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[{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-12-02T00:46:43+0100","number":2530,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, PvP, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Enslaved demon reaction to pvp targets","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the enslaved demons (including infernal and felguard summons) seem to be unreasonably aggressive towards pvp flagged enemy players. \r\nWhen you summon/enslave these demons (not the permanent pets), they are by default on defensive stance which means they aren't supposed to attack unless they (or their master) gets attacked. This seems to work fine against non flagged targets.\r\nHowever, if your demon gets into close proximity (approx 20 yards) of a pvp flagged player, a pvp flagged pet, or an enemy that a pvp flagged person is fighting, it will behave as though it were set to Aggressive and attack without command. (note this happens regardless of the master being flagged or not)\r\nThis unintentionally flags the master for pvp and can also grief lower level players without intention (i literally have to spam /petfollow to keep my pet off the guys who level in my farm spots)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enslave a demon or summon an infernal/felguard\r\n2. Approach a pvp flagged enemy player\r\n3. Demon will attack without being given command, flagging you for pvp in the process. If you call it back with /petfollow, it will immediately run back to attack again within 1second.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11726\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEnslaved pets should obey their defensive stance behavior and only attack enemy players when those attack the pet or the owner, or if the owner turns on pvp and attacks them.","updatedAt":"2022-12-04T16:23:17+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-04T16:23:17+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update.","createdAt":"2022-12-13T19:24:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-12-02T00:18:54+0100","number":2529,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paragons of Power are marked lv 60 required instead of 58","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nlv 58s are unable to turn in the tokens for the 3 pieces of the zg set, nor the quests to upgrade the neck for the 4th peiece\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=paragons\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8048\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/search?q=paragons\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=8048/the-heros-brand\r\n\r\nI personally made a 59 twink on classic in 2020 where me and others indeed got 4 out of 5 peices of the ZG set.\r\nThere are a few 59 twinks on turtle that would appreciate this bug being fixed.","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T19:26:01+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T19:24:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-12-02T00:11:17+0100","number":2528,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"Enslaved demon bugged in water","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, there was an improvement since the fix on my last report, which is that Enslaved pets can now enter water and not get stuck on shore. However, once they are inside water they become unresponsive/evading and refuse to move or attack.\r\n(note: now infernal and felguard both behave the same way, as well as borrowed minions)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nEnslave a demon and drag it into deep water that requires you to swim. It will now follow you inside.\r\nOnce in water, the demon refuses to follow you or attack enemies you command it to fight\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11726\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDemon should be able to follow and attack inside water and function as on land.","updatedAt":"2022-12-02T16:44:39+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Arievederci"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-12-01T16:43:37+0100","number":2527,"labels":"Hunter, Mechanic, PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Booty Bay bruisers attack after enemy hunter pet attacks me","body":"When a pet from a hunter or warlock attacks me in Booty Bay.\r\nThe Bruisers will first kill the pet and hunter and then attack me.\r\n\r\nI did not iniate or attacked back, but still the bruisers attack and kill me.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. walk by a hunter in booty bay\r\n2. getting attack by hunter's pet\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nWhen a pet attacks me I should not be targetted after the hunter is killed.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-06T16:23:10+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-06T16:23:10+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Nitzymage"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Nilyang404"},"body":"sounds insane ,is this patched now?","createdAt":"2023-03-09T19:15:42+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-30T20:12:50+0100","number":2526,"labels":"Mage, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"master of elements fire mage talent","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nso master of elements i supposed to work like this \"your fire and frost spell criticals will refund 30% of their base mana cost.\" \r\nbut thats not the case ... it works aoe so instead of my flame strike critting and i get back 30% of its mana cost i get the 30% base mana cost per MOB i cirt, so lets say i make an aoe full with 50 mobs, i freeze them with a nova to benefit from the shatter damage and then i drop a flamestrike + cone of cold instead of getting 30% of 990 mana (flamestrike) and 30% of 471 mana (cone of cold) i went from 1.4k mana up to over 5k mana again. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\ndeepfrost shatter + ice barrier and master of elements in fire spec\r\n1.make a large pull and nova them\r\n2. flame strike and instantly cone of cold to slow them after the flame strike goes off.\r\n3. profit.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T19:15:42+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Ghilian1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Ghilian1"},"body":"Player: Ghilian ","createdAt":"2022-11-30T15:19:06+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Where did you get that poolsize from?","createdAt":"2022-11-30T15:35:54+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is not a bug.","createdAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:10+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-30T15:10:29+0100","number":2525,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce, PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"500.5 Ranking points less than calculated.","body":"I calculated our entire Poolsize of 1200 with my standing of 8 and should have ended up with 36755, but after the reset i only ended up with 36254.5","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:10+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"I confirm this is a problem, and i think it also affects Siphon life and Death coil (every drain health effect basically)","createdAt":"2022-12-02T00:59:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:01+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-30T13:56:41+0100","number":2524,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Drain life threat bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDrain Life healing does threat. In vanilla wow it did not do that.\r\nSources:\r\n\r\nhttps://worldofwarcraft.fandom.com/et/wiki/Drain#Life_Drains:~:text=Their%20damage%20causes%20normal%20threat%2C%20whereas%20their%20healing%20does%20not%20generate%20any%20threat%20at%20all.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/egscd0/warlocks_common_misconceptions_bugs_and_open/\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Use twow threat addon in a group to see threat\r\n2. Lifetap to low health\r\n3. Cast drain life, watch it do threat of healing on top of the damage threat\r\nAnother method:\r\n1. send voidwalker on a mob then set it on passive to stop attacking\r\n2. pull a second mob and drain the second mob\r\n3. watch the first mob attack you because of the healing aggro\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=689\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=699\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=709\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=7651\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11699\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11700\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDrain Life healing does not cause threat.","updatedAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"khucngantieu"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"This issue is no longer relevant to the current version.","createdAt":"2023-10-19T23:56:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-30T08:22:53+0100","number":2523,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest's Mind Vision successful channeling but show at character instead of the target's location","body":"When using multiple Mind Vision spells, jumping from one mob to another very often the cast was successful but sometimes shows at character's location instead of the target's location. The spell shows as channeling.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Mind vision a target not at current location\r\n2. Mind vision again bouncing from first mob to the next mob in different location\r\n3. Make sure it's not the same location as the priest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nAll NPCs\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIf the Mind Vision spell is successful and it shows channeling, then I should see the target's location and not my current (priest's) location.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T23:56:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T23:56:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zhohan"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"It does refund if you use it to heal I think. But not if you use it offensively. ","createdAt":"2022-11-30T23:36:40+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Tested and works when healing. Not supposed on dmg. Not a bug ","createdAt":"2022-12-02T23:28:03+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11151284/206753722-8d09a5e6-fce1-4272-a68d-8f4b63e92f74.png)\r\n\r\nconfirmed. Illumination talent specifically says \"Holy Shock heal spell\" and right now it works correctly as stated\r\n\r\nit's up to the devs if they wanna deviate from blizzlike here","createdAt":"2022-12-09T18:04:29+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is not a bug.","createdAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-30T03:42:20+0100","number":2522,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin's Holy Talent [Illumination] 5/5 does not refund mana cost of Holy Shock critical spell hit!","body":"Critical spell hits with Holy Shock are not refunding mana, which is nerfing damage/healing output for Holy Paladins.\r\n\r\n1. Cast [Divine Favor].\r\n2. [Holy Shock] a target.\r\n3. No mana refund, cry in corner.\r\n\r\nSpells:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20215\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20930\r\n\r\nIllumination should refund mana cost from Holy Shock.\r\n\r\nLight be with you.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-08T04:33:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DarkxPunk"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"DarkxPunk"},"body":"Interesting fact, if another quest is active that lets your speak with one of the NPCs then the option to speak to them for this quest works.","createdAt":"2022-12-01T23:10:12+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-28T22:42:54+0100","number":2521,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Young and Foolish Still Cannot Interact","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nFor the Alliance quest Young and Foolish, when you attempt to communicate with either Foreman Oslow or Magistrate Solomon, no interaction options exists.\r\n\r\n![Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 16 41 35](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37313342/204387059-6872be1b-9557-4510-937c-24dc07029999.png)\r\n\r\n![Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 16 40 41](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37313342/204387067-7ec5099b-17e9-47b2-9e76-55de7c20144b.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Accept quest Young and Foolish\r\n2. Visit Lakeshire\r\n3. Attempt to interact with either Foreman Oslow or Magistrate Solomon\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80702\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=341\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=50665\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=344\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80702\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nSince this quest functions for Dorin Songblade, I assume I should be able to interact with the two other NPCs and choose a dialog option to \"speak\" with them, thus completing the quest objective.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-23T04:52:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-23T04:52:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Ghilian1"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-28T16:46:41+0100","number":2520,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Arathi Basin Mark of Honor got deleted","body":"I had 19 Arathi Basin marks in my inventory, then I won an Arathi Basin BG and only got one into my inventory, the rest didnt get sent with the mail. Normally I would get the other marks sent there when I already had 20.\r\n\r\nPlayer: Ghilian\r\nAmount of items missing: 2\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20559\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-28T16:50:53+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-28T16:50:53+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"PAKNADNE"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"It could be because you are at war with them. Click on the rep bar for them and untoggle at war.","createdAt":"2022-11-29T14:14:24+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"@PAKNADNE please let me know. ","createdAt":"2022-11-30T16:13:43+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This seems like the case.","createdAt":"2022-12-13T18:46:33+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-28T00:05:36+0100","number":2519,"labels":"Further informations required","state":"CLOSED","title":"Reputation: Booty Bay","body":"Good afternoon.\r\nReputation after killing pirates does not improve with the bay.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_112822_020151](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/119265865/204164548-1e6555ee-3caf-481c-89aa-f9252dabacad.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_112822_020123](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/119265865/204164551-faf03f05-05a4-472e-b7bc-ceb93b931ec5.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T18:46:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T18:46:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"I confirm this happens every time in ST. When you get to that part of the dungeon those packs aggro from somewhere and can very well wipe you if you don't anticipate it.","createdAt":"2022-12-12T22:57:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/e84f5f58284753c8a7541e5e2e5bc50d0ac2878c","createdAt":"2023-01-19T17:32:28+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:54:02+0100","number":2518,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dungeon: Sunken Temple","body":"Video: https://gofile.io/d/GUQd5P\r\nIn the location seen in the video, a mob or a pack of mobs gets pulled from somewhere while engaging a different pack, probably from the balcony above, and start running towards us for about a minute, bringing more mobs with them. This happened twice in the video.\r\n\r\nTo explain further, the video starts with me out of combat, then I use Enrage, which starts combat as expected and I engage mobs with maggots in them. After all of them have been killed (0:36), I stay in combat, surprisingly. While still in combat, we engage another pack of mobs (1:10), and a few seconds later (1:17), more mobs show up from somewhere. These are probably the ones that got pulled along with the pack at the very beginning of the video, keeping me in combat the entire time. Once all these have been killed, I finally left combat (1:46).\r\n\r\nAfter this, the next two single pulls at 1:58 and 2:13 go as expected, letting me leave combat as soon as the pulled mobs are dead.\r\n\r\nNext pull was at 2:30, and after we killed all those mobs (2:47), I stayed in combat. About a minute later, a bunch of mobs showed up (3:45), and then another Deep Lurker showed up at 4:41. Once we've killed all these, I finally left combat.\r\n\r\nThe mobs in this video are those that are normally in the circular hallway on the floor just above us. My suspicion is that [Slime Maggots](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8311) have some special aggro rules, being that pulling them, even though they're not hostile, will pull nearby hostile mobs and other maggots. Perhaps those rules ignore line of sight, which then allows pulling other maggots on the balcony above, who then pull more mobs as they're moving towards us.\r\n\r\nAlthough not captured in this video, the same thing can happen when engaging mobs (possibly Maggots) on the balcony, where the mobs from below will be pulled in a similar fashion.","updatedAt":"2023-01-19T17:32:28+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-19T17:32:28+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next client update.","createdAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:30+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:31:11+0100","number":2517,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Voldana","body":"[Voldana](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=81044) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:31+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next client update.","createdAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:27:50+0100","number":2516,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Niremius Darkwind","body":"[Niremius Darkwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60710) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:26+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:46:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Can' you please include video proof of the suggested behavior? ","createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:05:00+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Sure, the game version is\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86041826/204162398-70784a19-3547-4691-b2ca-d9b6623bc5a3.mp4\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:13:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks!","createdAt":"2022-11-27T23:23:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We will not fix it just yet while the other bug with turning in quests like Westfall Stew or Ledger in Tanaris is present. Apparently, it was disabled a long time ago in vmangos to allow players to drop and accept the quest without losing the progress.","createdAt":"2022-12-28T19:49:57+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> We will not fix it just yet while the other bug with turning in quests like Westfall Stew or Ledger in Tanaris is present. Apparently, it was disabled a long time ago in vmangos to allow players to drop and accept the quest without losing the progress.\r\n\r\nCould you clarify what you mean by \"losing progress\"? Only items you get when accepting the quest (called provided items) get removed when abandoning it, but those you've collected as a part of the quest don't get removed, e.g. the ingredients for Westfall Stew will stay in your inventory after abandoning the quest, as they haven't been provided.\r\n\r\nThe issue posted here is only regarding the message. The functionality is already correct.","createdAt":"2023-01-21T12:22:49+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:59:45+0100","number":2515,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Log: abandoning a quest","body":"When abandoning a quest that has provided item(s) (item(s) given when accepting the quest), such as [Young Lovers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=106), the confirmation message doesn't say the provided item(s) will be destroyed.\r\n\r\nUsing this quest as an example, the confirmation message should say: \"Abandon 'Young Lovers', destroying Maybell's Love Letter?\"","updatedAt":"2023-01-21T12:22:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-28T19:49:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:45:00+0100","number":2514,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Garrison Armory Disaster","body":"In the objective of [The Garrison Armory Disaster](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40428), \"Ambusher's\" should be \"Ambushers\", and in the description, \"miner's\" should be \"miners\".","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:59:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:59:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:40:58+0100","number":2513,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Dreadmaul Skull","body":"Stack size for [Dreadmaul Skulls](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60628) for the quest [Dreadmaul Skull Bounty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40430) is 20, even though the quest requires 30 of them.\r\nWith very few exceptions, quest item stack size is at least equal to the number of items required for that quest.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:59:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:59:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:38:20+0100","number":2512,"labels":"Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: War Mode","body":"[War Mode](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=50008) does not increase experience gain from discovering areas.","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T18:36:26+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T18:36:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Can't reproduce this.\r\nAre you using an addon to unshift? My guess is, the addon or macro you are using searches for icons and not names, so it removes the scorpok buff thinking it's moonkin form.","createdAt":"2023-07-19T10:22:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"No, this has nothing to do with shifting, as mentioned in the original post.","createdAt":"2023-07-19T12:03:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Yes, but do you have any addons or macros that try to remove buffs? VCB, Tank Buddy, Lazypig, anything?","createdAt":"2023-07-19T12:05:05+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Not that I'm aware. I'll try to find a few more clips of this happening and will post them here.","createdAt":"2023-07-19T12:06:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Going through other recordings I've realized I indeed had something that removed the buff whenever I would dismount. It's probably the auto dismount feature from ShaguTweaks. You were right!","createdAt":"2023-08-01T12:25:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:32:26+0100","number":2511,"labels":"Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Strike of the Scorpok","body":"[Strike of the Scorpok](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10672) seems to disappear for no reason, although in this case it disappeared when leaving [Cat Form](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=768). I've also seen it disappear while fighting mobs, without any shapeshifting. I have not seen this happen with other similar buffs, such as [Spirit of Boar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10671), [Rage of Ages](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10670), etc.\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86041826/204160513-edf11505-d58b-4068-a77a-f805854f11e1.mp4\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-08-01T12:25:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-08-01T12:25:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:15:10+0100","number":2510,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Good Snuff","body":"[The Good Snuff](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40411) rewards reputation with Theramore, which seems wrong as the NPC starting and ending the quest, [Privateer Groy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2616), belongs to Booty Bay.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:11:25+0100","number":2509,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Bloodsail Compound III","body":"In the description of [The Bloodsail Compound III](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40332), \"On Kalimdor\" should be \"In Kalimdor\".","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:05:18+0100","number":2508,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Bloodsail Compound II","body":"In the description of [The Bloodsail Compound II](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40331), these two sentences are messed up: \"Those trolls are Skullsplitter, and came from the Ziata'jai Ruins to the north east of here head there, and recover 5 Bloodsail Supply Crates. While you're there, you may as well kill some as well to get some payback, we need to keep our image after all. \"","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:00:00+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T22:00:54+0100","number":2507,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Bloodsail Compound I","body":"In the description of [The Bloodsail Compound I](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40330), \"its\" should be \"it's\" in \"its to keep our supply lines in check\".","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"He's supposed to be a fishing vendor.","createdAt":"2022-12-13T19:05:22+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:58:52+0100","number":2506,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Inuksuk","body":"[Inuksuk](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60543) is marked as \"Fisher\", but he doesn't teach fishing, although it could be intentional.","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T19:05:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T19:05:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This event is now scripted properly on current version.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-22T11:56:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:55:25+0100","number":2505,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Saving Sharpbeak","body":"When opening the cage for [Saving Sharpbeak](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2994), we get the credit for opening the cage, but Sharpbeak doesn't move. He's supposed to leave the cage, and a few second later, his parents come to pick him up. This event worked a few months ago.","updatedAt":"2023-02-22T12:33:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-22T12:33:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:51:15+0100","number":2504,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Dry Scorpid Eye","body":"[Dry Scorpid Eye](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4872) shouldn't be dropped by mobs higher than level 11 or so. According to Wowhead, the highest level mob that drops it is [Death Flayer](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=5823/death-flayer).","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:56:30+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:56:30+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:49:01+0100","number":2503,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Broken Scorpid Leg","body":"[Broken Scorpid Leg](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4867) shouldn't be dropped by mobs higher than level 11 or so. According to Wowhead, the highest level mob that drops it is [Death Flayer](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=5823/death-flayer).","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T19:56:45+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T19:56:45+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"This should be fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2023-06-27T08:33:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:44:10+0100","number":2502,"labels":"Quest, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Transfer Documents II","body":"[Transfer Documents II](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010906) can be interacted with even without the quest. The same is probably true for [Transfer Documents I](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010905) and [Transfer Documents III](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010907), but I have not tested this.","updatedAt":"2023-06-27T08:33:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-06-27T08:33:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:41:47+0100","number":2501,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Gorishi Sting","body":"[Gorishi Sting](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22435) should only be dropped by [Gorishi Wasp](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6551), [Gorishi Stinger](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6554), and [Gorishi Hive Queen](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10041), as they're the only ones with stingers.","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T19:21:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T19:21:15+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is the intentional design, I'm sorry.","createdAt":"2022-12-01T20:13:22+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:36:13+0100","number":2500,"labels":"NPC, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Graypaw Alpha","body":"[Graypaw Alpha](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91990), a rare mob, drops bind on pickup items, which seems wrong as rares normally drop bind on equip items.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:13:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:13:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T21:32:25+0100","number":2499,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Hargul the Hardy ","body":"[Hargul the Hardy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=92937) is classified as humanoid, which seems wrong as his father, [Margon the Mighty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91839), is a giant, and they use the same model.","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:41+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:41+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tschakalakaboum"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Looks like the NPC is stuck in an invalid state. Open a ticket and a GM should be able to fix it by resetting the NPC.","createdAt":"2022-11-27T11:04:34+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SaxxonPike"},"body":"This just happened to me today. Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen is clickable, but no gossip comes up when you interact. He has worked properly in the past, but the only thing that has changed is, I failed Triage once and had to restart it. He was not interactable after turning in the Triage quest after completing it successfully the second time.","createdAt":"2022-12-20T11:54:27+0100"},{"author":{"login":"JackoRackham"},"body":"Works when Level 40 and still 240\n\n\n\nVon meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet\n\n\n\n-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------\nVon: Tony Konzel ***@***.***>\nDatum: 20.12.22 11:54 (GMT+01:00)\nAn: slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker ***@***.***>\nCc: Subscribed ***@***.***>\nBetreff: Re: [slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker] Learning heavy mageweave bandage is broken - Dr. Gregory Victor (Issue #2498)\n\n\nThis just happened to me today. Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen is clickable, but no gossip comes up when you interact.\n\n—\nReply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fslowtorta%2Fturtlewow-bug-tracker%2Fissues%2F2498%23issuecomment-1359176218&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cd647351c44074b50f44008dae278975b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638071304813895994%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=5aFy4s0HV1HgGhkBJMT8xbrucT%2FZprD9J%2BJdHSPIakg%3D&reserved=0>, or unsubscribe<https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnotifications%2Funsubscribe-auth%2FA4ZQBB7KCIFOIVAYKOEDFR3WOGF63ANCNFSM6AAAAAASMN2O5E&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cd647351c44074b50f44008dae278975b%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638071304813895994%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=1X7fR%2BGxKps%2FFJvfXrEAW5wmPfn6ML4YoGyPvxaR50k%3D&reserved=0>.\nYou are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: ***@***.***>\n","createdAt":"2022-12-20T12:32:24+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-27T10:45:10+0100","number":2498,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Learning heavy mageweave bandage is broken - Dr. Gregory Victor","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAfter finishing the triage-quest in Hammerfall, i got first aid level 225/300.\r\nI do some more mageweave-bandages till 240, but Dr. Gregory Victor doesnt talk to me.\r\nI deleted my wtf, disabled all Addons, but i cant get any interaction with him.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. finish quest \"Triage\" at first aid level 225\r\n2. level first aid to 240\r\n3. talk to Dr. Gregory Victor\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12920\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6622\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-23T05:39:24+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-23T05:39:24+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-26T23:45:53+0100","number":2497,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Warlock - Soul Link does not work with enslaved demons","body":"Soul Link does not work with enslaved demons\r\n\r\nEnslave a demon\r\nTry casting Soul link\r\nI enslaved infernal sentry in Felwood and tried casting soul link. But no buffs were applied\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7136\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19028\r\n\r\nIt should work as with any other warlocks summonable pets, as stated in 1.16.1 changelog\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T16:22:46+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-25T19:53:53+0100","number":2496,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dark Iron Residue is missing its vendor price","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCurrently is not vendorable\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=18945\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould sell for 1 silver, source: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=18945/dark-iron-residue","updatedAt":"2022-11-26T09:50:45+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-26T09:50:45+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"kribtex"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry but it's impossible to reproduce without steps to do so. ","createdAt":"2022-11-26T08:25:12+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-25T16:08:44+0100","number":2495,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Deadmines NPC teleporting","body":"Was farming Deadmines by myself at level 50, got to the part before the second goblin boss.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/119063037/204012775-0ccc21b4-cd3d-4d9f-a75e-0dc7bd74a271.png)\r\n\r\nDefias teleported somehow. Pulled a bunch of mobs from the next room.","updatedAt":"2022-11-26T08:25:13+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-26T08:25:12+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"Working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-10-19T23:58:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-25T15:45:28+0100","number":2494,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Vaelan","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10296\r\n\r\nThis dragon has the same issue he had in vanilla/classic. He will only show you the quest dialogue option if you have an Unadorned Seal of Ascension in your bags (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12219).\r\nThis happens even when you already completed the quest and brought him the forged seal, forcing you to farm a base seal just to turn in the quest.","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T23:58:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T23:58:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"raknaar"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-25T02:12:23+0100","number":2492,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Incorect Text in dwarf hunter quest Training the Beast","body":"The text that should be \"so get goin' lad/lass\" has a \"where entry =\" looks like some kind of flag that shouldn't be visible\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1231\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6086\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:41+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:15:41+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AidanSI"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jbockmon"},"body":"Actually the bug goes a little deeper than not showing up. If you have active debuffs on the target like judgement of the crusader, then do a crusader strike, both disappear, but stay active on target. ","createdAt":"2022-11-24T18:48:48+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The debuff is not visible because the debuff was separated into a new spell id, and there has not been a new client patch yet to bring the updated Spell.dbc. It will be fixed in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-25T08:48:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-24T16:46:56+0100","number":2491,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crusader Strike Bugs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nCrusader Strike appears to have been broken in a few ways after the 2022.11.24 patch: \r\n1. The debuff brought by Crusader Strike, which increases holy damage taken, does not show up on the target anymore. It exists, but is invisible. \r\n2. Crusader Strike costs twice as much mana as what the tooltip suggests. Rank 1 is supposed to cost 25 yet uses 50 mana, rank 5 costs 90 but uses 180 mana, etc.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Monitor your current mana level before using Crusader Strike.\r\n2. Read the mana cost on the tooltip.\r\n3. Use crusader strike on a target: twice as much mana should be deducted.\r\n4. The target does not have the 'Crusader Strike' debuff visible. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10337\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n1. The CS debuff should be visible on the target, including the number of CS debuff stacks present. \r\n2. Crusader Strike should probably use up as much mana as written on the tooltip.","updatedAt":"2022-11-25T08:52:07+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-25T08:52:07+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"bap4yk"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"bap4yk"},"body":"Добрый день. Заметил такую особенность. С 1-10 лвл не работает блок щитом. Когда в прот ветке берешь таланты, тогда блок щитом начинает работать. Прокачался специально с 1-7 лвл гриндом и не разу не увидел блок щитом, хотя стартовый щит не снимал. По показателям персонажа есть 5% блока щитом и парринга. Вот паринг срабатывает, увороты срабатывают.","createdAt":"2022-11-23T16:30:37+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"body":"Работает. Проверено только что воином 1 лвл.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56233770/203590062-afe5e05c-a11c-4ac9-9a5d-db71cfccd9e6.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-23T16:50:21+0100"},{"author":{"login":"bap4yk"},"body":"Точно, работает, если смотреть логи. Не работает анимация блока на иконке/лице персонажа. Уворот и парринг там показывает а блок нет. Вот и подумал блок не работает.","createdAt":"2022-11-23T17:01:09+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-23T16:30:13+0100","number":2490,"labels":"Warrior, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Блок щитом","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nДобрый день. Заметил такую особенность. С 1-10 лвл не работает блок щитом. Когда в прот ветке берешь таланты, тогда блок щитом начинает работать. Прокачался специально с 1-7 лвл гриндом и не разу не увидел блок щитом, хотя стартовый щит не снимал. По показателям персонажа есть 5% блока щитом и парринга. Вот паринг срабатывает, увороты срабатывают. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:47:01+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:47:01+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"If possible please create a honor information logfile (seems like it's disabled by default):\r\n\r\nLine 542\r\nhttps://github.com/vmangos/core/blob/a1cf05688d8e4bf13e0b11fcdc5c150dc8776631/src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in#L542\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-25T16:18:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"### Happened again this week (23.11-30.11) - ranking points are off by a large margin:\r\n\r\n**All players were stacked within a range of 150 honor (very good stacking)!**\r\n\r\nStanding#1: 13000 RP (hardcoded value)\r\nStanding#2: ~12250 RP\r\nStanding#3: ~12150 RP\r\nStanding#4: ~12000 RP\r\n\r\nWith this kind of RP distribution Rank 14 is only possible for Standing#1, which should not be the case!","createdAt":"2022-11-30T14:18:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is not a bug.","createdAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:24+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-23T11:43:36+0100","number":2489,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wrong Rank Points (RP) calculation/distribution on server reset","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe ranking calculation during last server reset reset (Wednesday, 23.11) did not work as intended on Horde. Even though of stacking in BR1 (=BR14) by all 4 players the distributed Ranking Points (= RP) were far less then they should have been. Even without any stacking done by the players the gained RP should have been more.\r\n\r\nhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YQWd1U6q6L8aAKEY4F5u51s9GATigER-UOLWXsyNIMU/edit#gid=0 <<< current live data\r\n\r\nExample with data:\r\n\r\n> STACKED | EXPECTED\r\nName | RP Gain | Current RP | Current Rank\r\nDamortys | 13000 | 58350 | R13 67%\r\nUrtica | ~12990 | 52833 | R12 56%\r\nTexazz | ~12980 | 43930 | R10 78%\r\nLailai | ~12970 | 39355 | R9 87%\r\n\r\n> NORMAL (non-stack) | EXPECTED\r\nName | RP Gain | Current RP | Current Rank\r\nDamortys | 13000 | 58350 | R13 67%\r\nUrtica | 12750 | 52593 | R12 51%\r\nTexazz | 12500 | 43450 | R10 69%\r\nLailai | 12250 | 38635 | R9 72%\r\n\r\nWrong calculation/distribution:\r\n> **THIS HAPPENED**\r\nName | RP Gain | Current RP | Current Rank\r\nDamortys | 13000 | 58350 | R13 67%\r\nUrtica | 12392 | 52235 | R12 44%\r\nTexazz | 12069 | 43019 | R10 60%\r\nLailai | 12007 | 38392 | R9 67%\r\n\r\n\r\n**Standing 2, 3, 4 lost way too much of the expected stacked RP gain value:**\r\n(even without stacking the RP loss would be way too much)\r\n\r\nStanding 2 **-608 RP (-12% of Rank)**\r\nStanding 3 **-931 RP (-18% of Rank)**\r\nStanding 4 **-993 RP (-20% of Rank)**\r\n\r\nApparently it worked on Alliance for all BR1 players where each got close to 13000 RP (maximum of possible RP gain).\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get 4 characters with different current RP values\r\n2. Get them all in BR1 and make them stack their honor (625.4k, 625.3k, 625.2k, 625.1k) \r\n3. Check their gained RPs (the value should be very close to 13000 but it actually isn't; keep in mind the decay of -20% of the current RPs) \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIn a stacked bracket (honor of all within a range of 200-300) the distributed RPs for each player should be close to the maximum of the specific bracket, e.g.: BR1 = 13000. Even without stacking the expected RP should be 13000, 12750, 12500, 12250 RP for standing 1-4.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Additional Information:**\r\n\r\nAll players of standing 2-4 swapped from Alliance to Horde, could there be a connection to the buggy calculation?\r\n\r\n\r\n**Sources:**\r\n\r\nhttps://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Honor_System <<< vanilla pvp system (twow got a fixed poolsize of 1200 though)\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN41tbxJJCY <<< stacking; used since the beginning of PVP (worked on all privates + classic 2019)\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:24+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-30T19:40:24+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Ghilian1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2489","createdAt":"2022-11-23T12:43:26+0100"},{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"Did you turn in the quests after midnight? Because it seems like any honor after midnight till server resets already counts to the new day!","createdAt":"2022-11-23T14:00:50+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-23T01:33:50+0100","number":2488,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Honor of the quest \"For Great Honor\" didnt get saved","body":"Before the server reset my game said that I was at around 420k honor. Now it says that I was at 403k. Shortly before reset I completed the quest \"For Great Honor\" 6 times and it seems they and my last alterac valley didnt get counted.\r\n\r\nPlayer: Ghilian\r\nQuests: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8367 (1x)\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8367 (5x)","updatedAt":"2022-11-23T14:00:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-23T12:43:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rhythmfish"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Looking at the comment [here](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=15338/spirit-tap#comments), it seems like you do in fact need to get the killing blow. [Remorseless Attacks](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=14148) talent works the same way.","createdAt":"2022-11-22T16:48:58+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Rhythmfish"},"body":"Good find. \r\nClosed as intended behavior. ","createdAt":"2022-11-22T16:52:55+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-22T15:13:15+0100","number":2487,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Priest] [Talent] Spirit Tap does not consistantly activate while grouped.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** \r\n\r\n###Expected behavior: \r\nSpirit Tap grants a buff that increases spirit for a brief period after killing or contributed to killing something that yields experience or honor. \r\n\r\n###Actual behavior: \r\nSpirit Tap is inconsistently applied while grouped. \r\nAnecdotally, from a DPS perspective - it seems to only activate when the priest gets the killing blow. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Talent 5/5 Spirit Tap.\r\n2. Group up.\r\n3. Kill mobs that yield experience.\r\n4. Observe erratic Spirit Tap behavior. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=15338\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-22T16:53:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-22T16:53:21+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"body":"Brilliance Aura in talent tree:\r\n![ba](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56233770/203047009-6e981558-7af2-4b47-a51b-8c3e0711e566.png)\r\n\r\nVisual effect on mounted players:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56233770/203047561-2be0732d-952b-42cb-9d56-533e98893796.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-21T13:00:13+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"body":"Video proof of how many mana/tic Brilliance Aura gives:\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56233770/203053117-7cdd6f37-5471-438f-a088-e5bb7496cdb0.mp4\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-21T13:20:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please, let's make it higher priority, since it's a new custom spell @jameyboor @ratkosrb ","createdAt":"2022-12-30T14:21:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-21T12:56:37+0100","number":2486,"labels":"Mage, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Brilliance Aura broken mana regen","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEffect of custom Brilliance Aura of arcane mages (last talent in tree) is 5 times less than stated in tooltip (15% of mage's mana regen). \r\nThis makes specialized deep-tree utility talent almost useless and unbalanced: arcane mages are the WORST at damage due to bad +spd and +crit scaling and their utility broken.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get usual mage and calculate his mana/tic regen (mana per 2 secs) by formula: \r\nSpirit/4+12.5 + mp5 from items (convert [mp5 / 5 * 2] to tics). \r\nIt's 48.75 on my 145 spirit mage with 0 bonus mp5.\r\n\r\n2. Calculate Brilliance Aura stated effect: mana/tic * 0.15. \r\nIt's ~7.3 for my mage.\r\n\r\n3. Activate Brilliance Aura and look at the difference in mana regen on party members. You will see the difference in ~1-2 mana/tic (depends on rounded numbers of different party members) and not expected ~7.3 mana/tic.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nThere is no Brilliance Aura in database.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n1. Brilliance Aura expected to give 15% of mage's mana regen, not 3%. I believe the problem is in mixed up concepts like MP5 (mana per 5 secs), mana/tic (mana per 2 secs) and mana/sec (mana per sec) in code.\r\n2. It's also should affect mage himself due to it is the AURA (like paladin or hunter ones). There is even a visual effect on mage, but no aura bonus!\r\n3. And... this visual effect looks weird on mounted riders. It is located on hips of rider, but not on ground under mount. Looks bad, pls fix it or remove visual at all.","updatedAt":"2023-01-01T09:02:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-01T09:02:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Findagon88"},"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"Tested just now, it properly gives 20% more mana than health with the talent. Both portions of the spell scale with spell power though, so if you have any + spell damage gear you will lose more health than tooltip says (and gain more mana too)","createdAt":"2022-11-23T03:05:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Findagon88"},"body":"Yeah, tested it more indepth today and yes, I correct what I wrote, it does indeed work.\r\nBUT\r\n1. It still says on the skill that it's a 1:1 conversion (meaning it's a tooltip error)\r\n2. Everytime I relog, the amount of health/mana on the tooltip is different","createdAt":"2022-11-23T06:30:50+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's normal in Vanilla that tooltips never represent the actual value.","createdAt":"2023-02-19T00:46:42+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-21T12:03:09+0100","number":2485,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Life Tap","body":"Current behavior: The talent \"Improved Life Tap\" (spell ID see below) increases the Mana gained from Life Tap (which is correct) BUT also increases the Health cost of the Spell (which is incorrect)\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18183\r\n\r\nExpected behavior: \"Improved Life Tap\" should increase the Mana gained without the increase cost of Health","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:46:42+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:46:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OinkBoinkDoink"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Could Spirit Bond be causing the threat?","createdAt":"2022-11-20T20:22:27+0100"},{"author":{"login":"OinkBoinkDoink"},"body":"Tested it, occurs with and without Spirit Bond.","createdAt":"2022-11-20T20:31:04+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-20T20:07:41+0100","number":2484,"labels":"Hunter, Mechanic","state":"OPEN","title":"Pet aggro/threat on multi mob pulls","body":"When sending a pet into a group of mobs, while the Hunter is taking no action, has no healing effects or mana regen effects, sometimes the mobs in the group that aren't the primary target of the pet will ignore the pet and run at the Hunter instead. It happens immediately upon the pet entering combat. Can occur with pet abilities active or inactive. Began happening after the last update.\r\n\r\n1. Target enemy in a group.\r\n2. Use the Attack command on the Pet's command bar.\r\n3. Perform no action as hunter.\r\n\r\nAppears to affect any group of mobs that are tied together. Easier to demonstrate with Instance enemy groups, I use Zul'Farrak to test but it has occurred in Ragefire Chasm.\r\n\r\nExpected behavior is for mobs to immediately target the pet until the Hunter causes enough threat to pull the mob off the pet.\r\n\r\nIt doesn't happen every time but it is very frequent. Distance from group doesn't seem to matter, I can stand at the portal inside ZF and send my pet to the second mob group and trigger it. I'm a level 60 Undead Hunter using a level 60 Bat, triggered it on my level 55 cat as well.","updatedAt":"2022-11-24T18:19:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"testening"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-12-13T16:29:39+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-20T19:44:55+0100","number":2483,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormscale Leggings effect bugged","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n[Stormscale Leggings] should reduce mana cost\r\nmana cost increases instead\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nReinstalled Twow client, cleared WDB, all addons turned off\r\n1. pick a nature-school spell and cast it\r\n2. equip [Stormscale Leggings]\r\n3. cast the same spell again, it costs +10 mana now\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: \r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65006\r\nQuest: \r\nSpell:https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=48009\r\nObject: \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n1. pick a nature-school spell and cast it\r\n2. equip [Stormscale Leggings]\r\n3. cast the same spell again, it costs -10 mana now","updatedAt":"2022-12-13T16:29:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-13T16:29:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Can you please confirm that it worked as you described in the original Vanilla client?","createdAt":"2022-11-20T14:40:42+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"body":"Tested with version 1.12.1 and it doesn't open the city map either, I guess that its like that. Weird that it appears to have been like that since the beginning. ","createdAt":"2022-11-20T15:08:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"It's a bug inside original vanilla client that they solved in later expansions. Sadly there seems to be no way of fixing it here.","createdAt":"2022-11-20T19:50:47+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"@Hiethen goood news everybody, this will be fixed in the next patch :)","createdAt":"2022-12-03T21:46:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-20T03:56:46+0100","number":2482,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ironforge and Undercity Map Doesn't Show","body":"When you click on cities in the in game map like Thunder Bluff, Ogrimmar, Darnassus, and Stormwind, I can access a map of the city.\r\nThis doesn't happen for Undercity and Ironforge.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open in game map, click on either Ironforge or Undercity and city map will will not appear.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe city map for Undercity and Ironforge should open up like it does for other cities.","updatedAt":"2022-12-03T21:46:13+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-20T19:50:47+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Calevarn"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-19T22:41:51+0100","number":2481,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Return of Stormstout misspelling","body":"**In the quest '[The Return of Stormstout](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40685)', Rokhan's name is incorrectly spelled as 'Rok'han'**\r\n\r\n(Source of the correct spelling: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Rokhan?so=search)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the [Orgrimmar Commoner](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=61055) in Orgrimmar\r\n2. Take the quest 'The Return of Stormstout'\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=61055\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40685\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-20T14:37:49+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-20T14:37:49+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Npc is not missing for weeks. It has been removed for 4 days. Weekly updates happen once per week. Please have patience , bugs get fixed as soon as possible.\r\n\r\nShe won't return in any scenario sooner then Tuesday night, and that only if the bug if fixed at the next restart.","createdAt":"2022-11-19T09:52:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-19T06:23:44+0100","number":2480,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Maybess Riverbreeze npc","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThis npc has been missing from the game for many days. I heard she was removed on purpose because of some bug fixing, but it feels like the staff just forgot about her. An \"urgent bug fix\" shouldn't take weeks, right?\r\nShe provides salves for felwood world buffs and consumes, it must be high priority to place her back in game. Not willing to rush anyone, but maybe an open report is a good reminder that we are expecting her back. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nNPC is not there.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9529\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNPC should be in game.","updatedAt":"2022-11-19T09:54:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-19T09:50:43+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Mzheldin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1990","createdAt":"2022-11-18T17:03:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-18T16:12:01+0100","number":2479,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets bonus to crusader strike/judgement doesnt work","body":"Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23274) bonus to crusader seal/strike doesnt increase incoming holy damage. \r\nI tested this bonus\r\n1. on dummy (60/boss) \r\n2. with Seal of Righteousness (because it has plain damage) \r\n3. with and without gauntlets, \r\n4. 5 stack of crusader strike or active judgement of crusader debuff on dummy and same spell damage bonus from gear in both cases. In result, I had same damage from Seal of Righteousness in with and without this item.\r\n\r\nExpected behavior: holy damage (Seal of Righteousness for example), inflicted to target (dummy) which have crusader strike or judgement of crusader debuff, with geared Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets, is greater than without it.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-18T17:03:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-18T17:03:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"borg101"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"You should specify your class.","createdAt":"2022-11-18T20:17:51+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"body":"I believe that @borg101 is feral druid (he was in #2431). Druids doesn't get AP from agility and get 0.9% crit chance for additional 18 agility from Prestor's neck. So, there is no bugs here.","createdAt":"2022-11-21T16:07:55+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks for investigating :)","createdAt":"2022-11-23T12:42:53+0100"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"druids get ap from agi only in cat form","createdAt":"2022-11-26T09:01:47+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-18T12:34:57+0100","number":2478,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Prestor's Neck Not Giving Correct AP","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI got Prestor's neck from Nefarian last night. When equipping it,I lost .10% crit compared to Onyxia Tooth Pendant. When checking my attack power, it was the exact same as my Ony neck. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip Onyxia Tooth\r\n2. Observe/take note of AP & Crit\r\n3. Equip Prestor's\r\n4. Observe/take note of AP & Crit\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nONY NECK Item: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=18404\r\n\r\nPRESTOR'S https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19377\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAccording to my math, guildmates, and general vanilla guides online, Prestor's should be giving more AP. Approximately 18 more. I'm not sure about the Crit difference, but that's not the issue... Though I would appreciate that being double checked as well.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-26T09:01:48+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-23T12:42:53+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tenyar97"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue has actually been in every server I've played after vanilla retail, and I can't remember if I saw this back in 2004. Having said that, it's led me to assume this was an error made by the actual Blizzard map designers. If Turtle could fix it, that would be great, but it depends on if Booty Bay is a single WMO or not, as the fix might be more complex than lowering a single world object. Let's hope that's not the case.","createdAt":"2022-11-18T01:42:16+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Barrels fix everything. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/202816808-1987a9cd-053d-4a38-8927-3aa323f72538.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-18T23:58:09+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-18T01:40:37+0100","number":2477,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Floating fence in Booty Bay","body":"Next to Dizzy One-Eye in Booty Bay is a fence post rail not set to the catwalk. It cuts through the top leaving two posts and a tiki torch free-standing.\r\n![WoW_tweaked 2022-11-16 21-33-56](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3698491/202590050-bf9c853a-c16a-4e89-bfad-894999703753.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-18T23:58:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-18T23:58:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jake-hedges"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-17T20:21:40+0100","number":2476,"labels":"Druid, Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Trinket [Fey Dreamcatcher] cooldown affects player spellbook","body":"[Fey Dreamcatcher](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80830) from Rare-Elite in Stonetalon disables Rejuventate (Rank 5) while its on cooldown. \r\n\r\n While trinket on cooldown, Druids cannot cast Rejuvenate (Rank 5). \r\n\r\n1. Equip Fey Dreamcatcher and use the ability. \r\n2. Try to cast Rejuventate Rank 5\r\n3. Game says \"Spell is not ready yet\". Once Feather is off CD, then you can cast normally. \r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80830\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2091\r\n\r\nI expect to be able to use trinket and to cast rejuvenate normally. I am currently level 32 Druid so the affected rejuvenate is my max rank rejuvenate. \r\n\r\nWorkaround: I can cast Rank4 Rejuvenate and below as normal\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-26T09:46:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-26T09:46:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"yogo1212"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Hello! This is a modern graphic card / old game compatibility issue. \r\n\r\nThe same is described here: https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics/rx-580-graphical-flickering-and-stretched-textures-exclusive-to/td-p/400656\r\n\r\nTry to play around with the game config using this guide: https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?t=1100\r\nTry switching between the following graphic API as described here: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/687894-OpenGL-vs-DirectX\r\n\r\nYou can also try using DXVK to replace the DirectX 9 renderer with Vulkan. This should solve any graphical glitches. Download it from [here](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v1.10.3) and place the 32-bit dll files in the game folder.","createdAt":"2022-11-17T20:34:50+0100"},{"author":{"login":"yogo1212"},"body":"@slowtorta that's a very cool idea with dxvk - thank you!","createdAt":"2022-11-19T14:12:11+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-17T07:40:50+0100","number":2475,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Texture glitch on window change","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAfter changing the window, textures are all wonky and/or missing.\r\nNothing says it like:\r\n![turtle_glitch1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5165324/202372574-0f65d9b4-7c8c-403d-b9d7-d6c3a900ce96.png)\r\n\r\nWhen I get the glitch in the character screen and get the game to load, there is no glitch in the game (until i switch in/out again).\r\nInterestingly, if I log out (instead of restarting), the character selection is still glitched.\r\nIt looks to me like texture memory was corrupted somehow. Or maybe an array of texture indices gets garbled. Probably the former. There's no other sign of memory corruption. The game plays normally - if you can see the cursor and know where everything is.\r\n\r\nI should add that this error wasn't there half a year ago and there have been not only updates to the client but to wine as well.\r\nIt's entirely possible that this is a wine (7.19-1 + 7.20-1)/mesa (22.2.1-1 + 22.2.3-1) issue - but if anyone has this problem outside linux/mac, they can hopefully find this issue.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Start game\r\n2. Switch to desktop from the login/character selection or from the game\r\n3. Switch back to the client\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nn/a\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nOriginal textures :-)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-19T14:12:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-17T20:34:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"andrewfroehlich"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"andrewfroehlich"},"body":"I saw another Alliance person trying to train with 249 First Aid at level 49 and he said the NPC was also not talking to him, so it's likely not just me.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T05:26:41+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Make a ticket, a GM can help with this by resetting the NPC.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T13:01:40+0100"},{"author":{"login":"andrewfroehlich"},"body":"Thanks for the reply. How do I create a ticket? Is that something you do in-game in the Turtle Wow client?","createdAt":"2022-11-16T16:51:11+0100"},{"author":{"login":"andrewfroehlich"},"body":"Never mind, I opened a ticket in-game just now.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T21:38:22+0100"},{"author":{"login":"andrewfroehlich"},"body":"Resolved by GM by resetting the NPC","createdAt":"2022-11-16T22:53:01+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-16T05:12:30+0100","number":2474,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Alliance Trainer for Heavy Mageweave Bandage (First Aid) is not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Theramore is supposed to teach you Heavy Mageweave Bandage if you are at 240 First Aid. He shows a chat bubble as a mouseover, but right-clicking him does nothing; he won't even talk to me. I am Alliance, level 47, with 240 First Aid.\r\n\r\nTried relogging twice and clearing WDB, no help. You can see it should be taught by this NPC on the spell page for Heavy Mageweave Bandage: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10841\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. As Alliance, get Artisan First Aid and level the First Aid skill to 240 or higher and level 40 or higher\r\n2. Talk to Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen, Trauma Surgeon, in Theramore to train Heavy Mageweave Bandage\r\n3. NPC doesn't talk to me or train me\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12939\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=8545\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10841\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:** Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen should talk to me and train me in Heavy Mageweave Bandage\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-16T22:53:01+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-16T22:53:01+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-16T01:09:26+0100","number":2473,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Darrowshire Poltergeist aggro","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, these companions spawned by the Haunted debuff in plaguelands aggro everything in ten miles radius when they spawn (that aggro is then given to the player regardless of their deaths so you get assaulted by giant packs of mobs because of this)\r\nThis is not intended, these mobs are supposed to be largely cosmetic non-combat pets that follow you around and whisper things, not run head first into the closest mob pack and attempt to wipe you.\r\nAbsolute suicide quest for a hardcore player.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nYou get the Haunted debuff which lasts 10minutes from picking up quest object for Heroes of Darrowshire quest and is not dispellable.\r\nThen you sit down near a pack of mobs, not too close, and wait for the mob to spawn at random.\r\nYou will then see a lvl 1 guy bolting for the entire group of enemies, putting you in combat with all of them. He gets oneshot and then you can run for your life because 10 mobs are coming for you.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18347\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11296\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5168\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThis NPC is supposed to be a non-combat companion who follows you around and does not assist in combat. He should never aggro enemies nor should enemies be able to aggro him.","updatedAt":"2022-11-17T05:22:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-17T05:22:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Thanks for finding out what causes this.","createdAt":"2022-11-17T06:07:44+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T16:48:30+0100","number":2472,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"PVP flagging mobs via enslave (possibly mind control/tame pet)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, I have noticed earlier that certain mobs in the world are FFA PVP flagged for no apparent reason and I believe I have found the reason for this. This is a problem because people hitting these mobs become pvp flagged and possible to gank while they are questing/farming. At low levels, this puts a risk at hardcore players too, as it could be a method to bait them into flagging. (I have no reason to believe anyone is doing this on purpose right now, but you do get flagged time to time by hitting a mob that shouldn't flag you, which is a huge scare)\r\n\r\nI have tested this via Enslave demon, but I have strong reasons to believe MC and taming can behave the same way as I have encountered sporadic mistakenly flagged humanoid/beast type mobs before.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enslave any demon type of mob using Enslave Demon\r\n2. Have this demon engage in PVP with a nearby flagged person of the opposite faction. This flags the demon after a single hit.\r\n3. Release the demon from enslave and now he has the FFA PVP flag on its portrait. \r\n4. Run out of leash range and allow him to reset back to full health. Now you have a demon with PVP flag in the middle of a peaceful quest hub.\r\n\r\nThis is most common to happen in the elite demon hub Darkwhisper Gorge, where warlocks tend to run for their lives upon Enslave breaking rather than killing off the difficult enemies, so they leave behind PVP flagged demons all the time. You can usually see a number of those Hederine NPCs flagged. (ref to my earlier report: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2328)\r\nHowever there are sporadic flagged mobs scattered in the world as well, not specific to any quest hub.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11726\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10912 (untested)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1515 (untested)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nEngaging in PVP combat with a controlled pet and then releasing the pet should not leave flagged mobs behind in the world. Mobs should lose any pvp flags upon reseting.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-17T06:07:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-17T06:07:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sephy1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-01-08T04:36:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T14:57:51+0100","number":2471,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"gnomish mind control cap failure rate seems really high","body":"I've been experimenting with this item in ab for a few days now and it seems to fail really often, like 35% of the time. Seems a bit high for an item with a 30 minute CD. Was it really this bad in vanilla? I also can't seem to get characters under mc to attack other players, they just stand still and don't engage.","updatedAt":"2023-01-08T04:36:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-08T04:36:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Thormeard"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues","createdAt":"2022-11-21T14:14:37+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T13:53:15+0100","number":2470,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Brilliance aura have no effect on caster","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBrilliance aura (arcane mage last talent) doesnt work on caster, but work on group members\r\nI did ticket, GM wasn't been able to reproduce it, so I recorded it\r\n(before recording I reset my talents, then logout, deleted wdb)\r\nhttps://youtu.be/pWbpwLmIjv8\r\n\r\nclient version 1.16.3 (7030)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast brilliance aura, see that there is no difference with and without it\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45408 (not sure if this is correct one, there is like 4 of them)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould give mana regen to caster (same as group members)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-21T14:14:38+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-21T14:14:37+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1988","createdAt":"2023-02-20T21:53:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T03:51:50+0100","number":2469,"labels":"Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Greater Wind Stone (South)","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=180466\r\n\r\nThis one is always disabled after the first use (server reboot). The other two work fine.","updatedAt":"2023-02-20T21:53:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-20T21:53:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kharkov72"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/201877454-58ae523b-b0e6-4a77-9676-f5e49807bddb.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-15T10:07:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Kharkov72"},"body":"no im owned im OWNED","createdAt":"2022-11-16T04:37:22+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T02:28:03+0100","number":2468,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Krom'Grul spawning underground","body":"\r\n1. Krom'Grul's picture wasn't showing when targeted\r\n2. When my voidwalker was sent to attack him he ran up to a random slope and stared at it\r\n3. Spells indicated it was close to that point\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8977\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-16T04:37:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-15T10:07:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"While shadow mend is indeed classified as a shadow school spell, the effect that it utilizes is flagged as a \"Heal\" in the game's spell system, and thus it is intended to only benefit from bonus healing effects. As for the debate over the 3 sec cast time, that is not a bug but a discussion best had in the suggestions forum. Working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-07T22:54:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-15T00:55:47+0100","number":2467,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"shadow mend spell is not scale off shadow damage gear. incorrect cast time","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nremember seeing some turtle forum post talking about it being 1.5 or 2 second cast( buy after I purchase the book and learn the spell it show it take 3 sec; which is completely useless in both pvp and pve. also a spell that require shadow form is not scaling off shadow gear.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/201792700-7c0092b3-d018-442f-b488-97de73ecbce0.png)\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-07T22:54:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-07T22:54:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"sailor4242"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"Tooltips are usually dynamically updated to reflect the mana cost and damage changes from talents. You are looking at the modified values. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/119783172/223561033-d36bb25b-4f4b-446d-8aa9-9cf7bf5dd49c.png)\r\nWorking as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-07T22:49:37+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-14T23:09:24+0100","number":2466,"labels":"Shaman, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman new `Thunderhead` talent not reducing mana cost as intended.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe `Thunderhead` talent description says that the mana cost should be reduced by 20%, however that is not true and it costs the same mana as spell description has, tested on rank 3 - 96 mana cost.\r\nAlso the `Improved lightning shield` talent does not seem to increase the damage of the orbs by 15% as it should. The damage number I see is the same as the spell description states.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T16:54:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T16:54:20+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jlabranche"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Please show proof that this is not intended.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T20:42:58+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-14T17:07:12+0100","number":2465,"labels":"Further informations required, Warrior, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warrior: Reflective Damage / Thorns reduced dmg in defensive stance by 10%","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThorns, \r\nShield Spikes, \r\nElectromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator, \r\nCrystal spire,\r\n\r\nhave reduced damage in defensive stance by 10%\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nReduce Damage\r\n1. Apply Thorns.\r\n2. Go to Defensive Stance\r\n3. Take Damage from a physical hit\r\n![defensive_thorns](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7516736/201708111-b7493eaf-3735-4dc1-810b-b6f43db96834.png)\r\n\r\nNormal Damage\r\n1. Apply Thorns.\r\n2. Go to Zerker Stance\r\n3. Take Damage from a physical hit\r\n![zerker_thorns](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7516736/201708134-efa1a29d-18a4-418f-9e22-3f80b9b9d7fb.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11841\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9910\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThorn/reflective damage should be normal and not reduced while in defensive stance\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-01-08T04:36:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-08T04:36:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Passed this info on to Xerron. It's probably intentional for some but if not, he'll fix it :)","createdAt":"2022-11-14T12:31:21+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-14T01:35:38+0100","number":2464,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Turtle WoW Armory Doesn't work with 2 letter names","body":"If you type in a name, such as Er, Or, or Ox with 2 letters, they do not appear in armory.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T12:31:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T12:31:21+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Daedric57"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-13T23:45:52+0100","number":2463,"labels":"Object, Profession, Reproduced","state":"OPEN","title":"Stranglekelp spawns in Ratchet incorrect/missing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Stranglekelp spawns around Ratchet are either missing or in incorrect locations. The item does not appear in the water in the East/South-East as they should (at least 8-10+ spawns) but the cliffs above and south of the town. Stranglekelp appears on the waters edge consistently (North-East and South of Ratchet,) But rarely IN the water, as per Vanilla spawns. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Ratchet with track Herbs to aid location\r\n2. Look for at least 3 spawns south of the town in the cliffs above it that are out of place, spawning in areas that Mageroyal or Earthroot would normally be.\r\n3. For further out-of-location spawns, travel either north-east, or south of ratchet on the coastline. Stranglekelp rarely spawns IN the water (Vanilla spawns) but constantly spawns out of the water/far above the water's edge. If this is a server feature, it may want to be clarified.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2045\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nSpawns should be located in the water to the East/South-East of Ratchet, at least 8-10+ spawn locations in the harbor and south area near the wrecked ships/sandbar. Stranglekelp should not spawn on the cliffs far away from and out of the water/beach area. While spawning on the water's edge consistently, some spawns are far removed from the water as per the screenshot below.)\r\n\r\n*Edit with additional info* While there's the occasional spawn in water, there are others right along the coastline out of water. (5+). So either the spawns are bugged, or were manually changed to be out of the water. This is present south of ratchet. There is a spawn also north-east of Ratchet where the kelp spawns out of the water/on its edge. If this is a server feature, it may want to be listed.\r\n\r\nExample of 2 bugged spawns is shown below.\r\n![bugged stranglekelp](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/118139258/201548478-515b2be0-9536-4833-8395-40707bb0f70c.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-13T00:35:16+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Will be fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T20:29:36+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-13T22:05:22+0100","number":2462,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Slow & Steady xp penalty is still applied in dungeons when it shouldn't.","body":"Reproduction:\r\n- Make a party of 1 Slow & Steady member and 1 Warmode or normal member.\r\n- Kill a dungeon mob.\r\n- Notice the drastic difference in XP share:\r\n\r\nWarmode:\r\n![WoW_tweaked_QwJweOFajG](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/201544457-9c5c479f-7aca-4ddb-873c-f64ec0b1602d.png)\r\nSlow & Steady:\r\n![WoW_tweaked_A4h9USHUXm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/201544463-4e33378c-100e-4d45-b69e-a97011f84477.png)\r\n\r\nWebsite page for the gamemode states the penalty is supposed to be disabled inside dungeons:\r\n![chrome_928h7Web0n](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/201544508-f2886a2a-9760-4761-b105-b286e0d1c306.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T20:29:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T20:29:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report such issues via GM ticket. GMs can fix it much faster right in the game! @Tinyfin-github ","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:07:22+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T22:57:41+0100","number":2461,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged Fish School Darkshore 35.9, 74.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Fish school appears too close to land. making it very hard to cast into or near it. Located in Darkshore 35.9, 74.1\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32824778/201496085-96e7b757-ec6b-4ec6-811e-c390f20ddab9.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be slightly further away from land.","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T23:07:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T23:07:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@Tinyfin-github","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:39+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T19:51:09+0100","number":2460,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged Fish School Darkshore 37.0, 36.1","body":"I'm unable to create a GM ticket in game, not using pfUI addon.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Fish school appears too close to land. making it very hard to cast into or near it. Located in Darkshore 37.0, 36.1.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32824778/201490040-ce62c76f-d474-473c-a96f-57fb54d25957.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be slightly further away from land.","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:39+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@Tinyfin-github","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:35+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T19:38:39+0100","number":2459,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged Fish School Darkshore 42.1, 31.3","body":"I'm unable to create a GM ticket in game, not using pfUI addon.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Fish school appears too close to land. making it very hard to cast into or near it. Located in Darkshore 42.1, 31.3.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32824778/201489551-ebddf046-829d-4e03-8a5b-29cbc2223974.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be slightly further away from land.","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:35+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hiethen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@Tinyfin-github","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T19:34:37+0100","number":2458,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged Fish School Darkshore 41.5, 23.6.","body":"I'm unable to create a GM ticket in game, not using pfUI addon.\r\n\r\n1. Fish school appears too close to land. making it very hard to cast into or near it. Located in Darkshore 41.5, 23.6.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32824778/201489415-405254c6-7f5d-45f3-bc03-8ffc777a4cf7.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be slightly further away from land.","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T23:49:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sephy1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2696","createdAt":"2023-02-19T00:46:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T17:55:02+0100","number":2457,"labels":"Spell, Mechanic","state":"CLOSED","title":"Airship LOS issues.","body":"When casting single target spells on enemy players while on an airship you have to be in mele range for them to work. \r\n This isn't an isssue on boats. I understand grenades and other aoe spells won't be fixed but surely single target spells shouldn't be an issue.","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:46:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:45:38+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sephy1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I can confirm it's broken, I experienced this bug myself.","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:50:41+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T17:53:08+0100","number":2456,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Get stuck in Net when logging in with Gnomish Net-O-Matic equipped.","body":"When logging in with the net-o-matic equipped I automatically get stuck in the net. Only happens when logging in and works fine otherwise.","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T20:54:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T20:54:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T21:13:31+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T16:47:39+0100","number":2455,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bonespike shoulder procc on every hit","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe bonespike shoulders from ubrs tooltip say it deals dmg on receiving a meele crit. \r\nWhat actually is happening is, that it deals dmg on every single hit you receive\r\n\r\nThis makes it the single best dmg and treat item when tanking multiple meele targets. \r\n\r\nThis item from experience makes up for 15% of dealt dmg as a prot pala. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12588\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThis item is supposed to be vendor trash and useless since only proccs on meele crits according to tooltip and blizzlike. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T21:13:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:13:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"Only way that I found that fixes it temporary is respecing talents.","createdAt":"2022-11-12T16:39:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Please don't make extra issue threads on the same bug. I didn't close your old one https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2393\r\n\r\nI asked for some kind of proof in the form of a video or some steps to take to reproduce the bug because I can't reproduce it. Giving attitude doesn't work for anyone involved. We're trying to help you but we need verification that it even happens in the first place. Closing this, use the old thread.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T21:25:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T16:34:30+0100","number":2454,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Starfire randomly loses talent effect for reduced casting speed.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIt keeps happening for month, in raids in dungeons, even after sending screenshots been told \"How can you prove it's happening\"\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=25298\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe cast time should be 3 secs, not 3.5. EVEN sent screenshots to Jamey but he still went \"CANT PROVE IT\" well it is happening and it must be the talent being fucked up, because Wrath still has its cast time reduction, but Starfire gets randomly fucked.","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T21:25:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:25:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Roachiez"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-12T23:51:47+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T14:43:32+0100","number":2453,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cockroach Pets dont follow :(","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCockroach pet will not follow as of latest update\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Summon Cockroach\r\n2. Walk away\r\n3. Look at cockroach waaay over there /wave\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nCould be some other pets aswell\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T23:52:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T23:52:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sephy1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"For clarification: it's probably absolutely normal for the 2004 version of the game. Boats and ships are moving objects and normal spell mechanics that require reading coordinates, simply won't work there. Changing something this fundamental for a very rare edge case requires an insane amount of work time and is simply not worth it.","createdAt":"2022-11-12T00:24:42+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-12T00:14:09+0100","number":2452,"labels":"Won't Fix","state":"CLOSED","title":"los issues on boats and airships","body":"On airships you basically have to be in backstab range to cast a spell on an enemy player. This isn't a problem on boats but it's impossible to throw grenades for some reason. Please fix.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T00:24:42+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T00:21:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"drastil123"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T23:51:02+0100","number":2451,"labels":"Hunter, Spell, Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Solenor the Slayer bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSolenor the Slayer (aka Nelson the Nice) is not being affected by Crippling Clip when the hunter's wing clip is applied to him. Additionally, Solenor is supposed to \"learn\" his fear ability, Dreadful Fright, only if the hunter uses Wing Clip, Concussive Shot, or Frost Trap. Because of this, there is not way to root him and he will always cast Dreadful Fright on the hunter regardless of whether or not they use Wing Clip, etc. I've tried some of the cheese methods for him and they also do not work because of Dreadful Fright being cast without Solenor \"learning\" it. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. When the hunter initially activates Solenor and goes to wing clip him, Crippling Clip is not applied.\r\n2. Solenor will cast Dreadful Fright from the beginning of the fight without having learned it from being slowed by the hunter.\r\n3. Upon death/reset Solenor the Slayer still retains Dreadful Fright throughout future attempts.\r\n4. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14530\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7636\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=23275 (Dreadful Fright)\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=23279 (Crippling Clip)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSolenor should be affected by the debuff Crippling Clip (linked above) when the hunter uses Wing Clip on him. Additionally, Solenor the Slayer should not use the ability Dreadful Fright until the hunter has used a slowing ability on him (Frost Trap, Wing Clip, Conc. Shot). When Solenor resets after a failed attempt, he should no longer have Dreadful Fright until the hunter slows him again. \r\n\r\nSee this video for how Crippling Clip is supposed to be applied by Wing Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRPkgKeSDNs\r\n\r\nSee this video of a different kite strategy where Solenor never learns to cast Dreadful Fright because he is never slowed by the hunter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvA15Er4nJ0","updatedAt":"2022-12-04T13:51:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-04T13:51:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AKryukov92"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update. Reports closed without any comments are fixed reports as well, just for clarification.","createdAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:48+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T19:20:55+0100","number":2450,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"McWeaksauce potions has no sell price to vendor","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSome rewards of time trial can't be sold to vendor.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. get https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51009\r\n2. Open it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: box https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51009\r\nPotions:\r\nMana https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23578\r\nHP https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23579\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI expect them to have vendor price at least like\r\nHP https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13446\r\nMajor mana potion https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13444\r\nsince they restore same amount of health and mana.","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:48+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:48+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rekinado"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Rekinado"},"body":"When im Put IN wrist, it is ADD only 3 mana regen from spirit. Not from enchant ","createdAt":"2022-11-11T08:55:43+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Most likely this is an addon problem ","createdAt":"2022-11-11T15:19:56+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Working as intended, please try disabling your addons.","createdAt":"2022-11-11T18:22:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T08:54:47+0100","number":2449,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Enchant Bracer - Mana Regenerat - dont work","body":"Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration (Permanently enchants bracers to restore 4.00 mana every 5.00 seconds.) dont work. \r\nThis value does not show in \"Mana regen\" \r\n\r\n![obraz](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/117974788/201292697-0ba13a30-fc24-4d6e-9925-029a10ad30ce.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-05-08T00:34:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T18:22:13+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"astraeah"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"NoOneSurvives"},"body":"Hello, guys!\r\nIt's ability must be really helpfull for HC charactrers, \r\nThere is also message in the forum: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=4324","createdAt":"2022-12-29T23:33:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@jameyboor ","createdAt":"2023-02-19T00:47:13+0100"},{"author":{"login":"VrogragFishslayer"},"body":"Hey Dev's pretty sure you just fixed this open bug, might want to close this ticket. Also, I had no idea they were waiting since last November for this fix. :scratches note down:","createdAt":"2023-08-06T15:10:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T04:58:01+0100","number":2448,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Proclaim Champion -- Champion's Grace unavailable ingame","body":"Issue: Champion's Grace (the 10% healing buff from the Holy Talent tree) seems to be missing from the game. Selecting the talent does not train it and it is unavailable on the trainers. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get a Priest to level 40\r\n2. Take talent Proclaim Champion\r\n3. Observe that Champion's Grace is not learned, and is unavailable via the Priest trainers\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47287 (this is the spell that's intended to train the buff I believe)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45563 (this is the actual buff)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be available at level 40, via trainer or from selecting the talent.\r\n\r\nSource: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=3334\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-08-06T18:54:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-08-06T18:54:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T00:38:31+0100","number":2447,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"An Infinite Hunt\" typos","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the quest \"An Infinite Hunt\" has some minor text issues to review in the description. The quest objective reads \"Chromi\" instead of \"Chromie\" and \"Andoral\" instead of \"Andorhal\". \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nProof read text while picking up quest from NPC.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80411\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nQuest text requires proof reading for typos.","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-11T00:22:41+0100","number":2446,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"Soul and Alchemy\" typos","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the custom Horde quest \"Soul and Alchemy\" has some minor text issues to revise. One instance of \"thing\" used where the context suggests \"think\" would be correct, and also the quest description cuts off mid sentence which might be a matter of too long quest text (the description on database site is way longer)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nJust talk to the quest giver after completing prequest and proof read the text. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80726\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCheck grammar and length of quest description","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tavta"},"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"EDIT: obsolete\r\n\r\nI confirm COA is wrongly staged and the increased values of total damage you experience stems from the first 4 ticks doing the same damage as the #4-8 ticks. Instead of 4 low, 4 average, 4 high damage ticks, we have 8 average and 4 high.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T17:25:02+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Tavta"},"body":"R3 of Corr, Immo and CoA are all above the level 20 penalty. If you click on those links I’ve presented you would be able to see that Immolation is learned at lvl 20, Corruption at lvl 24, CoA lvl 28. Again, I’m presenting the rank3 version of these spells.\r\n\r\nFrom: ***@***.***>\r\nSent: 15 November 2022 17:25\r\nTo: ***@***.***>\r\nCc: ***@***.***>; ***@***.***>\r\nSubject: Re: [slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker] Warlock rank 3 DoT spells has reduced scaling on spell power. CoA r3 does too much damage baseline. (Issue #2445)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-15T17:28:47+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"EDIT: obsolete","createdAt":"2022-11-15T17:54:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Tavta"},"body":">\r\n\r\n> Please read my post again. The level 20 penalty is not relevant. If your character is more than 11 levels above the spellranks, they will receive penalty. For rank 3 COA which is learned at lvl 28, this penalty starts applying when your character hits lvl 39.\r\n\r\nYou're talking about the prepatch before tbc? The patch we are not playing on? How would that matter for twow?\r\nhttps://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Downranking\r\nhttps://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_2.0.1\r\n\r\nAlso I was testing at around lvl 28 in that moment. So even if we had that tbc prepatch, it still wouldn't matter.\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-15T17:59:56+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"We are playing on a custom patch with many BC features implemented. Nonetheless it appears that it was wrongly implemented if so.\r\nI just tested the ranks myself on a lvl 60 warlock and it appears I am not getting any penalty on r3-r4 of these spells at all. If you experienced those values at lvl 28 that could mean the scaling checks for character level instead of the gap between the rank and the character. So lowbies are getting penalized while max levels are not. Poor lowbies. At this point they should just remove the system and keep the 20 lvl penalty.\r\nSo your report is valid but it requires a low level character to reproduce the issue.\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-15T18:30:47+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Tavta"},"body":"> We are playing on a custom patch with many BC features implemented. Nonetheless it appears that it was wrongly implemented if so. I just tested the ranks myself on a lvl 60 warlock and it appears I am not getting any penalty on r3-r4 of these spells at all. If you experienced those values at lvl 28 that could mean the scaling checks for character level instead of the gap between the rank and the character. So lowbies are getting penalized while max levels are not. Poor lowbies. At this point they should just remove the system and keep the 20 lvl penalty. So your report is valid but it requires a low level character to reproduce the issue.\r\n\r\nPrepatch to tbc introduces an extreme amounts of changes, letting the downranking 'fix' slip in would cripple healing in vanilla raids(Which was the main intent of said fix). So it's definitely not there atm.\r\nWhat I've spotted is that DoTs seems to not work well with low values of spell/shadow/fire power since it tends to work in batches of 6 sp for corr, batches of 12 sp for coa. The system is incapable of raising singular ticks up in power to account for small increases in spell power. Which hurts the lower levels far greater than the higher levels given the distribution of spell power gear and amounts found.\r\n\r\nAs an example of what I've tested, if you had 12 sp the Corruption would raise all of its ticks' value twice by 1, showing 100% scaling. If you have 17 sp, you don't get any boost in output for Corruption; but it should raise 5 of the ticks by 3 dmg and have 1 tick operate at only 2 dmg boost. Meaning at low levels of sp you will waste more of your item budget at these benchmarks, in this example you'd only have 71% scaling on your r3 Corruption.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T18:34:58+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Ok that makes more sense. So there is nothing wrong with the coefficient values nor did they implement prepatch scaling (at least at lvl 60 for sure) but the check point of the dots are per-tick instead of per-ability. I'm pretty sure the spell should calculate the full damage with the bonus first and then divide accordingly, rather than adding damage per-tick (which causes a loss of small spell power values as the per-tick coefficient is too small to provide a whole number unless your SP is a multiple of 6 or 12)\r\nEDIT: this could also just be an issue with rounding down on values that should be rounded up\r\n\r\nI suggest editing your post to address this issue because they won't be able to reproduce a problem with the spell coefficient itself.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T18:43:35+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Tavta"},"body":"> Ok that makes more sense. So there is nothing wrong with the coefficient values nor did they implement prepatch scaling (at least at lvl 60 for sure) but the check point of the dots are per-tick instead of per-ability. I'm pretty sure the spell should calculate the full damage with the bonus first and then divide accordingly, rather than adding damage per-tick (which causes a loss of small spell power values as the per-tick coefficient is too small to provide a whole number unless your SP is a multiple of 6 or 12) EDIT: this could also just be an issue with rounding down on values that should be rounded up\r\n> \r\n> I suggest editing your post to address this issue because they won't be able to reproduce a problem with the spell coefficient itself.\r\n\r\nYou're right, I should edit my original post to better reflect the current way I'm viewing these scaling issues.\r\nEdit: I hope it looks better now and brings the issue more clearly forward.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T14:02:12+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T21:51:21+0100","number":2445,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, Reproduced","state":"OPEN","title":"Warlock rank 3 DoT spells has reduced scaling on spell power. CoA r3 does too much damage baseline.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCurse of Agony r3, Corruption r3, Immolate r3 have the spell power coefficients that vary depending on the amount of spell damage the user has. \r\nThey seem to scale in batches depending on their original spell coefficient and amount of ticks they do.\r\nCorruption doesn't raise in power except on amounts of spell damage which are cleanly divisible by 6, CoA's amounts of spell power seem to be ones cleanly divisible by 12sp. IE if you have 5 spell power Corruption will do the same damage as it normally would for rank 3. If you have 6sp every tick would be raised by 1 reaching 100% spell-coefficiency from 0% of 5sp.\r\nOn lower ends of spell damage, like one would have while leveling, this means a fair amount of warlocks will have a needless penalty.\r\n\r\nThe combat text seems to double-dip on the spell power one has, and is completely false(but only when you have spell power, if you have none the combat text is accurate). \r\n\r\nCoA has only two stages in TWoW(second and third stage), not three as it should. So you're gaining double damage on the first 4 ticks of it compared to vanilla classic (8,33% dmg per tick instead of 4,17% of total CoA damage times 4). \r\nCoA should have three stages, half of the damage is backloaded in the last 4 ticks, the second half is split in three doses where there first 4 ticks deals 50%/3 and the middle 4 ticks should deal 50%/3*2 of the total damage listed.