=\"star mr-2\">&starf;</span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"no-de-ranking\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-2\">怀PvP系统的竞争性PvP中不间断大量时间的玩家来说过于严厉PvP等级将不再因为衰减而下降RP<br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"new-battleground\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'242a7c79\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"blood-ring\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"> 3v3 </h4>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">PvP装备</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_bloodring_pvp.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"city-protectors\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
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<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-4 mb-5 w-100\">
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<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
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<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
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<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
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<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
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<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
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<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\"></span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\"></span>
<h5><span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
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<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/rombus.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-1\">
<span class=\"text-white\"></span>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_nightelf_darnassus.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"dishonorable-ranks\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-gray w-50 mb-5\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; </h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; </h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; </h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; </h5>
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">&starf; &nbsp; </h5>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dish.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<a id=\"war-mode\"></a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\" id=\"challenge-war-mode\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-gray w-100 mb-2\">
<span class=\"text-white\">PvP战斗状态60
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/thinbord.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("seasonal-events.section.1", "seasonal-events", "seasonal-events.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row star p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\">EXCITING</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">SEASONAL EVENTS</h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Whether you like spending summer days on the beach parties in Tanaris or enjoying cold yet cozy
holidays in Winter Veil Vale, there is always something to do for everyone!
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Winter Veil Vale</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Ha, ha! Youngest traveler, and boldest storyteller, have you heard?! My, as of late it has
everyone\'s word! The vale, the vale! The greatest of shows, where all are friends, and none
foes! Hear of this place, where snow is thrown at your face. As fires burn in the night, and
warm stars shine with an enchanting light. Hear of this place where all do go, many a staut
tauren, a bold dwarf, a curious elf, but where are you though? So come, and be swift, before
vanishes like a rift, in the land of Winter Veil Vale, we are waiting for you, with Egg Nog
many presents in hand! Come, come, there is snowmen and drink, good company, and even
that come in pink! So what do you wait? Set out on this journey before it\'s too late!
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'7e4546e3\'])
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Icy Menace I</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Help Tinsel Lost-Gloves take revenge upon the thieves who have stolen his favorite gloves, and
turn he will reward you with a companion of the valley, a small yet brave Miniature Winter Veil
who wishes to see the world, a most adventurous duo, you and he. To aid you in your future
shall let his trusted pal Hedwig, a bird of the skies and a hunter of the night accompany you in
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Grizzlore wants Thunder</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Hailing from the far off lands of Kalimdor, the Furbolgs are no strangers to a good drink, yet
seems the Thunderbrew has run dry and the Grizzlore is getting mad! Acquire Thunderbrew Lager
Grombooze Thunderbrew at his camp in Westfall, and be rewarded with an illusionary secret of the
folk of Kalimdor, how to look like one!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Snowball Wars: Episode II</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
It is a period of civil war! Courageous snowball throwers, striking from the shadows have won
first victories against their counterparts! Partake in this endless battle, and earn
for yourself a
kit of disguising tools, with which you just may be able to save yourself from a certain
snowball to
the face!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Snowball Wars: Episode II</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
War! The merry times of Winter Veil are crumbling under attacks by the ruthless adventurers!
There are
heroes on all sides, and snowballs are everywhere! Join in the fray, and unleash these freezing
projectiles upon the many classes, be rewarded with a box of Winter goodies!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Peace Comes at a Price</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
How quickly they grow up you may even forget that they are monstrous frost demons. Snowball has
on a rampage in the valley, and is scaring away all the other animals. Its time to put him to
Defeat the ferocious wolf of Dun Morogh, and be rewarded with a bag to hold all the presents
that you
will be carrying around! I hear it has 20 slots!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Jolly Holly Dances Prolly</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Holly Tallhair is a regular at many fine gatherings of drinkers and party goers, yet she may
bitten off more than she can chew. The Feast of Winter Veil is the greatest excuse to partake in
alongside her, grab yourself a drink or ten, and dance away the night with her. She may just be
willing to give up some of her secret stash of Sparkling Booze in return!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Bracing the Inevitable</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
The times of Winter Veil are always a warm gathering of friends and the wildlife around you,
for the poor Moonkin. The tiny hatchlings underdeveloped feathers are not enough to shield them
the bitter cold! Procure a warm drink, the festive Egg Nog should do! And spread it around among
hatchlings, this should be enough of a good deed to earn yourself a box of Winter goodies!
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winter.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winter.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/turtlewow_winterveil.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid mt-5 col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Steamwheedle</h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Beach Experience</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Ahoy, turtles! We present to you the Steamwheedle Beach Experience!<BR><BR>
Open year round is the Steamwheedle Beach Experience at the Tanaris Coast where one can
experience the
tropical beach life. With the opening of the site we also announce a limited special event: the
Lovey Beach Event.<BR><BR>
With Love is in the Air arriving, one has to ask, what better way to spend the time with a loved
than at the beach? As a special present for future guests this flyer will serve as a present
one free Ice Cream at the beach!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> So what are you waiting for?</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Whether you\'re coming alone or with a love interest, the time is ripe to experience the
Beach Experience with our Super Lovey Beach Event!
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Mirage Raceway</h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
The Mirage Raceway was a race track, deep within the dry lake bed known as the Shimmering Flats.
the end of the Third War, both the goblins and gnomes decided that the large alkali desert known
the Shimmering Flats near Thousand Needles would be a perfect place to test their new rocket
The natural animosity between the two engineering teams created the perfect opportunity for
races to
see once and for all whether Goblin Engineering or Gnome Engineering was superior.<bR><Br>
However, Mirage Raceway was never fully implemented as a gameplay event. On the official
servers you can see gnome and goblin cars racing, but theyre driven by NPCs.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Whats new</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Now, on Turtle WoW, its possible to participate to the real race! Grab these car keys, find an
opponent from your or the opposite faction and floor the gas pedal!
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Features</h4>
<li>Complete repeatable quests and get rewards, maybe even a mount!</li>
<li>Get your driving licence and drive a single race against time.</li>
<li>Queue for the competition on the main racetrack and win over your friends!</li>
<li>Stun, Blink, Speed Boosters, Cloaking... and of course, Seat Belts!</li>
<li>Hot Pants are still present.</li>
<li>Definitely Non-explosive Sheeps (who got this stupid idea to putem on the racetrack!?)</li>
<p class=\"text-white mt-5 mb-5\">
Find <span class=\"text-green\">Fara Boltbreaker</span> in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and speak to
this sneaky journalist to know whats going on.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race1.jpg\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race1.jpg\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row star p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-1\"></h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-50 mt-3 text-white\">
Tanaris的沙滩聚会度过夏日Winter Veil Vale度过寒冷而舒适的假期
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Winter Veil Vale的土地上Egg Nog和许多礼物
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'7e4546e3\'])
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; I</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Tinsel Lost-Gloves向偷走他最喜欢的手套的贼复仇Miniature Winter Veil TreeTinsel会让他值得信赖的朋友Hedwig
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Grizzlore想要雷霆</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Furbolgs对美酒不陌生Thunderbrew已经用尽了Grizzlore正变得疯狂Grombooze Thunderbrew的Westfall营地取得Thunderbrew Lager
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Winter Veil的欢乐时光正在遭受无情的冒险家的攻击Winter好礼盒
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; Jolly Holly Dances Prolly</h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Holly Tallhair经常出现在许多喝酒和派对的聚会上 Winter Veil的盛宴是参与这个的最好借口便Sparkling Booze的机密储藏
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Egg Nog应该就行
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winter.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winter.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/winterveil3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/maps/turtlewow_winterveil.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid mt-5 col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text\">Steamwheedle</h3>
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Steamwheedle Beach Experience<br><br>
Steamwheedle Beach Experience位于Tanaris CoastSuper Lovey Beach Event<br><br>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Steamwheedle Beach Experience的好时机Super Lovey Beach Event
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam1.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam1.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/steam3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<p class=\"text-gray mb-5\">
Turtle WoW上
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5\"> &starf; </h4>
<li>... </li>
<p class=\"text-white mt-5 mb-5\">
<span class=\"text-green\">·</span>
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race1.jpg\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race1.jpg\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race2.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race2.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race3.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/race3.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div<", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("hardcore-mode.section.1", "hardcore-mode", "hardcore-mode.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row skull p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hardcore Mode</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Inspired by Diablo games and actual Hardcore Challenge of Classic realms, we welcome you to join
true test of your player\'s skills: leveling as a mortal being. The ultimate goal of this
challenge is
to reach level 60 without ever dying. Once youre level 60, you can participate in raiding and
without a risk of losing your character.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">How does it work?</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-5\">
To join the challenge, create a character as usual and find the NPC named Mysterious Stranger in
your starting location. Accept and complete the quest Stay awhile and listen to become
mortal. This decision is irreversible. Your bags, bank and mail items will be erased once you
turn mortal.<BR><BR>
You will automatically join a Hardcore chat channel that\'s only accessible by Hardcore and
Inferno mode players to help you easily find players who are also leveling hardcore characters.
This feature allows you to form independent guilds without losing contact with the Hardcore
community at large.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d9428505\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rules</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
When your character dies, the game ends for you. If you choose to create and play a hardcore
character, you do so at your own risk: we will not restore any deceased hardcore characters for
<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row skull p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hardcore Mode</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Inspired by Diablo games and actual Hardcore Challenge of
Classic realms, we welcome you to join
true test of your player\'s skills: leveling as a mortal being.
The ultimate goal of this
challenge is
to reach level 60 without ever dying. Once youre level 60, you
can participate in raiding and
without a risk of losing your character.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">How does it work?</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-5\">
To join the challenge, create a character as usual and find the
NPC named Mysterious Stranger in
your starting location. Accept and complete the quest Stay
awhile and listen to become
mortal. This decision is irreversible. Your bags, bank and mail
items will be erased once you
turn mortal.<BR><BR>
You will automatically join a Hardcore chat channel that\'s only
accessible by Hardcore and
Inferno mode players to help you easily find players who are
also leveling hardcore characters.
This feature allows you to form independent guilds without
losing contact with the Hardcore
community at large.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d9428505\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rules</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
When your character dies, the game ends for you. If you choose
to create and play a hardcore
character, you do so at your own risk: we will not restore any
deceased hardcore characters for
reason including connection problems, bugs, global warming, your
little sister, or any other
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Dead characters will remain locked on a selection screen
unavailable for playing. As long as you
delete them, characters above level 10 will be displayed on our
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to trade items and gold only with other
Hardcore characters as long as the
between your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to group up only with other Hardcore characters
as long as the difference
your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can not trade, nor buy on Auction House.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can use mail, but with no attachments.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your
characters is undergoing a Hardcore
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters are not permitted to get assistance from
players outside of their group.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Inferno Mode</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Otherwise known as HC60, this is the max-level continuation of
the Hardcore challenge! Upon
reaching level 55, an attunement questline will be unlocked
which allows players to opt-in to
Inferno Mode. Upon completion of the questline, players will
gain a [Inferno] effect, allowing
them to continue their Hardcore challenge at max level, and
remain part of the Hardcore
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rewards</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
At level 60 you will be awarded with the title Immortal,
unique tabard and a mount
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80692\"
class=\"text-green\">[Immortal Champion\'s Charger]</span>
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_immortal.png\') }}\"
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">Customer service</h4>
<h1 class=\"mb-0 font-weight-bold\">will not revive</h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">a fallen hero for any reason </h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Stay safe!</h1>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hardcore_scoreboard_button.png\') }}\"
<div class=\"row skull p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Hardcore Mode</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Inspired by Diablo games and actual Hardcore Challenge of Classic realms, we
welcome you to join
true test of your player\'s skills: leveling as a mortal being. The ultimate
goal of this
challenge is
to reach level 60 without ever dying. Once youre level 60, you can
participate in raiding and
without a risk of losing your character.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">How does it work?</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-5\">
To join the challenge, create a character as usual and find the NPC named
Mysterious Stranger in
your starting location. Accept and complete the quest Stay awhile and
listen to become
mortal. This decision is irreversible. Your bags, bank and mail items will
be erased once you
turn mortal.<BR><BR>
You will automatically join a Hardcore chat channel that\'s only accessible
by Hardcore and
Inferno mode players to help you easily find players who are also leveling
hardcore characters.
This feature allows you to form independent guilds without losing contact
with the Hardcore
community at large.
