4929 -3057 54; Original Point 88; Duration in Seconds 162; Cinematic ID (for SQL) 4926 -3056 54:4590 -2918 34:0; First Point, start in front of statue 4832 -3021 53:4590 -2918 33:4; Enough staring at statue, let's go! 4629 -2935 53:4401 -2874 9:12.5; On top of circle building 4511 -2904 24:4356 -2867 11:16; Fountain 1 4326 -2847 15:4223 -2733 8:25; On the way to second fountain 4146 -2752 54:3976 -2702 35:33; Fountain 2 3962 -2738 63:3878 -2557 34:39; 2 elf statue 3854 -2588 52:3669 -2393 62:49; Crossroad 1 3840 -2545 51:3669 -2393 61.9:51.5; Smooth Crossroad 1 3619 -2442 96:3383 -2429 95:63; Crossroad 2 3405 -2457 112:3313 -2468 107:71; Before podium 3338 -2450 143:3237 -2473 109:75; Podium 3231 -2488 128:3212 -2500 111:87; Zoom on character