\r\n\r\nhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F153NVa9g17tWqTFgEib63jJqiGfsjY_hOGAToCnoDg/edit?usp=sharing\r\nI present the proof of my findings in this google sheet. If there's anything I missed please let me know.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get small amounts spell power. (I used Charged Leggins, Magnificent Necklace and Staff of Soran'Ruk)\r\n2. Compare spells with and without said items, also in different combinations. Let the dots tick out fully. Cast one test spell per combat to get a good reading with a dps meter since the combat text is bugged.\r\n3. Test on different mobs.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=6217/curse-of-agony#see-also-ability CoA spell coefficient from vanilla classic\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=6223/corruption Corruption spell coefficient from vanilla classic\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=1094/immolate Immolate spell coefficient from vanilla classic\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=6223\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=6217\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1094\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSpells should scale up to maximum capacity for spell power as they're learnable at lvl 20 or later (they are no longer penalized by the below lvl 20 clause). \r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSpells should scale up to maximum capacity for spell power as they're learnable at lvl 20 or later (they are no longer penalized by the below lvl 20 clause). \r\nSpells should be able to raise the damage of singular ticks in order to handle variant amounts of spell damage which isn't divisible by the number of ticks the spells have.","updatedAt":"2023-12-13T00:35:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"refaim"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T20:25:10+0100","number":2444,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crafting recipe/skill/item name inconsistencies","body":"[Plans: Imperial Plate Gloves](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83518) teaches spell [Imperial Plate Gauntlets](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46660) that creates [Imperial Plate Gauntlets](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65007), not gloves\r\n\r\nDash/hyphen/colon issues:\r\n[Schematic: Portable Wormhole Generator **—** Stormwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83510) teaches spell [Portable Wormhole Generator **-** Stormwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47027) that creates [Portable Wormhole Generator: Stormwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51312)\r\n[Schematic: Portable Wormhole Generator **—** Orgrimmar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83511) teaches spell [Portable Wormhole Generator **-** Orgrimmar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47028) that creates [Portable Wormhole Generator: Orgrimmar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51313)\r\n\r\nThere are some suspicious stuff going with new cloth sets (see **s**):\r\nSpell [Augerer's Robe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46640) creates [Augerer's Robe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83287)\r\nSpell [Diviner's Robe**s**](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46634) creates [Diviner's Robe**s**](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83281)\r\nSpell [Pillager's Robe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46647) creates [Pillager's Robe**s**](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83294)","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:23:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MaverickClaxton"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T18:34:38+0100","number":2443,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Alterac Valley alliance units can't be upgraded to Champion units.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Turn in armor scraps.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13424 https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13333\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17422\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6781\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nunits are supposed to go to Champion after veteran units with armor scrap turn ins. but doesn't work for alliance","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T18:37:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T18:35:47+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T08:02:53+0100","number":2442,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, Mechanic, Need Replication on VMaNGOS","state":"OPEN","title":"Warlock dead pets prevent you from enslaving as well as summoning infernal doom and felgard, for 20seconds","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, upon a warlock's permanent pet dying (voidwalker, succubus, felhunter, imp) the corpse of the pet remains \"in control\" of the warlock for 20seconds longer.\r\nDuring this time, the game will not allow you to cast Enslave Demon or summon an Infernal/Felguard/Doomguard even though you don't have an active pet anymore. (It gives an error message saying you already control a summoned creature)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nSummon a permanent pet (voidwalker, succubus, felhunter or imp) and then let them die (or sacrifice them). \r\nAttempt enslaving a nearby demon or casting Inferno afterwards. You are blocked from doing so for 20 seconds.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=697\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=712\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=688\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=691\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1122\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11726\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDead demons should not prevent casting Enslave or Inferno.","updatedAt":"2023-12-25T21:52:38+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Hopefully fixed on the next update. Please re-open if still bugged.","createdAt":"2022-11-13T12:31:37+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:15:04+0100","number":2441,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock Felguard is unable to swim","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the custom warlock pet Felguard is stuck on the edge of water whenever the warlock has to swim, he refuses to cross.\r\nOther pets (regular and enslaved alike) have no such issue, you should be able to bring them into water or move across with them.\r\n\r\nIt's kind of silly that a flaming piece of rock (the Infernal) isn't afraid of water but this guy can't swim.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nFind any water that's deep enough to swim (the river in ZG for example) and attempt to bring the Felguard into or across it. He will just keep staring at you from the shore and upon the enslave breaking, you will notice he is evade-bugged.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45908\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFelguard should be capable of moving into and across water with its owner.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-13T12:31:37+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-13T12:31:37+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"He does more damage than other pets, and can even aoe, so his mana is intentionally a limited resource. The regen will be increased slightly, but not to the point you can spam his abilities.","createdAt":"2022-11-13T23:13:33+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Okay but please keep in mind pets don't regen mana while casting anyways. He will inevitably oom after 5-6 cleaves and then be inactive for an extra 5seconds at the very least. Giving him a mana regen value of 600/5seconds is only enough to get out another cleave every 10-11sec afterwards and nothing else, so it would not be sufficient for spamming his stun/aoe etc unless you toggle off his cleave to save up mana. The values I suggested are not high enough to spam all his specials.\r\nAt the same time, he is a pet with high effort to maintain (costs 1gold to summon and breaks loose frequently + requires party to summon) so with all that in mind I think his utility above other pets is kind of justified. 90% of warlocks don't summon it at all because they cannot be bothered.","createdAt":"2022-11-13T23:25:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:04:12+0100","number":2440,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock Felguard has no mana regen","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the custom warlock pet Felguard is missing a proper mana regen value, as currently his mana replenishes at a rate of 7-8 mana every 5seconds while not casting. It's as good as nothing considering his spells cost 600-1200 mana. Essentially renders him useless after about 20seconds of attacking. \r\n\r\nIn comparison, other lvl 60 pets have 500~ mp5 while not casting, which allows them to regen a decent portion of their mana after 5seconds of being inactive due to oom. \r\nThe Felguard has a higher mana pool with higher mana costs, hence his value is expected to be higher than the above (I'd expect around 800 mp5, realistically in order to allow using his specials at a reasonable rate)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nSummon Felguard and set him to use at least his cleave ability. This will run him out of mana after about 5-6casts. (If you pop everything else, it's pretty much instant.)\r\nThen you will see his mana never regens back. 5-10minutes later he might be able to cast again.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45908\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe Felguard should have mana regen comparable to those of other pets and sufficient to keep using his special abilities at a reasonable rate.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-13T23:29:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-13T23:13:46+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"The same applies to basically all custom loot and custom loot from custom dungeon.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:11:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, but this kind of report isn't something we can work with. A general overview of the custom quests in the DB does not indicate any major differences. If you spot a quest that you think gives too less gold compared to a quest of the same difficulty, please open a report about this specific quest or a set of quests!","createdAt":"2022-11-15T10:18:45+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"The formula for getting gold at max level is: `Money in copper = XP * 6`. You can use this to calculate if any of the quest money rewards are too low at level 60. Source: https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Experience_point#Money_Instead_of_XP_at_Max_Level\r\n\r\nCould you give examples of some quests you've done and how much gold you've gained?","createdAt":"2022-11-15T11:33:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Some custom quests are just go-talk-to kinds of quests, they aren't supposed to give money rewards. Applying some generalized fix will cause us more problems.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T11:37:09+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Ok here is the example and why this is a general issue:\r\n\r\nQuest \"Forest troll scum\" in Karfang Hold sends you to kill War Master Voone. This is a lvl 60 dungeon boss quest that currently awards about 36 silver to a lvl 60 character instead of the 3-4 gold you would expect.\r\n\r\nAfter checking the db and the formula linked by cyaohiri the reason is clear: In the DB this quest has 2 different exp values shown. The first one on the right side \"RevXP\" is 6400 which is the intended exp reward for the quest. The second one, in the quest description says this quest awards 640 exp and 250 rep upon completion. This number is 1/10 of the actual intended value and I suspect the gold at 60 is calculated from this value as it roughly checks out with the x6 formula, giving 36 silver instead of 3,6 gold.\r\n\r\nYou can't expect me to go through roughly 200 custom quest and report each 1 by 1 when this is a general issue that seems to stem from a mismatch of values in DB. It affects go-talk-to kind of quests too, just on a lesser scale since they give less gold to begin with. (i.eg. 3 silver given instead of 30)","createdAt":"2022-11-15T15:52:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> In the DB this quest has 2 different exp values shown. The first one on the right side \"RevXP\" is 6400 which is the intended exp reward for the quest. The second one, in the quest description says this quest awards 640 exp and 250 rep upon completion. This number is 1/10 of the actual intended value.\r\n\r\nThat seems to be a common thing in the database. This applies to both custom and vanilla quests. Sometimes the value isn't exactly one tenth of the actual value, probably due to rounding. For example [The Missing Diplomat](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1244) gives 2450 XP, but under the quest description it says 250.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T19:07:17+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"![afbeelding](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1365563/202000730-cb6b161a-22c7-43c0-b97a-a19070c05a23.png)\r\n\r\nThe Missing Diplomat gives 2450 XP as stated in the DB. The left-hand side on the DB website showing XP is incorrect and will be fixed shortly. \r\n\r\nFurthermore, money on max level reward for quests is calculated from one data point only, RewMoneyMaxLevel. It's also in the DB on the right. If you compare the values of our level 60 custom quests to Blizz quests it looks like ours actually give out more than the average level 60 Blizz quests for the majority of the quests. The only quests that are NOT up to par are dungeon quests that are custom and some normal ones. We will look into this. Note that this data is in copper and thus 10 000 means 1 gold.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T19:48:08+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"DB now shows correct XP values.\r\n\r\nAnd money values at max level.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T20:07:59+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Thank you. As I said this report is mostly for the high level quest hubs (40+) and particularly when questing at lvl 60 for gold and these hubs indeed have many dungeon quests too so it checks out with your assessment.\r\n\r\nI don't recall this issue when questing as a lowbie in low level areas. (some level 10-20 turtle quests indeed give more exp and silver than others in the same bracket)","createdAt":"2022-11-15T20:19:32+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Is this fix live? I just tested after restart and the custom quests in blasted still give 30silver each. \r\nThey show reward on database now, but it's still calculated wrong. 10% of the intended value.","createdAt":"2022-11-23T03:07:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"The same applies to basically all custom loot and custom loot from custom dungeon.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:11:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, but this kind of report isn't something we can work with. A general overview of the custom quests in the DB does not indicate any major differences. If you spot a quest that you think gives too less gold compared to a quest of the same difficulty, please open a report about this specific quest or a set of quests!","createdAt":"2022-11-15T10:18:45+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"The formula for getting gold at max level is: `Money in copper = XP * 6`. You can use this to calculate if any of the quest money rewards are too low at level 60. Source: https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Experience_point#Money_Instead_of_XP_at_Max_Level\r\n\r\nCould you give examples of some quests you've done and how much gold you've gained?","createdAt":"2022-11-15T11:33:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Some custom quests are just go-talk-to kinds of quests, they aren't supposed to give money rewards. Applying some generalized fix will cause us more problems.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T11:37:09+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Ok here is the example and why this is a general issue:\r\n\r\nQuest \"Forest troll scum\" in Karfang Hold sends you to kill War Master Voone. This is a lvl 60 dungeon boss quest that currently awards about 36 silver to a lvl 60 character instead of the 3-4 gold you would expect.\r\n\r\nAfter checking the db and the formula linked by cyaohiri the reason is clear: In the DB this quest has 2 different exp values shown. The first one on the right side \"RevXP\" is 6400 which is the intended exp reward for the quest. The second one, in the quest description says this quest awards 640 exp and 250 rep upon completion. This number is 1/10 of the actual intended value and I suspect the gold at 60 is calculated from this value as it roughly checks out with the x6 formula, giving 36 silver instead of 3,6 gold.\r\n\r\nYou can't expect me to go through roughly 200 custom quest and report each 1 by 1 when this is a general issue that seems to stem from a mismatch of values in DB. It affects go-talk-to kind of quests too, just on a lesser scale since they give less gold to begin with. (i.eg. 3 silver given instead of 30)","createdAt":"2022-11-15T15:52:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> In the DB this quest has 2 different exp values shown. The first one on the right side \"RevXP\" is 6400 which is the intended exp reward for the quest. The second one, in the quest description says this quest awards 640 exp and 250 rep upon completion. This number is 1/10 of the actual intended value.\r\n\r\nThat seems to be a common thing in the database. This applies to both custom and vanilla quests. Sometimes the value isn't exactly one tenth of the actual value, probably due to rounding. For example [The Missing Diplomat](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1244) gives 2450 XP, but under the quest description it says 250.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T19:07:17+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"![afbeelding](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1365563/202000730-cb6b161a-22c7-43c0-b97a-a19070c05a23.png)\r\n\r\nThe Missing Diplomat gives 2450 XP as stated in the DB. The left-hand side on the DB website showing XP is incorrect and will be fixed shortly. \r\n\r\nFurthermore, money on max level reward for quests is calculated from one data point only, RewMoneyMaxLevel. It's also in the DB on the right. If you compare the values of our level 60 custom quests to Blizz quests it looks like ours actually give out more than the average level 60 Blizz quests for the majority of the quests. The only quests that are NOT up to par are dungeon quests that are custom and some normal ones. We will look into this. Note that this data is in copper and thus 10 000 means 1 gold.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T19:48:08+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"DB now shows correct XP values.\r\n\r\nAnd money values at max level.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T20:07:59+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Thank you. As I said this report is mostly for the high level quest hubs (40+) and particularly when questing at lvl 60 for gold and these hubs indeed have many dungeon quests too so it checks out with your assessment.\r\n\r\nI don't recall this issue when questing as a lowbie in low level areas. (some level 10-20 turtle quests indeed give more exp and silver than others in the same bracket)","createdAt":"2022-11-15T20:19:32+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Is this fix live? I just tested after restart and the custom quests in blasted still give 30silver each. \r\nThey show reward on database now, but it's still calculated wrong. 10% of the intended value.","createdAt":"2022-11-23T03:07:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"First of all, since you still haven't given the name of a quest you've done, I'll use [The Garrison Armory Disaster](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40428) as an example. It's a level 48 quest that gives 4,850 experience. Converted to gold, that would be 4,850 * 6 = 29100 copper or 2.91 gold, whereas the calculated money reward at level 60 is 29.1 silver; 10% the amount.\r\nI suspect the reason for this is that the experience penalty for being a higher level doesn't take into account that here, you receive full quest experience until more than 25 levels above the quest level, thus applying the penalty of around 90% to the experience reward as is done in vanilla, which results in quests such as [The Basilisk's Bite](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=2601/the-basilisks-bite), a level 50 quest, giving only 470 experience instead of 4,700, and thus rewarding 28.2 silver instead of 2.82 gold (see the level slider on Wowhead).\r\n\r\nAs as example of a vanilla quest that doesn't have the penalty, see [Target: Gahrron's Withering](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=5225/target-gahrrons-withering). As it's a level 58 quest, at level 60 there's no experience penalty, resulting in the full amount of experience (6,200) converted to money (6,200 * 6 = 37200 copper or 3.72 gold).","createdAt":"2022-11-23T10:54:58+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"It has nothing to do with applying a penalty because it affects same level quests too. Simply the math is off by a digit.\r\nI did give an example above, I named one of the Kargath quests which is a lvl 60 dungeon quest you can take at lvl 48. \r\n (i have also just done the Depths of Karazhan II, which is lvl 60 quest you can take at lvl 60, this was done after update, and awards about 37silver)\r\n I don't understand how the DB can say something awards 6250 xp, and then calculate it awards 37 silver. 6x 6.2k is not 3700 RewMoneyMaxLvl as the DB says to calculate from. Where did one zero go? This is like basic math failed by some algorithm.\r\n https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40305\r\n \r\n And yes this affects nearly every custom quest above lvl 35 (probably all but I cannot prove that there are no exceptions). Could affect some mid level quests too but I did those while lvling so max level reward wasn't a concern.\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-23T17:31:23+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"UPDATE: This issue seems to affect non-custom quests too, particularly lvl 60 raid quests.\r\nI wasn't aware that these quests are supposed to give decent gold, but after some research I found that majority of the lvl 60 raid quests I completed so far award only 10% of the intended gold reward.\r\nExample: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=8710/kris-of-unspoken-names This quest awards 3.9gold on classic, and only 39 silver here. \r\nExample2: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=8519/a-pawn-on-the-eternal-board the entire quest chain awards only 10% of the intended money reward here\r\n\r\nIf I add up how much gold I had already been ripped off, it's easily 200~gold at this point...","createdAt":"2022-11-23T23:50:35+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Can this be reopened? There are no improvements on quest reward values.","createdAt":"2022-12-04T15:04:35+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-10T06:50:11+0100","number":2439,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Custom quests give too low gold reward at 60","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, this seems to be a general issue with turtle-wow custom quest lines, while other lvl 40+ quests award 1-2gold upon completing at max level and 50+ are usually between 2-3 gold, the quests added by server in these higher level ranges mostly award just 30-40silver instead. (Note: This is not merely the quest's own monetary reward, but also the compensation you get for not earning exp anymore. I suspect the latter portion is scaling wrong.)\r\nWhile these are custom quests, I'm certain the developers intended them to be just as rewarding to complete as any other quest so this must be a bug.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nComplete any high level custom quests as a lvl 60, such as those at Karfang Hold, or the Sandfury troll ones in Tanaris. Then compare the gold reward to other quests in the same level bracket, and same quality (i.eg. dungeon, elite, etc)\r\nThey will all give a fraction of the gold that original vanilla quests award.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nIt's really too many quests to link. It is a general issue.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI'd wager quests added by turtle-wow should have largely similar money rewards when completed at lvl 60 as those originally in the game.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-04T15:04:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-15T10:18:45+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Frostwolf103"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"The dmg on hit from the cloak doesn't scale ","createdAt":"2022-11-09T23:51:55+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Frostwolf103"},"body":"That's unfortunate.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T23:55:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Agreed. Would be cool ","createdAt":"2022-11-10T00:42:25+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T23:24:13+0100","number":2438,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Thunder Lizard's Hide not stacking?","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have Thunder Lizard's Hide backside gear\r\n2. Get random two Fang set pieces to get benefit of Increase damage done by nature and effects up to 14\r\n3. Lightning Damage and Nature Damage effects doesn't stack up?\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n[https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=81308]\r\n[https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10412]\r\n[https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10413]\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI have impression that Lightning damage is considered as Nature Damage however I don't know if this is working as intended that Nature and Lightning are separate types of damage or this could work in theory, but nothing seems to be stacking up as the lightning damage remains to be at 3 instead of 17.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:45:37+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:45:37+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"This is not a bug. The crystal was supposed to summon [Kheyna Spinpistol](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=81041) not Chromie.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T22:58:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"Except it still summons Chromie so not fixed even from that point.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T23:04:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The crystal will summon a different NPC depending on the quest you're on. \"Return to Kheyna\" will trigger Chromie spawn, it's part of the story: Chromie will appear instead of Kneyna to explain to you your wrong-doings.\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-10T01:05:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"Still not explained why she isn't selling the Chronoboon anymore tho ifi ts Chromie still.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T02:05:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's a different instance of this creature. We don't want that players can hand in quests unrelated to this specific story. This crystal isn't supposed to summon her at all if you're no longer on the quest, this' is gonna be fixed as well soon.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T02:08:08+0100"},{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"So Horde players gonna have it more annoying yet again for Chronoboons then.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T02:10:54+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"There's a Chromie inside the COT Hub, we could make her trade boons.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T02:12:16+0100"},{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"Could be good idea and good reason to do Black Morass once it get fixed","createdAt":"2022-11-10T02:13:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T22:56:32+0100","number":2437,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chromie in Tanaris not selling Chronoboons anymore / talking","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nChromie after doing a quest line would let you buy Chronoboons at Tanaris instead of WPL.\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10667\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShe should be selling Chronoboons in Tanaris. This glitch makes playing Horde even crappier than it already is.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T02:13:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T22:58:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"BovenDien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"This does indeed seem to be the case for Rockbiter Weapon Rank 1, but you'll be pleased to hear that every other rank of Rockbiter Weapon seems to be functioning and stacking with Blood Fury properly. This will likely be low priority since rank 2 can be learned as early as level 8, but we can eventually get around to looking into Rockbiter Weapon Rank 1's difference from the other ranks.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:26:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3809","createdAt":"2023-06-28T17:16:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Tracking under https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3994","createdAt":"2023-12-04T15:38:33+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T20:27:49+0100","number":2436,"labels":"Shaman, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spells: Blood Fury and Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1) do not stack","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nUsing Blood Fury while no weapon is equipped or while having a weapon equipped (without it being imbued with Rockbiter Weapon) shows an increased Attack Power while if a weapon is imbued with Rockbiter Weapon it seems Blood Fury does not add any Attack Power.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip a weapon and use Rockbiter Weapon, check how much Attack Power it shows\r\n2. Use Blood Fury, it does not add any Attack Power\r\n3. Unequip the weapon, then it does show Attack Power is added due to Blood Fury\r\n4. Equip the weapon again that is imbued with Rockbiter Weapon, it shows the same as before\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20572\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8017\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI believe Blood Fury should always increase Attack Power, even if the weapon is imbued with Rockbiter Weapon.\r\n\r\n![NoWeap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97112576/200921751-09147420-0038-4e42-9953-1a3d04f92846.png)\r\n![BF+NoWeap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97112576/200921817-33b1524b-9004-46ef-9ddb-510f98e96669.png)\r\n![RockbiterAP](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97112576/200921843-7d259f03-4c36-4c36-8677-9c0a9a2f963b.png)\r\n![RB+Weap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97112576/200921867-968d6806-91a2-4355-a6cf-8c6233936959.png)\r\n![BF+RB+Weap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/97112576/200921897-428baa5e-138c-4fdd-9e14-9ecd3d11ec6e.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-04T15:53:19+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-12-04T15:38:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"pablodsn91"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"pablodsn91"},"body":"Expected behavior. Describe how it should work: If I have 30 total stamina (without any items or buffs) and it increases by 15% I should have an aditional 4-5 stamina.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T20:34:22+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T20:13:46+0100","number":2435,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Demonic Embrace talent not working. ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI'm at lv 12 with my warlock (hardcore and Turtle challenges). I already spent 3 talents in \"Demonic Embrace\" (Demoniology, 1st Row) but I see no stat changes in spirit or stamina. I found that the talent is just using aditional stamina, not counting base stats.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spend talent points on Demonic Embrace. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18697\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:47:53+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:47:53+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AKryukov92"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"You should not skip the purple marks, it's working as intended :)","createdAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T19:10:06+0100","number":2434,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Quit\" Fail Race agains time ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSometimes you fail race event with message like \"You quit the race\" while you are on a track.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Start a race\r\n2. Get bad luck\r\n3. Fail race\r\nSeriously, I can't reproduce it 100%. It happen from time to time.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50316\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPlayer should fail race if he is too far from track or cheating and cut corners of the track.","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:26:02+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AKryukov92"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T18:58:44+0100","number":2433,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Heart candy has no use","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHeart candy can't be sold to vendor and can't be used in any other way.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. get https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51009\r\n2. Open it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: box https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51009\r\ncandy 1 https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21817\r\ncandy 2 https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21820\r\ncandy 3 https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21821\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50316\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI expect to eat the candy or sell it to vendor.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:29:53+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:29:53+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AKryukov92"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T18:16:51+0100","number":2432,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shimmering race car does not disappear when you join warsong gulch","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nJoining bg does not dismount player from race car and keep its speed.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Start shimmering race event\r\n2. Join bg while you are on a race car\r\n3. PROFIT\r\n![WoWScrnShot_110922_231058](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24266616/200896505-06264c8b-7126-4454-883b-93f58a65ee57.jpg)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50316\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIf you join battleground during shimmering race event, you should be dismounted and character speed should return to normal.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T03:22:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T03:22:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"borg101"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"That is sadly intended behavior but I hope it eventually gets changed to the TBC version which makes much more sense.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T06:44:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Intended as it is a default behavior. It's possible that we might change it in the future, but right now it's not considered.","createdAt":"2022-11-11T19:30:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"To clarify what OP said, combo points are being lost when dropping the target, not just when changing it. I can't reproduce this though.","createdAt":"2022-11-11T19:50:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T11:09:57+0100","number":2431,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Combo points disappearing when clicking off target","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs a feral druid, using any ability that puts combo points on a target, losing target by any means...even pressing escape...removes all combo points from target.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use any ability to put combo points on target\r\n2. Unacquire target by any means, tab target (not hitting another target), clicking on \"white space\", pressing escape, etc \r\n3. Reacquiring target shows all combo points are gone.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nAll targetes\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nClicking off target should not remove combo points. If pressing escape, then clicking on the target again, all previous combo points should still be present.","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T19:50:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-11T19:30:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, but this report lacks proof or a reason for this suggestion. It's even less in the Classic DB. ","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:13:22+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"The classic DB shows pre phase 5 (dungeon revamp patch) values. I am trying to find a phase 5 database but cant find one atm. I will come back to this when i get news.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T20:15:59+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-09T00:31:35+0100","number":2430,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Blade of Eternal Darkness has a false droprate for phase 5","body":"The Blade of Eternal Darkness has a too low drop rate for phase 5 vanilla.\r\n\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17780\r\n\r\n\r\nThe item should have a 2 % drop rate instead of the current 1 %.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-11T02:34:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:13:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"raknaar"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T23:46:55+0100","number":2429,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Captain Barlgruf in Badlands drops green hills of stranglethorn pages","body":"Badlands mob drops Stranglethorn pages\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91766\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:39:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:39:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T22:06:21+0100","number":2428,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: A Bloody Good Deed","body":"[A Bloody Good Deed](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80396) gives reputation with Theramore, which doesn't seem right as it's a horde-only quest.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:15:41+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:15:41+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client-related, fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:35+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:37:00+0100","number":2427,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Strumner Flintheel","body":"[Strumner Flintheel](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5508) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:35+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client-related, fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:30:12+0100","number":2426,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Valiant","body":"[Valiant](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80954) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:26+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:48:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:29:30+0100","number":2425,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: A Pandaren Brewmaster","body":"[A Pandaren Brewmaster](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40684) is listed under \"Stormwind City\", instead of under \"The Barrens\".\r\nA similar issue is probably present with [The Return of Stormstout](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40685), though I have not tested this.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:17:03+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:17:03+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:24:57+0100","number":2424,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Fishface Joe","body":"[Fishface Joe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60447) is classified as a Fisheman, but doesn't teach fishing.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:35:16+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:35:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"That's Er in his cockroach form!","createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:25:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:22:24+0100","number":2423,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Cockroach","body":"[Cockroach](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7395) is categorized as humanoid and has a strange loot table.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:21:16+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:21:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:19:53+0100","number":2422,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Signed Letter","body":"[Signed Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175704) can be interacted with before [Dorius Stonetender](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8284) is shot dead.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T02:24:24+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T02:24:24+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:18:21+0100","number":2421,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Dorius Stonetender","body":"[Dorius Stonetender](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8284) uses his voice when being clicked on, even after being shot at the end of the escort quest [Suntara Stones](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3367), as he doesn't actually die (still at full life).","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T02:58:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T02:58:15+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"The 12 second duration for Blood Frenzy's attack speed matches what is indicated in the talent tooltip. Working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:07:37+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:08:57+0100","number":2420,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Blood Frenzy","body":"[Blood Frenzy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16954) lasts for 12 seconds when using [Enrage](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5229), instead of matching Enrage's 10 second duration.","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T16:07:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T16:07:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"Confirmed, enrage is currently generating double the instantaneous rage that it should per point of blood frenzy. This is likely an interaction caused by the trigger effect conditions on blood frenzy in order to trigger effect_2, and could be fixed by either halving the base points on 17080 & 17081 or re-working the trigger function to build the energize effect directly into the spell.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:03:24+0100"},{"author":{"login":"0Moon01"},"body":"I believe this is an error with the way the script to trigger the extra rage is called. ","createdAt":"2023-10-20T12:25:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T21:05:38+0100","number":2419,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Spell: Enrage","body":"[Enrage](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5229), when improved with 2/2 [Blood Frenzy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16952), generates 20 rage instead of 10.","updatedAt":"2023-10-20T12:25:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"My testing shows Tiger's Fury lasting only 12 seconds with 2/2 Blood Frenzy. Cannot reproduce.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:05:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Could you check it again? When using Tiger's Fury, the buff would start at 12 seconds, which means it lasts for 13 seconds. It would expire a second after Blood Frenzy expired. Blood Frenzy buff starts at 11 seconds, as it should, as it lasts for 12 seconds.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:18:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"I see, Brutal Impact is currently also increasing the duration of tiger's fury.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:34:43+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"This issue is no longer relevant to current version.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-10-19T23:46:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:58:58+0100","number":2418,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Tiger's Fury's duration is being increased by Brutal Impact","body":"[Tiger's Fury](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5217), when improved with 2/2 [Blood Frenzy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16952), lasts for 13 seconds instead of 12, thus lasting a second longer than Blood Frenzy.","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T23:46:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T23:46:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"`rolls a dice` is a correct phrasing. ","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:23:04+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Plural of \"die\" is \"dice\", at least to my understanding.","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:27:11+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm actually not sure now. Then it gotta be \"rolls dice\" without an article 🤔 ","createdAt":"2022-11-10T03:34:53+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Yeah, if they're actually rolling multiple dice, but I always imagine it to be a single 100-sided die.","createdAt":"2022-11-10T10:49:12+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:47:14+0100","number":2417,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Gold-Tooth Gary","body":"When [Gold-Tooth Gary](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60450) rolls a die, it says \"rolls a dice\" instead of \"rolls a die\".\r\nIt's probably also the case with other gambling NPCs.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T10:49:12+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:23:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:41:17+0100","number":2416,"labels":"Quest, Object","state":"OPEN","title":"Object: Lyvdia Dawnbird","body":"[Lyvdia Dawnbird](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010871) looks interactive regardless of the quest state.","updatedAt":"2023-11-18T14:50:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:39:44+0100","number":2415,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Rabid Longtooth","body":"[Rabid Longtooth](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5288) have 1 nature resistance, which doesn't seem right as no other mobs in the area (including other wolves) have any resistances, and 1 is way too low for their level (~47).","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:24:51+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:24:51+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:37:54+0100","number":2414,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Lurking Feral Scar","body":"[Lurking Feral Scar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7848) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:38:37+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:38:37+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:37:04+0100","number":2413,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Lar'korwi Mate","body":"[Lar'korwi Mate](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9683) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:44:01+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:44:01+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:35:48+0100","number":2412,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Lar'korwi","body":"[Lar'korwi](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9684) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:45:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:45:35+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We don't mind 👍 ","createdAt":"2022-11-09T15:45:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:34:50+0100","number":2411,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Black Slayer","body":"[Black Slayer](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5982) can be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-09T15:45:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-09T15:45:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:33:47+0100","number":2410,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Deatheye","body":"[Deatheye](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8302) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:42:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:42:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T20:32:59+0100","number":2409,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Deathmaw","body":"[Deathmaw](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10077) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:45:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:45:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Maykaien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Maykaien"},"body":"![123](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/117762535/200631578-4541f0d7-3d9d-483b-ac6d-aa326bdbf1b3.png)\r\n\r\nLogout and cleaning WDB does not fix","createdAt":"2022-11-08T18:17:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Something is wrong with your client or addons that you're using. Please download a fresh client fro our website to ensure that you have all the custom MPQ required for a comfortable play!\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/200973037-63c6372e-76b4-4b20-bd0a-15069cbb3992.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-10T01:47:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-08T18:10:23+0100","number":2408,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rogue's talents shows the wrong value","body":"Inspecting the Rogue's talents shows the wrong value\r\n![Безымянный](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/117762535/200629978-b3230621-f4e7-4514-b329-3ce2e7b481cc.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T01:47:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T01:47:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Otari98"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It doesn't put you in combat automatically in classic either. I don't think this is a bug.","createdAt":"2022-11-07T23:54:44+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-07T23:20:34+0100","number":2407,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Charge","body":"Warriors charge doesnt work properly, it doesnt put you in combat when you use it, only when you reach the target and hit it or target hits you, so **YOU LOSE RAGE WHILE CHARGING** because you are technically **out of combat**.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce:**\r\n\r\n1. Charge\r\n2. Watch your rage\r\n3. Cry Q _ Q\r\n\r\nSpell: https://classicdb.ch/?spell=11578\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior:**\r\nCharge should put you in combat when you hit the button, so you get 15 or whatever rage as it says in tooltip, not sometimes 13, sometimes 15. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.","updatedAt":"2022-11-08T00:39:45+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-08T00:39:45+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"This can indeed happen, but evading the boss on the central stone is not intended behavior as well. Pulling him once more and intentionally dying should cause the gate to open once again. If this is no longer the case then we can re-open the ticket to address both the gate closure conditions and the evade spot.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T14:56:35+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-07T21:29:39+0100","number":2406,"labels":"NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"NPC: Ossirian the Unscarred","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15339\r\n\r\nIt is possible to brick the raid save by having somebody stand on the top of one of the rocks near the central area, which will force the boss to get stuck trying to reach the player and eventually reset the encounter, going back to his spawn point.\r\nThis isn't a proper reset though and the instance's entrance gate will remain closed, with no apparent way to fix it as not even having everybody zone out and in works.","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T14:56:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"TamirBaydasov"},"body":"Encountered the same problem as a rogue.","createdAt":"2023-12-23T15:06:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-07T18:13:38+0100","number":2405,"labels":"Quest","state":"OPEN","title":"Quest Field Duty (horde)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi there, this quest should be soloable with some effort, but due to a number of bugs on this server, currently only a strong healing class can do this quest, others require aid.\r\nList of problems:\r\n- Hive'Regal Hunter-Killer has too much health (366k here vs 320k back in vanilla) so the fight takes longer\r\n- Healing NPC does not do its job (as of patch 1.11. both alliance and horde side healing NPC should be healing the Captain responsible for quest completion). What the healer NPC seems to do here is just heal random nearby targets that are usually some weak troops while the main NPCs are dying.\r\n- Hive'regal hunter-killer is immune to all form of crowd control. This is not intended. The enemy should be fearable, stunnable, etc. allowing DPS players to assist the NPCs that way.\r\n- Helper NPCs have ridiculously long respawn: if you happen to fail the quest by the captain dying, you will have to wait like an hour for the other 2 guys to respawn and there is no point retrying without those as you have 0 chance to succeed. The captain himself properly respawns in just a few minutes.\r\n- Hive'regal hunter-killer disappears when the captain dies: This is also not intended. In reality, the npcs should keep fighting and eventually kill it, regardless of you or the captain having died. This would allow you to complete quest upon the captain's respawn if you release and rezz up (you should get credit as long as the captain is present when the mob is killed regardless of his prior death) \r\nThis is not supposed to be a difficult quest that you must group up for.\r\n\r\nNote: The alliance version of this quest might have the same problems though I have not tested. Alliance NPC for reference is called Hive'Zora Abomination.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nBe a pure DPS class (lock rogue mage hunter warrior). \r\nPick up quest Field Duty and speak to the horde camp captain (I haven't tested alliance). \r\nThen the Elite Hive'regal wasp will spawn and you will see how quickly he takes out the army of NPCs despite your best efforts to help DPS or throw in bandages (everything else is futile since the mob is immune to every snare)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8731\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15620\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15612\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15615\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15613\r\n\r\nAlliance version: \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8507\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15449\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15440\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15443\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15444\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n- Hive'regal Hunter-killer should have lower health\r\n- Hive'regal Hunter-killer should not be immune to any form of crowd control\r\n- NPC Merok Longstride should heal Krug Skullsplit, Shadow Priestess Shai, and himself as primary targets above the troops around\r\n- NPCs Merok Longstride and Shadow Priestess Shai should have the same 2-3 minutes respawn as Krug Skullsplit\r\n- Hive'Regal hunter-killer should not despawn upon Krug Skullsplit's death. The army of NPCs should finish killing him and if Krug respawns before he dies, the quest should still award credit to the player.\r\n- Quest should be soloable by any class/spec.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-23T15:06:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"8EightySixed6"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"See #2402.","createdAt":"2022-11-07T10:07:22+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report such issues via in-game ticket, GMs can fix them right away.","createdAt":"2022-11-07T11:36:01+0100"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"This node has been moved to an interactable area outside of the rock formation","createdAt":"2022-11-08T02:01:59+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-07T05:27:39+0100","number":2404,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Durotar Mining Node","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nUnable to mine a mining node in Durotar. Shows on the minimap but unable to see/mine.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n 1. Goto Durotar coordinates 47 20\r\n2. There is a rock formation that is supposed to have this mining node. \r\n![Screenshot 2022-11-06 232549](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115322320/200226527-a5459d37-c23a-4c0a-90d4-a781ba8e7416.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-08T02:01:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T11:36:01+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-06T10:39:45+0100","number":2403,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Plans: Rune-Etched Breastplate] not consumed on use","body":"[Plans: Rune-Etched Breastplate] item is not being consumed when used, but is teaching the ability to craft it.\r\n\r\n(Unconfirmed, this was reported to me as a bug)\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83503\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T13:20:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T13:20:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"8EightySixed6"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report such issues via in-game ticket, GMs can fix them right away.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T12:15:42+0100"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"This mining node has been moved to an interactable area on the torchlit path","createdAt":"2022-11-08T02:05:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-06T04:57:09+0100","number":2402,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Durotar - Missing Mining Node","body":" **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is: Mining node shows on minimap but doesn't exist. This is in Durotar.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Goto coordinates 59 61\r\n2. Mining node shows on map for copper but doesn't exist\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-08T02:05:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T12:15:42+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Jan125"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T22:44:13+0100","number":2401,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tirisclaw Ambusher in Tirisfal Uplands drops Pyrewood Shackle","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTirisclaw Ambusher in Tirisfal Uplands drops Pyrewood Shackle.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Have the quest Arugal's Folly (Bring 6 Pyrewood Shackles to Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher.) active.\r\n2. Kill a Tirisclaw Ambusher.\r\n3. Loot it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91760\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3218\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=99\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThey're pretty far away from Pyrewood. Should not drop?\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T23:31:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T23:31:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Phoenix8204"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Please drop the quest and take it again. You won't lose the quest items and it will fix the issue.\r\nPlease don't post private information such as account name.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T19:29:38+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T19:09:19+0100","number":2400,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lotherias Moonglow vest cannot complete","body":"I cannot seem to hand in the quest for moonglow vest at Lotherias.\r\n\r\nAll items were were crafted.\r\nDouble checked if armor kits were applied - No.\r\nChecked if it was soul bound - No.\r\nQuest log shows completed (green tick).\r\nContinue button Greyed out at NPC.\r\n\r\nTried clearing WDB Folder as advised, no change.\r\n\r\nPlease assist:\r\n\r\nThank you","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T19:29:51+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T19:29:38+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Ghilian1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Hello! This is a GM issue, please submit a ticket in-game :)","createdAt":"2022-11-05T15:25:38+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T14:17:35+0100","number":2399,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Didnt get Warchiefs Blessing","body":"I didnt get the Warchiefs Blessing even though I handed in the quest \"For The Horde\"\r\n\r\n\r\nPlayer Name: Ghilian\r\nFaction: Horde\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4949\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4974\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16609\r\n\r\n\r\nPlease give me the Buff, because I need it in my next Molten Core Raid.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T15:25:38+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T15:25:38+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"thisiskt"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"Fresh tamed pets always have 0 training points, the actual formula is **(level)*(loyalty-1)**. Since you start with loyalty level 1 you get zero points at the start. If you ever were able to train your pet skills other than growl while having 0 training points it was simply bugged.\r\nhttps://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/training.php","createdAt":"2022-11-07T02:24:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T13:47:41+0100","number":2398,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Freshly tamed pets can't learn any skills because the lack of skillpoints","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFreshly tamed hunter pets don't have any points to spend on already learned skills.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nGo to Arathi Highlands/Alterac/hillsbrad, tame a snapjaw or a mountain lion or a plains creeper.\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nA snapjaw or a mountain lion or a plains creeper.\r\nNPC: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=2563/plains-creeper\r\nSpell: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=5149/beast-training\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI used to be able to teach tamed pets anything, regardless of loyalty levels or skillpoints. I don't know about any change about this, neither did my guild.\r\nI was advised to relog after deleting WDB, didn't help. I currently have the plains creeper in my stables, still isn't able to learn anything other than Growl which is 0 points.\r\nEdit: My character is a HC dude, named Enginuity.","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T21:26:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:26:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kharkov72"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"The pedastal will be temporary removed for bug fixing other issues.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T07:46:16+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T06:43:24+0100","number":2397,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Pedistal in front of Uldum is spawned in the ground","body":"![Untitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25846834/200104292-a3d012ea-008f-49b3-8293-30c461036a80.png)\r\n\r\nYou are meant to interact with this for the quest\r\nSeeing What Happens (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2946)\r\nfrom which you get The Stone Watcher (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2954)\r\n\r\nBut it's spawned in the floor.\r\nGM showed up and spawned it above ground and it worked as usual, so the quest functions other than it being spawned incorrectly.","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T07:46:17+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T07:46:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-05T05:07:35+0100","number":2396,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Decoy Dragonling Remote ignores PVP flags","body":"Decoy Dragonling Remote: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60539\r\n\r\nSpawned pet attacks indiscriminately regardless of PVP flags, ignores setting off PVP flags.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/200100061-34f4ce1c-7b6c-4327-99cd-392cdbaf4388.png)\r\n\r\nNote self is not flagged, enemy is also not flagged.\r\n\r\n--------------------------\r\n\r\n**_As a point of comparison, these items work properly as expected and respect PVP flags_**\r\n- Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17067\r\n- Barov Peasant Caller, Alliance: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=14023\r\n- Barov Peasant Caller, Horde: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=14022","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T17:43:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T17:43:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"refaim"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Server side filtering blocks some of the swap commands this addon sends in a short amount of time. As said in the other issues you could increase the delay so the server allows this. This will not be modified.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T17:58:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"refaim"},"body":"Increasing [this delay](https://github.com/shirsig/SortBags-vanilla/blob/master/SortBags.lua#L139) from 0.2s to 1.2s seems to work.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T06:46:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"refaim"},"body":"https://github.com/refaim/SortBags-turtle fixed version.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T11:02:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm glad it's sorted, thank you :)","createdAt":"2022-11-05T12:07:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-04T12:12:24+0100","number":2395,"labels":"Won't Fix","state":"CLOSED","title":"Items in bags stuck in unusable state after automatic sorting","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nSome items in bags stuck in unusable \"greyed out\" state after sorting bags with SortBags addon. I can't interact with such items until logout/login. Interface reloading does not help. Sometimes I get disconnected from server after logging out.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Install https://github.com/shirsig/SortBags-vanilla\r\n2. Add 20-30 items to random bag slots\r\n3. Execute \"/run SortBags()\" command\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNot applicable.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nItems in bags stay in usable/interactable state after automatic sorting with SortBags addon.\r\n\r\nAlso please see https://github.com/shagu/pfUI/issues/272, https://github.com/shirsig/Cleanup/issues/1 and https://github.com/LightsHope/issues/issues/150.","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T12:07:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T17:58:15+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"luminieraa"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is not a bug. Previously all auras were wrongly allowed to proc from procs. We finally implemented a check for the spell attribute which controls this. Only a few auras like Vengeance have it. Seals do not have it.\r\n\r\nHere is a link from Wowhead, since the Turtle db does not list attributes.\r\nWisdom - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=20355/judgement-of-wisdom\r\nVengeance - https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=20059/vengeance\r\n\r\nYou can see the judgement does not have this attribute, but the Vengeance talent does.\r\n\r\nHere is a full list of spells which are allowed to proc from procs:\r\n```\r\nAftermath\r\nAscendance\r\nBlackout\r\nCounterattack\r\nDivine Favor\r\nElemental Focus\r\nElemental Strength\r\nEngulfing Shadows\r\nGrounding Totem Effect\r\nHealing Way\r\nIllumination\r\nJom Gabbar\r\nLifebinding\r\nMagic Absorption\r\nParry\r\nPersistent Shield\r\nSetup\r\nShadow Weaving\r\nSpell Blasting\r\nStormstrike\r\nSun's Embrace\r\nThe Eye of the Dead\r\nUnstable Power\r\nVampiric Embrace\r\nVengeance\r\nViscidus Frost Weakness\r\n```","createdAt":"2022-11-04T16:57:59+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-04T11:26:27+0100","number":2394,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Seal of Righteousness proc bug and Judgement of the wisdom/light proc cap.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/78947022/199948050-f28e84e4-ba2e-4e9b-9cd1-a6d377539321.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/78947022/199948812-48eb134d-e071-4647-9fb0-702a522ade75.png)\r\nhttps://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810850211571171328/1038028721388523570/image.png\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nas in my case, tested with blazefury medallion, which gives 2 fire hit per strike.\r\n1.equip blazefury medallion\r\n2.press seal of wisdom\r\n3. put judgement of the wisdom in the target, in this case was tested by dummy.\r\n4. put on seal of righteousness\r\n5. hit the dummy with a normal attack.\r\n6. you can see that your normal attack is lacking 1 more hit, in this case the fire damage from the blazefury.\r\n7. if you proc the judgement of the wisdom, you are currently capped in 1 proc.\r\n[Items]\r\n](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17111)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22194\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20355\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=25757\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=25713\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n1.equip blazefury medallion\r\n2.press seal of wisdom\r\n3. put judgement of the wisdom in the target, in this case was tested by dummy.\r\n4. put on seal of righteousness\r\n5. hit the dummy with a normal attack.\r\n6. with blazefury medallion, you should be hitting 4 times in 1 normal auto attack, 1 from normal attack,1 from Seal of righteousness,2 hits of fire damage from blazefury medallion(proc by Seal of righteousness)\r\n7. after hitting with 4 hits in 1 normal auto attack, you should be proccing Judgement of the wisdom and its not capped to 1 proc(minimum of 0 to maximum 4 proc)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T16:58:03+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T16:58:03+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"body":"No idea how to replicate it yet, but it just happens.","createdAt":"2022-11-03T22:04:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"How do you know it does not work? ","createdAt":"2022-11-04T00:43:46+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-03T21:20:15+0100","number":2393,"labels":"Further informations required, Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Starfire seem not to sometimes apply.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSometimes Starfire with the talent doesn't get 0.5s cast time reduction.\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=25298\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nImproved Starfire should always remove 0.5 sec cast time from Starfire. It seems RNG whenever it works or not.","updatedAt":"2023-01-08T04:37:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-08T04:37:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1843","createdAt":"2022-11-03T11:57:55+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-11-03T05:41:41+0100","number":2392,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved shadow form got unlearn everytime respec/use brain wash device","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nafter using the Brainwash device from donation shop to switch between talent builds. Priest lost improved shadow form. and it is required to go to a class trainer in major city to buy(19+ silver) the spell over and over again. this should align with the other class's passive spells. this behavior is unusual\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. buy improved shadow form while in shadow spec\r\n2. respec or use brain wash device to switch to shadow pvp or healing spec\r\n3. need to go back to class trainer in city to relearn improved shadow form\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-03T11:57:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-03T11:57:55+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jlucas"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-11-03T03:20:31+0100","number":2391,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"A Crystal Clear Task\" English quest text mistake","body":"In the quest \"A Crystal Clear Task\" (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80252) the text reads...\r\n\r\n> You might be aware that our building use arcane magic to operate.\r\n\r\nEither \"building\" should be pluralized...\r\n\r\n_You might be aware that our buildings use arcane magic to operate._\r\n\r\n...or, if the intention is to refer to the singular building, then the worse \"use\" should be changed to \"uses\"...\r\n\r\n_You might be aware that our building uses arcane magic to operate._\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-03T20:42:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-03T20:42:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"See #2172; this seems related and intentional.","createdAt":"2022-10-31T17:15:59+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"So is that Treasure Seeker's Torch visible when sheathed?","createdAt":"2022-10-31T23:06:35+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"I know that Graysons Torch was visible when sheathed on classic wow (re-release of original vanilla).","createdAt":"2022-11-01T02:47:21+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> So is that Treasure Seeker's Torch visible when sheathed?\r\n\r\nIt's not.","createdAt":"2022-11-01T14:59:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The transmogged item inherits the sheath of the base item. Sadly, right now this cannot be changed.","createdAt":"2022-11-01T18:25:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-31T15:52:31+0100","number":2390,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grayson's Torch sheathed is not visible if transmoged","body":"If you equip Grayson's Torch normaly you see it sheathed on the right hip of your character.\r\n\r\nIf you equip another offhand and trasmogrify it to look like Grayson's Torch it only appears when you unsheath it.\r\n\r\n\r\n1. equip Grayson's Torch and notice you see it sheathed\r\n2. transmog it to another offhand\r\n3. notice that the transmoged offhand is not visible in the sheathed state like the original Grayson's Torch\r\n\r\nWhen you transmog Grayson's Torch to an offhand it should be visible in a sheathed state.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T18:25:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T18:25:56+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed in next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T20:38:38+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-31T13:37:37+0100","number":2389,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Items sharing visual ID but not sharing the same weapon slot are not added to the transmogrification NPC","body":"I am not sure if this issue is only existent for this specific case but, when you either equip torch of austen (wand) or smoldering brand (mace), its gets added to the transmogrification NPC, the second one will not be added even though its a different weapon type. They both share the same visual ID which is why this is happening.\r\n\r\n1. equip smoldering brand or torch of austen\r\n2. notice it getting added to the transmog system\r\n3. equip the other item and notice that this one will not get added to the transmog system even though its a different weapon type\r\n\r\nItems: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=70047, https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13004\r\n\r\nIt should be possible to be able to transmog both items at the same time since they dont share the same weapon slot.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T20:38:39+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T20:38:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Steevo2"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-31T03:19:44+0100","number":2388,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest reward missing \"The Tome of Arcane Intricacies and Magical Phenomenon IX\"","body":"This quest is supposed to have a ring reward, but instead rewards 40s\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40425","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T20:29:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T20:29:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Talumaki"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Not enough information in this report, I'm sorry. We have no way to see what could cause it for one single character unless you had a Deserter's buff on you.\r\n\r\nThis is a GM issue, not a general server bug. Contact us via-ticket in the game from the bugged character, we'll see what could cause it.","createdAt":"2022-11-01T20:55:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-31T00:59:53+0100","number":2387,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Queue for BG bugged","body":"HI Torta,\r\n\r\nI've been in queue for BG during almost all day on sunday, yet none have popped for me.\r\nIt's surely a bug cause it tagged normally and I'm in queue, yet, no popping.\r\n\r\nSo I've looked for WDB folder to delete it, but I can't find it anywhere.\r\nThe only folders I have is DATA, INTERFACE and WTH.\r\nI've thought it's may be my mistake and I did something wrong.\r\n\r\nSo i've deleted the game an reinstalled Twow once more to get a cleared and original version of the game.\r\nAfter done that it's still the same : I don't have a WTB folder and BG still don't pop for me.\r\n\r\nCan you help me please ?\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T20:55:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T20:55:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gala320"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T23:40:27+0200","number":2386,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Naxxramas] Loatheb's Corrupted Mind refreshes every time when Judgement of Light heals you up.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nRight after engaging Loatheb, Judgement of Light is being cast on the boss. My character (feral druid) becomes affected by Corrupted Mind debuff, which prevents me from casting emergency heal. The debuff refreshes on its own every time the Judgement heals you up. I got confirmation from a ret paladin and another feral (who were in the same raid) that they also get the debuff applied on themselves every time the judgement procs.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enter Naxx, engage Loatheb\r\n2. Have a paladin put Judgement of Light on the boss\r\n3. Observe Corrupted Mind debuff being up all the time AND refreshing every time Judgement procs and heals you up.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCorrupted Mind should proc only right after someone casts a spell from a pool specified for every class (see wowhead links below):\r\nDruid: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=29195/corrupted-mind\r\nShaman: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=29199/corrupted-mind\r\nPriest: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=29184/corrupted-mind\r\nPaladin: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=29197/corrupted-mind","updatedAt":"2022-11-03T18:31:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-03T18:31:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, but we're not planning to remove the requirement only because the BG is rarely played. We might consider lowering the condition to the lower rank, but not planning to remove it all together.\r\n\r\n It'd make more sense to make the WSG tabard require reputation. Perhaps, lesser rank.\r\n\r\nHowever, too late for this change! :)","createdAt":"2022-10-30T17:59:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"If the AB tabards would also be useable at friendly like the WSG tabards it would be totally fine.","createdAt":"2022-10-31T13:24:15+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T22:44:05+0200","number":2385,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Exalted Requirement On Arathi Basin Tabards","body":"The Arathi Basin tabards have a exalted requirement on them but the Warsong tabards do not. These 2 BGs are rarely being played hence it is pretty much impossible to reach exalted in Arathi Basin to use the tabard. I am aware that the exalted requirement on the AB tabard is blizzlike, but as of now this makes no sense since no one will be realisticly be able to use them - AB is rarely played.\r\n\r\n\r\n1.Look at the warsong tabards and then at the arathi tabards\r\n2. Notice that the arathi tabards have a exalted rep requirement but the warsong ones do not\r\n3. Notice that AB/WSG are rarely being played, hence its almost impossible to be able to use AB tabards.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20132\r\n\r\nThe arathor battle tabard should have no rep requirement like the warsong gulch tabards.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-31T13:24:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-30T17:59:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kangaroux"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"I know this may be misleading, but abilities that reduce physical damage (like curse of weakness) are intended to apply directly to the weapon damage range in your character sheet, regardless of the damage type that your weapon deals. Changing the way that this functions for specific items (like wands or melee weapons that add/deal elemental damage) would be rather difficult. For now we should consider this to be working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T16:51:24+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T19:55:28+0200","number":2384,"labels":"Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Curse of Weakness reducing elemental weapon/wand damage","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nCurse of Weakness buff applied by Mosh'Ogg ogres outside grom'gol reduces physical damage, but appears to also be reducing shadow damage from wand.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2302541/198846012-09576050-f926-47c5-8d91-1e6bd89dee19.png)\r\n\r\n## Before receiving curse:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2302541/198846072-884f71a6-caf8-4a9e-909f-8d046397eb8f.png)\r\n\r\n## After receiving curse:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2302541/198845961-fa508496-06b0-4eef-ab67-194ac975e3c6.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Receive curse\r\n2. Use wand\r\n3. Check damage per hit is reduced and that it's not because of resist\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1144\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11980\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nElemental damage from wands should not be affected","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T16:51:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T16:51:24+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T09:45:00+0200","number":2383,"labels":"Spell, Quest, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"Hunting for Ectoplasm\" buff doesn't properly refresh","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, on the quest Hunting for Ectoplasm your buff keeps falling off even if you stay in the quest item's area effect, and if you deal a killing blow with no buff, the mobs yield no quest item despite being in the right area. It's very annoying because the buff lasts 2second and then you are without buff for 2second and some classes have it harder to time their killing blows.\r\nI think the issue might be that the effect is unable to refresh while you are still affected by it, so it skips every second cast. It's timed to refresh every 2second right before it expires to make sure you are always affected while inside the area, but here the buff expires and you don't get a new one for another 2seconds.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nUse the item Ectoplasmic Distiller in the correct areas with nearby ghosts and pull mobs inside the pulsating blue effect. You will notice you have a 2sec duration buff on and off on you, rather than permanently while standing there. Deal the killing blow to the mob when the buff is momentarily off and you will not get a quest item to loot.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21946\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8924\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=27420\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPlayers who stand inside the blue effect should always have the buff from the distiller with no downtime. You shouldn't have to micromanage timing your killing blows in order not to lose quest items.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-04-02T19:28:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-02T19:28:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"artemisclyde"},"body":"I have encountered this with mobs casting *Healing Ward* (as also reported in #2771) and with *Healing Ward* from a *Razormane Seer* in the Barrens. Here is a short screencap:\r\n\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16636453/227495015-5607f74b-9299-45be-9123-4dc9d3067176.mov\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2023-03-24T11:20:15+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T05:24:31+0200","number":2382,"labels":"Spell, Mechanic, NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"Interrupting mobs","body":"Right now, whenever you interrupt a cast that cannot be interrupted, one of the two outcomes occur:\r\n\r\n1. The cast is visually stopped, the cast bar disappears and the mob can walk/attack but then the cast just goes off as if the mob was still casting it.\r\n2. Same as above but instead the cast goes off instantly the moment you \"interrupt\".\r\n\r\n\r\nHow it should behave: the mob continues to stand still and finish the cast, both visually and castbar-wise.","updatedAt":"2023-03-24T11:20:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Related to #1890.","createdAt":"2022-10-29T10:03:37+0200"},{"author":null,"body":"No I don't think they are related issues. Master Conjuror works as intended when used with Create Healthstone (Major). In fact I don't think that other report is valid at all. My tooltips update properly as well.","createdAt":"2022-10-29T10:11:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"Confirmed, pushing to the appropriate member of the dev team.","createdAt":"2023-10-21T11:50:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-29T04:47:31+0200","number":2381,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Warlock Ritual of Souls / Soulwell doesn't scale with talent Master Conjuror","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the warlock Soulwell provides only the weaker baseline Healthstones regardless of the warlock having the Master Conjuror talent, which increases their Healthstone effect by 10/20% respectively for each point spent.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nSummon the Soulwell with and without Master Conjuror talented and right click to acquire a Healthstone, they will be the same. \r\nYou will notice the difference in max rank healthstones when using regular Create Healthstone (Major) ability: 1200 health vs 1440 health restored. This should work the same for the Healthstones created by the Soulwell.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45920\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000089\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9421\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19012\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19013\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSoulwell should provide a healthstone that is properly amplified by the talents of the casting warlock.","updatedAt":"2024-01-25T21:37:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fierce666"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fierce666"},"body":"![8AB487EA-DAA8-4715-A187-004957EA8C9D](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116917937/198823795-ef30536d-f5bb-4720-a323-a2bf47614395.jpeg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-29T11:17:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fierce666"},"body":"![BFFDE2BD-9A23-4564-993E-837B26B323D2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116917937/198825551-c02f371d-c065-4972-8fab-85287da3fd37.png)\r\n\r\nThis person has the same problem.\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-29T12:04:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fierce666"},"body":"Ok, I‘m just getting ShaguError. But maybe you can still fix that <3","createdAt":"2022-10-29T12:07:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please make a screenshot of your Data folder, including the file sizes.","createdAt":"2022-10-30T15:10:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Fierce666"},"body":"![File-sizes-screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116917937/198974546-b89e6a4f-0739-455e-901a-ec4d27a1ae26.jpeg)\r\n\r\nsure, its in german. hope thats no problem. i played around a little with sound.MPQ. it had nothing to do with guild banks (ofc).","createdAt":"2022-10-31T10:23:50+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks. Are you getting this error with all addons disabled?","createdAt":"2022-11-02T01:45:03+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce. Please try to download a fresh client from the website and disable your addons, to see if the issue persists.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T23:10:33+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-28T22:09:26+0200","number":2380,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"error message","body":"an error message keeps popping up in the middle of my screen. i can press \"Okay\". sometimes its gone for a while. it always comes back, sometimes real quick too.\r\ni tried disabling addons and resetting settings (renamed folder in WTF thats named after my character). the error message says:\r\n...e/FrameXML/Turtle_GuildBankUI/Turtle_GuildBankUI.lua:2370: bad argument #1 to 'tinsert' (table expected, got nil)\r\n\r\nnow, the good people in tickets couldn't help me, that's why i'm here.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T23:10:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T23:10:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Not related to this specific cave, otherwise, the issue is known!","createdAt":"2022-10-28T13:57:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-28T11:49:41+0200","number":2379,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Dustwind Cave\" pathfinding bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn Dustwind Cave in Durotar warriors charge not possible into mobs. Suppose hunter and warlock pets have issues with targeting in this cave aswell.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar at Dustwind Cave location.\r\n2. Try to charge as warrior in mobs inside. Or if issiue with hunters or warlocks order pets to attack.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFix a paths inside a cave.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102822_121901](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198558748-0804bf78-6c77-43cd-b13b-ba01a5aa5502.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-28T13:58:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-28T13:57:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-28T11:43:36+0200","number":2378,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"The Mail Must Go Through\" minor typo","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest text location of npc indicated as Valley of Honor, but he located on a Valley of Strength\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar and speak to [Rezlak](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3293);\r\n2. Accept and complete prerequisite quests [Winds in the Desert](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=834), [Triggered!](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60120) and [Securing the Lines](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=835).\r\n3. Accept [The Mail Must Go Through](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60121).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Rezlak](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3293)\r\nQuest: [The Mail Must Go Through](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60121)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nChange in quest text \"Honor\" on \"Strength\"\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102822_105129_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198557313-835b6d5a-d905-4809-94f5-576da20ca69d.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102822_105422](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198557518-923947f4-48e4-464e-b9fa-ee76cc084ea1.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-30T18:01:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-30T18:01:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-27T22:33:27+0200","number":2377,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Hookah for Your Troubles\" missing paragraph indent","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest completion text missing paragraph indent.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Mulgore and speak with [Shagu](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60300);\r\n2. Complete prerequisite quests: [Puffing Peace](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40001) and [Grand Herbal Theft](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40002);\r\n3. Accept [Hookah for Your Troubles](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40003);\r\n4. Complete [Hookah for Your Troubles](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40003).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Shagu](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60300)\r\nQuest: [Hookah for Your Troubles](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40003)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAdd missing paragraph indent.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102722_230036_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198392052-f7c0c7b0-c435-4ccc-a3f3-2cbeaf2a11fa.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-27T19:59:31+0200","number":2376,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"What Do You Rely On?\" minor typos.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn the end of quest text no comma when adressed to character. In the middle use number instead of numeral.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Com to Durotar to [Master Vornal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3304);\r\n2. Complete prerequsite [A Solvent Spirit](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=818);\r\n3. Accept [What Do You Rely On?](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=820).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Master Vornal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3304)\r\nQuest: [What Do You Rely On?](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=820)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIn last part add comma after \"be careful\" and before \"name\". In the middle change \"8\" to \"eight\" or even better change comma and number to hyphen.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102722_164021_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198364206-6e46ffe5-382f-4bf1-9438-331abe98ee29.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"valentynpozniakov"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-27T19:13:43+0200","number":2375,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quests taken in Blasted Lands are displayed in wrong location section in Quest Log","body":"**Quests taken in Blasted Lands are displayed in wrong location section in Quest Log**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Blasted Lands\r\n2. Find NPCs Jaiymu and Bagaroh\r\n3. Accept quests\r\n4. Open Quest Log\r\n5. Check Quest locations\r\n\r\n**Actual Result:** \r\nQuests accepted in Blasted Lands are displayed Barrens location section in Quest Log\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60761\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60760\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40421\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40423\r\n\r\n**Expected Result:**\r\nQuests accepted in Blasted Lands should be displayed in Blasted Lands location in Quest Log.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67410840/198355515-16493c3a-080a-49f7-89a8-4166dfbb728a.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-27T17:35:50+0200","number":2374,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Bone Chew Toy\" container for \"Red Skies of Durotar\"","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nName of container for [Bone Chew Toy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51751) dont match with item.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to any of two [Gryphon Chew Toy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000380) in Durotar\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nObject: [Gryphon Chew Toy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000380)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRename [Gryphon Chew Toy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000380) into Bone Chew Toy.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102722_165005](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198334273-e2bea97c-e779-470c-aa79-8a716dc002fe.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102722_175548](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198334283-ca243441-c2fd-4fe9-bafc-bd7a1e4b14fb.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T18:29:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T18:29:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/9c00325908f65a02e5ab8caa302356f867620aaf","createdAt":"2022-10-27T18:32:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-27T17:27:28+0200","number":2373,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Zalazane's Apprentice\" rewarded with \"The Defilers\" reputation","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAfter completing [Zalazane's Apprenice](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80399) players rewarded with Orgrimmar and The Defilers reputations.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Drop [Shabby Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=59990) from [Hexed Troll](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3207) or [Voodoo Troll](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3206);\r\n2. Kill [Makasgar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13157) and loot him;\r\n3. Complete quest at [Master Gadrin](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3188).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: [Zalazane's Apprenice](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80399)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nChange The Defilers reputation to Darkspear Trolls.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T18:32:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T18:32:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Xerrash"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client issue, thanks. Moving this to our internal bug tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-27T23:02:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T21:31:31+0200","number":2372,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Turtle Finder raid group bug report","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf someone searches \"find more\" while in a raid group it seems to invite people from turtle finder but it doesn't register which dungeon you are queued for.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have a raid group (I assume, it happened to me, I wasn't the one doing it)\r\n2. Press find more.\r\n3. People join without knowing what they joined.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should tell you which dungeon you queued for.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T23:02:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T23:02:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T19:54:39+0200","number":2371,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Thwarting Kolkar Agression\" minor typos and suggestion","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest completion text in several places used dots instead of commas.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar to [Lar Prowltusk](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3140);\r\n2. Take [Thwarting Kolkar Agression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=786) quest;\r\n3. Complete [Thwarting Kolkar Agression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=786) quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Lar Prowltusk](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3140)\r\nQuest: [Thwarting Kolkar Agression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=786)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nChange dots to commas in quest completion text.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_180003_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198099159-21993b75-dc11-4cbc-ad8d-bb71fb7c1cf6.png)\r\n\r\n**Suggestion:**\r\nChange one target of Kolkar's raid from Orgrimmar to Razor Hill. It makes much more sense. Razor Hill closer to Kolkar Crag and not defended as a capital city. It requires change one line in quest objectives (Attack Plan: Orgrimmar destroyed: 0/1 => Attack Plan: Razor Hill destroyed: 0/1) and rename one object (Attack Plan: Orgrimmar => Attack Plan: Razor Hill) in Kolkar Crag.\r\n\r\nObject: [Attack Plan: Orgrimmar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=3192)\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_170907_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198100392-52ce520e-2aa5-448f-bc8e-005ad80c86f7.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_172634](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198100412-70d370e7-e07d-4f06-a572-9f321868d650.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T19:43:17+0200","number":2370,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Report to Orgnil\" minor typo in NPC comment","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAfter finish [Report to Orgnil](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=823) quest comment from npc [Orgnil Soulscar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3142) dont have dot.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar and take [Report to Orgnil](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=823) quest from [Master Gadrin](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3188);\r\n2. Complete [Report to Orgnil](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=823) to [Orgnil Soulscar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3142).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Orgnil Soulscar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3142)\r\nQuest: [Report to Orgnil](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=823)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAdd dot to npc comment.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_135301](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198098265-ca3c70f8-635e-4b0f-bf71-3148f18308fb.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_184701_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198098277-5583c075-2883-4bf3-8b1d-5157b19f680c.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T19:38:29+0200","number":2369,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Lazy Peons\" minor typos","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest completion text exist two minor typos. In first completion window extra spacebar at paragraph start. In second dot instead of comma or cursive letter instead of capital.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come in Durotar to [Foreman Thazz'ril](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11378);\r\n2. Take [Lazy Peons](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5441) quest;\r\n3. Complete [Lazy Peons](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5441) quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Foreman Thazz'ril](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11378)\r\nQuest: [Lazy Peons](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5441) quest\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDelete extra spacebar in first case. Switch dot to comma in second or change cursive letter to capital.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_102631_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198097273-730e649e-4588-4310-92f5-87eec638db28.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102622_102718_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/198097286-a19ca30c-0c24-47ac-bc92-3a18a7fe062c.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Wollepetri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"You've most likely done quest 'They Call Him Smiling Jim' which is exclusive to this one.\r\n\r\n![Untitled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35845488/198348487-dd0fead1-3b16-4991-8ee6-5128a2242e73.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-27T18:37:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Tested, but couldn't reproduce it! Please confirm with GMs that you haven't completed an exclusive quest :)","createdAt":"2022-10-28T01:33:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T15:02:51+0200","number":2368,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: James Hyal part II bugged","body":"Hey everyone,\r\n\r\nI realized today that when I turned in the \"[James Hyal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1301)\" quest Part I and wanted to accept [Part II](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1302), the game gave me the \"Quest failed\" sound and told me: \"You don't meet the requirements for that quest.\" Now I can't accept the part II anymore - no more exclamation mark over the NPC's head. But in the map the quest is still shown as \"available\" (yellow exclamation mark).\r\n\r\nAs stated: I finished the first part, I saw the exclamation mart over the head of [Vincent Hyal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5082) in the Menethil Harbor inn and as soon as I wanted to \"Accept\" the quest, I was given the \"quest failed\" sound and the notification in the chat.\r\n\r\nIs this a known issue and can a GM give me part II of the quest?\r\n\r\n\r\nKind regards\r\n\r\nWolle","updatedAt":"2022-10-28T01:33:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-28T01:33:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:45:22+0200","number":2367,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Fam'retor Guardian","body":"[Fam'retor Guardian](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2919) takes over 10 minutes (possibly much longer) to despawn once killed which doesn't seem right, as it is needed for the quest [This Is Going to Be Hard](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=778), and is spawned by [Lotwil Veriatus](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2921) only if the previous one has despawned.