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d9428505\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rules</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
When your character dies, the game ends for you. If you choose to create and
play a hardcore
character, you do so at your own risk: we will not restore any deceased
hardcore characters for
reason including connection problems, bugs, global warming, your little
sister, or any other
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Dead characters will remain locked on a selection screen unavailable for
playing. As long as you
delete them, characters above level 10 will be displayed on our scoreboard.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to trade items and gold only with other Hardcore characters
as long as the
between your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to group up only with other Hardcore characters as long as
the difference
your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can not trade, nor buy on Auction House.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can use mail, but with no attachments.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is
undergoing a Hardcore
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\"
style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters are not permitted to get assistance from players outside
of their group.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Inferno Mode</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Otherwise known as HC60, this is the max-level continuation of the Hardcore
challenge! Upon reaching level 55, an attunement questline will be unlocked
which allows players to opt-in to Inferno Mode. Upon completion of the
questline, players will gain an [Inferno] effect, allowing them to continue
their Hardcore challenge at max level, and remain part of the Hardcore
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rewards</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
At level 60 you will be awarded with the title Immortal, unique tabard and
a mount
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80692\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Immortal Champion\'s Charger]</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_immortal.png\') }}\"
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">Customer service</h4>
<h1 class=\"mb-0 font-weight-bold\">will not revive</h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">a fallen hero for any reason </h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Stay safe!</h1>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hardcore_scoreboard_button.png\') }}\"
reason including connection problems, bugs, global warming, your little sister, or any other
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Dead characters will remain locked on a selection screen unavailable for playing. As long as you
delete them, characters above level 10 will be displayed on our scoreboard.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to trade items and gold only with other Hardcore characters as long as the
between your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
You will be able to group up only with other Hardcore characters as long as the difference
your levels isnt higher than 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can not trade, nor buy on Auction House.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters can use mail, but with no attachments.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is undergoing a Hardcore
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore characters are not permitted to get assistance from players outside of their group.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Inferno Mode</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
Otherwise known as HC60, this is the max-level continuation of the Hardcore challenge! Upon
reaching level 55, an attunement questline will be unlocked which allows players to opt-in to
Inferno Mode. Upon completion of the questline, players will gain a [Inferno] effect, allowing
them to continue their Hardcore challenge at max level, and remain part of the Hardcore
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Rewards</h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
At level 60 you will be awarded with the title Immortal, unique tabard and a mount
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80692\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[Immortal Champion\'s Charger]</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_immortal.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">Customer service</h4>
<h1 class=\"mb-0 font-weight-bold\">will not revive</h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">a fallen hero for any reason </h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Stay safe!</h1>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hardcore_scoreboard_button.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-2\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row skull p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"> Hardcore </h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100 mb-5\">
NPC......<BR><BR> Hardcore Hardcore Inferno 访 Hardcore Hardcore
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d9428505\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore Hardcore
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore 5
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
5 Hardcore
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore 使
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
Hardcore 使
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
HC60 Hardcore 55线 Inferno 线 [] Hardcore Hardcore
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<p class=\"text-white w-100\">
<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80692\" target=\"_blank\"
<span class=\"text-green\">[]</span>
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_immortal.png\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h4 class=\"mb-0\"></h4>
<h1 class=\"mb-0 font-weight-bold\"></h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\"> </h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h1>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/hardcore_scoreboard_button.png\') }}\" class=\"mt-2\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("community-artworks.section.1", "community-artworks", "community-artworks.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\" id=\"official-artwork-container\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Official</h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Artworks</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW is a community-driven project, and we are grateful to those who contribute their
unique talents to enhance it by creating the amazing promotional artwork for our content!
You have probably seen those beautiful pictures on our website, social media or the
launcher. </p>
<div id=\"official-artwork-pictures\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_adventurers.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_adventurers.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Mysteries of Azeorth, <br>Misho Tenev</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_crescent_grove_no_logo.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_crescent_grove_no_logo.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Crescent Grove, <br>Ghor</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_giln.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_giln.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Beyond the Greymane Wall, Stonegut</div>
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Community</h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Artworks</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
We are happy to see that our community is constantly growing and attracting many new players,
amongst whom we have encountered a lot of creative and talented individuals. Thanks to all our
players for living in our world and creating wonderful memories!<br><br>Submit your artwork to
info@turtlewow.org to get featured on our website and social media, and possibly in-game!
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
$artworks = [
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Handi (Adelaidde)\', \'file\' => \'4.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Gurubashi Camper, by Kato\', \'file\' => \'12.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'\"You called?\", by Chiruk\', \'file\' => \'17.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Crescent Grove, by Illdrawer\', \'file\' => \'8.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Adventure begins, by Chevvah\', \'file\' => \'10.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Storm over Redridge, by Pathos\', \'file\' => \'14.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Chevvah\', \'file\' => \'15.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Hone\', \'file\' => \'6.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Sykira the Dark Ranger, by Deekin Bearcat\', \'file\' => \'18.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Afa\', \'file\' => \'1.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Blackscar\', \'file\' => \'9.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by MIXEEB\', \'file\' => \'3.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Josephine Wagner\', \'file\' => \'30.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Josephine Wagner\', \'file\' => \'31.jpeg\'],
[\'author\' => \'A Skirmish at Dawn, by Valamar\', \'file\' => \'11.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Mysterious Stranger by Dryst\', \'file\' => \'20.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Honeclaw & Hatebeak, by Zin\\\'tulak\', \'file\' => \'21.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Echo Ridge Mine, by by PureOfHearts\', \'file\' => \'33.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'The Wayward Apprentice, by by PureOfHearts\', \'file\' => \'34.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'A Priest and His Loa, by Leaf\', \'file\' => \'22.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Princess Inxe, by Kaguranaomi\', \'file\' => \'13.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Sand Troll, by Jambiya\', \'file\' => \'16.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Struggles of Zebrian Farm, artwork by GGena\', \'file\' => \'26.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Iffeliphe\', \'file\' => \'5.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Breno\', \'file\' => \'7.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'The Thoughtless Companion, by LazyRat\', \'file\' => \'25.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Turtle WoW Rulez, by Escalotes\', \'file\' => \'19.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Uwuowo\', \'file\' => \'2.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Brief Respite, Artwork by Werdun\', \'file\' => \'35.png\'],
@foreach ($artworks as $artwork)
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center orange-text\">
style=\"width:100%; cursor: pointer; height: 190px; background-image: url(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/artworks/\' . $artwork[\'file\']) }}\'); background-size: cover\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/artworks/\' . $artwork[\'file\']) }}\')\"
data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
{{ $artwork[\'author\'] }}
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Community Art Museum</h5>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
Your creative efforts haven\'t gone unnoticed by the goblins of Gadgetzan, and they have gone
through the effort of building a proper art museum in Steamwheedle Port! Being rich in gold
brings taste in art they say, most of the time anyway.
You can now find a dedicated art museum of your favorite Art Contest winners in Tanaris,
in Steamwheedle Port to the east of Gadgetzan.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_museum.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\" id=\"official-artwork-container\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW
<div id=\"official-artwork-pictures\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_adventurers.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_adventurers.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Mysteries of Azeorth, <br>Misho Tenev</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_crescent_grove_no_logo.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_crescent_grove_no_logo.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Crescent Grove, <br>Ghor</div>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_giln.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_giln.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
<div class=\"mb-5 text-center orange-text\">Beyond the Greymane Wall, Stonegut</div>
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
$artworks = [
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Handi (Adelaidde)\', \'file\' => \'4.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Gurubashi Camper, by Kato\', \'file\' => \'12.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'\"You called?\", by Chiruk\', \'file\' => \'17.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Crescent Grove, by Illdrawer\', \'file\' => \'8.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Adventure begins, by Chevvah\', \'file\' => \'10.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Storm over Redridge, by Pathos\', \'file\' => \'14.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Chevvah\', \'file\' => \'15.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Hone\', \'file\' => \'6.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Sykira the Dark Ranger, by Deekin Bearcat\', \'file\' => \'18.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Afa\', \'file\' => \'1.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Blackscar\', \'file\' => \'9.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by MIXEEB\', \'file\' => \'3.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Josephine Wagner\', \'file\' => \'30.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Josephine Wagner\', \'file\' => \'31.jpeg\'],
[\'author\' => \'A Skirmish at Dawn, by Valamar\', \'file\' => \'11.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Mysterious Stranger by Dryst\', \'file\' => \'20.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Honeclaw & Hatebeak, by Zin\\\'tulak\', \'file\' => \'21.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Echo Ridge Mine, by by PureOfHearts\', \'file\' => \'33.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'The Wayward Apprentice, by by PureOfHearts\', \'file\' => \'34.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'A Priest and His Loa, by Leaf\', \'file\' => \'22.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Princess Inxe, by Kaguranaomi\', \'file\' => \'13.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Sand Troll, by Jambiya\', \'file\' => \'16.jpg\'],
[\'author\' => \'Struggles of Zebrian Farm, artwork by GGena\', \'file\' => \'26.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Iffeliphe\', \'file\' => \'5.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Breno\', \'file\' => \'7.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'The Thoughtless Companion, by LazyRat\', \'file\' => \'25.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Turtle WoW Rulez, by Escalotes\', \'file\' => \'19.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Artwork by Uwuowo\', \'file\' => \'2.png\'],
[\'author\' => \'Brief Respite, Artwork by Werdun\', \'file\' => \'35.png\'],
@foreach ($artworks as $artwork)
<div class=\"col-lg-4 mb-5 text-center orange-text\">
style=\"width:100%; cursor: pointer; height: 190px; background-image: url(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/artworks/\' . $artwork[\'file\']) }}\'); background-size: cover\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/artworks/\' . $artwork[\'file\']) }}\')\"
data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"></div>
{{ $artwork[\'author\'] }}
<div class=\"row pt-5 pb-0 pl-3 pr-3 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h5>
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/art_museum.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("pets-and-mounts.section.1", "pets-and-mounts", "pets-and-mounts.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row paw p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Pets & Mounts</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
From cute critters to valiant steeds and whirring shredders there is a new companian for
everyone, now
safely stored in your personal pets and mounts tabs found in your spellbook.
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
Good news for pet & mount collectors! All companions and riding mounts are correctly
displayed on our online database: <span class=\"orange-text\"><a
href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.2\' target=\'_blank\'>Companions</a></span> and <span
class=\"orange-text\"><a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.4\' target=\'_blank\'>Mounts</a></span>.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 pets-and-mounts\">
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm1.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Pounders of Gnomeregan</h5>
<p class=\"text-white\">
Building a Pounder isn\'t easy! But the most calculating and dedicated engineers will be able to
prospect and use an <span class=\"orange-text\">Intact Pounder Mainframe</span>, that will help
them to
assemble a real Gnomeregan Battle
Pounder! Compatible models could be used for salvageable parts most likely.
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm2.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
New reputation reward for players exalted with the
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm3.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
New reputation reward for players exalted with the
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm4.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
New reputation reward for players exalted with the
Thunder Bluff
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm5.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
New reputation rewards for players exalted with the
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gryphon_mount_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gryphon_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Aerie Peak Gryphon</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<span class=\"text-green\">Wildhammer Clan Quartermaster</span> is now offering to their exalted
a chance to befriend one of
their great <span class=\"orange-text\">Aerie Peak Gryphon</span>! Prove yourself and aid our
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_shredder_mount_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_shredder_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">mechanical Shredder</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
A work of mechanical terror, fueled by a desire to extract and exploit the natural wonders of
<span class=\"orange-text\">Red Shredder X-0524A</span> and <span class=\"orange-text\">Green Shredder X-0524B</span>
are ready to walk and s-s-shred everything on their
way! Due to complications in use of those deadly machines are restricted for Engineers only.
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_mechaspider_mount_preview.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_mechaspider_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\">Scrapforged Mechaspider</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
New reputation rewards for players Exalted with the Gnomeregan Exiles.
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Happy hunting!</h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\">Examples listed above are just a fraction of our extensive collection.</h4>
<h4> More pets and mounts awaits you through the links: <span class=\"orange-text\">
<a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.2\' target=\"_blank\">Companions</a></span> and
<a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.4\' target=\"_blank\"> Mounts</a></span></h4>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row paw p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
线<span class=\"orange-text\"><a
href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.2\' target=\'_blank\'></a></span> <span
class=\"orange-text\"><a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.4\' target=\'_blank\'></a></span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 pets-and-mounts\">
<!-- Pounders of Gnomeregan -->
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm1.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white\">
使<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<!-- Reputation Rewards -->
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm2.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm3.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm4.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
<div class=\"col-lg-3 text-center text-white mt-4\" id=\"official-artwork\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/pm5.png\') }}\" class=\"mb-4\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mt-3 mb-3\"></div>
<!-- Aerie Peak Gryphon -->
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gryphon_mount_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_gryphon_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<span class=\"text-green\"></span>
使<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<!-- Mechanical Shredder -->
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_shredder_mount_preview.png\') }}\" class=\"w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_shredder_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<span class=\"orange-text\">X-0524A</span><span class=\"orange-text\">绿X-0524B</span>
<!-- Scrapforged Mechaspider -->
<div class=\"col-lg-5 mt-5 mb-4\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_mechaspider_mount_preview.png\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/turtlewow_mechaspider_mount.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-7 mt-5 pt-4 mb-4\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75\">
<div class=\"text-center text-white mt-4\">
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h1>
<h4 class=\"mb-0\"></h4>
<h4> <span class=\"orange-text\">
<a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.2\' target=\"_blank\"></a></span>
<a href=\'https://database.turtle-wow.org/?items=15.4\' target=\"_blank\"> </a></span></h4>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("everlook-broadcasting.section.1", "everlook-broadcasting", "everlook-broadcasting.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Everlook Broadcasting Co.</h2>
<div class=\"radio-staff mt-3\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column justify-content-between\">
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Get ready to rock your socks off with the unrivaled radio experience in Azeroth! And
what? We\'ve got the legendary DJ Zappo Zapblast, the master of spinning the most
outrageously honest news you\'ll ever hear in this realm!
