/************************************************************************************ * * D++, A Lightweight C++ library for Discord * * Copyright 2021 Craig Edwards and D++ contributors * (https://github.com/brainboxdotcc/DPP/graphs/contributors) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include namespace dpp { const unsigned char WS_MASKBIT = (1u << 7u); const unsigned char WS_FINBIT = (1u << 7u); const unsigned char WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_LARGE = 126; const unsigned char WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_HUGE = 127; const size_t WS_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_SMALL = 125; const size_t WS_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_LARGE = 65535; const size_t MAXHEADERSIZE = sizeof(uint64_t) + 2; websocket_client::websocket_client(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &port, const std::string &urlpath, ws_opcode opcode) : ssl_client(hostname, port), key(std::to_string(time(nullptr))), state(HTTP_HEADERS), path(urlpath), data_opcode(opcode) { } void websocket_client::connect() { state = HTTP_HEADERS; /* Send headers synchronously */ this->write( "GET " + this->path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: " + this->hostname + "\r\n" "pragma: no-cache\r\n" "User-Agent: DPP/0.1\r\n" "Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n" "Connection: Upgrade\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Key: " + this->key + "\r\n" "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n" ); } websocket_client::~websocket_client() { } bool websocket_client::handle_frame(const std::string &buffer) { /* This is a stub for classes that derive the websocket client */ return true; } size_t websocket_client::fill_header(unsigned char* outbuf, size_t sendlength, ws_opcode opcode) { size_t pos = 0; outbuf[pos++] = WS_FINBIT | opcode; if (sendlength <= WS_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_SMALL) { outbuf[pos++] = (unsigned int)sendlength; } else if (sendlength <= WS_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_LARGE) { outbuf[pos++] = WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_LARGE; outbuf[pos++] = (sendlength >> 8) & 0xff; outbuf[pos++] = sendlength & 0xff; } else { outbuf[pos++] = WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_HUGE; const uint64_t len = sendlength; for (int i = sizeof(uint64_t)-1; i >= 0; i--) outbuf[pos++] = ((len >> i*8) & 0xff); } /* Masking - We don't care about masking, but discord insists on it. We send a mask of 0x00000000 because * any value XOR 0 is itself, meaning we dont have to waste time and effort on this crap. */ outbuf[1] |= WS_MASKBIT; outbuf[pos++] = 0; outbuf[pos++] = 0; outbuf[pos++] = 0; outbuf[pos++] = 0; return pos; } void websocket_client::write(const std::string &data) { if (state == HTTP_HEADERS) { /* Simple write */ ssl_client::write(data); } else { unsigned char out[MAXHEADERSIZE]; size_t s = this->fill_header(out, data.length(), this->data_opcode); std::string header((const char*)out, s); ssl_client::write(header); ssl_client::write(data); } } bool websocket_client::handle_buffer(std::string &buffer) { switch (state) { case HTTP_HEADERS: if (buffer.find("\r\n\r\n") != std::string::npos) { /* Got all headers, proceed to new state */ /* Get headers string */ std::string headers = buffer.substr(0, buffer.find("\r\n\r\n")); /* Modify buffer, remove headers section */ buffer.erase(0, buffer.find("\r\n\r\n") + 4); /* Process headers into map */ std::vector h = utility::tokenize(headers); if (h.size()) { std::string status_line = h[0]; h.erase(h.begin()); /* HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols */ std::vector status = utility::tokenize(status_line, " "); if (status.size() >= 3 && status[1] == "101") { for(auto &hd : h) { std::string::size_type sep = hd.find(": "); if (sep != std::string::npos) { std::string key = hd.substr(0, sep); std::string value = hd.substr(sep + 2, hd.length()); http_headers[key] = value; } } state = CONNECTED; } else { return false; } } } break; case CONNECTED: /* Process packets until we can't */ while (this->parseheader(buffer)); break; } return true; } ws_state websocket_client::get_state() { return this->state; } bool websocket_client::parseheader(std::string &data) { if (data.size() < 4) { /* Not enough data to form a frame yet */ return false; } else { unsigned char opcode = data[0]; switch (opcode & ~WS_FINBIT) { case OP_CONTINUATION: case OP_TEXT: case OP_BINARY: case OP_PING: case OP_PONG: { unsigned char len1 = data[1]; unsigned int payloadstartoffset = 2; if (len1 & WS_MASKBIT) { len1 &= ~WS_MASKBIT; payloadstartoffset += 2; /* We don't handle masked data, because discord doesn't send it */ return true; } /* 6 bit ("small") length frame */ uint64_t len = len1; if (len1 == WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_LARGE) { /* 24 bit ("large") length frame */ if (data.length() < 8) { /* We don't have a complete header yet */ return false; } unsigned char len2 = (unsigned char)data[2]; unsigned char len3 = (unsigned char)data[3]; len = (len2 << 8) | len3; payloadstartoffset += 2; } else if (len1 == WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_MAGIC_HUGE) { /* 64 bit ("huge") length frame */ if (data.length() < 10) { /* We don't have a complete header yet */ return false; } len = 0; for (int v = 2, shift = 56; v < 10; ++v, shift -= 8) { unsigned char l = (unsigned char)data[v]; len |= (uint64_t)(l & 0xff) << shift; } payloadstartoffset += 8; } if (data.length() < payloadstartoffset + len) { /* We don't have a complete frame yet */ return false; } if ((opcode & ~WS_FINBIT) == OP_PING || (opcode & ~WS_FINBIT) == OP_PONG) { handle_ping_pong((opcode & ~WS_FINBIT) == OP_PING, data.substr(payloadstartoffset, len)); } else { /* Pass this frame to the deriving class */ this->handle_frame(data.substr(payloadstartoffset, len)); } /* Remove this frame from the input buffer */ data.erase(data.begin(), data.begin() + payloadstartoffset + len); return true; } break; case OP_CLOSE: { uint16_t error = data[2] & 0xff; error <<= 8; error |= (data[3] & 0xff); this->error(error); return false; } break; default: { this->error(0); return false; } break; } } return false; } void websocket_client::one_second_timer() { if (((time(NULL) % 20) == 0) && (state == CONNECTED)) { /* For sending pings, we send with payload */ unsigned char out[MAXHEADERSIZE]; std::string payload = "keepalive"; size_t s = this->fill_header(out, payload.length(), OP_PING); std::string header((const char*)out, s); ssl_client::write(header); ssl_client::write(payload); } } void websocket_client::handle_ping_pong(bool ping, const std::string &payload) { if (ping) { /* For receiving pings we echo back their payload with the type OP_PONG */ unsigned char out[MAXHEADERSIZE]; size_t s = this->fill_header(out, payload.length(), OP_PONG); std::string header((const char*)out, s); ssl_client::write(header); ssl_client::write(payload); } } void websocket_client::send_close_packet() { /* This is a 16 bit value representing 1000 in hex (0x03E8), network order. * For an error/close frame, this is all we need to send, just two bytes * and the header. We do this on shutdown of a websocket for graceful close. */ std::string payload = "\x03\xE8"; unsigned char out[MAXHEADERSIZE]; size_t s = this->fill_header(out, payload.length(), OP_CLOSE); std::string header((const char*)out, s); ssl_client::write(header); ssl_client::write(payload); } void websocket_client::error(uint32_t errorcode) { } void websocket_client::close() { this->state = HTTP_HEADERS; ssl_client::close(); } };