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T19:37:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T19:37:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce it, it doesn't drop for me without the quest.","createdAt":"2022-10-28T01:32:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:22:07+0200","number":2366,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Razorflank's Heart","body":"[Razorflank's Heart](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5793) can be looted as Alliance, even though it's required for a Horde-only quest. Moreover, it shouldn't even drop if one doesn't have the quest.\r\n\r\nIt's possible [Razorflank's Medallion](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5792) has the same issue on the Horde side.","updatedAt":"2022-10-28T01:32:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-28T01:32:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:19:03+0200","number":2365,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Small Scroll","body":"[Small Scroll](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17008) can be looted as Alliance, even though it starts a Horde-only quest.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"When copying the loot table from [Grizzled Ironfur Bear](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5272), you've copied the [OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=8623) and [Ironfur Liver](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6258) which shouldn't drop there, and forgot to include [Whiteclaw Pelt](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60471) from its loot table.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T23:34:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"@twowTurtReynolds, could you reopen this? I don't want to open a new issue for the same NPC. The pelt is fine, but it still drops those two quest items it shouldn't.","createdAt":"2023-12-04T17:23:41+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It will be fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T16:55:59+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:14:39+0200","number":2364,"labels":"Loot Table","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Icepoint Whiteclaw","body":"[Icepoint Whiteclaws](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60545) are level 44-46 bears (beasts), but cannot be skinned, drop money and Heavy Leather instead of dropping what other bears of similar level drop. A good example for both the drop and skinning would be [Grizzled Ironfur Bears](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=5272/grizzled-ironfur-bear).","updatedAt":"2024-02-23T16:55:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-23T16:55:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"When copying the loot table from [Land Rager](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5465), you've copied the [OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=8623) which shouldn't drop there.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T09:27:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:09:36+0200","number":2363,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Tarqsiku","body":"[Tarqsiku](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60544), a level 48 elemental, only drops money, whereas regular elementals around that level drop items similar to what [Land Ragers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5465) and [Heavy War Golems](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5854) drop.","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T09:27:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T12:55:52+0200","number":2362,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Huge Keg of Rum","body":"[Huge Keg of Rum](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010836), used for the quest [Loss of Good Rum](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40178), looks interactive even after the quest has been completed.","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T23:29:16+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T23:29:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T20:59:34+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T12:51:44+0200","number":2361,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Blast Powder Keg","body":"[Blast Powder Kegs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010834), used for the quest [A Cannon's Misfortune](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40174), look interactive even after the quest has been completed.","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T20:59:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T20:59:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T12:47:20+0200","number":2360,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Lady Janira","body":"[Lady Janira](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51280) is needed for the quest [Lady Janira](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60020), and as such should be elite instead of rare-elite. She drops nothing but a few silver, and respawns quite quickly.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T15:15:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client-tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:13+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T12:43:09+0200","number":2359,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Loania","body":"[Loania](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=81042) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T22:48:13+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is intended design.","createdAt":"2022-10-26T13:15:17+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-26T12:42:31+0200","number":2358,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Dirty Old Ring","body":"[Dirty Old Ring](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51855) can be equipped, which doesn't seem right.","updatedAt":"2022-10-26T13:15:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-26T13:15:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"raknaar"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-25T07:55:19+0200","number":2357,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Several wrong apostrophes on quest \"Suppressing the Dreadweaver's\"","body":"This quest title and also the quest text both use incorrect apostrophes for the plural of Dreadweavers","updatedAt":"2022-10-25T20:07:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-25T20:07:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"raknaar"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-25T07:53:06+0200","number":2356,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"wrong apostraphe on azshara quest item from \"out of options\"","body":"The quest item \"Crate of Ley-Shard's\" should be \"Crate of Ley-Shards\"","updatedAt":"2022-10-25T20:07:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-25T20:07:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"whoopie-cushion"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"It is the same for the Golden Sabercat.","createdAt":"2022-10-25T13:24:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I tested those and a few default Vanilla cat mounts and none of them has this sound. It's probably normal for 1.12.* client.","createdAt":"2022-10-25T19:48:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-24T23:33:28+0200","number":2355,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ancient Frostsaber missing a sound","body":"Ancient Frostsaber's stationary animation does not produce a (roar) sound.\r\n\r\n1. Mount Frostsaber\r\n2. Press the Space key\r\n3. Mount will do animation, but the expected 'cat roar' sound does not occur\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12302\r\n\r\nI honestly don't know if this is normal behavior. Maybe this item always had no sound attached to the stationary animation. I also don't know if this affects other cat mounts. The summon noise _does_ work; I believe the stationary sound should be the same: SummonerTiger\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-25T19:48:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-25T19:48:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"All the 5 channelers may respawn randomly, even during the run.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T19:41:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-24T18:03:22+0200","number":2354,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Raid boss venoxis respawned in zg","body":"the boss venoxis in zg can respawn. \r\n\r\nsomeone had dc during the raid and logged back 4h later after the raid was already cleared. only to be slain by venoxis. still same raid ID.\r\n\r\nthe player told me the boss had apparently respawned.\r\n\r\ni think i remeber some similair issue that was \"fixed\" but i couldt find it anymore \r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:49:00+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:49:00+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update.","createdAt":"2023-01-02T00:19:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-24T01:09:49+0200","number":2353,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Whirlwind Shredder","body":"As mentioned in #1935 and #2218, [Whirlwind Shredders](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11578) teleport around and behave strangely as seen in the video below.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.veed.io/view/cdd674a5-73b4-427f-9a15-7e00128da39f\r\n\r\nAt 2:00 you can see a pack of [Rabid Bonepaw](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4690) hyenas being pulled from quite a distance, possibly pulled by the shredders.\r\nAt 2:14, [Burning Blade Felsworn](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4666) seems to appear out of nowhere, possibly pulled by the shredders from much farther west, as these units aren't found in this area.\r\nAt 2:55 you can see the hyena pack leaving combat, and then reentering it 3 seconds later. They do this again at 3:11, and they reenter combat at 3:13.\r\nAt 3:08 you can see my location on the map.\r\nAt 3:37, the remaining shredder for seemingly no reason leaves combat and stops moving until I engage, at 3:53.\r\n\r\nAs a side note, based on our and Wowhead's database, [Whirlwind Shredders](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11578) shouldn't even be in the northern half of the zone.\r\n\r\nRegarding the fix https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2218#issuecomment-1267179619, I did see shredders in the south of the zone that are indeed not moving when out of combat and are working properly, so it seems like the fix didn't apply to all of them, but only to shredders in the south, where they're supposed to be.","updatedAt":"2023-01-02T00:19:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-02T00:19:56+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zhorabzhora"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The Moonwell is corrupted and destroyed, so it's working as intended :)","createdAt":"2022-10-25T19:59:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T18:55:46+0200","number":2352,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't create mooncloth in a moonwell near Dire Maul","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCan't create mooncloth in a moonwell near Dire Maul\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nTry to create a mooncloth near that moonwell (Feralas, 58 45)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18560\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be able to purify felcloth there","updatedAt":"2022-10-25T19:59:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-25T19:59:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"She's been rescued by GM Pumpkin.","createdAt":"2022-10-25T20:02:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T16:55:02+0200","number":2351,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Fara Boltbreaker inaccessiable","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDue Hallow's End event [Fara Boltbreaker](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=50530) stay inside pumpkin and players cant interact with her.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Orgrimmar neat Auction House where [Fara Boltbreaker](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=50530) stay.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Fara Boltbreaker](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=50530)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNpc/Pumpkin should be moved. And access to NPC should be restored.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102322_132901](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/197399131-937ca5b2-9434-4038-b92d-be0f7fa6f010.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-25T20:02:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-25T20:02:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T16:18:09+0200","number":2350,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Counterattack! must be Elite","body":"Quest Counterattack! is normal quest now.\r\n\r\n1. Give quest Counterattack!\r\n2. Kill the Kolkar invaders until Warlord Krom'zar spawned. \r\n3. Target him.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9456\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4021\r\n\r\nQuest Counterattack! must be elite. Warlord Krom'zar must be elite mob. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGt6jHSVVjc\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T16:33:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T16:33:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:45:29+0200","number":2349,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wrong mobs in Bael Modan Excavation","body":"There are two or three point of Bael'dun Digger and Bael'dun Appraiser in Bael Modan Excavation (The Barrens).\r\nMore over near cave in excavation spawned Bael'dun Rifleman (24-25 lvl) and it's hard to do quest An Ancient Acquisition (level 18).\r\n\r\n1. Go to Bael Modan Excavation.\r\n2. See mobs there.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2990\r\n https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2989\r\n https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3377\r\n\r\nThere aren't spawn point for Bael'dun Digger, Bael'dun Appraiser and Bael'dun Rifleman in Bael Modan Excavation.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T16:01:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T16:01:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The lack of paragraphs is blizzlike, but the missing letters will be fixed.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:18:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Paragraphs seem to be existent, at least according to the text here: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2956","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:42:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:54:26+0200","number":2348,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Report on the Defias Brotherhood","body":"The text inside the [Report on the Defias Brotherhood](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=2956) isn't separated by paragraphs, and the last letter on the first three pages is missing.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T15:42:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T15:18:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:46:47+0200","number":2347,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Pattern: Volcanic Leggings","body":"[Pattern: Volcanic Leggings](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15732) drops from [ogres on Lapidis Isle](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Gor%27dosh), which seems wrong because the only other units that drop it are [ogres in Burning Steppes](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7035), and the other two parts of the Volcanic set ([Pattern: Volcanic Breastplate](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15749) and [Pattern: Volcanic Shoulders](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15775)) are only dropped by units inside Blackrock Spire, which is within Burning Steppes.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T15:23:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T15:23:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Internal client tracker, thanks.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:12:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:11:00+0200","number":2346,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Great Chieftan's Kodo","body":"[Great Chieftan's Kodo](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18363) is misspelled, and makes a horse sound, instead of a kodo sound.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:12:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:12:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:08:56+0200","number":2345,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Blood Frenzy","body":"The tooltip for [Blood Frenzy](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45721) should say \"increase your attack speed\" instead of \"increases your attack speed\", since it's referring to Tiger's Fury and Enrage (plural).","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report misplacements of NPC or objects via in-game ticket, GMs have the tools to fix those. ","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:04:07+0200","number":2344,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Bluegill Muckdweller","body":"[Bluegill Muckdweller](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1028) at 11.9, 33.7 is stuck underground underwater. He can be found about 40 yards south of the boat, following the coastline.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:26+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. Healthstones are not usable at full health.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102322_161058](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35845488/197394212-5677418f-877c-480e-b0a2-2252e9d6907e.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:11:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"I haven't tried it as a warlock; the healthstones I tested it on were traded to me, but I don't remember what rank they were.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:17:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I am unable to use traded Healthstones either.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:20:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"This was from about a month ago, so it's possible something changed in the meantime. Will reopen if I reproduce the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:50:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:57:19+0200","number":2343,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Healthstone","body":"[Healthstones](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=healthstone), unlike healing potions, are usable at full health, which doesn't seem right.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T15:50:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T15:49:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report misplacements of NPC or objects via in-game ticket, GMs have the tools to fix those. ","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:34+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:54:00+0200","number":2342,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Earthroot","body":"[Earthroot](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1619) in Darkshore at 47.3, 48.8 (next to the [Mysterious Red Crystal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175524)) spawns underground.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:07:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:49:41+0200","number":2341,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Screecher Spirits","body":"[Screecher Spirits](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8612) for the quest [Screecher Spirits](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8612) can be clicked twice in quick succession to give the quest credit twice, even though each spirit should only give the credit once, and then disappear.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T15:40:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T15:40:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:45:28+0200","number":2340,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Stealing a Core","body":"[Stealing a Core](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40129) is listed under \"The Barrens\" in the quest log, instead of under \"Uldaman\".","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Internal tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:28:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:43:16+0200","number":2339,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: 'Slip'","body":"['Slip'](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60502) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:28:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:28:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Can you confirm it works differently in a normal un-modified 1.12 client?","createdAt":"2022-10-30T18:04:37+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:42:00+0200","number":2338,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Shapeshifting","body":"Druid shapeshifting doesn't play the sound when used inside dungeons.","updatedAt":"2022-11-13T18:09:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-13T18:09:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:39:58+0200","number":2337,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Mai'Zoth","body":"[Mai'Zoth](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=818) respawns in 25 seconds instead of the expected 10 minutes.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Internal client tracker, thanks.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:10:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:38:57+0200","number":2336,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Lieren","body":"[Lieren](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=81043) has no voice.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:10:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:10:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T11:37:30+0200","number":2335,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Dart","body":"[Dart](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14232) cannot be skinned.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T12:29:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"suggney"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Healing threat is split on all mobs currently in combat with you. That means if you are fighting two mobs at the same time, healing for 150 will generate 75 split between those two mobs, 37.5 on each one.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T18:00:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"suggney"},"body":"> Healing threat is split on all mobs currently in combat with you. That means if you are fighting two mobs at the same time, healing for 150 will generate 75 split between those two mobs, 37.5 on each one.\r\n\r\nYes, I know. Vampiric Embrace seems to be generating no threat in some double pulling situations.","createdAt":"2022-10-25T00:42:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"Also keep in mind that only the effective healing done generates threat, overhealing doesn't","createdAt":"2022-10-29T10:32:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T09:44:00+0200","number":2334,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Vampiric Embrace has weird interactions with the threat table","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nVampiric Embrace seems to not generate any threat in situations where it should, albeit unreliably. Sometimes it works.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have TWThreat enabled\r\n2. Cast Vampiric Embrace on a target\r\n3. Experiment! The threat generated seems to be totally unreliable, and changes based on things like how many people are healing from Vampiric Embrace.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=15286\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nVampiric Embrace heals 20% (30% if talented) of all damage you dealt back to you and your party members. For each hit point healed, 0.5 threat should be generated on you. For example, if I deal 100 damage, I will heal 30 to myself and generate 15 threat, in addition to a cumulative 120 to my four party members and generate 60 threat.","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T17:15:07+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"suggney"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T09:37:17+0200","number":2333,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Pain Spike does not add stacks of Shadow Weaving","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nPain Spike, despite being a damaging shadow spell, does not add a stack of Shadow Weaving.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have 5/5 Shadow Weaving and Shadowform\r\n2. Cast Pain Spike\r\n3. Cast any other damaging shadow spell\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45555\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nBeing a damaging shadow spell, Pain Spike should add a stack of Shadow Weaving when cast.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T16:22:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T16:22:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"suggney"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T09:34:38+0200","number":2332,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mind Blast generates incorrect threat","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nMind blast generates threat equal to the damage dealt.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have TWThreat enabled\r\n2. Cast Mind Blast\r\n3. Compare the damage dealt with the threat stated on TWThreat\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10947\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nMind blast should deal threat equal to double the damage dealt.","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T16:36:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-23T16:36:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"This issue seems to be fixed since the last update!","createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:22:39+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T03:43:26+0200","number":2331,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Zandalarian Hero Charm and Hellfire interaction","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi there, it appears that the warlock Hellfire ability is consuming charges of this trinket effect in the wrong manner. Every target hit by each tick of Hellfire consumes a charge, which means that the entire effect is instantly depleted just as we begin channeling our AOE.\r\nThere seems to be no such issue with other AOE effects such as Rain of Fire, those correctly take just one charge upon cast.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nActivate the trinket and cast Hellfire on a group of mobs.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11684\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19950\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHellfire should only consume 1 charge of the buff upon being cast and no further charges on its damage ticks against enemies.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-10T07:22:39+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-10T07:22:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T03:17:41+0200","number":2330,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC, Need Replication on VMaNGOS","state":"OPEN","title":"Thaddius charges interact with warlock Life Tap","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi there, it appears that the positive and negative charges not only upscale the damage of warlocks, but also the effect of our Life Tap. This is not intended as the buff is a % modifier and not raw spell damage added and you can clearly see on vanilla videos that warlocks' taps are consistent amount and do not change around with the stacks (spell power buffs slightly alter it, but it's not a huge difference). \r\nDownranking is not really a solution because the effect is unpredictable depending on how the stacks change around and you might lose a GCD for no mana gain. It is very dangerous to use max rank however as it takes more than half of our health if we're forced to tap with high stacks.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nYou have to get multiple stacks of either the positive or negative charge buff and see how your taps grow in effect.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11689\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15928\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=29659\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=29660\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWarlocks' Life tap ability should not be affected by Thaddius' charges. \r\n","updatedAt":"2023-11-30T01:16:52+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Not enough information. I couldn't locate any subject-related quests or objects!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T00:10:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I'm talking about this:\r\n\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/edge-of-madness-zul-gurub-strategy\r\n\r\nThe recipe to create the mojo is learned through the big tablet behind the summoning brazier but only 300 alchemists can interact with it.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:49:48+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I see, thank you. Currently, in our database, 148 people have this recipe learned, so I assume it's working as intended :) ","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:53:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I've had to open a ticket and a GM triggered the script interaction for us because the tablet wasn't clickable.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:25:25+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-23T00:01:50+0200","number":2329,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Gurubashi Mojo Madness Tablet","body":"ID: No idea.\r\n\r\nThe tablet behind the gong appears to not be clickable to maxed alchemists so they can't learn the recipe. No idea if it's broken for good or this only happens sometimes.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:25:25+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:10:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"Additional information: This issue is more common in the area directly upon entering the Gorge, which leads me to believe players farming these mobs have something to do with the problem. The deeper areas where fewer players occur have mostly unflagged mobs.\r\nFor example, as a warlock I use Enslave demon while farming them, which temporarily puts the mobs in a player pet status. It would be worth checking out if this is somehow capable of flagging them. (I noticed no difference in flagging when I controlled the mobs, but I'm not sure about the respawns. I also play without pvp mostly)","createdAt":"2022-10-23T03:26:38+0200"},{"author":null,"body":"I will open a new issue as this is not specific to the hederine NPCs.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T16:05:46+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-22T17:09:00+0200","number":2328,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hederine NPCs are randomly PVP flagged","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi there. These demon elites lurking in the gorge of Winterspring have random FFA PVP flags on some of them. They respawn that way too (some with the flag, some without). There is no reason why these mobs should have PVP flag, especially so inconsistently. No proof of them ever being PVP flagged elsewhere.\r\nAttacking or killing them unintentionally flags the player, allowing to be ganked while trying to solo these difficult elites. They are the objectives for a warlock quest, making it impossible to skip the area.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nHead down to southern Winterspring and check the PVP flags on mobs. Kill a few of them that aren't flagged and see how they respawn.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://classicdb.ch/?npc=7463\r\nhttps://classicdb.ch/?npc=7461\r\nhttps://classicdb.ch/?npc=7462\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNone of these NPCs should be pvp flagged","updatedAt":"2022-11-15T16:05:46+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-15T16:05:46+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The fixes are not applied immediately. Please wait for the server update this Wednesday :)","createdAt":"2022-10-22T18:11:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"body":"In previous iteration all texts was without indents at all. So i suppose previous fix with paragraph indent was applied. But their stiil 2 minor typos that can be seen on screens.\r\n\r\nPrevious ticket: [here](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2262) for comparison.\r\n\r\nBut okay, me just report what i see for immersion improve. Coz even Blizz dont fix smth like that in years. But you do. Thanks.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T19:35:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Don't worry. We noticed that as well, it's part of the development revision that isn't in production yet.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T19:36:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-22T17:06:22+0200","number":2327,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Preventive Strike\" minor paragraph indent defects still","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEven after previous fix in quest texts still exist minor defects. In both quest acquiring and quest completing texts.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Come to [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209) in Camp Narache at Red Cloud Mesa in Mulgore;\r\n2. Accept [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115);\r\n3. Complete [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209)\r\nQuest: [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nParagraph indent should be added in underline spots.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102222_081900_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/197346514-9275d77d-c8d7-4320-8f10-19d77ef02c5b.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_102222_085712_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/197346517-08eab2b1-9bb2-4137-b49d-82a38459eff1.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T19:39:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T18:11:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Calevarn"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-22T12:31:42+0200","number":2326,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Back to Nel'doriel misspellings.","body":"Brymidaine Zecker's name is misspelled as 'Brymdiaine' Zecker in the quest's description for \"Back to Nel'doriel\".\r\n\r\n(Source: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Brymidaine_Zecker)\r\n\r\nNel'doriel is incorrectly referred to as 'Nor'diel'.\r\n\r\nA comma may also be missing following the word 'Here' in the quest's completion text with Nel'doriel. \"Here, this is for you.\"\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Masey Wirefuse\r\n2. Complete the quest \"Thalestien's Notes\"\r\n3. Accept the quest \"Back to Nel'doriel\" and return to Nel'doriel.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC (Masey Wirefuse): https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60872\r\nNPC (Technician Nel'doriel): https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60875\r\nQuest (Back to Nel'doriel): https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40517\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T18:18:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T18:18:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-22T07:52:05+0200","number":2325,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"high elf dark ranger skin is bugged","body":"high elf dark ranger skin is bugged\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/197322828-3fef1a2f-66d0-4dff-8668-ec6c129ec7da.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T15:03:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T15:03:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is intended behavior, many crafted items cannot be disenchanted. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=10039/stormcloth-boots","createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:06:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I was wrong, apparently, this set should have disenchant IDs assigned. Will be fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:45:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:00:46+0200","number":2324,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormcloth Boots can't be disenchanted","body":"Stormcloth Boots can't be disenchanted\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10039","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:45:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:06:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"This isn't really a bug, this is more of an oversight in regards to the role of holy damage dealers in raiding (which was assumed to be nonexistent at the time back in the day) and already has multiple posts on the forums. So this is really more of a suggestion than a bug, because it is supposed to technically work like this in vanilla BWL. I'd recommending moving the discussion there.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T04:03:41+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:40:02+0200","number":2323,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Removing/Reducing Holy Damage Reduction On Chromaggus/Death Talon Wyrmguard/Death Talon Overseer","body":"Currently Chromaggus and the Death Talon Wyrmguards/Death Talon Overseers in BWL have 75% damage reduction to holy spells. Since there is no holy vulnerability for these NPCs there should also be no damage reduction for the holy magic school.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go into BWL and Smite Chromaggus or a Death Talon Wyrmguard/Death Talon Overseer\r\n2. Notice that the damage is reduced by 75%\r\n3. Notice that there is no holy vulnerbility for these NPCs\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPCs: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14020, https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12460, https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12461\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThere should be either no damage reduction for holy spells on these NPCs or a holy vulnerability.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-16T04:04:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-16T04:03:42+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"valentynpozniakov"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"mikefirefly"},"body":"Cilck on the buff near your minimap - it will be gone and you'll be able to fly etc.\r\nEvery costume works like that, not only skeleton btw.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:18:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is intended, works the same on Classic and in Vanilla.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:20:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:13:59+0200","number":2322,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Character with the buff \"Skeletone costume\" is not able to use flights and mounts","body":"**Character with the buff \"Skeletone costume\" is not able to use flights and mounts**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce:**\r\n\r\n1. Log in to WoW\r\n2. Go to any Innkeeper\r\n3. Click to talk and select the \"trick or treat\" option (Haloween addition)\r\n4. Try to use a mount or use flights to get to another location\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests, or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6741\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24723\r\n\r\n![wowissue1-2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67410840/197280840-8629b5eb-19fb-406d-9138-5b1036a8cb54.png)\r\n![wowissue1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67410840/197280862-2c402f1c-4d8b-4aba-8b20-37601780f3d6.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected: User should be able to use at least flights:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:20:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:20:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-21T17:36:48+0200","number":2320,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"silythus geysers dissapear and reappear when they should not","body":"silythus geysers dissapear and reappear when they should not","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T13:42:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T13:42:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kharkov72"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Kharkov72"},"body":"Update, it's just a display bug, still scared the shit out of me though.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T07:53:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry I was unable to reproduce this bug.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:31:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-21T07:51:38+0200","number":2319,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bristleback Aggression visual progress reset.","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60150\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Bristleback Quilboar https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2952 to 6/6\r\n2. Do the objectives for Preventive Strike https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115, https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3229\r\n3. After picking up Attack on Camp Narache (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=781) notice it goes down to 1/6 and no longer progresses.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should have simply been at 6/6 and completed, but that was not the case. Unsure how it reset, really.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:31:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:31:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-21T01:55:51+0200","number":2318,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Urok Doomhowl despawn","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, this is a summonable boss inside LBRS that sends several waves of mobs on you before he spawns in the event. If you survive long enough to spawn him, he is supposed to remain for good, allowing you to defeat him with any remaining Ogres even if you wipe. (This often happens because the healer is OOM at that point)\r\nHowever right now if you wipe, the boss disappears.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use Omokk's head and the pike on bone pile at Urok's spot\r\n2. Fight down Ogres until Urok spawns\r\n3. Die and run back, ogres will be gone\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10584\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12534\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12533\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4867\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175621\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nUrok Doomhowl should not despawn once you survived long enough through the script to spawn him. He and any remaining ogres should be possible to engage and defeat afterwards.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T12:16:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T12:16:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"This is also the situation with Quartermaster Zigris, although judging by historical Wowhead comments, Zigris not always dropping a blue item might have been intentional.","createdAt":"2022-10-20T14:44:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"This is \"intended\" as it was like that in vanilla but stupid nevertheless and should be changed. The dungeon is a long and tiresome one.","createdAt":"2022-10-20T23:26:44+0200"},{"author":null,"body":"I know it is intended for Zigris, but not for Wyrmthalak. Zigris is an optional boss whose main loot table is potions. Even the Wiki outlines that he doesn't always drop other loot. This is not the case for Wyrmthalak. He is the end boss and I found no trace of any comments mentioning that he would sometimes drop no loot. Here so far it's been 2 out of 4 kills for me that he dropped nothing, which means it's very common.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T02:04:36+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T13:33:21+0200","number":2317,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Overlord Wyrmthalak doesn't always drop loot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the last boss in LBRS seems to have an issue with loot table. Sometimes he drops no loot other than the alliance quest letter and the fashion coin. Very disappointing considering the dungeon is long and tiresome. \r\nPerhaps it's an issue with the fashion coin being considered the minimum drop of 1 item. That's just not right, it shouldn't replace normal loot but be an addition. (I think this might happen on other bosses with the coin too, but I haven't looked into it on a greater scale)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nJust kill him enough times and sooner or later you will run into it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9568\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOverlord Wyrmthalak should always drop at least one of his proper items on top of the fashion coin and the quest letter.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T12:25:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T12:25:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T12:53:08+0200","number":2316,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ostarius death trap + adds not despawning","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi there, I have had the fortune of accidentally summoning this custom raid boss today by simply handing and picking up a quest and it began the encounter without me ever touching the guy or being near him. \r\nAfter I was hopelessly obliterated by his mechanism of Guardian spawns, what followed was plain grief! One of the adds refused to despawn upon my death and every time I attempted to resurrect, it would immediately detect my presence despite the distance, aggro and kill me again. It would never stop chasing me!\r\nIn the end I had to take ress sickness and it cost me a lot of durability!\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Hand in quest Uldum awaits! in Tanaris\r\n2. Pick up the follow up, Guardian of the Gate\r\n3. Attempt reset encounter\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80935\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40114\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40115\r\nI can't remember the adds' name, it was some Guardians.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBoss shouldn't engage from 1 mile away just because you handed in a quest. His adds should disappear when you die and not harass you further.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T12:46:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T12:46:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":null,"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83584 grimoire that should teach spell","createdAt":"2022-11-10T07:24:52+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"There is no improvement on this after update. Pets still take full damage from every source of AOE, grimoire is still bugged and unusable.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T17:00:36+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"> There is no improvement on this after update. Pets still take full damage from every source of AOE, grimoire is still bugged and unusable.\r\n\r\nAs it was described in the patch notes: The bug is fixed, but it needs a client update to work:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/202231088-57875c4b-418b-456b-ad4e-b38875d6ace0.png)\r\nhttps://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=4863&p=29337#p29337\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-16T17:02:10+0100"},{"author":null,"body":"Sigh. Why can't we just get it at lvl 50 automatically like hunters >,<\r\nThanks anyways, I missed that.","createdAt":"2022-11-16T17:04:44+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T12:40:20+0200","number":2315,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock pet avoidance","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, I would like to report the custom turtle avoidance not working at all on warlock pets. \r\nI don't know if they even have the buff, because the grimoire we get at lvl 40 is bugged and unusable, however I confirm they take full damage from raid AOE effects (such as meteors on AQ trash, poison bolts in ZG, shadow bolts in scholo, every kind of cleave etc.)\r\nThis defeats the whole purpose of the only notable class change we received to try and empower a pet based playstyle. Hunter pets with their new avoidance seem to have no trouble surviving most raid effects, but ours are essentially useless.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nGo in any raid and see how long your pet lives.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nI can't find ID of the grimoire or effect anywhere. It's some custom thing.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWarlock pets since the 1.16 update should be taking 50% mitigated AOE damage, allowing them to survive most raid encounters.","updatedAt":"2022-11-16T17:04:45+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:41:02+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Urames"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T11:27:35+0200","number":2314,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"High elf priest Sun's Embrace(Rank 2) making holy offensive spells cost 75 more mana","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSorry if my english is bad.\r\nWhen i use my Smite(Rank 6) ability it uses 185 mana (mana i had before using Smite 2539 - after using Smite 2354 = 185), but when I cast Sun's Embrace(Rank 2) ability it applies as magic debuff on me (It also dispellable with my Dispel Magic(Rank 2) spell) and my Smite(Rank 6) now costs 260 mana (2539 - 2279 = 260), 260 - 185 = 75 more mana per spell.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Check how much mana your holy offensive spell costs\r\n2. Cast Sun's Embrace(Rank 2), it apears in debuffs \r\n3. Check how much mana your holy offensive spell costs now and try to cast Dispel Magic on yourself to see if you can dispel it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46044\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should work like Sun's Embrace(Rank 1) except it making holy offensive spells cost 50 mana less\r\n![unknown](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116265280/196910852-e6b58b67-41f4-4fd4-9264-782198a8e44f.png)\r\n![2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116265280/196910890-6b45cb26-2278-4c9c-9f8d-a1db566b9cf2.png)\r\n![3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116265280/196910924-33e6d9c1-44dd-4942-8d2a-14eb5080aebc.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T13:23:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T13:23:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T09:27:27+0200","number":2313,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"tauren racial cultivation is not working anymore for some players","body":"tauren racial cultivation is not working anymore for some players\r\n\r\nUnable to reproduce the issue on a fresh char.\r\nWas able to confirm the issue being present to players who reported it","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T07:56:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T07:56:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:40:30+0200","number":2312,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Honoring the Departed wrong quest text reward","body":"Honoring the Departed wrong quest text reward https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40368 \r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/196874516-a943cd5a-ae12-49da-9fed-eb6e8a38d357.png)\r\n\r\nIt should show 15 silver and 50","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Should be fixed already.","createdAt":"2023-01-07T20:54:40+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:38:12+0200","number":2311,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"general andorov gets bugged if you wipe to general rajaxx event","body":"general andorov gets bugged if you wipe to general rajaxx event","updatedAt":"2023-01-07T20:54:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-07T20:54:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"Inner Focus does not work with any custom priest spell, like for example: Pain Spike, Shadow Mend","createdAt":"2022-10-21T13:59:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1967","createdAt":"2023-02-19T00:53:25+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3805","createdAt":"2023-06-28T15:14:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:37:04+0200","number":2310,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Inner Focus does not work with the new priest champion spells","body":"Inner Focus does not work with the new priest champion spells\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T01:02:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T01:02:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Need a repro case, please. Impossible to fix w/o knowing how it bugs out!","createdAt":"2022-10-30T18:13:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:36:50+0200","number":2309,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"people get stuck in the void when returned from bloodring","body":"people get stuck in the void when returned from bloodring\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:30:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:30:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@ratkosrb Please, take a look here, very important one!","createdAt":"2022-12-30T01:25:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:36:24+0200","number":2308,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"aq 20 beginning door keeps getting closed even when out of combat raids wipe and can't back in","body":"aq 20 beginning door keeps getting closed even when out of combat\r\nraids wipe and can't back in","updatedAt":"2022-12-30T07:12:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-30T07:12:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:31:30+0200","number":2307,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Freedom to Ruul furbolgs don't despawn once spawned for the escort and if not killed they can overspawn the cave","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6482 furbolgs don't despawn once spawned for the escort and if not killed they can overspawn the cave\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T12:58:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T12:58:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed by https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/1e45e75c73b051135f958e0128370f6d1f1933c2","createdAt":"2022-10-21T13:24:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:31:06+0200","number":2306,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"axe specialization does work anymore with two handed axes for some players","body":"axe specialization does work anymore with two handed axes for some players","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T13:24:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T13:24:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed by https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/7dbf262a0d3678bc5d1c7d7cabc7e89256af37ef","createdAt":"2022-10-21T13:25:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-20T08:30:52+0200","number":2305,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"retaliation does not work any more","body":"retaliation does not work any more","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T13:25:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T13:25:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zengrimm"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"body":"Kinda had hoped they would have kept the pre-bugfix version of Clearcast where the effect could stack twice, resulting in a -80% Mana cost reduction.\r\nFelt like a really nice proc when you got lucky to crit twice in a short timeframe and got rewarded with an almost free spellcast, which made leveling Shaman infinitely more pleasant, considering the Clearcast only applies to Shocks & Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:16:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Seberats"},"body":"This bug is really annoying","createdAt":"2022-10-27T10:19:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Kuz-Shaman"},"body":"This bug is a huge issue for Elemental and Enhancement Shamans alike, the mana sustain took a huge hit as opposed to how it was over the last half year (before the 4 stack bug even). If you cant fix this, please just make it 80% Mana Reduction for 1 spell instead, this would be way better than how it is now.","createdAt":"2022-10-28T11:47:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It's already fixed. It will go live in the next server update.","createdAt":"2022-10-28T11:47:53+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-19T18:00:28+0200","number":2304,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Clearcast Elemental Focus can't refresh itself","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nShaman Clearcast can not Refresh / Override itself after u have done two critical white hits in a row.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get a Critical White hit and thus get Clearcast.\r\n2. Optional Step: Use a shock spell to reduce Clearcast Count from 2 to 1.\r\n3. Get another Critical White hit: This will not refresh the clearcast buff (neither duration nor Count).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC:\r\nItem:\r\nQuest:\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45541\r\nObject:\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe Clearcast should override itself like for example Flurry from shaman does.\r\n\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116185888/196743849-f1423432-8b1f-4825-9902-d90b21d496fe.mp4\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-28T11:47:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-27T18:26:41+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/196781441-d4041cef-919b-4430-a585-087e343a5f8e.png)\r\n@slowtorta @jameyboor Thank you kindly.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T21:05:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"Please note, this should be boonable , it is considered a world buff.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T21:12:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bma1SFDAxVY\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24705 - spell\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=180437 - object\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=180574 - object 2\r\n\r\nIt looks like you should be able to get it from both objects only 180574 is interactable but it gives no gossip text to get the buff and 180437 is not interactable. \r\n\r\nINSERT INTO `gameobject_template` VALUES (180574, 2, 6421, 'Wickerman Guardian Ember', 0, 0, 5, 43, 0, 0, 6535, 0, 0, 19700, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '');\r\n\r\nINSERT INTO `gameobject_template` VALUES (180437, 2, 6421, 'Wickerman Ember', 83, 0, 5, 43, 0, 0, 6535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '');\r\n\r\nINSERT INTO `broadcast_text` VALUES (10659, 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power.', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n\r\nINSERT INTO `broadcast_text` VALUES (10660, 'Smear the ash on my face like war paint!', 'Smear the ash on my face like war paint!', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n\r\nINSERT INTO `broadcast_text` VALUES (10661, 'The ashes from the burning wickerman radiate magical power. You have already applied the ashes to your face.', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);","createdAt":"2023-06-27T06:52:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-19T12:38:13+0200","number":2303,"labels":"Spell, Object","state":"OPEN","title":"Wickerman Guardian Ember does not give the buff","body":"Wickerman Guardian Ember does not give the buff Invocation of the Wickerman\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=180574\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24705","updatedAt":"2024-01-25T21:39:06+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Issue also occurs with \"A Crystal Clear Task\" https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80252","createdAt":"2022-10-19T08:09:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:21:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Problem was specific to individual character - they were in a hidden raid group and thus unable to interact with all quest objects.","createdAt":"2023-02-22T17:03:20+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-19T08:06:55+0200","number":2302,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Honoring the Departed, sprigs of Auribloom can't be interact with","body":"Honoring the Departed, sprigs of Auribloom can't be interact with\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40368\r\n\r\nPlayer reported the same issue with https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80258 Tears of the Poppy\r\nThis bug can only be reproduced by logging on the players who encounters the issues character. [Contact Tinyfin for names]\r\nIt was tested on a clean client, with the latest patches, with no addons and wdb folder cleared.\r\n\r\nhttps://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c36q1nVt99w\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-22T17:03:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T19:22:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Energizer188"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue persists on current version.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:31:01+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"As for the first issue (does not make you invisible) I was able to successfully use the cloaking device and run directly through hostile mobs without aggroing them, so it appears to be functioning in that regard.\r\n\r\nAs for the second issue (does not reset mob/remove you from combat) we would have to determine which iteration of the cloaking device we wish to have, as Blizzard changed the way this item functioned on multiple occasions. In this case, I believe you're remembering the function of the cloaking device during the early days of Classic WoW's launch, when it did indeed have an effect similar to vanish, but was later fixed to be more in line with the original function (when it wasn't usable in combat at all).\r\n\r\nFor now I believe we can call this working as intended unless the staff determines to implement the vanish-like version of the trinket's function at a later date.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T17:38:19+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-18T12:44:52+0200","number":2301,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item Gnomish Cloaking Device doesn't work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe item Gnomish Cloaking Device doesn't work at all. It does not make us invisible, nor reset the mob when we are in combat.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nAttack a mob and use it while in combat. The mob still see you and hit you.\r\nSame thing with another player, they still see you when you use it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4397\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWell, it's supposed to make us invisible, and reset the mob if we are in combat.\r\nOther players can't see us nor target us, but they can hit us with AOE spells. If we get hit by an AOE the effect is cancelled.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T17:38:19+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T17:38:19+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-18T08:10:19+0200","number":2300,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Burning Shadows\" minor typos","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest text in one place no spacebar and in the second and third extra spacebar.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Came to Durotar and kill [Gazz'uz](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3204);\r\n2. Get [Eye of Burning Shadow](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4903);\r\n3. Take [Burning Shadows](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=832) from [Eye of Burning Shadow](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4903).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: [Burning Shadows](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=832)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIn first case spacebar should be added, in second and third case extra spacebar should be removed.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101722_173816_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196349176-3760ed19-c57d-4fca-a573-5568e2460a69.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-18T08:01:11+0200","number":2299,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Razormane Orders\" minor defect","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn item that start quest exist line \"Right Click to Read\". But that item only start quest and not becoming letter to have it.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar and kill [Death's Head Cultist](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60708);\r\n2. Get [Razormane Orders](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60520).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: [Razormane Orders](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60520)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRemove line \"Right Click to Read\" from item.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101422_215706_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196347916-eac2fe63-d517-4d63-a1d4-17cd1e931a9b.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-18T07:49:04+0200","number":2298,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Grand Herbal Theft\" minor typo","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest text exist extra paragraph indent that should be removed.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Mulgore and take [Puffing Peace](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40001) from [Shagu](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60300);\r\n2. Complete [Puffing Peace](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40001) at Mishiki in Durotar;\r\n3. Take [Grand Herbal Theft](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40002) from [Mishiki](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3185)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Mishiki](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3185)\r\nQuest: [Grand Herbal Theft](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40002)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nExtra paragraph indent should be removed.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101422_175816_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196345996-f2ee7375-17f9-4b90-a1b3-e0e59cbdeb96.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-17T12:03:17+0200","number":2297,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bristeback Boar, wrong creature archetype","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n[Bristleback Boar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60848) in custom location Suntail Pass have wrong archetype. They drop coins and cant be skinned.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Suntail Pass, custom location between Mulgore and The Barrens;\r\n2. Kill [Bristleback Boar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60848).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Bristleback Boar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60848)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n[Bristleback Boar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60848) archetype should be changed to Beast that should fix loot-table and give opportunity to skin corpse.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101422_122913](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196149873-0fb2e132-c7e5-4259-9620-489694683ac6.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101422_122921](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196149882-40c96920-7479-4352-94ea-ca1ad748c322.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101622_211902](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/196149893-330ad5ca-6ca5-48fc-a535-bedbdb0a5706.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Oomsdvc"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"Every time I've pointed out that plainsrunning is insanely annoying to use and a total downgrade from mounts in almost every imaginable way, an angry mod was quick to point out that uhhh waterwalking plainsrunning is a thing so, there, it's balanced or something.\r\n\r\nSo yeah, we COULD have plainsrunning that doesn't make you want to rip your teeth out with the blunt end of a hammer, but we get this instead. Fun.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T06:47:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is intended and won't be fixed.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T23:05:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-17T11:43:32+0200","number":2296,"labels":"Won't Fix","state":"CLOSED","title":"Oversight: Plainsrunning can be used with shaman water walking.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nTauran shamans can use Plainsrunning and water walking at the same time. this is an imbalance in my eyes because you cannot use mounts or shapeshift while maintaining water walking since it will be dispelled when you do.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast water walking on self.\r\n2. Cast Plainsrunning.\r\n3. Observe how water walking is not broken.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=546\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=12568\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nPlainsrunning is custom content, i am in no position to say how it should or should not work. But i deem it an oversight as mounting up or shapeshifting breaks water walking while Plainsrunning does not. I have experienced first hand how powerful it can be against other players, both in competing for resources and pvp.\r\n\r\nIn my situation i am an orc shaman that runs between wreckage pools in Azshara, but a tauren shaman took over my fishing route with her massive speed which i felt was quite unfair. There is certainly some bias here but i hope it doesn't take away from the argument i've made.","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T23:05:47+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T23:05:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"- Experienced by players from both factions (Undead Priest, Night Elf Druid)\r\n- In two separate incidents, multiple party members were on the quest - some were successful, some could not see dialogue\r\n- Tested affected player using separate character on account - one worked and one didn't, doesn't appear to be client/WDB-related?","createdAt":"2022-10-19T15:47:25+0200"},{"author":null,"body":"Could it be that multiple party members being on the quest could confuse the NPC? It worked just fine to me when I handed in the quest alone (Undead warlock)\r\nAnother thing I can think of is that some specific elixirs or buffs mess with the detection, which not all party members have.\r\nLastly, you most certainly cannot progress the quest if your party is set to raid group, which some spire groups are.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T02:24:57+0200"},{"author":null,"body":"To elaborate on option one: We had a similar issue with a dungeon quest in Dire Maul, where you have to find some guy's remains. Upon the first player interacting with the bones, half the party had the quest randomly completed, the other half failed. No such issue when going there alone.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T02:32:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"- Multiple party members confuse NPC? Possibly?\r\n - Incident 1: 1 party member able to turn in, 1 party member unable to turn in, 2 party members able to turn in\r\n - Incident 2: 1 party member able to turn in, 2 party members unable to turn in, no further party members on quest\r\n- Presence of other spellauras interfering with Ragged John's ability to detect the poison sounds possible?\r\n- In both cases, the party was set to \"party\" and not \"raid\"\r\n- Issue persisted for affected players through reloadui and relogging\r\n- ","createdAt":"2022-10-21T05:40:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Any level discrepancies between players?","createdAt":"2022-11-02T21:54:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Players unable to turn in quest were all level 60\r\n\r\nFirst occurrence in party with all level 60s\r\nSecond occurrence in party with mixed levels (don't recall the exact numbers)","createdAt":"2022-11-02T22:05:38+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Is this still relevant?","createdAt":"2023-02-19T00:49:57+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Able to reproduce but unable to narrow down the cause for why it is not consistent across characters.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:24:00+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-17T07:43:43+0200","number":2295,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mother's Milk - Quest Dialogue Unavailable","body":"For quest Mother's Milk - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4866\r\n\r\nExpected dialogue when received debuff from Mother Smolderweb--\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/196097862-d95bfdf2-1ce4-46fe-902c-e705ae3ebf3d.png)\r\n\r\nCan be missing, conditions unknown.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/196097575-db7061d6-4a84-4a1f-ad39-cd76ead2cdab.png)\r\n\r\nAttempts to recreate:\r\n- Multiple players seem to be able to turn in this quest in quick succession\r\n- Presence of another unrelated poison doesn't seem to interfere","updatedAt":"2023-03-16T00:25:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-16T00:25:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zhorabzhora"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This creature has a 40 yard leash hard limit set. I don't know why that's the case, but I'll double it to 80.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T09:46:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-16T17:56:14+0200","number":2294,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Xalvic Blackclaw leaving combat when it walks a bit a bit further of its spawn point","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nXalvic Blackclaw leaving combat when it walks a bit a bit further of its spawn point\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Fear it until it leaves combat \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=49003\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt shouldn't leave combat as other elite NPCs do","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T09:46:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T09:46:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"You can see your target's resistances using this macro: `/run u=UnitResistance y=\"target\" h=u(y ,1) f=u(y ,2) n=u(y ,3) fr=u(y ,4) s=u(y ,5) z=u(y ,6) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName(y)..\" has \"..h..\" Holy, \"..f..\" Fire, \"..n..\" Nature, \"..z..\" Arcane, \"..fr..\" Frost and \"..s..\" Shadow res.\")`","createdAt":"2022-10-16T19:06:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"> /run u=UnitResistance y=\"target\" h=u(y ,1) f=u(y ,2) n=u(y ,3) fr=u(y ,4) s=u(y ,5) z=u(y ,6) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName(y)..\" has \"..h..\" Holy, \"..f..\" Fire, \"..n..\" Nature, \"..z..\" Arcane, \"..fr..\" Frost and \"..s..\" Shadow res.\")\r\n\r\nThanks for sharing. Apparently that boss dummy has no resistances, but im getting 3-4 partial resists in a row which is highly unlikely for a supposed to be 1 % chance to miss with 16 spellhit.","createdAt":"2022-10-16T23:35:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"There must be some underlying problem in the coding that still calculates actual resists for holy damage.","createdAt":"2022-10-16T23:36:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"Under which assumption did this issue get closed?","createdAt":"2022-10-17T11:25:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The chance for holy spells to be resisted will be lowered in the next update.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T14:15:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"> The chance for holy spells to be resisted will be lowered in the next update.\r\n\r\nI hope with lowered you actually mean removed/setting it to 0 for every entity in the game since that is how its supposed to be.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T22:59:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-16T17:53:03+0200","number":2293,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Holy Resistance On NPCs","body":"NPCs seem to have holy resistance on turtle wow. I am aware of the 2 messures to determine a \"resist\" in vanilla which are based on spellhit and magic school resistances of the enemy. I got 16 spellhit with my priest and so a miss/\"resist\" on my holy spells should be only 1 %. But I am getting quite frequent resists still. This suggests that there is actually holy resistance in turtle wow which should not be the case.\r\n\r\nNostalrius thread about the same issue: https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=36395\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. get 16% spellhit as a priest\r\n2. spam smite rank2 on a lvl 63 dummy\r\n3. notice quite alot of spell resists\r\n\r\nThere should be no resistance on NPCs nor players for the holy magic school.","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:17:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T10:20:12+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SaxxonPike"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-15T23:05:27+0200","number":2292,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: \"Rend Flesh\" affects targets well outside of its spell range","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nRend Flesh is a melee (5yd range) spell that is cased by Ferocious Rage Scar among other creatures in the world. However, while in combat as a hunter, even when the creature is engaged with my pet 20+ yards away, I am still affected by Rend Flesh.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Bring a hunter to Feralas, around (52,31)\r\n2. Engage a Ferocious Rage Scar enemy with your pet, get some attacks in yourself at range.\r\n3. Observe that during combat, you will be affected by Rend Flesh.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5299\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=3147\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nRend Flesh should only affect targets within the range of the spell (5yd).","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T10:28:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T10:28:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Bloodline1x9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, I was not able to reproduce this bug. Possibly, you're using some interface modifications?","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:44:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-15T21:06:16+0200","number":2291,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"The Old Bonds\"","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAfter accepting the quest from NPC, its description in the questlog book changed to the another quest description - \"The Old Ways\" quest https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2756\r\nFrom \"Bonds\" to \"Ways\". And questhelper thought that I needed to go to Ogrimmar (despite the fact that I am an Alliance)\r\nAnd when I came to Slip, he despite this accepted successful completion \"The Old Bond\" quest.\r\nSo it's not a big problem. Just want you to know\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n[https://i.postimg.cc/XqhJgHqs/the-old-bonds.png](url)\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60504\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40225\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:44:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:44:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Frostwolf103"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Frostwolf103"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115891646/196037302-c02b7c07-953d-423f-b569-162c7515d95f.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-16T15:11:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"VMAPs issue, known, unrelated to the boars.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T19:30:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-15T19:04:56+0200","number":2290,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Suntail Pass bug - Bristleback Boar charges straight into the cave and not directly at me.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is: Pathfinding Bristleback Boar **\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Attack Bristleback Boar at Suntail Pass by the bridge\r\n2. Bristleback Boar uses Charge however it goes straight into the cave and pull every mob inside the cave\r\n3. Returns back to fight with second Charge ability now used correctly, however I died later to the pulled mobs that netted me.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60848 / https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60849 / https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60847\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60654\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40446 / https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40447\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work: So when I attacked the Bristleback Boar or at least approached it, the boar uses Charge ability but has trouble finding me and goes straight into the cave instead pulling every mob inside before returning back to me which I killed without an issue until I see the pulled mob that blocked my escape and I died, I think that bristleback boar charge ability was unsuccessful unable to find my exact location even though I stand 10 feet across from them without any obstruction.**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:30:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:30:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-15T03:28:59+0200","number":2289,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mage - Immunity to Dust Stormers","body":"With 2/2 Magic Attunement (Arcane Tree, 3rd tier) and Rank 4+ of Dampen Magic, mages are immune to all damage from Dust Stormers\r\n\r\nMagic Attunement - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=12606\r\nDust Stormers - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11744\r\n\r\nI vaguely remember reading about this somewhere in the distant past so this might be blizzlike behavior.","updatedAt":"2022-10-18T14:25:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-18T14:25:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"RalphThomas"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"According to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nostalrius/comments/3x3j37/comment/cy1lus1/) posted back in 2015, cancelling a form does in fact trigger GCD.","createdAt":"2022-10-14T22:50:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"This is correct behavior, druids cannot cast immediately out of shapeshift until one of the later expansions (Warlords of Draenor, iirc)","createdAt":"2022-10-15T03:29:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"RalphThomas"},"body":"one of the later expansions being TBC though. that i can assure you. i dabbled a bit in vanilla as a kid, but TBC i played serious balls deep. gladiator restokin n all. the macros needed were endless but the delays were non existant. after that, in wotlk, it was automatic. casting rejuv put u in casterform and cast rejuv in single click, no macro needed or anything. in wod, we had casting a bear form ability would put the druid in bear form auto. that was the last change to those mechanics, and eliminated a shitton of macros once again. anyhow. here it does not trigger a gcd on the client, but still has delay","createdAt":"2022-10-16T01:03:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"Are you sure this is unmorph which triggers gcd and not only morph ?","createdAt":"2022-10-20T11:22:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Unmorph doesn't trigger a GCD, but requires the server side to acknowledge that you've shifted out of a form. I played treeform to gladiator during original TBC -- the macro written as described wouldn't work until Arena Season 3, and could not be accomplished without a macro until much later.\r\n\r\nFrom a practical standpoint, it's probably difficult to re-write the architecture to let the client determine druidform.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T05:31:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-14T20:51:19+0200","number":2288,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Delay for unshapeshift as a druid","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThere is a delay in unshapeshifting that is not vanilla-like. in vanilla, when you pressed rejuvenation, you would simply get out of bear (or another) form. press again and rejuv would be cast. BUT you could use the macro \r\n/cancelaura Bear Form\r\n/cast Rejuvenation\r\nto make it in 1 click. on Turtle, this macro gives out the warning i am in bear form (even though physically i am instantly a cow, and this action takes no gcd). smashing this macro does end with a rejuv cast, but it takes a good second to get there. its abnormal, and should not be there as a delay.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.make macro\r\n2. get in bear form\r\n3. cast macro several times quickly\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nno delay, can cast anything immediately as soon as out of form.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T23:15:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T23:15:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Ragnarockin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Not a bug read the quest text...\r\n\"When you find it, /cheer at it before trying to give it the Special Chicken Feed.\"\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-14T14:58:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-14T09:40:40+0200","number":2287,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest CLUCK!","body":"The second half of CLUCK! is broken.\r\n\r\ntargeting the chicken using the /chicken command eventually turns chicken friendly, allowing player to accept quest. \r\nUpon accepting quest chicken immediately becomes neutral and no amount of /chicken on the same NPC, or any other NPC chicken, will allow you to turn in quest for the pet.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3861","updatedAt":"2022-10-14T21:43:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-14T21:43:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ChaseLandon"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-14T00:04:53+0200","number":2286,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Sark's Grudge","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nName is not reporting properly. See image, it says <name>\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12452374/195719289-ebb737a6-8340-48a8-96fe-2aa7e6ef12e3.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Complete the quest\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60449\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40355\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould report the players name","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:47+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client issue, taking this to the internal tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T00:28:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T19:13:33+0200","number":2285,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Denalah Silverpoint","body":"[Denalah Silverpoint](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=66001) has no voice.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=66001","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:28:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:28:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T19:09:28+0200","number":2284,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Drywallow Crocolisk","body":"[Drywallow Crocolisks](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4341) sometimes disappear just after being skinned, but before the skinning loot window appears. It's still possible to increase your Skinning skill this way.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4341\r\n\r\nThis could be a more general issue.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T19:08:07+0200","number":2283,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Bloodfen Screecher","body":"[Bloodfen Screechers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4352) sometimes disappear just after being skinned, but before the skinning loot window appears. It's still possible to increase your Skinning skill this way.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4352\r\n\r\nThis could be a more general issue.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:37:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:47:04+0200","number":2282,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Sagepaw","body":"According to the database, [Sagepaw](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91291) can drop quest items he shouldn't, such as [Midnight Orb](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=1261), [Horns of Nez'ra](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=7906), and [Battleworn Axe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3014).\r\n\r\nI have NOT tested this is-game.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91291","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:33:46+0200","number":2281,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Assisting the Children of the Sun","body":"The quest [Assisting the Children of the Sun](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80250) rewards 5 copper, but since it's a level 10 quest, it should either reward around 5 silver, or no money at all.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80250","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:27:43+0200","number":2280,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Stockade's Search","body":"The quest [The Stockade's Search](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=55221) rewards 159 reputation, which looks like a typo. The intended value was probably 150.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=55221","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next client update.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T00:31:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:24:26+0200","number":2279,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Blessing of Blackfathom","body":"The tooltip for [Blessing of Blackfathom](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8733) spells \"Intellect\", \"Spirit\" and \"Frost damage\" in all lowercase. This got fixed in The Burning Crusade.\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8733","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Client issue, internal tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T00:34:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:16:30+0200","number":2278,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Hemming Silverbeard","body":"[Hemming Silverbeard](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80952) has no voice.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80952","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:34:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:34:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:12:58+0200","number":2277,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Wrathtail Sea Witch","body":"[Wrathtail Sea Witches](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3715) almost always drop five or more items, unlike other nearby naga. Notice that Wrathtail Sea Witches' drop table looks very different than that of other nearby naga, e.g. [Wrathtail Sorceress](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3717).\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3715\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T18:05:47+0200","number":2276,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Mardant Strongoak","body":"[Mardant Strongoak](https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=3597/mardant-strongoak) teaches [Savage Bite](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47325) and a few other custom abilities past level 6. He shouldn't be teaching any ability that requires level higher than 6. Same goes for all class trainers in starting areas, and it's likely [Gart Mistrunner](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3060) is bugged the same way, and perhaps even other class trainers in starting areas for classes that have custom abilities.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=3597/mardant-strongoak","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:48+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"For reports like this, we'd need a video-evidence of the same behavior on Classic, please! ","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:00:50+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsqJryrR3eU\r\n\r\nTimestamps: 59:37/1:00:14/1:03:30\r\nThe warrior hits the character for 17/17/21 damage. Their base damage is 7-10, and it wasn't a critical hit, so it seems very likely that's their Strike ability. Another piece of evidence is the visual effect on the character getting hit by it, which is different from the effect of getting hit by a regular attack.\r\n\r\nIn all three cases, you can see Thorns causing 3 damage to the warrior after the character gets hit by Strike.\r\n\r\nAs I mentioned in my original post, this could be a more general issue, applying to many more mob abilities that should trigger on-hit effects.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T13:30:57+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thank you!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T15:11:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"Confirmed that this is still not working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-10-21T00:36:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:54:58+0200","number":2275,"labels":"Spell, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Gnarlpine Warrior","body":"[Gnarlpine Warrior](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2008)'s Strike doesn't trigger [Thorns](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=467). It seems likely that the Strike ability doesn't trigger any other on-hit effects, perhaps including any other mobs using this ability (the list is long).\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2008","updatedAt":"2023-10-22T15:07:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-22T15:07:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:45:35+0200","number":2274,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Dirty Old Ring","body":"The item [Dirty Old Ring](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51855) can be looted multiple times. Normally, items that start a quest are unique.\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51855","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:43:21+0200","number":2273,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Redridge Mongrel","body":"[Redridge Mongrels](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=423) have 20 armor, whereas seven other types of gnolls in the area have from 432 ([Redridge Mystic](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=430)) to 865 ([Redridge Drudger](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=580)) armor.\r\n\r\nMight be intended, but it does seem wrong.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=423","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:34:18+0200","number":2272,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Garrett Family Chest","body":"An item for a Horde quest [Garrett Family Chest](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=124388) respawns in 5 minutes, whereas a similar item for an Alliance quest [Krom Stoutarm's Chest](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=124389) respawns in a few seconds.\r\n\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=124388","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:31:06+0200","number":2271,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Giant Buzzard","body":"[Giant Buzzards](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2831) can be skinned, even though they shouldn't be.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2831","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:29:25+0200","number":2270,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Finding The Forgotten","body":"The quest [Finding The Forgotten](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50241) is listed under \"Stormwind City\", instead of under \"Arathi Highlands\".\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50241\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:26:41+0200","number":2269,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Venture Co. Workboss","body":"[Venture Co. Workboss](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1095) respawns after 25 seconds, instead of the usual 5 minutes.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1095","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:25:16+0200","number":2268,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Orb of Kaladus","body":"The quest [The Orb of Kaladus](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40233) is listed under \"Swamp of Sorrows\" in the quest log, instead of under \"Scarlet Monastery\", like other dungeon quests are.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40233","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:21:41+0200","number":2267,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Fire Roc","body":"Fire Rocs have a chance of dropping ~lv10 equippable items, which is not right.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5429","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T10:40:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T10:40:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Issues closed without any comments will be fixed on the next server update, just to clarify :)","createdAt":"2022-10-17T00:50:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Thanks for clarifying!","createdAt":"2022-10-17T11:11:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T17:20:07+0200","number":2266,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Blisterpaw Hyena","body":"Blisterpaw Hyenas have a chance of dropping ~lv10 equippable items, which is not right.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5426","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T11:11:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T00:49:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"WenzelOfMidgard"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"This is a general issue with transmogs. You gotta clear your WDB cache to be able to inspect those players.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T20:35:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T16:05:14+0200","number":2265,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Game crash when inspecting someone with a dalaran human female skin.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** Game crash when inspecting someone with a dalaran human female skin.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:38:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:38:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"I tried to reproduce the test and found out that I can't get Combat Log to show Aura refreshes, which means that every time I gain Clearcasting when I already had it, ProcWatch doesn't register it, even if it came from the ability using Clearcasting.\r\nI don't suppose your combat log is any different ?","createdAt":"2022-10-15T22:59:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"I will re-check and report.","createdAt":"2022-10-16T11:11:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"You're right, refreshes do not get logged.\r\nI performed a new, adusted test:\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-10-19 19-38-05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/196693269-3c0a5a34-256b-4683-b21a-7d5074ae640b.png)\r\nApparently PPM is 4 now.\r\nI apologize for misleading results provided previously.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T14:43:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"So I set up the following test:\r\nWent to Darnassus where there's no people.\r\nGot ProcWatch to look for \"You gain Clearcasting\"\r\nWent to dummy to afk-auto-attack\r\nSet up a AHK script to mash Right-Click every 100ms which I used to click off any Clearcasting proc that I got, so everytime Clearcasting procs, it is removed immediately before the next attack happens.\r\n\r\n1st session: 1010 Hits 58 Procs = 17.4 hits/proc = 3.45 PPM\r\n2nd session: 1651 Hits 110 Procs = 15 hits/proc = 4 PPM\r\n3rd session: 1626 Hits 114 Procs = 14.2 hits/proc = 4.14 PPM\r\n4th session: 951 Hits 75 Procs = 12.6 hits/proc = 4.76 PPM","createdAt":"2022-10-20T13:42:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"You could've called CancelPlayerBuff() function whenever you gain any buff, or once per game update, but your method is still accurate enough to give statistically significant results.","createdAt":"2022-10-20T14:04:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-13T12:04:18+0200","number":2264,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Omen of Clarity proc rate, still","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOmen still procing too rarely.\r\nRef #1963, #2115.\r\n\r\nI increased sample sizes and recorded 2 full 30 min sessions (cat):\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-09-28 20-13-33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/192805074-0039bc0d-15cc-41bf-821c-1b30f2e8929d.png) ![Captura de pantalla de 2022-09-28 21-22-13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/192805081-cae1e207-2b57-4e93-b7f9-5628ab2a6223.png)\r\n\r\nAssuming proc chance of 3.33% for cat attack, my estimation is that first screenshot has only 4% chance of happening, and second one is about 15%, which together makes 0.6% - pretty solid number suggesting that something's off.\r\nBut you don't have to take my word for it - just test for yourself.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Cast Omen.\r\n2. Shift to cat, start attacking training dummy.\r\n3. Count procs.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n- 3.33% chance for auto and instant attacks in cat form\r\n- 8.33% for auto and instant attacks in bear form.","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T23:22:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T23:22:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-12T20:30:21+0200","number":2263,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Bond Through Battle\" unending combat bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn [Bond Through Battle](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40536) quest after start fight with [Sunchaser](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60821) combat not end after completion of quest objective. All that you can do just Alt+F4 and relog.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Speak to [Trainer Tokala](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60818);\r\n2. Take [Bond Through Battle](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40536);\r\n3. Speak to [Sunchaser](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60821) and start quest fight through dialog option;\r\n4. Finish fight with [Sunchaser](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60821) when he have about 50% hp and finish quest objective;\r\n5. Enjoy unending combat till force relog.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Sunchaser](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60821)\r\nQuest: [Bond Through Battle](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40536)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter beating [Sunchaser](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60821) player should exit combat without necessity for relog.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101222_170946](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/195420499-0c14a97e-29a7-493f-8c25-cc1055c59bf4.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101222_171033](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/195420516-13ef0c22-f0c2-469d-a091-f6cd580015cd.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:14:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:14:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-12T20:20:26+0200","number":2262,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Preventive Strike\" quest description typos. No paragraph indents","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn both texts in [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115) no paragraph indents.\r\nAlso [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209) lack of flavor text when speak to her before quest acceptance.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Speak to [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209);\r\n2. Take [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115) quest;\r\n3. Complete [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115) quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209)\r\nQuest: [Preventive Strike](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nParagraph indent in both quest description should be added. And probably some flavor text to [Brave Windfeather](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3209) herself.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101222_082814](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/195418645-aabb925c-9a59-4fba-abda-de4bca683ff1.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101222_100219](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/195418656-bb147f55-1ad5-4f42-a71b-83aa80fa8e89.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-12T20:10:09+0200","number":2261,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Bristleback Aggression\" minor typo in quest text","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest text location called \"Brambleblade Valley\" instead of \"Brambleblade Ravine\" like in other quests that sent players to the zone.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Speak with [Grull Hawkwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2980).\r\n2. Take [Bristleback Aggression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60150) quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Grull Hawkwind](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2980)\r\nQuest: [Bristleback Aggression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60150)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nChange \"Valley\" to \"Ravine\" in text quest to match the zone name and rest of the quests that send in there.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_101222_082650](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/195416889-7dc8350f-b775-4f0b-8e72-33a1a424f915.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:44:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"moradxdev"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please submit a ticket in-game, it's not a general bug :) ","createdAt":"2022-10-17T19:45:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-12T16:40:22+0200","number":2260,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"3x marks of warsong gluch lost","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI entered warsong gulsh match. In the game I capped the flag and the match ended because there was no enough players. Normaly I receive 3 marks but this time didnot receive anything.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. posible lag at the end of the match.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nreceive 3 x marks of warsong glutch.","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:45:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:45:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tenyar97"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"It's not a permanent solution, but try abandoning and accepting the quest. It should fix it.","createdAt":"2022-10-11T08:55:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Abandoning the quest and taking it again fixes the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-11T10:37:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-11T07:25:38+0200","number":2259,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Seasoned Wolf Kabobs quest unable to be turned in","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUnable to turn in the quest [Seasoned Wolf Kabobs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=90). All of the materials have been gathered, but I am unable to complete the quest.