You can find this new feature on your minimap!
<a href=\"{{ route(\'radio\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
<div id=\"button-download-client\" style=\"margin-left: 0\"
class=\"col\"><h5>tune in to the radio</h5></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/broadcast.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/broadcast.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Live Show \"Living in the Past\"</h3>
<div class=\" mt-3\">
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
Join us on \"Living in the Past,\" where we kick back with tales from Azeroth and learn more
about its mysteries. So relax, sit back, and let our host, with more stories than a Booty
Bay auctioneer, share a mix of historical tidbits, server news, and his own bizarre
Tune in, soak up the good vibes, and share a chuckle with this new Everlook Broadcasting Co.
<div class=\"mt-4 text-white\">
You can find&nbsp;
<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/@EverlookBroadcastingCo\" target=\"_blank\"
style=\"color: #f7c15e;\">
the Show on YouTube
, and if our host got you intrigued, check out his channel
<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/@TheDanNation\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: #388ea3\">
<div class=\"row p-4 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 radio-img-text\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/radio_logo_smaller.png\') }}\"
class=\"rounded-circle zappo-img\">
<p class=\"text-white w-65 mr-3\">
\"Hey Azeroth! Hold onto your helms because it\'s that time again! Everlook Broadcasting Co. is
about to drop the hottest deals and products of the week!
If you\'ve got something to sell, why aren\'t you on this list? And now, roll the adverts!\"
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d95b0639\'])
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'9f6262a1\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 radio-staff\">
<div class=\"radio-staff-list\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> Radio Staff:</h5>
<div class=\"staff-list d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center\">
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Zappo Zapblast</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Dapper</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Newsmaker Vrograg the Fishslayer</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Station Chief Engineer Dan Leto</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Dave</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Volca</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Loth</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Charles Lobaugh</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Rile</div>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">广</h2>
<div class=\"radio-staff mt-3\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column justify-content-between\">
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
广DJ Zappo Zapblast
<a href=\"{{ route(\'radio\') }}\" target=\"_blank\">
<div id=\"button-download-client\" style=\"margin-left: 0\"
<div class=\"col-lg-5\"><img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/broadcast.png\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/broadcast.png\') }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h3>
<div class=\" mt-3\">
<p class=\"w-100 mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"mt-4 text-white\">
<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/@EverlookBroadcastingCo\" target=\"_blank\"
style=\"color: #f7c15e;\">
<a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/@TheDanNation\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color: #388ea3\">
<div class=\"row p-4 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 radio-img-text\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/downloads/logotypes/radio_logo_smaller.png\') }}\"
class=\"rounded-circle zappo-img\">
<p class=\"text-white w-65 mr-3\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'d95b0639\'])
<div class=\"mt-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'9f6262a1\'])
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 radio-staff\">
<div class=\"radio-staff-list\">
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-4\"><span class=\"star mr-3\"></span> 广:</h5>
<div class=\"staff-list d-flex justify-content-start align-items-center\">
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Zappo Zapblast</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Dapper</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\"> Vrograg the Fishslayer</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\"> Dan Leto</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">DJ Dave</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Volca</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Loth</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Charles Lobaugh</div>
<div class=\"staff-member\">Rile</div>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("shaman.section.1", "shaman", "shaman.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Shaman</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Elemental and Enhancement both have struggles in PvE that can be addressed somewhat easily.
Restoration is pretty solid in vanilla, but its talent tree leaves a lot to be desired something to
keep in mind for the future.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 shaman\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Stormstrike</span>
has 2 ranks now. <Br>
New Rank 2 learnable at level 60.<Br>
Cooldown is 12 seconds as opposed to the 20 seconds of Rank 1.<Br>
Costs 12% of your base Mana as opposed
to 21% of your base Mana with Rank 1.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Shaman Racial Spells</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_orc.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon orc\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Feral Spirit
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21% Base Mana</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5 Minutes</span>
Summons two Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman for 20 seconds.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_tauren.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon tauren\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Spirit Link
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21% Base Mana</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10 Minutes</span>
Link the spirits of an ally and their 3 closest allies within 15 yards together. When linked targets
take damage, 15% is distributed among the other linked allies. Lasts 20 seconds.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_troll.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon troll\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21% Base Mana</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5 Minutes</span>
Transforms the enemy into a frog that cannot cast, and does 60% less damage for up to 5 seconds. Only
works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Calm Elements
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Calms the target, reducing the range at which it will attack you by 10 yards. Only affects Elemental targets level 70 or lower. Lasts 15 sec.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Water Shield
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, 83 mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds. Lasts 10 min. Only one elemental shield can be active on the Shaman at any one time.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Earth Shield
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
The caster is surrounded by an earthen shield, giving a 30% chance of ignoring spell interruption when damaged and causing attacks to heal the shielded target by 150. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 3 charges. Lasts 10 min. Only one elemental shield can be active on the Shaman at any one time.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Totemic Recall
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Returns your totems to the earth, giving you 25% of the mana required to cast each totem destroyed by Totemic Call.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Enhancement</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Two-Handed Weapons</span>
will be learned on character creation instead of being acquired from Row 3 of Enchancement. Existing characters will already have this skill trained.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Parry</span>
will now be learnable at Level 6 from your class trainer instead of being acquired from Row 5 of Enchancement.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Thunderhead <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 3, 1 Rank</span>
Allows your Lightning Shield to be cast on allies and reduces its mana cost by 20%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Stormstrike</span>
Talent has been moved from Row 7 to Row 5.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Bloodlust <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 7, 1 Rank </span>
Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 20% for a party member within 30 yards. Lasts 15
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Spirit Armor <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4</span>
Increases the armor gained from Shields by 10/20/30%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Toughness and Anticipation </span>
have been combined into one talent: Ancestral Guidance (Row 3)
Increases your armor value from items by 2/4/6/8/10% and chance to dodge by an additional 1/2/3/4/5%.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Elemental</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Elemental Focus</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 3, 1 Rank </span>
After landing a critical strike with a Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell, you enter a Clearcasting
state. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next 2 damage spells by 40%.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"row p-5\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 shaman\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_orc.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon orc\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21%</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5</span>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_tauren.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon tauren\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21%</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10</span>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/icon_troll.png\') }}\" class=\"mr-2\" alt=\"icon troll\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">21%</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">5</span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
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<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
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<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup>
<span class=\"text-gray\">31</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">71</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">4</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">31</span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("warlock.section.1", "warlock", "warlock.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Warlock</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
PvE is the only area where Warlock has an issue theyre boring! A class with as much cool stuff in
its toolkit should not have to be limited to just spamming Shadowbolt exclusively. Debuff cap
discussion aside, there are definitely ways to expand on the class fantasy of the Warlock in addition
to addressing its singular issue. Something to also take into consideration for the future is that
the Warlock talent trees went virtually untouched through the course of development through Burning
Crusade. Also, similar to the Hunter, the Warlocks demons are too vulnerable in raid settings with
large amounts of AoE damage.
<div class=\"col-lg-6 warlock\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Torment</span> of Voidwalker now deals a very small amount of Shadow damage.<br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Rank 1: 7 to 6
Rank 2: 13 to 15
Rank 3: 18 to 21
Rank 4: 26 to 30
Rank 5: 36 to 40
Rank 6: 43 to 48
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Mana Funnel
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Transfers mana from the caster to their pet every second.
<ul class=\"mb-5\">
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 1:</span> transfers 18 mana every second (lvl 40)</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\">Rank 2:</span> transfers 36 mana every second (lvl 50)</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Demon Portal
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Opens a portal into the Twisting Nether that summons a Felguard under the command of the caster for 5 min. Once control is lost, the Felguard must be Enslaved to maintain control. Requires the caster and 2 additional party members to complete the ritual. In order to participate, all players must right-click the portal and not move until the ritual is complete.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Passive: Reduces the damage your pet takes from the area of effect attacks by an additional 50%.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Soulwell Ritual
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Begins a ritual that summons a Soulwell. Requires 3 players to right-click the portal and not move until the ritual is complete. Once complete players can use the Soulwell to acquire a Healthstone. Requires 5x Soulshard.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Affliction</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Soul Siphon</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 2, 2 Ranks</span>
Talent has been combined from Improved Drain Life and Improved Drain Mana talents. Increases the
Health drained by your Drain Life spell by 5/10% and causes 15/30% of the Mana drained by your Drain
Mana spell to damage the opponent.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Demonology</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Demonic Aegis <span class=\"text-gray\">(new talent)</span></span>
Talent has 3 ranks. Increases the effectiveness of your Demon Skin and
Dtmon Armor spells by 30%
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Enslave Demon</span>
Reduced to 2 ranks <span class=\"text-gray\">(down from 5)</span>. Reduces the Attack Speed and Casting
Speed penalty of your Enslave
Demon spell by 10/20%, reduces the resist chance by 10/20%, and the casting time by 5/1 second.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Soul Link</span> & <span class=\"orange-text\">Health Funnel</span>
will now work with enslaved demons.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Master Conjurer</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 1, 2 Ranks</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Healthstone</span>, <span
class=\"orange-text\">Improved Firestone</span>, and <span
class=\"orange-text\">Improved Spellstone</span> have all been combined into
talent: Master Conjurer. Increases the amount of Health restored by your Healthstone by 10/20% and
increases the bonuses and effects of your Firestones and Spellstones by 15/30%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Inferno</span>
Ability cooldown reduced from 1 hour to 20 minutes and can now be cast indoors.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Fel Intellect</span>
Talent has been reduced from 5 ranks down to 3 ranks. Increases the maximum Mana of your Imp,
Voidwalker, Succubus and Felhound by 5/10/15%.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Fel Stamina</span>
Talent has been reduced from 5 ranks down to 3 ranks. Increases the maximum Health of your Imp,
Voidwalker, Succubus and Felhound by 5/10/15%.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Destruction</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Intensity</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 4, 2 Ranks</span>
Gives you a 70% chance to resist interruption caused by damage while casting or channeling any
Destruction fire spell.
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Pyroclasm</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 2 Ranks</span>
Gives your Rain of Fire, Hellfire, Conflagrate, and Soul Fire spells a 25% chance to stun the target for 3 sec.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
PvE中 -
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<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> <br>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
17 6
213 15
318 21
426 30
536 40
643 48
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<ul class=\"mb-5\">
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 1</span> 18 40</li>
<li><span class=\"text-white\"> 2</span> 36 50</li>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">22</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <span class=\"text-gray\">()</span></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
2<span class=\"text-gray\">5</span>10/20%10/20%5/1
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> <span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">12</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span><span
class=\"orange-text\"></span> <span
class=\"orange-text\"></span> 10/20%15/30%
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">42</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">52</span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("warrior.section.1", "warrior", "warrior.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Class Changes:</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Warrior</h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Warrior in Vanilla is overpowered. Just straight up too powerful for the game. That being said,
just means that any change made to the class must down one of two things only: either optimize
doesnt work but should for the class, or improve on suboptimal playstyles to allow for more
for the player. The changes proposed for the coming patch attempt to stick within those
<div class=\"col-lg-6 warrior\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Changes to Baseline Spells</h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Thunderclap</span> can now be used in Defensive Stance.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">New Abilities</h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Requires: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">Requires Defensive Stance</span>
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10 Rage</span>
Cooldown: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">30 Seconds</span>
Run at high speed towards a party member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Note: Shares a cooldown with Intercept.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Decisive Strike
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
Cost: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">15 Rage</span>
Cast: <span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2 Seconds</span>
Focus an attack equal to Slam <span class=\"text-gray\">(Rank 4)</span> on an opponent. Can be
while moving and will not suffer
cast time pushback when taking damage.
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Note: Credit to Wall (<span class=\"orange-text\">Video</span>) of <span class=\"orange-text\">Wallcraft</span> for his brilliant rework of Slam.<br>
Note: The cast time of Decisive Strike is reduced by Improved Slam.
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
Die by the Sword
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">Passive</span>
Increases your chance to parry attacks by 20% while under the effect of Retaliation.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Talent Changes</h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\">Arms</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Thunder Clap</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 2, 3 Ranks</span>
Reduces the cost of your Thunder Clap ability by 1/2/4 rage points and increases the damage by
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Poleaxe Specialization</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 5, 5 Ranks</span>
Talent has been combined from <span class=\"orange-text\">Polearm Specialization</span> and <span
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-5\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Disciplines <sup class=\"orange-text\">NEW</sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">Row 6, 3 Ranks</span>
Reduces the cooldown of your Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall abilities by 2/4/6 min.
