Turtle TV

Turtle WoW is always looking to expand the Warcraft universe, be it with soundtracks, custom zones, or even dungeons!
Our trailers and media for everything we do can be found here.

{{----}} @switch($view) @case ('channel')

{{ $channels[0]['name'] }}

Footer Line
@forelse($channels[0]['videos'] as $video) @livewire('video-thumb', ['id' => $video['id'], 'thumb' => $video['thumb'], 'title' => $video['title'], 'duration' => $video['duration'], 'views' => $video['views'], 'comments' => $video['commentsCount'], 'ago' => $video['ago'], 'url' => $video['url']]) @empty @endforelse
@break @case ('moderation')



Moderate yourself.

Video Character Comment Timestamp Actions
c.video_id c.char "c.comment" c.stamp Ok Delete
All quiet in here.
@break @default @forelse($channels as $channel)

{{ $channel['name'] }} @if (count($channel['videos']) > 16) See all ({{ count($channel['videos']) }}) @endif

@forelse($channel['videos'] as $video) @if ($loop->index == 16) @break @endif @livewire('video-thumb', ['id' => $video['id'], 'thumb' => $video['thumb'], 'title' => $video['title'], 'duration' => $video['duration'], 'views' => $video['views'], 'comments' => $video['commentsCount'], 'ago' => $video['ago'], 'url' => $video['url']]) @empty @endforelse
@empty @endforelse @endswitch