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Accept the quest: [Seasoned Wolf Kabobs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=90)\r\n2. Gather the needed materials\r\n3. Try to turn it it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Chef Grual](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=272)\r\nQuest: [Seasoned Wolf Kabobs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=90)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAble to turn the quest in, and receive credit for doing so. \r\n![e465b8a7fa869c16a6b2c7867f9d498c](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3698491/195003807-b8047266-d523-4934-8ccf-328525a372ca.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T10:37:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T10:37:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Havegnome"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-10T23:30:23+0200","number":2258,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mage Orange quest ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Orange mage quest \r\n2. Could not pickup \" Perfect Obsidian shard\". I way the only mage you needed it for the quest. I know that since the other 2 mages in the raid used their oranges for ZG and AQ20. So i should be able to pickup the item\r\n3. Only mage in the group who needed the item since the other 2 mages used oranges for ZG and AQ20 earlier\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83005\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n![Skærmbillede (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115506674/194955157-97b806d4-7652-450a-a02c-0c272c580e99.png)\r\n![Skærmbillede (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115506674/194955169-192cafbe-4e16-4f2c-b337-b9bdd9c43ecb.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nThe masterloot could not see the item since it was only mages on the quest who could. They gave me masterloot/FFA and still cound not pick it up\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115506674/194955197-373a94d2-80c6-4f1d-8308-1fb90f47155e.png\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T13:55:04+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T13:55:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Elleonors"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please DM me your character name on Discord when you're online, and I'll help you to resolve this.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T19:53:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-10T23:21:27+0200","number":2257,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rez won't work","body":"**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Die\r\n2. Ask the angel to be resurrected\r\n3. stare to the void as you realise that even the death angel is rejecting you.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6491\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nWell, after seeing the animation I should be able to.. you know, play the game :kappa:\r\nI see the animation , but nothing happens. I made a ticket multiple times but I was asked to come here.\r\nAh, and, well, I deleted the folder, and I even redll the game, and switched PC's ","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:53:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:53:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is expected behavior. Please go up to the second floor, the resting bonus will kick in the area with the bed. This Inn worked the same in Vanilla and Classic.","createdAt":"2022-10-11T18:39:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-10T09:26:03+0200","number":2256,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Revantusk Village inn is not a resting area","body":"### **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nStaying in the inn in Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands does not provide instant logouts and additional rested exp.\r\n\r\n### **Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Log out while in the inn in Revantusk Village to see that it is not instant\r\n2. Look at your character portrait to see that you are not within a resting area while in the inn\r\n\r\n### **Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBeing an inn, I expect instant logout and increased rested exp gain from logging out there.","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:39:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:39:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SaxxonPike"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-10T09:17:03+0200","number":2255,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Boots of the Wind\" equip in the chest slot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nBoots of the Wind are equippable in the chest slot.\r\n\r\n![boots of the wind](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2202546/194814916-9d37b652-5944-480c-ba86-bbf28a597477.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Craft Boots of the Wind (leatherworking)\r\n2. Equip the boots\r\n3. Observe that the boots equipped in the chest slot instead of the feet slot\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65023\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=57010\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe item's icon and name indicates it should be equippable in the feet slot.","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"nordWolv"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-09T16:05:11+0200","number":2254,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[QUEST] Cosmetic: Simple Sigil","body":"The warrior quest in the Night Elf starting zone called [Simple Sigil](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=3116/simple-sigil) has a typo in the Progression phase text. As you can see on the attached image, a name \"Saric\" is hard-coded in the text instead of using the player's name.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create a warrior character with name different than \"Saric\".\r\n2. Complete the first quest to recieve Simple Sigil quest.\r\n3. Talk to Alyssia (Warrior Trainer) and listen to the Progression phase of the quest\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3593\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9545\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3116\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe quest text should contain the player's character name instead of the hard-coded \"Saric\".\r\n\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100922_160449](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34573120/194761269-0128c34b-6d21-4deb-bbfa-2959a34583cb.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"blade7606"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"It works for priests holy spells. Both Crusader Judgement and Crusader Strike.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:15:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"blade7606"},"body":"> It works for priests holy spells. Both Crusader Judgement and Crusader Strike.\r\n\r\nYes, the issue is with seal of command...","createdAt":"2022-10-22T04:35:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n> > It works for priests holy spells. Both Crusader Judgement and Crusader Strike.\r\n> \r\n> Yes, the issue is with seal of command...\r\n\r\nI know, i just wrote this so programmers see that there is no issue with holy spells of other classes.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T14:10:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce on current version. Each stack of Crusader Strike Rank 5 increases damage of Seal of Command Rank 1 by the expected amount.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-23T16:35:02+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-09T10:47:07+0200","number":2253,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Paladin) Judgement of Crusader / Crusader Strike does not increase the holy damage from Seal of Command","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nJudgement of the crusader / Crusader Strike does not increase the holy damage from Seal of Command. Seal of command damage does not increase even after judgement of crusader and crusader strike x5 debuffs are applied to the target. There should be a fairly noticeable difference. Seal of command is a proc for 70% of your weapon damage as holy and it's damage should be increased if either or both debuffs are present. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. View seal of command proc damage before debuffing target with judgement of crusader / crusader strike x5\r\n2. View seal of command proc damage remain the same after debuff target with aforementioned spells.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20309\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter Judging seal of crusader and / or debuffing crusader strike x5 on a target Seal of Command should benefit from the increased holy damage debuffs.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-23T16:37:55+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-23T16:37:55+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"blade7606"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Thus is a duplicate. Velite reported it sometime ago","createdAt":"2022-10-10T00:31:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Duplicate of #1953.","createdAt":"2022-10-10T08:30:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-09T10:35:51+0200","number":2252,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Paladin) Judgement bug","body":"Occasionally when a paladin player uses judgement (any seal) it activates and goes on cooldown and uses mana to cast the spell, however, the spell does not actually go off.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast judgement in combat quite often.\r\n2. It feels to be around a 5% failure rate but may be more (1 in 20 chance)\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20271\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nLike every other spell in the game, if you cast judgement it should work and be casted properly.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:05:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:05:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"oghkhood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Seems like the issue is resolved :) Good luck to you and your boar!\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/196246889-4293494b-f28c-4795-86d6-d01f296de243.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-17T19:47:13+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-08T13:35:25+0200","number":2251,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"I can't tame any pet","body":"Hello\r\n\r\nCharacter : Sevenarmyorc, lvl16 Hunter\r\n\r\nMy pet was at lvl3 or maybe 4 of loyalty\r\n\r\nI was fighting for the quest \" A bloody good deed\" in the barens, when my boar was killed by a heavy add. I had to flee to stay alive.\r\n\r\nBut once back to a calm situation, the revive did not work, even when I got back close to place where it fell..... and my pet was no more in my stable, and a prompt said I do not have a pet !\r\n\r\nEven more weird : it is actually impossible for me to tame any pet, even a lvl 1 boar will still fight me once the channelling is over !\r\n\r\nAnd once the channeling is over, a prompt in red tells \"you have an active summon already\" ?????\r\n\r\nsuggestion : bug linked to the new pink fox ?","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T19:47:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T19:47:13+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VonGeijer"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-08T11:06:29+0200","number":2250,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: A Different Shade of Red","body":"Illusion: Scarlet Crusade is still not working.\r\n\r\nI have tried clearing WBD folder and relogging several times and still using the item does nothing.\r\nTried also using item and all scarlet NPCs on Tyrs Hand are still hostile.\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=53003\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80729\r\n\r\nSorry for spamming this report as I noticed other tickets to be closed but on patch notes this was on fixed list.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-08T07:34:12+0200","number":2249,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Drop chance Samophlange Manual Page is too low","body":"Drop chance Samophlange Manual Page for quest Samophlange Manual is too low. I clear full area near mine and the mine two times and one Samophlange Manual Page dropped(((\r\n \r\n1. Give quest Samophlange Manual\r\n2. Kill Venture Co. Enforcer and Venture Co. Overseer\r\n\r\nNPCs:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3283\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3286\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=11148\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3924\r\n\r\nDrop chance should be about 20 %:\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=11148/samophlange-manual-page","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T22:47:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T22:47:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-08T07:19:54+0200","number":2248,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Burning Bridges have mark as 60 level in quest log","body":"Low level quest chain marked in quest log as 60 lvl:\r\n\r\n1. Give quest Burning Bridges\r\n2. See quest log\r\n\r\nQuests:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80320\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80321\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80322\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80323\r\n\r\nI think this low level quests about 15 level.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Possibly a rounding error when it comes to damage? \r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=22048\r\n\r\nThe spell is listed with a value of 10, there may not be variance?","createdAt":"2022-10-08T08:49:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-08T07:12:25+0200","number":2247,"labels":"Shaman, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman's searing totem(rank 1) constant damage","body":"Shaman's Searing Totem (rank 1) always damaged to 10, but tooltip say about from 9 to 11 damage\r\n\r\n1. Summon Searing totem (rank 1)\r\n2. See his damage\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2523\r\n\r\nSearing Totem (rank 1) damage from 9 to 11.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:50:30+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:50:30+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"megasuperheavy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-07T23:57:20+0200","number":2246,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Typo in Mastering the Arcane quest","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTypo error in quest 'Mastering The Arcane' from NPC 'Ureda' in Orgrimmar. \r\n\r\n\r\nQuest text should probably not have the spelling \"betrayes\" at the start, unless I'm totally wrong I guess.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Talk to Ureda for the quest\r\n2. See strange spelling choice\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80857\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80311\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNo weird spelling.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tenyar97"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Tenyar97"},"body":"[Gunder Thornbush <Tradesman>](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=960) \r\n\r\n![c83ec94c874090365959f786ed461a99](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3698491/194994343-e9201a36-8c25-4116-8f41-0506a1114699.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-11T06:02:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Tenyar97"},"body":"[Tapoke \"Slim\" Jahn](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4962)","createdAt":"2022-10-23T06:09:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-07T22:35:37+0200","number":2245,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Incorrectly facing NPCs","body":"Several NPCs scattered throughout the World (of Warcraft) are facing the wrong direction.\r\n\r\nSome instances:\r\nBengus Deepforge\t npc=4258\r\nRotgath Stonebeard\tnpc=10276\r\n\r\nInkeepers should face players, Blacksmiths should hammer Anvils, ex.\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3698491/194648161-67436b3b-22de-4144-bf77-39be68189c38.mp4","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T06:09:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afamyau"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's working as intended. Please disable your interface addon, clear your WDB cache and try again.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:13:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-07T18:01:17+0200","number":2244,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't get reputation with Darnassus via Runecloth quest","body":"1. I turn in quest \"Additional Runecloth: Darnassus\"\r\n2. I don't get reputation\r\n3. Reputation with Darnassus doesn't change\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7801\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14725\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=14047\r\n\r\nIt should give reputation with Darnassus, and it worked few days ago.\r\n\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40724458/194597035-b90dd2b2-d107-44aa-bb34-29c1d7aeeaab.mp4\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:13:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:13:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rhade15"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-07T03:27:36+0200","number":2243,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Argent Dawn reputation isn't awarded","body":"Elite mobs in the plaguelands such as Slaughterhouse Protector and Ziggurat Protector do not award reputation on kill.\r\n\r\nKill any plaguelands elite at Honored reputation with the Argent Dawn.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12263\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12262\r\n\r\nEach elite mob in the plaguelands should award 5 reputation per kill until 11999 Honored: https://classic.wowhead.com/guides/argent-dawn-reputation-wow-classic#undead-mobs-in-the-plaguelands\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114367453/194446932-4ce6f657-0259-46d5-9dfc-ec13c12dbe13.mp4","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"marcinb12500"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"It also does not benefit from the attackspeed bonus of the quiver, ins was uses ammunition bag ","createdAt":"2022-10-06T23:00:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-06T21:47:33+0200","number":2242,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gold plated royal crossbow","body":"**The crossbow is held on the left instead of the right. It has a bugged animation when firing, and is kinda floating (uses gun animation). It cannot be transmogged (to either gun or crossbow)**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip crossbow\r\n2. fire\r\n3. try to transmog\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60624 \r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nLike any other vanilla crossbow (held in right hand) propper clipping animations and not floating (and transmogable\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue persists on the current version. Make all 4 fissures behave as they do in Lushwater.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T20:11:00+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-06T12:29:01+0200","number":2241,"labels":"Spell, Mechanic, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Barrens Oases fissures and underwater breathing debuff","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn 3 of 4 Oases in The Barrens fissure on bottom not giving underwater breathing debuff. In The Forgotten Pools, The Stagnant Oasis and The Sludge Fen. Lushwater Oasis work correctly.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to The Barrens;\r\n2. Come to The Forgotten Pools, The Stagnant Oasis, The Sluge Fen or Lushwater Oasis;\r\n3. Swim to fissure on the bottom.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAll fissires should give player characters debuff \"Air Bubbles\", that allow them to breath underwater.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100422_083242](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194290505-af5d9891-3fd0-4f1d-9245-2f1dd191eee0.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100422_222025](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194290522-c9a2b6fb-7429-49dd-a9f9-01550a8fff97.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100622_132413](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194290542-79cc88a9-b526-4bbf-b5dc-53e006d4254f.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100522_203647](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194290550-6a13abab-5bad-4f0c-afe3-e8c93a030fb6.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-13T17:05:43+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-13T17:05:43+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dan-personal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Proworx"},"body":"Any ETA on the resolve of this issue? Has been around for a while.","createdAt":"2022-12-02T19:07:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SaxxonPike"},"body":"This isn't the same issue as #1960 (that might be a spell db correction) but I'm going to share the necessary spell to look at from that issue:\r\n\r\nSpell ID for Clearcasting (Druid): 16870\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16870\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=16870/clearcasting","createdAt":"2022-12-08T20:21:56+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Maul is properly discounted. Closing.","createdAt":"2023-01-14T06:07:52+0100"},{"author":{"login":"dan-personal"},"body":"Not fixed. Clearcasting proc is consumed by the rage costing ability (e.g swipe) but not discounted. Maul is then discounted. Slightly better, but still broken.\r\n\r\nNot only does it make no real sense for maul to be discounted in this case, but it's also not even the ability consuming the clearcasting proc. The ability that consumes the clearcasting proc is the ability that should be discounted. If that is a maul, then maul is discounted. In this case it is NOT maul that consumes the clearcasting proc (nor should it be).","createdAt":"2023-03-10T15:07:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-06T11:36:31+0200","number":2240,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Druid) Omen of Clarity not working correctly when Maul is queued","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs a druid in bear form, when you have a Clearcasting proc from Omen of Clarity and a Maul queued, casting another rage ability (e.g Swipe, Savage Bite) will consume the Clearcasting proc but will not discount the ability. You might think that it's just some weird lag or spell queuing issue and it will discount the Maul rather than the other ability, but no, it discounts neither.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be a Druid in bear form, with access to Maul and another rage-costing ability, and talented in to Omen of Clarity.\r\n2. Auto attack until you have a Clearcasting proc\r\n3. Wait for a further auto attack to allow yourself plenty of time to set up and observe the bug\r\n4. Queue a Maul\r\n5. Before the Maul goes off, cast a rage-costing ability\r\n6. Observe that you have lost Clearcasting, but your rage has been reduced by the cost of the ability (talent dependent)\r\n7. Wait for the Maul to go off\r\n8. Observe that the Maul has also not been discounted. Note: I wouldn't expect the Maul to be discounted, but this refutes the possible argument that some sort of lag is causing the Clearcasting proc to be consumed on Maul rather than the first ability you cast.\r\n\r\nNote: I only personally tested these steps with Swipe and Savage Bite. I have made the assumption that other rage costing abilities are affected similarly - Demoralizing Roar, Challenging Roar\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9881\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe rage-costing ability should be free when it is cast with a Clearcasting proc.","updatedAt":"2023-03-10T15:12:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T06:07:52+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"Confirmed\r\n\r\nJudgement only scales off spell crit, and this 3set scales off of neither spell nor phys crit.","createdAt":"2023-10-21T04:40:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T23:41:45+0200","number":2239,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Paladin ZG 3 set Bonus judgmement cant crit","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nthe zg paladin freethinker 3 set bonus casuses your judgmements to deal additionl 60-66 dmg.\r\nthis was the orginal t2 8/8 bonus and was changed to zg set.\r\nthis set bonus was changed on twow to scale with sp\r\nBUT\r\nthe judgmement effect never crits\r\ni used it for half an hour on dummys and it never crits\r\naccroding to a source i found about classic with multiple people discussing the bonus, it can acatually crit!\r\n\r\nhttps://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/paladin-88-judgement-set-bonus/146719/6\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19825\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\ni would suggest making it crit like the regular Seal of Righeousness Jugmenet of paladins. that is, it should scale with crit from int,the 5% crit from the holy talents and basically same crit chacne as exocism or flash of light.\r\n\r\nin classic it seems that the set bonus had an unknown constant lower critrate of around 2-5%. noones rly knew what was happening i would not suggest to go that route becuase it makes no sense\r\n\r\nread the discussion here \r\nhttps://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/paladin-88-judgement-set-bonus/146719/6\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-01-25T21:37:28+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a guild base. This innkeeper isn't even supposed to be here. We'll look into it :)","createdAt":"2022-10-06T12:26:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T21:11:27+0200","number":2238,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Defective Inn in Northern Barrens","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn Northern Barrens slight southern from Warsong Gulch enter custom Inn not consider as rested place.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Barrens.\r\n2. Come to defective inn.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nInn should become a rested place.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100422_212910](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194142753-ee0a19a3-6206-4238-a685-93198b429c45.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100422_212926](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194142762-5122b0b9-945b-4ebc-8fa9-1b479e78b088.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-06T12:30:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-06T12:26:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T21:05:15+0200","number":2237,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tonga Runetotem, \"Altered Beings\" completion monolog, minor typos.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn [Tonga Runetotem](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3448) monolog after completion [Alter Beings](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=880) extra spacebars.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Come to The Barrens;\r\n2. Complete [Alter Beings](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=880);\r\n3. Listen to [Tonga Runetotem](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3448) monolog.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRemove extra spacebars in second and third replics.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100522_212510](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/194141690-62b3dc25-341d-4ae2-b2f3-fa5790d653b9.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T20:01:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T20:01:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"KreepAK"},"body":"I noticed that too, but was able to reproduce 3 times in 3hr constant gameplay. What I've noticed, that 4 stacks appear after I crit with spell 1st time and my 2nd crit is from melee. It seems like, Clearcasting proc from spell crit stacks with Crearcasting proc from melee hit","createdAt":"2022-10-07T15:16:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T20:47:26+0200","number":2236,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Clearcasting (Elemental Focus) stacking to 4","body":"### **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nShaman Clearcasting stacks to 4, and as a result mana cost of affected spells is reduced significantly, although casting 1 spell with 4x stacks of Clearcasting consumes 2 of the 4 stacks.\r\n\r\nThe second spellcast, after gaining 4 stacks, is reduced by just as much mana as the first cast, although the visiual indication of the buff goes from 4 -> 2 stacks after the first spell cast.\r\n\r\n### **Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Gain clearcasting twice without consuming any stacks (from melee hitting, essentially).\r\n2. In my case, Earth Shock (Rank 6) now costs 34 mana\r\n\r\nEven if you expend 1x stack of Clearcasting, and then proc Elemental Focus again while having 1x remaining stack, the next spell is reduced by just as much, but that very spell then consumes both stacks of Clearcasting.\r\n\r\nEarth Shock (Rank 6) costing 34 mana with 4 stacks\r\n![Skærmbillede (45)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/194138138-0732fac8-2336-40d6-bcd2-429ce8a4767a.png)\r\n\r\nEarth Shock (Rank 6) costing 34 mana with 2 stacks, after casting 1x spell after gaining 4 stacks:'\r\n![Skærmbillede (47)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/194138268-e31df2d6-4e59-46d7-8353-cfa265306794.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n### **IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n[Spell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\n](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45541)\r\n\r\n### **Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHow it plays out currently, you technically still only get 2x spell casts at reduced cost, however the spells cost are reduced by too much when acquiring \"4 visual stacks\".","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T09:35:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T09:35:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T20:08:23+0200","number":2235,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chain Lightning consumes both stacks of Clearcasting if hitting 2+ targets","body":"### **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nChain Lightning consumes both stacks of Clearcasting if hitting 2+ targets\r\n\r\n### **Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Gain Clearcasting\r\n2. Cast a Chain Lightning that hits 2 or more targets\r\n3. Both stacks of the buff are consumed\r\n\r\nHere is a screenshot of my combat log showing, that Chain Lightning hits 1x target and is not consumed, only after I also do a Shock a bit later:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/194129728-18b7a2a3-e43d-46d8-92fe-7d422ea120b1.png)\r\n\r\nHere is a screenshot of my combat log where I hit 2x targets with Chain Lightning after gaining Clearcasting, and Clearcasting fades after that one spell cast:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/194130688-080a94a4-6781-43fc-afc8-2304913bbc1d.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n### **IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n[Spell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45541)\r\n\r\n### **Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSince Chain Lightning is only one spell cast, it should only consume one stack of Clearcasting.","updatedAt":"2022-10-17T09:35:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-17T09:35:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T17:47:08+0200","number":2234,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"Smash Salt Tooth\" mistakenly marked as Elite","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe quest \"Smash Salt Tooth\" in the Stranglethorn Vale is marked as an Elite quest in the quest log, but there are no Elite npc involved in this quest.\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_092922_093016](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/194104068-2baf11e1-45bf-4de0-a84b-deb4e25544ed.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get the quest \"Smash Salt Tooth\" from Shalgrig Pipeshack in Booty Bay.\r\n2. Go kill Captain Salt Tooth to find out that there are no Elite mob in this quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91284\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=55031\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe quest should not have an Elite tag.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-11T18:50:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"hello i have the exact same issue as alliance on higlelf for the uther tomb. quest is not getting completed when you use the item","createdAt":"2022-10-07T16:02:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Maybe a custom races issue, my sample size is High Elf = no credit, Night Elf = works properly","createdAt":"2022-10-07T17:14:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Closing as dupliacte.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:21:28+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T17:38:17+0200","number":2233,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Honoring a Hero, Horde side (Harvest Festival) broken","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Quest \"Honoring a Hero\", which is part of the harvest festival is broken.\r\nWhen you put the tribute at the base of Grom's monument in Demon fall Canyon (Ashenvale) the quest is not being updated as completed.\r\n**It might be a custom race issue as I experienced that on my Goblin.**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Play a Goblin\r\n2. Take the quest \"Honoring a Hero\" from Javnir Nashak in front of Orgimmar.\r\n3. Go to Demon Fall Canyon and drop the tribute at the Grom's monument.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15012\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19851\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8150\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAs soon as you drop the tribute at the base of the monument in Demon Fall Canyon, the quest shall be marked as completed.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:21:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:21:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"yaboydarrell"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@ratkosrb Perhaps, a lesser leash distance for https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13442?","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:03:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"@slowtorta The screenshot is not even from the current version AV, the terrain does not look like in the picture anymore. And the mobs don't appear to be in combat, they seem to be standing there while out of combat, so leash would not affect them. Leash range is checked only while in combat, and the distance check is to the position from which the creature entered combat. So if mob was sitting there and you aggroed it, leash would not make it go back to spawn position. I have added a hardcoded check to make the creature run to its home position if it goes near the graveyard instead, but the graveyard is not even at the position its in the screenshot as I previously mentioned.","createdAt":"2023-04-04T23:07:13+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-05T01:29:35+0200","number":2232,"labels":"PvP, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Arch Druid Renferal & other NPC's camp horde graveyard in AV","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/9PUtHL8\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nUnsure how to reproduce but we got camped over & over by a group of elite NPC's in the wrong position.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13442\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nCertainly they should never spawn or be leashed here.","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T23:07:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T23:04:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"elphadora333"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:32:54+0200","number":2231,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Eye of Kilrogg Summoning Does not Work ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen I summon Eye of Kilrogg it flashes green for a moment, glitches, and then vanishes. I do not swap to the eye\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Summon Eye of Kilrogg anywhere\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=126\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe vision is supposed to transfer to the Eye of Kilrogg\r\n\r\nHere is a video: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/704457803300864093/1026677941091962940/20221003_221050.mp4","updatedAt":"2023-01-14T18:12:40+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T18:12:40+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-04T15:49:37+0200","number":2230,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Jekliks mace wrong proc rate ","body":"I**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19918\r\nOn twow this weapon has a 5% procrate or maybe 1 ppm. \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nOn classic the procc rate was 4ppm, making it the best 2h paladin weapon one could get outside fo 40 man raiding. \r\n\r\nIt also supposed to procc of itself and the proc can even proc wf \r\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/gxsawo/jekliks_crusher_stats_2024_chanceonhit_4ppm_its/\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=19918/jekliks-crusher#comments\r\n\r\nOn twow the weapon is vendorstrike 2.0\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T16:50:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T16:50:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"XhenGuy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please try to donwload a fresh client from our website. This isn't a server-side issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T20:43:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-04T08:21:01+0200","number":2229,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't train Character ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen I'm trying to train as a Night Elf Hunter the game crashes and has an error message of \"Your game interface files are corrupt. Please remove your Interface\\FrameXML folder.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Go to any Hunter Trainer\r\n2. Click I'd like to train\r\n3. Game crashes\r\n4. Error pops up saying \"Your game interface files are corrupt. Please remove your Interface\\FrameXML folder.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYou should be able to train your character but you can't train period.","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T20:44:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T20:43:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dromen48"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"It would save time if you quoted the part that has the typo.\r\nIt's after \"on the other hand\".\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-03T23:43:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"dromen48"},"body":"How about they just read the screenshot and appreciate that I even took the time to make a ticket :)","createdAt":"2022-10-04T00:30:04+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T23:39:42+0200","number":2227,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Text Typo \"Mystery of Lake Mennar\" - Bloodfist Point, Azshara","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nPart III of the Farseer question chain in Bloodfist Point, Azshara. It's from the tauren, Talom Stridecloud.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111084731/193690097-04412ba7-4dbc-41b0-bb36-4af963a2891e.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T16:59:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T16:59:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"oh, so cou can actually turn the qeust in with 1/20, even thought the qeust log doesnt show it as completed.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T20:58:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:02:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is an issue that's usually caused by a caching problem. Deleting WDB should address this.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:25:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Hmm I do delete my wdb like every other week. I handed in the qeust, so if rat can't repedocue I just close it ","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:59:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T20:57:51+0200","number":2226,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"quest: miners union mutiny 2","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe custom quest asks you to kill 20 miner in hatefroge quarry. the kill counter is bugged\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. go hatefroge with the qesut\r\n2. kill miners\r\n3. reach 20/20 killed miners\r\n4. kill another miner\r\n5. quest counter goes back to 1/20 killed miner\r\n6. kill more miners\r\n7. notice the counter is now permanetly stuck at 1/20\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40468\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nat 20/20 qeust should be finished and counter not buggily doing stuff?","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T17:59:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T17:59:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"akwonglv"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"mikefirefly"},"body":"Not only in SW, also in IF and Darnassus it looks the same. Nice that someone raised this at last.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T23:10:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Isn't this blizzlike for the cloth turn ins?\r\n\r\nThe map issue is addon issue. You just need to download pfquest-turtle ","createdAt":"2022-10-03T23:18:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"akwonglv"},"body":"Both pfquest and pfquest-turtle freshly installed as of a week ago","createdAt":"2022-10-04T00:25:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Alright then ofquest has problem. But you should report than on pfquest github and not the TWoW one. They aren't related.\r\n\r\nI still believe the? For cloth turn ins is blizzlike ","createdAt":"2022-10-04T14:23:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is not a bug. You don't need to accept those quests, they can be turned in directly.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:04:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T20:10:52+0200","number":2225,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"<A Donation of Wool> quest issue","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nA Donation of Wool quest was never accepted and not in quest log. But Clavicus Knavingham has a \"?\" mark above his head showing it can be turned in. The quest icon on the map is also not where it should be in the Mage Quarter - it is by the front gate of Stormwind (83.8/81.6). \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Entered Stormwind for the first time yesterday\r\n2. Never having accepted the quest / not able to accept\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14722\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7791\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nClavicus Knavingham should have the \"!\" mark above his head allowing me to accept the quest. The icon on the map should also be in the correct spot \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114947377/193647444-0000e4f9-dc85-4c4e-bc86-2150bb42c5b9.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114947377/193647538-39328b3e-2aca-45d0-a2f3-bcd61075b475.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114947377/193647858-6c5af464-7510-4293-b942-4cda77db9f42.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T17:04:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T17:04:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Please insult the GMs using in game tickets. The bug tracker is for insulting developers only.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T16:46:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Please send insults and after you are done sending insults your appeal about the problem here: help.turtlewow@gmail.com\r\nIn game tickets are for solving issues not insults.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T16:51:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"body":"Unban my forum account. I will delete all my messages and say good bye to your crazy turtle family.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T16:53:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T16:40:22+0200","number":2224,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Fix your fucking GMs","body":"And I know Tinyfin reads this. Can you please delete my Advanced Trade Skill Window addon page? Don't forget this, you fuckerface.","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T16:53:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-03T16:46:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jfarinhote"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Used to work for me back in August\r\n\r\nMaybe fixing this ticket a tually broke it \r\nhttps://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1954","createdAt":"2022-10-03T18:51:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:07:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jfarinhote"},"body":"FYI\r\nI was able to do the quest today, actually 3 of the party members had the quest and we all channeled and he turned to human. I am not sure if this had anything to.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:28:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T11:17:35+0200","number":2223,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper (quest)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUsing the item KeepSake it doesnt make Ras Frostwhisper human\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. In Scholomance at Ras Frostwhisper's room and using KeepSake item/book doesnt turn Ras Frostwhisper human after 2 attempts in a row. I fully channeled before he dies twice and he didnt turn to human.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10508\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13752\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5466\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRas Frostwhisper should turn to human so we can kill him in human form to complete the quest","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:40:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:40:11+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jfarinhote"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T11:10:46+0200","number":2222,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"A Different Shade of Red (quest)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. After using the item Illusion : Scarlet Crusade I am still hostile to the Scarlet and cannot start questing even though wow thinks I am in shapeshift form (cant mount for example) and I dont have any visual information saying that I am in shapeshift (duration, buff)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: Scarlets around Tyr's hand\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=53003\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80729\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI should be in shapeshift form and not hostile to the Scarlet Crusade\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T17:18:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T17:18:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I assume a simple fix would be to give stealth aura the FD treatment against monsters so that you're not flagged for combat merely by being in the zone.","createdAt":"2022-10-20T23:31:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"This happens even with many trash packs, you're just instantly put into combat again despite being far away. ","createdAt":"2022-10-30T21:01:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"I cant reproduce this. Please upload a video or mention some specific cases you've seen this. I've tried it with multiple mobs and bosses.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T21:49:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Pretty much all raid fights feature this issue. Are you testing this alone? Try doing it with another character in the raid and engaged in the fight.\r\nTry Ossirian or Nefarian for example.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T00:27:34+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-03T03:50:10+0200","number":2220,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Vanish/Stealth Aura","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1857\r\n\r\nIt seems like the vast majority of bosses put you into combat again after you vanish so they'll beeline for you once everybody else is dead. This happens regardless of distance.\r\nThis does not seem to happen with hunter's Feign Death.","updatedAt":"2022-11-15T00:27:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:49:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We were unable to reproduce this issue, it's working as intended: the AFK flag is being revoked on entering the battleground.\r\n[AntiAFK.zip](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9693586/AntiAFK.zip)\r\nPlease try to re-donwload your client from our website or use this AntiAFK hack (it won't allow you to AFK on the Battleground but will help to solve unexpected issues like the one you described).","createdAt":"2022-10-02T22:55:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Just a wild guess, but please check if your PC time is accurate. ","createdAt":"2022-10-02T23:30:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-02T22:28:45+0200","number":2219,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Joining a bg while chilling AFK punishes with a deserter","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nwhen you join a bg while afk, you get instantly kicked with deserter. this happens to me cosnistently as I am afk, watching youtube or whatever until my long bg queue pops, and I hit accept queue without moving my toon because this problem didnt happen on classic and i forget about this bug here. it's obnoxious and contributes to this server's ghost queue problem\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. queue bg and get afk status\r\n2. take bg pop\r\n3. get teleported back with deserter\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAFK status should be cleaned off the moment you press Accept on the bg pop, so that when you enter the BG, you don't get kicked.","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T23:30:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T22:55:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"CillitbangEU"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Similar to #2218.\r\nThey're still behaving in a weird way.","createdAt":"2022-10-02T12:20:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue you're having, but I'll make these mobs sit idle out of combat, and perhaps that will fix the movement issues you're seeing.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:25:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"They way they move and attack is similar to how those Devilsaurs behave in Un'Goro. You'll see them moving in a perfectly straight line regardless of terrain, and if you get somewhat close, they'll attack, causing their actual position to sync up.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:30:53+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-02T11:58:26+0200","number":2218,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Whirldwind shredder mobs in Desolace","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe whirldwind shredder mobs in desolace, is showing as being one place but is actually in another. I was just fighting, an dead flyer and 3 of them popped out of no where and ganked me like rogues. So ended up loosing my hunter to this death trap of a bug.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Mobs not being where their were\r\n2. Mobs teleporting too player when attacking\r\n3. Mobs apperantly traveling in groups of three, but shown being solo.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11578\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThey shouldnt be teleporting or be stealth. They should be pathing and showing their pathing as normal, instead of just randomly teleporting to a player in groups of 3.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T17:30:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T17:25:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-02T08:11:06+0200","number":2217,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"In Eranikus' Own Words can't be picked up goblins","body":"In Eranikus' Own Words can't be picked up goblins\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3512\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"CasualNerdity"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-02T02:46:58+0200","number":2216,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Helboars flagged as PvP","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn Blasted Lands, a few spawns of Helboars are incorrectly flagged as pvp. This flag persists through their respawn.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5993\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThese npcs should not be flagged for pvp.\r\n\r\n\r\n![helboar flagged](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79479148/193433285-e3876996-cfbf-4c4a-8820-775dbe33dba2.PNG)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T17:41:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T17:41:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"For suggestions please use the forum: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewforum.php?f=14","createdAt":"2022-10-01T19:05:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T18:58:37+0200","number":2215,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:47:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T19:05:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I reported these asweel. my ticket is also open, somewhere here. ","createdAt":"2022-10-01T21:05:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2098","createdAt":"2022-10-01T21:05:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"body":"Oh, ye. My bad. Usually i check if there any topic with same problem before post. Didnt do this that time. But still, lets hope that double post have double chance for react from turtle-team :)","createdAt":"2022-10-02T07:55:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T16:56:16+0200","number":2214,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sparkwater Port herb nodes","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHerb nodes in Sparkwater Port that not exist, or in wall, or under textures, probably legacy artifacts from vanilla where no port on this place.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Sparkwater Port in Durotar with [Find Herbs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2383) active.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRemove or fix nods on territory that now Sparkwater Port.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100122_170749](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/193415393-9a424b4b-e778-41ec-9274-7a6388fcf5a7.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100122_170809](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/193415403-7212ee95-9126-47fa-9386-ab013144aa9e.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Hello\r\n\r\nWhile dungeons can be done crossfaction, quests can't be completed crossfaction and the opossite faction npc will be hostile to you.","createdAt":"2022-10-02T08:26:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T16:55:04+0200","number":2213,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:46:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T08:26:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T16:49:12+0200","number":2212,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Recruitment Letter\" in \"Conscript of the Horde\" and \"Signed Recruitment Letter\" in \"Crossroads Conscription\" typos","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nMinor typos in quest letters.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Start [Conscript of the Horde](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=840) from [Takrin Pathseeker](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3336) and gain [Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4992).\r\n2. Finish [Conscript of the Horde](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=840) at [Kargal Battlescar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3337).\r\n3. Start [Crossroads Conscription](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=842) from [Kargal Battlescar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3337) and gain [Signed Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4995).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Takrin Pathseeker](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3336) and [Kargal Battlescar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3337)\r\nItem: [Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4992) and [Signed Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4995)\r\nQuest: [Conscript of the Horde](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=840) and [Crossroads Conscription](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=842)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt's direct from official vanilla, but i suppose its still a typos in in-game letter texts that affect logic in them. In [Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4992) Takrin signature should follow \"Respectfully yours\", because he sent player to Kargal, who respond for assignment of conscripts. And part \"Looks good to me.\" shouldnt exist in this letter. And in [Signed Recruitment Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4995) signature of Takrin and Kargal should be switched, because in quest logic Kargal sent player further to Sergra and just add one more signature in letter.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100122_164230_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/193415046-b261b292-69a5-4271-a1d1-6d006b90342c.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_100122_172052_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/193415056-933a3f88-6d9b-4693-974a-0dfd55774e76.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I believe that must be blizzlike, because the spell has the \"Threat Only on Miss\" attribute.","createdAt":"2022-10-01T16:09:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"not fun that a 1 % miss chance (that cant be removed) can screw you over on spamming mind soothe","createdAt":"2022-10-01T16:46:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"the 1% unremovable resist should indeed be removed, but that's a post for the twow suggestions forum, not a nonblizzlike bug to be reported, i'd suggest moving this topic there.","createdAt":"2022-10-02T22:36:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I personally agree with them, it makes not much sense right now @ratkosrb ","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:41:29+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Same goes for [Soothe Animal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2908).","createdAt":"2022-11-06T08:54:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"I was told Calm Elements was not bundled in with mind soothe when this change was implemented\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45529\r\n\r\nAllegedly, it still aggros the mob if it resist. I have no way to personally test and confirm if that's true","createdAt":"2023-09-10T03:44:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"@twowTurtReynolds I have tested & can confirm resisted Calm Elements causes the mob to aggro. Requesting reopen and also requesting testing with Soothe Animal","createdAt":"2024-01-21T10:49:24+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Soothe Animal literally says \"Causes aggro if resisted\" on the tooltip.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T16:36:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Calm Elements will have the attribute removed in the next update.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T15:30:02+0200","number":2211,"labels":"Spell, Custom Content Polish, Needs Replication","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mind Soothe/Calm Elements/Soothe Animal Resist Pulls","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nMind soothe resists make you in combat with your target.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. have a mind soothe resist\r\n2. notice that the enemy gets in combat with you\r\n3. be sad\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10953\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nMind soothe resists should just have no effect but should not make you go in combat with your target.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-10-01T09:21:09+0200","number":2210,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spirit armor not working","body":"Hello\r\nWhen I got this talent many, many levels ago, it worked, so I am not sure how to reproduce it now.. But I clearly remember, that after taking the talent, I could un- and reequip me shield and it would have taken effect.\r\n\r\nHowever now, I only seem to get +10% armor from Ancestral Guardian and 0% from Spirit armor. See my screenshots.\r\n\r\nMe wearing no shield leaving me at 2014 armor points:\r\n![no shield on 2014 armor](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/193397617-ac302473-8135-4933-a56b-85fda2741fd2.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nMe equipping my shield, Aegis of the Scarlet Commander:\r\n![shield on 3716 armor point](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/193397649-7e97213b-a05b-40c5-ac62-f471af7abf92.png)\r\n\r\nArmor difference when equipping shield from not having it equipped = 3716 - 2014 = 1702. This shows that I am not benefitting from Spirit Armor in any shape since 1702 = 1548*1.1.\r\n\r\nThis also happens with another shield I have in my inventory:\r\n![second shield 3479 armor point](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/193397692-4d4ab8a2-1600-4a9e-8ff9-ab2332d5c908.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI don't know whether Ancestral Guardian should stack additively or multiplicatively with Spirit Armor, but either way, right now there is 0% effect from Spirit Armor on my shaman.","updatedAt":"2022-10-01T11:33:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T11:33:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"fbbraganca"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a modern graphic card / old game compatibility issue. \r\n\r\nThe same is described here: https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics/rx-580-graphical-flickering-and-stretched-textures-exclusive-to/td-p/400656\r\n\r\nTry to play around with the game config using this guide: https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?t=1100\r\nTry switching between the following graphic API as described here: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/687894-OpenGL-vs-DirectX","createdAt":"2022-10-01T00:25:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"You can also try using DXVK to replace the DirectX 9 renderer with Vulkan. This should solve any graphical glitches. Download it from [here](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/tag/v1.10.3) and place the 32 bit dll files in the game folder.","createdAt":"2022-10-01T00:56:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"fbbraganca"},"body":"Thanks for the quick answer and for the awesome work :)","createdAt":"2022-10-01T19:53:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-30T20:35:43+0200","number":2209,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Graphical glitch inside Ironforge","body":"Sometimes walking inside Ironforge produces graphical glitches. GPU is AMD Vega 8 (ryzen 5 3500u)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Walk into Ironforge through main gate\r\n2. Go to left or right (more frequent in Mystic Ward)\r\n3. Cool graphical distorcions\r\n\r\n![asasa](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91222797/193334846-d3e99382-eff5-4e19-8fd3-2480791ed533.png)\r\n![Sem título](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91222797/193334851-e237b941-7687-4300-9fe9-b41a2446a5fb.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-01T19:53:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T00:25:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-30T18:11:54+0200","number":2208,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"slaver vilegrip npc empty loot table","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60836\r\n\r\nthis npcs jost drops a bit of silver and his head if on the qeust.\r\nits abnormal, he should drop stuff like normal other mobs\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60831\r\nthis mobs loottable would fit\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-01T16:14:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T16:14:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-30T08:07:29+0200","number":2207,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"improved discipline does not affect Retaliation","body":"improved discipline does not affect Retaliation","updatedAt":"2022-10-01T16:41:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T16:41:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FIRESLAYER69"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"FIRESLAYER69"},"body":"Im after the shoulders of valor from UBRS, i havnt seen them yet and getting frustrated, Vanilla was never this bad on loot drops. Ive seen the same exact items drop several times in a row for my runs....HELP","createdAt":"2022-09-30T06:40:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"You are just unlucky. No reason to make a bug ticket.\r\n\r\nI am a paladin and got your valor shoulders becuase they kept dropping and nobody wants it ","createdAt":"2022-09-30T09:24:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"FIRESLAYER69"},"body":"Wow, so right after I submitted a ticket,  I ran UBRS and my item dropped. Unlucky my assSent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone\n-------- Original message --------From: geojak ***@***.***> Date: 9/30/22 12:24 AM (GMT-08:00) To: slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker ***@***.***> Cc: Fireslayer ***@***.***>, Author ***@***.***> Subject: Re: [slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker] UBRS repeating loot (Issue #2206) \nYou are just unlucky. No reason to make a bug ticket.\nI am a paladin and got your valor shoulders becuase they kept dropping and nobody wants it\n\n—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: ***@***.***>\n","createdAt":"2022-09-30T17:14:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Close the ticket. Its not a bug ","createdAt":"2022-10-01T00:14:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"FIRESLAYER69"},"body":"Thanks for listening Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone\n-------- Original message --------From: Torta ***@***.***> Date: 9/30/22 3:18 PM (GMT-08:00) To: slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker ***@***.***> Cc: Fireslayer ***@***.***>, Author ***@***.***> Subject: Re: [slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker] UBRS repeating loot (Issue #2206) \nClosed #2206 as completed.\n\n—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: ***@***.***>\n","createdAt":"2022-10-01T02:23:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-30T06:38:07+0200","number":2206,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"UBRS repeating loot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. ive run the instance several times to aquire a specific item with a decent drop rate\r\n2. Ive seen items with lower drop rates drop and never the item im after\r\n3. im loosing my patience and am starting to not have fun anymore\r\n4. ive explained this to the gm's and they sent me here\r\n5. I dont have a screenshot as im old and challenged\r\n6. \r\n7. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-01T02:23:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-01T00:18:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"yaboydarrell"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"yaboydarrell"},"body":"Well, it went away. Not sure what caused it to happen, sorry. ","createdAt":"2022-10-05T07:49:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, couldn't reproduce this bug 😕 ","createdAt":"2022-10-06T12:29:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:49:04+0200","number":2205,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Net-o-matic debuff everytime I login","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Login\r\n2. Get Net-o-matic debuff\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n I found an old closed ticket but it's still happening. Even if the net isn't equipped I get the debuff. Not sure what is causing this bug but it is very annoying. \r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/dovTdcb","updatedAt":"2022-10-06T12:29:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-06T12:29:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:40:39+0200","number":2204,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Balance druid's Moonfury talent not working correctly.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. have 2 spec one with max moonfury 5/5 talent and one without moonfury talent 0/5\r\n2. cast Starfire on mobs outside of zf\r\n3. damage did not increase by 10% compare to having 5/5 to 0/5 on moonfury talent on druid balance's tree\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nincrease 10% damage of starfire/moonfire/wrath\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T18:10:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T18:10:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jlabranche"},"body":"I noticed that this was marked as resolved, and figured maybe it'll be resolved with the next update.\r\nHowever that doesn't appear to be the case,\r\nwhen I log in to the game and atk some monsters i still get this exact scenario.\r\n\r\nThis doesn't appear to be resolved\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-03T04:56:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Changes to spell tooltips require an update to Spell.dbc to be delivered in a new MPQ patch. The new client patch is not released yet, you have to wait. The issue being closed just means we have fixed it internally, not that it's live.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T14:32:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-29T06:59:14+0200","number":2202,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dream's Herald Tooltip","body":"For the item Dream's Herald - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65008\r\nThe effect claims 150 damage over 12 seconds and attack/mvmt speed reduction of 20% - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=48004\r\n\r\nThis tooltip does not seem to reflect this:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/192942380-078e9c1b-1846-4e90-b849-b46a35cac3b3.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T14:32:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-30T00:16:23+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"Syenza"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This item still does not behave properly.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T20:13:52+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This will be fixed in the next client patch.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T16:50:24+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T21:12:04+0200","number":2201,"labels":"Spell, Profession","state":"CLOSED","title":"Enginering bug \"Portable Bronze Mortar\" is not working correctly","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe bomb \"Portable Bronze Mortar\" is not working as it should be.\r\n\r\nIt seems to act as a \"Big Bronze Bomb\" with a 1 second cast (so i have to stop and dont move to throw it) instead of an instant cast (so I can move at the same time) **See screenshot attached. I press G, my bag is full of Portable Bronze Mortar, and the castbar of Pfui identify the wrong one.** \r\n\r\nThe thing is there both have the same description :\r\n\"Use: Inflicts 85 to 115 Fire damage and stuns targets in a 5 yard radius for 2 sec. Any damage will break the effect. \"\r\n\r\nSo it could be the reason of the confusion.\r\nOne requires a schematic and more ressources than the other, this is why there is a difference with the 1 second cast.\r\n\r\nTy for you help ! Have a good day\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nBig Bronze Bomb : https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4380\r\nPortable Bronze Mortar https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4403\r\nSchematic : Portable Bronze Mortar : https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4414\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nYoutube video showing how it should work (the first throw at 0.02sec)\r\n**The power of Portable Bronze Mortar - WoW Classic** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqs2ozvT5tk\r\n\r\n<img width=\"1440\" alt=\"Capture d’écran 2022-09-28 à 20 47 35\" src=\"https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114613560/192867367-16b2b948-120c-498d-ad5d-b5aaae6d1917.png\">\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-23T16:50:24+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-23T16:50:24+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is fixed.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T23:27:52+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T17:10:32+0200","number":2200,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Title Carthographer does not work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n1. explore everything on the map (that is everything that on the world map uncovers a map part)\r\n2. use carthographer addon to make sure you didnt miss anything by highliting misses parts\r\n3. still no title for weeks/months\r\n4. know other ppl in the same situation\r\n5. find out the only guy you know that has the title, had to ask a gm to manually get the title\r\n6. make a ticket, because it seems not working\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nif you explored every map part you should auto get the tile without the need of help from a gm","updatedAt":"2022-11-02T23:27:52+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-02T23:27:52+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ZorgDarkness"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"That seems like working exploit prevention to me since you're not engaging him normally, from the same ground level.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T18:33:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ZorgDarkness"},"body":"> That seems like working exploit prevention to me since you're not engaging him normally, from the same ground level.\r\n\r\nNo it happens in any area","createdAt":"2022-09-28T20:00:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"It looks like you're standing on a ledge though so he can't path to you. Unless I'm wrong.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T20:17:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We are aware that vmaps/mmaps aren't perfect, fixing it is an ongoing process. Impossible to fix only specific cases, changes like that come in a batch.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T15:07:16+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T14:08:43+0200","number":2199,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Alzzin the Wildshaper","body":"Problem with this NPC https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11492\r\nWhen entring combat with Alzzin the Wildshaper, he just run away and leaving combat, that makes Dire Maul East solo runs impossible, while back in the classic version it was an important part of the game.\r\nVideo:\r\nhttps://storyxpress.co/video/l8ll180zo55ksm7np","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T15:07:16+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T15:07:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T13:13:44+0200","number":2198,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Trueshot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-28T13:17:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-28T13:17:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AGUARON0815"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"The server is down right now for weekly maintenance.\r\n\r\nUsually it's back up within a few mins, but it's been a little slower today for some reason.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T02:59:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"AGUARON0815"},"body":"thank you very much Lexiebean, I unfortunately must have missed that. \r\n\r\nHave a wonderful day ahead.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T03:00:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T02:58:19+0200","number":2197,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Login issue & Realm selection issue","body":"**Hi, \r\nas always, I started wow, put in my password and clicked login. I just received the status \"connecting\" and then after several minutes \"disconnected from server\". \r\nI live in the Philippines (dont know if that is a new issue) Then I connected via VPN to Germany, logged in, it worked, but brought me to the Realm selection. I see my realm with the correct number of characters on it, after selecting this realm it brings me back again to the realm selection and this happens period. **\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible: **\r\n\r\n1. Start turtle-wow, enter pw, click login\r\n2. Realm Selection shows up, select the only available realm\r\n3. Realm Selection shows up, select the only available realm\r\n4. Realm Selection shows up, select the only available realm\r\n5. this happens period, so im not able to actually log into the realm and select one of my chars.\r\n\r\n**It happens with my account: ########:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThank you in advance for your help.\r\n\r\nBest\r\nAguaron\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-28T07:19:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-28T07:19:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dayreiner"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-28T01:35:30+0200","number":2196,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grim Message quest not available to goblin characters","body":"The Grim Message quest (ID 2932) is a horde quest in Grom'Gol, but has its allowable races set to include High Elves instead of Goblins. Goblin characters are not offered the quest as a result.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2932\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5184541/192655663-8b909bd5-ad3f-424d-a9d6-c02cfea97d7d.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T12:01:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T12:01:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"5euroopjemuilgauw"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I never had that issue in my 20 dme runs ","createdAt":"2022-09-26T22:59:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vynora"},"body":"Did u kill the boss or just reset him?\r\nSeems like there is some sort of \"protection\" and those could only be mined after killing the boss","createdAt":"2022-09-27T02:37:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vynora"},"body":"Then its definitely the protection causing some issues","createdAt":"2022-09-28T17:20:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Did you skip some bosses?\r\n\r\nWhen I killed water boss and satyr boss upstairs plus endboss, then it always worked for me","createdAt":"2022-09-28T19:14:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"5euroopjemuilgauw"},"body":"its the protection of last boss","createdAt":"2022-09-29T16:30:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"You need to make sure you actually kill the final boss for the veins to work. It's unclear in the post if that was being done. This is an anti-gold farming protection that's in place on vmangos.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T18:21:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T21:30:09+0200","number":2195,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"DME tunnel VEINS BUGGED ","body":"","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T18:21:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T11:54:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"There are further issues with dungeons, where the XP gain depends on whether the last person invited into the group has War Mode/Slow & Steady. This can change the amount of XP you gain by a factor of ~2.","createdAt":"2022-09-26T19:49:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"body":"> There are further issues with dungeons, where the XP gain depends on whether the last person invited into the group has War Mode/Slow & Steady. This can change the amount of XP you gain by a factor of ~2.\r\n\r\nTo add some more evidence to it; \r\nThis is a party of 4 S&S party members, where a specific mob gives 204 XP.\r\n![WoW_tweaked_a2bJNsNkoq](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/192359137-f4862a47-8446-4b27-99ca-156298f4fd1c.jpg)\r\n\r\nThis is a party of 1 S&S (me), where the same mob now gives 500 XP.\r\n![WoW_tweaked_8DEh5jqKyR](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/192359318-2320f73c-d232-4a5f-8bde-17ededb1fa0d.jpg)\r\n\r\nBeyond the order of XP modifiers being applied depending who the last person in the party is, dungeons additionally \"undo\" the XP penalty of a Slow & Steady player by doubling the base XP gain, meaning under the right circumstances, a Turtle Player's XP rates are 1.0 base XP * 2 (S&S dungeon buff) + 30% (Warmode buff) = 2.3 XP rates\r\ncompared to the intended:\r\n0.5 base XP * 2 (S&S dungeon buff) = 1.0 XP rates.","createdAt":"2022-09-26T21:11:04+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"body":"Update on this issue:\r\nXP is now consistent and not dependtent on invite / gamemode composition - HOWEVER:\r\nSlow & Steady players still suffer from 0.5x XP inside dungeons, when the penalty should be disabled during dungeons, according to the website.\r\nSlow & Steady:\r\n![WoW_tweaked_A4h9USHUXm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/201533207-1eef2a7d-2d16-4425-a20f-a2a0e00e5c49.png)\r\nWarmode:\r\n![WoW_tweaked_QwJweOFajG](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/201533212-5755438c-e0fb-434d-b717-3e3f2140a18b.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-13T17:39:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T19:36:00+0200","number":2194,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Experience gain in a group with experience modifiers","body":"Experience modifiers (War Mode and Slow & Steady) do not work as intended.\r\n\r\nCharacters:\r\nBob - level 1 with War Mode (1.3x XP gain)\r\nAlice - level 1 with Slow & Steady (0.5x XP gain)\r\nBoar - level 1 mob (normally gives 50 XP)\r\n\r\nScenario 1:\r\nAlice stands nearby, Bob pulls and kills the boar.\r\nResult: Each player gets 12 XP\r\nExpectation: The base 50XP should be split in two, and then each player's modifiers should modify that value, which results in Alice getting 50 / 2 = 25 => 25 * 0.5 = 12XP, and Bob getting 50 / 2 = 25 => 25 * 1.3 = 32XP.\r\n\r\nScenario 2:\r\nBob stands nearby, Alice pulls and kills the boar.\r\nResult: Each player gets 32 XP\r\nExpectation: Result should match the result from scenario 1.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-13T17:41:41+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T19:51:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Mawataki"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The spell was changed, as the original design couldn't work. The description you see is outdated and wrong, it will be changed in the next client patch. Here is the true spell description:\r\n\r\n```\r\nLinks the spirit of an ally to that of other group members within 15 yards. When the target takes damage, 15% is distributed among nearby allies. Lasts 30 sec.\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe buff will only appear on the target you cast it on, that is not a bug.","createdAt":"2022-09-27T15:41:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Should it say \"15% is distributed among linked group members\" rather than nearby allies, as it links to group members?","createdAt":"2022-09-27T16:37:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Mawataki"},"body":"So its working but there will be no buff icon on other linked players ? ","createdAt":"2022-09-28T03:38:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T07:58:26+0200","number":2193,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spirit Link Does not Work","body":"\r\n\r\nI m playing Tauren Shaman. Level 52 and learned Spirit Link without any problem when i was around 40-45 levels. When i m using \"Spirit Link\", it only leaves a buff on my main target. And other players around my target in 15 yards, doesn't get the spirit link buff. So the spell doing nothing by this. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45500#see-also-ability\r\n\r\n\r\nIt should Link the spirits of an ally and their 3 closest allies within 15 yards together. When linked targets take damage, 15% is distributed among the other linked allies. Lasts 30 sec.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-28T03:39:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-27T15:41:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rhade15"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"I've had similar issues after doing dungeons. This bug also prevents you from entering Darnassus. Relog fixes it though.","createdAt":"2022-09-26T09:06:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Also sw mage tower portal.\r\n\r\nA relog fixes it ","createdAt":"2022-09-26T12:37:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Rhade15"},"body":"The relog does indeed fix it temporarily but the issue is recurring and\r\nquite frustrating\r\n\r\nOn Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 6:38 AM geojak ***@***.***> wrote:\r\n\r\n> Also sw mage tower portal.\r\n>\r\n> A relog fixes it\r\n>\r\n> —\r\n> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub\r\n> <https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2192#issuecomment-1257834352>,\r\n> or unsubscribe\r\n> <https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/A3IRXXKBMG4DTWJAAYQQ66LWAF4JBANCNFSM6AAAAAAQVJQT3U>\r\n> .\r\n> You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID:\r\n> ***@***.***>\r\n>\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-27T16:37:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Rhade15"},"body":"I've managed to replicate the bug and have updated my post accordingly","createdAt":"2022-10-04T15:07:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-20T20:33:44+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T01:45:13+0200","number":2192,"labels":"Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"Instance portals brake","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs soon as I join a party/raid the instance portals stop working, meaning that when I walk thru the portal the instance doesn't load. This bug persists even if I leave the group. The only way I found to fix it is to reboot the application. I have reinstalled the client from your website on a different hard drive but the issue persists. It seems to only happen when I'm inside the Moomoo Grove while accepting the invite.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nBe inside the Moomoo Grove and accept a party/raid invite. Hearth out to Stormwind and try walking thru any instance portal.\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNone\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe instance should load\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114367453/192170879-85a30088-0061-4c28-8524-ef1ff1d3a8b6.mp4\r\n\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/114367453/192170885-b9421491-ea36-4316-b5d2-a1eeb903a1f0.mp4\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-20T20:33:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-20T20:33:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Works in same way as is on WOW Classic","createdAt":"2022-09-27T09:42:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Still an exploit, and we can do better.","createdAt":"2022-09-27T17:37:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Cru313"},"body":"dont do better\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-27T20:25:04+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"This is still broken.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T20:39:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T00:48:59+0200","number":2191,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: High Priest Thekal","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14509\r\n\r\nThis boss can be pulled by mountain jumping behind the compound to avoid clearing the intended mobs or even stepping inside.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T20:39:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-28T07:19:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"This has already been patched.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T17:02:18+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-26T00:47:20+0200","number":2190,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Bloodlord Mandokir","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11382\r\n\r\nIt is possible to separate him from his raptor through vanish/feign death pull, which basically removes half of the fight's challenge.","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T17:02:19+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T17:02:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"NinaFelwitch"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"A faster workaround is to reload your UI with \"/console reloadui\" or \"/reload\".","createdAt":"2022-09-25T21:03:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Sometimes a quest will get tracked up to three times, displaying the same objectives three times, and requiring you to shift-click it in your quest log three times to hide it (each click untracks one copy of the quest).","createdAt":"2022-09-26T14:25:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is a client issue that would be unfeasible to fix. For now please use the workaround. Sorry.","createdAt":"2022-11-14T21:50:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-25T19:48:21+0200","number":2189,"labels":"Won't Fix","state":"CLOSED","title":"Track Quest not working consistently","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI can't track quests after turning in finished quests\r\n\r\nWorkaround: Logging out and back in, quests are trackable again.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have a bunch of trackable quests\r\n2. Track up to 5 of them\r\n3. Finish the tracked quests\r\n4. Try to track remaining quests\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTracking Quests should work.","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T21:50:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T21:50:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"spacestr"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1622","createdAt":"2022-09-29T11:52:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-25T19:17:18+0200","number":2188,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Return to Kheyna","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nReturning to the crystal and interacting with it spawn Chromie instead of Kheyna Spinpistol\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Complete quest \"A Letter From a Friend\"\r\n2. Complete quest \"A Slaughter for Brains\"\r\n3. Attempt to complete quest \"Return to Kheyna\"\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80409\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nInteracting with crystal on this quest should spawn Kheyna Spinpistol","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T11:52:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T11:52:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T13:47:28+0200","number":2187,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Harvest Golem Mystery III","body":"Quest text says: \"_Ever been to Stormwind City? Oh, what am I saying, of course you did._\", instead of: \"_Ever been to Stormwind City? Oh, what am I saying, of course you have._\". The tense should be the same in the answer as it is in the question.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40472","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T13:37:23+0200","number":2186,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Anaya","body":"When turning in the quest [For Love Eternal](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=963), at the ending of the dialogue, instead of an emote: \"\"_Anaya's soft voice trails away into the mists, 'Know that I love you always...'_\"\", Anaya actually says: \"\"_%s's soft voice trails away into the mists, 'Know that I love you always...'_\"\" as a part of the dialogue.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3843\r\n\r\nSee this for reference: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/For_Love_Eternal","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T13:11:13+0200","number":2185,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Profession: Survival","body":"Right clicking [Unlit Poor Torch](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6183) crafts [Dim Torch](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6182), but will only give Survival skill points up to 10 or so, whereas crafting it from the Survival menu gives skill up to 50.\r\n\r\nIn addition, crafting torches this way is possible even while the character is moving.\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6183\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=6182","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"That's a general bug. Npcs running in fear should aways go for nearest ally. On here they run randomly ","createdAt":"2022-09-25T14:18:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"If you mean units running away on low life, they don't run randomly, they always run away from you. Is that not the way it's supposed to be?","createdAt":"2022-09-25T17:24:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"NPCs are behaving as they should, running in opposite direction they're facing with a bias towards nearest ally as soon as they're engaged. These are not the only NPCs who do this on engage rather than at low life.\r\n\r\nWorking as intended.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:54:16+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T12:20:44+0200","number":2184,"labels":"Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Horde Peon","body":"Horde Peons attempt to run away in fear as soon as they're engaged (same behavior as other humanoids when on low life). Based on this [comment](https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=11656/horde-peon#comments), they are supposed to run towards the nearest grunt or scout.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11656","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T19:57:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T19:57:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T12:04:30+0200","number":2183,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tooltip: Serrated Blades","body":"[Serrated Blades](https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=14173) talent says \"Causes your attacks to ignore 0 of your target's Armor\", even though it's not actually zero as seen here: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Serrated_Blades.\r\n\r\nEven the tooltip on Wowhead says it's zero, but it would make more sense if actual values were used in the tooltip. \r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14171","updatedAt":"2022-09-30T00:16:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-30T00:16:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T11:49:07+0200","number":2182,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Misc: Crossfaction group message","body":"When a character of the opposing faction joins the group, a message shows up saying engaging in PvP will result in getting removed from the group, even though that is no longer the case.","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:47:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:47:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T11:37:32+0200","number":2181,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Bleakheart Shadowstalker & Bleakheart Trickster","body":"[Bleakheart Shadowstalkers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3770) and [Bleakheart Tricksters](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3767) use enrage at low life, but also attempt to run away at low life (while enraged).\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3770\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3767\r\n\r\nAs far as I know, units that enrage should not attempt to run away at low life, especially while enraged.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T11:15:16+0200","number":2180,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Mythology of the Titans","body":"Many of the quest items have had their respawn time reduced, but this one is still on a 5 minute respawn timer, and is for a quest inside a dungeon.\r\n\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=19284\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:47:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:47:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T11:04:47+0200","number":2179,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Journey to Astranaar","body":"The quest gives no experience, even though the [previous part](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1132) does.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1133\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:07:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:07:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T11:02:05+0200","number":2178,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Mechanized Sentry","body":"[Mechanized Sentry](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6233) has 0 armor, which doesn't seem right, even though it could be intentional. It is a unit inside Gnomeregan.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6233","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:58:26+0200","number":2177,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Coral Shark","body":"[Coral Shark](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5434) has 0 armor, which doesn't seem right, even though it could be intentional.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5434","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:56:14+0200","number":2176,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Banana","body":"Stack size for [Bananas](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60484) for the quest [We Must Have Rum](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40337) is 10, even though the quest requires 15 of them, so it seems like stack size should be at least 15.\r\nWith very few exceptions, quest item stack size is at least equal to the number of items required for that quest.","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:52:27+0200","number":2175,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Tower of Lapidis VII","body":"There's a space before a comma in the quest text: \"powerful troll , much more\".\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40169","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T14:08:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is a client limitation and can't be changed.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:15:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:49:39+0200","number":2174,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tooltip: Druid shapeshifting","body":"The tooltips for [Bear Form](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5487), [Dire Bear Form](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9634), and [Cat Form](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=768) do not update with the character level, but the tooltips for the buff they provide do.","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T23:15:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T23:15:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:43:21+0200","number":2173,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Recipe: Elixir of Fortitude","body":"Learning [Elixir of Fortitude](https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=3450/elixir-of-fortitude) costs 45c instead of 54s.","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Seems rather wrong to make them visible when sheathed... \r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/192093031-8f9d0eff-0de9-4bc6-aab5-fc10ea952eb2.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-24T12:28:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"That might be true, but the Treasure Seeker's Torch is the exception, not the rule. Other torches (those present in vanilla) are visible when sheathed, which is why I thought this one was unintentionally made invisible.","createdAt":"2022-09-24T12:59:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"> That might be true, but the Treasure Seeker's Torch is the exception, not the rule. Other torches (those present in vanilla) are visible when sheathed, which is why I thought this one was unintentionally made invisible.\r\n\r\nThis! The torch offhands from original vanilla/classic wow were visible when sheadthed. I had [Grayson's Torch](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=1172) in classic wow and it was visible there.","createdAt":"2022-11-01T02:45:54+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:38:46+0200","number":2172,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Treasure Seeker's Torch","body":"When sheathed, [Grayson's Torch](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=1172) is visible on the character, but [Treasure Seeker's Torch](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50049) isn't.","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T02:45:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:28:48+0200","number":2171,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dungeon: Crescent Grove","body":"Bosses in Crescent Grove are not immune to stun, with the exception of High Priestess A'lathea. Normally, bosses inside dungeons are immune to stun, polymorph, etc.\r\n\r\n[Grovetender Engryss](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=92107)\r\n[Keeper Ranathos](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=92109)\r\n[Fenektis the Deceiver](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=92111)\r\n[Master Raxxieth](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=92110)","updatedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-24T12:34:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T20:14:10+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T10:14:50+0200","number":2170,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Zone: Crescent Grove","body":"In an area in Crescent Grove, player location is shown as Vilethorn Scar, which is an area inside Crescent Grove with the spirits, but the player location should always show \"Crescent Grove\". Upon entering this area, the public channels also change to Vilethorn Scar, instead of staying Crescent Grove for the entire dungeon.","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T20:14:10+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T20:14:10+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Prophet only respawna after all bodyguards are killed too. If you pick out the prophet but leveaw her Escort alive, then it will never respawn. ","createdAt":"2022-09-24T09:27:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"For your number 3 point, i also made an issue a few weeks ago on her. It's still open ","createdAt":"2022-09-24T09:27:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I've had a whole pack of bodyguards just stand around for a long while without prophet anywhere on sight. Shouldn't they spawn all together once the prophet respawns?\r\n\r\nI was looking at this: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=15308/twilight-prophet#comments\r\n\r\nThere are some interesting things such as:\r\n\r\nShe will respawn regardless of the bodyguards being killed but it'll take longer if you don't. - Not the case here apparently.\r\nYou can separate her from the bodyguards through sap/distract and kill her alone. - Not the case here either.\r\nThe respawn point is close to where you killed her. - Not the case here, it seems to be fixed.","createdAt":"2022-09-24T15:36:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I just got killed by the whole pack just appearing from under the ground, killing me and then zooming across Silithus at light speed. This wasn't even anywhere near their spawn points.\r\nThen I came back and got killed again but this they were entirely under the ground and invisible, only to zoom across the map again and disappear into the horizon.\r\n\r\nThis is just haunted.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T00:23:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3137","createdAt":"2023-04-01T21:33:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-24T03:15:59+0200","number":2169,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Twilight Prophet","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15308\r\n\r\nTheir escort and spawn logics are all kinds of messed up.\r\n\r\n1. The bodyguards are linked to the prophet but not the other way around. You can separate and pick the bodyguards one by one through sap and/or distract. Stopping a prophet will make the whole pack stop and wait for her.\r\n\r\n2. The prophets seem to respawn randomly or not respawn at all. Meanwhile the bodyguards just slowly respawn (based on the time you killed them) and stand still in a place. It seems like prophets may sometimes not respawn at all until a reboot.\r\n\r\n3. I have seen a prophet and her pack zoom across Silithus at sonic speed as if they were leashed but much faster. Perhaps a conflict between spawn points or the prophet spawning somewhere away from her bodyguards?\r\n\r\nThe prophets are the principal source of rep texts so it's quite a big deal not being able to farm them.","updatedAt":"2023-04-01T21:33:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-01T21:33:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"xhummerx"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-23T16:26:02+0200","number":2168,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spirit Link","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nsince spirit link is in the resto spell book nature swiftness should work on it and make it a instant cast\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. cast nature swiftness\r\n2. cast spirit link\r\n3\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\ncast nature swiftness cast spirit link and have no cast time and swiftness gets removed","updatedAt":"2022-11-14T22:00:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-14T22:00:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sparkwater Port is a Horde city and Razzle is a Horde NPC. Online DB has a few issues but in the game, he's working as intended. Maybe eventually Alliance will have a similar vendor in one of the new locations! :)","createdAt":"2022-09-23T16:47:31+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-23T16:02:08+0200","number":2167,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"npc Razzle Longpipe only horde friendly (should be Neutral)","body":"The npc Razzle Longpipe in Durotar (new goblin city) is only horde friendly in game. The database says he is neutral but you cant buy his unique items as aliance (and those items are bop so cant get from other source)\r\n\r\nCould you turn him into neutral as the Db says so aliance players can buy his rarities too? (In fact he sells a legplates for paladins. Something that horde dont have)\r\n\r\nThanx ","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T16:47:31+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T16:47:31+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Reworking this spell completely in 1.16.4, stand by.","createdAt":"2022-11-07T00:23:58+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"Oh god i am scared. Any info on what kind of change yet?