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\">Protection</h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-3\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\">Improved Shield Block</span>
Talent has been reduced from 3 ranks down to 1 rank. Allows your Shield Block ability to block
additional attack and increases the duration by 1 second.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 warrior\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 pl-5 mb-3\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span> 姿使
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">姿</span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">10 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">30 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">15 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\">2 </span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">4</span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">
Wall<span class=\"orange-text\"></span><span class=\"orange-text\">Wallcraft</span><br>
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3 mt-5\">
<!--img src=\"images/owlkin_frenzy.png\" class=\"mr-2\"-->
<p class=\"text-white mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-gray mr-3\"></span>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
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<h3 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h3>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">23</span>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-4\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">55</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span><span
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-5\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"> <sup class=\"orange-text\"></sup></span>
<span class=\"text-gray\">63</span>
<h5 class=\"orange-text mt-5 mb-5\"></h5>
<p class=\"text-white w-75 mb-3\" style=\"padding-left: 32px;\">
<span class=\"star\" style=\"margin-left: -32px; margin-right: 15px;\">&starf;</span>
<span class=\"orange-text\"></span>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("donate paypal", "donate", "donate.paypal", "", "Please use this PayPal address to donate: <span class=\"orange-text\">info.turtlewow@gmail.com</span>
<!-- or click <a href=\'https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mysteriesofazeroth\'><span class=\"orange-text\">here</span></a>.-->
Include your account name in the payment comment. You can donate tokens to your friends as well, include
the character name and add <span class=\"orange-text no-wrap\">\"Gift for character ...\"</span> as comment.
Turtle WoW is not a company, so while donating via PayPal please use the option Sending to a Friend.
<br><br> <span class=\"orange-text\">Your donation will be processed within 24 hours.</span>", "使PayPal地址进行捐赠<span class=\"orange-text\">info.turtlewow@gmail.com</span>
<!-- 或点击<a href=\'https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mysteriesofazeroth\'><span class=\"orange-text\">这里</span></a>.-->
<span class=\"orange-text no-wrap\">...</span>
Turtle WoW不是一家公司PayPal捐赠时使
<br><br><span class=\"orange-text\">24</span>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("donate thanks", "donate", "donate.thanks", "", "<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">THANK YOU</h2><h4 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">FOR</h4>
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">supporting Turtle WoW!</h3>", "<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h2><h4 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h4>
<h3 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Turtle WoW!</h3>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("rules en 2", "rules", "rules.EN.2", "rules", "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"rules_2\" role=\"tabpanel\"
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Server Rules &amp; Terms of Use</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Hello! Below, we have outlined our expectations for appropriate behavior on
Turtle WoW. These rules flow from our forums, to our discord, to in game. By
joining this server you\'re joining a collective effort of players and staff
to create a respectful and friendly community. Please read the rules we have
set up to avoid any misunderstandings during your gameplay. Remember, you
have a responsibility not only for your own behavior here, but also
representing the entire community and the server.
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing-tab-2\">Multi-boxing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
sharing, GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#interactions-with-staff-tab-2\">Interactions
with staff</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
to take into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#chat-abuse-tab-2\">Chat abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-2\">Behavior
during PvP encounters</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#griefing-tab-2\">Griefing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-reports-tab-2\">Behavior
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-2\">Requesting GM
assistance for bugged quest</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#loot-distribution-issues-tab-2\">Loot
distribution issues</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#item-restoral-tab-2\">Item restoral</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#token-refunds-tab-2\">Token refunds</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#decisions-appeal-tab-2\">Decisions
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#disclaimer-tab-2\">Disclaimer</a>
<!-- ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Cheating, botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp;
exploit abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Turtle WoW is
committed to provide a cheat-free environment. The following activities are
strictly forbidden:<br><br>
<li>Usage or promotion of any cheats and modifications to client files to
benefit your in game characters.
<li>The use or promotion of any third party programs to automate the control
or actions of your character.
<li>Abuse or promote abuse of any bug or exploit to obtain gold, experience,
items, reputation, kill NPC\'s, kill players etc.
<br>All reports for the above will be done in private via in-game tickets.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Multiboxing is
the act of controlling multiple WoW clients simultaneously. This can entail
having multiple clients open on a single machine or utilizing multiple
machines to control the actions of both accounts at the same time for combat
or moving. On this realm, we do not permit any multiboxing, with one
Three accounts are permitted for the use of Summoning Rituals.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Account
sharing, GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Selling and
buying gold or other in-game currencies (including valuable items) for real
money or donation tokens is strictly prohibited on Turtle WoW, and all gold
transactions are closely monitored. Any form of RMT will result in severe
consequences for all parties involved. Please do not support individuals who
seek to harm our server.
<li>Selling or buying characters or boosting services for real money,
in-game currencies (including valuable items), or donation tokens is
strictly forbidden.
<li>GDKP raids, where groups auction bind-on-pickup or bind-on-equip items
for gold, real money, or similar in-game currencies (including valuable
items), may NOT be created, promoted or attended. For instance, farming
a dungeon and inviting players to wait in the corner for items to drop,
with the expectation of payment for the service, is not allowed.
<li>However, acting as a mercenary to sell tanking or healing services (not
DPS services) for in-game gold is permitted, but not for items or drops,
only to be compensated for time and repair costs to assist others with
5-man instances. Mercenaries are not allowed to offer services for raids.
<li>Selling or promoting the sale of character names for gold or real money
is also strictly prohibited. Any accounts caught engaging in this
activity will be suspended, and any reserved names will be made
available for use.
<li>Trading gold cross-realm is not permitted.</li>
<br>Sharing access to your account with others is allowed, as long as it is
not used to scam or deceive other members of the community. However, you are
responsible for any rule violations that occur while others are using your
account. We will not reverse any character changes caused by others while
using your account.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Interactions with staff</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Turtle WoW staff is expected to treat all players with respect, professionalism, and kindness. We expect the same from our players. If a player is found being toxic, disrespectful, manipulative or insulting towards any Turtle WoW Staff member, it could lead to account warnings, suspensions or closures.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Things
to take into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">While we don\'t enforce RP, all players must respect those who decide to RP. Intentional disruption of any RP event or interaction can result in punishments. This includes bad-faith trolling behavior.<br> Continued problematic behavior within RP may result in a loss of access to RP GM support for player events.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Naming
rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">We do not force our players to use RP-friendly names, but we would be grateful if you contribute to the immersion by using a good fantasy name. However, some name type are forbidden and players will be requested to changed it. It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>To use names that reference well known people: politicians, social activists, religious figures, culprits, actors, celebrities, etc.</li>
<li>To use names political, religious or controversial connotations</li>
<li>To use names which are referencing inappropriate explicit matters: extremism, sexism, racism, mocking certain groups of the people.</li>
<li>To use names which are overly vulgar and sexual.</li>
<li>To use names created to mimic any staff name.</li>
<li>It is forbidden to use real-world country names in your guild names.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Chat
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Here at Turtle WoW, we encourage players to come together, form communities, and openly chat with their fellow players. There are some chat rules that we must insist upon to maintain healthy and family-friendly vibe on our server. <br><br>The rule set for the following public channels: /world, /trade, any crowded leveling or recreation zones:<br><br>
<li>Public chats are English speaking only. The only exception are guild recruitment announcements, those can be in your native language.</li>
<li>Spam: do not post more than 3 consecutive lines of the same text per minute.</li>
<br>It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>Discuss politics, religions, or any other socially controversial or vulgar/sexual matters. Keep real life drama in real life.</li>
<li>Encourage racism, extremism, sexism, violence, doxxing, hate speech of any kind toward certain groups of people.</li>
<li>Insult players, group of players (such as guild) or staff members of Turtle WoW.</li>
<li>Promote phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the website containing explicit content.</li>
<li>Fail to follow directions of a GM on content that they find offensive or inappropriate.</li>
<li>Use non-default font colors for the in-game chats is strictly prohibited.</li>
<br>The rules set for other types of in-game communications. Under normal circumstances we do not interfere in conflicts emerged in private chats: whispers, guild chats, groups, raids or custom channels. However, there are certain cases where we could interfere and take actions against certain individuals:<br><br>
<li>If you suspect that someone is committing sexual harassment towards minors, report it immediately.</li>
<li>If you suspect that someone is violating your privacy by spreading personal information about you in private chats, report it immediately.</li>
<li>Ignore avoidance: If someone who is on your ignore list continues to make new characters to insult you, you may report it to the GMs.</li>
<li>Inappropriate promotions and links to phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the website.</li>
<li>Joining a custom channel with the intent to harass the players who are having a conversation there.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior
during PvP encounters</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>During PVP
encounters, we discourage any toxic behavior or abuse of game mechanics,
bugs or glitches. Any of the following behaviors will lead to being issued a
<li>Wintrading. Wintrading is the practice where players throw games on
purpose, in turns, for the purpose of collecting the rewards.
<li>AFK-ing during a battleground. AFK-ing during a battleground by not taking any action during the match.
<li>Refusing to play the match. Refusing to play the match is a behavior in
the same vein as AFK-ing in a match, but the player is still at his PC.
He just queues to the match for the population and during the match he
just moves around so he does not get the AFK status. During this time he
refuses any communication with his team members or clearly states he is
there just for the population or just to observe.
<li>Safespotting is the act of PvPing from an advantageous position that
cannot be reached through regular jumping or walking. If you got to the
position by using a spell, potion, wall climbing, or other additional
means, it is likely safespotting.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"griefing-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Griefing
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Griefing refers
to the act of a player ruining the gaming experience of another player. We
encourage the Turtle WoW community to respect other players different play
styles and to not ruin their experience. Everyone plays this game
differently and all playstyles should be welcomed.<br><br><strong
class=\"text-strong\">To keep the community friendly the following
activities are strictly forbidden:</strong><br><br>
<li>Farming quest givers, important quest objectives and important NPC\'s for
long periods of time and blocking other players from accepting or
turning in quests.
<li>Harassing a player by following them around and tagging mobs they need
to kill for a quest.
<li>Kiting a group of mobs into another player\'s (AoE) spells.</li>
<li>Interfering with any player trying to complete The Balance of Light and
Dark or the Stave of the Ancients quest chain.
<li>Block entrances with tents or other spawnable objects.</li>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>How to report: contact support on Discord or
open an in-game ticket with as much proof as possible of the
<li>Link of video uploaded on : Youtube, Streamable, Vimeo etc.</li>
If you plan your RP event it\'s your responsibility to ensure all your
members have PvP flag off. GM will only interfere if you are being tricked
into PvP or your event is interfered with in any other fashion. <br><br>As a
reminder: staff is not responsible for the actions of the player that
griefed and can\'t take actions against a player that did not do anything as
a preventive measure or without any proof being offered. With those in mind,
please keep discussions civil when reporting to staff.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"behavior-reports-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Behavior
reports will be done in private with as much details as possibile.<br><br>
<li>For chat abuse: Open an in game ticket with character names, date, hour,
and chat channel in which the conversation happened.
<li>For other types of reports: Open an in game ticket and describe the
players behavior with as much details as possible.
<br>Reports without details that are done with the intent to slander, insult
or start drama will be severely punished. The GM\'s will review the report,
check what is happening and act accordingly to the situation. Different
situations will require different penalty\'s.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Requesting GM assistance for bugged quest</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>When unable to
complete a quest due a bug, help can can be requested by contacting a GM
using the in game tickets. <br><br>While the following template is not
obligatory to use, please provide as much details as possible about the
encountered issue so that our support team can understand the situation
better. <br><br>
<li>Quest name</li>
<li>NPC/Object/Item name</li>
<li>Encountered problem</li>
<li>Expected behavior</li>
<br>Depending of the situation, not all help requests will be met with GM
assistance. In some situations players will be requested to open a bug
tracker report and wait for a fix from our development team.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"loot-distribution-issues-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Loot
distribution issues</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>We will not be
involved in most inter-player disputes on loot. However, there are some
occasions where we will investigate and assist:<br><br>
<li>If you are in a group or raid, and the loot rules are clearly defined in
game, prior to the raid beginning, and those rules are not followed when
the time comes to receive loot. You may open a ticket for investigation.
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>Please be aware that we will no longer
assist with tickets requesting the transfer of an item from one party
member to another in any 5-man dungeon, regardless of
level.</strong><br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\">For raiders, we have
implemented a new system that allows you to rectify any mistakes on your
own:</strong><br><br>In raids where Master Looter mode is enabled, for a
short period of 10 minutes after the boss has been defeated, all raid
members will have a claim on the item and can receive it via trade, provided
they were present during the boss kill, have not left the raid map, and
share the same raid ID with the current owner of the item. Each item can
only be traded once. <br><br>There will be a map-wide announcement to inform
the raid leader about this event. Please note that any requests for manual
transfers will be refused from now on.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"item-restoral-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Item
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>If you have
sold or destroyed an important item, please visit <strong
class=\"text-strong\">NPC Trash Collector Gaston</strong> in Ratchet (<a
href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\" class=\"postlink\">https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8</a>).
He will offer you up to 128 lost items, from the last few months. <br><br>Please keep in mind that
you will have to pay their full vendor price to retrieve them. <br><br>Additionally,
on our server, the vendor buyback list is always available after a player
logs out. Always make sure to check it if you accidentally sell something
important. <br><br>Our support team will only assist you in the following
<li>If you have lost an important quest item and cannot progress through a
quest-chain without it, and it was looted no longer than 1 month ago.
<li>If you have lost a legendary item and it happened no longer than 1 month
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"token-refunds-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Token
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">This server is
free, and donations are not mandatory. If you have mistakenly donated money
and would like a refund, please ensure that you do not spend your tokens.
