config_load($conf_file, 'object'); // номер объекта; $id = $podrazdel; if (in_array($id, [2])) { $id = -$id; } $cow_objects = [2010810, 2010811, 2010812, 2010813, 2010814]; if (in_array($id, $cow_objects) && $hide_cow_stuff) $id = rand(1, 10000); if (!$object = load_cache(3, intval($id))) { unset($object); // БД global $DB; // Данные об объекте: $object = array(); $object = objectinfo($id, 1); // starts $quest_cols[2] = array('entry', 'Title', 'QuestLevel', 'MinLevel', 'RequiredRaces', 'RewChoiceItemId1', 'RewChoiceItemId2', 'RewChoiceItemId3', 'RewChoiceItemId4', 'RewChoiceItemId5', 'RewChoiceItemId6', 'RewChoiceItemCount1', 'RewChoiceItemCount2', 'RewChoiceItemCount3', 'RewChoiceItemCount4', 'RewChoiceItemCount5', 'RewChoiceItemCount6', 'RewItemId1', 'RewItemId2', 'RewItemId3', 'RewItemId4', 'RewItemCount1', 'RewItemCount2', 'RewItemCount3', 'RewItemCount4', 'RewMoneyMaxLevel', 'RewOrReqMoney', 'Type', 'ZoneOrSort', 'QuestFlags'); $rows_qs = $DB->select(' SELECT o.?# , entry as id FROM '.WORLD.'.gameobject_questrelation q, ' . WORLD . '.quest_template o WHERE = ?d AND o.entry = ', $quest_cols[2], $id ); if ($rows_qs) { $object['starts'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qs as $numRow => $row) $object['starts'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } unset($rows_qs); // ends $quest_cols[2] = array('entry', 'Title', 'QuestLevel', 'MinLevel', 'RequiredRaces', 'RewChoiceItemId1', 'RewChoiceItemId2', 'RewChoiceItemId3', 'RewChoiceItemId4', 'RewChoiceItemId5', 'RewChoiceItemId6', 'RewChoiceItemCount1', 'RewChoiceItemCount2', 'RewChoiceItemCount3', 'RewChoiceItemCount4', 'RewChoiceItemCount5', 'RewChoiceItemCount6', 'RewItemId1', 'RewItemId2', 'RewItemId3', 'RewItemId4', 'RewItemCount1', 'RewItemCount2', 'RewItemCount3', 'RewItemCount4', 'RewMoneyMaxLevel', 'RewOrReqMoney', 'Type', 'ZoneOrSort', 'QuestFlags'); $rows_qe = $DB->select(' SELECT o.?# , entry as id FROM '.WORLD.'.gameobject_involvedrelation q, '.WORLD.'.quest_template o WHERE = ?d AND o.entry = ', $quest_cols[2], $id ); if ($rows_qe) { $object['ends'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qe as $numRow => $row) $object['ends'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } unset($rows_qe); // Положения объектофф: position($object['entry'], 'gameobject'); save_cache(3, $object['entry'], $object); } global $page; $page = array( 'Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $object['name'] . ' - ' . $smarty->get_config_vars('Objects'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 2, 'typeid' => $object['entry'], 'path' => '[0,5,' . $object['type'] . ']' ); if ($object['pagetext']) $page['Book'] = true; $page['Mapper'] = true; $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); if (isset($allitems)) $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); if (isset($object)) $smarty->assign('object', $object); // Количество MySQL запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); $smarty->display('object.tpl');