\r\n\r\nI feel like the ability is fine, just needs the 5 cast component removed and a 3m cd + removing the GCD.","createdAt":"2022-11-08T17:32:46+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-22T23:08:13+0200","number":2166,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sun's Embrace","body":"Sun's Embrace usage causes an global cooldown which should not be the case i think\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use the high elf racial Sun's Embrace\r\n2. Notice the GCD going off\r\n3. Be sad \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=46046\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nYou should be able to continue your rotation after using Sun's Embrace otherwise it disrupts any synergy with trinkets or power infusion\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-20T00:01:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T00:23:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"BloodRaven0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Yea this bug than cause groups to be stuck at a closed gate and a wasted dungeon Id.\r\n\r\nPls, fix it\r\n\r\nOne of my, group members used some glitch to get use trough. Somehow you need to alt f4 in front of the gate and jump like crazy while relogging. Somehow he glitches in ","createdAt":"2022-09-23T12:44:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-22T19:15:02+0200","number":2165,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormwind Vault rat gate bug","body":"If someone walks through the door that is supposed to close and spawn rats, but quickly runs out again before the door has finished closing, the rats will not spawn and the group will be stuck. This is because the script to spawn the rats runs after the door, but only if there is still a player there. It should be one script that does both things, just with a delay.\r\n\r\nThere is one workaround, which involves a party member leaving the group, and a mage of the opposite faction polymorphing them, so they wander through the gate and trigger the rats. Not all groups have a mage and are crossfaction though.","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T12:56:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T12:56:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-22T12:03:42+0200","number":2164,"labels":"Further informations required, Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"shadowguard not getting triggered by blizzard/rain of fire like effect","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.cast shadowguard on self\r\n2. getting hit by spell like rain of fire(mc boss).\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-01-14T06:08:12+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T06:08:12+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's fixed and will be applied on the next server update!","createdAt":"2022-09-22T16:41:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-22T10:29:08+0200","number":2163,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Noli's Quests - no XP","body":"Noli in the Badlands offers these quests, listed as rewards = xp 350\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70050\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70049\r\n\r\nBoth are RewXP = 0, thus xp is not rewarded.","updatedAt":"2022-09-22T16:41:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-22T16:41:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"It's like this, if the game closes because of too little players, then the side with fewer player get set nothing. If both side have same, then both get nothing. So you are incrtivises to help the enemy faction with one more player to win before in closes so you can get atleast a loser mark.\r\n\r\nThis is an outrsgoies situation which has caused lots of frustration and salt over then months and was complained about many times already ","createdAt":"2022-09-22T07:30:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"To add to this, a battleground closing due to insufficient players appears to ignore completed objectives so far - e.g. a team can win in WSG by virtue of having more players even if they are down 0-2 flags.\r\n\r\n**Current outcomes:** _Edited table to reflect Geojak's observations_\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/191815461-1145b5ba-99eb-4af1-b927-af00118e1d7f.png)\r\n\r\n**Ideal outcomes**\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/191816730-2a0a80a9-4fd2-42bc-a25f-5416c2be0ec7.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-22T11:01:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Yea the 0 - 2 are ignored. It's a huge shit show to say it bluntly\r\nYour screenshot isn't true its like this\r\n\r\nInsufficient player with equal players\r\n-> everyone gets nothing\r\nInsufficient players with unequal players\r\n-> the large side gets 3 mark and a win, the smaller sides gets absolutely nothing, no mark, no bonus honour, just wasted time\r\n\r\nThis cuaes they already smaller side to stop queing completely sonze they are wasting their time ","createdAt":"2022-09-22T12:44:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Edited table to reflect Geojak's observations","createdAt":"2022-09-22T19:42:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Starting next update all battlegrounds will at minimum reward 1 mark upon any form of draw or loss. Furthermore, the amount of players will no longer decide the winner of BGs that end prematurely but will rather be progression based per BG as follows:\r\n\r\n- **Warsong Gulch**: Flags captured\r\n- **Alterac Valley**: No winner by default\r\n- **Arathi Basin**: Resource points\r\n- **Sunnyglade Valley**: Sparks earned\r\n- **Blood Ring**: Players alive","createdAt":"2022-11-05T21:25:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"That's amazing, thank you jamey! ","createdAt":"2022-11-06T20:29:24+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-22T07:00:48+0200","number":2162,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"PVP Rewards - Losers not gaining anything if game lasts less than 10 min","body":"Duplicate of [Issue # 660](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/660)\r\n\r\n**Problem:** When in Arathi Basin or Warson Gulch and enemy team is dominated either 5 cap or 3-0 \"incentivized rewards\" are not being given.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nEnter in AB\r\nGet 5 capped\r\nLose the match\r\nYou will receive no rewards ie token or rep. Also it should be further noted as a part 2 to this that Bonus honor is not working in Arathi Basin at all for specific RSS gained.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nLosers of specific Battlegrounds will now be rewarded accordingly to incentivize Battlegrounds.\r\n\r\n**This behavior is consistent during one day during vanilla retail, reverted the next day:**\r\nhttps://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Battleground\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/191661928-315e2bd4-e792-4057-b610-bcd3391a6164.png)","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T20:29:24+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T21:21:03+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-21T22:07:19+0200","number":2161,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Final Tablet","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4788\r\n\r\nThe fifth tablet behind Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin does not respawn at all.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T21:11:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T21:11:36+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"4th bug: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2320\r\n`silythus geysers dissapear and reappear when they should not `","createdAt":"2022-11-06T13:42:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-21T14:12:46+0200","number":2160,"labels":"Quest, Object","state":"OPEN","title":"Silithyst_Geyser Issues","body":"1st bug:\r\n\r\n1. find a geyser in sillithus\r\n2. right click and check you got the buff\r\n3. see you are not flagged for pvp\r\n\r\n2nd bug:you do not gain 20 reputation as you should\r\nhttps://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/The_Silithyst_Must_Flow\r\n\r\n3rd Bug: \r\n\r\nthe COunter for 200 first per faction is missing on the server which gives a 20% rep boost. This 200 Counter was acutally present earlier this year on twow but back then geysers did not exist. so you actively removed this vanilla feature?\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=181598\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nyou should be pvp flagged while you are carrying the silithyst. you have to walk back by feed while having pvp on which is the hole point of this thing. zou even get 200 honour for it.\r\n\r\nyou can check many different websites to proff this and i clearly remeber it from orginial retail vanilla\r\nhttps://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Silithyst_Geyser","updatedAt":"2023-12-06T16:17:42+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Trandsmogged weapons always inherit the original weapons' sheath. Sadly we cannot change it with the current thansmog system, I'm sorry!","createdAt":"2022-09-22T16:53:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-20T21:58:36+0200","number":2159,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ancestral War Totem Xmog looks weird and off.","body":"Hey, noticed something extremely off when I transmogged my weapon (Battery-Powered Crowd Pummeler) with the Ancestral War Totem appearance. Here's the original weapon, this is not a transmog, this is how it looks normally.\r\n\r\n![2 png](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/89550040/191352211-e368ff64-15ec-4bfe-b181-740f4298c182.png)\r\n![1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/89550040/191352225-bbcc19a7-1416-4cd7-a807-151c6d4b0999.png)\r\n\r\nAnd then this is how it looks when you mog into its appereance. The totem is upside down, unleveled and it sheathes on the opposite side.\r\n\r\n![4](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/89550040/191352692-fb753ccb-3b21-401f-8d26-63c427479035.png)\r\n![3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/89550040/191352713-805d5173-4b9b-4b87-9ef1-577302bb2575.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-22T16:53:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-22T16:53:35+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Hecleas"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"For Reference:\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5384\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19287\r\n\r\nAlso why would you nerf https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19621 lol","createdAt":"2022-09-20T17:35:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Hecleas"},"body":"Bump?","createdAt":"2023-01-22T00:59:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue persists and needs to be looked into. Turtle is the only server where Feign Death + Freeze Trap seems difficult or downright impossible to achieve.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:50:08+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"You need to stop your pet from attacking before Feigning Death if you want to leave combat instantly and be able to place a trap. This is how it works on classic. If you continue attacking with the pet, you will remain in combat, despite Feigning Death.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:52:43+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-20T00:48:34+0200","number":2158,"labels":"Hunter, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Hunter] FD + TRAP ","body":"There are several problems and bugs for the FD and the trap.\r\nBefore specifying my details, I want to let you know that I have been playing hunt since 2009 and I have been beta tested for daemon and viper for those who know (the admins of Nostalrius Beta and Begins.), I am more commonly known under the pseudonym of Kaszia.\r\n\r\nBugs:\r\n1) Sometimes when the pet takes physical damage, it keeps us in combat or brings us back into combat, while the entry and exit of combat for the hunter and his pet are interdependent. (It causes big problems when we try FD+trap) It's part of a general problem too, when we're out of combat, when we eat to regen, but our pet or the group makes us go into combat, we don't regen anymore, although we continue to eat, normally it doesn't happen. don't go like this\r\n\r\n2) When we execute FD and we rotate the camera to the left or to the right (right click) it lifts us up immediately, except it's not supposed to lift us up, suddenly it produces an entry into direct combat.\r\n\r\n3) The trap is not supposed to have a slight activation delay, it must be instantaneous, even if a war is charging us.\r\nBecause to put you in situation; a trap set in front of us, if a war charges us and at the time to put an automatic attack + a knee breaker (especially if it is end game stuff), it's over.\r\nExcept this is not supposed to be the case and the trap should activate instantly.\r\n\r\n4) Traps can be resisted in pvp, but on the other hand the FD is not supposed to be resisted in PVP.\r\nThe talent point that reduces resist FD is useful for PVE.\r\n\r\n5) to be checked, but it seems to me that our character is totally out of combat when the FD animation ends, which is not advantageous for those who have a long death animation.\r\nNormally we go out of combat as soon as the spell is activated.\r\n\r\nThese are the major problems I encountered on the FD + TRAP.\r\nOf course my expertise is based on wow vanilla of the time, on various sources, memories and old videos, which unfortunately the more time passes, the more they are likely to be deleted from you tube.\r\n\r\nI have other bugs to report for the hunt. But this thread deals with the FD + TRAP","updatedAt":"2023-03-05T18:37:14+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-05T18:37:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"akatigerstyle"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"akatigerstyle"},"body":"SOLVED!\r\n\r\nApparently it works. Only that it works if you talk to him INSIDE the hut/house. Talking to him while standing outside of the building works, but he won't teach you spells. You have to walk inside. ","createdAt":"2022-09-19T20:34:58+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-19T20:27:46+0200","number":2157,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Razor Hill Rogue trainer is bugged out","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nRazor Hill Rogue trainer is bugged out. He doesn't train spells even if all requirements are met (level, money, nothing works). Have tried deleting WDB, and installing the client. Didn't solve the problem.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Just go there and talk to him. Nothing works.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3170\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHe should train me spells when I have the required level and money to spend on it.","updatedAt":"2022-09-21T18:47:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-21T18:47:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gustavoalmeidait"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Did you check your keyring too? ","createdAt":"2022-09-19T08:58:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce, working as intended. Please check your keyring :)","createdAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-18T17:54:28+0200","number":2156,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blackmisth: Silver Skeleton key eats materials but no key","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe recipe to craft Silver keys does not produce an output\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Get rough stone for Rough Grinding Stones and Silver ingots.\r\n2. Craft Silver Skeleton Key.\r\n3. Check inventory. The materials are used but no item is added to the bag.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://classicdb.ch/?item=15869\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I have run vault about 15 Tines and seen the hood many times. I have never seen whip of encouragement drop ever, which is why I was there...\r\n\r\nClose the issue, we just have bad luck\r\n\r\nFor the tauren issue itws better to make its own issuue imo to not nix stuff up ","createdAt":"2022-09-18T09:44:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-18T05:38:46+0200","number":2155,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dungeon: Stormwind Vault loot issues","body":"Sightless Leather Hood (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60436) does not seem to drop at all. I haven't seen it even once after about 20 runs and neither have other people I asked around.\r\n\r\nThe final chest sometimes does not drop the transmog coin, I'd say in about 10% of cases.\r\nSometimes male taurens can not enter the room with the chest.","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T19:45:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T19:45:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"CAKyPA"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"CAKyPA"},"body":"Nevermind, item that starts the quest drops from the each three mobs and ends in [Senani Thunderheart](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12696)","createdAt":"2022-09-18T14:43:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-17T22:25:39+0200","number":2154,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Ashenvale Hunt","body":"Completed the [The Ashenvale Hunt](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6383) quest, but it's not opening the other 3 quests.\r\nIt's a quest that completes instant, maybe problem is in there.\r\n\r\nStarted the series from Thunder Bluff's [The Ashenvale Hunt](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=742).\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6383","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T14:43:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T14:43:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"He gets bugged when taking or abandoning [Uncovering Evil](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40214). Someone must've bugged it before you were able to turn in your quest. Server restart fixes it, but that's clearly not a permanent solution.","createdAt":"2022-09-17T23:42:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Hopefully fixed in the next update 🤞 ","createdAt":"2022-11-05T23:50:18+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-17T20:32:02+0200","number":2153,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Hermit's Wrath","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40213\r\n\r\nThe quest cannot be turned in. The NPC shows yellow question mark but won't talk to you.","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T23:50:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T23:50:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"1ManaTap1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"@1ManaTap1 please read the description \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/191300422-e073f7aa-496c-4ee3-a661-9fb3163e91cf.png)\r\nThanks.","createdAt":"2022-09-20T17:29:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"> @1ManaTap1 please read the description ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/191300422-e073f7aa-496c-4ee3-a661-9fb3163e91cf.png) Thanks.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/193090505-f9fc5ecd-288f-4237-8f7e-106f2831d33f.png)\r\nThis is an accurate bug. On classic you can only have 1 viper sting on a target.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/193090654-e2026695-61e9-4dae-8fcf-ad2e07cea5bf.png)\r\nYou can have 2 serpent stings.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T18:47:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-17T18:22:05+0200","number":2152,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Hunter] Viper Stinger Skill Stackable","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nViper stinger can be stacked multiple times by hunters and it shouldn't\r\n![Screenshot_2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110747992/190866584-45bd6abd-10ed-4acb-9e92-452a91b9271e.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=3034\r\n https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=14280/viper-sting\r\n https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Viper_Sting\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCan only one be active on a target\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T05:28:04+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T05:28:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"This is an addon problem.","createdAt":"2022-09-17T00:45:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The server does not send hit chance to the client. You are using an addon to display it, which must be checking what talents you have active, and calculates it based on that, but your addon was not made for the current version of talents in turtle wow, so it doesn't know it should add hit % to the total when you select the talent.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:17:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-17T00:00:22+0200","number":2151,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Natural Weapons hit% missing.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nNatural weapons is a talent in the second row of the balance tree that reads as following: \r\nNatural Weapons (3 ranks)\r\nIncreases the damage you deal with physical in all forms by 4/7/10% and increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 1/2/3%. \r\n\r\nIt might be affected totally or maybe the only problem is the tooltip, in either case I'm letting you guys know.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIn case the problem is the talent not giving the corresponding stats, then it should give you 10% increased physical damage and 3% chance to hit. In case the bug is in the tooltip, well it should show in your character stats. \r\n\r\nNote I already have 3% hit chance provided by my head piece and my neck piece (Blooddrenched Mask and Fury of the Forgotten Swarm), so the stats should say 6% instead of 3%.\r\n\r\n\r\n![imagen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/89550040/190808257-39bb36c2-c36a-4a4b-b402-7c7e20a8870b.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T23:17:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T23:17:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Megamagepal"},"body":"I don't think that can be fixed, the mount was just a poor choice of model","createdAt":"2022-09-18T06:00:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Moving this one to our internal client-tracker, thank you.","createdAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T23:51:25+0200","number":2150,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Goblin Rocket Cars","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nLittle friendly reminder about goblin rocket cars which are really nice but which have been stuck horizontally since their introduction to the game.\r\nLast time I submitted the issue was in May, before the 1.16.1 patch.\r\n\r\n**_Please do not take it as an offense, I suppose that it has been forgotten ;-)_**\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1396#issue-1233196104\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091622_232218](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/190792789-b44a1ae7-8255-4223-90a4-06b9614dc93b.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get any goblin racial vehicle.\r\n2. Notice that it doesn't follow the terrain curve.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80460\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80461\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80462","updatedAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-20T17:34:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T23:18:46+0200","number":2149,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The White Lady of Hammerfall","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nLegends say that when you do the First Aid quest \"Triage\" in Hammerfall (Arathi) you might see her <insert spooky sound here>.\r\nWho is she? ...Nobody knows. But beware! She might tickle your tiny turtle when the light goes down on Hammerfall!\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082422_235327](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/190748935-f121e598-cb9f-44c2-9629-651decfd939c.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be 225 in First Aid.\r\n2. Get the quest \"Hord Trauma\" from Arnok in Orgrimmar which leads you to Hammerfall\r\n3. Start the quest \"Triage\" from Dorcto Gregory Victor.\r\n4. Wait until you see the untextured female troll.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12924\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6622\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThat female troll shall have textures, color, or at least a cartigan!\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T23:03:41+0200","number":2148,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Neck Pendant of the Deep Woodlands can not be sold","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51756\r\n\r\nthis item can not be vendored\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nall neck items normally can be vendored","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue persists. Not gaining any reputation for kills in Ratchet, Everlook, Gadgetzan, or Booty Bay despite Combat Log saying I'm gaining 1 per kill.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:48:24+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GrenderG"},"body":"Related https://github.com/vmangos/core/issues/849 ","createdAt":"2023-02-26T12:14:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3984","createdAt":"2023-07-19T21:34:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"While I'm not sure if the underlying Faction awarding sub-faction rep behavior has been addressed, on Turtle, all kills now individually award sub-faction rep to address this.\r\n\r\nConsidering this working as intended for all intents and purposes.","createdAt":"2023-10-21T00:15:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T22:45:24+0200","number":2147,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wastewander npcs in Tanaris give fake reputation","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Wastewander npcs in Tanaris (Wastewander Bandits, Thieves, Assassins, Rogues and Shadow Mages) give 5pts of reputation to Gadgetzan when killed, up to Friendly.\r\nBut past Friendly, when you kill those mobs it is written in your chat window that they now give 5pts to the Steamwheedle Cartel which is wrong, they don't give any reputation points at all.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get your reputation to Gadgetzan to Honored for example.\r\n2. Check your four Steamwheedle reputations.\r\n3. Go kill those Wastelander npcs and notice de message in your chat windows stating that your Steamwheedle Cartel reputation has increased by 5pts.\r\n4. Notice that none of the four reputations has increased.\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091622_221802](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/190729218-7c9bc561-c6b9-481a-81d0-f63183fa1cd5.jpg)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5615\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5616\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5617\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5618\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5623\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nPast Friendly to Gadgetzan, those npcs shall not give any reputation at all.\r\nThey do try because they are nice people, but they fail every time xD\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-10-21T00:15:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-21T00:15:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T16:28:10+0200","number":2146,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Bingles' Missing Supplies","body":"Of the four items required for this quest, only [Bingles's Blastencapper](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=104575) respawns instantly, while others take 5 minutes.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2038\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=104575\r\n\r\nThey should all respawn at the same rate.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please, report such cases via in-game ticket, GMs can fix them right away!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:52:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T16:20:26+0200","number":2145,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Object: Peacebloom","body":"The one in Redridge Mountains at 15.3, 70.7 spawns inside a tree stump.\r\n\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1618\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:52:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:52:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T16:11:47+0200","number":2144,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Goretusk","body":"They have 10 arcane and 40 shadow resistance, which doesn't seem right. Other Goretusks have no resistances.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=157","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T16:01:41+0200","number":2143,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Captain Grayson's Revenge","body":"The quest does not have \"(Dungeon)\" next to its name in the quest log, even though it's inside the dungeon and under \"The Deadmines\" menu in the quest log.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40396","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:53:52+0200","number":2142,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Finding Akh Z'ador","body":"A word seems to be missing in the quest text: \"no matter long it takes you.\" It should be: \"no matter how long it takes you\". The issue is both with the text in-game and on the website.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40033\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T16:06:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-16T16:06:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:49:31+0200","number":2141,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Magical Ailment","body":"Typo in the quest text: it says \"Dranassus\" instead of \"Darnassus\".\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40380","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:42:33+0200","number":2140,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Syndicate Watchman","body":"This is specifically regarding Syndicate Watchmen who spawn on the wall between Arathi and Hillsbrad (just as you climb upstairs). They respawn after only 25 seconds, instead of 5 minutes.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2261","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"NPC aggros just fine for me.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:45:09+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:36:45+0200","number":2139,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Wally Wisecrack","body":"Wally Wisecrack seems hostile (name is red) but doesn't attack unless attacked (could be a Line of Sight issue).\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60506\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T19:49:19+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T19:49:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:34:07+0200","number":2138,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Wally Wisecrack","body":"The quest is marked as elite, even though the NPC dropping the quest item is not elite.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60506\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40226","updatedAt":"2022-09-20T21:35:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-20T21:35:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:31:24+0200","number":2137,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Rooting Out Corruption","body":"The quest is marked as elite, even though the NPC dropping the quest item is not elite.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60475\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40203\r\n\r\nHe does have HP as if he were elite, but he hits like a non-elite unit.","updatedAt":"2022-09-20T21:35:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-20T21:35:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:26:51+0200","number":2136,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Lingering Mother","body":"The quest is not marked as elite, even though the NPC the quest asks us to kill is elite.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51598\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60135","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:22:33+0200","number":2135,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Brannol's Sewing Kit","body":"The quest item for this quest can be looted before taking the quest, during the quest, and after the quest is complete. One can even loot two while on the quest. It's possible there are two objects there. One lootable always, and another lootable only if one the quest.\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51870\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60143\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000395\r\n\r\nExpectation: The item should only be lootable while on the quest.","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T17:08:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T15:15:09+0200","number":2134,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"cant manually queue blood ring with npc","body":"![WoWScrnShot_091622_151305](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/190647135-8fe63f75-700b-4c27-98fb-0fd751653019.jpg)\r\n\r\n1. queue sunnyglade\r\n2. talk with blood ring npc at arena\r\n3. click queue blood ring\r\n4. see error message\r\n5. use the pvp queing minimap button\r\n6. queue blood ring no problem from there\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nthe npc and minimap button should work the same","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_091622_143645](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/190640444-fb66c958-145c-4b3a-999a-4455bfe81f94.jpg)\r\n\r\nsometimes you are also just stuck for a minute","createdAt":"2022-09-16T14:38:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce on current version.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-23T13:24:07+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T14:06:09+0200","number":2133,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Booldring gryphon","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nqueue bloodring\r\nbe on a gryphon\r\nclick enter\r\nbe ported into blood ring\r\nstill on a grypon\r\nfligh away into the void out of the arnea\r\n???\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\ngryphon canceled in arena, restored afterwards or atleat ported to destination of the gryphon","updatedAt":"2023-02-23T13:32:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-23T13:32:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"Been patched as of 12/10/2022\r\n\r\nThank you kindly,","createdAt":"2022-10-20T09:23:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T13:12:26+0200","number":2132,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Food in Combat","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Consume any Aura /#/8: Periodic Heal Value: X item (aka eat some jerky)\r\n2. Engage in combat WHILE eating, see below\r\n(Have Party-member or pet engange in combat) \r\n(not minion, you should be made aware of that on separate issue, warlocks do not engage combat if minion does, hunter pets do) \r\n3. Watch health bar unaffected by the periodic healing item ( food will not regen you but mana will !!! )\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=Any combat engagement\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19301\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=N/A\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=22\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=Self\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=26260 aka https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=23692 ( any of the https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Food#spells:0-1 )\r\nShould persist through combat as does the mana regeneration, because the consumable effect is clearly stating:\r\n\"Restores X health per second\" but it does not happen :\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/190626459-d0d7876a-d5c4-44ba-97f8-cab9f9943761.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-20T09:23:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-20T09:23:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"The same issue is present in the house at the Molsen Farm in Westfall and in one or two houses in the Kurzen's Compound in Stranglethorn Vale. As seen in the video it's not just Morgaine that's bugged, but also Defias Bandit.\r\nThe houses of that type can be found to cause the issue quite frequently, but these two are the ones I can think of right now.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T14:53:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is a mmaps bug. In vmangos I fix those spots by using the cmangos extractor on those tiles, but I don't think turtle uses the same format.","createdAt":"2022-10-13T04:10:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T08:58:21+0200","number":2131,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Morgaine the Sly house is bugged and npc can't leave","body":"\r\nMorgaine the Sly house is bugged and npc can't leave\r\nhttps://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3QD1NVOtYq\r\n\r\n[09:56:50] You are INdoor\r\n[09:56:50] Map: 0 (Eastern Kingdoms) Zone: 12 (Elwynn Forest) Area: 89 (Mirror Lake Orchard)\r\n[09:56:50] X: -9440.909180 Y: 466.349762 Z: 53.276489 Orientation: 0.493733\r\n[09:56:50] grid[32,14]cell[13,4] InstanceID: 0\r\n[09:56:50] ZoneX: 30.801449 ZoneY: 64.863785\r\n[09:56:50] GroundZ: 63.031250 FloorZ: 53.274712 Have height data (Map: 1 VMap: 1)","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:12:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:12:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please use GM command `.gm move GUID XYZ` to move the object right in the game w/o creating a report.","createdAt":"2022-09-23T17:50:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T01:42:42+0200","number":2130,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Underground Mining Node","body":"You are OUTdoor\r\nMap: 0 (Eastern Kingdoms) Zone: 45 (Arathi Highlands) Area: 45 (Arathi Highlands)\r\nX: -567.190186 Y: -2007.087158 Z: 64.303810 Orientation: 1.664125\r\ngrid[28,30]cell[3,14] InstanceID: 0\r\n ZoneX: 31.678349 ZoneY: 18.077370\r\nGroundZ: 79.899635 FloorZ: 79.899635 Have height data (Map: 1 VMap: 1)\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/190527198-91027f30-b479-41cb-9815-a27f11cd1e0a.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:50:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:50:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Delired73"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/190577280-745af5be-7f9a-414b-bab0-a255e00310d5.png)\r\n\r\nThe npc is the correct location","createdAt":"2022-09-16T09:05:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Delired73"},"body":"Hello,\r\n\r\nThank you for the answer, but I'm at the exact same location and I don't see him : \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113647022/190599430-54c81c90-fa03-4253-84e1-b12821e60a1a.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nPlus, I saw that was a part of a caravan, I found the caravan at desolace north but seems bug: the caravan isn't moving at all depside the fact it's on the road : \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113647022/190597066-3bac80ab-4a7e-41de-8928-21d341dfabd6.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113647022/190599039-29b98924-4a43-4d08-81dc-c4b66b0aed91.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nDoes that means that I have to make the escort quest to see him ?","createdAt":"2022-09-16T10:58:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T01:36:21+0200","number":2129,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Super-Seller 680 absent","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Just go on coordonates 40.5, 79.3 in Desolace. You will see the PNJ Super-Seller 680 isn't here\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12246\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe NPC should be always present at the coordonates mentionned on the database","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T10:58:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-16T09:05:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gustavoalmeidait"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"gustavoalmeidait"},"body":"Its working now.","createdAt":"2022-09-18T16:33:56+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-16T00:33:19+0200","number":2128,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Frostbound Slasher blackmithing recipe not displaying Already known label","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBought and used the recipe \"Plans: Frostbound Slasher\". It is available on my Fist Weapons list to craft but when I check the Action House, I still see the same recipe without the warning that I already know it.\r\nAlso happens with Jade Serpentblade.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Blacksmithing to 180 and learn the recipe.\r\n2. Open your crafting list to confirm that you have the new item in your craftable list.\r\n3. Open AH and search that Frostbound slasher recipe. It WON'T display the red warning \"Already Known\"\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83549\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3850\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should display the red warning \"Already Known\".","updatedAt":"2022-09-18T16:33:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-18T16:33:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-15T16:32:04+0200","number":2127,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"water shield wrong mana restore tooltip","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091422_210548](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/190431153-4100a257-a89f-48d4-b0aa-dabadcddfc4c.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nthe acutall mana restored by watershield and not some memory overflow weird number?","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T17:53:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T17:53:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-15T15:58:36+0200","number":2126,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"dreams herald weapon has no durability","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe bs created custom mini tf dreams herald weapon has no durabilit. it never needs to be repaired\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65008\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nweapins need repairment","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T17:56:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T17:56:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"p.s. this is a prime fish bot location since htye can just spam fish at the same palce for ever","createdAt":"2022-09-15T15:57:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_091522_160241](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/190430926-442c674e-4342-42df-bff3-1b4b537d41c7.jpg)\r\npeople just fish here because they know it will respawn all the time and always stonescale or wreckages. Best place in game due to missing randomness","createdAt":"2022-09-15T16:31:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@ratkosrb could you check the respawn times of the school of fishes. the ones in my screenshot above respawns significantly faster than the others. could you pls reopen the issue for that?\r\n\r\nthank you for the other fix, i think you made it that the other school can also have stonescale now? atleat i saw one palce with stonescale that i have only seen with firesnapper before\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-16T11:59:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I updated the respawn time for all 4 spots in Booty Bay.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T12:57:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-15T15:56:01+0200","number":2125,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"school of fishes in booty bay are not random","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe school of fishes in booty bay alwasy respawn with the same fish. meaning there is this 1 stonescale fish school that resapwn every 5(?) minutes always at the same palce that most fisher know is the best spot on the server since nowhere else you have a guranted stonescale eel respawn or a wreckage with mithril trunks every few minutes.\r\n\r\non the otehr hand the other fish school in booty bay are completely useless becuase everyone knows the NEVER spawn stonescale school or wreckages, always the same firefin and mudschnapper.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nthe school of fishes in booty bay should respawn randomly. meaning every school spot can be eitehr firefin, stonescale and mudsnapper and not fixed location.","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T12:57:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:27:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tuckerfly"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"eX1stenZT"},"body":"Yup, same issue on my druid.\r\n\r\nGot only lvl1+2 in spell book, trainer will not teach me lvl3 or higher.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T20:35:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed, but requires a client update.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T21:04:31+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-15T00:23:58+0200","number":2124,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Insect Swarm Lv 3 Not showing in Spell book, but does show Already Learned spell in Trainer","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nInsect Swarm Lv 3 is Unlearnable from any druid trainer on my character: Wolfin\r\n\r\nIt states that the spell is already learned, but it does not appear in my spell book. In addition, the Insect Swarm lv 4 and above can not be learned as well, since it states I need to learn Insect Swarm Lv 3 first.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. I noticed that when I initially learned the spell, I purchased Lv 3 right away, and never actually purchased Lv 1 and 2. I play WOW a decent amount so i know that this is not normal behavior, and I should have purchased Lv 1 first, but i was being greedy and wanted to save Silver at the time, since it was allowing me to skip a couple steps and just purchase lv 3 right away\r\n\r\n2. Unfortunately the best way to approach this would be for me to make another Druid and wait until Lv 40 to Learn Lv 3 first if that is even an option this time.\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5570\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24974\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24975\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24975\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should normally let me Use the spell th\r\n![IS Lv3 bug 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273254-910959a6-5205-4a0f-aadb-40ac4ff5a98e.PNG)\r\n![IS Lv3 bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273258-f3213f4e-e8c8-4d95-97ad-8c80e09d5632.PNG)\r\n![IS Lv3 bug3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273259-8e095819-48c3-4b6b-958c-f87b351af70c.PNG)\r\nat was \"Learned\" and then purchase Insect Swarm 4,5,6 without soft locking the spell\r\n\r\nScreenshots attached below. I work Support too for my Career, so I appreciate the Support! Love you guys! :)\r\n![IS Lv3 bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273432-244a9ecb-6ed1-475c-92c7-ab5b0810a404.PNG)\r\n![IS Lv3 bug3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273438-0f7fa839-f89f-4a1f-8c02-1546d906f15c.PNG)\r\n![IS Lv3 bug 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113559669/190273440-78eacd22-5a60-40df-96f0-e081b84d6abb.PNG)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T21:04:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T21:04:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T13:59:21+0200","number":2123,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Zalazane's Apprentice\" quest. Probable double info in quest description and quest objectives.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn quest description there third paragraph, that probably shouldn't be there.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar on Echo Isles.\r\n2. Kill [Hexed Troll](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3207) or [Voodoo Troll](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3206).\r\n3. Take dropped [Shabby Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=59990).\r\n4. Take quest [Zalazane's Apprentice](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80399).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: [Shabby Letter](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=59990)\r\nQuest: [Zalazane's Apprentice](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80399)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs desciption pretend to be a text from letter and objectives copying third paragraph. Me suppose that it shouldn't exist in description section because it broke a bit immersion of reading letter,\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090722_081527_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/190149484-b4d6f992-efb0-4f5e-a5df-0c60305d3c88.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T18:29:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:29:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T13:55:53+0200","number":2122,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlord Kolkanis' Head. Minor visual defect.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOn quest item shouldn't be green text <Right Click To Read>.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Durotar at KolKar Crag.\r\n2. Kill [Warlord Kolkanis](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5808).\r\n3. Take [Warlord Kolkanis' Head](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60521) from corpse.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Warlord Kolkanis](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5808)\r\nItem: [Warlord Kolkanis' Head](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60521)\r\nQuest: [Agression's End](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40390)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nQuest item [Warlord Kolkanis' Head](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60521) shouldn't have green text on it in-game.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090922_163241_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/190147145-7003e6ca-3efd-4e5b-b212-de2b47178b80.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T18:29:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:29:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"This isn't for suggestion but bugs. ","createdAt":"2022-09-14T23:25:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"body":"It wasn't a suggestion. Those stats are counterintuitive to one-another and unique in the entire game, to my knowledge. Enough to make one thing it was an error when implementing the item (used healing instead of healing and damage).\r\n\r\nIf it's not the case, feel free to close.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T13:25:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"It is kind of like asking why blizzard made the lawbringer set healing focused plate with low healing and strength. Vanilla itemization is just counterintuitive like that until we start approaching the end patches when they figured out how to make gear for specific specs instead of catchall gear with a wide spread. \r\n\r\nI don't disagree that I honestly would never use this item unless I had some low level green I hadn't been able to replace.","createdAt":"2022-09-23T21:32:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This item is working as intended! Not every item in the game is supposed to be useful :)","createdAt":"2022-09-23T21:33:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T13:54:42+0200","number":2121,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cloak with +healing & Attack Power","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPlease confirm this item is by design.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get item.\r\n2. Ask wth are you supposed to do with it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=81122\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nItem should either have spell damage (for a shaman or paladin) or no AP (for healers). The mix of Healing and Attack Power is something i've never seen before and _weird_.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T21:33:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T21:33:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Seelirey"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1506","createdAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T12:11:01+0200","number":2120,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rank didn't go up. Seelirey (Reen - name of char)","body":"I didn't rank up even though I played and got 80k honor.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI logged in on Wednesday afternoon and saw that rank 0 had not changed, although I farmed 80k honor and made 143 kills. Perhaps the rank was given to me, but for some reason I don’t see it\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nwould like to be given my rank\r\n\r\n![aFdKEUBCrC4](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113514973/190126637-56ec8391-faf8-4f96-a595-5de8b6811ce4.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"99% impossible to reproduce :( Super rare edge case, I'm sorry!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:49:20+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T11:01:24+0200","number":2119,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Pseudo-join a battleground","body":"Client crashed during WSG loading screen, and on subsequent login I was pushed outside the battleground with deserter debuff, except I was also participating in the battleground?\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091422_012111](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/190110019-584f4f7a-3aeb-4def-8cf2-1ddc60d9ddae.jpg)\r\nNote the deserter debuff, and quest turn-in in between flag capture activity on the chat log.\r\n\r\nUpon completion of the battleground, my character could not move or use abilities, just like at the conclusion of a normal battleground. Relogging allowed me to act normally again.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091422_012518](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/190110370-5b9ad07f-39ea-4dd9-931a-0dd83d51dc7b.jpg)\r\nNote the lack of \"participation\" (0 kills / deaths / HKs)\r\n\r\nNo idea what's going on here.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:49:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:49:20+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"marcuis"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We're aware of this issue and it's listed in our internal tracker.","createdAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T10:26:40+0200","number":2118,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Outdated hunter talent tree in talent calculator","body":"Outdated hunter survival talent tree in talent calculator. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Go to https://talents.turtle-wow.org/hunter\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe first row, 3rd talent (deflection) should be the improved Raptor Strike talent.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:10:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Chromie-the-gnome"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"As was said in the changelog, this requires a client patch to work. The restriction is removed server side, but the client does it's own checks based on its own copy of the data, which can only be updated with a new MPQ patch. You have to wait for the new client patch to be released.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:22:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-14T04:38:04+0200","number":2117,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't decurse on Moonkin Form","body":"Even though it was announced we could decurse in moonkin form. We are still unable to do so.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enter Moonkin form\r\n2. Cast Decurse\r\n3. Get error message you are shapeshifted and forced to go outside of moonkin form.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24858 <- Moonkin form\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2782 <- Remove Curse\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs said in Moonkin form tooltip: The Moonkin can only cast Balance spells, Innervate, AND REMOVE CURSE while shapeshifted. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T23:22:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T23:22:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"KanseiDrift"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The website calculator isn't updated yet but we're working on it.","createdAt":"2022-09-15T18:11:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-13T22:58:03+0200","number":2116,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sharpened Claws doesn't match website/ingame","body":"The talent Sharpened Claws in the feral druid tree does not match the one on the website. \r\n\r\nThe Turtle wow website calculator shows that Sharpened claws has a maximum of 2 points that can be invested in it.\r\nHowever ingame, 3 points can be invested into Sharpened Claws. \r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16942","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T18:11:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T18:11:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It is at 2 currently, but since you say its only 1 in practice, I've doubled it to 4, and perhaps your addon will report its 2 now.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T13:14:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Effective immediately?","createdAt":"2022-09-13T13:15:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"No, effective whenever server gets updated next.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T13:23:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"@ratkosrb I'm sorry, but I'm still not getting anywhere near right numbers.\r\nI increased sample sizes and recorded 2 full 30 min sessions (cat):\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-09-28 20-13-33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/192805074-0039bc0d-15cc-41bf-821c-1b30f2e8929d.png) ![Captura de pantalla de 2022-09-28 21-22-13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/192805081-cae1e207-2b57-4e93-b7f9-5628ab2a6223.png)\r\n\r\nAssuming proc chance of 3.33% for cat attack, my estimation is that first screenshot has only 4% chance of happening, and second one is about 15%, which together makes 0.6% - pretty solid number suggesting that something's off.\r\nBut you don't have to take my word for it - just test for yourself.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T16:32:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Could it be that the chance of OCC proccing is lower while you have its buff?","createdAt":"2022-09-28T19:19:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"@ratkosrb so what do you say? Is this data enough?","createdAt":"2022-10-02T06:59:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-13T13:03:42+0200","number":2115,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Omen of Clarity proc rate","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n Omen is procing too rarely.\r\n#1963 is closed as fixed, it is not fixed and changelog doesn't mention anything about fixing it.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Cast Omen.\r\n2. Shift to cat, start attacking training dummy.\r\n3. Count procs.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-09-13 17-56-52](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/189884760-4b475118-800c-4051-a117-201c79c65fc2.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n2 ppm from autoattacks, +extra from spells and abilities, based on corresponding form's attack speed (bear/cat/travel/aquatic) and base spell cast time (humanoid/moonkin).","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T06:59:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T13:12:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1990","createdAt":"2022-11-18T09:00:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-13T10:39:59+0200","number":2114,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin PvP glove Equip bonus not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Paladin PvP set glove bonus is not working as described: \"Equip: Increases Holy damage bonus of your Judgement of Crusader and Crusader Strike by 20\". This has been tested for both Crusader Strike and Crusader Strike, no damage bonus is applied at all.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n0. Start with no gloves equipped\r\n1. Cast Seal of Righteousness\r\n2. Attack target, note damage amount of Seal of Righteousness\r\n3. Cast Seal of the Crusader\r\n4. Cast Judgement on target\r\n5. Cast Seal of Righteousness\r\n6. Attack target, note increased damage of Seal of Righteousness due to Judgement of the Crusader on target\r\n7. Equip \"Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets\"\r\n8. Repeat steps 3-5, then attack target. Observe as the Seal of Righteousness damage has not increased compared to wearing no gloves\r\n9. Repeat process but apply Crusader Strike to target instead of Judgement of the Crusader. Observe that there is no increase in Holy damage with gloves equipped\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16410\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThere should be a Holy bonus damage increase of 20 when the gloves are equipped andJudgement of the Crusader or Crusader Strike are applied.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-18T09:00:15+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-18T09:00:14+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DPowers9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1207\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-13T10:23:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-13T05:37:30+0200","number":2113,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Pet Missing","body":"I was traveling on the boat between Stormwind and Auberdine to do the quests in Darkshore and Ashenvale with my hunter named Luminalae. When the load screen came up to take me to Darkshore my pet was randomly a level 39 orc and dead on the ship when I called pet it said I already had an active summon, when I cast Revive Pet is brought the level 39 orc npc back to life which immediatlely attacked me, I have no idea how this happened I logged out and back in thinking that would fix it, nope and I visited the stable master is Auberdine is says that my bear isn't even stabled there or in the active slot. It was a level 29 Ice Claw Bear from Dun Morogh, and I really don't want to have to train another one. Please help.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T21:28:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T21:28:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"woody-b"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"woody-b"},"body":"I'm not sure if unlearning it and skilling it back up might help fix it. Also not sure if I would lose all my recipes doing that.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T00:11:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Greetings! To unlock the quests Salve via you need to complete the first quest in the chain <Cleansing Felwood>.\r\nThis is the correct behavior for both turtle and classic.\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4102\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/quest=4101/cleansing-felwood","createdAt":"2022-09-13T00:32:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"woody-b"},"body":"Well it still looks a bit scuffed. I can still do some of the quests with Maybess.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T01:47:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-13T00:09:33+0200","number":2112,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: \"Salve via Disenchanting\" not available from Maybess Riverbreeze with enchanting learned","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI can't recieve the quest Salve by disenchanting. Character Woob.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Learn enchanting.\r\n2. See the quest.\r\n3. Many months later.\r\n4. Quest no longer appearing.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nFour different identical named quests for this, so I just picked one out of the hat.\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5886\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9529\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould have the quest for my profession.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59381153/189766684-a8c28eb4-353c-4405-b231-31348051c0f1.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59381153/189766767-9a2fabb9-2a66-4f84-bcec-09abdb9a4400.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59381153/189766791-c5690f43-3d61-43ac-a48a-a819f6beadc3.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-13T01:47:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T00:32:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Enchantments also don't work.\r\n\r\nDragunovi confirmed enchants on hands, pants, head, and even 3% on weapk should all work too, or not? ","createdAt":"2022-09-12T23:25:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Still bugged as of 21/09/2022","createdAt":"2022-09-21T15:18:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Until you see fixes mentioned in the official changelog, they are not live.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T00:32:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-12T21:53:19+0200","number":2111,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Whip of Encouragement does not work on spell casts","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhip of Encouragement is different from the other haste items and is the only one that doesn't work on spell casts\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1.Equip any haste item\r\n2. notice that it affects cast time\r\n3. equip whip\r\n4. notice that it doesn't affect\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60501\r\nSpell that doesn't work: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13680\r\nSpell that works: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13679\r\nspell that works has \"(6) Apply Aura #65: Haste - Spells value 2\" effect\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHaste 3 should have **\"(6) Apply Aura #65: Haste - Spells value 4\"** to work with spells","updatedAt":"2022-09-28T00:32:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T13:22:56+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Update: it is actually possible to complete the quest if you click around to find the invisible \"Vipore triger\" in the place where the NPC used to be.\r\nEither way, things are off.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T16:15:04+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-12T03:48:27+0200","number":2110,"labels":"Quest, NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"Quest: Fallen Sky Lords (Alliance)","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7301\r\n\r\nCommander Vipore does not complete the objective, he merely runs away. The quest cannot be completed.","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T23:35:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is the original client glitch and it's not really worth initiating editing of this zone in Noggit just for the lamp, I'm sorry.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:34:17+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T21:11:04+0200","number":2109,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:46:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:34:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sadly, this necessary change can not be avoided at this point of development. ","createdAt":"2022-09-12T10:22:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T20:45:17+0200","number":2108,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:46:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T10:22:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Isarke"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I am unable to reproduce the issue.\r\nhttps://streamja.com/3m4Mb","createdAt":"2022-09-13T13:02:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Isarke"},"body":"https://i.imgur.com/gUi17Jg.png\r\n\r\nidk what it is it doesn't work for me i got the poising and used a portal to SW then flew to burning steppes","createdAt":"2022-09-13T18:35:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Isarke"},"body":"GM helped me by finishing the quest","createdAt":"2022-09-14T18:50:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T20:38:25+0200","number":2107,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mother's Milk quest as a High Elf","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs a High Elf the NPCdoesn't have a prompt in the window to remove the poison and complete the quest\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Got the Mother's Milk poison debuff\r\n2. NPC doesnt have the prompt to \"milk it\" to remove it and finish the quest for a High Elf\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9563\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4866\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPrompt under the quest text to remove it and finish the quest","updatedAt":"2022-09-14T18:50:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-14T18:50:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Dauf2"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Dauf2"},"body":"https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113302922/190040211-35404782-80ab-4546-ab9c-67338e809b8d.mp4\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-14T03:47:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Are you use using that new crossbow with the bugged animation (uses gun animation). \r\n\r\nTry equipping a bullet bag and it will probably work. \r\n\r\nFrom your video I think you are. The one with a bit of agi int and ap\r\n\r\nAre you sure it's not just that item bugged instead of your char\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-14T12:21:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Dauf2"},"body":"Thanks for the tip. Through various combinations of equipping bullet bags, other ranged weapons and the like, it seems to work. I suppose the twow developers should try to fix the item then.","createdAt":"2022-09-14T23:55:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"Issue still persists as of 16/10","createdAt":"2022-10-16T01:51:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"What item is this?","createdAt":"2022-11-05T05:00:37+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Probably https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60624 ","createdAt":"2022-11-05T15:54:46+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update.","createdAt":"2023-02-20T21:27:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T20:30:21+0200","number":2106,"labels":"Hunter, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ranged attack speed is bugged on my Character Daufina","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nRanged attack speed is bugged. Ranged weapon speed is 3.3 and is not taking into account my quiver increasing my ranged attack speed.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nNot sure, seems to be isolated to just my character. Created another level 1 hunter and the ranged attack speed calculations seem to be working fine\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nAny quiver and ranged weapon combo I equip is not taking the increase in ranged weapon speed provided by the quiver\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nweapon speed is 3.3\r\nquiver is 13% increased ranged attack speed\r\nAttack_speed = 3.3 / ( (13 / 100) + 1 ) = 2.92 not 3.3\r\n\r\n![Ranged Attack Speed Bugged](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113302922/189544035-cb2b85b1-fbf1-43fb-8b63-6d05075302a8.JPG)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-20T21:27:13+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-20T21:27:13+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Dauf2"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Dauf2"},"body":"re submitted my ticket under a more accurate title. I think my character in-game is bugged.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T00:42:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T18:36:32+0200","number":2105,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ranged Weapon Speed is Bugged","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nRanged weapon speed is not calculated properly. When I equip my quiver, the calculation does not take into account the increase in ranged attack speed that the quiver is supposed to provide. There is no discernable difference in attack time. For instance auto-shot tooltip shows 3.3 second attack time with or without the quiver being equipped.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip Ranged Weapon\r\n2. Equip Quiver\r\n3. Ranged attack speed is unaffected\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nThis bug seems to affect all quivers and ranged weapons. Regardless of what ranged weapon or quiver I equip, the ranged weapon speed isn't being affected. \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nWhen a quiver is equipped, the ranged weapons should be attacking faster.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T00:42:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T00:42:26+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"DaveMustang69"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Additional notes:\r\n\r\nThis bug manifests only if your lockboxes got opened in the trade window by another player.\r\nIf you open them by yourself , the bug does not manifest. ","createdAt":"2022-09-12T07:19:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is STILL an issue.","createdAt":"2023-10-19T00:52:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Wuzzin"},"body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have rogue lockpick https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4637 or https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4638\r\n2. Didn't open for about 48 hours with several logoffs.\r\n3. Lockboxes now show as \"Locked\" again and are not openable. Deleting WDB folder did not fix issue.\r\n4. Shed a tear for your lost 1g tip.\r\n5. ???\r\n6. -Profit :)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4637\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4638\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHave rogue unlock your lockboxes and have them stay unlocked for you to open later.","createdAt":"2023-11-12T19:00:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T18:32:06+0200","number":2104,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lockboxes are being locked when you log out","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf I log out with unlocked lock boxes in my inventory, when I log back in they are locked again\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open a lock box\r\n2. Log out\r\n3. Log in and your lock boxes will be locked again\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5758\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nA rouge lockpicks the box. I log out. When I log back in, the box should still be unlocked.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56465794/189538413-182807d8-3349-4e69-97e9-df32b94a5365.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-11-15T07:00:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-11-15T07:00:56+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Drinxy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The guard is not invisible, he gets summoned by the alliance civilian npc there. Steps have been taken to prevent this from happening again.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:56:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T15:33:50+0200","number":2103,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Invisible lvl60 Guard","body":"There is a bug in wetlands where a lvl 60 Menethil guard just appears and aggro's horde players out of nowhere in the middle of the area (right across the bridge where the goblin vendor is). You can see my combat log in attached pictures. I'm aware of your statement that there will be no character restoration whatsoever, but if this bug is not enough for character revival, I'm afraid I need to move on from the server. I mean, what's the point of playing hc if there are bugs like this. Anyway, you guys are doing great job with custom content, keep it up, cheers!\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091122_143921](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93180842/189530376-8acbb65c-f255-45f2-8853-930a19350b29.png)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091122_143957](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93180842/189530379-4fe0502c-6c84-46ec-9141-e4c1c0b98773.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-13T12:56:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T12:55:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is technically impossible, I'm sorry :(","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:19:05+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I could only add some text saying that I'll cost them 5 gold.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:20:03+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T05:22:46+0200","number":2102,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Suggestion: Give PVP rank hiding (5g cost) a confirmation dialogue","body":"For the two NPCs which allow players to hide their player rank - add a confirmation dialogue to spend the 5 gold.\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Wheeler-dealer\r\n\r\nsome people not read so good","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:20:03+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:19:05+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"woody-b"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T02:03:49+0200","number":2101,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Vaelstrasz Corpse Disapears","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nVaelstraz can just disapear poofing all the loot on him. Raid ID: 11408.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nRun down for what happened during the raid.\r\n1. Wipe once to Vael.\r\n2. Master looter dies during attempt two.\r\n3. Kill Vael.\r\n4. People look at loot on corpse while master looter is dead.\r\n5. Vael despawns.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13020\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRaid bosses shouldn't despawn.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T07:20:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T07:20:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DraxerTABC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This will be fixed in 1.16.4 (requires a client update).","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:50:36+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-11T00:26:55+0200","number":2100,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't cast Remove Curse in Moonkin form, despite it saying I should be able to.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCannot cast Remove Curse while in Moonkin form. It's saying \"Cannot cast while shapeshifted.\" The Moonkin form itself is saying I should be able to.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24858 (Moonkin form)\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2782 (Remove Curse)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI should be able to cast Remove Curse while in Moonkin Form.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:50:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:50:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2169","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:58:10+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-10T23:00:32+0200","number":2099,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"sillithus nother wesern prophet race glitches around like devilsaurs in ungro crater. ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_221704](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501543-de83f6c6-957e-45b6-b7e0-dd8ea2c71dbd.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_221719](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501547-059c3c0c-6c4e-4b41-9cb7-2ee7380a68c4.jpg)\r\n\r\nthey start normal walking after racing back to the elemtals\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nno glitchy killer squat speedforce user twillight prohet","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:58:10+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:58:10+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-10T22:57:53+0200","number":2098,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"unreachable herbs in sparkwater port durotar","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nsee the pictures, these spawn points hsould probably be moved or deleted\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_163142](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501491-581d3f4f-41d2-40c5-ad2b-a861a8b36041.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_163145](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501492-20f6640e-a50b-4b3f-a33d-d6f9009600c2.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_163225](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501495-209affef-bd21-4a66-916e-7e5f0f219263.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_163230](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501497-356cacd6-3949-48e5-9c02-8eeaf67e1edc.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_091022_163139](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189501498-003d1640-0590-4818-9ec9-c7ec7ecbf16f.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-02T22:27:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"BartoszDerenda"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I cannot reproduce. Do you use any quest-log addons?\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/189607056-397b3bb6-532a-4b21-957b-53a0c3cf5134.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-12T10:26:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-10T19:32:55+0200","number":2097,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid's stag travel form quest is cut in the middle of it's description.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOne of the custom quests in the game seems to have reached it's character limit.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Lvl up a druid to 30 :)\r\n2. Go Moonglade.\r\n3. Get Antler's Guidance (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40010)\r\n4. Travel to the border of Southern Barrens and Dustwallow Marsh.\r\n5. Finish the quest and pick up The White Stag and the Moon (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40012).\r\n6. Attempt to read it's description.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60310\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40012\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEntirety of quest's text should be visible to the player.","updatedAt":"2022-09-13T11:56:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T11:56:35+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"csindone"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is still an issue. Prevent more than one instance of this creature existing at a time, and also disable a player's ability to interact with the stone gameobject once they've successfully killed Goggeroc and have received quest credit.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T19:41:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-10T18:29:29+0200","number":2096,"labels":"Quest, NPC, Item, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Earthen Arise BUG","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Goggeroc spawns correctly but I am unable to attack him\r\n2. If touch the Resonite cask again or click the Enchanted Resonite Crystal in my bag addition Goggeric spawn\r\n3. The additional Goggeric attack and I die\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11920\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16603 and 178145\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6481\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nA single Goggeric should spawn to fight and kill","updatedAt":"2023-03-10T19:33:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-10T19:33:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Yeah, Mushgog's harder than everything else in Dire Maul. You need a strong group to take him down, while the other rares can be soloed by a hunter.\r\n\r\nThe high difficulty is less of a problem than the fact new groups don't know his power until wiping on him. If you show up to run part of Dire Maul and think \"Hey look, we can kill a rare before starting\", it won't go well for you!\r\n\r\nMaking him a boss like Teremus would warn groups they're in for a struggle. I'd prefer that to nerfs, especially if his loot improved slightly.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T14:25:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"I don't think you're supposed to bring NR geared tank and only RDPS for this, are you?\r\n\r\nPerhaps the cloud is supposed to be an actual cloud you can move out from and not a lingering DoT?","createdAt":"2022-09-13T17:55:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"No need for NR, and melee works if your healer doesn't go oom. Any group of five 60s can probably kill him, even with blue gear. He needs a warning sign \"you must be this tall to fight\" to scare off the DME groups that bring levelers in greens.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T11:49:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"If you believe this boss isn't working correctly, please re-open this issue with a video-proof from Classic PTR :)","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:40:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-10T04:46:10+0200","number":2095,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Mushgog","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11447\r\n\r\nThe abilities this rare uses don't seem to be right at all.\r\n\r\nIt constantly spams AoE knockback (cannot be interrupted), followed by Spore Cloud which applies a dot that ticks for about 3k damage over 3 seconds or so and sticks to you, meaning that leaving the cloud does nothing. This is done constantly and is basically unavoidable. Even with RDPS and tank strat, the tank melts even with focus healing because there's no way to avoid the AoE DoT.\r\n\r\nYou'd need a NR geared tank and a decked out healer for this, which seems very off considering this is entry level content dropping one random blue BoE.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:40:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:40:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"body":"humm","createdAt":"2022-09-09T22:22:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T21:31:51+0200","number":2094,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"shadowguard and lightning shield does not trigger while under shield effect(item/player shield)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. cast lighting shield/shadow guard on yourself.\r\n2. have a priest cast power word :shield or get item to trigger( like uther's strength/etc)\r\n3. get player (PVP in bgs or world) or mobs to use ranged attack or spell on player with lighting shield/shadowguard\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nit should get trigger by ranged attack and spell attacks even shield effects. that s how it behave in vanilla and classic wow\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-09T22:22:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-09T22:22:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"As far as I know is a bit light...","createdAt":"2022-10-25T13:10:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"On every vanilla server I played, the buff remained on you till you actually landed a hit. I did not play rogue in actual Blizzard's vanilla back then so I've no idea how it behaved there, but I did in TBC, and it behaved in the same way.\r\nIt only makes sense since this is a long cooldown and having it just randomly disappear due to RNG doesn't seem right to me.\r\n\r\nIn either case, this would be a much needed QoL change to an already underperforming PvE spec. It does not really affect PvP (not like there's much consideration for PvP in the first place) since you never just randomly fire CB'd eviscerates into somebody's un-CCd face.","createdAt":"2022-10-25T20:48:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Looking at comments posted back in vanilla, it does seem the buff goes away even if the attack does not land. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=14177/cold-blood#comments:id=2743379","createdAt":"2022-10-25T22:53:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Then this can fall into the logical QoL suggestions category along with TBC combo points.\r\nI assume that's why pretty much all vanilla pservers used the TBC implementation of both as it makes much more sense.","createdAt":"2022-10-26T00:06:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"Coming from \"it should be like that cause I remember\" then end up by \"we should apply some changes cause I think it is better\".\nPlease stop acting like this with bugtracker which is only a way to report bug not another manner to make suggestions. There is forum for this.","createdAt":"2022-10-26T09:57:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T17:56:50+0200","number":2093,"labels":"Rogue, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell: Cold Blood","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14177\r\n\r\nThe buff is consumed if your skill misses or is avoided, which isn't supposed to happen as far as I know.","updatedAt":"2023-01-14T06:08:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T06:08:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Scurek"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T17:10:44+0200","number":2092,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Burning Bridges quest market as level 60","body":"Burning Bridges quest (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80320) is marked as a level 60 quest but is a low-level quest that requires killing a lvl 12 mob and becomes available at level 7.\r\n\r\nThe quest should probably be marked as lvl 12.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SplashX2"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"You need a Unadorned Seal of Ascension to talk to Vaelon","createdAt":"2022-09-09T21:46:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T16:43:43+0200","number":2091,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Seal of Ascension\" (second part) not fully working / unable to restart","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI gathered all gems for the Quest \"Seal of Ascension\" starting at \"Vaelan\" in UBRS got both the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" and the \"Orb of Draconic Energy\" and headed to Emberstrife. However, I could not finish the quest as the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" despawned quickly (about 1-2 minutes) and the mind-control did not function since Emberstrife \"did not falter\" at any HP (1%-15%). The \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" only has 5 charges which I used in the process of several tries then the item disappeared. So I went to Vaelon to get another 5 charges of \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" but he would not. I then cancelled the quest so I can restart it but Vaelon only offers \"gossip\" (clickable dialogue).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Finish the first part of \"Seal of Ascension\"\r\n2. Putting the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" in front of Emberstrife\r\n3. Trying to get Emberstrife to repeatedly breath on the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" (at low HP of Emberstrife, since the mind control is also bugged and Emberstrife does not falter)\r\n4. Seeing the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" dissapear without being forged\r\n5. Repeat 5 times until the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" dissappears\r\n6. Try to replenish the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" when talking to Vaelan\r\n7. Try to restart the quest \"Seal of Ascension\" after cancelling it at again talking to Vaelan.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10296\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12323\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4743\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" should be placed in front of Emberstrife. Emberstrife should be mind-controllable as soon as he \"falters\". The seal should then be forged when performing \"flame breath\" / attacking the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\".\r\n\r\nIf the charges of the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" are used, the \"Unforged Seal of Ascension\" should be replenished when talking to \"Vaelan\".\r\n\r\nIf the quest Seal of Ascension (ID: 4743) is cancelled one should be able to restart it when talking to Vaelon.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-28T07:20:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-28T07:20:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"palarky"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Also related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1520","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:00:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T14:11:55+0200","number":2090,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"Pyrewood Ambush\"","body":"The quest does not completed after all the conditions are met.\r\nTested on 2 characters.\r\n\r\nFaerleia and Player are killing waves of mobs, after which she says its over. But the quest are not completed.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2058\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=452\r\n\r\n! Verification required. The quest was made immediately as part of a group.\r\nWhen i was alone it didnt count.","updatedAt":"2022-09-13T12:00:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T12:00:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lacerda1303"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"You are running a client with old patches.\r\n\r\nPlease get the fully updated client from the website.","createdAt":"2022-09-11T10:04:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T11:38:25+0200","number":2089,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"ERROR #132 at Gnomeregan Entrance","body":"I was exploring the area with my Priest (Human) and as soon as I got near the entrance of Gnomeregan in Dun Morogh the game crashed with the: \r\n\r\n**_ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception... \r\nException: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:006D6AD0\r\n\r\nThe instruction at \"0x006D6Ad0\" referenced memory at \"0x00000000\".\r\nThe memory could not be \"read\".\r\n\r\nPress OK to terminate the application._**\r\n\r\nAfter the game closed, I opened again and loged in. If I choose a different character it's fine, but if I select my Human Priest, who is at the same place the game closed before, the same error keeps happening and the game closes as soon as the loading of the character (after selection) finishes. I have no chances to get out of the area or something else.\r\n\r\n![ERROR 1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113174379/189320633-bd52de7f-e287-41e7-ac7d-f057d709780d.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-11T10:04:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-11T10:04:12+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This looks like a general Vanilla client glitch ignored by the original developers a long time ago. Since it's a very minor bug and not affecting gameplay, we're not going to look into fixing this one, I'm sorry.","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:04:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T07:26:14+0200","number":2088,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:45:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T12:04:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"spacestr"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T02:57:21+0200","number":2086,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Combustion not working with Pyroblast","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPyroblast fire spell (mage) is not affected by Combustion while other fire spells are.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Combustion (mage)\r\n2. Cast 10 low level Flamestrike on the ground near you to reach the maximum 10 points combustion stack (Increases critical strike chance with Fire spells by 100%)\r\n3. Cast Pyroblast at enemy (pick something that's your level)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=12527\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPyroblast gets guaranteed critical strike","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T05:05:55+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T05:05:55+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Otakoe"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"You always had to be still to use it, it's a half second \"cast\" which is not indicated by the vanilla client without addons. That's why multi shot needs to be weaved into your auto shot.\r\n\r\nAn addon called YaHT might help you there!","createdAt":"2022-09-09T04:53:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The current way it works is blizzlike. If you would like to see it changed, suggest it in the forums for the next round of class changes.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T17:21:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-09T00:44:08+0200","number":2085,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Multi-shot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI was surprised to see red text while moving and using this spell. Also was surprised when during using i have delay as Auto-shot. Any DB and as i remember - multishot has Instant cast. Addon for autoshot also shows delay like for autoshot\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Shoot in any mob in moving\r\n2. Reading red text.\r\n3. Shoot in any mob in standing. Looking on delay.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2643\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nInstant cast without any delay","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T17:21:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-16T17:21:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Yo madlads actually did it","createdAt":"2022-09-08T22:09:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"Dragons of Nightmare are still despawning in 10 secs after the final one is killed","createdAt":"2023-02-28T00:11:36+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3091","createdAt":"2023-04-02T18:56:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T21:41:58+0200","number":2084,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lethon despawns in 10 seconds after kill","body":"1. Kill lethon\r\n2. wait 10 seconds\r\n3. see him despawn\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14888\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nhis body should last hours","updatedAt":"2023-04-02T18:56:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-02T18:56:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VitalyLeArc"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. Most likely the rogue in question ran away really far, and you didn't see him for that reason, or your Hunter's Mark was dispelled.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T16:50:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T20:14:47+0200","number":2083,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Marksmanship Spell -> Hunter's mark","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI used \"Hunter's Mark\" on rogue in BG Warsong. But rogues just disappears and my mark too. I did it again, and again rogue is gone with my mark\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Use \"Hunter's Mark\" on some Rogue, Druid feral(Cat)\r\n2. Rogue or Druid feral(Cat) under this debuff must use Invisible ability\r\n3. Result. You don't see them\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14323\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHunter's mark should make visible marked target even if it goes into invisible. Also visible as poin on minimap. ","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T16:50:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-16T16:50:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Dormilon"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2780 Closed.","createdAt":"2023-02-01T23:33:01+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T14:22:55+0200","number":2082,"labels":"Profession","state":"CLOSED","title":"Fishing pools in lapidis isle and gillijim’s isle","body":"It isn’t necessarily a bug, but it feels buggy to not see fishing pools in these custom islands when there are a lot of fishing pool spawns in coastal areas. It could be nice if time was used later to add fishing pools to these zones.\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-01T23:33:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-01T23:33:01+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T12:04:36+0200","number":2081,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"southsea sash qeust item drops when not on qeust","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nsouthsea sash a qeust item from the pirates on the sandback between lapidis and gijim custom ilands drop even when you are not on he quest from the pirates\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40143\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60208#objective-of\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nquest items do not drop when not on quest","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Plan414"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T04:03:29+0200","number":2080,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest [Ms. Fix-it!] gives no XP reward","body":"Quest [Ms. Fix-it!] gives no XP reward\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70050\r\n\r\nalso the follow up quest [Pitch a Tent] also does not give any XP\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70049\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Accept the quests\r\n2. Complete them\r\n3. Turn them in.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70050\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70049\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe quests should give XP.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Merthues"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"For those issues please cancel the quest and take it again to solve the problem.\r\n\r\nIf the issue persists, please open an in game ticket.","createdAt":"2022-09-11T10:05:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-08T01:22:43+0200","number":2079,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Collection of Goods\" Epic Paladin Mount Quest is bugged.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUnable to turn in materials once all have been gathered to move on to next stage of quest.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Gather materials\r\n2. Talk to Grimand Elmore\r\n3. Be unable to turn in quest.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=grimand elmore\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=Collection of Goods\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nhand in items, move on to next stage of questline.","updatedAt":"2022-09-11T10:05:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-11T10:05:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Pati3ntZer0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please report such cases via in-game ticket, it can be hotfixed by GMs.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:50:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-07T11:27:35+0200","number":2077,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Unmineable Truesilver Deposit - Stranglethorn Vale","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. The Truesilver deposit at 39.5, 53 cannot be reached for mining. It is under a small hill.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:50:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:50:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"NinjaSoftwrks"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"The api docu is unfrotuently not accurate. You can check for example the info on the website for getbuffinfo or something like that and the game returns cokpeltely different stuff.\r\nThe docu is wrong not the function ","createdAt":"2022-09-07T10:17:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"NinjaSoftwrks"},"body":"Both Bongos and ElvUI are written against the 1.12 client, have used the above linked tables for their shapeshift enums, and were working as intended 10+ years ago on multiple other servers. Even if the values returned by TWoW for this function were what was returned in retail 1.12 (I do not believe they are), they are incongruous with the standard which1.12 addons have been written against for at least a decade. The fact that the server returns something different than the documentation is in fact the issue I am reporting. It is not proof that there is no issue.","createdAt":"2022-09-07T15:57:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Terrub"},"body":"Did a quick check on my warrior (who doesn't have Berserker Stance yet sadly)\r\nCalling index 1 gives me the correct icon, name and, whilst in Battle Stance, the active flag (1) else nil\r\nCalling index 2 gives me the correct icon, name and. whilst in Defensive Stance, the active flag (1) else nil\r\n\r\nAlso I can acknowledge that I was surprised to learn that Catform was not the 2nd index when I was writing addons/Lua/macro's long long ago (most likely retail BC/LK, unsure)","createdAt":"2022-09-12T23:40:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"We never modified the existing client API functions, probably the information you're looking for is part of the DBC data.\r\nThis is our current SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/200201515-53ad2cee-5297-4748-b255-13fb9cadfc42.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-07T00:33:46+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-07T08:51:31+0200","number":2076,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"GetShapeshiftFormInfo() not vanilla-like, breaking 1.12 addons","body":"The API function GetShapeshiftFormInfo() does not return vanilla-like results, and therefor breaks 1.12 addons which rely on it.\r\n\r\nExpected behavior:\r\nCalling GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i) should return results corresponding to the vanilla wow API documentation which can be found below.\r\nhttps://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/API_GetShapeshiftFormInfo\r\n\r\nObserved behavior:\r\nAt least one class seems to use different integers to index their stances than what is documented for vanilla. (Druid)\r\nThis causes addons to break when they rely on detecting specific stances.\r\n\r\nRepro:\r\n- Start with level 20+ druid.\r\n- Call GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1) while in bear form.\r\n- Observe correct behavior.\r\n- Call GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3) while in cat form. (This is the documented index for cat form)\r\n- Observe incorrect behavior.\r\n- Call GetShapeshiftFormInfo(2) while in cat form.\r\n- Observe correct behavior, but on incorrect index. (This is the documented index for aquatic form, but on TurtleWoW it corresponds to cat form)\r\n\r\nNotes: \r\nOnly bear and cat form seem to be represented at all in the TurtleWoW implementation, but the function is intended to index all druid forms, including tree of life. This function is also used to track Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, and Priest stances. I have not tested behavior for other classes, but it is worth comparing the internal data with the documentation to ensure that they are returning correctly as well. This bug prevents the Bongos addon from properly paging action bars according to druid form, and it is likely not the only addon to do so.","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T00:33:46+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T00:33:46+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"LachtanCesky"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-07T06:54:31+0200","number":2075,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"A Sample of Slime...","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nLooted quest item is not added to your backpack and so to your quesz log\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Take quest from Chemist Fuely in Undercity\r\n2. Head to Felwood\r\n3. Kill Tainted Ooze and loot Corrupted Felwood Sample from it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7092/tainted-ooze\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12234/corrupted-felwood-sample\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4293/a-sample-of-slime\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nYou kill a Tained Ooze, you loot Corrupted Felwood sample from it, it adds to you backpack and quest log updates\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-07T19:37:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-07T19:37:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"BartoszDerenda"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"BartoszDerenda"},"body":"After noticing the persistance of aoe visual effects of Centaurs in the Barrens, I decided to clear WDB cache.