openSearch = true; $this->render(); } public function resetSearch() { $this->openSearch = false; $this->clearSearch(); } public function clearSearch() { $this->searchCategory = ""; } public function renderAllCategories() { $this->searchCategory = ""; $this->renderSearchCategory(); } public function incrementSelectedItem() { $this->selectedItemIndex = ($this->selectedItemIndex + 1) % count($this->searchCategories); } public function decrementSelectedItem() { $this->selectedItemIndex = ($this->selectedItemIndex - 1 + count($this->searchCategories)) % count($this->searchCategories); } public function toggleSelection() { $key = array_keys($this->searchCategories)[$this->selectedItemIndex]; $this->categories[$key]['selected'] = !$this->categories[$key]['selected']; } public function mount() { $this->id = request()->query('id'); $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); if (!$bugTracker) { return redirect()->route('bug-tracker'); } else { $this->hasVoted = $bugTracker->votes()->where('account_id', auth()->guard('account')->id())->first(); $charactersName = []; $user = auth()->guard('account')->user(); $this->description = $bugTracker->description; if ($user) { $this->banned = $user->latestBan()?->active == 1 ? true : false; $bugtrackerAuthor = BugTrackerAuthor::where('account_id', $user->id)->first(); if ($bugtrackerAuthor) { $this->authorName = $bugtrackerAuthor->name; } foreach (config('customs.realms') as $key => $realm) { if ($realm['replication']) { $characters = new Character; $characters->setConnection($realm['replication']); $characters->select('name') ->where('account', $user->id) ->where('deleteInfos_Name', null) ->get() ->each(function ($character) use (&$charactersName, $key) { $charactersName[] = [ 'name' => $character->name, 'realm_id' => $key, 'selected' => false ]; }); } } $this->charactersName = $charactersName; if ($this->authorName) { if (!empty($charactersName)) { $characterNames = array_column($charactersName, 'name'); if (in_array($this->authorName, $characterNames)) { $this->needAuthorName = false; } else { $this->needToChangeAuthorName = true; } } } $this->canPostMessage = true; if ($user->rank >= 2) { $this->support = true; $this->history = $bugTracker->history; } else { if ($user->id == $bugTracker->account_id) { $this->owner = true; } } } $bugTrackerClosedBy = BugTrackerAuthor::where('account_id', $bugTracker->closed_by)->first(); if ($bugTrackerClosedBy) { $this->closedBy = $bugTrackerClosedBy->name; } $bugTrackerAssignedTos = BugTrackerAssignedTo::all(); $bugTrackerCategories = BugTrackerCategory::all(); $bugTrackerRealms = Realmlist::all(); $bugTrackerPriorities = BugTrackerPriority::all(); $bugTrackerStatuses = BugTrackerStatus::all(); $this->statuses = []; $this->priorities = []; $this->realms = []; $this->categories = []; $this->searchCategories = []; $this->assignedTos = []; $statuses = $bugTracker->statuses; $priorities = $bugTracker->priorities; $realms = BugTrackerRealm::where('bug_tracker_id', $bugTracker->id)->pluck('realm_id'); $categories = $bugTracker->categories; $assignedTos = PivotBugTrackerAssignedTo::where('bug_tracker_id', $bugTracker->id)->pluck('assigned_to_id'); foreach ($bugTrackerAssignedTos as $assignedTo) { $this->assignedTos[$assignedTo->id] = [ 'name' => $assignedTo->name_localized, 'color' => $assignedTo->color, 'selected' => false ]; } foreach ($bugTrackerCategories as $category) { $this->categories[$category->id] = [ 'name' => $category->name_localized, 'color' => $category->color, 'selected' => false ]; $this->searchCategories[$category->id] = [ 'name' => $category->name_localized, 'color' => $category->color, 'selected' => false ]; } foreach ($bugTrackerRealms as $realm) { $this->realms[$realm->id] = [ 'name' => $realm->name, 'selected' => false ]; } foreach ($bugTrackerPriorities as $priority) { $this->priorities[$priority->id] = [ 'name' => $priority->name_localized, 'color' => $priority->color, 'selected' => false ]; } foreach ($bugTrackerStatuses as $status) { $this->statuses[$status->id] = [ 'name' => $status->name_localized, 'color' => $status->color, 'selected' => false ]; } if ($statuses) { $this->statuses[$statuses->id]['selected'] = true; $this->status = $statuses; } if ($priorities) { foreach ($priorities as $priority) { $this->priorities[$priority->id]['selected'] = true; } } if ($realms) { foreach ($bugTrackerRealms as $realm) { foreach ($realms as $selectedRealm) { if ($selectedRealm == $realm->id) { $this->realms[$realm->id]['selected'] = true; $this->realms[$realm->id]['name'] = $realm->name; } } } } if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $category) { $this->categories[$category->id]['selected'] = true; $this->searchCategories[$category->id]['selected'] = true; } } if ($assignedTos) { foreach ($bugTrackerAssignedTos as $assignedTo) { foreach ($assignedTos as $selectedAssignedTo) { if ($selectedAssignedTo == $assignedTo->id) { $this->assignedTos[$assignedTo->id]['selected'] = true; } } } } } } public function submitNewAuthorName() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } foreach ($this->charactersName as $key => $character) { if ($key == $this->characterKey) { $this->selectedCharacterName = $character['name']; $this->selectedRealmId = $character['realm_id']; } } $this->validate([ 'selectedCharacterName' => 'required|string', 'selectedRealmId' => 'required|integer' ]); $bugTrackerAuthor = BugTrackerAuthor::where('account_id', auth()->guard('account')->id())->first(); if ($bugTrackerAuthor) { $bugTrackerAuthor->update([ 'name' => $this->selectedCharacterName, 'realm_id' => $this->selectedRealmId, ]); } else { $bugTrackerAuthor = BugTrackerAuthor::create([ 'account_id' => auth()->guard('account')->id(), 'name' => $this->selectedCharacterName, 'realm_id' => $this->selectedRealmId, ]); } if ($bugTrackerAuthor) { $this->authorName = $this->selectedCharacterName; $this->needAuthorName = false; $this->needToChangeAuthorName = false; $this->render(); } else { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'Error while updating author name. Please try again.'; } } public function submitNewMessage() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } if (isset($this->commentImage)) { $this->validate([ 'newMessage' => 'required|string', 'commentImage' => 'image|mimes:jpeg,webp,png,jpg,gif,svg|max:2048' ]); } else { $this->validate([ 'newMessage' => 'required|string' ]); } $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $bugTrackerAuthor = BugTrackerAuthor::where('account_id', auth()->guard('account')->id())->first(); $newMessage = $bugTracker->messages()->create([ 'account_id' => auth()->guard('account')->id(), 'message' => $this->newMessage, 'author' => $bugTrackerAuthor->name ]); if ($newMessage) { if (isset($this->commentImage)) { if (!File::exists(public_path('bug_tracker_images/1000x700'))) { File::makeDirectory(public_path('bug_tracker_images/1000x700'), 0777, true, true); } if (!File::exists(public_path('bug_tracker_images/600x400'))) { File::makeDirectory(public_path('bug_tracker_images/600x400'), 0777, true, true); } if (!File::exists(public_path('bug_tracker_images/150x150'))) { File::makeDirectory(public_path('bug_tracker_images/150x150'), 0777, true, true); } $path1000x700 = 'bug_tracker_images/1000x700/' . $this->commentImage->hashName(); $path600x400 = 'bug_tracker_images/600x400/' . $this->commentImage->hashName(); $path150x150 = 'bug_tracker_images/150x150/' . $this->commentImage->hashName(); $img = Image::make($this->commentImage)->encode('png'); $img->resizeCanvas(1000, 700, 'center', true, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)')->save(public_path($path1000x700)); $img->resizeCanvas(600, 400)->save(public_path($path600x400)); $img->resizeCanvas(150, 150)->save(public_path($path150x150)); $bugTrackerImage = new BugTrackerMessageImage([ 'large' => $path1000x700, 'medium' => $path600x400, 'thumbnail' => $path150x150, 'message_id' => $newMessage->id, ]); $bugTrackerImage->save(); } } $this->newMessage = ''; $this->commentImage = null; } public function modifyStatus() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } $bugReport = BugTracker::find($this->id); $oldStatus = $bugReport->status_id; $oldStatusReport = "none"; $newStatusReport = "none"; if ($this->status != 0) { if ($oldStatus != null) { $this->statuses[$oldStatus]['selected'] = false; } $oldStatusReport = $this->statuses[$oldStatus]['name']; $changeStatus = $bugReport->update(['status_id' => $this->status]); $this->statuses[$this->status]['selected'] = true; if ($changeStatus) { $newStatusReport = $this->statuses[$this->status]['name']; $checkStatus = BugTrackerStatus::where('id', $this->status)->first(); if ($checkStatus && $checkStatus->name_localized == "Closed") { $bugReport->update(['closed_by' => auth()->guard('account')->id()]); } $this->updateHistory('modifyStatus', [ 'oldStatus' => $oldStatusReport, 'newStatus' => $newStatusReport ]); //$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('showSuccessMessage', ['message' => __('bug_tracker_page')['bug_tracker']['success_messages']['status_changed']]); } else { //$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('showErrorMessage', ['message' => __('bug_tracker_page')['bug_tracker']['error_messages']['changing_status']]); } } else { if ($oldStatus != null) { $this->statuses[$oldStatus]['selected'] = false; } $changeStatus = $bugReport->update(['status_id' => null]); if ($changeStatus) { $bugReport->update(['closed_by' => null]); $this->updateHistory('modifyStatus', [ 'oldStatus' => $oldStatusReport, 'newStatus' => $newStatusReport ]); } } } public function isClosed() { foreach ($this->statuses as $status) { if ($status['selected'] && $status['name'] === 'Closed') { return true; } } return false; } public function toggleStatus() { $bugReport = BugTracker::find($this->id); $openStatusId = BugTrackerStatus::where('name_en', 'Open')->first()->id; $closedStatusId = BugTrackerStatus::where('name_en', 'Closed')->first()->id; $oldStatusId = $this->status->id; $newStatusId = ($this->status->id == $closedStatusId) ? $openStatusId : $closedStatusId; $changeStatus = $bugReport->update(['status_id' => $newStatusId]); if ($changeStatus) { $this->status = BugTrackerStatus::find($newStatusId); $this->updateHistory('modifyStatus', [ 'oldStatus' => BugTrackerStatus::find($oldStatusId)->name_en, 'newStatus' => BugTrackerStatus::find($newStatusId)->name_en ]); } } public function modifyCategory() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } $bugReport = BugTracker::find($this->id); $selectedCategories = collect($this->categories) ->filter(function ($category) { return $category['selected'] === true; }) ->keys(); $changeCategory = $bugReport->categories()->sync($selectedCategories); if ($changeCategory) { $this->updateHistory('modifyCategory'); } } public function modifyRealm() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } $bugReport = BugTracker::find($this->id); $selectedRealms = collect($this->realms) ->filter(function ($realm) { return $realm['selected'] === true; }) ->keys(); BugTrackerRealm::where('bug_tracker_id', $bugReport->id)->delete(); foreach ($selectedRealms as $selectedRealm) { BugTrackerRealm::create([ 'bug_tracker_id' => $bugReport->id, 'realm_id' => $selectedRealm ]); } $this->updateHistory('modifyRealm'); } public function modifyTeam() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } $bugReport = BugTracker::find($this->id); $selectedTeams = collect($this->assignedTos) ->filter(function ($assignedTo) { return $assignedTo['selected'] === true; }) ->keys(); PivotBugTrackerAssignedTo::where('bug_tracker_id', $bugReport->id)->delete(); foreach ($selectedTeams as $selectedTeam) { PivotBugTrackerAssignedTo::create([ 'bug_tracker_id' => $bugReport->id, 'assigned_to_id' => $selectedTeam ]); } $this->updateHistory('modifyTeam'); } public function hideComment($commentId) { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $hideComment = $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->update(['hidden' => true]); if ($hideComment) { $this->updateHistory('hideComment', [ 'author' => $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->first()->author ]); } } public function unHideComment($commentId) { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $unHideComment = $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->update(['hidden' => false]); if ($unHideComment) { $this->updateHistory('unHideComment', [ 'author' => $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->first()->author ]); } } public function deleteComment($commentId) { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $author = $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->first()->author; foreach ($bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->get() as $message) { if ($message->image) { $image1000x700 = public_path($message->image->large); $image600x400 = public_path($message->image->medium); $image150x150 = public_path($message->image->thumbnail); if (File::exists($image1000x700)) { File::delete($image1000x700); } if (File::exists($image600x400)) { File::delete($image600x400); } if (File::exists($image150x150)) { File::delete($image150x150); } $message->image()->delete(); } } $bugTracker->messages()->where('id', $commentId)->delete(); $this->updateHistory('deleteComment', [ 'author' => $author ]); } public function setImageId($imageId) { $this->imageId = $imageId; } public function deleteImage() { $image = BugTrackerImage::where('id', $this->imageId)->first(); $image1000x700 = public_path($image->large); $image600x400 = public_path($image->medium); $image150x150 = public_path($image->thumbnail); if (File::exists($image1000x700)) { File::delete($image1000x700); } if (File::exists($image600x400)) { File::delete($image600x400); } if (File::exists($image150x150)) { File::delete($image150x150); } $image->delete(); $this->updateHistory('deleteImage'); } public