Only in this specific scenario will our system be able to transfer your
money back. For donation rewards purchased from the shop, we can only do a
token refund within 48 hours of the purchase. Refunds are not available for
Hardcore players.<br><br>Please note, that we do not offer refunds for
deleted characters. Items purchased from our donation store are considered
soulbound to the character you purchase them on, and will not be refunded if
you willingly delete your character. Please request a refund before deleting
your character if it is within our 48 hour refund period.<br><br>For
Hardcore characters, donated points are automatically refunded upon death or
deletion of the character. Manual restoration of these points with the
assistance of a GM is not possible.</p>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"decisions-appeal-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Decisions appeal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Every decision
can be appealed for a different outcome. Please open a in game ticket and
argue your case. In the case of a ban appeal, login and contact staff via
user panel on our website.<br><br>If the ticket contains any of the
following, it will be closed without a reply:<br><br>
<li>Insults or manipulation.</li>
<li>Accusations of staff favoritism or bias towards players.</li>
<br>When the final decision is reached, any further tickets on the topic
will be closed without a reply.
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"disclaimer-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>This list may
not cover all types of behavior. Turtle WoW reserves the right to modify,
update, or adjust this document at any time. If any part of this document is
changed, we will inform all players. The GM team may take different actions
than those specified in these terms of use, as they are responsible for
making decisions in unique situations. </p>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
</div>", "<div class=\"tab-pane fade\" id=\"rules_2\" role=\"tabpanel\" aria-labelledby=\"rules-tab-2\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">使</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Turtle WoW上适当行为的期望discord
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-2\">使bug和利用滥用</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-2\">GDKP团队RMT类型</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#interactions-with-staff-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\">Turtle WoW这样的RP服务器中需要考虑的事情</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\">Turtle WoW这样的RP服务器中的命名规则</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#chat-abuse-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-2\">PvP遭遇中的行为</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#griefing-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#behavior-reports-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-2\">GM协助解决故障任务</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#loot-distribution-issues-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#item-restoral-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#token-refunds-tab-2\">退</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#decisions-appeal-tab-2\"></a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#disclaimer-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Turtle WoW致力于提供一个无作弊的环境<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> GDKP团队RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Turtle WoW上严禁以真实货币或捐赠代币购买和出售金币或其他游戏内货币RMT都将导致所有参与方受到严重后果
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Turtle WoW工作人员应该以尊重Turtle WoW工作人员表现出毒性</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Turtle WoW这样的RP服务器中需要考虑的事情</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">RPRP的人RP活动或交互可能会导致惩罚<br> RP中持续出现问题行为可能会导致失去RP GM支持玩家活动的权限</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Turtle WoW这样的RP服务器中的命名规则</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">使RP友好的名称使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">Turtle WoW<br><br>//<br><br>
<li>Turtle WoW的工作人员</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> PVP遭遇中的行为</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>PVP遭遇中<br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"griefing-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>Turtle WoW社区尊重其他玩家不同的游戏风格<br><br><strong
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>Discord上联系支持或在游戏中提交工单</strong><br><br>
</div><div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"behavior-reports-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br><br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> GM协助解决任务故障</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>使GM来请求帮助<br><br>使便<br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"loot-distribution-issues-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br><br><br>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>5</strong><br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\"></strong><br><br>boss被击败后的短暂10分钟内boss被击败时出席ID<br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"item-restoral-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br>访 <strong class=\"text-strong\">NPC Gaston</strong> <a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\" class=\"postlink\">https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8</a>128<br><br><br><br>使<br><br><br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"token-refunds-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> 退</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\">退退48退退<br><br>退退48退退<br><br>退GM的协助手动恢复这些点数</p>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"decisions-appeal-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br><br><br><br><br>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5 ng-scope\">
<a id=\"disclaimer-tab-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3 ng-binding\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> </h5>
<p class=\"text-gray ng-binding\"><br> Turtle WoW保留随时修改 GM团队可能会采取与这些使用条款中规定的不同的行动</p>
</div><!-- end ngRepeat: d in tab2 -->
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("rules cn 1", "rules", "rules.CN.1", "rules", "<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Server Rules &amp; Terms of Use</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Hello! Below, we have outlined our expectations for appropriate behavior on Turtle WoW.
These rules
flow from our forums, to our discord, to in game. By joining this server you\'re joining a
effort of players and staff to create a respectful and friendly community. Please read the
rules we
have set up to avoid any misunderstandings during your gameplay. Remember, you have a
not only for your own behavior here, but also representing the entire community and the
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing\">Multi-boxing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
sharing, GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#interactions-with-staff\">Interactions with staff</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\">Things to
take into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\">Naming rules for a RP
server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#chat-abuse\">Chat abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters\">Behavior during PvP encounters</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#behavior-reports\">Behavior reports</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest\">Requesting GM assistance for
bugged quest</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#loot-distribution-issues\">Loot distribution issues</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#item-restoral\">Item restoral</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#token-refunds-refund-policy\">Token refunds / Refund policy</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#decisions-appeal\">Decisions appeal</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Cheating, botting,
modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">Turtle WoW is committed to provide
a cheat-free environment. The following activities are strictly forbidden:<br><br>
<li>Usage or promotion of any cheats and modifications to client files to benefit your in game
<li>The use or promotion of any third party programs to automate the control or actions of your
<li>Abuse or promote abuse of any bug or exploit to obtain gold, experience, items, reputation,
kill NPC\'s, kill players etc.
<br>All reports for the above will be done in private via in-game tickets.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Multi-boxing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Multiboxing is the act of
controlling multiple WoW clients simultaneously. This can entail having multiple clients
open on a single machine or utilizing multiple machines to control the actions of both
accounts at the same time for combat or moving. At our server, we permit the use of a
maximum of two accounts at a time, with the following exceptions:<br><br>
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is undergoing a Hardcore
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is flagged for PvP,
including Warmode.
<li>Three accounts are permitted for the use of Summoning Rituals.</li>
<br>The use of software to multibox is never permitted.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Account sharing,
GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Selling and buying gold or
other in-game currencies for real money or donation tokens is strictly prohibited on Turtle
WoW, and all gold transactions are closely monitored. Any form of RMT will result in severe
consequences for all parties involved. Please do not support individuals who seek to harm
our server.
<li>Selling or buying characters or boosting services for real money, in-game currencies, or
donation tokens is strictly forbidden.
<li>HC mode characters are not permitted to get assistance from players outside of their group.
(No boosting HC mode players, even for free.)
<li>GDKP raids, where groups auction bind-on-pickup or bind-on-equip items for gold, real money,
or similar in-game currencies, may NOT be created, promoted or attended. For instance,
farming a dungeon and inviting players to wait in the corner for items to drop, with the
expectation of payment for the service, is not allowed.
<li>However, acting as a mercenary to sell tanking or healing services (not DPS services) for
in-game gold is permitted, but not for items or drops, only to be compensated for time and
repair costs to assist others with 5-man instances. Mercenaries are not allowed to offer
services for raids.
<li>Selling or promoting the sale of character names for gold or real money is also strictly
prohibited. Any accounts caught engaging in this activity will be suspended, and any
reserved names will be made available for use.
<br>Sharing access to your account with others is allowed, as long as it is not used to scam or
deceive other members of the community. However, you are responsible for any rule violations
that occur while others are using your account. We will not reverse any character changes caused
by others while using your account.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Interactions with staff
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW staff is expected to
treat all players with respect, professionalism, and kindness. We expect the same from our
players. If a player is found being toxic, disrespectful, manipulative or insulting towards
any Turtle WoW Staff member, it could lead to account warnings, suspensions or closures.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Things to take into
account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>While we don\'t enforce RP, all
players must respect those who decide to RP. Intentional disruption of any RP event or
interaction can result in punishments. This includes bad-faith trolling behavior.<br>
Continued problematic behavior within RP may result in a loss of access to RP GM support for
player events.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Naming rules for a RP
server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We do not force our players to
use RP-friendly names, but we would be grateful if you contribute to the immersion by using
a good fantasy name. However, some name type are forbidden and players will be requested to
changed it. It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>To use names that reference well known people: politicians, social activists, religious
figures, culprits, actors, celebrities, etc.
<li>To use names political, religious or controversial connotations</li>
<li>To use names which are referencing inappropriate explicit matters: extremism, sexism,
racism, mocking certain groups of the people.
<li>To use names which are overly vulgar and sexual.</li>
<li>To use names created to mimic any staff name.</li>
<li>It is forbidden to use real-world country names in your guild names.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Chat abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Here at Turtle WoW, we
encourage players to come together, form communities, and openly chat with their fellow
players. There are some chat rules that we must insist upon to maintain healthy and
family-friendly vibe on our server. <br><br>The rule set for the following public channels:
/world, guild chat of &lt;Still Alive&gt;, guild chat of &lt;Newcomers&gt;, /trade, any
crowded leveling or recreation zones:<br><br>
<li>Public chats are English speaking only. The only exception are guild recruitment
announcements, those can be in your native language.
<li>Spam: do not post more than 3 consecutive lines of the same text per minute.</li>
<br>It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>Discuss politics, religions, or any other socially controversial or vulgar/sexual matters.
Keep real life drama in real life.
<li>Encourage racism, extremism, sexism, violence, doxxing, hate speech of any kind toward
certain groups of people.
<li>Insult players, group of players (such as guild) or staff members of Turtle WoW.</li>
<li>Promote phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the website containing explicit
<li>Fail to follow directions of a GM on content that they find offensive or inappropriate.</li>
<br>The rules set for other types of in-game communications. Under normal circumstances we do
not interfere in conflicts emerged in private chats: whispers, guild chats, groups, raids or
custom channels. However, there are certain cases where we could interfere and take actions
against certain individuals:<br><br>
<li>If you suspect that someone is committing sexual harassment towards minors, report it
<li>If you suspect that someone is violating your privacy by spreading personal information
about you in private chats, report it immediately.
<li>Ignore avoidance: If someone who is on your ignore list continues to make new characters to
insult you, you may report it to the GMs.
<li>Inappropriate promotions and links to phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the
<li>Joining a custom channel with the intent to harass the players who are having a conversation
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior during PvP
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>During PVP encounters, we
discourage any toxic behavior or abuse of game mechanics, bugs or glitches. Any of the
following behaviors will lead to being issued a penalty:<br><br>
<li>Wintrading. Wintrading is the practice where players throw games on purpose, in turns, for
the purpose of collecting the rewards.
<li>AFK-ing during a battleground. Not taking any action during the match and being tagged as
Away from Computer.
<li>Refusing to play the match. Refusing to play the match is a behavior in the same vein as
AFK-ing in a match, but the player is still at his PC. He just queues to the match for the
population and during the match he just moves around so he does not get the AFK status.
During this time he refuses any communication with his team members or clearly states he is
there just for the population or just to observe.
<li>Using multiple accounts to queue. Logging in using two or several accounts to queue both
sides so their faction can join, and then leaving without playing the match.
<li>Safespotting is the act of PvPing from an advantageous position that cannot be reached
through regular jumping or walking. If you got to the position by using a spell, potion,
wall climbing, or other additional means, it is likely safespotting.
<li>Cross-faction grouping during open world PvP encounters. Horde and Alliance grouping
together during open world PvP encounters.
Hardcore Characters &amp; PvP<br><br>To prevent griefing, we have implemented several
server-side checks to stop Hardcore Characters from accidental flagging for PvP. If the hardcore
character dies as a consequence of choosing to tag himself by using /pvp, starting the War Mode
challenge, attacking a PvP NPC or buffing/healing a player tagged for PvP, he will not be
considered a victim of griefing.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"griefing\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Griefing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Griefing refers to the act of a
player ruining the gaming experience of another player. We encourage the Turtle WoW
community to respect other players different play styles and to not ruin their experience.
Everyone plays this game differently and all playstyles should be welcomed.<br><br><strong
class=\"text-strong\">To keep the community friendly the following activities are strictly
<li>Farming quest givers, important quest objectives and important NPC\'s for long periods of
time and blocking other players from accepting or turning in quests.
<li>Harassing a player by following them around and tagging mobs they need to kill for a quest
or tricking them into getting flagged for PvP without their intent.
<li>Kiting a group of mobs into another player\'s (AoE) spells.</li>
<li>Interfering with any player trying to complete The Balance of Light and Dark or the Stave of
the Ancients quest chain.
<li>Dropping infernals and doomguards on a group of players in low level zones.</li>
<li>Block entrances with tents or other spawnable objects.</li>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>How to report: contact support on Discord or open an in-game
ticket with as much proof as possible of the event:</strong><br><br>
<li>Link of video uploaded on : Youtube, Streamable, Vimeo etc.</li>
If you plan your RP event it\'s your responsibility to ensure all your members have PvP flag off.
GM will only interfere if you are being tricked into PvP or your event is interfered with in any
other fashion. <br><br>As a reminder: staff is not responsible for the actions of the player
that griefed and can\'t take actions against a player that did not do anything as a preventive
measure or without any proof being offered. With those in mind, please keep discussions civil
when reporting to staff.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-reports\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior reports</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Behavior reports will be done
in private with as much details as possibile.<br><br>
<li>For chat abuse: Open an in game ticket with character names, date, hour, and chat channel in
which the conversation happened.
<li>For other types of reports: Open an in game ticket and describe the players behavior with as
much details as possible.