\r\nSo far it still persists.","createdAt":"2022-09-06T21:52:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This isn't a general client bug, must be something related to the settings specific only to your graphic adapter + client video config. Try to play around with this guide: https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?t=1100\r\nYou could disable footprints altogether or lower the water-related graphic effects: https://github.com/mrrosh/VanillaGraphicBoost\r\n\r\nWe have no way to fix every weird edge-case scenario on our side like that since we are not in possession of the game client source code.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T12:01:28+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-06T21:26:47+0200","number":2074,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Animation of footprint splashes in shallow water loop for lengthy periods of time.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAnimation of footprint splashes in shallow water remains permanent.\r\nBug first noticed around the water rim of one of Barren's Oasis (Northwest one).\r\nI have not yet tested it around any other body of water in Azeroth.\r\n\r\nEDIT: After logging out for an extended amount of time, one needed to make and eat supper, the footprint animations are gone.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Run around in shallow water.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAnimation is still looping even after you relog, proving that it may not be a client sided issue.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T12:02:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:01:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-06T15:55:46+0200","number":2073,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"fishing in UC sewers sometimes gives no fish","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nfish in the small pont in UC sewer as highelf\r\nwait for the pobber, click, it will either say\r\n1. fish got away\r\n2. no fish kocked\r\n3. loot windows open you get an item\r\n4. nothing happens and fishing stops, no message displayed (this is a bug)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nno broken fishing loot tables\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:44:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:44:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Chromie-the-gnome"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is the intended behavior. Was probably announced in some of the long-forgotten changelogs a long time ago. We will include this in the website S&S description :)","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:10:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-06T15:39:10+0200","number":2072,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rested xp gains via tents is slower in S&S","body":"As said in the title, Rested xp gains via tents is slower in S&S\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enable S&S\r\n2. Go to a survival tent\r\n3. See rested xp gains are slower\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSince S&S only reduces mob kill xp, it shouldnt reduce rested xp from tents as it doesn't say that anywhere.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:10:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:10:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"guruvex"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"rj8216"},"body":"I can confirm that this is happening on my rogue as well. Poisons don't stack, nor is there anyway to apply the poison. I did try to toggle auto-self cast to see if it changed anything, but sadly it still doesn't work. ","createdAt":"2022-09-13T01:44:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-06T01:12:59+0200","number":2071,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Agitating poison","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n2 issues with it.\r\n(1) it don't stack like every other poison, not game braking but it makes my bags cry.\r\n\r\n(2) cant use it on weapons\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. make poison\r\n2. right click to use it\r\n3. click on weapon to use it on. (don't work)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nit should give a temporary (30 min) buff to the weapon. ","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T17:19:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-16T17:19:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"guruvex"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"This is a bit more complicated\r\nEspecially, cloak enchant give 5 points\r\nMaster of deception 3 points for each level\r\n\r\nThe level skill is 300at 60 (I suppose 5/level) and it modifies the way you can be detect.\r\n\r\nThe detection is much more important in a cone in front of the mob so by using distract you can escape a part of the mob detection.\r\n\r\nmat least you will always be detectable because the difference between detection and stealth level only reduce the distance you can be detected to the incompressible 5 meters in a cone in front the entity.","createdAt":"2022-09-06T13:38:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"guruvex"},"body":"I am aware of the min distance Infront of the mob, I used that to compare\nthe cloak enchantment vs night scape boots or the defias mask to see how\nmuch the cloak enchantment gave.\n\nBut that still don't explain why a lvl 30 mob in Scarlett monastery will\nspin to look at me when I'm more than 5 meters away to his side.\n\nOn Tue, Sep 6, 2022, 5:38 AM Francesq ***@***.***> wrote:\n\n> This is a bit complicated\n> Especially, cloak enchant give 5 points\n> Master of deception 3 points for each level\n>\n> The level skill is 300at 60 (I suppose 5/level) and it modifies the way\n> you can be detect.\n>\n> The detection is much more important in a cone in front of the mob so by\n> using distract you can escape a part of the mob detection.\n>\n> mat least you will always be detectable because the difference between\n> detection and stealth level only reduce the distance you can be detected to\n> the incompressible 5 meters in a cone in front the entity.\n>\n> —\n> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub\n> <https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2070#issuecomment-1238034325>,\n> or unsubscribe\n> <https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AGE5MYUSV372L73FPBBRCSLV44UKLANCNFSM6AAAAAAQFKN7HU>\n> .\n> You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID:\n> ***@***.***>\n>\n","createdAt":"2022-09-10T05:03:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> that still don't explain why a lvl 30 mob in Scarlett monastery will spin to look at me when I'm more than 5 meters away to his side.\r\n\r\nA thing you might not have noticed is that even neutral mobs (e.g. Tanaris turtles) or mobs that seem hostile but aren't (e.g. the guard at the great lift) will face you when you're in stealth, although they won't attack even if you weren't in stealth.","createdAt":"2022-09-10T12:01:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Nozdormus"},"body":"I agree with [guruvex] talent doesn't work. I chek it on classic era servers. There mobs that my lvl or lower doesn`t see me at all even if i stand infront of them. Here on twow mobs see me alwayse. I am lvl 18 mobs are lvl 13 and they detect me always. ","createdAt":"2023-02-19T20:23:55+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-06T01:07:00+0200","number":2070,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"stealth not working right","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nthen the talent patch was going to be put in (the first time) so 8-9 months ago. i went from no one can see me to every mod can.\r\n\r\ni have 5/5 in master of deception (5 lvls), nightscape boots (1 lvl), blackened defias mask (1 lvl), and the stealth enchant (1 lvl). giving me a total of 8 extra lvls of stealth. so as a stealth level 68, how can a lvl 20 mob spin to see me? and even attack me in stealth?\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. use stealth\r\n2. stand near a mob 48 lvls lower\r\n3. mod will see you and even attack.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nevery mob in the game to my knowledge, from deadmines to blackwing layer, from wintersprings to silithis.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nto my understanding and much googling. the stealth vs perception is the same as wep skill vs def skill. so a lvl 20 mob should not be able to hit a lvl 68 player. its 100 wep skill vs 340 def skill. i should be able to /dance on there head and not be seen. granted i know there's the min distance but still you get my point. ","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T20:23:55+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T05:11:21+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Plan414"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-05T20:21:00+0200","number":2069,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest: Reflective Shields threat","body":"With this talent active, a priest's shield STOPS mobs from range reset as long as they are taking damage from the shield. A player can kite a mob across the map as long as they have a shield on them and the mob is taking damage from it. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec Reflective Shields\r\n2. Shield yourself\r\n3. Pull a lower level mob that mainly does melee attack\r\n4. Run away while its hitting you\r\n5. Keep the shield active\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nMelee NPCs are mainly affected by this.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe mob should reset as if it was not being hit. ","updatedAt":"2022-09-06T23:16:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-06T23:16:35+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-05T02:02:29+0200","number":2068,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Shadowsworn Dreadweaver","body":"They don't seem to spawn at all, and the database says as much:\r\n\r\nID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6009\r\n\r\nClassic ID: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=6009/shadowsworn-dreadweaver\r\n\r\n\r\nThey're required for two quests.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"body":"This bug actually happens when you are casting a lightning bolt when one lands\r\n\r\nfor example: you crit a spell, get 2 stacks of clearcasting:\r\n\r\n1. you cast a lightning bolt and immediately queue up another. when the first bolt lands, if you're currently casting you will lose both stacks of clearcasting\r\n\r\n2. you cast a lightning bolt but wait for the first one to land before you start casting a second. Only one stack of clearcasting will be used","createdAt":"2022-09-16T23:54:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"body":"I wish to add that I experience what Niqlo is describing, and I suspect, that it is the same thing I experienced in my original description/bug report.\r\n\r\nThe difference is that, when I tested, I forced a crit proc with a melee attack, and then I would hardcast 2x Lightning Bolts back-to-back while the mob was hitting me. I guess that the short traveling time from being in melee is the reason I did not see both stacks consumed, when I casted on the same mob. When I pulled a new mob, I would do it from range, as anyone would do a new pull.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T12:25:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"KreepAK"},"body":"Description by @Niqlo describes the issue perfectly. Experiencing this bug when playing as Elemental Mastery hammy. You can imagine my frustration being full elemental shaman with major (Turtle wow updated) talent broken. It supposed to be the best dps class, but atm its disappointment. Aren't talents in priority for fix above quests and other less important stuff? Please fix this ASAP","createdAt":"2022-10-03T12:44:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Kuz-Shaman"},"body":"This doesnt only affect me, it forces me to play a spec that I do not want to play.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T13:12:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Seberats"},"body":"As a shaman, i'm really affected by this bug. Shamelem is bad enough in pve... The patch was months ago ! Fix it please!!!","createdAt":"2022-10-03T20:27:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-04T18:24:16+0200","number":2067,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Clearcasting consumed in 1x Lightning Bolt","body":"### **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nClearcasting is consumed on 1x Lightning Bolt in a specific case described below.\r\n\r\n### **Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n_EDIT 2022,10-03: \r\nNew and improved description of the issue by Niqlo in a comment below:_\r\n\r\n- You cast a lightning bolt and immediately queue up another. When the first bolt lands, if you're currently casting you will lose both stacks of clearcasting.\r\n\r\n**Workaround**\r\nYou cast a lightning bolt but wait for the first one to land before you start casting a second. Only one stack of clearcasting will be used\r\n\r\n\r\n**Old description**\r\n~~Get a Clearcasting proc and finish the mob you are fighting without casting any spells that consume Clearcasting.\r\nLeave combat and pull another mob with Lightning Bolt\r\nClearcasting is gone after 1x Lightning Bolt. It seems to happen when you leave combat and start new fight, because I tried hardcasting 2x Lightning Bolts against the same mob that I procced Clearcasting on, and then I could cast two Lightning Bolts before Clearcasting was consumed~~\r\n\r\n\r\n### **IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nTalent: \r\n\r\n1. https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45541\r\n\r\n\r\n### **Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI should get two Lightning Bolts at a 40% mana discount from Elemental Focus in all cases.","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T23:58:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-03T23:58:01+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"TwoZeroFoxtrot"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"The items are lootable, however there is an issue where the first attempt to loot fails with no error message and behaves as this ticket describes. If you open the corpses loot a second time, it will allow you to take the ectoplasm. Investigate reason for this behavior.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T18:53:40+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Upon further testing, it appears that the item is only lootable while you have the very brief buff that the distiller gives you. It lasts roughly as long as a Shaman totem weapon enchant, in the field of seconds. This means that sometimes you have to wait to loot a corpse until the buff reapplies. Whether this is working like on retail or not, I cannot be sure, but all items are lootable.\r\n\r\nMore information needed if behavior is working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-08-25T10:04:34+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-04T07:40:57+0200","number":2066,"labels":"Spell, Quest, NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"Unlootable Quest Item - Hunting for Ectoplasm","body":"**\"Ectoplasm\" quest items drop, and appear in the mob's inventory, but won't allow player to pick them up.**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. During quest Hunting for Ectoplasm, all 3 types of ectoplasm quest items displayed this behavior at random. \r\n2. The item would drop, and when looted from the target corpse's inventory would disappear as if looted, but no loot message would appear in chat. The player character would then stand as if done looting. However the item would not be in inventory. When trying to loot the corpse again, the loot bag icon would appear (brown if in range, grey if out of range), but no sparkles. The corpse would remain unlootable, despite the cursor icon changing to the loot bag.\r\n3. This behavior only occurred when the Ectoplasmic Distiller buff was on the player. If the buff faded before the mob was killed, then the quest item did not drop as intended.\r\n4. This bug appeared at random, up to 3 times consecutively in some instances. Most frequently observed with Banshees in EPL. At least 7 times during the entire run of the \"Hunting for Ectoplasm\" quest (still not done, took a rage-break to write this since I need to buy more Goblin Fuel to power the quest item).\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12179\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12178\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7524\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7523\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8541\r\n\r\nItem: \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21946\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21937\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21936\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21935\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8924\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=27433\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould be able to loot the relevant 'Ectoplasm' quest item off the mobs if it does drop and appear in their inventory.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-01-25T21:38:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Whitepussicat"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This was fixed a while ago. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/200174877-00aa74b6-b3e1-447f-8ee5-bdf3c7474378.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-06T14:56:38+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-04T06:56:04+0200","number":2065,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlord's Command quest, documents not respawning.","body":"The Horde quest Warlord's Command, the documents you need behind the last boss did not respawn after a team member grabbed them.\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9077\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=12562\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4903\r\nSpell: \r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175785\r\n\r\nThis item should respawn after being taken. Wowhead comments plus team members confirmed. I only have a screenshot of me waiting for about ten minutes for the item to respawn.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090322_182519](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112793165/188298096-ff689a80-4866-43e6-99c4-7b49522eacab.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T14:56:39+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T14:56:39+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"FaeshaDawnwing"},"body":"If you look at the second kodo you linked, you'll notice it has a grey icon. Also, when you click on the wowhead-link in the database, it links to the Gray Kodo.\r\nAs visibile in this report: #https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2018\r\nThe issue is that both kodos got named Brown Kodo, even though they are actually still different colours and fully functional.\r\nShouldn't be a problem as long as you carefully look at the icon (once it's usable and no longer red), but a fix in the next patch would still be great to avoid confusion or prevent other player from buying the wrong kodo.","createdAt":"2022-09-05T19:19:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"body":"Ye-ye. I know that they different in-game. I just want that description of one kodo was fixed for avoid confusions.","createdAt":"2022-09-05T22:54:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-03T15:51:59+0200","number":2064,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Double Brown Kodo at the <Kodo Mounts> vendor","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHarb Clawhoof sells double Brown Kodo instead of one Brown and one Gray.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Come to Mulgore in Bloodhoof Village\r\n2. Talk to [Harb Clawhoof](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3685)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Harb Clawhoof](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3685)\r\nItem: [Brown Kodo](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15290) and [Brown Kodo](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15277)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOne of kodo should be recolored in gray.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090322_164039_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/188273482-8bd0adab-a0f5-48ba-950f-d52ca06607ba.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"DawoAA"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This bug report needs to be clarified. It's difficult to understand what bug you're attempting to report other than that it somehow involves Charge and Overpower (separately? their interaction?)\r\n\r\nPlease elaborate in detailed and clear language on specifically what bug you're reporting.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:37:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Not enough information, I'm sorry.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:54:43+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-03T15:00:49+0200","number":2063,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Charge and overpower","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.cast Charge.Should generate 12 points of anger,But sometimes it's 10\r\n2. overpower.When switching states,Active state, sometimes disappears in advance\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:54:43+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:54:43+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Yeah, I clearly recall the whole group entering the room and standing in a corner before the pull in vanilla.","createdAt":"2022-09-03T18:20:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-03T02:55:29+0200","number":2062,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stratholme Undead: Baron Rivendare Aggro Range too big","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBaron Rivendare's aggro range is so big, only one player of the party gets a chance to go inside the room before the doors close. If they pull back it means the party has to fight him in the hall before his room (very bad location).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go into Stratholme Undead.\r\n2. Reach Baron Rivendare\r\n3. Proceed to enter his room.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10440\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe boss should have a much smaller aggro range so that all players get a decent chance of entering his room and not 3-2-1 time it like it's anything more than a 5-man dungeon giving low-tier loot. Remember this is done primarily by PuGs with no voice comms (because it's strat).\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:37:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"vkekd"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Isn't that the whole point of the mechanic? The targeted player running away during the whirlwind and the tank picking her back up once it ends? I don't recall her ever being taunted while spinning in actual vanilla.\r\nThis would make the fight braindead easy. ","createdAt":"2022-09-03T18:23:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"vkekd"},"body":"> Isn't that the whole point of the mechanic? The targeted player running away during the whirlwind and the tank picking her back up once it ends? I don't recall her ever being taunted while spinning in actual vanilla. This would make the fight braindead easy.\r\n\r\n- https://youtu.be/Xxoxyg9lGFk?t=34\r\n- https://youtu.be/Kg7Chsn7Ve8?t=87\r\nVanilla footage\r\nyou can see Sartura getting taunted while doing the whirlwind in these 2 videos","createdAt":"2022-09-05T01:59:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Do you mean that it says \"immune\" when you try to taunt, or that the debuff lands but does nothing? The way the whirlwind script works is that it should just target random players every sec or two. I'm pretty sure she can be taunted but it doesn't influence the script. That means she isn't immune to taunt but rather it doesn't affect whirlwind phase.","createdAt":"2022-09-05T19:19:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"vkekd"},"body":"> Do you mean that it says \"immune\" when you try to taunt, or that the debuff lands but does nothing? The way the whirlwind script works is that it should just target random players every sec or two. I'm pretty sure she can be taunted but it doesn't influence the script. That means she isn't immune to taunt but rather it doesn't affect whirlwind phase.\r\n\r\nIt have been a long time since i tried so i cant tell which is the case but either way the mechanic is bug ","createdAt":"2022-09-05T19:55:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Velite is right and intended.","createdAt":"2023-01-14T06:09:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-03T01:44:31+0200","number":2061,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sartura is immune to taunt","body":"The aq40 boss Sartura is immune to taunt, challenging shout and mocking blow while using whirlwind but in classic its tauntable.\r\n\r\n1. Start the fight\r\n2. Try to taunt her while shes doing the whirlwind\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15516\r\n\r\nSartura should be tauntable by all three spells while shes using whirlwind as you can see in these examples from classic: \r\n1.- https://youtu.be/5Y-znW8zEvI?t=518\r\n2.- https://youtu.be/EBQJWWc_Ha8?t=515 ","updatedAt":"2023-01-14T06:09:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T06:09:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Baroli1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"*Bump*","createdAt":"2022-09-07T02:40:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"body":"this bug puts hunters at big disadvantage and breaks the classic playstyle, please fix ASAP","createdAt":"2022-09-15T14:51:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-03T00:38:50+0200","number":2060,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Aspect of the Cheetah Daze on Dot application","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAspect of the Cheetah dazes you when you get any sort of dot applied to you. Be it Shadow Word: Pain from a Priest. Corruption, Curse of Agony or Siphon Life from a Warlock. Serpent Sting from a Hunter. Probably others which i havent tested. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have a duel with a dot class.\r\n2. Sit in Aspect of the Cheetah while he applies his dot.\r\n3. Notice how you get dazed as soon as the dot is applied to you but not from the periodic damage.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5118\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAspect of the Cheetah should not get you dazed if you are not struck with direct damage (such as Moonfire). It should also not daze you when taking damage from any dot. Most dots deal no initial damage and therefore should not be able to daze. The dot is applied and, in the case of Corruption (Warlock dot), it takes 3 seconds for the first damage to roll out.\r\n\r\nHere is video proof from classic of how it is supposed to function.\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUojGa-jnSc&ab_channel=DannyGaminGnC\r\nAt 0:39 he runs at the Hunter casting Shadow Word: Pain. The hunter is in Cheetah as you can see from his fast movement speed.\r\nAt 0:47 the Priest casts Mind Blast and the hunter becomes dazed. \r\nHe did not change into the aspect as you would be able to see the animation above his head which means he was in it all along.\r\nAt 1:32 the Hunter is afflicted by another sw:p and is not dazed.\r\nAt 2:02 same thing.\r\nAt 2:08 he gets dazed because he is hit by the wand.\r\n\r\nPlease fix this. Its terrible in pvp.","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T17:32:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T17:32:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ireele"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Cannot reproduce the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T15:48:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T20:18:46+0200","number":2059,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"skill ice armor bug","body":"**ice armor disappears when melees hit me**\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/spell=7302/ice-armor#taught-by-npc\r\n\r\npreviously it was perfect because now this bug appears\r\n\r\nhttps://mega.nz/file/NM9AhZwQ#zOF5VjKXg4mo-KG9prSs7Csk8oDHtwnjM-cqyIXDCRI\r\n\r\nI need a quick fix because this skill is indispensable for the mage.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T17:48:49+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T17:48:49+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SnorreP"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's probably fixed in this update: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=4601\r\n\r\n_Fixed an ancient bug that caused permanent periodic damage auras on creatures, like the disease cloud on abominations, to start ticking faster and faster over time, eventually one-shotting players that go near the creature if server is online long enough._","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:45:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T19:32:22+0200","number":2058,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Magram Stormer's Lightning Shield has no delay between procs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Attacking a Magram Stormer in Desolace with a windfury proc causes all charges of it's Lightning shield to proc, and it will immediately recast it, creating for some dangerous situations for a lot of incoming dmg in a short amount of time potentially.\r\n\r\nScreenshot of my combat log:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112721772/188207307-6afcfccf-b29a-4724-b967-a52c34373b1b.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI assume that Lightning Shield procs should have a delay just like the Shaman's own Lightning Shield","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:45:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:45:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rainwors"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed a while ago.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:10:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T17:57:11+0200","number":2057,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Attack from the inside NPC don't give the item quest","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nName quest: Attack from the inside\r\nLink quest: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=40099\r\nLocation quest giver: Between Silverpine forest and Upperlands in Tirisfal Glades in the pass mountain, in the house where is a First Aid trainer.\r\nAdditional information: This is from a quest line that starts on Glenshire in the curch from the NPC Duke Nargelas.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. When you accept the pertinent quest you should recive a item quest poison vial for interact with an ambiental object on the quest completion zone, but you actually don't recieve nothing, there is no instruction of where can be or if you should be able to get from the world itself, i looked for the entire house and surroundings and even the completion zone but there is not pickable item for the mentioned quest.\r\n2. Abandoning the quest and retaking doesn't work, i also found other people in-game that couldn't complete it for this reason. There is also people on the Discord Turtle WoW that already informed/asked wihtout solution.\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91711\r\nQuest: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=40099\r\n\r\nPreviuos quest form the questline: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40098\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIt should give you the item quest when you accept the quest.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:10:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:10:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MorlanOriginal"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T17:45:26+0200","number":2056,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"The Venture Co. Shakedown\". Minor typo.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn descrition of completion shouldnt be space after \"now\" and before \",\"\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Check DB: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40216\r\n2. Verify in game: complete quest [The Venture Co. Shakedown](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40216)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: [Shizwakcle Tangrig](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60500)\r\nQuest: [The Venture Co. Shakedown](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40216)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFix typo. Delete space before comma.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090222_181103_cr](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112715239/188190836-e4845d5b-7e8b-49a9-9635-5a21121db061.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Steevo2"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2054","createdAt":"2022-09-02T11:45:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T10:04:25+0200","number":2055,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hakkari Urn items in regular box table","body":"Quest rewards from the sunken temple quest box are available in steel lockboxes. This has allowed twink Nexor to be basically unkillable in lvl 10-19 WSG, dragging games out over an hour. You can see that this happened here https://armory.turtle-wow.org/#!/character/Nexor . He says the source was steel lock box, but regardless, these rather need a lvl requirement added to them.","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:45:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:45:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Steevo2"},"body":"Just to check, is this being removed from twinks that already have it?","createdAt":"2022-09-02T13:01:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GrenderG"},"body":"As far as I know this wasn't fixed in retail until WotLk, I might be wrong though. ","createdAt":"2022-09-04T01:47:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T08:28:32+0200","number":2054,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hakkari Breastplate and Hakkari Shroud should only be obtainable from the secret of the temple reward box","body":"Hakkari Breastplate and Hakkari Shroud should only be obtainable from the secret of the temple reward box. You should not be able to get them from mobs or steel boxes\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=10773/hakkari-urn#reward-from-q\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=10781/hakkari-breastplate#contained-in-item\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10781#contained-in-item\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10782#dropped-by\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=10782/hakkari-shroud\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4637#contains:150-12+1\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=4637/steel-lockbox#contains;150","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2009","createdAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T06:06:49+0200","number":2053,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"s(troll priest racial)hadowguard not triggering by spell and range attacks under shield","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. this is how the troll priest's racial behaved in classic wow\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knCUxJ9cFCk&t=212s 9:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knCUxJ9cFCk&t=595s)\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Cru313"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Closing this as we have not had this issue in forever. \r\n\r\nSorry @Cru313 ","createdAt":"2022-12-01T20:54:04+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Cru313"},"body":"Sounds good\n\nGet Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>\n________________________________\nFrom: Gurky ***@***.***>\nSent: Thursday, December 1, 2022 1:54:15 PM\nTo: slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker ***@***.***>\nCc: Cru313 ***@***.***>; Mention ***@***.***>\nSubject: Re: [slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker] ONY and ZG bug SQUAD RAID (Issue #2052)\n\n\nClosing this as we have not had this issue in forever.\n\nSorry @Cru313<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FCru313&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cda07bd20dc4d4a447ccd08dad3d5d3cd%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638055212703507289%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=8pyxR%2BiGlHmXoNR%2BJerMCzQ4AfgpcTX7HhEv1n%2FXUdY%3D&reserved=0>\n\n—\nReply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fslowtorta%2Fturtlewow-bug-tracker%2Fissues%2F2052%23issuecomment-1334321460&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cda07bd20dc4d4a447ccd08dad3d5d3cd%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638055212703507289%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=8P%2Bt%2FhbY2f02TKPHmJtyg9DJvYmMbPcnD2QgUwys1NM%3D&reserved=0>, or unsubscribe<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnotifications%2Funsubscribe-auth%2FA23U2VNR3MPMOJ6AKMZV6L3WLD66PANCNFSM6AAAAAAQC4VBBU&data=05%7C01%7C%7Cda07bd20dc4d4a447ccd08dad3d5d3cd%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638055212703507289%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=cgneIRbSzjHIhlmkEeGNTGVB0MDKY2XWo8WPIe2FYRs%3D&reserved=0>.\nYou are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: ***@***.***>\n","createdAt":"2022-12-01T20:55:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T05:12:27+0200","number":2052,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"ONY and ZG bug SQUAD RAID","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:** SQUAD raid night\r\n\r\n1.ony dropped from 66-33% health skipping phase 2\r\n2. jindo in zg had shades that could not be targeted\r\n3. spider boss had unlimited rage on poinsin and out mages were max range. also resisted all warrior tank tuants\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-01T20:55:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-01T20:54:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"elfpriestess"},"comments":[{"author":null,"body":"I can confirm both the issues exist with the skells spawning way too often and the peasants not walking correctly. ","createdAt":"2022-09-06T18:35:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cawilliamson"},"body":"I've had the EXACT same issues on my end.\r\n\r\nI actually completed the quest successfully (scraped it!) and it still marked as Failed. Guess what? GMs told me to raise a ticket here.\r\n\r\nWhat a surprise - there already IS a ticket here being completely ignored.","createdAt":"2023-01-26T14:08:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cawilliamson"},"body":"@ratkosrb \"Completed\" in what sense? Has this been resolved? If so, how?","createdAt":"2023-01-27T18:30:11+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The Cleaner will only spawn when another player is moving or healing the mobs, instead of constantly scanning the area for any player. The archer damage has been reduced to the blizzlike amount.","createdAt":"2023-01-27T19:41:53+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cawilliamson"},"body":"@ratkosrb Awesome - can I check: when will that fix go live? Already life or on the next server restart?","createdAt":"2023-01-27T20:33:32+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Whenever the server gets updated. The change is not live currently.","createdAt":"2023-01-27T23:07:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T03:22:29+0200","number":2051,"labels":"Priest, Mechanic, Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Balance of Light and Shadow Bugged","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe Priest quest the Balance of Light and Shadow which is critical for obtaining Benediction/Anathema is bugged/overtuned, making it currently impossible for newer Priests to complete their class quest. This has been tested with two other priests and numerous issues have been found. The first is that the Cleaner will spawn even when he shouldn't. In original vanilla as well as Classic WoW it was completely allowed for a priest to bring another priest friend and a druid to make the quest a bit easier, there are forum posts dating back to 2005 confirming this as well as videos on YouTube \r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsupFBgRRQE&ab_channel=Lemur%27sCorner < Just an example of the quest working correctly. We attempted the druid strategy and two priest strategy and both times the Cleaner instantly spawned and attacked us, this is not supposed to happen when the quest is working correctly, at one point 2 Cleaners spawned at the exact same time which I have never seen happen before. Even when attempting to solo the quest, it is impossible as the ground skeletons spawn endlessly when there should only be one group per wave, I had a friend who completed their Benediction quest a few months earlier attempt it on my Priest and they confirmed it was significantly more difficult than when they attempted it and the amount of skeletons spawning was overwhelming. I understand the quest is meant to be challenging but as it stands it's impossible and very frustrating. The pathfinding of the peasants is also bugged, causing them to walk into the sides of the cliffs. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Begin the quest with anyone or anything near you (druid strat, second priest strat, mechanical yeti, Barov peasant caller) The quest will either instantly fail or the Cleaner(s) will spawn and kill you. This is not supposed to happen in the vanilla client, you were allowed limited assistance from items/friends in the original client\r\n2. Attempt the quest alone, you will be overwhelmed by waves of skeletons spawning too quickly and too many by the third wave even with plenty of consumables/pots/downranked spells etc\r\n3. Trying to start the quest at all has a chance to instantly fail and spawn the Cleaner to kill you even if you are completely alone\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14503 , https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14485 , https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14484 , https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14486\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15778 , https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=14023\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7622\r\nSpell: \r\nObject: \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe Cleaner should NOT spawn solely because there are other players in the vicinity, only if they intervene directly with the player currently on the quest. A druid is allowed to stand still with thorns to tank the skeletons at the entrance of the cave if needed, and a second priest with the Eye of Divinity can offer heals so long as they don't move and don't interact with the player on the quest, assistance items like mechanical yeti and Barov Peasant Caller also shouldn't spawn the Cleaner or fail the quest, these were permitted in Vanilla. Scourge Footsoldiers should only spawn in a single group ONCE per wave, not constantly pouring out every few seconds. Plagued/Injured Peasants should walk in the center of the road and not stray off near the cliffside making it more difficult to track them. ","updatedAt":"2023-01-27T23:07:26+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-26T23:09:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"labrjp"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-02T02:44:16+0200","number":2050,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Drain Soul, gives buff even when not targeting the correct monster.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThere is a talent for warlocks in the Affliction talent tree, called Improved Soul Drain.\r\nIf you kill a monster while this is on your target you get a buff that gives you mana regeneration.\r\nHere is where the bug occurs.\r\nit does not check if your casting drain soul on the target that dies.\r\nIf I pull two monsters, and dot both creatures up. start casting drain soul on the 2nd monster.\r\nthe first monster dies, I get the buff. This should only occur if drain soul is on the kill target.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. There will be two monsters.\r\n2. dot up the first monster.\r\n3. Before the first monster dies. start casting drain soul on a 2nd monster.\r\n4. If the first monster dies while drain soul is active, you will get the improved drain soul buff.\r\nThis can be any monster including critters, if your drain soul does not kill the target before the first one dies.\r\n\r\n(One requirement is that they are in your level range, this is good. works fine)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc= Tried on multiple monsters.\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1120\r\nTalent: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18213\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould apply buff, if you are currently casting drain soul on the target that dies","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T04:45:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T04:45:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zolcev"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This is intended. See\r\nhttps://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.10.0\r\n\r\n> Stealth and Invisibility effects will now be canceled at the beginning of an action (spellcast, ability use etc...), rather than at the completion of the action.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T04:50:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T19:10:15+0200","number":2049,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Invisibility from potions break upon starting to cast a spell","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nInvisibility from both invisibility potions break when you start casting a spell, not when you finish like it is suposed to. Invisibility from gnomish cloaking device is working as intended.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use an invisibility potion or a lesser invisibility potion\r\n2. Cast a spell, it will break invisibility\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9172 (item ID 17898)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3823 (item ID 2354)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nInvisibility should break upon finishing a cast, as it can be seen at the minute 1:10 of the following video (and in numerous other parts of the same video):\r\n\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6kycQeUkY8\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T04:50:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T04:50:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zolcev"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T16:12:02+0200","number":2048,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock Pyroclasm talent not working with Conflagrate","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Pyroclasm talent does proc out of all spells it should, except conflagrate.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. On a warlock, put 2 points on the pyroclasm talent at the destruction tree\r\n2. Cast conflagrate an infinite ammount of times in a mob that can be stunned.\r\n3. Pyroclasm will never proc.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nPyroclasm should proc 26% of the time on conflagrate.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T23:14:47+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T23:14:47+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OscarmCesar"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T15:55:48+0200","number":2047,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"FP Bug","body":"Hey, I would like to report an Issue that happened to me various times already. Sometimes when I pick a flightpath somewhere, I get bugged and instead of landing when I arrive, I fly back to where I came from. When this happens, on the flight back I pass trough the ground mountains and stuff. Thank you","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:41:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:41:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"moppingaround"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, we were unable to reproduce this. ","createdAt":"2022-11-05T16:16:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T08:45:26+0200","number":2046,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chronoboon Loop","body":"\r\nI went to a Dire Maul Tribute run to get World Buffs. As soon as I got my last buff applied, I used my Chronoboon. It said on my in-game message that I had received the Supercharged Chronoboon in my inventory but when I looked into my inventory, nothing was there and my buffs were still active. After this, I decided to write a ticket about my incident. Because it was taking awhile, I had decided to take a different approach and redo the buffs and run as fast as I can to Chromie. When I got to Chromie, I bought a chronoboon to store my buffs. Unfortunately, it did it again. It uses the Chronoboon and doesn't leave me a supercharged one in my inventory. In addition to this it displayed a different message in where it shows the buffs auto-restoring after each use. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. After a long DMT run, use the Chronoboon to store your buff. \r\n\r\n![Chronoboon Loop](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112610466/187849413-1efe7fc7-a7e2-4e17-a411-1934d0b7d454.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T16:16:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T16:16:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"body":"character name is Raffix\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-01T08:27:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"body":"Seriously, if you can remove the DK received from killing the add that was clearly mark red in RFK, that would be great.","createdAt":"2022-09-01T08:47:04+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"body":"WSG(30-39) never occurred for me after 3 hours of waiting. I guess i have to wait for the week to be over for honor to be recalculated.\r\n\r\nI'm so pissed off that this Night Elf mob, next to the goblin escort in RFK, produce a Dishonorable Kill for me and others in my group. One of us was able to remove the title with the 5g payout next to innkeeper in Orgrimmar. I also paid that 5g, but i still have that FUCKING title!\r\n\r\nPlease change that mob so that he isn't red or does not represent a DK.","createdAt":"2022-09-01T14:46:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"body":"I would also appreciate a refund of that 5 gold.","createdAt":"2022-09-01T14:48:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Raffix77"},"body":"please consider this resolved, i got rank 2 pvp (Grunt) after honor recalculation this week.","createdAt":"2022-09-09T05:09:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T08:27:31+0200","number":2045,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dishonored title not being removed","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI got a Dishonorable Kill for killing a mob in RFK next to the goblin escort that resulted in me getting a \"Dishonored\" title.\r\nI paid 5g in Orgrimmar to have it removed, but it didn't work, I'm out 5g and I'm still with the Dishonored title.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. I paid the 5 gold in Orgrimmar\r\n2. I killed 2 alliance flagged for PVP in STV\r\n3. I'm currently queued for WSG, my first BG on this character\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-09T05:09:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-09T05:09:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ZambieFizz"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is likely a side effect of something I have noticed only on Turtle, in that when you release, you are temporarily above your corpse in the spirit realm before you are teleported to the nearest graveyard. This seems like an improper order of events. My understanding is that your ghost should not even spawn until its spawn location has been set to the nearest graveyard.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T17:40:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Can you record a video of the bug happening and not getting teleported to the graveyard? I can't reproduce the issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-05T03:11:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-09-01T03:14:06+0200","number":2044,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Respawn at corpse without being teleported to the graveyard","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf you preform the steps below, your ghost will spawn at your corpse instead of at the graveyard. It is very easy, I can reproduce it on command.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Die in any way \r\n2. Click Release Spirit extremely fast after dying, like, as fast as possible.\r\n3. Wait for respawn timer to end\r\n4. Respawn\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYour ghost should instantly appear at your corpse without ever needing to run to it. I have done it multiple times in a row, mostly on accident.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:51:17+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:51:17+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-31T18:40:26+0200","number":2043,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Corrosis","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60829\r\n\r\nThis boss is immune to poison and blind but not other forms of nature damage/debuffs.","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:21:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SilverKnight16"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SilverKnight16"},"body":"![WoW 2022-08-31 10-09-00](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112568570/187715261-757eda80-71ac-4444-b678-b63486bc92e1.png)\r\n\r\nAdded the screenshot directly to the bug report.","createdAt":"2022-08-31T17:17:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-31T17:17:09+0200","number":2042,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Alpha Aggression [QuestID 40121] incorrect quest level","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAlpha Aggression (QuestID 40121) is marked in game, with and without addons, that it is a level 13 quest, despite it requiring a minimum level of 21 to accept. This drastically lowers the amount of exp that is gained from this quest, as it is considered a low-level quest, and will tax that final exp amount.\r\n\r\nImgur link for visual reference: https://imgur.com/a/xzhcQA4\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Attain level 21.\r\n2. Complete previous quest Aggressive Wildlife (minimum level 20, level 20 quest).\r\n3. Accept Alpha Aggression on an Alliance character. The minimum quest level is 21, yet the quest itself is marked as level 13, despite it having a level 22 quest mob.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60420\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60111\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40121\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe quest should be level 22, given the previous quest was level 21, and the quest mob you are fighting is level 22.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"lokhengchau"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"body":"I reported it time a go. They told me it wil be fixed in Next update","createdAt":"2022-08-31T17:11:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"still buggeda s of today","createdAt":"2022-09-09T16:21:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"interstingly, it says now i am shapeshifted and i cant mount up. thought i see no illusion, no buff, and i am also not firendly to the scarlets","createdAt":"2022-09-09T16:26:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"and after i used my hs this happened\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_090922_164031](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/189376190-88ed6421-e794-4d87-8395-f2a752b41f48.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-09T16:41:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"ultiamte blood ring transfomation","createdAt":"2022-09-09T16:42:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"BloodRaven0"},"body":"+1\r\nThe horde version of the item \"Rotten Apple\" works perfectly, and doesn't even have charges. when I opened a ticket to have a gm switch my useless scroll with an apple, they told me that \"this item is for a different quest\". Well duh, it's for the same quest, just for the horde side, and the item is literally identical.","createdAt":"2022-09-22T19:05:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-31T08:05:23+0200","number":2041,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest Donning the Red Flag bugged, [Illusion: Scarlet Crusades] does not work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nIn the quest, you are given the item [Illusion: Scarlet Crusades] to alter your appearance. However the item is broken. Using it won't change your appearance and will still aggro the mobs, however when trying to mount up it will say you are in shapeshift form. Entering AV while bugged will turn you into a cube.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use [Illusion: Scarlet Crusade] outside of Tyr's Hand.\r\n2. Does not shapeshift and still aggro mobs.\r\n3. The game thinks you are in shapeshift form, cannot mount up.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=53003\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80709\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe item correctly shapeshifts you into one of scarlet crusades.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:53:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-30T23:17:58+0200","number":2040,"labels":"Priest, Spell, Dungeons & Raids, NPC","state":"OPEN","title":"Mind Control breaking, sometimes causes that target to veer away in a direction forever","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI see this happen in ZG a lot. The broken MC target will just continue walking in the direction it was going, eventually breaking out of bounds of the map. It will keep us in combat for the entire time unless a GM kills the enemy. This bug alone basically makes mind control unusable in serious runs of ZG and other dungeons.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. mind control a zg enemy from far away\r\n2. move it in one direction to the side or away from the caster \r\n3. occasionally see it just keep going that direction instead of getting its normal pathing back\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell:https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10912\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nMind control breaks should at worst, not cause you to be stuck in combat permanently","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T18:47:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1552","createdAt":"2022-09-02T11:49:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-30T17:38:39+0200","number":2039,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sillithus Hive Scout Reports tactical assignments cant be completed","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_083022_170922](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/187479721-0ac4118c-e0c9-44d4-9f08-ad7dfe309bc3.jpg)\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_083022_170919](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/187479728-4c145b90-4ef7-4927-83bd-456838f4cbca.jpg)\r\n\r\nthis qeust can not be compelted, the npc does not give the report that was asked for\r\ni assume the other 2 hives quests are also bugged\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=cenarion+scout\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=scout+report#quests\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=scout+report#items\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nnot sure how it works on calssic, i assume the scout have a dialog option that gives the player a report item\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:49:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:49:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Cplantijn"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce this on current version. Bash duration appears to be exactly as it should be.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T11:05:01+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-30T02:48:38+0200","number":2038,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid Bear \"Bash\" ability duration is way too low.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUsing Bash Rank 1 as a bear druid only lasts at most 1 second. Even if your druid character is talented in increased bash durations, actually bashing a target will at most last 1 second. Sometimes even under .5s. This is for same-level PvE mobs of all kinds, and there are no other DRs on the mob when bash is done.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Play as a druid, in bear form, with Bash\r\n2. Use ability on any similar level PvE mob.\r\n3. Observe the incredibly low duration\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: ANY\r\nItem: N/A\r\nQuest: N/A\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5211\r\nObject: N/A\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBash should last 2 seconds untalented, And 3 seconds when talented 2/2 \"Brutal Impact\"\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Baroli1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a client issue we're unable to resolve fully. All I could do for now is to make this sound less loud in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T14:31:20+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-30T02:16:08+0200","number":2037,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wind serpent pets with bugged attack sounds","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe hunter wind serpent pet has bugged sound when it comes to its attack: Lightning Breath.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to a training dummy.\r\n2. Have the wind serpent attack it with disabled Lightning Breath attack.\r\n3. Notice the irregular auto attack sounds, as they should be.\r\n4. Toggle Lightning Breath\r\n5. Notice how even with depleted focus it still triggers the sound of the attack, making it loop the hissing sound permanently.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4117\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe hissing sound connected to the Lightning Breath attack should only occur when the attack actually goes off. Not every time it checks if it has enough focus or tries to queue up the attack. Its pretty annoying and kind of ruins the pet because at some point the holder will go mad and probably end up strangling it.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T14:31:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T14:31:20+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Not enough information.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:31:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-29T22:43:47+0200","number":2036,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Slam rank 5 book missing","body":"In the database there is a rank 5 for slam. But only learnable from a book\r\n\r\nThe issue the book is not in the game yet. Bug or still not added?","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:31:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:31:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jendryk"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"body":"I think the looting animation should be cast in the end of chanelling when loot window pops up -- this is how I see it for my orc and how I remember it to work in classic retail wow","createdAt":"2022-09-02T16:58:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jendryk"},"body":"I don't mean the looting animation... I mean the \"interacting\" animation during channel, character should kneel and move hands and after casting he should still be kneeling and \"reaching\" for something (looting animation)","createdAt":"2022-09-02T17:15:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This isn't related to the model but to the object type. The animation is here. :)","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:29:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-29T21:32:17+0200","number":2035,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dwarf male animation bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** The Dwarf male doesn't have an interaction animation.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Find an object with cogwheel icon.\r\n2. Click it.\r\n3. Dwarf should kneel and move hands, but just stands.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:** Dwarf should kneel and move hands while interacting with object like races.\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082922_204943](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7814954/187282810-7f2f7df5-80f6-4fcf-8e13-777770b10dd7.jpg)\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082922_204945](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7814954/187282803-8f8aa31c-1c1b-49c1-9d1d-cdbaae5b055d.jpg)","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:29:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:29:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-29T19:37:45+0200","number":2034,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Powered Iron Staff can't be repaired","body":"Powered Iron Staff can't be repaired\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60495","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VeeCep"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is simply a simple text issue and not indicative of the actual math taking place under the hood. Buffs and debuffs displayed in those slots call from Spell.dbc in your client files, which has either fixed or substituted values written into the description field. Whether there is a spell that was specifically made for these new ranks of Righteous Fury or not, I cannot be sure, but this is simply a display bug and not an actual behavior bug.\r\n\r\nWe will have to see if the Team is able to rectify this, but for now be assured that you are, in fact, generating additional threat.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T18:37:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Tooltip often don't reflect talents in vanilla I think. This is a know issue of 1.12.1 and can't be fixed I think ","createdAt":"2022-08-30T01:24:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is a client limitation. It can't be changed.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:25:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-29T18:24:27+0200","number":2033,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin, Protection - Righteous Furry Threat Value","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create paladin protection character\r\n2. On talents max out \"Improved Righteous Fury (3/3)\r\n3. Check description of your skill, use it and compare the values of what it says in the actual bug.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20470\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOnce you max out Improved Righteous Fury (3/3) it does not actually give you 90% as promised in the description of the skill, but it actually gives only 60%. Please see the images for proof.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082922_171928](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98407908/187247991-8b68a567-e99b-4f2e-b56f-529c86d1a1ca.jpg)\r\n![Actual_Buff](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98407908/187248170-8a21bb71-70b7-4ad1-b004-7eaa6045e6d0.jpg)\r\n![Talent](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/98407908/187248333-088210e6-a74d-4219-b815-a4a8003acb6e.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-29T23:25:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-29T23:25:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"For crash issue: Please DM Torta#2728 on discord with your crash.txt and crash. dmp\r\n\r\nThe lag spikes are getting looked at.","createdAt":"2022-09-02T11:51:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-29T15:06:44+0200","number":2032,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Server instability and crashes in naxxramas","body":"It did get addressed before, but there are still consistent lag spikes and instability in which cause gameplay to be less desirable. It would be nice if devs looked into more crash logs from naxxramas and other areas to solve it. The devs told me to put it here since it will not be addressed in their discord server. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:56:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:51:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Yea those islands mobs are a mess. The islands could use a sorrow check. Adding abilities and loot. Nagas also have no abilities last time I checked. It feels unfinished ","createdAt":"2022-08-29T00:53:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Ah yes, the mystic murlocs don't cast any spells either.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T16:16:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Another issue is that level 50+ mobs are dropping level 4x loot. It's sad because the pirates could have been another potential farming spot.","createdAt":"2022-08-31T12:56:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1508","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:28:35+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-28T22:25:56+0200","number":2031,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Isle of Lapidis/Gilijim mobs","body":"It seems like the majority of mobs in there have messed up loot tables.\r\n\r\nOne example is https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91965 which drops Un'Goro soil (shared loot table with Un'Goro lurkers?). The serpents seem to drop elemental fire and some mobs do not drop anything other than their quest items.\r\n\r\nMobs also seem to either miss skills entirely (some pirates do not have any).\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91965 in question also uses roots which still go off even when interrupted.\r\n\r\nI guess this report is a general call to review the fauna of those islands.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:28:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:28:35+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"andrethespaniard"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Fully agree\r\n\r\nhttps://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3931","createdAt":"2022-08-29T00:49:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/15\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/vmangos/core/pull/1358\r\n\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-29T03:40:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a suggestion and it's being discussed on our forums right now: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4232","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:52:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-28T20:10:01+0200","number":2030,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Devotion Aura and Stoneskin Totem","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhile on a low-level dungeon run in Shadowfang Keep I noticed that my devotion aura was getting turned off due to the Shaman's Stoneskin Totem. I was a level 27 High Elf Paladin with Rank 3 Devotion Aura and the Shaman was a level 26 Troll Shaman with either level 2 or level 3 Stoneskin Totem.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Turn on Rank 3 Devotion Aura.\r\n2. Have Shaman place a Stoneskin Totem (level 2 or 3).\r\n3. Devotion Aura shuts off instead of stacking with it and is unable to be turned back on because it says Stoneskin Totem is a greater spell.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=2010254\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5919\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDevotion Aura should stack with Stoneskin Totem.. right?\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T21:52:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:52:49+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"turtlewowrookie"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue still persists.","createdAt":"2023-08-25T10:29:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"0Moon01"},"body":"This was an oversight on the original game's developers. A couple of low level Web spells didn't have their Mechanic flag set to to be treated as roots for the purposes of dispels as they should. While this isn't a Turtle-specific issue, we will correct anyway.","createdAt":"2023-10-20T12:11:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This appears to be already fixed.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T15:17:47+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-28T18:33:10+0200","number":2029,"labels":"Rogue, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gnome rogue Escape Artist Issue with VIDEO proof .","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://sendvid.com/kacy18ft\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.1.Travel to Teldrassil as Gnome Rogue . From Shadowglen to Dolanaar are spiders named \"Webwood Lurkers\" lv5-6 .\r\n2. Let \"Webwood Lurker\" to use the ability \"Web\" on you . It casts net that hold you in place without able to move for several seconds .\r\n3. Cast \"Escape Artist\" ( Gnome-only racial ) . Look at combat log . While \"Escape Artist\" is succesfully casted , you are still holded in place from \"Web\" ability of spiders.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAccording to \"Escape Artist\" description , you should \"Escape the effects of ANY immobilization or movemend speed reduction effect .\" Clearly this not work as it should , it still hold me in place with the net visible on me for full duration of spider's \"Web\" ability and i cannot move until the \"Web\" expires .\r\n\r\nP.S. @jameyboor i did reproduced for you and i will check it regularly to see if is fixed , do not close issue until fix it .\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-23T15:17:47+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-23T15:17:47+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2024","createdAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-28T17:43:44+0200","number":2028,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shadowguard and lightning shield not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nShadowguard and lightning shield will not work when under shield(from [Uther's Strength]/priest shield/etc) against ranged and spell damage.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. cast shadowguard / Lightning shield on character.\r\n2. trigger item shield effects or cast shield spell on the same character with shadowguard or lightning shield\r\n3. get attacked by ranged( bow/gun/wand) or spell caster unit. and no charge of both spell will get consume or reflect damage.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nboth shadowguard and lightning shield are working against melee attack while under shield effects. just need to apply there same code/logic to ranged and spell attacks\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T08:34:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Nawakland"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-28T13:17:59+0200","number":2027,"labels":"Warlock","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock minion's wrong flat stats and damage scaling v1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBalance between warlock minion's stats and damage is out of warlock gameplay mechanics.\r\n\r\nAccording to wowpedia from 2006-2009 : https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warlock_minion?oldid=1704517\r\n\r\n1. **The Imp's main role is a support minion**, designed to do additional damage alongside the caster via its Firebolt attack. **The Imp is very fragile and will die very quickly if attacked**, but it requires no Soul Shard to summon.\r\n\r\n2. **Voidwalker deals little damage**, but has very good armor and good hit points. He is excellent while soloing, because he is an excellent tank, is able to keep aggro and has high armor and health. **At higher levels, however, it is unable to hold a mob's attention for very long**.\r\n\r\n3. **Succubus deals the most damage of all the basic minions, without talent upgrades.**\r\n\r\n4. **The Felhunter is your anti-caster minion.** Where the Succubus deals lots of melee damage, the Voidwalker is a great tank and the Imp deals lots of ranged damage, the Felhunter has high magic resist and has abilities to Counterspell, remove buffs from enemies and remove debuffs from friendlies.\r\n\r\nSo warlock minion's are design to be summon for different situation. It's explain why you earn Soul bags at level 20 to be able to swith from minion to minion more often during leveling/dungeon/raid when you unlock the succubus.\r\n\r\nCurrently :\r\n\r\n- Imp has way to much health.\r\n- Voidwalker melee's damage are doubled.\r\n- Succubus deals equals/less damage than voidwalker.\r\n\r\nResulting that there is no asking question for a warlock during his leveling/dungeon, just stay with voidwalker and go on. He deals the most damage of all the basic minions, has the most health, very mana efficient and tank more than good.\r\nNo good reason to spend talent point to improve Succubus.\r\nNo good reason to summon Succubus to speed up your dps/leveling because currently Voidwalker do it better.\r\nImp can tank in some circumstance due to its large health pool.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nCurrently at lvl 24 I made only tests for Voidwalker and Succubus minion at Apprentice training dummies.\r\nWith no improved minion talents and no active minion spells.\r\n\r\nSummon alternatively Imp, Voidwalker and Succubus and check pet stats values under character info page.\r\nFor more data send it to a practice dummies and read damage meter results.\r\n\r\nImp to much health\r\n![Imp_lvl24_stats](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56754835/187070983-9cfa4712-45d2-43a5-883a-a224c04b659c.png)\r\n\r\nVoidwalker to much damage\r\n![Voidwalker_lvl24_stats](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56754835/187071036-a8b5d433-21fe-49ae-8027-8c674d234f1f.png)\r\n\r\nCompare to Succubus\r\n![Succubus_lvl24_stats](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56754835/187071050-687b395b-b49a-4642-9de3-0eee84c9bc01.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell : https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=688\r\nSpell : https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=697\r\nSpell : https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=712\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAccording to wowpedia : https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warlock_minion?oldid=1704517\r\n\r\n1. Imp should be more like a mage, less health than mana and very fragile.\r\nHere is some flat stats table as guidline for the Imp : https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Imp_(warlock_minion)?oldid=1887257 \r\n\r\n2. Voidwalker should deals little damage.\r\nHere is some flat stats table as guidline for the Voidwalker : https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Voidwalker_(warlock_minion)?oldid=578636\r\n\r\n3. And Succubus sould deals the most damage of all basic minion without improved talents.\r\nHere is some flat stats table as guidline for the Succubus : https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Succubus_(warlock_minion)?oldid=580129\r\n\r\nSince the last update v1.16.3, warlock minion's now took 50% less damage from aoe and Torment spell from Voidwalker now deals some shadow damage it would be relevant to restore minions balance to bring back warlock minion's mechanics and match their roles. And bring back warlock gameplay too.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-05-12T00:32:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-05-12T00:32:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Darcisselock"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":" I think races were intentionally disabled because some big brains figured out how to exploit the race to force flag hardcore pvp and kill them...\r\n\r\nGrievers find a way to ruin everything ","createdAt":"2022-08-27T15:24:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Correct. This is intended. The race will return once flagging for this race has been disabled.","createdAt":"2022-08-28T15:33:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T14:44:40+0200","number":2026,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mirage Raceway NPC Daisy","body":"Hi, this NPC is supposed to start the big race on mirage raceway in the Shimmering Flats, but unfortunately she is missing! \r\nYou can't even /target her anywhere in the flats. I ruled out that she might have been somehow killed by checking multiple times and waiting quite a bit for respawn. The database says she might be spawned via a script, but acquiring the quests to speak to her does not seem to suffice.\r\nThis also makes you unable to complete her repeatable quest Race Against time.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles where the raceways are\r\n2. Take quest for testing race car (Goblin Engineering At Its Finest/Gnome's Are Genuine Inventors), complete race with Dolores on the small track\r\n3. Take follow-up quest for completing big race in time (Mirage Raceway: Goblin's Team/Mirage Raceway: Gnome's Team), which asks you to speak to Daisy\r\n4. Attempt to locate Daisy with /target\r\n5 Find her missing in action\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4507\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50311\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50313\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50316\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nDaisy should be present at the beginning of the big raceway around Thousand Needles (79,76) and available to complete the quests listed above.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-28T15:33:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-28T15:33:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"mybrid"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"body":"From my experience as someone who completed the quest about a week ago, Enforcers are way to rare compared to the other ogre types, yet they have a chance to replace other ogres, so you need to keep killing ogres untll Enforcers spawn instead of them. Agreed, that spawn rate should be adjusted.","createdAt":"2022-09-01T09:35:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T14:29:11+0200","number":2025,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Dunemaul Compound can't complete quest","body":"(W/X/R Raylen) The Enforcers only spawn in two places, one in the camp and one in the ruins. They are never replacing any Brutes, Orgres, Mages or Warlocks. They are only replacing these two dedicated Enforcers. This bug was closed four days ago but still persists. I suppose one could complete this quest but given the server now as more population it is not realistic and I'm abandoning the quest. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Quest: Dunemaul Compound\r\n2. Dunemaul Compound has only one Enforcer that does respawn as Enforcer. \r\n3. No other Ogre respawns as Enforcer\r\n4. There is one other Enforcer in the ruins. \r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"body":"well the other issue was just pointing out shadowguard from troll priest not working. but with test we find out that even shaman's lightning shield behaving incorrectly. these are core mechanic of both classes","createdAt":"2022-09-07T19:48:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"Charge-reactive abilities like lightning shield, shadowguard and inner fire have never consumed a charge when the incoming attack is fully absorbed. If you can find evidence to the contrary then we can discuss it further, but for now this is working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-09T17:19:11+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T13:48:15+0200","number":2024,"labels":"Priest, Shaman, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lightening shield and shadowguard both not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nLightening shield and shadowguard both won't trigger by ranged attack and spell attack while under shield effect\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Both I(priest) and Shaman friend went to tanaris these out the above skill by applying shield+ shadowguard or lightening shield effect.\r\n2. tag the mob axe thrower(ranged attack) and firecaller(spell attack; fireball).\r\n3. both lightning shield and shadowguard will not get triggered by ranged attack and spell damage before the shielding effect is expired. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/187028800-16725745-cef1-42a0-927f-a6fbd51ce748.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nit should work consistently, both lightening shield and Shadowguard will get trigger by melee attack while under shielding effect and it should behave the same facing ranged attack/spell attack\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-09T17:19:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-09T17:19:11+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"RussianE39"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"RussianE39"},"body":"4. Velinde's Effects (QuestID 1038) - Velinde's Journal (ItemID 5520) looted from Velinde's Locker (Object 19877). Locker has 6 minute respawn rate, should be instant respawn.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T13:25:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"It seems like respawn time for all items for #2146 is now 5 minutes.","createdAt":"2022-09-28T19:10:34+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T13:25:21+0200","number":2023,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Some quests need adjustment of quest objectives respawn timers","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nA few quests need respawn timer adjustment, with current population default 6 or 10minutes timer is not viable at all.\r\nHere is the list I found so far:\r\n1. In search of corruption ( QuestID 40192). Adjust respawn timer for quest items 60261(from Object 2010838), 60263(from Object 2010839) and NPC (NPC ID 60469). It is around 6 minutes currently, so its not viable with current population.\r\n2. Bingles' Missing Supplies (QuestID 2038) - 1 tool has instant respawn, 3 other are ~6 min. Should be adjusted.\r\n3. Saltspittle Raiders (QuestID 40230) - Greenblade Book (ItemID 60312 from Object 2010845) respawn timer not viable for current population, should be adjusted too.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"turtlewowrookie"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"I can't reproduce this. Once I get hit by a spider's net casting Escape Artist sets me free.","createdAt":"2022-08-28T15:36:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T09:35:04+0200","number":2022,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gnome rogue Escape Artist Issue","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Travel to Teldrassil as Gnome Rogue . From Shadowglen to Dolanaar are spiders named \"Webwood Lurkers\" lv5-6 .\r\n2. Let \"Webwood Lurker\" to use the ability \"Web\" on you . It casts net that hold you in place without able to move for several seconds .\r\n3. Cast \"Escape Artist\" ( Gnome-only racial ) . Look at combat log . While \"Escape Artist\" is succesfully casted , you are still holded in place from \"Web\" ability of spiders . \r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAccording to \"Escape Artist\" description , you should \"Escape the effects of ANY immobilization or movemend speed reduction effect .\" Clearly this not work as it should , it still hold me in place with the net visible on me for full duration of spider's \"Web\" ability and i cannot move until the \"Web\" expires .\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-28T15:37:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-28T15:36:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Melphoone"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce your issue. The only time it doesn't trigger is if the attack misses or is parried/dodged.","createdAt":"2022-09-29T23:31:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Can you show a picture of the combat log where you activate Flametongue Weapon and then auto attack? ","createdAt":"2022-09-30T01:37:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Melphoone"},"body":"https://imgur.com/a/59hVlx1\r\n\r\nThis occurs on every Mob type, elite, boss, lowlvl.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T15:59:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T08:44:38+0200","number":2021,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Flametongue Weapon Issue ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFlametongue Weapon Effect is not applied to Every Waponswing as described in the Tooltip.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Activate Flametongue Weapon, attack Enemy/Dummy\r\n2. Watch the combat log\r\n3. occassionally no Flametongue effect is applied to the hit of the weaponswing.\r\n(there is no sign of resistance either, just not applied to the hit)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8024#see-also-ability\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFlametongue Weapon should be cast on every autohit that hit´s the enemy ","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:52:05+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:52:05+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Melphoone"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Kuz-Shaman"},"body":"This is a big issue, it severly hinders my playstyle. Any update on this from a Dev please would be greatly apreciated :)","createdAt":"2022-10-29T20:09:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=29180/elemental-devastation#comments\r\nWorking as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-11T19:46:10+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T08:40:16+0200","number":2020,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Flametongue Weapon Procc Issue","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFlametongue Weapon does not Procc the Elemental Devastation Talent, although it proccs similar Effects which require Spell hits/crits,\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Activate Flametongue Weapon, Skill Elemental Devastation ( 1-3 Points)\r\n2. Land a Critical hit with Flametongue\r\n3. nothing Happens\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8024\r\nTalent: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=30160\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCritical Hits from Flametounge Weapon should also activate the Elemental devastation Procc.","updatedAt":"2023-03-11T19:46:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-11T19:46:11+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Melphoone"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Kuz-Shaman"},"body":"Why would you mark this as completed? I tested yesterday and Flametongue still is not affected.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T13:14:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Because it's fixed and will go live in the next update. We don't wait for fixes to be put on the live server for them to be closed, they are closed as soon as there is a solution found internally.","createdAt":"2022-10-03T14:29:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T08:34:09+0200","number":2019,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Elemental Weapons Talent (Shaman)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe Elemental Weapons Talent does not affect the Flametongue Weapon Effect (Works fine on Rockbiter, Windfury, Frostbrand)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Respec, spend 0-3 points on the Talent\r\n2. Watch the Damage Scaling on an Enemy/Dummy\r\n3. There is no change in dmg, regardless how many Points are skilled\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16266\r\n(see also Rank 2 or 3)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs told in the Tooltip, the damage of Flametongue Weapon should be raised by 5-15% depending on points spend.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T14:29:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-30T00:17:31+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Mentlegeen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This will be fixed in the next update. The item name was misleading, you'll have to request help from a GM to exchange your mount in-game. The item you look for is this one: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15290","createdAt":"2022-09-12T10:55:53+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T08:22:40+0200","number":2018,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"wrong mount color being recieved in spellbook after using the item","body":"After buying a brown kodo and using it, i recieved a spell in spellbook 'gray kodo', used it - it was a grey kodo indeed, brown one was lost somewhere\r\n\r\nhow to replicate\r\n\r\n1. be a lvl 40 balance druid in moonkin form\r\n2. buy riding at lvl 40, then go to the other trainer to buy brown kodo and pick up plainsrunning q\r\n3. use brown kodo, recieve grey kodo in your spellbook\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3685\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15290\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nit should give me the brown kodo spell in my spellbook\r\n![bugged kodo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88183993/187017873-7ea821a7-a9cc-48dd-b605-765899c01f61.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T07:31:20+0200","number":2017,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Silvermoon Remnants Missing Vendor","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAlinerenah Sunsparrow is missing the option to trade with her.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Speak with Alinerenah Sunsparrow at the Citadel of the Sun in Alah'Thalas.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80459\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShe should sell armor items for Silvermoon Remnants reputation.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-27T07:42:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-27T07:42:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Also duplicate from https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1992","createdAt":"2022-08-27T00:30:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T18:02:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@jameyboor next update as in wednesday sevrer restart? or next update as in 1.16.4?\r\nbecause it doesnt seem fixed on this wednesday morning","createdAt":"2022-08-31T11:42:13+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-27T00:15:03+0200","number":2016,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lorekeeper and /played","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nWhen I type in /played I have on my char msg over 2100 competed quests displayed. \r\n\r\nI do not have the lore master title\r\n\r\nSo either the title doesn't exist, or 1700 is not the required number or /played competed numbers shows is not true\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI would have expected the lorekeeper title or a lower /played quests completed number on my char or a higher number communicated than 1700 as requirement. \r\n\r\nI asked this first in #support but got no response so I assume its a bug \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-31T11:42:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T18:02:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's probably fixed in this update: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=4601\r\n\r\n_Fixed an ancient bug that caused permanent periodic damage auras on creatures, like the disease cloud on abominations, to start ticking faster and faster over time, eventually one-shotting players that go near the creature if the server is online long enough._","createdAt":"2022-10-21T21:59:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"> It's probably fixed in this update: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=4601\r\n> \r\n> _Fixed an ancient bug that caused permanent periodic damage auras on creatures, like the disease cloud on abominations, to start ticking faster and faster over time, eventually one-shotting players that go near the creature if the server is online long enough._\r\n\r\nHi, please test item, not fixed: \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/197311122-b90278c8-c788-4232-b213-d36f02166d3c.png)\r\n10 procs / per second","createdAt":"2022-10-22T03:46:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"@slowtorta ^","createdAt":"2022-10-22T03:46:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T21:13:38+0200","number":2015,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Violet Tragan Poison Mushroom","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. [Violet Tragan] is dotting 10x / 1second\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186975045-d5da4d49-765b-4b37-a4c0-e1b988cd919c.png)\r\nIt currently ticks faster than one can count, according to old wowhead comments the debuff deals correct dmg but it ticks too often.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7583\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=8526\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=2641\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=6727\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=141853\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe [Poison Mushroom] debuffs it produces should tick 10 damage / second.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T03:46:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T21:59:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce this on current version. Thrash appears to happen every 6-9 seconds now rather than on every attack. If it is a proc chance, it seems the chance is no longer so high. If it is an internal cooldown, it seems this cooldown was fixed.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T11:11:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T19:01:08+0200","number":2014,"labels":"Spell, Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Shade of Eranikus","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5709\r\n\r\nThis boss has the same bug it had on classic, the Thrash ability is activated every single hit, instantly deleting even tanks of the appropriate level.","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:52+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:52+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T18:40:20+0200","number":2013,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rune-etched Baton is texture bugged","body":"Rune-etched Baton is texture bugged\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50631\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186952303-3ceb0309-d976-4da4-a405-0ec8de60171c.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T18:37:41+0200","number":2012,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wool Would Work says <name> instead of player name","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60008\r\n\r\nWool Would Work says <name> instead of player name\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186951896-a10d8ef4-6671-4967-bbf8-83be1686e9d2.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T12:28:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:28:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T18:34:23+0200","number":2011,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormwind vaults rat trap overspawn","body":"Stormwind vaults rat trap overspawn\r\n\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186951315-1a3a76d4-6895-443e-84dd-cf28df4e770e.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:54:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:54:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T18:25:54+0200","number":2010,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Flik's frog gone swimming","body":"Flik's frog gone swimming\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14866\r\nHe should be near darkmoon faire\r\n\r\nno VMAP available for area info\r\nMap: 0 (Eastern Kingdoms) Zone: 267 (Hillsbrad Foothills) Area: 2397 (The Great Sea)\r\nX: -1606.099976 Y: 124.908997 Z: -15.568000 Orientation: 4.620120\r\ngrid[32,28]cell[3,15] InstanceID: 0\r\n ZoneX: 29.429926 ZoneY: 94.035942\r\nGroundZ: -267.353943 FloorZ: -267.353943 Have height data (Map: 1 VMap: 0)\r\nLiquid level: 0.000000, ground: -267.353943, type: 24, status: 8\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186949950-78228bb9-8f25-475e-95ba-75b0352f1a6d.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186950018-deea7ca9-0817-4897-a42f-45bc69aeffc5.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:26:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1603","createdAt":"2022-09-02T12:12:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T15:16:33+0200","number":2009,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Troll priest shadowguard not working on ranged attack under shield","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nthe mob shooting arrows/ranged attack me. but shadowguard will not proc until my shield fades?\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/186912111-5299a87f-dae7-4b5f-ae01-aa01e3db785a.png)\r\n\r\nmelee attack will work /proc shadowguard even under shield. but the range/arrows\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/186912145-6cd001e5-a681-4713-929b-a03a6c04afb0.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.apply shadowguard. apply power word:shield. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nshadowguard damage should proc under power word:shield against melee/ranged/spell attacks","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:12:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:12:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The transmogged models will always inherit the original model's sheath, I'm sorry, but at this point, we have no way to change it.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:15:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@jameyboor Take a look when you can.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:16:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sadly, this bug that we're unable to fix in the any foreseeable future.","createdAt":"2022-12-30T01:20:36+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T15:01:13+0200","number":2008,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Glaives and Transmog","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. [Sentinel's Glaive] in off-hand sheathes within the character model, and transmogging other items will render colourful results ... :\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186908504-57feefd0-53d0-49b2-b521-f55edac46b62.png)\r\nImage 1 on MH ^\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186908635-c3dc2d2f-9022-442a-8319-c0ae8416df66.png)\r\nImage 2 on OH ^\r\n\r\n2. Transmogging and equipping so will replicate OH item model placement:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186908762-f3191098-0dfe-43a5-905b-6f546bc411e2.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186908812-92d78708-7cdd-4ac6-b89b-c1c8137b6a90.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60752\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTransmogged items with 60752 model should either sheath on the back, or not stab the character model :\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/186909169-15af4195-1dd8-4102-b90b-fe94bb8ff5d9.png)\r\n\r\nIf you could please look into this,\r\n\r\nThank you for your time and dedication,\r\nYours Sincerely,\r\nEdnaryt\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-12-30T01:20:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-12-30T01:20:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T14:52:31+0200","number":2007,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood Ring Locked Gates","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Blood Ring Gates stay locked even if opposing team members accept que ,say 30seconds late/\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n2. Easy to reproduce by just queing 2 - 2 but only 1 person accept que from one of the teams.\r\nN/A Hidden\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n3. Once locked they stay locked, they should unlock after both teams are ready, a new timer should be started once it can confirm it's a 2v2\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-22T14:37:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-22T14:37:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Can confirm that this globally fails the quest for all other party members whenever someone inspects the skeleton. Please double check what is causing this.","createdAt":"2023-03-17T04:28:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3143","createdAt":"2023-04-01T21:34:23+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T06:54:53+0200","number":2006,"labels":"Quest, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"Elven Legends quest fail issue","body":"When completing the quest [Elven Legends](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7481) (Quest ID: 7481 & 7482) if you're grouped with other people also on the quest, it seems the quest is only completed for the person who interacts with the [Skeletal Remains of Kariel Winthalus](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=179544) (Object ID: 179544) while the rest of the group fails the quest.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nUpon interacting with [Skeletal Remains of Kariel Winthalus](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=179544) I beleive the quest completion trigger should work for all party members close enough to the trigger location.","updatedAt":"2023-04-01T21:34:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-01T21:34:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I've reduced the mana cost of his abilities except Felstorm, but you won't be able to see the change on the tooltip until the next client patch.","createdAt":"2022-08-26T01:41:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-26T00:42:40+0200","number":2005,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Felguard mana regeneration bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe felguard summoned by the new warlock ability only regenerates 7 mana per tick. Technically it's more an oversight than a bug\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1.Summon felguard pet\r\n2. Use all its abilities to drain its mana (happens very fast cause its abilities cost too much, which is a balance problem not a bug)\r\n3. Wait for it to regen its mana. It'll take you minutes to get mana for another Legion Strike\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=17252\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFor context, imps regenerate 500 mana per tick. Voidwalkers are the worst at 200 mana per tick. Since the felguard is a warrior archetype like the voidwalker, it should have the same mana regen. In addition, Voidwalker abilities cost around 100 to 300 mana, not 500 to 1200. The felguard needs its mana costs reduced by 60% to be useful because currently it ooms after just one use of its abilities.","updatedAt":"2022-08-26T01:41:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-26T01:39:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-08-26T10:26:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T22:48:30+0200","number":2004,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grifter's Leggings recipe tooltip still shows steel plate legguards","body":"Grifter's Leggings recipe tooltip still shows steel plate Legguards","updatedAt":"2022-08-26T10:26:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-26T10:26:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Undisturbed1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Greetings!\r\n\r\nThere is no issue with your character. Please install a clean client as instructed. In your screenshot you are not showing a clean client. Don't copy over WDB/WTF settings. Don't apply any additional patch.