function deleteReport() { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); foreach ($bugTracker->messages as $message) { if ($message->image) { $image1000x700 = public_path($message->image->large); $image600x400 = public_path($message->image->medium); $image150x150 = public_path($message->image->thumbnail); if (File::exists($image1000x700)) { File::delete($image1000x700); } if (File::exists($image600x400)) { File::delete($image600x400); } if (File::exists($image150x150)) { File::delete($image150x150); } $message->image()->delete(); } } foreach ($bugTracker->images as $image) { $image1000x700 = public_path($image->large); $image600x400 = public_path($image->medium); $image150x150 = public_path($image->thumbnail); if (File::exists($image1000x700)) { File::delete($image1000x700); } if (File::exists($image600x400)) { File::delete($image600x400); } if (File::exists($image150x150)) { File::delete($image150x150); } } $bugTracker->images()->delete(); event(new CacheBugReport($bugTracker)); $bugTracker->delete(); $this->redirect(route('bug-tracker')); } public function hideReport() { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $bugTracker->update(['hidden' => true]); } public function unHideReport() { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $bugTracker->update(['hidden' => false]); } public function vote() { $votedBugTracker = BugTracker::where('id', $this->id)->whereHas('votes', function ($query) { $query->where('account_id', Auth::guard('account')->user()->id); })->first(); if ($votedBugTracker) { $this->hasVoted = true; } else { $votedBugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id)->votes()->create([ 'account_id' => Auth::guard('account')->user()->id ]); if ($votedBugTracker) { $this->hasVoted = true; } } } public function unVote() { $unVotedBugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id)->votes()->where('account_id', Auth::guard('account')->user()->id)->delete(); if ($unVotedBugTracker) { $this->hasVoted = false; } } public function editReport() { if ($this->banned) { $this->bug_tracker_responseMessage = 'You are banned.'; return; } $validation = [ 'description' => 'required|string', ]; $this->validate($validation); $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id)->update([ 'description' => $this->description ]); if ($bugTracker) { $this->updateHistory('editReport'); $this->redirect(route('bug-report', ['id' => $this->id])); } } #[On('updateHistoryBugReport')] public function updateHistory($type, $data = []) { $history = $this->history; $modifiedBy = Auth::guard('account')->user()->username; switch ($type) { case "modifyStatus": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has changed the status from " . $data['oldStatus'] . " to " . $data['newStatus'] . "\n\n"; break; case "modifyCategory": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has modified categories " . "\n\n"; break; case "modifyRealm": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has modified realms" . "\n\n"; break; case "modifyTeam": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has modified teams" . "\n\n"; break; case "hideComment": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has hidden a comment by " . $data['author'] . "\n\n"; break; case "unHideComment": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has unhidden a comment by " . $data['author'] . "\n\n"; break; case "deleteComment": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has deleted a comment by " . $data['author'] . "\n\n"; break; case "deleteImage": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has deleted an image" . "\n\n"; break; case "editReport": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has edited the report " . "\n\n"; break; case "editComment": $history .= date('d.m.Y H:i') . ' ' . $modifiedBy . " has edited a comment" . "\n\n"; break; } $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id)->forceFill([ 'history' => $history ])->save(); if ($bugTracker) { $this->history = $history; } } #[On('updateBugReport')] public function render() { $bugTracker = BugTracker::find($this->id); $this->updatedSearchCategory($this->searchCategory); return view('livewire.bug-report', compact('bugTracker')); } public function updatedCategories() { $this->modifyCategory(); } public function updatedSearchCategory($value) { if ($value != '') { $this->searchCategories = collect($this->categories) ->filter(function ($category) use ($value) { return str_contains(strtolower($category['name']), strtolower($value)); }) ->toArray(); } else { $this->searchCategories = $this->categories; } } }