<br>Reports without details that are done with the intent to slander, insult or start drama will
be severely punished. The GM\'s will review the report, check what is happening and act
accordingly to the situation. Different situations will require different penalty\'s.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Requesting GM assistance
for bugged quest</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>When unable to complete a quest
due a bug, help can can be requested by contacting a GM using the in game tickets. <br><br>While
the following template is not obligatory to use, please provide as much details as possible
about the encountered issue so that our support team can understand the situation better.
<li>Quest name</li>
<li>NPC/Object/Item name</li>
<li>Encountered problem</li>
<li>Expected behavior</li>
<br>Depending of the situation, not all help requests will be met with GM assistance. In some
situations players will be requested to open a bug tracker report and wait for a fix from our
development team.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"loot-distribution-issues\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Loot distribution issues
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We will not be involved in most
inter-player disputes on loot. However, there are some occasions where we will investigate
and assist:<br><br>
<li>If you are in a group or raid, and the loot rules are clearly defined in game, prior to the
raid beginning, and those rules are not followed when the time comes to receive loot. You
may open a ticket for investigation.
<li>If the loot rules were not defined at the start of the dungeon, and a player roles on a Bind
On Pick Up item they can\'t equip. You may open a ticket for investigation.
<li>If the loot rules were not defined at the start of the dungeon, and the leader changes loot
settings right after the boss kill so they can take the items. You may open a ticket for
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>Please be aware that we will no longer assist with tickets
requesting the transfer of an item from one party member to another in any 5-man dungeon,
regardless of level.</strong><br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\">For raiders, we have
implemented a new system that allows you to rectify any mistakes on your
own:</strong><br><br>In raids where Master Looter mode is enabled, for a short period of 10
minutes after the boss has been defeated, all raid members will have a claim on the item and can
receive it via trade, provided they were present during the boss kill, have not left the raid
map, and share the same raid ID with the current owner of the item. Each item can only be traded
once. <br><br>There will be a map-wide announcement to inform the raid leader about this event.
Please note that any requests for manual transfers will be refused from now on.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"item-restoral\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Item restoral</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>If you have sold or destroyed
an important item, please visit <strong class=\"text-strong\">NPC Trash Collector
Gaston</strong> in Ratchet (<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\"
He will offer you 128 recently lost items. <br><br>Please keep in mind that you will have to
pay their full vendor price to retrieve them. <br><br>Additionally, on our server, the
vendor buyback list is always available after a player logs out. Always make sure to check
it if you accidentally sell something important. <br><br>Our support team will only assist
you in the following cases:<br><br>
<li>If you have lost an important quest item and cannot progress through a quest-chain without
it, and it was looted no longer than 1 month ago.
<li>If you have lost a legendary item and it happened no longer than 1 month ago.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"token-refunds-refund-policy\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Token refunds / Refund policy</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">This server is free, and donations
are not mandatory. If you have mistakenly donated money and would like a refund, please
ensure that you do not spend your tokens. Only in this specific scenario will our system be
able to transfer your money back. For donation rewards purchased from the shop, we can only
do a token refund within 48 hours of the purchase. Refunds are not available for Hardcore
players.<br><br>Please note, that we do not offer refunds for deleted characters. Items
purchased from our donation store are considered soulbound to the character you purchase
them on, and will not be refunded if you willingly delete your character. Please request a
refund before deleting your character if it is within our 48 hour refund period.<br><br>For
Hardcore characters, donated points are automatically refunded upon death or deletion of the
character. Manual restoration of these points with the assistance of a GM is not possible.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"decisions-appeal\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Decisions appeal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Every decision can be appealed
for a different outcome. Please open a in game ticket and argue your case. In the case of a
ban appeal, login and contact staff via user panel on our website.<br><br>If the ticket
contains any of the following, it will be closed without a reply:<br><br>
<li>Insults or manipulation.</li>
<li>Accusations of staff favoritism or bias towards players.</li>
<br>When the final decision is reached, any further tickets on the topic will be closed without
a reply.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"disclaimer\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Disclaimer</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>This list may not cover all
types of behavior. Turtle WoW reserves the right to modify, update, or adjust this document
at any time. If any part of this document is changed, we will inform all players. The GM
team may take different actions than those specified in these terms of use, as they are
responsible for making decisions in unique situations. </p>
</div>", "<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">使</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">Turtle WoW上适当行为的期望Discord</p>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-1\">使</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-2\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-3\">RMT行为</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-4\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-5\">Turtle WoW的角色扮演服务器中注意事项</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-6\">Turtle WoW角色扮演服务器的命名规则如下</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-7\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-8\">PVP行为准则</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-9\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-10\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-11\">GM协助BUG任务</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-12\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-13\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-14\">退 / 退</a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW致力于创造一个无任何作弊的环境
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-3\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>
<li>Turtle WoW上</li>
<li>Turtle WoW的硬核模式中使</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-4\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-5\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Turtle WoW的角色扮演服务器中注意事项</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>RPRP玩法的人/
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-6\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Turtle WoW角色扮演服务器的命名规则如下</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-7\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<li>Turtle WoW的玩家</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-8\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>PvP对战中<br><br>
<li>PVP对刷. 便</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-9\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-10\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-11\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>BUG无法完成任务时使GM寻求帮助<br><br>使便<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-12\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<br><strong class=\"text-strong\"></strong><br><br><br><br>2使
<em>.loot undo</em>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-13\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"rule-14\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> 退 / 退</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("rules cn 2", "rules", "rules.CN.2", "rules", "<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Server Rules &amp; Terms of Use</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">
Hello! Below, we have outlined our expectations for appropriate behavior on Turtle WoW.
These rules
flow from our forums, to our discord, to in game. By joining this server you\'re joining a
effort of players and staff to create a respectful and friendly community. Please read the
rules we
have set up to avoid any misunderstandings during your gameplay. Remember, you have a
not only for your own behavior here, but also representing the entire community and the
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
botting, modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#multi-boxing\">Multi-boxing</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
sharing, GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#interactions-with-staff\">Interactions with staff</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\">Things to
take into account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\">Naming rules for a RP
server like Turtle WoW</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#chat-abuse\">Chat abuse</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#behavior-during-pvp-encounters\">Behavior during PvP encounters</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#behavior-reports\">Behavior reports</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest\">Requesting GM assistance for
bugged quest</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#loot-distribution-issues\">Loot distribution issues</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#item-restoral\">Item restoral</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#token-refunds-refund-policy\">Token refunds / Refund policy</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
href=\"#decisions-appeal\">Decisions appeal</a>
<a class=\"hand text-green\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"cheating-botting-modifications-third-party-programs-bug-exploit-abuse\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Cheating, botting,
modifications &amp; third-party programs, bug &amp; exploit abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">Turtle WoW is committed to provide
a cheat-free environment. The following activities are strictly forbidden:<br><br>
<li>Usage or promotion of any cheats and modifications to client files to benefit your in game
<li>The use or promotion of any third party programs to automate the control or actions of your
<li>Abuse or promote abuse of any bug or exploit to obtain gold, experience, items, reputation,
kill NPC\'s, kill players etc.
<br>All reports for the above will be done in private via in-game tickets.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"multi-boxing\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Multi-boxing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Multiboxing is the act of
controlling multiple WoW clients simultaneously. This can entail having multiple clients
open on a single machine or utilizing multiple machines to control the actions of both
accounts at the same time for combat or moving. At our server, we permit the use of a
maximum of two accounts at a time, with the following exceptions:<br><br>
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is undergoing a Hardcore
<li>It is strictly forbidden to multibox if either of your characters is flagged for PvP,
including Warmode.
<li>Three accounts are permitted for the use of Summoning Rituals.</li>
<br>The use of software to multibox is never permitted.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"account-sharing-gdkp-runs-boosts-gold-selling-and-other-types-of-rmt\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Account sharing,
GDKP-runs &amp; boosts, gold-selling, and other types of RMT</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Selling and buying gold or
other in-game currencies for real money or donation tokens is strictly prohibited on Turtle
WoW, and all gold transactions are closely monitored. Any form of RMT will result in severe
consequences for all parties involved. Please do not support individuals who seek to harm
our server.
<li>Selling or buying characters or boosting services for real money, in-game currencies, or
donation tokens is strictly forbidden.
<li>HC mode characters are not permitted to get assistance from players outside of their group.
(No boosting HC mode players, even for free.)
<li>GDKP raids, where groups auction bind-on-pickup or bind-on-equip items for gold, real money,
or similar in-game currencies, may NOT be created, promoted or attended. For instance,
farming a dungeon and inviting players to wait in the corner for items to drop, with the
expectation of payment for the service, is not allowed.
<li>However, acting as a mercenary to sell tanking or healing services (not DPS services) for
in-game gold is permitted, but not for items or drops, only to be compensated for time and
repair costs to assist others with 5-man instances. Mercenaries are not allowed to offer
services for raids.
<li>Selling or promoting the sale of character names for gold or real money is also strictly
prohibited. Any accounts caught engaging in this activity will be suspended, and any
reserved names will be made available for use.
<br>Sharing access to your account with others is allowed, as long as it is not used to scam or
deceive other members of the community. However, you are responsible for any rule violations
that occur while others are using your account. We will not reverse any character changes caused
by others while using your account.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"interactions-with-staff\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Interactions with staff
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW staff is expected to
treat all players with respect, professionalism, and kindness. We expect the same from our
players. If a player is found being toxic, disrespectful, manipulative or insulting towards
any Turtle WoW Staff member, it could lead to account warnings, suspensions or closures.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"things-to-take-into-account-in-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Things to take into
account in a RP server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>While we don\'t enforce RP, all
players must respect those who decide to RP. Intentional disruption of any RP event or
interaction can result in punishments. This includes bad-faith trolling behavior.<br>
Continued problematic behavior within RP may result in a loss of access to RP GM support for
player events.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"naming-rules-for-a-rp-server-like-turtle-wow\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Naming rules for a RP
server like Turtle WoW</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We do not force our players to
use RP-friendly names, but we would be grateful if you contribute to the immersion by using
a good fantasy name. However, some name type are forbidden and players will be requested to
changed it. It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>To use names that reference well known people: politicians, social activists, religious
figures, culprits, actors, celebrities, etc.
<li>To use names political, religious or controversial connotations</li>
<li>To use names which are referencing inappropriate explicit matters: extremism, sexism,
racism, mocking certain groups of the people.
<li>To use names which are overly vulgar and sexual.</li>
<li>To use names created to mimic any staff name.</li>
<li>It is forbidden to use real-world country names in your guild names.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"chat-abuse\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Chat abuse</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Here at Turtle WoW, we
encourage players to come together, form communities, and openly chat with their fellow
players. There are some chat rules that we must insist upon to maintain healthy and
family-friendly vibe on our server. <br><br>The rule set for the following public channels:
/world, guild chat of &lt;Still Alive&gt;, guild chat of &lt;Newcomers&gt;, /trade, any
crowded leveling or recreation zones:<br><br>
<li>Public chats are English speaking only. The only exception are guild recruitment
announcements, those can be in your native language.
<li>Spam: do not post more than 3 consecutive lines of the same text per minute.</li>
<br>It\'s strictly prohibited to:<br><br>
<li>Discuss politics, religions, or any other socially controversial or vulgar/sexual matters.
Keep real life drama in real life.
<li>Encourage racism, extremism, sexism, violence, doxxing, hate speech of any kind toward
certain groups of people.
<li>Insult players, group of players (such as guild) or staff members of Turtle WoW.</li>
<li>Promote phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the website containing explicit
<li>Fail to follow directions of a GM on content that they find offensive or inappropriate.</li>
<br>The rules set for other types of in-game communications. Under normal circumstances we do
not interfere in conflicts emerged in private chats: whispers, guild chats, groups, raids or
custom channels. However, there are certain cases where we could interfere and take actions
against certain individuals:<br><br>
<li>If you suspect that someone is committing sexual harassment towards minors, report it
<li>If you suspect that someone is violating your privacy by spreading personal information
about you in private chats, report it immediately.
<li>Ignore avoidance: If someone who is on your ignore list continues to make new characters to
insult you, you may report it to the GMs.
<li>Inappropriate promotions and links to phishing websites, cheats, inappropriate links to the
<li>Joining a custom channel with the intent to harass the players who are having a conversation
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-during-pvp-encounters\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior during PvP
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>During PVP encounters, we
discourage any toxic behavior or abuse of game mechanics, bugs or glitches. Any of the
following behaviors will lead to being issued a penalty:<br><br>
<li>Wintrading. Wintrading is the practice where players throw games on purpose, in turns, for
the purpose of collecting the rewards.
<li>AFK-ing during a battleground. Not taking any action during the match and being tagged as
Away from Computer.
<li>Refusing to play the match. Refusing to play the match is a behavior in the same vein as
AFK-ing in a match, but the player is still at his PC. He just queues to the match for the
population and during the match he just moves around so he does not get the AFK status.
During this time he refuses any communication with his team members or clearly states he is
there just for the population or just to observe.
<li>Using multiple accounts to queue. Logging in using two or several accounts to queue both
sides so their faction can join, and then leaving without playing the match.
<li>Safespotting is the act of PvPing from an advantageous position that cannot be reached
through regular jumping or walking. If you got to the position by using a spell, potion,
wall climbing, or other additional means, it is likely safespotting.