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/186878156-9c08aac6-b17d-48bc-9edd-c2d2b50c0bb2.png)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-26T11:52:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T19:49:20+0200","number":2003,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Character skin has not changed and is not affected","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCharacter Nosimpin purchased 2 different high elf skins: Dark Ranger and Blood Elf. Dark Ranger was initially applied and refunded as the aesthetic was not pleasing. Unable to see any other skin beyond the Dark Ranger one which was initially applied. Was repeatedly told the bug was not reproducible. Even when applying the Blood Elf Skin unable to override the dark ranger skin. I have tried deleting the WDB folder, deleting all addons, and doing 2 fresh installs of T-Wow\r\n![nosimping dark ranger skin bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112115162/186734495-be615de8-e7b2-4719-a7e0-84aad661e241.PNG)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Skin does not change\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNosimpin\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI should be able to see the default skin and be able to apply the blood elf skin","updatedAt":"2022-08-26T11:53:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-26T11:52:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I have the pants and on the pants the 8 set bonus is displayed, but not on shoes ","createdAt":"2022-08-27T00:29:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Delete your WDB. The set bonus is there.","createdAt":"2022-08-28T15:40:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@jameyboor I just welted wdb, no change. Its missing on t1 boots, it's ivislvd on t1 pants\r\n\r\nI dotm have other prices to check.\r\n\r\nPls reopen... ","createdAt":"2022-08-28T17:00:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I cannot reproduce, fine for me. Please check if your client is intact, and download a fresh version from the website if needed.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/187200296-b7ce9d1c-e3ca-480c-8f9d-ace044c271c0.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-29T14:24:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T18:54:05+0200","number":2002,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"lawbringer set doesnt have 8 set bonus anymore","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082522_185304](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/186724562-aa09b5b7-f6ee-42c4-9c2d-314eb4455e05.jpg)\r\n\r\nin the screenshot i am hovering over my lawbringer boots.\r\n\r\nthere is no 8 set bonus anymore!\r\n\r\ni dont not own more set pieces so can t test if its just visual bug or there is an acutal 8 set bonus effect","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T14:24:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T14:24:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T14:45:53+0200","number":2001,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Divine Shield does not block drowning damage.","body":"Report taken from discord\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/186667689-3631b0a8-891b-469c-ba64-226b6ccf1a6d.png)\r\n\r\nI think I encountered a bug: When you bubble while drowning, it pauses the damage instead of making you immune to it. When Divine Shield ends you take all the damage you would have taken during the Divine Shield all at once. (see attached screenshot). I dont think this is intended behaviour, based on reports I found in WoWWiki. (https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Shield , for example, see 2nd attached picture) \r\n\r\nSo PSA to all paladins, dont trust your bubble for drowning.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/186667882-fe8bc3f5-17d7-4f6a-8ff4-8fce7e6169b2.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/186667905-3a3cf2e5-635b-4527-be73-e750ca91920d.png)\r\n\r\nhttps://discord.com/channels/466622455805378571/747135466192633906/973714444985204786 Apparently this issue was fixed earlier, but again it seems to be broken.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/186667948-3a60cb23-19dd-4a51-b575-f34406e7d443.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T18:03:03+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T18:03:03+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"The guide on the forum is correct, but it's for itemlevel, not for level required to equip.","createdAt":"2022-08-26T01:06:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Oh that makes sense, doesn't change the fact that this items I'd is wrong thought ","createdAt":"2022-08-26T09:31:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T13:01:48+0200","number":2000,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"wrong disechant id on custom tailor chest","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe custom tailor blue cheast https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83281 has disenchant ID 45\r\nthis is wrong\r\ncomapre it to the vanilla lvl 42 item https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9415 which has the right disenchant ID 46\r\n\r\nthis would result in getting worse shards then what is expected for a lvl 44 item\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nwhoever is making these items, pls gives them a guide for correct disenchant IDs\r\nthis guide ob the froum is WRONG https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1164&p=23416#p23416","updatedAt":"2022-08-26T10:37:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-26T10:37:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FreethoughtRobot"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I was able to complete this quest w/o issues. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/197280052-544aaa7a-5530-459a-b066-d55ec489ab4c.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:06:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T11:34:07+0200","number":1999,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bloody Bone Necklace","body":"Account: Freethought\r\nCharacter: Truthweaver (Tauren Druid)\r\n\r\nBloody Bone Necklaces have stopped dropping for me from Bloodscalp Trolls in STV for the Quest \"Bloody Bone Necklaces\". I initially obtained 8 of the required 25, returned to Grom'Gol, Turned in the quest \"The Vile Reef\", Accepted Quest \"Headhunting\", then went inside inn and logged out. Upon Logging in the next day, I have completed the quest \"Headhunting\" by killing Bloodscalp Headhunters but not exclusively that Bloodscalp Variant along the way. No more Necklaces have dropped since relogging and killing more than 4 times the amount of trolls it took to get the initial 8.\r\n\r\n\r\nItem - Bloody Bone Necklace: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3915\r\nQuest - Bloody Bone Necklaces: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=596\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:06:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:06:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T14:52:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-25T05:52:40+0200","number":1998,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"En-ay-es-tee-why Egg sack spawns issue","body":"The [Spire Spider Eggs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175606) (Object ID: 175606) in LBRS for the quest [En-ay-es-tee-why ](https://tbc.wowhead.com/quest=4862/en-ay-es-tee-why) (Quest ID: 4862) aren't working as they did in original release.\r\n\r\nCurrently in the LBRS dungeon for the quest [En-ay-es-tee-why](4862), there are a total of only 4 lootable [Spire Spider Eggs](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175606) on a 5-minute respawn timer, which isn't enough for even a single group member to complete the quest without waiting for respawns.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior:**\r\nFor starters there should be far more [Spire Spider Egg](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=175606) spawn locations, from memory I beleive there were 20-30 spawns spread from the bottom of [Mother Smolderweb's](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10596) ramp right through to just before [Urok Doomhowl's](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10584) platform.\r\n\r\nIn addition to this, looting an egg should have a chance (I beleive this is a 50% chance from memory) to spawn the same pack of [Spire Spiderling's](https://tbc.wowhead.com/npc=10375/spire-spiderling) (Mob ID: 10375) spawned by [Spire Spider's](https://tbc.wowhead.com/npc=10374/spire-spider) (Mob ID: 10374), it's possible this is done using the same [Summon Spire Spiderling spell](https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=16103/summon-spire-spiderling) (Spell ID: 16103) as the mob itself.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T14:52:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T14:52:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FaeshaDawnwing"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It was probably fixed at the beginning of September. Please re-open this issue if it's still occurring.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:46:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T23:27:01+0200","number":1997,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warsong Flag not visible in flag room after previous pickup","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEnemy flag wasn't visible in Warsong Gulch while it was already 0/2, presumably making it impossible to win. Probably triggered due to already picking it up while it was 0/2 and getting killed, allowing the Horde to return it. After standing around in the enemy flagroom and trying (and failing) to stop the efc from capping, I whispered him to ask if their flag was still visible for him, which he confirmed. No Alliance player made it to the Horde base, so I wasn't able to have one of them try to pick it up, so I can't tell if it was truely only on my end or not. I was almost in the tunnel of our own base when I died, so the enemy flag room probably wasn't loaded at the time of my death, if that's important. I didn't try to relog, as I'm 90% sure that would result in me being removed from the battleground with a deserter debuff. Happend in the 30-39 bracket, if it's important (which I doubt).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nCan't guarantee it always doesn't work due to the specifics.\r\n1. pick up flag in Warsong Gulch\r\n2. die and have enemy return their flag\r\n3. return to enemy base with no visible flag\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nWarsong Flag: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=179831 (I think)\r\nSilverwing Flag: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=179830 (presumed)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWhen entering the enemy flag room, their flag should be visible and ready to pick up, no matter if you previously picked it up or not. Only exception should be in the seconds right after a flag was captured.\r\n\r\n\r\nI've added a screenshot to show me in the enemy flag room with no flag. Remained there for several minutes until the Horde picked up our flag and turned it in, with no change happening in that time.\r\n![tfw no flag](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112026780/186525835-830442b4-724c-4bbd-a41b-49658f84ac98.png)","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:46:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:46:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"body":"Are the stats intended then or will it get an overhaul?","createdAt":"2022-08-29T16:40:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T20:59:06+0200","number":1996,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Sailor's Headband","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60453\r\n\r\nI could be wrong but this reward from a lengthy quest chain which involves killing a dungeon-tier boss is terribly underbudgeted. It feels like the stats weren't properly distributed as it's worse than even greens of lower level. Maybe it's missing a hit/crit/AP bonus it was meant to have?","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T16:40:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T15:07:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is a result of a quick fix that was made to get the 1.16.1 patch pushed through, which required silencing lore-inconsistent voice lines as these are still the Blizzard Blood Elf voice lines on Male High Elf. There was talk of having a voice actor completely redo all the Male High Elf lines, so I would imagine this will be resolved when that goes live.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T19:40:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T18:20:04+0200","number":1995,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Male/?Female? High Elf /Silly Voice Output Is Unconsistant","body":"The high Elf Silly Emote does not work sometimes (voice lines missing). I can only verify this for male high elfs\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use /silly on a male high elf \r\n2. Notice that about only 1 out of 3 /silly emotes give a working voice output\r\n3. Be sad\r\n\r\nEvery /silly should have a working voice output, and each time it should be a different one until it repeats\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T10:52:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T10:52:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"CAKyPA"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"I had the same issue on one of my characters. I finished all quests in Elwynn Forest, but was never able to take Gnoll Bounty.\r\nThe database says [Gnoll Bounty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60042) requires [The Pumpkin Thieves](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60041) to be completed, but that's not my experience at all. The Pumpkin Thieves asks you to talk to [Terry Palin](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1650), and that's when you can also accept Gnoll Bounty, so you can have both of those quests at the same time. Being unable to accept Gnoll Bounty happened to me only once in about 10 characters.\r\n\r\nThis was tested before the talent changes took effect (late July).","createdAt":"2022-08-25T08:46:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"CAKyPA"},"body":"Maybe quest is only available during [The Pumpkin Thieves](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60041) quest, once you completed the [The Pumpkin Thieves](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60041) you can't take the [Gnoll Bounty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60042) quest anymore. Not sure if it's intentional or not.\r\n\r\nAlso found out why I missed the [Gnoll Bounty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60042).\r\n[The Pumpkin Thieves](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60041), Speak to Terry Palin have a wrong link in [TWoW DB](https://database.turtle-wow.org/).\r\nAnd it's same on PFQuest and PFQuest-turtle, not pointing the correct NPC.\r\nWrong: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51299\r\nCorrect: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1650\r\n\r\nFound him after reading the description and didn't take the [Gnoll Bounty](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60042) because was thinking doing \"Eastvale Logging Camp\" quests later.","createdAt":"2022-08-25T09:10:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is the intended design. He'll give this quest only if you're out there searching for stolen pumpkins :)","createdAt":"2022-11-06T00:05:17+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T18:06:26+0200","number":1994,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Quest] Quest giver not giving \"Gnoll Bounty\" quest","body":"As title said, quest giver not giving this quest.\r\nI already completed the requested quest \"The Pumpkin Thieves\".\r\nWas using not saving any WDB files (user permission method), tried enabling WDB files and still not giving the quest.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60042","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:05:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:05:17+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"It's possible the shaman thing dropped and as allaince I was not able see ut","createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:59:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:29:46+0200","number":1993,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"isalien boss ddidnt drop anything","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=16097\r\n\r\nits a boss, every boss should drop atelat 1 blue item\r\nit didnt drop ANYTHING, that doesnt seems normal!\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-24T16:59:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-24T16:59:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"That's pretty weird, I couldn't reproduce this issue. Were you to receive this title after re-loggin in the game?\r\nPlease tell me your character name.","createdAt":"2022-08-25T11:22:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I have the same issue on my char msg","createdAt":"2022-08-27T00:32:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Could it be that the title isn't given retroactively, i.e. if you completed 1,700 quests _before_ the title was introduced, you won't get it?","createdAt":"2022-08-27T08:26:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"gala320"},"body":"I have a character that hit 1700 quests recently, did not receive the title either.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T12:49:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T18:02:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:16:55+0200","number":1992,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Completing requirement isn't granting Lorekeeper title","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThey say that knowledge is power and now you have a way to show your power through your diligent exploration skills with vast quest awareness! Lorekeeper is the title for those who managed to complete 1700 quests!\r\nhttps://discord.com/channels/466622455805378571/747135466192633906/1005605130902700153\r\n\r\nAccording to in-game command I have completed 1937 quests\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/186440946-daa2d404-5dbd-4561-ae3d-b5f1e98fbc8c.png)\r\nBut there is no new title Lorekeeper for selection\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/186441630-35b506e6-93a2-4a5b-acb6-92f9f1635e46.png)\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should be possible to select new title","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T18:02:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T18:02:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"gheor7"},"body":"https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=14349/pimgib\r\n\r\nWas this change added with classic? ","createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:06:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"well its a demon, so maybe classic was bugged too","createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:30:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T16:03:48+0200","number":1991,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"pibgib imp demon is humanoid","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\npimgib is a imp demon warlock pet\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14349\r\n\r\nits classified as hamnoid\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nshoud be a demon, and exocism should work on it","updatedAt":"2022-08-26T10:37:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-26T10:37:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"abbraxxas"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Is that the same for judgment of crusader? ","createdAt":"2022-08-24T13:46:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Actually, the talent is adding damage. What it's doing is it's increasing the damage of the crusader strike itself...\r\n\r\nSo it's actually doing the wrong thing. Taking 3 talent points to do 14 damage its terrible lol.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/186490675-c3947be8-697f-4289-aaaf-e577b40a205c.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nHere in this image all I did was put points in and out of heart of the crusader and the damage value changed on the same mob.\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-24T20:03:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/186491739-e02f8dbf-038a-4c82-9a1c-cc97a0957030.png)\r\n\r\nAdding libram of fervor is also increasing the damage the strike itself does which I also think is unintended.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/186491976-688785a6-3135-45e2-b557-8b2e2d8f420b.png)\r\n\r\nAs it states that it is increasing the holy damage bonus, not the damage of the strike itself.","createdAt":"2022-08-24T20:09:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Hey that makes crusader strike actually pretty good","createdAt":"2022-08-25T17:59:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-24T09:53:59+0200","number":1990,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crusader Strike, is not affected by rank 7 gloves.","body":"1. unequipped rank7 gloves - hit training dummy with 5 stacks and seal of righteousness.\r\n2. equipped rank7 gloves - hit training dummy with 5 stacks and seal of righteousness.\r\n3. check combat log, same values.\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n1. damage with seal : 92 -93\r\n2. damage with seal : 92 -93\r\n\r\n\r\n![without gloves](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111962404/186362199-303c9ce5-3735-4395-87a9-c357826dc079.jpg)\r\n\r\n![with gloves](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111962404/186362167-d623a52d-29b9-4102-b50f-f5fa06cf40b1.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nthe tooltip of crusader strike is neither affected by heart of the crusader nor rank 7 gloves.\r\n\r\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\ni tried the same process while unequipping libram of fervor witch contributes to crusader strike, no difference. \r\ni just tested heart of the crusader, it gives 22.5 bonus to crusader strike.\r\nwith libram of fervor it should be 47.5.\r\nbut it stays at 22.5 at all time.\r\nintended or not ? as a % increase should increase the total amount, not just a portion? its not + base * 1.15. as there are items that affect crusader strike, either include or exclude the possibiltie in the tooltip please.\r\n\r\ni now tested something else. \r\n\r\ni respecced without heart of the crusader, and my damage was the same with seal of righteous,\r\n\r\nconclusion, Libram of Fervor overwrites heart of the crusader.\r\n![non heart of the crusader](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111962404/186369983-f9b1f14e-e871-4edf-a22e-cbf7c38f0dc8.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-18T08:45:02+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-18T08:45:02+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"duplicate from this january issue https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/956\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-23T18:07:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Should be fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:44+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-23T17:17:25+0200","number":1989,"labels":"Spell, Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Uldaman] mob Stone Keeper missing ability","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nStone Keepers should blow up close to death. They don't do that.\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=4857/stone-keeper#comments;mode:normal\r\nHere you can see comment that they should, also the self destruct spells under 'spells'\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4857\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9879\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9874\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:45+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-23T16:38:44+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_082322_165239](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/186190608-74191060-a76f-40fe-9396-afee4cce9e63.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082322_165047](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/186190617-77eb7438-a6f6-47fe-9bbe-74f9dd57aa89.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082322_165050](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/186190620-300cf725-7bd5-41e1-9136-0b4943fc6bc1.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082322_165237](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/186190621-ac65249e-b3d2-40a2-9dc2-9d62b86876fa.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-23T16:53:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"Lesser Wind Stones are meant to have a 5 minute respawn timer.\r\nWind Stones are meant to have a 15 minute respawn timer.\r\nGreater Wind Stones are meant to have a 3 hour respawn timer.\r\n\r\nSome instances of these objects in Silithus are incorrectly / inconsistently set, and this will be fixed in an upcoming maintenance.","createdAt":"2023-10-20T23:15:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-23T16:48:58+0200","number":1988,"labels":"Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"all windstones in souther twillight camp in sillithus dont respawn","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nall the widnstone in the souterh twillight camp doesnt respawn. They spawn on server restart only once\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\non the 2 nothern camps they rrespawn\r\n\r\nthis severly impact 20 man raids that want to do the lords because killing jsut 2 instead of 3 bosses is a big difference","updatedAt":"2023-10-20T23:15:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-20T23:15:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"They do spawn. They share spawn points with Dunemaul Ogre, Dunemaul Ogre Mage and Dunemaul Warlock.","createdAt":"2022-08-23T14:00:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-23T10:00:37+0200","number":1987,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Quest} The Dunemaul Compound can't be complete","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n[Dunemaul Enforcer](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5472) don't spawn anywhere anymore.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5472\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5863\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T14:15:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T14:15:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dromen48"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Can you do the same test, but without addons like BetterCharacterStats ?","createdAt":"2022-08-23T08:57:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is a false report. The talent definitely works.\r\nhttps://streamja.com/beg5g","createdAt":"2022-08-23T13:58:20+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-23T05:07:06+0200","number":1986,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Enhancement Talent: \"Spirit Armor\" Does Not Work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create a shaman\r\n2. Level the talent \"Spirit Armor\" in the 4th row of Enhancement\r\n3. Check Armor value as talent points go into ability with a shield equipped.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nN/A\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nImages as proof that at minimum they aren't showing up on the character UI\r\n\r\n![Spirit_armor_bug_after](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111084731/186060240-25d31db7-afc3-4577-b840-d20f014d329f.png)\r\n![Spirit_armor_bug_before](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111084731/186060248-02e190ec-d93b-49d6-969f-924cd0b71f41.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T14:16:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T14:16:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dromen48"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Another thing to note is that /wave should NOT be making any sound whatsoever, and right now it's making the same sound as /greet or /hi. This worked fine before the update when /roar sounds were added. See the emote table here: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_emotes (/wave should play the animation, but should not make any sound).","createdAt":"2022-08-23T11:33:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"dromen48"},"body":"Okay. So can the voice line be removed for /wave and the /greet be fixed?","createdAt":"2022-08-23T18:22:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-08-26T10:33:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-23T04:06:42+0200","number":1985,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Troll Males say female lines for /wave and /greet","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be a male troll\r\n2. /greet\r\n3. /wave\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nMale troll lines","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:52+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-08-26T10:33:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sringaram"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-22T21:23:20+0200","number":1984,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC: Meshlok the Harvester","body":"ID: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12237\r\n\r\nThe rare in question is immune to Gouge and I assume all disorients. It is not supposed to be.\r\n\r\nYou can scroll through both vanilla and classic comments to see how Gouge is an integral part of soloing this rare:\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=12237/meshlok-the-harvester","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T14:15:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T14:15:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tarakan404"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"spacestr"},"body":"Confirming that I also have similar experience with herb and mining nodes. They also seem to blink out and back in when moving, but overall this bug makes farming mats much more annoying.","createdAt":"2022-08-24T01:41:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"spacestr"},"body":"I also noticed that it goes back to normal detection range during lower player count on the server.","createdAt":"2022-08-31T02:19:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"tarakan404"},"body":"yep i can confirm that, once the server pop reaches 2500online the bug starts to appear ","createdAt":"2022-09-13T20:26:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed on the next update.","createdAt":"2023-02-20T10:27:34+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-22T20:30:17+0200","number":1983,"labels":"Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"herbs not showing up on minimap unless close.","body":"**Herbs show up on the minimap only when im close to them, and disappear when only half the minimap away, when usually they appear and disappear at the border of the minimap :** also i noticed that the mobs appear only when im close.\r\nTried fresh client, different ssd, different PC, different network, still the same. the bug went away after doing an instance, but came back the next day, loading into a instance did not help.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082122_130017](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111710013/185992613-3e275d5e-8a65-4f23-aa60-ce9b591d04a2.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082122_130015](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111710013/185992662-312d2bb8-c731-4685-ac85-59cc4ff1c724.jpg)\r\non the screens you can see how close i have to get to be able to see the herbs on the minimap\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082122_124445](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111710013/185992899-fe175a20-dcf7-4ad6-b74e-ec5424b67219.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_082122_124453](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111710013/185992936-43a83a29-ca6d-46dc-9dc6-97cec10eb59a.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-20T10:27:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-20T10:27:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-22T10:53:04+0200","number":1982,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Eidolon Talisman droprate too low","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEidolon Talisman is a necklace that drops from specific trash mobs in Dire Maul West. Its droprate is currently very low, a third of its real Vanilla droprate\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nnone\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=18340\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should have the droprates listed here https://classic.wowhead.com/item=18340/eidolon-talisman#dropped-by","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T14:19:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T14:19:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"scottishstorm"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-21T17:51:02+0200","number":1981,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Target dummy providing xp intentional?","body":"When a created target dummy destroys itself/expires, I am awarded xp. Intentional?\r\n![Screenshot (4)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111697489/185799505-3d6a5a66-257e-45bb-9a7a-21b70b10508b.png)\r\n![Screenshot (7)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111697489/185799518-6ddfda2e-6792-4221-bc59-b6289c9cc592.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-22T11:06:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-22T11:06:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-21T12:29:51+0200","number":1980,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Magmus Blackrock Depths","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nMagmus boss in Blackrock Depths can be pulled through the door with a pet. This allows the torch room to be avoided and you do not have to light the torches, when the boss dies the doors automatically open.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Blackrock Depths torch room\r\n2. Do not light any torches\r\n3. Go to end of the torch room and /target Magmus\r\n4. Have a Warlock or Hunter pet pull Magmus and then click follow on the pet to bring it back to player\r\n5. Observe Magmus walk through the door into the torch room\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=9938\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=11885\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=174744\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=174745\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nEither implement a script that only spawns Magmus once torches are lit or make Magmus immune until torches are lit or heavily reduce aggro range in general, or until torches are lit.\r\n\r\nMagmus should not walk through the wall and be killable without lighting the torches in the previous room.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-21T16:04:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-21T16:04:12+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T17:54:51+0200","number":1979,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Completing Break Sharptusk! blocks you from accepting Preventive Strike","body":"Completing Break Sharptusk! blocks you from accepting Preventive Strike\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=3376\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60115\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T20:21:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T20:21:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"I don't believe this is bugged. Rather, I'm fairly certain she's among the ghosts in Caer Darrow that require the item received from Eva as part of the Kirtonos the Herald quest chain.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13544\r\n\r\nIf you do not have this item equipped, you cannot see any ghosts aside from the servants. This report should be closed: working as intended unless even the Spectral Essence does not reveal this NPC.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T19:45:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GuybrushGit"},"body":"@ratkosrb @redmagejoe I seriously doubt you need the item to see this npc. I've done this quest many times on retail and never needed it.\r\nIf you look at the quest comments from 2006 I would expect a lot more comments looking for her if scholo was required. People even mention that you don't need the spectral essence: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=5846/of-love-and-family#comments","createdAt":"2022-08-30T15:48:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"@GuybrushGit I know, I checked sniffs and removed the wrong invisibility aura from the npc, that's why I closed the issue.","createdAt":"2022-08-30T17:57:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T17:09:02+0200","number":1978,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Of love and family is bugged, Artist Renfray can't be seen","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5846 \r\n\r\nOf love and family is bugged, Artist Renfray can't be seen\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11936","updatedAt":"2022-08-30T17:57:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T20:14:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"similiar issue to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1911","createdAt":"2022-08-20T13:56:20+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T13:55:54+0200","number":1977,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"augerers robe wrong disenchant ID","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83287 has disenchant ID 44, this is wrong for a lvl 38 blue.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nthis vanilla lvl 39 item https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10762 has disenchant id 45.\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9434 a vanilla lvl 36 blue chest, also disenchant id 45 not 44.\r\n\r\n 45 would be the correct ID for augerers robe.","updatedAt":"2022-08-21T14:31:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-21T14:31:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burlakovk"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It'll be fixed in the next update this Wednesday!","createdAt":"2022-08-20T11:59:38+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T11:59:09+0200","number":1976,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Keeper Remulos not Appearing in Moonglade","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nKeeper Remulos, Keeper of the Grove type NPC, is not at his place in Moonglade\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11832\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-20T11:59:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-20T11:59:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"body":"I hope they fix the issue when you kill a mob","createdAt":"2022-08-21T01:43:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I have the lvl 60 version on ravage from sw vault and it misses the third tick all the time. Makes it useless ","createdAt":"2022-08-23T09:49:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"body":"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1005126782409773127/1013403811194339408/Ravager_Bladestorm_Channel_Bug.mp4\r\n\r\nFirst clip shows a bugged-out proc\r\nSecond clip shows how it's supposed to work (kinda)\r\n\r\nThe spin animation weirdly persists for some reason, you do a weird 'spin-out' that does nothing.\r\nAlso, even Herod himself seems to be suffering from this issue, saw his 3rd tick missing quite often.","createdAt":"2022-08-28T13:09:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This appears to have been fixed in a previous update. Bladestorm spell, which is on both Ravager and the aforementioned SW Vault weapon, hits 3 times even when no enemy is targeted or the initial target is dead.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T11:25:54+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T08:59:49+0200","number":1975,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Ravager","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe item 'Ravager' has some issues about it's ability.\r\nThe most obvious one would be that the third AoE tick doesn't seem to come out most of the time.\r\nAnother problem is that the 'Bladestorm' ability immediately stops when the current target is dead. Oftentimes it even stops when the initial target is dead, despite having switched targets since the channel started.\r\nIf by any chance this is intended as a QoL feature to make the weapon easier to handle, please revert this change. One can always unclick the 'Bladestorm' buff or use another skill to cancel it.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get surrounded by a bunch of low HP mobs\r\n2. Attack until the 'Bladestorm' ability triggers\r\n3. See that it stops after your target died, despite having switched targets.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIt should consistently stay up and give off all 3 AoE cleaves when completely channeled. It's more than enough to be able to cancel it by removing the aura.","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T11:28:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T11:28:20+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T08:39:08+0200","number":1974,"labels":"Warrior, Spell","state":"OPEN","title":"Warrior: Sweeping Strikes","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nSweeping Strikes has three, potentially four bugs I know of:\r\n\r\n- Sweeping Strikes do not correctly cleave an execute. Seemingly only the base damage gets inflicted, but it still seems to be lower than that.\r\n- Sweeping Strikes only trigger once from 'Whirlwind'. That includes 'Bladestorm', caused by 'Ravager'.\r\n- Dodged attacks made by Sweeping Strikes do not trigger 'Overpower' correctly, especially after a stance-switch.\r\n- Please check if cleaved hits from Sweeping Strikes apply deep wounds. I remember them not procing.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use 'Sweeping Strikes' on two 60 dummies at 20% HP to reproduce all of the mentioned scenarios.\r\n2. See that it behaves as stated.\r\n3. Note: It's intended for critical hits to become normal hits with the same damage value when cleaving over. This, however, already applies here.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nSweeping Strikes triggers on each melee hit you land individually. It works fine with 'Cleave', but 'Whirlwind' only cleaves once, as already stated, when it should cleave up to four times, depending on the number of enemies.\r\nFurthermore, any cleaved attacks caused by this ability that are dodged should reliably trigger 'Overpower' each time.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-30T19:16:28+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":null},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sumbats"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T02:15:25+0200","number":1973,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ormer's Revenge Part 2 Kills Not Counting","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nKills were counted until I got about 9 Razormaws and 8 Scytheclaws killed.\r\n\r\nExited game, deleted WDB folder. Did not help\r\nAbandoned quest, exited game, deleted WDB folder. Did not help\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1022\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1023\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=295\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081922_191612](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96672025/185721671-5c11f929-70b2-4b6e-b957-f8e9cb6aa5e6.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081922_191637](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96672025/185721672-6fa28963-2351-44ab-aad2-652fe60786ec.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081922_195138](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96672025/185721673-6e0744fb-8c50-4f2a-86eb-cfa41f76c53c.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081922_195144](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96672025/185721674-05489052-ffc2-4615-ad95-b65ed690fd7f.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-20T02:39:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-20T02:39:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"chavey1"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Duplicate of #1836. See my comment there.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T12:47:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Closing this as duplicate, Ghost Wolf should be 1 second cast as intended.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T21:14:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-20T01:26:27+0200","number":1972,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved ghost wolf talent did not affect on ghost wolf spell. ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nImproved ghost wolf talent did not affect on ghost wolf spell. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nDuring leveling at my HC shaman i face a bug. I was learned first of two skillpoint of improved ghost wolf at 17 lvl, at 20 level i throw second one to improved ghost wolf and noticed that my ghost wolf spell casting 1 second instead of beign instant. \r\nHere is the video https://youtu.be/61DzTwRk1Qs\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nghost wolf - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=3691\r\n\r\nimproved ghost wolf - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16287\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI guess somehowe my first learn at 17 lvl did not count for unknown for me reason.\r\n\r\nThanks! ","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T21:14:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T21:14:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VladislavLeontev"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-19T10:20:55+0200","number":1971,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Oil-Stained Gold XP reward and quest item spawn rates.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSpawn rate for the Oil Canister in Durotar is ridiculously low.\r\nI don't know if it is by design, but this object seems to spawn really slow even in non prime time hours. Even with no one else around it took two runs back and forth to collect 5 items for the quest. \r\n\r\nAccording to database, there are just 6 spawn points for Oil Canister containers. \r\nIn comparison, there are plenty of Gnomish Toolboxes lying around in the very same location, 12 to be precise. On top of that the demand for Oil Canisters is 1.66 times higher (you need to collect 5 canisters vs 3 toolboxes).\r\n\r\nDuring prime time all above points make this quest a rat race. As a cherry on top, this quest gives no XP.\r\n\r\nFrom a game design standpoint, this quest is kinda beyond \"competitive\" difficulty and more into the \"oh crap not that quest again\" lands.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Accept quest\r\n2. Collect Oil Canisters\r\n3. Return quest\r\n4. Get no XP reward\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70051\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1772001\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSuggestion: tune number of spawn items or spawn rate and/or add XP reward.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18580790/185576400-ed19ee7b-313f-4f1f-8aa7-022c9e5dfe2b.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-20T13:32:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-20T13:32:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"probablysalsa"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"It's not goblin bug, affects my troll aswell. Also long long tiem reported before but was closed... ","createdAt":"2022-08-19T20:31:05+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/951\r\n\r\nJust Was never fixed ","createdAt":"2022-08-19T20:31:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"probablysalsa"},"body":"> #951\r\n> \r\n> Just Was never fixed\r\n\r\nIt seems like, from looking at the video attached, Trolls at the very least get missiles appearing during the channel.\r\nGoblins don't get an animation at all.","createdAt":"2022-08-20T04:54:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1825","createdAt":"2022-09-12T12:25:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-19T04:12:23+0200","number":1970,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Arcane Missiles Goblin Bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen playing Goblin Arcane Mage, the animation for Arcane Missiles is broken. The character will begin casting, damage will be dealt, but no individual missiles will be shown until .5 seconds after the cast is completed.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Roll a goblin mage to level 8.\r\n2. Use the Arcane Missiles spell.\r\n3. Be really sad when one of the coolest animations doesn't work for your race :(. Step 4 is a screen recording of the issue.\r\n4. https://youtu.be/MFcZcRUjhYQ\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5143\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5143\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAn animation should fire every second that Arcane Missiles is channeled. I compared my animation with a high elf mage and their animation worked perfectly.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T12:25:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:25:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T23:43:12+0200","number":1969,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hateforge Quarry chest exploit","body":"The 2 camps in hateforge quarry OUTSIDE the dungeon have 2 chest that respawns in the same place and with very little Cd (5min) \r\n\r\nMaybe is intended but could be exploited","updatedAt":"2022-08-20T13:32:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-20T13:32:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OrnsteinHunter"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"You cannot rely on bettercharacterstats for correct values its a custom spell you are using and what bettercharacterstats does is reads the buff/debuff and item text itself to parse information and if that buff/debuff or item text isnt coded into the addon it will not be able to read it. \r\n\r\nI suggest making a bug report for Bettercharacterstats here: https://github.com/Gurky-Turtle/BetterCharacterStats","createdAt":"2023-06-27T06:19:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Ornstein is right @Gurky-Turtle . Proclaim champion does not give ranged attack power.\r\n\r\nRanged attackpower is shown in default UI, it's not calculated by Bettercharacterstats like you described\r\nIt is information sent from the server to the client with the command\r\n`/script base, buff, debuff = UnitRangedAttackPower(\"player\"); rap = base + buff + debuff DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(rap);`\r\n\r\nIf it's supposed to give RAP then this bug report should be reopened","createdAt":"2023-07-20T15:59:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"will be fixed in the next update no need to reopen.","createdAt":"2023-07-20T16:26:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T22:59:18+0200","number":1968,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest empower champion buff not giving ranged attack power anymore","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe priest capstone, proclaim champion, is not giving ranged attack power when you buff the target with empower champion. It appears that its only set to give (6) Apply Aura #99: Mod Attack Power and not ranged attack power\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. spec into proclaim champion and give it to a target\r\n2. use empower champion on your target\r\n3. use an addon like bettercharacterstats to show it doesn't give ranged attack power\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45565\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe intended behavior as described by Moon is that its supposed to give ranged attack power so hunters can benefit from the buff. It used to function this way but was broken in a server update it seems.\r\n\r\nHeres an image of Moon confirming it should give ranged attack power\r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/uN8BsXb","updatedAt":"2023-07-20T16:26:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-06-27T06:19:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"Now Inner Focus gets consumed but it still has no effect on the mana cost nor the crit chance.","createdAt":"2022-10-17T12:09:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T16:57:26+0200","number":1967,"labels":"Priest, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Inner Focus not working with Shadow Mend","body":"When you use Inner Focus and then use Shadow Mend, Inner Focus will have no effect on the Shadow Mend and Inner Focus will not be consumed.\r\n\r\n1. Use Inner Focus\r\n2. Use Shadow Mend\r\n3. See that Inner Focus had no effect on Shadow Mend and Inner Focus is still on you\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47284\r\n\r\nShould be useable with Inner Focus. The same problem applies to Pain Spike.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:53:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:53:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T12:50:15+0200","number":1966,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"BG teleport while flying","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAccepting a BG queue while flying, after BG returns you to the same spot. But without flying. You drop and die.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue into a BG.\r\n2. Fly somewhere.\r\n3. Accept BG invitation, finish BG.\r\n4. Drop and die.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nOption 1: keep you flying.\r\nOption 2: return to the last touchdown flight point (which is not necessarily the same as the source FP).","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T19:23:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T19:23:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/185855858-b27c8313-bf7f-4e8e-916b-88dfd58fd001.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-22T08:42:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This indeed needs to be improved, but if we're to change how the chest pools respawn, their position will not mimic Classic :)","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:09:06+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T09:53:03+0200","number":1965,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chest spawning system","body":"The current chest spawning system does not match how the original game worked.\r\n\r\n**Current Behaviour**\r\nAs it currently stands, all chests in the game have static spawn location and respawn timers depending on the level of the chest, both inside and outside dungeons with every chest in a \"cluster\" always respawning leading to some small locations having as many as 4~ chests up at the same time - thus if you loot a chest you can be guaranteed it will respawn in that exact location within 30-120 minutes, the higher level the chest the longer the respawn timer which is obviously leading to abuse as players can set timers and know exactly when to loot a freshly spawned chest (Which has been observed to be abused by low level alts on \"safe\" high level chests even on Turtlewow).\r\n\r\n**Chest Object IDs:** 2844, 2849, 2843, 106318, 106319, 75293, 131979, 75297, 75295, 74447, 75296, 153465, 131978, 153469, 153468, 153463, 75300, 75299, 153464, 75298, 74448, 4149, 2852, 153451, 153453, 153454, 2857, 2855, 2850, 105570, 3714, 111095, 3715, 105579, 4096, 105581, 105578.\r\n\r\nIt's possible there are more chests IDs effected by this issue, though the normal Classic Wowhead only lists the above chests as ones being available to players.\r\n\r\n**Expected Behaviour**\r\nThe chest system as it worked in original vanilla worked in a cluster system, in any general area there would potantially be anything from 2-8~ potential locations for a chest to spawn, picking a single location in the cluster to spawn the chest per respawn. It should also be noted that there are many chest spawn locations not currently being used at all compared to Classic (Which from memory is accurate to 1.12, while private servers tend to have always used a more simplified system which can be more easily abused)\r\n\r\nAs seen in the below example for private servers, all of these chest locations in Wetlands are static, they always respawn on a set respawn timer which for this level is 60 minutes from memory.\r\n![Private](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88284400/185337295-8053826f-c966-4370-8f69-df625046bb9b.jpg)\r\n\r\nIn this image taken from Classic however, each color represents a \"Cluster\" of chests, (guessed based on personal testing and memory) all clusters of chests can potentially spawn at the same time, however there should only be 1 chest up per cluster and there should also be far more chest spawn locations when compared to the current private server locations.\r\n![Classic](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88284400/185337298-3531931f-beff-4f7d-ae17-c9f690a17fed.jpg)\r\n\r\nIt should be noted this effects every zone and every instance where chests can spawn, instance chests should also have randomly spawning chests based on this system (Stratholme for example should typically have 2-4 chests, with them potentially spawning as locked over roughly 12~ different locations, currently there seems to only be a single unlocked chest and a single locked chest spawning in the same locations for the whole instance)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:09:06+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:09:06+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, we were unable to reproduce this bug. Clear your WDB folder or download a fresh client from our website. ","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:08:58+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-18T08:14:43+0200","number":1964,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dust Devils in Westfall phase out after spawning","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nDust Devils miraculously despawn / phase out right after spawning\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Westfall\r\n2. Go to the Dust Devil spawn location\r\n3. Check what the frick is going on\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThey shouldn't do what I said obviously.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-13T12:08:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-13T12:08:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=3752","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:54:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T22:54:05+0200","number":1963,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Omen of Clarity proc rate","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOmen is procing too rarely.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Omen.\r\n2. Shift to cat, start attacking training dummy.\r\n3. Count procs. I got 9 procs in 10 minutes.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-18 03-48-44](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/185240323-33d5f0d4-be5d-4f45-8d30-05e4af0cf1b2.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDb down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAccording to comments [here](https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=16864/omen-of-clarity#comments), it should be 2 ppm just from auto attacks, not counting abilities.\r\nI saw #907, but I'm not sure why it says \"6 to 10% proc rate\". 2 PPM for cat auto attack with base speed of 1 is 3.33%, but obviously that's not what happening. For bear, base speed of 2.5 should give 8.33% proc.\r\n\r\nI didn't test abilities and spells, since I'm not sure what's the set ppm for them. Can you confirm that it should be 2 ppm for everything? Or some other number?","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:54:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:54:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"It seems like the \"10% of your stamina as health\" part always heals you just 10%, regardless of how much rage was consumed, whereas, if it consumed 10 rage, you should get 100% of you stamina as health in that tick.","createdAt":"2022-08-24T10:01:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Still bugged as of 30.08.2022","createdAt":"2022-08-30T17:06:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Yes, indeed, +10% of stamina seems to be always applied regardless of rage.\r\n\r\nWith 320 stamina i get 32 for 0-rage-tick, 232 for 10-rage-tick, 72 for 2-rage-tick, e.t.c.\r\n\r\nAlthough there are often strange numbers for ticks like 60 or 120 or 216 or 218 which do not conform to the previous pattern \"20*N + 32\" where N is integer (maybe because of rounding of rage or smth, or maybe not).\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-21T00:42:28+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T21:02:55+0200","number":1962,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Frenzied Regeneration still heals too little.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTooltip of \"Frenzied Regeneration(Rank 2)\" states \"Converts up to 10 rage per second into health for 10 sec. Each point of rage is converted into 15 plus 10% of your stamina as health.\"\r\n\r\nBefore 16.08.2022 update Frenzied Regeneration(Rank 2) was healing for 152 per 10-rage-tick with 256 stamina.\r\nAfter 16.08.2022 update Frenzied Regeneration(Rank 2) started to heal for 175 per 10-rage-tick with 256 stamina.\r\nIt is still wrong - Frenzied Regeneration(Rank 2) should be healing for 406 per 10-rage-tick with 256 stamina. 406=(15+25.6)*10\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Shift to bear\r\n2. Take some damage\r\n3. Pop frenzied regeneration.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDB down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should add 10% of stamina for each point of rage.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-30T00:15:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-30T00:15:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Implementation should be as easy as copy/pasting one of the existing quests and changing a few numbers.","createdAt":"2022-11-02T20:52:43+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T12:17:25+0200","number":1961,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Missing Quests] Warsong Gulch Pre-Reqs","body":"Currently, there are two ways for PvP players to turn in marks that they gain from Battlegrounds. They can find any Battleground General in capital cities and elsewhere to turn in their marks for Honor, a box of goodies, and some reputation for that Battleground's faction, or they can seek out the camp of the faction in the world for no Honor, but additional reputation. This is useful for those who simply wish to reach Exalted with a faction.\r\n\r\nIn order to do this, a pre-quest is required to turn in a single mark, which opens the 3 marks turn-in repeatable. Any level 10+ character can do this repeatable, but currently, for Warsong Gulch, the pre-quest for level 10s is missing, rendering 19 twinks unable to efficiently earn reputation when Honor is of 0 relevance to them (being capped at Rank 3). Listed below are the existing quests for both factions.\r\n\r\nPre-Req (Alliance):\r\n20 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7788\r\n30 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7871\r\n40 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7872\r\n50 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7873\r\n60 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8291\r\n\r\nRepeatable: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8292\r\nMissing: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=8290/vanquish-the-invaders\r\n\r\nPre-Req (Horde):\r\n20 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7789\r\n30 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7874\r\n40 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7875\r\n50 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7876\r\n60 - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8294\r\n\r\nRepeatable: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8293\r\nMissing: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=8295/quell-the-silverwing-usurpers\r\n\r\nAlso, unless the DB is just wrong, the level 30 versions of these quests appear to give a disproportionate amount of reputation, suggesting it's best to wait until level 30 to do them. Consider bringing these in lines with the other tiers of the quests.","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T00:10:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T00:10:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Still bugged as of 30.08.2022","createdAt":"2022-08-30T17:07:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"dan-personal"},"body":"Still bugged as of 5/10/22.\r\n\r\nThis surely is not a difficult bug to fix? ","createdAt":"2022-10-05T13:50:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SaxxonPike"},"body":"Some supplemental info, so we can help this along:\r\n\r\nSpell ID for Clearcasting (Druid): 16870\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16870\r\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=16870/clearcasting\r\n\r\nSpell ID for Savage Bite: 45736\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45736\r\n\r\nEven though the server may be discounting Savage Bite when it is used, it may be that the client doesn't know that Savage Bite is affected by Clearcasting- which would prevent an otherwise perfectly valid action from occurring.","createdAt":"2022-12-07T17:52:38+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"This is still bugged. ","createdAt":"2023-02-13T10:06:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"tested it now, works good for me\r\n\r\ndescribe how you can reproduce the bug on your end","createdAt":"2023-02-14T07:12:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"After more testing this does work, however if a Maul is queued then the clear casting will not enable use of Savage Bite until the Rage requirement is met. ","createdAt":"2023-02-14T08:32:26+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T05:50:42+0200","number":1960,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Druid) Savage Bite requires rage even with Clearcasting","body":"after the 18.8. update Savage Bite can now benefit from Clearcasting, however it still requires rage. Savage Bite cannot be used unless the druid has 30 or more rage.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. get Clearcasting through Omen of Clarity\r\n2. notice Savage Bite is grayed out and unusable unless the druid has 30 or more rage\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIf the druid has Clearcasting, Savage Bite should be usable no matter how much rage the druid has. That is how all other bear abilities work too.\r\nMaul, Swipe and Demoralizing Roar can be used and are not grayed out no matter how much rage the druid has, as long as he has Clearcasting.","updatedAt":"2023-02-14T08:32:26+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-14T06:27:06+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"body":"I think was fixed in last update. Or i was just very unlucky\r\n\r\nToday i saw a proc\r\n\r\nBut could test if it procs correcty? I feel it procs too little even with 3/3","createdAt":"2022-08-17T16:08:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Entrapment works fine for me.","createdAt":"2022-08-21T17:19:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"dole555"},"body":"it works with frost trap. It does NOT work with immolation trap and with explosive trap.","createdAt":"2022-09-16T20:15:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T04:29:26+0200","number":1959,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Entrapment bugged again","body":"The talent entrapment looks bugged again. Trapped a lot of mobs today and never proc the root a single time","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T13:49:46+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T13:49:46+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Visual bug requires a client update, but the talent is working as intended server-side at this moment.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:53:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T03:16:55+0200","number":1958,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood frenzy, next iteration","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n1. Buff tooltip is strange: \"13 ro 12%\"\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-17 07-49-53](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/185009811-e65166ac-793d-45d9-be41-61221dec788b.png)\r\n\r\n2. Spell tooltip is not updated when talent is taken, old duration is shown.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-17 07-50-58](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/185009981-1f89afbf-948a-40f4-8d60-af77a6168b8d.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Learn the talent.\r\n2. Pop tiger's fury, check tooltips.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45722\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould show correct tooltips.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:53:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:53:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The change cannot be reflected on the tooltip until a new MPQ patch for the client is released, but it still returns 2 / 4 % mana, so it's working. The tooltip will be updated on the next client update.","createdAt":"2022-08-17T12:49:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-17T01:45:33+0200","number":1957,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Vampiric Touch only give 2% mana return in game while the website/changelog stated that it should be 4%","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nVampiric Touch only give 2% mana return in game while the website/changelog stated that it should be 4%\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/185003627-bcfaa3ac-fdc2-400b-8a38-41c6e1d4e21f.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19348079/185003816-fb943fe5-74c3-48df-97bf-b0b7ef27115d.png)\r\nhttps://turtle-wow.org/#/priest\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nit should return 4% or more mana from shadow damage dealt to the target. shadow priest still facing hardship with mana problem, as well as not get brought to raid because damage and debuff slots\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-17T12:49:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-17T12:49:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vynora"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed by https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/8ec03b3af91a4fc822175282f70338a4887c1d23","createdAt":"2022-08-19T12:00:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T23:18:29+0200","number":1956,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Inner Focus not working with Pain Spike","body":"**After Casting Inner Focus the mana cost of Pain Spike stays the same, after casting pain spike, inner focus is not removed.**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Inner Focus\r\n2. Cast Pain Spike\r\n3. No interactions happen\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45555\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14751\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:\r\nAfter casting Inner Focus the mana cost of Pain spike should be 0, after casting Pain spike Inner focus should be removed**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-19T12:00:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-19T12:00:01+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"Giperion"}],"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Sweeping Strikes damaging nearby opponent. Overpower only activates if **target is dodged**, not everyone who you attack.","createdAt":"2024-02-22T00:52:03+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Whirlwind can trigger Overpower if target managed to dodge it.\r\nRetaliation on the other hand had a problem. I fixed that, so in next server update it will trigger Overpower, **but only if your target dodges it!** If someone else did it, doesn't count!","createdAt":"2024-02-22T01:33:46+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T23:09:12+0200","number":1955,"labels":"Warrior, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warrior: Overpower doesn't trigger correctly","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nOverpower only correctly triggers from targeted abilities. Retaliation, Whirlwind and Sweeping Strikes do not trigger Overpower when an attack is dodged.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Activate Retaliation or Sweeping Strikes, go into Berserker Stance\r\n2. Wait for the mob to dodge an attack made by the skill\r\n3. See that you cannot activate Overpower when switching to Battle Stance\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nOverpower should trigger with any dodged attack you make, be it direct or indirect via AoE\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-22T01:34:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-22T01:34:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T20:06:36+0200","number":1954,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"humans ras frostwhisper is still undead","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10508 is undead\r\nbut he should be humanoid after tuend human\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. use https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13752 on ras \r\n2. he turns into a HUMAN\r\n3. use exocism on the HUMAN\r\n4. paladin buff conviremd\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nras forstwhisper shoudl turn humanoid after useage of https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=13752","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T20:33:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T20:33:17+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"Giperion"}],"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"yea i have also confirmed this bug just now. wtf","createdAt":"2022-10-05T23:27:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"blade7606"},"body":"confirmed this bug is still around","createdAt":"2022-10-22T04:37:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce this on current version.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T16:09:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@slowtorta\r\nNot fixed I get this atleast every 10 judgmenrt when kiting on naxx trash. I am convinced it is a range problem because the zg 3 set bonus works which should only hit when the judgmenent Hits and never without it. \r\nReopen ","createdAt":"2023-08-01T17:54:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Reopening, this bug is still around to this day:\r\n\r\nhttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810850211571171328/1181377125354323968/sor.mp4?ex=6580d62f&is=656e612f&hm=48b4349f53225223080c0aff7a3251e239ce535d88f17ca7443fe000d94f5247&\r\n\r\nMore info in the dupe https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2905","createdAt":"2023-12-05T00:32:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"![изображение](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/assets/10399905/156e3081-78bc-412d-9a2b-9efcc182fbfb)\r\n","createdAt":"2024-02-21T23:51:45+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"There was a problem in the core, that doesn't report spells to be resisted in combat log. That was happening with JoR.","createdAt":"2024-02-21T23:52:29+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"According to spell and core information, Judgement of Righteousness is a spell that deal damage, but still can be resisted. Either by magic school or by chance. This chance is increased, if a level difference is presented. In case of 60 player fighting 63 elite mob, there is a 15% chance of \"Judgement of Righteousness\" to miss.\r\nWhen it happening, core should also inform about that client, but it didn't do that. I fix that part, but the spell will still be resisted, as it should.","createdAt":"2024-02-22T00:04:50+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T16:51:31+0200","number":1953,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Paladin] Judgement of Righteousness sometimes evades or does nothing","body":"Sometimes, Judgement of Righteousness will not do anything when used. It doesn't even say the spell is resisted.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20187 and all other ranks\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184909931-dc08ca27-5042-41ee-8856-222744f33787.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184909886-1aa34da6-9ab0-48d2-86f1-b24c3b1da7bc.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184909900-bb1ae7d0-1233-4bb0-92cd-2536a2981145.png)\r\n\r\nHow it should work:\r\n\r\nIf judgement of righteousness resists, it should say that it was resisted. If judgement of righteousness lands, it should show the damage resisted, if any, alongside the damage done. It should not do nothing.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-22T00:05:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-22T00:05:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"bmondeel"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"bmondeel"},"body":"BGs popping for me again as of late 8/16\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-17T14:07:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm glad it's resolved itself.","createdAt":"2022-09-23T16:58:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T15:52:46+0200","number":1952,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"BG queues never popping for me","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSince yesterday, 2022/08/15, I haven't been able to get into any Battleground.\r\nMonitored closely enough to see people from my faction get into multiple instances of a BG I was queued for, and saw that there was always room for more from my faction (less than total possible numbers for the BG, more Alliance than Horde. I'm Horde).\r\n\r\nBefore work this morning I tried for 2 hours, focussed on AV, and the conditions above applied.\r\n\r\nBehavior is the same queueing from the mini-map icon or from the BG NPCs.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Sign on as me (account NoblemanDire, usually character Ruex)\r\n2. Queue all BGs\r\n3. Sit. Quest. Sit. Chat. Sit. Do /who \"Alterac Valley\", sort by race, count, curse. Sit.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI queue BGs, then get an invite to join when there is room and my turn comes up. Never a problem before yesterday.","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T16:58:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T16:58:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tristfrukt"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T14:31:48+0200","number":1951,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mobs pulling through floor Fenris Isle","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI went into the castle on Fenris Isle, and worked my way into the first hallway. When i pulled 1 solo mob in the big lower room, the entire building pulled. That should not happen.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. I killed the first two mobs in the first corridor. \r\n2. I stepped into the large room at the bottom of the castle where 1 mob was. i pulled it and started fighting it.\r\n3. All mobs from the above floor was coming down and almost instantly killed me.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1947\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=442\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should just pull one mob at the time, unless another mob is close ofcourse. \r\n\r\nNot sure you can help me, but i was hardcore as well. Character Tristorange, lvl 21 mage. I know you dont reset chars that die, but i could not in any way hinder this death while doing the quest Assault on Fenris Isle. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T16:32:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T16:32:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"~~No option to release when dead~~ sometimes?\r\n\r\nIf you do release, you have to manually walk back to a GY while dead to release if your insignia is taken","createdAt":"2023-01-02T21:37:01+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/210277674-22ea2df5-3918-4e4c-828d-05f1d6b6d0f9.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/210277634-05838a52-b3ed-4a7b-8a4a-819145deb3bb.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6937574/210277628-dde2ca2f-775c-4209-95a9-62daf43e1f09.png)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2023-01-02T21:58:52+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"Warlord Blackskull should not be kiteable all the way back to the Alliance GY and Human Leader lmfao","createdAt":"2023-01-02T22:24:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"No rep at all for losing.\r\n\r\nHonor values or speed of game should be adjusted","createdAt":"2023-01-02T22:27:21+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2900\r\nDying in Sunnyglade Valley doesn't return you to GY #2900","createdAt":"2023-03-05T19:30:02+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"@ratkosrb ","createdAt":"2023-03-05T19:30:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"@slowtorta :(","createdAt":"2023-03-06T00:53:16+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@slowtorta probably fixed mostly and issue deprecated with the recent sunny glade changes","createdAt":"2023-08-02T10:24:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T12:21:36+0200","number":1950,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sunnyglade issues","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAssorted Sunnyglade issues.\r\n[Also see](https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3717).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nIt's hard to provide exact details for some, because SGV almost never pops.\r\n\r\n1. The elf in the fort sometimes stops accepting sparks. There's just no dialog option to turn them in. (Even before total count is 100, not sure if that's relevant).\r\n2. NPCs in towers do not attack, just aggro and stick around (at least alliance ones).\r\n3. Someone [got ported](https://discord.com/channels/466622455805378571/846263724481839154/1008507322215182376) above Northshire after BG, fell and died.","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T04:33:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T04:33:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Baroli1"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T05:05:35+0200","number":1949,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hand of Edward the Odd Proc","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe proc from the epic 1H mace \"Hand of Edward the Odd\", which turns your next spell cast in the next 4 seconds into and instant cast, requires you to stand still. This should not be the case.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Hit a training dummy.\r\n2. Receive the proc.\r\n3. Try jumping during casting.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=2243\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAs it turns your next spell into an INSTANT cast, it should be able to be cast on the move. As seen in this video from classic, where at 0:07 he casts a Chain Lightning while jumping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlZurzYG3Lk&ab_channel=KevinSereni\r\n\r\nHere he casts Hearthstone on the move at 0:30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyE0cLtobrU&ab_channel=xx","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T13:10:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T13:10:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Slimthegrim"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T01:12:55+0200","number":1948,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hardcore deaths caused by PVP are not attributed properly \"died of natural causes\"","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIn PVP, when I kill a hardcore player, who is flagged and above level 10, the death message posts incorrect. It claims \"died of natural causes\" instead of \"killed by Slimthegrim\". I have noticed Desha and others get their kills attributed, but never mine! \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Be Slimthegrim\r\n2. Find Hardcore flagged pvp player\r\n3. /cast Ambush\r\n4. Player dies\r\n5. Hardcore death announces incorrect info \"natural causes\"\r\n6. Shocked pikachu face here\r\n\r\n**Details of last bug occurrence:**\r\nApproximate 10:55AM MT today, I killed Festie. They died on the road in from Stormwind to Goldshire \"between iliketurtle and daius grave stones that are in-game now\". The death message attributed mentions 'died of natural causes' and the hardcore death grave stone never spawned. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nPlayer named: Festie or other hardcore flagged above level 10 characters\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHow it should work:\r\n![image](https://i.imgur.com/ifsry4j.png)\r\nHow it's broken for me:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110629519/184735580-38845972-11f7-4f66-8d70-d6cc593b658e.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T03:29:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:29:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burlakovk"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's fixed, please wait for the server update :)","createdAt":"2022-08-16T09:28:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T01:00:04+0200","number":1947,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grifters Leggings not appearing after crafting","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAfter crafting Grifters Leggings (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83252) I receive Steel Plate Legguards (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83412).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Craft Grifters Leggings.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83252\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83412\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter crafting Grifters Leggings, they should appear in my inventory\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T09:28:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T09:28:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vleled"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sadly it's too complicated to for us to fix without proper tools.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T09:28:53+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-16T00:56:40+0200","number":1946,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lapidis Isle not focused","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nLapidis Isle not clickable in the world map, focuses Stranglethorn Vale.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open world map\r\n2. Go to eastern kingdoms\r\n3. Hover over/Click where Lapidis Isle should be\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould have the right focus upon hovering and be clickable from the world map\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59024704/184734506-5763955e-cc71-4197-9906-c4ba6dc63c49.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T21:29:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T21:29:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T20:42:54+0200","number":1945,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Paladin] Lay on hands threat value is incorrect","body":"The threat value from lay on hands with improved righteous fury does not correspond to the same threat as in WoW classic.\r\nLay on hands is only doing approximately 50% of it's heal value in threat when it should be 95%, when under the effects of improved righteous fury.\r\n\r\nSpell: \r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=633\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2800\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10310\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184696018-afdb163c-a752-4886-a99a-d53b2eb7734f.png)\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184695957-3f5e99f7-492b-4c41-8f45-70987e9fa136.png)\r\n\r\nHow it should work:\r\n\r\nhttps://youtu.be/XuWpZWpAZ6s\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184696293-6b5043cf-734c-407f-a908-c44db26515b2.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/184696360-0e8f25f9-6d31-47a6-85e2-15cd46cf239f.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T14:34:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T14:34:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Daemonicas"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T19:04:45+0200","number":1944,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Unable to heal enslaved demon pet","body":"Unable to heal infernal\r\n\r\n1. When trying to heal the infernal with health funnel it says you do not have an active pet. Bandaging shows a greyed out hand. \r\n\r\n2. It was my understanding that Turtle WoW was going to give us the ability to heal enslaved demons.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-05T20:51:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-05T20:51:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Smelly-Foot"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Will be fixed in Patch 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-09-23T22:27:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T19:02:48+0200","number":1943,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lock frame target","body":" it does not migrate across the frame of the selected target\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68133442/184681128-fafdd3fd-9d4a-4b63-9ef0-fe99ef073f49.mp4\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T22:27:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T22:27:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Smelly-Foot"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Suggesting to disable all addons and updating this issue. This is more suited for per-player based help such as the forums or Discord.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T03:33:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T18:49:32+0200","number":1942,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Game crashes","body":"Can't open mail. The game immediately freezes and crashes after a while!!! Still can't open mai\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68133442/184678966-87cd3bfd-d657-4cd4-9233-873c0ddca3ff.mp4\r\n\r\nl","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T03:33:55+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:33:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Smelly-Foot"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"body":"imp drain soul needs to be killed by player, not pet, not anyone else for it to trigger","createdAt":"2022-08-23T06:30:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1890","createdAt":"2022-09-02T11:59:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T17:53:15+0200","number":1941,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlocks talents","body":"The warlock talent \"Master Conjuror\" does not work. \"Healthstone\" does not increase at any level.\r\n\r\nAlso the \"Improved Drain Soul\" talent doesn't work properly. Trigger chance at level 2 is NOT 100%.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68133442/184669612-1e424449-0209-4285-99f9-cb574b2d2d22.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68133442/184669654-cb1778f3-858d-4f45-9ce9-65606d42899c.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68133442/184669708-25ed32b0-c286-48e3-bf21-163690cf0994.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:59:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:59:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"pypaut"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-09-03T09:26:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T16:57:58+0200","number":1940,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Typo in settings","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThere is a little typo in the Key Bindings settings of the client : \"Togle Turtle Finder\" (should be Toggle, right?)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open game menu (usually with ESC)\r\n2. Select Key Bindings\r\n3. Scroll all the way down to find the \"Looking for Turtles\" section\r\n\r\nThanks for the amazing WoW client","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:51+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-09-03T09:26:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kerebrien"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Daribon"},"body":"This is correct behavior.\r\n\r\nHinterlands had only had one graveyard until 1.5.0 and that's why the Aerie Peaks graveyard is neutral.\r\n> The two Hinterlands graveyards are now using a system that will ensure that the spirits of dead characters go to the closest graveyard.\r\nhttps://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.5.0","createdAt":"2022-08-29T02:19:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T16:43:56+0200","number":1939,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Horde has another GY in Hinterlands","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOriginally, Horde are supposed to only have one graveyard in the Hinterlands - the one near their town at the east coast.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n\r\n1. Die as Horde near Aerie Peak.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n-\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nHorde are supposed to only have the graveyard at the east coast.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:08:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:08:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Darcisselock"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This will be improved in the next update. Guard aggro distance will be lower against players that are not flagged for PvP.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T14:59:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T14:52:40+0200","number":1938,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Quest] Helcular's Revenge problem since update","body":"Hi, this is not so much a bug report as a feedback, as it is a custom change done on purpose. Still, it interferes with the gameplay and is not blizz-like, so I hope the staff considers modifying it.\r\nTown guards received an increase in power in order to help protect from gankers with the new patch, which is very welcome, however, in remote towns, the primary victims seem to be low levels that suffer a higher aggro range from the now lvl 60 guards (and also get 1-2shot by them).\r\n\r\nOn this specific quest, in order to hand in, Horde players must wander into the Southshore graveyard. There are some guards near the quest objective, which made it a risky endeavor already with the regular guard levels, but now the player requires even higher level (possibly 43-44, for a lvl 33 quest) to hand it in with care, and an accidental aggro means guaranteed death with the increased guard power.\r\nThere are probably other quests which are interfered with in a similar manner, however this is the most spectacular as hardcore players regularly die there.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Approach Southshore graveyard as a lvl appropriate (35-36) character\r\n2. Try not to aggro the guards\r\n3. Run away before they kill you\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2386\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=553\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThese guards should remain level 55 with their original damage values. Nobody is ganking in Southshore anyway.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T09:29:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T09:29:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"terraform123"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It's BoP not BoE. It can't be traded.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T14:33:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"vkekd"},"body":"https://classic.wowhead.com/item=10781/hakkari-breastplate\r\nOne minute search can answer your question. The item never had level requirement.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T15:32:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"terraform123"},"body":"@ratkosrb It'd indeed BoE, sorry my honest mistake.\r\n\r\n@vkekd It's strange that it's supposed to have level requirement, because this character is level 10 and has it equipped:\r\nhttps://armory.turtle-wow.org/#!/character/Gatemaster\r\n\r\nUpdate:\r\nNever mind, I still have difficulty with reading. Anyways, I think it's a bit overpowered to have low level characters wearing this.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93649249/184657343-afeebb8f-c384-47e2-b86c-a47edf20f640.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-15T15:44:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"We'll take it into consideration.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T03:35:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Twili1"},"body":"There is no bug with the level requirement. The item never had a level requirement in vanilla as it’s gated behind a quest with a level requirement. Probably the source is the issue, database says it drops from ST mobs, which shouldn’t be the case\r\n\r\nOverall this is pretty low hanging fruit though. A twink even without this item will still kill just about any other player within a certain level range of them. Saying this from a point of neutrality, but i'd rather not set the precedent of players using the staff as their personal attack dog just because someone over-geared killed them in low level world pvp","createdAt":"2022-08-16T06:23:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"> Overall this is pretty low hanging fruit though. A twink even without this item will still kill just about any other player within a certain level range of them. Saying this from a point of neutrality, but i'd rather not set the precedent of players using the staff as their personal attack dog just because someone over-geared killed them in low level world pvp\r\n\r\nIt's a bug. it should be fixed to be blizzlike where it isn't obtainable by anyone sub 40. this has nothing to do with any spite","createdAt":"2022-09-16T19:43:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T14:12:02+0200","number":1937,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hakkari Breastplate has no level requirement","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n[Hakkari Breastplate](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10781) drops from lvl 49-50 elite mobs but is BoE and has no level requirement.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Obtain Hakkari Breastplate\r\n2. Can be equipped by level 1 characters.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10781\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nItem should have level requirement (~lvl 45?)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-16T19:43:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:35:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"thp1990"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is the general website bug, we're looking into it :)","createdAt":"2022-08-16T09:30:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed now.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T22:13:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T13:49:56+0200","number":1936,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Different item stats (cleared WDB)","body":"This in-game cloak vs the one on the website [Kirin Tor Shawl of Authority\r\n](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60647) are very different.\r\n![Kirin Tor Shawl](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109424879/184630056-6c4b85a0-4a37-4dfe-8df7-c7b29c1ce745.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T22:13:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T22:13:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"prev1234"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issues you are having. They don't teleport around, and they evade properly. However I'll add a forced 30 yard leash, so they will evade if they go beyond that distance no matter what.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:27:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T11:08:00+0200","number":1935,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Whirlwind Shredders & Burning Blade Adepts ( Desolace ) don't leash and teleport-chase indefinitely; glitching around.","body":"Whirlwind Shredders & Burning Blade Casters ( Desolace ) fail to leash correctly and teleport behind the player until they die.\r\n— I'm surprised that it hasn't been posted here. It's been killing a lot of HC players and managed to get me too when I knew.\r\n— It's, I think, very significant / disruptive and basically compromises an entire or most of a zone. That being \"Desolace.\"\r\n\r\n***Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible***:\r\n\r\n1. Enter Desolace with rumors circulating about bugged wind / air elementals.\r\n2. Approach the zone's center from any direction, below the northern-middle ridge.\r\n3. Notice the Whirlwind Shredder(s), air elementals that can / might be seen glitching around the area.\r\n4. Attempt to pass through the area, even giving them a ridiculous distance compared to other mobs.\r\n5. Notice that their effecting aggro radius is exponentially larger because of their tendency to glitch / teleport around.\r\n6. Instead of approaching the player, they teleport to the player instantly. There are (3) or more of them.\r\n7. Strangely, Burning Blade Adepts also aggro and teleport to the player from seemingly nowhere / VERY far away.\r\n8. Now that the player, sometimes hardcore, is fighting (3) or more elementals and possibly orc casters, they'll likely run.\r\n9. While the Whirlwind Shredders ARE faster than a player with 108% speed, they will also not effectively leash / disengage.\r\n10. When the player has run a set distance, they turn away but re-aggro and teleport back to the player.\r\n11. Unless the player manages to kill everything involved, which is exceedingly difficult, they'll successfully attack the player indefinitely.\r\n12. Almost always results in a death sentence for the player unless they're somehow all killed or maybe vanish / feign.\r\n13. It's worth noting that it functioned as a sort of \"trap,\" that the mobs spring on an unsuspecting player; it's like a sequence.\r\n\r\n**NOTE** — the character WAS level 37 at the time, paladin\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n***Whirlwind Shredder***: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11578\r\n***Burning Blade Adept***: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4665\r\n\r\n\"*Yes, Officer, it was these guys right here.*\"\r\n\r\n**NOTE** — elementals were visibly glitching around in the area north of kodo graveyard\r\n**NOTE** — orc adepts were teleporting from an unknown location ( someone said under the map / terrain )\r\n**NOTE** — it's supposedly happening in areas of central desolace, and makes the quests in central desolace extremely dangerous\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIf you go anywhere near ( ridiculous range ) these things or really even just central desolace, they'll proceed to teleport to the player upon aggro and every time the leash resets. Each time they \"leash,\" they turn and teleport back to combat with the player until the player kills the teleporting stampede or until they die. Almost everyone dies because if you continue running away, they'll follow you indefinitely. And, they teleport to you and deliver attacks regardless of what you do or however fast you are. Was able to have one successfully leash / disengage after damaging it significantly. However, they just overwhelm you because there are too many.\r\n\r\nAs someone who just died excruciatingly to this, I hope that my firsthand account of it will provide sufficient information / detail.\r\nRespect to the Turtle WoW team for this awesome server and project. Ran into this and was suggested to post about it here.","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T12:27:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T12:27:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"thp1990"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I have sold countless of black diamonds for 1s. Are you sure it's not just a, dB error? ","createdAt":"2022-08-15T10:39:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please clear your WDB folder and it'll display correctly :)","createdAt":"2022-08-15T10:40:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"thp1990"},"body":"![Black Diamond](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109424879/184618947-f5d0d427-fb35-4e7d-926f-34f6c6981e56.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:21:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"thp1990"},"body":"> Please clear your WDB folder and it'll display correctly :)\r\n\r\nYes I have already clear WDB.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:22:14+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-15T09:03:21+0200","number":1934,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Black Diamond sell price","body":"According to [Patch 1.16.1 — Class changes and more!](https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3334)\r\n\r\nAdded 1 Silver sell price to Black Diamond.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=11754\r\n\r\nBut at the moment, Black Diamond still has \"no sell price\".","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T12:22:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T10:40:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T20:54:11+0200","number":1933,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"custom cloak cant be encahnted","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60648\r\nthis new cloak can not be enchantned. i tried putton on it +3 agi. on any other cloak it worked but not on this.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nshould be possible to be encahnted\r\n\r\nthe other cloaks from https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40444 are likely also affected","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T10:46:42+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T10:46:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. I can get 4 extra attacks at once.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081522_115833](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35845488/184607417-847d5966-2f88-4bd6-842f-077805e03583.jpg)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-15T11:03:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"body":"will try to reproduce with screenshot. could it be WDB related?","createdAt":"2022-08-16T11:17:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Don't see how WDB can be related. Maybe try resetting your talents and picking up Reckoning again. Also make sure you are not deselecting your target while auto attack is on or cancelling your auto attack, cause that can clear reckoning charges.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T13:25:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"zulnam"},"body":"Can't reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-09-03T02:51:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T20:23:41+0200","number":1932,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin Reckoning talent not proccing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe Reckoning talent for paladin does not proc when crit 4 times.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nPrerequisites:\r\nReckoning talent (protection) - 5/5.\r\n\r\n1.Find a mob close to your level or higher.\r\n2.Let it crit you 4 times.\r\n3.Attack the mob.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nN/A (Reckoning not present in DB)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWhen crit 4 times in a row, reckoning should unload 4 attacks that can proc seals (in accordance to vanilla/classic).\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-03T02:51:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-03T02:51:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"kgoyan"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T17:41:13+0200","number":1931,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPC's stuck on: The Great Masquerade ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Higher level player initiated the quest \"The Great Masquerade\"\r\n2. Either the player failed the quest, or the quest finished (was not present to witness the outcome)\r\n3. This caused Bolvar to be stuck in combat with no enemies spawning, and leaving Anduin in another room where he can no longer be interacted with. Both NPCs are stuck.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1748\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1747\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6403\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOnce the fight is completed, the NPCs should return to an interactable state. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T17:42:14+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T17:42:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"@tocopherylacetate Why you think that this ability should break stealth?