<li>Cross-faction grouping during open world PvP encounters. Horde and Alliance grouping
together during open world PvP encounters.
Hardcore Characters &amp; PvP<br><br>To prevent griefing, we have implemented several
server-side checks to stop Hardcore Characters from accidental flagging for PvP. If the hardcore
character dies as a consequence of choosing to tag himself by using /pvp, starting the War Mode
challenge, attacking a PvP NPC or buffing/healing a player tagged for PvP, he will not be
considered a victim of griefing.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"griefing\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Griefing</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Griefing refers to the act of a
player ruining the gaming experience of another player. We encourage the Turtle WoW
community to respect other players different play styles and to not ruin their experience.
Everyone plays this game differently and all playstyles should be welcomed.<br><br><strong
class=\"text-strong\">To keep the community friendly the following activities are strictly
<li>Farming quest givers, important quest objectives and important NPC\'s for long periods of
time and blocking other players from accepting or turning in quests.
<li>Harassing a player by following them around and tagging mobs they need to kill for a quest
or tricking them into getting flagged for PvP without their intent.
<li>Kiting a group of mobs into another player\'s (AoE) spells.</li>
<li>Interfering with any player trying to complete The Balance of Light and Dark or the Stave of
the Ancients quest chain.
<li>Dropping infernals and doomguards on a group of players in low level zones.</li>
<li>Block entrances with tents or other spawnable objects.</li>
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>How to report: contact support on Discord or open an in-game
ticket with as much proof as possible of the event:</strong><br><br>
<li>Link of video uploaded on : Youtube, Streamable, Vimeo etc.</li>
If you plan your RP event it\'s your responsibility to ensure all your members have PvP flag off.
GM will only interfere if you are being tricked into PvP or your event is interfered with in any
other fashion. <br><br>As a reminder: staff is not responsible for the actions of the player
that griefed and can\'t take actions against a player that did not do anything as a preventive
measure or without any proof being offered. With those in mind, please keep discussions civil
when reporting to staff.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"behavior-reports\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Behavior reports</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Behavior reports will be done
in private with as much details as possibile.<br><br>
<li>For chat abuse: Open an in game ticket with character names, date, hour, and chat channel in
which the conversation happened.
<li>For other types of reports: Open an in game ticket and describe the players behavior with as
much details as possible.
<br>Reports without details that are done with the intent to slander, insult or start drama will
be severely punished. The GM\'s will review the report, check what is happening and act
accordingly to the situation. Different situations will require different penalty\'s.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"requesting-gm-assistance-for-bugged-quest\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Requesting GM assistance
for bugged quest</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>When unable to complete a quest
due a bug, help can can be requested by contacting a GM using the in game tickets. <br><br>While
the following template is not obligatory to use, please provide as much details as possible
about the encountered issue so that our support team can understand the situation better.
<li>Quest name</li>
<li>NPC/Object/Item name</li>
<li>Encountered problem</li>
<li>Expected behavior</li>
<br>Depending of the situation, not all help requests will be met with GM assistance. In some
situations players will be requested to open a bug tracker report and wait for a fix from our
development team.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"loot-distribution-issues\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Loot distribution issues
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>We will not be involved in most
inter-player disputes on loot. However, there are some occasions where we will investigate
and assist:<br><br>
<li>If you are in a group or raid, and the loot rules are clearly defined in game, prior to the
raid beginning, and those rules are not followed when the time comes to receive loot. You
may open a ticket for investigation.
<li>If the loot rules were not defined at the start of the dungeon, and a player roles on a Bind
On Pick Up item they can\'t equip. You may open a ticket for investigation.
<li>If the loot rules were not defined at the start of the dungeon, and the leader changes loot
settings right after the boss kill so they can take the items. You may open a ticket for
<strong class=\"text-strong\"><br>Please be aware that we will no longer assist with tickets
requesting the transfer of an item from one party member to another in any 5-man dungeon,
regardless of level.</strong><br><br><strong class=\"text-strong\">For raiders, we have
implemented a new system that allows you to rectify any mistakes on your
own:</strong><br><br>In raids where Master Looter mode is enabled, for a short period of 10
minutes after the boss has been defeated, all raid members will have a claim on the item and can
receive it via trade, provided they were present during the boss kill, have not left the raid
map, and share the same raid ID with the current owner of the item. Each item can only be traded
once. <br><br>There will be a map-wide announcement to inform the raid leader about this event.
Please note that any requests for manual transfers will be refused from now on.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"item-restoral\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Item restoral</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>If you have sold or destroyed
an important item, please visit <strong class=\"text-strong\">NPC Trash Collector
Gaston</strong> in Ratchet (<a href=\"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8\"
He will offer you 128 recently lost items. <br><br>Please keep in mind that you will have to
pay their full vendor price to retrieve them. <br><br>Additionally, on our server, the
vendor buyback list is always available after a player logs out. Always make sure to check
it if you accidentally sell something important. <br><br>Our support team will only assist
you in the following cases:<br><br>
<li>If you have lost an important quest item and cannot progress through a quest-chain without
it, and it was looted no longer than 1 month ago.
<li>If you have lost a legendary item and it happened no longer than 1 month ago.</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"token-refunds-refund-policy\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Token refunds / Refund policy</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">This server is free, and donations
are not mandatory. If you have mistakenly donated money and would like a refund, please
ensure that you do not spend your tokens. Only in this specific scenario will our system be
able to transfer your money back. For donation rewards purchased from the shop, we can only
do a token refund within 48 hours of the purchase. Refunds are not available for Hardcore
players.<br><br>Please note, that we do not offer refunds for deleted characters. Items
purchased from our donation store are considered soulbound to the character you purchase
them on, and will not be refunded if you willingly delete your character. Please request a
refund before deleting your character if it is within our 48 hour refund period.<br><br>For
Hardcore characters, donated points are automatically refunded upon death or deletion of the
character. Manual restoration of these points with the assistance of a GM is not possible.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"decisions-appeal\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Decisions appeal</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Every decision can be appealed
for a different outcome. Please open a in game ticket and argue your case. In the case of a
ban appeal, login and contact staff via user panel on our website.<br><br>If the ticket
contains any of the following, it will be closed without a reply:<br><br>
<li>Insults or manipulation.</li>
<li>Accusations of staff favoritism or bias towards players.</li>
<br>When the final decision is reached, any further tickets on the topic will be closed without
a reply.</p>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"disclaimer\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> Disclaimer</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>This list may not cover all
types of behavior. Turtle WoW reserves the right to modify, update, or adjust this document
at any time. If any part of this document is changed, we will inform all players. The GM
team may take different actions than those specified in these terms of use, as they are
responsible for making decisions in unique situations. </p>
</div>", "<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row helmet p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\"><h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">使</h2>
<p class=\"w-75 mt-3 text-white\">Turtle WoW上适当行为的期望Discord</p>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-1\">使</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-2\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-3\">RMT行为</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-4\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-5\">Turtle WoW的角色扮演服务器中注意事项</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-6\">Turtle WoW角色扮演服务器的命名规则如下</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-7\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-8\">PVP行为准则</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-9\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-10\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-11\">GM协助BUG任务</a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-12\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-13\"></a>
<li><a class=\"hand text-green\" href=\"#rule-14\">退 / 退</a>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-1\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle WoW致力于创造一个无任何作弊的环境
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-2\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-3\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>
<li>Turtle WoW上</li>
<li>Turtle WoW的硬核模式中使</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-4\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-5\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Turtle WoW的角色扮演服务器中注意事项</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>RPRP玩法的人/
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-6\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
Turtle WoW角色扮演服务器的命名规则如下</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>使使<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-7\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<li>Turtle WoW的玩家</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-8\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>PvP对战中<br><br>
<li>PVP对刷. 便</li>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-9\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>Turtle
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-10\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-11\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br>BUG无法完成任务时使GM寻求帮助<br><br>使便<br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-12\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<br><strong class=\"text-strong\"></strong><br><br><br><br>2使
<em>.loot undo</em>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\"><a id=\"rule-13\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\"><h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span>
<p class=\"text-gray\"><br><br><br>
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<a id=\"rule-14\"></a>
<div class=\"col-lg-12 mb-1\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mb-3\"><span class=\"star mr-2\"></span> 退 / 退</h5>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("patch-1.17.2.section.1", "patch-1.17.2", "patch-1.17.2.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"row pr-5 pl-5 pt-5\" style=\"box-shadow: unset\">
<div class=\"d-flex\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Classic Dungeon Updates</h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3\">(soon)</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
These additions are designed to enrich the exploration and combat experience in familiar
dungeons with new lore, challenges, and rewards.
All new locations and encounters are optional, providing flexibility for players.
We are excited for players to experience these updates and look forward to expanding other
original dungeons in future patches. This is just the beginning of our journey to revitalize
classic dungeon experience.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/classic_dungeon_update.webp\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\"
alt=\"Classic Dungeon Update\">
<p class=\"text-white row pb-5 pl-5 pr-5\" style=\"box-shadow: unset\">
In this patch, we\'ve expanded classic WoW dungeons, adding new areas and boss encounters for a
bit of variety. This aims at horizontal progression, introducing fresh challenges without
changing the fundamental dungeon experience too much.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Deadmines</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Areas
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Two new areas have been added, featuring a new boss in each.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Bosses
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Jared Vess.
Oversees a dangerous lab producing Zanzil\'s Mixture. Located in the mine section before
Rhah\'nkzor, presenting a new first boss encounter for adventurers who choose the optional route.
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Masterpiece Harvester.
A relic from Deadmines\' past has laid dormant for long in the Goblin Factory, awaiting
activation wreak havoc at the world above.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
Loot Updates
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Rhahk\'zor\'s loot pool has been adjusted for equal drop chances, with notable upgrades including
his hammer to Uncommon with armor and Rockbiter to a Rare two-handed axe with armor penetration.
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM1.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\"
alt=\"Deadmines Picture 1\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM2.webp\") }}\')\"
alt=\"Deadmines Picture 2\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM-Lab1.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\" alt=\"Deadmines Picture 3\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM-Lab1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Wailing Caverns</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Areas
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Two new areas have been added, each hosting a new boss.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Bosses
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
A formidable apex predator empowered by the rampant life magics of the caverns, lurking in
an overgrown sub-cave.
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Zandara Windhoof.
The Kolkar has sent an expedition to the depths of the caverns and have established a camp
with the intention of cementing it as a stronghold for the centaur, threatening the Barrens
and beyond.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
Loot Updates
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
Lady Anacondra\'s drops have been enhanced, including her Serpent\'s Shoulders to Rare and
adding a new staff tailored for Bear Druids.
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/WC3.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/WC3.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
alt=\"Wailing Caverns Image 1\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/WC2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/WC2.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
alt=\"Wailing Caverns Image 2\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Shadowfang Keep</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Area
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
One new area has been added with a new boss.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Boss
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Prelate Ironmane.
A spectral priest and preacher of the Light as it was in the Gilnean faith, haunting the keep\'s
church, seeking peace. Lay the prelate to rest to purify the keep.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Scarlet Monastery Graveyard</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Area
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
One new area has been added with a new boss.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Boss
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
The Knight of Naxxramas.
A harbinger of the Dread Citadel enslaved in the prison complex below the torture chambers and
experimented on, waiting for the right moment to break free.
<div class=\"row\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/SMGY1.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/SMGY1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
alt=\"Scarlet Monastery Graveyard 1\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Scarlet Monastery Library</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Area
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
One new area has been added with a new boss.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Boss
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Brother Steelfist.
A masterful monk preparing initiates with martial prowess in the hidden chambers of the Library.
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\">Scarlet Monastery Armory</h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
New Area
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
One new area has been added with a new boss. In addition, a new boss have been added to the
original route.
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
New Bosses
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
The Nameless Experiment.
A living blade forged from the unholy combination of runeforging and infusion of Light, it
thirsts for combat.
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Master Smith Johana.
The craftsman behind the Crusade\'s powerful armaments, fueled with the same zealous flame all
scarlets possess.
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row\" style=\"box-shadow: unset\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"row pr-5 pl-5 pt-5\">
<div class=\"d-flex\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3\">()</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/classic_dungeon_update.webp\') }}\" class=\"mt-3 mb-4 w-100\"
<p class=\"text-white row pb-5 pl-5 pr-5\" style=\"box-shadow: unset\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Zandara Windhoof
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM1.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM2.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/DM-Lab1.webp\') }}\"
class=\"img-fluid hand h-100\" alt=\"死亡矿井实验室图片\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/DM-Lab1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Zandara Windhoof
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/WC3.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/WC3.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
<div class=\"col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 mt-5\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/WC2.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/WC2.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"></h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Prelate Ironmane
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"> </h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
The Knight of Naxxramas
<div class=\"row\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/SMGY1.webp\') }}\" class=\"img-fluid hand\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/SMGY1.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\"
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"> </h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Brother Steelfist
<div class=\"row p-5 mt-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mb-3\"> </h4>
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<div class=\"text-gray text-uppercase bold orange-text mb-3\">
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
The Nameless Experiment
<p class=\"text-gray mb-3\">
<span class=\"text-green\">
Master Smith Johana
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home download links", "home", "home.download.links.EN", "", "<h5 class=\"text-white\">Download Links</h5>
<a href=\"https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=7709\">Download the game</a>
<h5 class=\"text-white\">Change Reamlist!</h5>
<span class=\"text-white\">set realmlist logon.turtle-wow.org
set patchlist logon.turtle-wow.org</span>", "<h5 class=\"text-white\"></h5>
<a href=\"https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=7709\"></a>
<h5 class=\"text-white\">Reamlist更改</h5>
<span class=\"text-white\">set realmlist logon.turtle-wow.org
set patchlist logon.turtle-wow.org</span>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("boaring-adventure.section.1", "boaring-adventure", "boaring-adventure.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<div class=\"d-flex\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\">Boaring Adventure</h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3 bold\">(soon)</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
Leveling up on boars is serious business, with serious rewards!
The glyph to start the challenge is obtainable through your local Glyph Master.
Reaching level 60 in this challenge will grant your character a unique boar mount and the title
of <span class=\"text-green\">The Hambringer</span>.
<img alt=\"Boaring Adventure\" class=\"img-fluid mt-2 hand\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boaring_adventure.webp\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boaring_adventure.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row p-5\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12 \">
<div class=\"d-flex\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-2\"></h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3 bold\">()</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
60<span class=\"text-green\">使</span>
<img alt=\"野猪冒险\" class=\"img-fluid mt-2 hand\"
src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/boaring_adventure.webp\') }}\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/boaring_adventure.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("alert", "alert", "serveralert.EN", "", "<p align=\"left\">Changelog for the upcoming Patch 1.17.2 — Tower of Karazhan: twow.link/towerofkarazhan.</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\">In addition to content changes, it will feature a significant and long-anticipated class balance rework.</p><br/>", "<p align=\"left\">1.17.2twow.link/towerofkarazhan</p><br/>
<p align=\"left\"></p><br/>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("home15.section.1", "home", "home15.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mt-5\" id=\"home15\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"margin-top: 7rem\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center w-100\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\" style=\"margin-top: -3.5rem\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'classic-dungeons-update\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\">Classic Dungeons</h3>
<h1 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\"
style=\"margin-bottom: 0; text-align: center\">Map &
<h1 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\">Update</h1>
<p class=\"text-white pb-4\" style=\"max-width: 35rem; text-align: center\">
These additions are designed to enrich the exploration and combat experience in familiar
dungeons with new lore, challenges, and rewards. All new locations and encounters are
providing flexibility for players.
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/sfk.webp\') }})\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
Shadowfang Keep</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
The Chapel</h6>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/smgy.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
Scarlet Monastery</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
Graveyard: Prison</h6>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/wc.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
Wailing Caverns</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
Kolkar\'s Birthright</h6>
<div class=\"row w-100 mt-3\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/wc-second.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
Wailing Caverns</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
The Overgrowth</h6>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dm-second.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
The Deadmines</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
Harvest Golem Foundary</h6>
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dm-lab.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
The Deadmines</h4>
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
The Laboratory</h6>
<div class=\"section mt-5 mb-5\" id=\"home16\"
style=\"background-image:url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/no-shadow.webp\') }}); background-color: #100d0c\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text\">Class Changes</h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Making</h1>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Your Spec Viable!</h1>
<p class=\"mt-3 w-65\">
Every class and specialization has been shown some extra love, with new and reworked talents,
abilities, and interactions allowing every playstyle to shine while staying true to the Vanilla
WoW spirit of unique class identity.
<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"home19\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\" style=\"position: relative; height: 24rem;\">
<img alt=\"Radio Section\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/radio-section.webp\') }}\">
<div class=\"col-lg-1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5 d-flex flex-column justify-content-end\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'radio\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h4 class=\"text-white mb-0\">In-Game Radio</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0 font-weight-bold\">Everlook</h2>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Broadcasting Co.</h2>
<p class=\"mt-4 w-75 text-white\">
More than just static, its Everlook Radio magic! 24/7 tunes only a click away, accessible
in-game or in your browser!
<div class=\"texture mb-5 pb-5\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/background-texture.webp\') }})\">
<div class=\"section\" id=\"home17\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"margin-top: 7rem\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center w-100\">
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4 mobile-move\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/ui.webp\') }})\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'client-interface-improvements\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0 d-flex justify-content-center\">User</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
Reduced Add-On Dependency</h6>
<p class=\"text-gray\">
A better experience, by default no more scouring the web for 20 year old
addons! With UI adjustments and updates all in the existing vanilla style,
youll be able to experience all the game has to offer without downloading
anything extra.
<div class=\"col-lg-4 lore4 d-flex align-items-end itemization\"
style=\"position: relative; z-index: 0;\">
<img class=\"w-100\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/item-pic.webp\') }}\"
alt=\"Itemization Picture\" id=\"itemization-image\">
<div class=\"p-3 pb-4\">
<a href=\"https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewforum.php?f=70\" target=\"_blank\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold d-flex flex-column align-items-center\">
{{-- <h6 class=\"orange-text\">
Reduced Add-On Dependency</h6>--}}
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Explore the new progression in Turtle WoWs vanilla+ world. New dungeons, raids,
and alternatives for existing tier sets allow new and refreshing progression for
vanilla veterans and classic newcomers alike!
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/jewel.webp\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'jewelcrafting\') }}\" class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">New Primary</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Create new, powerful gear and gems with our custom profession Jewelcrafting!
Explore the specialty of Goldsmithing and craft equipment, or try your hand at
Gemology to enhance existing rings and necklaces!
<div class=\"section mt-4\" id=\"home18\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row m-3\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-5\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mt-4\">Test your strength with</h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">Leveling Challenges</h2>
<img alt=\"Footer Line\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\"
class=\"mt-4 mb-4 w-100\">
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
Prove yourself or die trying! Whether you take on the Hardcore challenge and prove your
skill as a mortal, or embark on a journey to kill that which has no life in the Hambringer
challenge, our numerous challenge modes provide motivation to get back into the world and
level another alt!
<div class=\"challenge-links\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore-mode\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\">Hardcore</a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'player-versus-player-content\') }}#war-mode\" class=\"orange-text\">War
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'slow-and-steady\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\">Slow and Steady</a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'vagrants-endeavor\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\">Vagrant\'s Endeavor</a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'boaring-adventure\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\">Boaring Adventure</a>
</div>", "<div class=\"section mt-5\" id=\"home15\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"margin-top: 7rem\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center w-100\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\" style=\"margin-top: -3.5rem\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'classic-dungeons-update\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h3 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\"></h3>
<h1 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\"
style=\"margin-bottom: 0; text-align: center\"> & </h1>
<h1 class=\"orange-text d-flex justify-content-center\"></h1>
<p class=\"text-white pb-4\" style=\"max-width: 35rem; text-align: center\">
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/sfk.webp\') }})\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/smgy.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/wc.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"row w-100 mt-3\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/wc-second.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dm-second.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/dm-lab.webp\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<div class=\"section mt-5 mb-5\" id=\"home16\"
style=\"background-image:url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/no-shadow.webp\') }}); background-color: #100d0c\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text\"></h4>
<h1 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">使</h1>
<p class=\"mt-3 w-65\">
<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"home19\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row\" style=\"position: relative; height: 24rem;\">
<img alt=\"广播电台部分\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/radio-section.webp\') }}\">
<div class=\"col-lg-1\"></div>
<div class=\"col-lg-5 d-flex flex-column justify-content-end\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'radio\') }}\" class=\"hand\">
<h4 class=\"text-white mb-0\">广</h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0 font-weight-bold\">广</h2>
<p class=\"mt-4 w-75 text-white\">
<div class=\"texture mb-5 pb-5\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/background-texture.webp\') }})\">
<div class=\"section\" id=\"home17\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"margin-top: 7rem\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"d-flex justify-content-center\">
<div class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center w-100\">
<div class=\"row w-100\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4 mobile-move\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/ui.webp\') }})\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'client-interface-improvements\') }}\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0 d-flex justify-content-center\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"col-lg-4 lore4 d-flex align-items-end itemization\"
style=\"position: relative; z-index: 0;\">
<img class=\"w-100\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/item-pic.webp\') }}\"
alt=\"物品化图片\" id=\"itemization-image\">
<div class=\"p-3 pb-4\">
<a href=\"https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewforum.php?f=70\" target=\"_blank\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold d-flex flex-column align-items-center\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
Turtle WoW怀旧+怀
<div class=\"col-lg-4\">
<div class=\"lore4 p-3 pb-4\"
style=\"background-image: url({{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/jewel.webp\') }}\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'jewelcrafting\') }}\" class=\"d-flex flex-column align-items-center\">
<h4 class=\"orange-text mt-5 pt-3 mb-0\"></h4>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\">
<h6 class=\"orange-text\">
<p class=\"text-gray\">
<div class=\"section mt-4\" id=\"home18\">
<div class=\"container-fluid\">
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"row m-3\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6\">
<div class=\"col-lg-6 mt-5\">
<h5 class=\"text-white mt-4\"></h5>
<h2 class=\"orange-text font-weight-bold\"></h2>
<img alt=\"页脚线条\" src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/footerline.png\') }}\"
class=\"mt-4 mb-4 w-100\">
<p class=\"w-75 text-white\">
<div class=\"challenge-links\">
<a href=\"{{ route(\'hardcore-mode\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\"></a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'player-versus-player-content\') }}#war-mode\"
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'slow-and-steady\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\"></a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'vagrants-endeavor\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\"></a>
<span class=\"separator\">&bull;</span>
<a href=\"{{ route(\'boaring-adventure\') }}\" class=\"orange-text\"></a>
</div>", "1");
INSERT INTO sections (title, page, section, description, en, zh_cn, active) VALUES ("jewelcrafting.section.1", "jewelcrafting", "jewelcrafting.section.1", "", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
<div class=\"container pt-5 pb-5\">
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"padding-no-bottom\">
<div class=\"d-flex search-div\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\">Jewelcrafting</h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3\">(soon)</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
This fully-fledged profession introduces over 200 new items for you to craft, with recipes
obtained from trainers, found in the world, and through exclusive questlines for
Jewelcrafters that reward a unique recipe upon completion! Begin your jewelcrafting journey
at the trainers located in Stormwind, Ironforge, and Alah\'Thalas for the Alliance, or
Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Sparkwater Port for the Horde.
What can jewelcrafters expect? Rings, necklaces, staves, trinkets, off-hand frills, helmets,
and notably, gemstonesdetails to follow. Not all items will be available immediately and
will unlock as you progress in the profession. Expect new trade goods such as gritted
papers, polishing oils, and new jewels like Amber Topaz and Pure Moonstone, to name a few.
Jewelcrafting demands collaboration! Some materials will require assistance from other
professions, such as Enchanted Gemstone Oils provided by Enchanters.
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/jewelcrafting.webp\') }}\" class=\"mb-4 w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/jewelcrafting.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<p class=\"text-white padding-no-bottom\">
The profession also introduces two new sub-specializations: Goldsmith and Gemology. You can
choose one of these specializations upon reaching a skill level of 225 and character level 40,
after completing a related questline, similar to other specializations.
<span class=\"text-green\">Goldsmiths</span> focus on crafting equipment such as necklaces, rings,
bracers, and staves, with most
powerful items, such as Epics, exclusive to this specialization.
<span class=\"text-green\">Gemologists</span> specialize in unique gemstones, empowering necklaces
and rings with various effects.
Almost all gemstones are exclusive to this specialization.
Concerned about finding enough gems? Were hosting a Gem Rush event until the release of Patch
1.17.2, which doubles the drop chances for most gemstones, with a few exceptions.
Post-release, all Jewelcrafters will be able to craft Gemstone Clusters, enabling the recycling
of materials to acquire more jewels than typically possible through mining.
Additionally, rare Gemstone Deposits will now appear in the world. These deposits can replace
thorium veins and require a Mining skill of 310. Mining these deposits can yield various gems
from different tiers, but most notably, they guarantee an Imperial Topaz, a key material for
both Gemology and Goldsmith specializations, akin to Black Lotus and vital for high-level
<div class=\"row p-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'13782cf5\'])
</div>", "<div class=\"section mb-5\" id=\"pages\">
<div class=\"container-fluid pb-5\">
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<div class=\"col-lg-12\">
<div class=\"padding-no-bottom\">
<div class=\"d-flex search-div\">
<h2 class=\"orange-text mb-0\"></h2>
<span class=\"text-yellow text-uppercase ml-3\">()</span>
<p class=\"mt-3 text-white\">
<img src=\"{{ Vite::asset(\'resources/images/jewelcrafting.webp\') }}\" class=\"mb-4 w-100\"
onclick=\"openModal(\'{{ Vite::asset(\"resources/images/jewelcrafting.webp\") }}\')\"
style=\"cursor: pointer;\" data-bs-toggle=\"modal\" data-bs-target=\"#lightbox\">
<p class=\"text-white row padding-no-bottom\">
<span class=\"text-green\"></span>
<span class=\"text-green\"></span>
<div class=\"row p-5\">
@livewire(\"video-embed\", [\'id\' => \'13782cf5\'])
</div>", "1");