\r\nThis is not the same as \"piercing howl\". They different in many aspects. \"Suffering\" only generated threat, and not causing any other effects, while \"Piercing Howl\" affecting speed, which is technically a debuff. Suffering can't even affect players, technically.","createdAt":"2024-02-20T23:04:40+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"If you have proof that it certainly should break enemy stealth - please provide it to us. But for now - we closing this issue.","createdAt":"2024-02-20T23:05:43+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T13:42:44+0200","number":1930,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Voidwalker AoE taunt: Suffering not breaking enemy rogues out of stealth 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nVoidwalker AoE taunt: Suffering not breaking enemy rogues out of stealth, should work like piercing howl that warriors have\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Duel a rogue, any rogue and have him stealth\r\n2. Have voidlwalker cast suffering\r\n3. Notice it doesnt break rogues out of stealth\r\n4. Die to the rogue because LAP was on cd\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17752\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17751\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17750\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17735\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe 2 minute spell suffering should break rogues out of stealth","updatedAt":"2024-02-20T23:07:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-20T23:07:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T12:24:13+0200","number":1929,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:45:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tyrannos37"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"To restore your companion, please submit a ticket in-game.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T09:37:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T08:53:11+0200","number":1928,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock's Master conjurer talent doesn't work; Wyvern companion apsent","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nSo I have two issues:\r\n\r\n1) I have a 21 lvl HC warlock with a Master conjurer talent up 2(HealthStones created have 20% more points). When I played before it was working and I was creating little HSs with 120 hp, 4 days ago when I entered the game I tried to do this but the HS I created has 100 hp only like a bassic one without a talent and till now the talent doesn't work and I can not create Stones with additional 20% hit points. \r\nHC warlocks I asked about this issue said that they don't have this issue.\r\n\r\n2) Not so long ago in mulgore were added some new quests that allow to get a reward - a wyvern companion. I got it with my hc Shaman, activating the egg and the wyvern companion was added to my library(spell book page). So I can call it whenever I want...\r\nWhen I made these quests with my hc warlock 4 days ago I got the egg, but When I activate it instead to add a companion to my library it was called and appear close to me so when I pick the other companion the wyvern one dissapear. And I have never seen it again.\r\n\r\n\\\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest= new mulgore quest to aquiare a wyvern companion\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= create a little healthstone\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object= \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n1) The stones I create as my hc Warlock have 20% more hitpoints\r\n2) I get a wyvern companion in my library","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T09:37:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T09:36:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T06:27:03+0200","number":1927,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wastewander Shadow Mage have stealth","body":"Wastewander Shadow Mage have stealth\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5617#abilities\r\n\r\n![Full Screen #341](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/184522462-a19f474d-cbe5-4338-9278-b8b96ac23afb.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T10:02:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T10:02:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T05:49:06+0200","number":1926,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"New Netherguard Mine NPCs lacking loot tables","body":"Seemingly all the new NPCs in the revamped Nethergarde mine are currently lacking loot tables or their loot is innappropriate for the type of mobs they are, after clearing the mine a couple of times for the new quest all the below mobs were only dropping silver:\r\n\r\n[Boulderclaw Tunneler](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60838) (NPC ID: 60838)\r\n[Boulderclaw Geomancer](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60839) (NPC ID: 60839)\r\n[Boulderclaw Ambusher](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60840) (NPC ID: 60840)\r\n[Enraged Cave Rumbler](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60841) (NPC ID: 60841)\r\n[Boulderclaw Basher](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60842) (NPC ID: 60842)\r\n[Kroshmak the Smasher](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60843) (NPC ID: 60843)\r\n[Gorlush the Trampler ](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60844)(NPC ID: 60844)\r\n\r\nI imagine these mobs should be dropping loot as expected for humanoid mobs around level 47-54 depending on the mob, though the elemental mobs should not be dropping silver at all and should be dropping typical elemental loot appropriate for level 50-51 earth elementals.\r\n\r\n![Nethergarde mine bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88284400/184521640-e3d62e1b-2999-4ece-97b3-5fa05f1b8bca.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T10:25:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T10:25:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"Updating here, we ran BWL tonight and had Flamegor only drop one itme, please investigate further.","createdAt":"2022-09-11T04:48:32+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"When an issue is closed it does not mean the update is applied to the live server. It means it's been fixed internally, and will be live some time in the future.","createdAt":"2022-09-11T06:27:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-14T02:12:17+0200","number":1925,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Firemaw, Ebonroc and Flamegor dropping only 1 item","body":"They don't ALWAYS drop only 1 item, but more often than not they're only dropping one.\r\n\r\nIIRC they should always be dropping 2 items.\r\n\r\nSome random old videos show 2 items.\r\nhttps://youtu.be/usLhstoYxgU?t=119\r\nhttps://youtu.be/BBapW_mBLeE?t=83\r\n\r\nFiremaw: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11983\r\nEbonroc: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14601\r\nFlamegor: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11981","updatedAt":"2022-09-11T06:27:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T00:24:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Given new information in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1912#issuecomment-1214244841 it seems that Swiftmend costs 16% base mana vs 35% Bear Form base mana like on TBC and is not bugged so i'm closing this issue.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T01:22:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T23:44:48+0200","number":1924,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Swiftmend mana cost is 25% base mana instead of 20%","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDruid's Swiftmend costs 25% base mana instead of 20%.\r\n\r\nOn my level 23 druid Swiftmend costs 67 mana, Cat Form and Bear Form cost 147 mana.\r\nGiven that Cat Form and Bear Form cost 55% base mana (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=768) - my base mana is 147/0.55~=267, so 67/267~=0.25 which means that Swiftmend costs 25% base mana.\r\n\r\nOn my level 45 druid it is also 25% base mana.\r\nI don't have level 60 druid to check, but i'm pretty sure it's also wrong on level 60 and costs around 250 mana instead of 200 (lvl 60 druid should have around 1000 base mana, so it should be around 550 mana for Bear/Cat Form and around 200 mana for Swiftmend).\r\n\r\nOther vanilla-wow databases also show 55% base mana for Bear/Cat Form and 20% base mana for Swiftmend.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log on to a druid and check Swiftmend mana cost and check the ratio \"[Swiftmend mana cost]/([Bear Form mana cost]/0.55)\", it should be ~0.2 but now it actually is ~0.25.\r\n2. Log on to a lvl 60 druid and check Swiftmend mana cost, it should be around 200 mana, but it probably is around 250 mana.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=29142\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSwiftmend should cost 20% base mana (which is around 200 mana on level 60 druid and 53 mana on level 23 druid).\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T01:22:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T01:22:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T23:27:12+0200","number":1923,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Berserk lasts 15 seconds instead of 20 seconds","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDruid's new talent \"Berserk\" lasts 15 seconds instead of 20 seconds.\r\nTooltip states the duration is 20 seconds. (and class changes https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=3334 here also state 20 seconds)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Go Bear Form or Cat Form and use Berserk, you will gain the buff for only 15 seconds.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDruid's Berserk spell is not found on https://database.turtle-wow.org.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBerserk buff should last 20 seconds.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T10:40:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T10:40:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T22:51:37+0200","number":1922,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Druid) Savage Bite cannot benefit from Clearcasting","body":"**how it works:**\r\nCurrently, as of 1.16.3, Savage Bite cannot benefit from Clearcasting procced by Omen of Clarity. It simply doesn't react to it.\r\n\r\n**how it should work:**\r\nSavage Bite should benefit from Clearcasting, when Clearcasting is active, Savage Bite should be free and consume the Clearcasting buff when used.\r\nOmen of Clarity states: \"The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%\". Savage Bite is an offensive ability that costs rage.\r\n\r\nSavage Bite: [not in the web database](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)\r\nOmen of Clarity: [link](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864)\r\n\r\nas a side note - Savage Bite can proc Clearcasting, I have tested it.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:36:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:36:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Soofaking"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T22:17:24+0200","number":1921,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gillijim isle quest bug","body":"Deepshell Snappers drop nothing. Nothing at all. \r\n\r\nQuest: To Make A Fortune\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60259\r\n\r\nQuest picked up. Must have killed like 50 of them. They drop nothing, no silver, no trash items and no quest item. ","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Prestelame"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jimmychonga69"},"body":"I have the same problem on three horde characters when I'm in orgrimmar or crossroads. Is there a reputation requirement?","createdAt":"2022-08-13T23:19:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This was fixed a while ago.","createdAt":"2022-11-05T16:18:42+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:57:03+0200","number":1920,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ony/nefa buff is not working on my char","body":"Greetings, MJ response to my ticket told me to post here. \r\n\r\nStormwind got 3 times a buff when I was here : https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=22888/rallying-cry-of-the-dragonslayer\r\n\r\nUnfortunately, everyone got this buff when it pops excepted for me. First time I was thinking I had a chronoboon or something, but no. I have a chronoboon on my bag but there's not ony buff. I don't really know what to do, if I did a mistake or something so I post my screen here hoping that you can resolve the problem. \r\n\r\nhttps://www.hosting-images.net/image/proof.nTzN\r\n\r\nThanks !\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T16:18:43+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T16:18:42+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"using wrong action to complete quest","createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:57:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Greetings!\r\n\r\nPlease /sit then open the dialogue window.\r\n\r\nYou need to perform the action indicated in the quest text.","createdAt":"2022-08-13T20:49:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:54:10+0200","number":1919,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest - Redemption in EPL","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nQuest 'Redemption' in Eastern Plaguelands\r\nQuest is not able to be completed. Player finishes the 3 sets of quests killing bats, dogs and grubs and the subsequent quest is one where you listen to an NPC talk and he has no text, so the quest is not able to be completed.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Obtain quest - Redemption\r\n2. NPC has no text to display to \"listen to\"\r\n3. Talk to NPC and cannot complete quest or any other action\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1855\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5742\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nQuest text should appear, or at least the timer for the script to allow player to finish quest.","updatedAt":"2022-08-13T20:49:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-13T20:49:12+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"KalikPL"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:30:31+0200","number":1918,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shell Shield can't be learned by Hunter","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nHunter is learning pet skill by using this on his pet and he can learn this skill to another pet.\r\n\r\nI have a turtle pet \"Snapjaw\" (30lvl from Southshore) with skill Shell Shield (lvl 1) and i wanna learn this skill to my another turtle pet \"Coralshell Lurker\" (55lvl from Azshara) by using my skill \"Beast Training\", but to do that I need to learn my pet skill (Shell Shield) on my Hunter first by using it by my pet. But after using my turtle pet (Shell Shield) skill many times still can't learn this (was trying to do this for 2 hours).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Log on to a Hunter with a turtle pet (Snapjaw) and use his ability (Shell Shield) many times.\r\n2. You should be able to learn your pet ability as a Hunter to learn this ability to other pet, but it's probably bugged and you can't learn that on Hunter.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2408\r\n https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6352\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=26064/shell-shield\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAfter using \"Shell Shield\" ability on \"Snapjaw\" while my pet is well feed \"Happy\" (green) I should learn this ability on my Hunter so i will be able to learn my \"Coralshell Lurker\" \"Shell Shield\" ability by using my Hunter's \"Beast Training\" skill\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T18:03:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T18:03:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"topik43"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, you have to discover this one on your own :) The object is spawned and accessible. ","createdAt":"2022-08-14T11:00:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:07:39+0200","number":1917,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":" Квест ","body":"Скажите пожалуйста в какой части в Монастырь Алого Ордена можно найти Сфера Каландуса по квесту The orb of kalandus\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:00:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:00:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Oppeoo"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T16:07:25+0200","number":1916,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Enslaved demons are hostile towards opposite faction party members","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nDemons enslaved by warlocks attack your teammates from opposite faction. In my expirience this is the case for Stormwind Vault imps, summoned Infernals, and EOM imps.\r\nEnslaved demons are put on \"defensive\" stance by default after enslavement. In this stance they attack your crossfaction teammates.\r\nIt also works the other way - horde-summoned fire totem threw fireballs at my alliance-enslaved imp.\r\n\r\n** Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nReproduce by creating a party with other faction player.\r\nSummon an Infernal using the spell \"Inferno\".\r\nInfernal's aura will damage your teammate, and while in defensive stance Infernal will auto-attack your teammmate.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nEnslave: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11728\r\nInferno: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1122\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe enslaved minions should not treat your party members as hostile and vice-versa. They should be friendly towards each other.","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T03:37:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:37:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Taiyosama8"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Do you have any addons installed?","createdAt":"2022-08-14T13:27:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Taiyosama8"},"body":"pfUI addon installed, cartographer and atlas loot","createdAt":"2022-08-17T23:52:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This isn't a server-side bug, I'm sorry. Try to disable your addons and see if it persits.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T11:43:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T12:31:19+0200","number":1915,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Automatic use of healing potions","body":"During combat, my character always uses a healing potion automatically. I don't press the button. It started after I learned the \"Flourish\" ability. Do something, otherwise I will lose the opportunity to use the potion when it is really necessary.\r\n\r\nMy charecter is hardcore, names Kaithyr.","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T11:43:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T11:43:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"hmrdrn"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"hmrdrn"},"body":"its just glance hit","createdAt":"2022-08-13T08:18:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T06:19:23+0200","number":1914,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Double auto attack","body":"","updatedAt":"2022-08-13T08:18:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-13T07:32:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Jdavidlol"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, but this is the original Vanilla client bug, which is impossible to fix without a client source code (the one from Blizzard Entertainment). ","createdAt":"2022-08-15T10:54:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-13T01:42:45+0200","number":1913,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Running Animation Sometimes Continues When Entering or Exiting a Druid Form","body":"**What the bug is: As a druid (and possibly Shaman) your running animation gets locked in place from time to time.**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Play as Druid (or Shaman)\r\n2. Use travel form repeatedly (or Ghost wolf)\r\n3. Occasionally (every few minutes) your characters running animation will continue after leaving or entering a form.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work: When I stop pressing W or S and shift in and out of form the animation should stop. I have a feeling this animation issue could be something network related but I KNOW I am not the only person who has experienced it. It does resemble when you see another player DC, except it is happening to you.. and it seems despite my ping. I am not sure if it is possible to fix but I wanted to suggest it because it is pretty jarring when it happens a lot... and for me, it does as I am Feral. **\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T10:54:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T10:54:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"Turtle WoW discord - druid channel:\r\n\r\nMoon — 26/07/2022\r\n\"mana cost for transformations were baseline made their burning crusade values\"\r\n[link to message](https://discord.com/channels/466622455805378571/810850778838990859/1001276083238359060)\r\n\r\nBear form mana cost has been reduced from 55% of base mana to 35% base mana in 1.16.1","createdAt":"2022-08-13T22:56:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"> Turtle WoW discord - druid channel:\r\n> \r\n> Moon — 26/07/2022 \"mana cost for transformations were baseline made their burning crusade values\" [link to message](https://discord.com/channels/466622455805378571/810850778838990859/1001276083238359060)\r\n> \r\n> Bear form mana cost has been reduced from 55% of base mana to 35% base mana in 1.16.1\r\n\r\nOk, then Travel Form would be 20% indeed, but then it seems that by changing Bear Form and Cat Form mana cost from 55% to 35% but leaving other spells base mana cost unchanged - other spells may now cost significantly more than they should. Given that on TBC Bear Form costs 35% base mana and Travel Form costs 13% base mana - it seems exactly like it is the case.\r\n\r\nI already made a report #1924 for Swiftmend mana cost also based on vanilla-base-mana-values and Bear Form base mana, but it seems Swiftmend mana cost was adjusted on turtle-wow to 16% like in TBC instead of 20% so swiftmend is not bugged.\r\nBut Travel Form is still 20% but is 13% on TBC. So Travel Form mana cost is still bugged and is too high, it should be 13%.\r\n\r\nAnd also - absence of a complete list of custom changes on web-site/forum or in database makes it very confusing.\r\nIt would be nice have at least something like https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=3334 but with all changes (some changes including \"Bear form mana cost has been reduced from 55% of base mana to 35% base mana in 1.16.1\" is missing there, new ability Savage Bite description is also missing there) and/or adjust database.turtle-wow.org accordingly.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T01:18:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"> but then it seems that by changing Bear Form and Cat Form mana cost from 55% to 35% but leaving other spells base mana cost unchanged - other spells may now cost significantly more than they should.\r\n\r\nYes, indeed, besides Travel Form and Aquatic Form (20% to 13%) also not adjusted to tbc values:\r\nBarkskin (15% to 12%)\r\nInnervate (5% to 4%)\r\nRebirth (85% to 68%)\r\nAbolish Poison (16% to 13%)\r\nCure Poison (16% to 13%)\r\nRemove Curse (10% to 8%)\r\n\r\nAnd all of them now cost more in absolute mana values than they should because base mana for characters is higher.\r\n\r\nOr maybe i'm wrong about base mana values in vanilla and them being higher now, but it feels weird to play druid when Travel Form costs that much compared to Bear/Cat (that's what drove me here in the first place). On all expansions until Wotlk (including) Travel/Bear mana cost ratio was the same 0.2/0.55=0.13/0.35=0.365. And some spells like Swiftmend, Bear, Cat have reduced-TBC-base-mana-coefficients and others to still have vanilla ones.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T01:37:03+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I have reduced the mana cost percent of Travel Form and Aquatic Form to 13% like you wanted, but it will still display the old amount on the tooltip until a new client patch is released, as this requires a change in Spell.dbc in the client files.","createdAt":"2023-04-04T22:35:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T20:47:42+0200","number":1912,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Travel Form mana cost is 32% base mana instead of 20%","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nDruid's Travel Form and Aquatic Form cost around 32% base mana instead of 20%.\r\n\r\nOn my level 40 druid Travel Form and Aquatic Form cost about 170 mana, Cat Form and Bear Form cost about 290 mana.\r\n\r\nGiven that Cat Form and Bear Form cost 55% base mana (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=768) - my base mana is 290/0.55~=527, so 170/527~=0.32 which means that Travel Form and Aquatic Form cost ~32% base mana.\r\n\r\nI don't have level 60 druid to check, but i'm pretty sure it's also wrong on level 60 and costs around 320 mana instead of 200 (lvl 60 druid should have around 1000 base mana, so it should be around 550 mana for Bear/Cat Form and around 200 mana for Travel/Aquatic Form).\r\n\r\nThat 200 vs 320 mana difference is very significant when Travel Form is being spammed/used very often.\r\n\r\nOther vanilla-wow databases also show 55% base mana for Bear/Cat Form and 20% base mana for Travel/Aquatic Form.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log on to a lvl 30+ druid and check Travel Form mana cost and check the ratio \"[Travel Form mana cost]/([Bear Form mana cost]/0.55)\", it should be ~0.2 but now it actually is ~0.32.\r\n2. Log on to a lvl 60 druid without \"Natural Shapeshifter\" talent and check Travel Form mana cost, it should be around 200 mana, but it probably is around 320 mana.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=783\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1066\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTravel Form and Aquatic Form should cost 20% base mana (which is around 200 mana on level 60 druid and around 110 mana on level 40 druid).\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T22:35:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T22:34:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T20:30:25+0200","number":1911,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"wrong disechant ID","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe custom lvl 41 green 2h blade https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60294 has disencahnt ID 27 which rewards lesser nether essence and vision dust. this is wrong, from lvl 41 onwards item should have ID 28 and reward greater nether essences.\r\n\r\ncompared this to for example https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=1608\r\nor this lvl 41 2h axe https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15270\r\n\r\nPls fix the disechant ID; its wrong and messes up addons like aux or echantrix giving wrong disechant values and disechant results.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"makujah"},"body":"Just wanted to make the same ticket, but you've presented it better than I would have :D \r\n\r\nDefinitely a gamebreaking bug, can't do dungeons with other arcanes\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-12T21:25:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"eX1stenZT"},"body":"Haven't had 2 arcane in a group yet but if this is the case, that's a blocker for a spec.","createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:55:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"makujah"},"body":"> Haven't had 2 arcane in a group yet but if this is the case, that's a blocker for a spec.\r\n\r\nyou just get a single one arcane in your entire raid for the main caster group or healer group for that brilliance aura and that's it XD\r\n\r\nNah, hopefully it's gonna get fixed soon :)","createdAt":"2022-08-14T01:54:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Maybe can even fix last arcane missile coming when channeling is already finished finally pls","createdAt":"2022-08-15T21:24:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Megamagepal"},"body":"this spell has been extremely busted for years, it needs fixing badly, playing arcane mage feels so bad","createdAt":"2022-09-24T01:22:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This bug needs to be escalated to a higher priority given that it completely breaks fundamental gameplay mechanics, with a severe impact on a specific class's capabilities.","createdAt":"2023-01-15T10:40:12+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It should be fixed after the next update. The issue only happened when two people are using different ranks btw.","createdAt":"2023-01-16T14:52:38+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T20:10:03+0200","number":1910,"labels":"Mage","state":"CLOSED","title":"Multiple Mages cannot cast Arcane Missiles.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen a mage is channeling Arcane Missiles on an enemy if another mage begins to channel arcane missiles, the first mages will be cancelled. See below video.\r\n\r\nhttps://youtu.be/yFuaOWKEjXM\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Begin Casting Arcane Missiles\r\n2. Have another mage start casting Arcane Missiles shortly after\r\n3. The first mages missiles will be cancelled and the seconds will continue on.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nTested with several higher ranks of missiles, all behave the same\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nNeither Arcane Missiles channel should be cancelled.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-01-16T14:52:38+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-16T14:52:05+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Not fixed.\r\n![Captura desde 2023-04-06 10-12-20](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/230263106-7ee701a2-414c-4a67-b85d-a8098757e41e.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-04-06T05:14:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T15:57:42+0200","number":1909,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ghost BG instances in queue","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-12 20-54-02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/184368146-f9f5f958-94dc-4674-977e-5bcae74b9083.png)\r\n\r\nThere's definitely not 3 simultaneous AVs going on.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open BG finder, select Alterac. Doesn't always show multiple instances, but sometime.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould show only ongoing BGs, and only those within level limit for the character (relevant to AB/WSG).","updatedAt":"2023-04-06T05:14:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T20:15:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"None-Above"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"None-Above"},"body":"Nodes tracked on minimap.","createdAt":"2022-08-12T15:44:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"sosa1996"},"body":"you can find the same thing in Arathi Highlands some nodes are underground ","createdAt":"2022-08-12T18:13:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"None-Above"},"body":"> you can find the same thing in Arathi Highlands some nodes are underground\r\n\r\nI think it would be most effective to report each zone individually.","createdAt":"2022-08-12T20:16:29+0200"},{"author":{"login":"None-Above"},"body":"There's also mob under terrain at 56.9/16","createdAt":"2022-08-12T21:03:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T15:44:33+0200","number":1908,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mining nodes under terrain - Mulgore","body":"**Please, provide a clear description of what the bug is:**\r\nSeveral mining nodes under terrain in mulgore\r\nCoordinates:\r\n60.5/31.5\r\n56.6/15.7\r\n56.9/16\r\n**Expected behaviour. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNodes on the surface.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111132789/184366207-4346cba7-3312-4110-bff2-f48722416671.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111132789/184366318-16d4d775-bcfd-47cb-98e4-e2c5b65c2ecc.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111132789/184419415-5f0e9c2e-bfe8-4c44-8e2a-9d2087876963.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111132789/184426276-e6137b61-40d8-41e6-9138-374bf97526c1.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"MannySquare"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T15:37:22+0200","number":1907,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Missing Diplomat Bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe versions of Pained, Archmage Tervosh, and Lady Jaina Proudmoore that spawn at the end of the Missing Diplomat quest whene you defeat Private Hendel do not seem to despawn after they should teleport away.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Go to the loaction of Private Hendel and you should see them there\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1248\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThey should teleport in once he is defeated, stay for a while for the player to turn in the quests, and then teleport away some minutes later.","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T14:21:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T14:21:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T14:52:36+0200","number":1906,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Raid icons don't work in BGs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCan't assign raid icons in battlegrounds.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get into a BG (tested in AV)\r\n2. Be a leader, or have assist.\r\n3. Try to assign a raid icon to someone.\r\n4. Nothing happens.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nLeader and assistants should be able to assign raid icons.","updatedAt":"2022-08-12T14:58:47+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-12T14:58:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T10:44:10+0200","number":1905,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ganum Highmountain glasses are green","body":"Ganum Highmountain glasses are green\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/184318590-c24b8d97-aa58-4b1e-96d8-0f94f18b1369.png)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11500","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T08:43:16+0200","number":1904,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crafting Rune-Etched Grips gets you Rune-Etched Crown","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83506\r\nCrafting Rune-Etched Grips gets you Rune-Etched Crown\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-12T15:02:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-12T15:02:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"sosa1996"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T06:19:55+0200","number":1903,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crusader Strike bugs ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe spell crusader strike is bugged if you have more than one paladin if a paladin used crusader strike and started stacking it and another paladin used crusader strike the stacks will reset to 0 stacks and it will not stack up again it will remain stuck at 0 stacks.\r\nI'm not sure if the bug happens if 2 different ranks of the spell or 2 different players\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. A paladin uses crusader strike on a target\r\n2. Another paladin uses crusader strike on the same target \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nthere is no page for the spell on the database\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIf a paladin used crusader strike and another paladin used crusader strike to the same target . If the current debuff is stronger (because of a rank difference or talent points) , if the current debuff is stronger the spell should hit for the damage and the debuff get resisted , otherwise it should add a stack to it or refresh the debuff","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:45:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:45:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Stianh16"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This has been fixed, yet not deployed to the main server. https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1671","createdAt":"2022-08-14T13:27:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T05:32:38+0200","number":1902,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grifter's Leggings","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nGrifter's Leggings are shown as a different item in the Leatherworking proffesion tab and aren't recognized as part of the set by the game, thus equipping it won't give the set bonus.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open Leatherworking window, search for Grifter's Leggings in the \"Plate\" tab\r\n \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111102049/184278556-ca75bb2b-5893-4245-b3ca-d2e7795eab42.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111102049/184278612-e72f732d-3331-4199-a43a-25de7e215278.png)\r\n2. After crafting it and contacting a GM, the item was swiftly changed, but the referenced pants do not show as part of the set & do not provide the bonus as it shows in the following images.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111102049/184278746-d3f1619a-545a-44d2-a5a9-3d7ad6b441ea.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/111102049/184279026-dca62d49-7702-4630-b51f-de3500904725.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItems:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83252\r\nor (they are the same, database shows them both though)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83402\r\nThe \"Steel Plate Legguards\" that shows instead of \"Grifter's Leggings\" in the Leatherworking window\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83412\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\"Grifter's Leggings\" should show in the Leather tab, after having it crafted it should provide with the correct item either \"83252\" or \"83402\" instead of \"83412\" and finally, it should be recognized as part of the set.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T13:27:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T13:27:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Jdavidlol"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1831\r\nWill be fixed next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:07:36+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T04:57:33+0200","number":1901,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood Frenzy is Still Broken 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is: \r\nThe druid talent blood frenzy still does not grant attack speed (in either form) or rage in Bear Form**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce:**\r\nAs someone mentioned before but was listed as closed:\r\n1. Learn blood frenzy.\r\n2. Shift to cat, cast tiger's fury, check attack speed.\r\n3. Shift to bear, cast Enrage, see that no rage is added immediately. Also check attack speed.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16954\r\nI think this is it? The description is nothing like whats suggested in the Talent tree,\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n1.Increase attack speed, as per talent description.\r\n2.Enrage instantly generates 10 rage as per talent description.\r\n3.Spell and buff tooltips should reflect changes from the talent.\r\n\r\n![BFFF](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24926558/184276669-cca801d9-6c5b-4ba8-a8cb-67bdaa2373ba.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nSome info from this was lifted from the last time this bug was posted to make it quicker to post.\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T12:07:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T12:07:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Jdavidlol"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Jdavidlol"},"body":"Was incorrect when I tested it. It does seem to work. My B <3","createdAt":"2022-08-12T05:24:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T04:39:49+0200","number":1900,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Feral Charge Is Not Interrupting Enemies","body":"**_Issue:_**\r\nDruid's Feral Charge is listed as able to interrupt any spell being cast for 4 seconds, but it does not interrupt.\r\n\r\n_**Steps to reproduce:**_\r\n\r\n1. Be druid\r\n2. Spec Feral Charge\r\n3. Charge caster enemy\r\n4. See that it does not interrupt them.\r\n\r\n**_How it should work:_**\r\nCharge enemy, enemy is interrupted and unable to cast a spell for four seconds.\r\n\r\nSpell: \r\n![Feral Charge](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24926558/184274897-22ce6cf4-00a8-402e-b063-830cd7a7fc80.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-12T05:24:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-12T05:21:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"lokhengchau"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2147","createdAt":"2022-09-23T17:08:04+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-12T04:31:34+0200","number":1899,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wastewander Bandits/Thieves \"actually\" reward Steamwheedle Reputation (hidden faction?) on death","body":"I did a search in the bug list and found a previous reported issue where killing wastewander mobs in tanaris do not actually reward steamwheedle rep [(link)](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1363). The issue has been marked as closed but I can confirm that it's still not working as intended. I am not getting reps for the four factions (Booty Bay, Everlook, etc..), but instead, I'm actually getting reps for \"steamwheedle cartel\".\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37974241/184273578-1a2773e0-de35-421f-a117-b09c3fe19b61.png)\r\n\r\nI'm using pfui and at lvl 60, the xp bar will show the faction rep whenever I earn rep. I'm confused what this faction is. I'm getting rep for this instead of the four factions.\r\n\r\nI've noticed similar issues with quests that reward alliance rep. Instead of giving rep to the 5 alliance factions, it gives rep to a faction called \"alliance\".\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Check Steamwheedle Cartel reps (mouse over each)\r\n2. Kill Wastewander mob in Waterspring Field Tanaris\r\n3. Notice no actual change in reputation\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5616\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5623\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter killing these mobs, each of the Steamwheedle Cartel reputations should increase, not the Stemwheedle Cartel faction.","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T17:08:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:08:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"danhanek"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T21:04:14+0200","number":1898,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Guild Info Tab cant have capital letters","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nGuild Information tab does not allow for capitals except for the first one in line. This is an issue because discord links will not work.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Edit a guild info tab with capitals after the first character\r\n2. Save it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nN/A\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should save capital letters no matter where they are in the Guild Information tab. \r\n![guild_info_tab_no_capitals](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65556455/184219246-3f508d50-aa6b-402f-96a8-12fd909f272f.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T03:49:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:49:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"LachtanCesky"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Make a ticket in game and close this ","createdAt":"2022-08-12T09:27:13+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T21:04:10+0200","number":1897,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Acidently sold my weapon to vendor","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs title says, I accidently sold my weapon to a vendor when I was \"testing\" some other weapon. Unfortunatelly I've found out of it the next day and I'd like to have it back if possible.\r\nCharacter: Nitakurak, lvl45 (Horde)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10823\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-12T09:53:14+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-12T09:53:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T20:35:58+0200","number":1896,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"dreadlord marked as humanoid","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60503\r\n\r\nhe is a dreadlord and therefore should be demon not humanoid \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dontwakedad"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Pretty breaking in PvP.","createdAt":"2022-08-21T16:05:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"body":"+1 literally unplayable for hunters vs warlocks/priests, need to be fixed ASAP","createdAt":"2022-09-02T16:55:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"D4nSch"},"body":"Bump! This way hunter PvP is no fun at all!","createdAt":"2022-09-05T23:16:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"body":"this bug puts hunters at big disadvantage and breaks the classic playstyle, please fix ASAP","createdAt":"2022-09-15T14:51:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T19:48:31+0200","number":1895,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Aspect of the Cheetah Daze from Shadow Word: Pain Initial Cast","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Aspect of the Cheetah on Hunter\r\n2. Priest cast Shadow Word: Pain on the Hunter\r\n3. Initial Cast acts as direct damage and causes hunter to be dazed\r\nEDIT:\r\nAll DoTs are causing daze... Curse Of Agony, Corruption, etc \r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=589\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5118\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=172\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=980\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nInitial cast from the Shadow Word: Pain or following damage over time from spell should not cause daze effect, only direct damage.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T17:32:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-15T17:32:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"For3v3"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T18:46:29+0200","number":1894,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gnomish death ray (engineering) ","body":"**The Gnomish death ray doesn't work**\r\n\r\n After charging the trinket, nothing happens and goes to recharge\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10645\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter charging the ray, it must deal damage to the enemy\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-11T20:43:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-11T20:43:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T12:49:27+0200","number":1893,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tortured Sentinel and Tortured Druid behaviour","body":"_**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**_\r\n\r\nThe NPCs [Tortured Sentinel](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12179) (NPC ID: 12179) and [Tortured Druid](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=12178) (NPC ID: 12178) at Southwind Village in Silithus are currently always spawning a single [Hive'Ashi Drone](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13136) (NPC ID: 13136) which seems to persist on the server for either much longer than intended or possibly until killed / the server resets.\r\n\r\n_**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**_\r\n\r\nAfter either of these NPCs are killed, a single bug will spawn from their corpse.\r\n\r\n_**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**_\r\n\r\nUpon death based on testing I beleive there should be a 50% roll as to whether or not a [Hive'Ashi Drone](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13136) should spawn, if they do spawn then it randomly rolls if 1-3 spawns occur, in addition to this if a player does not kill them, they should despawn within 1 minute of leaving combat.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T13:34:26+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T13:34:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"druids221"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This problem still persists on current version.","createdAt":"2023-02-27T13:37:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I've fixed this in the database, but it requires a client side edit to Spell.dbc as well.\r\n\r\nHere is a mpq that contains an edited dbc that you could use until an official client update is released. Extract it in the Data folder of the client.\r\n\r\n[patch-Z.zip](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/11152745/patch-Z.zip)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-04-04T22:27:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T12:12:58+0200","number":1892,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Swiftmend shows as unusable","body":"Spell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18562\r\n\r\nThe issue is encountered when doing the following:\r\n1: Target someone with a regrowth/rejuvenation buff on them\r\n2: Swiftmend's ability icon shows as greyed out, meaning the game believes Swiftmend is not usable\r\n3: If Swiftmend is attempted to be cast, it still works\r\n\r\nWhat should happen:\r\n1: Target someone with a regrowth/rejuvenation buff on them\r\n2: Swiftmend stops being greyed out, and shows as usable\r\n\r\nWhy this is an issue:\r\n- It breaks certain addons and macros\r\n- It is confusing to the player, as Swiftmend always appears unusable, even though it is usable\r\n\r\nI have deleted my WTF, Interface, and WDB folders, and the issue is still present. I have asked several other druids, and they have the same issue. I suspect the game is simply not checking to see if the target has the relevant buff.","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T22:27:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T22:24:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T07:40:42+0200","number":1891,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Alliance Shadowfang Keep quests not listed under the dungeon quest list.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThese quests in the web database are not listed under shadowfang keep like they should be. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60108\r\nQuest2: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60109\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIf you go under quests -> dungeons -> shadowfang keep they should show up there but dont.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:16:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Frenique"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ch0rre"},"body":"As of 2022-11-20:\r\n**Confirmed through test in-game, tooltip & combat log that both talent ranks (1-2) are currently working as intended for Healthstone R2.**\r\nR2 Lesser healthstone heals 250 without talent, 275 (+10%) with R1 talent, 300 with R2 (2/2) talent.\r\n\r\nHave not tested Firestone nor Spellstone.","createdAt":"2022-11-21T16:41:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SolarGuru"},"body":"Effect of HS is determined when it is created, so you need to have the talents before creating HS. But this doesn't work with HSs from Soulwell spell, I guess.","createdAt":"2022-11-23T16:39:27+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-11T00:07:19+0200","number":1890,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce, Warlock, Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Master Conjurer Warlock talent does not increase HS effect","body":"Master Conjurer Warlock talent does not increase HS effect. When used healthstone has no increased effect and tooltip doesnt change either. Dont know if it works for the firestones and spellstones.\r\n\r\n1. Taken both rank 1 and 2 master conjurer does not increase HS.\r\n2. Used it to check if tooltip was wrong.\r\n3. Even tried after deleting WDB folder.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5512\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5511\r\n\r\nIncrease health from healthstone rank 1 talent 10%, rank 2 20%. (also effect of firestone and spellstone with 30%, dont know if that works)\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-16T22:08:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-16T22:08:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TalisTalis"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T22:05:20+0200","number":1889,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Roost Hatchling dont add in Companions","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. received https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60770\r\n2. use it\r\n3. companion dont add in Companions\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60818\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60770\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40537\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_081022_223249](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11458112/184009731-2bfc1443-d751-430f-9836-381c239a6477.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T22:51:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T22:51:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T21:46:10+0200","number":1888,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest \"The Hawk's Vigil\" should be marked as elite/group","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThere is a fight against a lv 24 elite at the end of this quest chain. he has about 4k hp and hits probably harder than dungeon mobs of that level do, but the quest isnt marked to suggest it's a group one\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=52119\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=55225\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nthe quest should be marked that it needs a group. could also maybe instead nerf him to be soloable","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Milton3450"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T20:49:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T20:15:25+0200","number":1887,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Item: Shadowruned Girdle","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI think Devs made a mistake with this belt. The belt has, instead of \"equip: increase in attack and cast speed\", it has \"use\". Nothing happens when I right click on the belt, although it gives a 30 cd cooldown, like when u would equip a trinket. I think the intention was \"equip\" instead of \"use\".\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Shadowruned Girdle\r\n2. Look at character info. Attack speed doesn't apply.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60550\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nProbably \"equip:\" instead of a use effect.","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T20:49:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T20:49:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"maxemall666"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T19:00:16+0200","number":1886,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"No Honor Progression","body":"","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't find anyone with the wrong model, was probably fixed in one of the previous updates.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:10:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T17:23:50+0200","number":1885,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Demons in Ashenvale use the wrong models","body":"There are three types of demons next to the Warsong Lumber Camp in Ashenvale with a bunch of quests attached to them - succubi (Mannoroc Lashers), infernals (Searing Infrenals) and felguards (Felguards).\r\nThe thing is that most of them use the wrong models, e.g an Infernal may look (and be named) as a succubi and vice versa.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nJust visit the location SW from Warsong Lumber Camp in Ashenvale and see it yourself.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11697\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6073\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6115\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAll demons should use the correct models.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:10:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:10:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gabor-varga"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T16:58:31+0200","number":1884,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crafting Hypertech Battery Pack does not increase engineering skill","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nCrafting [Hypertech Battery Pack](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60098) learned with the [recipe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51801) does not increase engineering skill even though it is shown as \"orange\" in the crafting tab. The recipe can be learned at 250 engineering. I have only tested it at 295 reliable when I noticed this, but I remember that I crafted 10-15 before around 250 engi and it did not increase it.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Level engineering to 250\r\n2. Learn to make [Hypertech Battery Pack](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60098) with [recipe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51801)\r\n3. Craft [Hypertech Battery Pack](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60098)\r\n4. Engineering skill is not increased\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60098\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51801\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nEither it should increase engineering skill, or should be displayed as \"gray\" in the engineering tab. Or rather, it should be have the same progression from \"orange\" to \"gray\" as other crafted items.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10705425/183937552-fdc51682-d308-4d8b-89de-a0a508330e58.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T12:28:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:28:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"agizangsu"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1506","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T15:35:08+0200","number":1883,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"honor rank reseted","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. ID : Hanoi\r\n2. my honor rank reseted...\r\n3. last week i was standing 30 in horde side. but my rank reseted 4 to 0\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T14:45:35+0200","number":1882,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Player Evading NPC Spells","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI doubt this is a feature of the scripting on the server.\r\n\r\nIf you kill a NPC that is casting a spell, if that spell is cast just before the NPC dies, the spell that was cast by the NPC is 'Evaded' by the Player. This causes no damage.\r\nObserved on Mosshide Mistweaver south of Ironbeard's Tomb in Wetlands.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Allow NPC to cast a spell (i.e. Frostbolt)\r\n2. Kill NPC before damage from spell hits Player\r\n3. Observe damage Evaded by player once NPC is dead and spell hits Player\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1009\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=108\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSpell was cast regardless of NPC status after the cast. Damage should affect Player. This could affect PvP heavily if this is more than a NPC issue.","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T15:00:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T15:00:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T11:06:32+0200","number":1881,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Kolkar Wrangler should not have fire and shadow resistances","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3272\r\nKolkar Wrangler should not have fire and shadow resistances","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T14:19:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T14:19:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This is impossible to change, without making everything interactible in Bear Form. It's hardcoded in the client that gameobjects of type Spellcaster are not interactible in shapeshifts that forbid interactions.","createdAt":"2023-04-04T22:01:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"After consultations, it was decided not to make everything interactible in Bear Form, so this will remain as it is. You need to leave shapeshift to use the Lightwell.","createdAt":"2023-04-05T00:16:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T10:16:17+0200","number":1880,"labels":"Druid, Priest, Spell, Object","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest lightwell can't be used by druid in cat/bear form","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe priest lightwell can't be used by shapeshifted druids.\r\nFor it to be of use, shapeshifted druids should be able to click it.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=27871\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-04-05T00:16:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-05T00:16:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"darkhorror1984"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T07:37:25+0200","number":1879,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bristleback Trapper don't have loot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nCan't loot this mob after kill.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Kill Bristleback Trapper\r\n2. Try to loot corpse\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60849\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Will be fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T20:50:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T04:42:46+0200","number":1878,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Simple Grammar Mistakes ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDockmaster in Darkshore > boat to Stormwind City\r\n\r\nNPC Aeria Goldenmoon\r\n\r\n1. Line that reads \"boat to board\" should have a period or other punctation at end\r\n2. Line that reads \"If it not here yet\" should read similar to \"If it **_is_** not here yet\" or \"If **_it's_** not here yet\"\r\n\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/183798349-59409ddb-e6ed-4ca7-99b6-255771a51649.png)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60621","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T20:50:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T20:50:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rastafaustian"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T02:10:14+0200","number":1877,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Thunder Clap no longer available in Defensive Stance - Disregard Fixed after update","body":"Just noticed today that Thunder Clap is no longer available in Defensive Stance, whereas the other day it was. \r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1343\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:20:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:20:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Arlour"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T01:48:39+0200","number":1876,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Thunder Clap Damage Buff not working/Correct","body":"The Talent \"Improved Thunder Clap\" is not actually increasing the damage by 60%. Damage is not increased at all. It does, however, Properly give the 4 rage reduction. Also, the tooltip while hovering over the talent in in the talent tree says that it \"Increases the damage by 59%\" instead of 60%.\r\n\r\nThank you for the work that you do!","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T13:42:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T13:42:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"vkekd"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T20:36:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T00:45:46+0200","number":1875,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ragnaros looting range.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nRagnaros corpse cannot be looted from a safe spot, you have to go into the lava to loot him.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Kill Ragnaros\r\n2. Try to loot him from the inner ring without getting into the lava\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11502\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYou should be able to loot him from the inner ring.\r\nYou can see an example in these videos from classic: https://youtu.be/w8j9wteZ7MY?t=2128 | https://youtu.be/2e8qUuzCMbU?t=2380\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T20:36:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T20:36:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-10T00:19:29+0200","number":1874,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ulna should teach Nightscape Headband","body":"Ulna should teach Nightscape Headband\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=8176/nightscape-headband#taught-by-npc\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10507","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sumbats"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please right-click on your character portrait and see if your XP gains are enabled.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T15:11:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sumbats"},"body":"Hey Torta,\r\n\r\nMy XP gains have been enabled since before I posted this issue. ","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:12:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"So XP gains are enabled but the issue persists?","createdAt":"2022-08-11T10:30:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sumbats"},"body":"Yes the issue still persists. However, yesterday when I logged after 24h when I left my char in the Sentinel Hill inn, my rested xp increased from 0 to 12%. Again, I left it in there and when I logged on this morning, it was 24%. Rested XP is not supposed to accumulate this slow right? ","createdAt":"2022-08-12T18:27:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Looks it's working as intended for you, I'm sorry :) Use Survival's Tents to gain more rested XP over a short amount of time :)","createdAt":"2022-08-14T11:15:14+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T23:40:36+0200","number":1873,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"No Rested XP","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nNo rested xp from staying still in inns and tents.\r\n\r\nHave not enabled glyph of exhaustion.\r\n\r\nNoticed another player having a similar issue today: https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3580&p=21550&hilit=no+rested+xp#p21550\r\n\r\nOnly warmode on for me. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Tried Goldshire and Sentinel Hill inns and player tents\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:15:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:15:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Siachaaton"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"This may be caused by the TWptacher instead and not the core. Some tests done are showing that the update fails if Admin rights are not used and will eventually go into a loop of checking for a patch that is there but cannot find the file. Running TWpatcher.exe should fix this.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T01:14:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please contact our Support on Discord, if this issue is still present.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T15:10:51+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T22:03:57+0200","number":1872,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Client issue: Critical error","body":"After the update today, my client crashed recurrently 3 times.\r\n\r\n\r\n0. I launched TurtleWoW\r\n1. I logged in\r\n2. The game suggested downloading the updates\r\n3. I agreed\r\n4. Update downloaded successfully\r\n5. The game suggested restarting \r\n6. I pressed restart\r\n7. The launcher crashed with Critical error message.\r\n\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110936958/183750422-a8ea3c92-5768-4580-935f-38b74075572d.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T15:10:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T15:10:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Already fixed.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T14:24:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:14:35+0200","number":1871,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Paladin] Shield specialization triggers the potion cooldown","body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/183730257-d8592c54-e81f-43f2-9a47-b8d58e2201e4.png)\r\n\r\n1. Block with Shield Specialization 3/3\r\n2. All potions go on cooldown\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShield Specialization should not trigger the potion cooldown.","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T14:24:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T14:24:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OrnsteinHunter"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"body":"I think they still dont add into the game","createdAt":"2022-08-12T00:36:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Jacccop"},"body":"bumping this as it has been a long time since class changes were released and it is still not fixed","createdAt":"2022-08-29T20:19:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"Still bugged @ February 7th","createdAt":"2024-02-07T07:18:19+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:11:07+0200","number":1870,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter pet trainer doesn't teach avoidance","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe 1.16.1 notes imply you can learn the pet avoidance talent which reduces the damage your pet takes from aoe, but it currently is not at the pet trainer.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-07T07:18:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T16:04:13+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"If the distance between your current position and your teleport destination isn't too far, the pet won't be de-summoned. You had to consider that yourself :)\r\n\r\nIf it works not the same way on Classic, please submit a video proof!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T13:49:25+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:09:42+0200","number":1869,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock summon and hunter pets","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI received a summon (while in a raid), i got summoned but my pet just started running to my new location.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPets should port to the new location too on summon. or at least just despawn. not aggro the whole raid:)","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T13:49:25+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T13:49:25+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeanoroWoW"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This was fixed a while ago.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:49:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T19:53:12+0200","number":1868,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Quest - Artorius [Winterspring demon NPC]","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nArtorius, a demon NPC for the hunter epic quest, leashes far too quickly. This NPC is intended to be kited over a long distance (easily verified in many video guides and writeups), typically up a hill and onto the road. When spawned and pulled from the location in the screenshots (58, 21 coordinates) and kited up the nearby hill towards the road, the NPC evades and resets approximately 3/4 of the way up.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110290116/183713675-95b5a695-d0d9-4ea0-8370-8e351ff1da42.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110290116/183724678-15eb6eed-22c5-411a-9d9b-c1d055f7fc1b.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As a hunter on the quest \"Stave of the Ancients\", speak to Artorius the Amiable at the given coordinates (58, 21) or that rough location. Landmarks include a small rock formation and small tree. This will cause the spawn of the demon NPC.\r\n\r\n2. Attempt to kite the demon uphill with Serpent Sting rank 8, using Arcane Shot rank 1 on cooldown to maintain threat.\r\n\r\n4. The demon will correctly maintain aggro until approximately (55,22), long before reaching the road, when it will leash, evade, and reset.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nArtorius the Doombringer, demon NPC\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14535\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=14535/artorius-the-doombringer\r\n\r\nArtorius the Amiable, Tauren NPC that spawns the above\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14531\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=14531/artorius-the-amiable\r\n\r\nStave of the Ancients, class quest that requires killing the demon NPC\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=7636\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/quest=7636/stave-of-the-ancients\r\n\r\nWoWhead guide for quick verification that kiting to the road is intended\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/guides/classic-hunter-quest-ancient-petrified-leaf#artorius-the-doombringer\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe NPC should be able to be kited much further without leashing. \r\n\r\nNote: The expected long distance kite was reported to be the case in 1.16.1 by Jamey, but perhaps the 1.16.2 patch reverted the change.","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:49:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:49:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"LashDee"},"body":"Hey! This is still an issue.\r\n\r\n(thanks for a great game experience )","createdAt":"2022-08-19T10:23:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This can be fixed only with the client update (which is only planned for this Autumn). Internally, it's fixed :)","createdAt":"2022-08-19T10:24:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"LashDee"},"body":"Ah ok nice! :D Thanks for the answer buddy!","createdAt":"2022-08-19T12:40:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T18:24:09+0200","number":1867,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Male troll /wave voice is female","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nMale troll /wave voice is female. checked the other emotes and the rest are fine. also female troll emotes are fine (are female)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. make troll male character\r\n2. do /wave\r\n3. female\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:51+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-08-19T10:24:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FuNtasticXs"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T17:37:56+0200","number":1866,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wrong models in location: Felfire hill","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** \r\nThe bug is that after update 1.16.2 - i found that name of the mobs and actual their looks is not correct.\r\nAs and Example: \r\nAt picture there is MOB with name: Felguard, BUT model is Infernal.\r\nThe same for next mobs:\r\n\r\n1) Searing Infernal\r\n2) Mannoroc Lasher\r\n3) Felguard\r\n\r\nPlease check below screenshots:\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_080922_212026](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108215927/183696081-4ac1d877-3305-4885-bdfa-47f3e91fde99.jpg)\r\n![WoWScrnShot_080922_212908](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108215927/183696103-b888efa3-795d-4b6e-87f8-16217a954a20.jpg)","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T18:01:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T18:01:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"nosrednaski"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T17:12:48+0200","number":1865,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gillijim's Island Nitpicks to fix","body":"\r\n1. Kalkor Point should sell lvl 40 ammunition instead of lvl 10 ammo. \r\n2. Kalkor Point Blacksmith isn't able to repair. \r\n3. Crabs around the island drop SouthSea Sash an alliance quest item. \r\n4. Several of the mobs don't have a loot table. \r\n5. Leashes of all mobs are abnormally short. \r\n\r\nGreat work team! Really enjoying it. \r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:41:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:41:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T05:15:58+0200","number":1864,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wyvern Roost Hatchling is not teaching the pet","body":"Item: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60770 - \"Wyvern Roost Hatchling\"\r\n\r\ndoes not properly teach (cast bar returns \"failed\")\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=49521 - (Doesn't exist in website database)","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:12:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:12:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"phx8992"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T05:11:59+0200","number":1863,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hillsbrad Foothills Peasant 25 second respawn","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.In house by farmer Kalba? \r\n2. A mob spawns, hillsbrad peasant\r\n3. His respawns in 25 seconds and doesn’t leave house. Can be killed over and over.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nA regular resplendent time.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:33:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:33:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T05:00:18+0200","number":1862,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest item \"Southsea Sash\" drops even if not on quest","body":"Quest item \"Southsea Sash\" https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60208 drops for all characters even if not on the associated quest \"Smashing the Southsea!\" https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40143.\r\n\r\nThis occurs for both alliance and horde characters.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:35:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:35:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Marrikulus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce. The Bounty Board is working. Please clear your WDB folder an try again.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T23:22:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-09T00:46:46+0200","number":1861,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"WANTED: Valadorn! - Get logged out when trying to open quest","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI get logged out when trying to open the quest \"WANTED: Valadorn!\".\r\nI can confirm that the quest is broken in both patch-W and patch-X.\r\nI could not find anything in the logs about what went wrong, and there was no error logged in the console.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the Wanted board outside the bank of ogrimmar\r\n2. Open the wanted board panel\r\n3. Click on the quest\r\n4. Game logs you out\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=50323\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould open the quest description without getting logged out.\r\n\r\n![turtle_wow_error1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15344566/183525644-0a9d1372-aaca-46df-9500-d27c594f0437.png)\r\n![turtle_wow_error2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15344566/183525658-bd0a0cde-4cbb-461b-8967-42c1ea89582b.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T23:22:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T23:22:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:08:04+0200","number":1860,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Of New and Old IV gives Stormwind Reputation to Horde","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen Of New and Old IV is complete, horde players receive 300 stormwind reputation.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Complete Of New and Old IV\r\n2. 300 stormwind reputation appears in chatbox and reputation tab\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40504\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nProbably should give Orgrimmar reputation.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T17:06:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T17:06:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"blightborne92"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Couldn't reproduce. Working as intended. Please delete your WDB folder and try again :) \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/184018748-0b49870e-752f-4b05-92d0-efeed05da557.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-10T22:58:09+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:00:57+0200","number":1859,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can not turn in quest The Zoram Strand","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nafter I collected 15 Wrathtail Heads, it is not possible to get more, because quest behaves like it is finished. After go to questgiver, yellow questionmark is visible but I can not turn in quest.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get x heads required to complete q\r\n2. Die\r\n3. Ressurrect\r\n4. Get few more heads\r\n5. The q seems to be finished\r\n6. Can not turn in quest\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3845\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5490\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1008\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nQuest should have been able to turn in after I get 20 heads not 15. \r\n![twow](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110857176/183513659-92096d0d-06f9-47d1-82a1-3e9fe5f68f53.jpg)\r\n![TWOW2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110857176/183513675-267108af-d743-4cbe-b942-ca202a8bb1ca.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T22:58:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T22:58:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Drazib-Potion"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T22:31:27+0200","number":1858,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Minor Bug] Mobs in \"Ruins of Aboraz\" in Strangle Thorn have the wrong model/name","body":"Hello,\r\nThe name of the mobs in Ruins of Aboraz dosen't seem to corespond to the correct models from the database, pretty minor bug but i though i would share it if it can help.\r\n\r\n![zanzil witch 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47430971/183508546-801d6a8b-4ac9-49d5-9999-6af4ba4562bb.png)\r\n![zanzil witch](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47430971/183508549-e4d7ba91-9ede-48c3-9f44-ea9eae069405.png)\r\n![zanzil zombie](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47430971/183508553-487d482e-8a9b-461c-bfb6-8c065fb7a8fc.png)\r\n\r\nPosition of the screens : \r\n![Sans titre](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47430971/183626121-03bf5ff4-64cd-4fd1-b1da-4b7b10fc675c.png)\r\n\r\nID zombie: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1488\r\nID Witch: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1490\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T17:06:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T17:06:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"dlaub-100"},"body":"Yes, I love to drop from the Zeppelin into Westfall with my Horde characters and kill Murlocs! Especially hunters, as there are some key pets available here at level 17-18. Thanks!","createdAt":"2022-08-10T01:00:31+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T22:24:50+0200","number":1857,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Suggestion: Open Captain Grayson's quests to Horde","body":"Captain Grayson, the ghost in Westfall offers 3 vanilla baseline quests to players - these are limited to Alliance only on Turtle WoW but were open to both factions in Vanilla.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=392\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=392/captain-grayson#starts\r\n\r\nSuggestion: allow Horde to complete the following quests:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=103 (Keeper of the Flame)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=152 (The Coast Isn't Clear)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=104 (The Coastal Menace)","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T11:05:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T11:05:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Maybe relevant, I am using the unicron armored highelf mount ","createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:41:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T21:45:31+0200","number":1856,"labels":"General, Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Issues with Shimmering Flat race 2","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe shimmering flat race has many issues still (see https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1545)\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1545 is closed but the majority of issues remains\r\n\r\n1. the pickup speed buffs work now but the speed ability is still bugged and does not work\r\n2. if mount up, then queue for race, then get into race with 100% mount speed up\r\n3. if you mount up then queue for race, then during the race remove your speed buff, then you turn invisible and speed buffs, stun gun do not work anymore\r\n4. if you pickup speed buffs and race rly quick with it over the purple marks, sometimes you get kicked from the race becuase it doesnt requister that you flew over it","updatedAt":"2023-02-19T00:54:04+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-19T00:54:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Milton3450"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Ziandos"},"body":"Can confirm. Just hit 40 today and tried Moonkin form. Can't dispel without being kicked out of form.","createdAt":"2022-08-11T16:38:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Will be fixed next time there is a client update https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/468b7770d6f8ea12a3db772acad11c9582037211","createdAt":"2022-08-29T21:29:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T20:24:02+0200","number":1855,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't Dispel Curses in Moonkin form.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTooltip for Moonkin form states that remove curse can be cast in Moonkin form. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go into Moonkin Form.\r\n2. Cast remove curse on someone or yourself.\r\n3. It will shift you out of form.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould dispel curse and keep you in Moonkin Form.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T21:29:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T21:29:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"LawfulEvilMagus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The damage color is normal for vanilla.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T12:24:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T18:05:31+0200","number":1854,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin - Heart of the Crusader not increasing Holy Dmaage and Retribution Aura is white damage and not benefitting from +holy damage effects","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAs stated in the title. The tooltip and buff/debuff for judgement of the Crusader or crusader strike doesn't seem to ahve updated damage numbers and the damage seems to be the same with or without the talent.\r\n\r\nIn addition, Retribution Aura is white damage (I think the same is for Thorns on Druid). They are meant to be yellow damage I believe so they scale off of spell power and +dmg effects (like the ebforementioned crusader strike/judgement of the crusader\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use holy abilities as paladin without talent and with talent when debuff is present\r\n2. Be attacked while under effect of Retribution Aura. Damage is white and will not increase vs holddmg+ effects\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThorns/Retribution Aura are meant to be yellow damage I believe so they scale off of spell power and +dmg effects (like the beforementioned crusader strike/judgement of the crusader","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T12:24:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T12:06:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VladislavLeontev"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"\"NO HEAVY HIDES, according to database percentages i should've got at least one already.\"\r\n\r\nThat's not how percentages work.\r\n\r\nWorks as expected.\r\n\r\nYou can just get unlucky.","createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:08:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T17:14:39+0200","number":1853,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Skinning rate for heavy hides is well below what it should be","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSkinning rate for heavy hides is well below of what is in turtle wow database for Ghostpaw Alfas and Elder Shadowhorn Stags\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Ashenvale and kill 100 Ghostpaw Alfas and Elder Shadowhorn Stag, Skin them.\r\n2. Get 67 medium leather, 26 heavy leather and 7 medium hides.\r\n3. NO HEAVY HIDES, according to database percentages i should've got at least one already.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3825\r\nand https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3818\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=4235\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould get at least one heavy hide via skinning statistically. ","updatedAt":"2022-08-08T23:09:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-08T23:08:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Known issue, listed here: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1087","createdAt":"2022-08-09T16:49:17+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T16:11:09+0200","number":1852,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Kargath Zepplin killing players","body":"_One minor note, I did look for this bug in the outstanding open bug list, but failed to find it, hopefully this hasn't been reported yet!_\r\n\r\nThe custom zepplin ride from Durotar to Kargath is currently killing players upon arriving in Badlands.\r\n\r\nSimply jump on the zepplin and take the ride over to Kargath, as soon as you load into the zone your character is killed, I didn't see anyting in the combat log but I would assume it may be an issue causing players to die from fall damage.\r\n\r\nThis also may not effect all races, I've seen a Tauren male survive the journey, but based on [this screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/ONTWxa7) you can see many other races are effected.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T16:49:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T16:49:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1890","createdAt":"2022-09-02T11:58:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T15:01:51+0200","number":1851,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Master Conjuror talent not working 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHealthstones do not reflect points spent in the new Master Conjuror talent.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create healthstone\r\n2. Add 1 point to Master Conjuror\r\n3. Try to create another healhstone\r\n4. Realize you can't, indicating that the talent hasnt tried making a different ID of health/spell/firestone\r\n5. Cry that you're not only obsoleted by Tea with Sugar, but now your green cookie is forever stuck at 1200hp\r\n6. Cry that youll never be good enough to use spellstones in pvp properly after the trauma of using one while worldbuffed still lingers\r\n7. Laugh as you look at your firestone and delete it immediately\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=master+conjuror can you add this too\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=healthstone there are like 3 versions of each healthstone indicating how many (old) talent points are spent in each\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEach point in master conjuror should let you create another healthstone, allowing players to have 3 at once if 3 warlocks are present with their differing point allocations.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T11:58:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T11:58:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is intentional. The item or the item with a similar model will become a part of a different loot table in the future.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:24:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T14:27:09+0200","number":1850,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"epaulets of courage no longer drop from the unforgiven","body":"epaulets of courage no longer drop from the unforgiven\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10516\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=70064","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:24:47+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:24:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in patch 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-09-12T12:13:16+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T11:15:51+0200","number":1849,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"BG finder tooltip wrong","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBG finders now requires left click, but tooltip says right.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-08 16-13-16](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/183383796-f27d55b9-43f0-4102-aa71-87aabd16a705.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Hover over finder.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould have correct tooltip.","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:51+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:13:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"templar444"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"eX1stenZT"},"body":"I did get the quest available at 225 (as soon as I skilled up in front of him), however after accepting I got a quest log full error. He's unable to interact with anyone after it. 2 people tried, he won't open dialogue.\r\nSo not quite sure if perhaps the quest log full error could somehow break him (would have thought that'd be a handled error/exception along quest interfaces, but dunno wow's internals).","createdAt":"2022-08-08T19:23:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/200145192-3dba9117-c41e-42cd-9232-98add5719854.png)\r\n\r\nWorkin as intended, please clear your WDB folder!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T00:08:50+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T10:49:39+0200","number":1848,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Alliance trauma quest for First aid is not available","body":"On level 225 of First Aid profession both faction players should complete a small quest chain. For alliance it starts with Nissa Firestone at Ironforge. The quest is visible on minimap, but the NPC doesn't have it. Can't develop First Aid further because of it.\r\n\r\nNPC https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5150\r\nQuest https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=6625","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:08:51+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:08:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Holeheart"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"body":"The database you're using is likely from a later version of the game.\r\n\r\nIn the 1.12 version of WoW it's common for trainers to stop teaching you recipes at this level, the higher level recipes (including the two in your example) are learned through physical recipes which either drop in the world or are sold by various vendors, with some professions having specialist trainers with higher level recipes.\r\n\r\nI'd reccomend using the [Turtle WoW Database](https://database.turtle-wow.org/) or another database that's at least tailored to either the 1.12 version of the game or at least Classic as you'll find it's much more accurate :)","createdAt":"2022-08-08T16:17:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T09:53:54+0200","number":1847,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"alliance Master Alchemist; does not teach me recipes 255+","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nif its a bug:\r\n\r\ni cant learn recipes at the npc. last thing i learend is elixir of detect demon or greater agility (250/255 skill)\r\nhttps://ibb.co/dLk9JMp\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\ni do not know what coused it. possibly a rollback. or this is not a bug, just a difference of turtle modifications to vanilla.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=7948\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\ndatabase i used said i can learn superior mana potion or major healing potion at the trainer. \r\n\r\ni was directed to put it in here by ingame support. possibly the missing recipes are ment to be learned from suppliers, but the ingame support said i should post it here\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:12:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:12:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"That is intentional, because dungeons can be reset. What happens if the dungeon is reset while you are in the bg? You'll get teleported to the position you were in, but in a brand new instance, allowing you to exploit the bg queue to skip to the last boss of a dungeon.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T13:37:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"No, you shouldn't be teleported to the position you were in. You should be teleported to the entrance, like I wrote in the description.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T08:18:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"@ratkosrb tagging you in case you missed it.","createdAt":"2022-08-12T15:03:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"@ratkosrb please respond.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:37:05+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"its on my mind","createdAt":"2022-08-15T13:27:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T08:49:31+0200","number":1846,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Position after leaving BG is not restored when entering from an instance ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPosition after leaving BG is not restored when entering from an instance.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue a BG.\r\n2. Go to an instance (for example, to farm some gold).\r\n3. Enter and leave BG.\r\n4. You're ported back to queue time position.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nPorted to instance entrance (outside).","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T13:27:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T13:37:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"thp1990"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Yes, the same for me, blocking isn't restore mana now.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/183365760-7eda9389-79cf-4f3e-8723-226dcbb43e6c.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-08T09:42:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Now restoring mana at blocking fixed.\r\nBut at blocking my character play animation with drinking potion -> as result I got cooldown for other mana/healing potions.\r\nIn additional, count of gained mana isn't fixed amount like 2% , but some random number\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/183385961-1d9cdc09-ed70-4fd2-bcdd-87155e70e8e1.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-08T11:22:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Issues with this will fixed next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T11:17:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T08:30:49+0200","number":1845,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shield Specialization bug","body":" I wish to report that Shield Specialization talent no longer restore 2% of maximum mana after the patch 1.16.2. Also Redoubt seems to trigger much less often, after the patch too.\r\n\r\nhttps://ibb.co/VSSsKpC","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:17:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:17:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm unable to reproduce this bug. Try to download a fresh client from our website, please.","createdAt":"2022-09-12T12:11:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"I'm seeing the same thing. The top Alliance tab shows the capitals, but the one on the bottom shows the rest, and is under \"Other\".","createdAt":"2022-09-12T15:05:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Attempting to fix it in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T20:47:31+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T08:18:42+0200","number":1844,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Double \"Alliance\" in reputation tab","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-08 13-15-19](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/183351699-ec53e4bd-5f9e-4429-8f71-4a3c32c7e583.png)\r\n\r\nClicking on the second one expands all faction lists.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Open reputation tab.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShouldn't have second \"Alliance\" item.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:50+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-11-04T20:47:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Darkraggs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"bump","createdAt":"2022-08-18T16:52:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"suggney"},"body":"bump","createdAt":"2022-08-25T06:18:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"this is affecting me as well","createdAt":"2022-08-25T06:35:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Rammue"},"body":"WTB fix for this issue as someone who frequently switches to shadow for non group activities. Please and thanks.","createdAt":"2022-08-25T06:52:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Northyn"},"body":"Consistent issue for me on my priest as well.","createdAt":"2022-08-29T02:14:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Same happened to me","createdAt":"2022-08-31T20:10:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T07:16:10+0200","number":1843,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Shadow Form being Unlearned when Respeccing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEach time I respec while I have the Shadow Form talent, it removes Improved Shadow Form from my book and does not return it after getting the Shadow Form talent again, forcing me to return to a class trainer to learn the Improved version again.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spend talent points to get Shadow Form\r\n2. Learn Improved Shadow Form from the trainer\r\n3. Respec with the Goblin Brainwashing Device\r\n4. Spend Talent points to get Shadow Form\r\n5. Look at your chat and it'll show \"You learned a new spell: Shadowform\" then \"You learned a new spell: Pain Spike\", but not another line that mentions learning Improved Shadowform\r\n6. Check spellbook for Improved Shadow Form on Page 1 of the Shadow Magic tab\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45553\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=47271\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAfter respeccing, if I get the Shadow Form talent again it should also return the Improved Shadow Form to my book rather than having to return to a trainer to relearn the spell just like Pain Spike currently does.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T03:05:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T03:05:09+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"This works fine for me, tested with Claw.","createdAt":"2022-08-25T23:01:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Both Combo points and rage seem to work fine right now.\r\n(combo points were fixed pretty fast right after 1.16.1 update and rage got fixed a few weeks after that)\r\nI suppose this issue should be closed now.","createdAt":"2022-08-30T16:51:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks for testing, we appreciate it.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T14:58:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-08T03:59:15+0200","number":1842,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Only 1 combo point is awarded to feral cat upon an ability's critical hit with 2/2 Primal Fury","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create a druid. Take 2/2 Primal Fury.\r\n2. Attack something using abilities. Note that crits do not award combo points.\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCrits should award 2 combos points with 2/2 Primal Fury.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T14:58:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T14:58:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-07T18:39:44+0200","number":1841,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quests are mutually exclusive: \"Triggered!\" and \"Securing the Lines\"","body":"These quests:\r\n\r\n\"Triggered!\" - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60120\r\n\"Winds in the Desert\" - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=834\r\n\r\nAre both (mistakenly?) listed as pre-reqs for:\r\n\r\n\"Securing the Lines\" - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=835\r\n\r\nHowever, in practice, \"Winds is the Desert\" is the actual pre-req - only completing \"Triggered!\" will show the quest as available on the NPC, but will return an error upon attempt pickup. Additionally, picking up \"Securing the Lines\" prevents \"Triggered!\" from being able to be picked up, and vice-versa. All quests originate from the same NPC.\r\n\r\n-----\r\nPreviously encountered by players at: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/264","updatedAt":"2022-11-05T23:26:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-05T23:26:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-07T15:23:57+0200","number":1840,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Midnight drop bugged","body":"Archlichs Enkhraz droprate for the Midnight pet seems bugged (should be 5 %)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.run kara crypts alot\r\n2. never see the pet at 40+ runs\r\n3. be sad\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91916\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80010\r\n\r\nShould drop normaly after about 20-30 runs\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-07T17:55:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-07T17:55:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"els8"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-07T07:03:49+0200","number":1839,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Seals and flagging","body":"This is not strictly a bug but comes across as unintended, and I couldn't find a better place to make a post about it\r\nIf you're unflagged and judge Seal of Light (possibly other seals too) on a mob and any random flagged player attacks that mob then you the pala will get flagged for PvP as well\r\nThis makes using certain judges kinda scary as a HC player in populated areas as you can get flagged at any time and you have no control over it\r\nAnd in short, it'd be nice if that didn't happen","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:00:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:00:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed — 08/08/2022","createdAt":"2022-09-12T12:24:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T23:57:20+0200","number":1838,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Compact Harvest Reaper corpses persisting longer than expected","body":"The corpses of [Compact Harvest Reapers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2676) (NPC ID: 2676) spawned by [Venture Co. Tinkerers](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=677) (NPC ID: 677) seem to persist for roughly 1 hour after being killed by players, this seems excessive when compared to the corpses of most NPCs killed by players.\r\n\r\nI imagine these should be despawning at the same rate as any other NPC in the game,","updatedAt":"2022-09-12T12:24:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-12T12:24:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"body":"Thanks for addressing this issue however it appears there's been a minor oversight - the mobs do have loot tables now however they are currently still not dropping silver.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T12:27:50+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T23:51:37+0200","number":1837,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Remnant Farmer and Remnant Sentry have no loot tables","body":"The NPCs [Remnant Farmer](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91980) (NPC ID: 91980) and [Remnant Sentry](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91772) (NPC ID: 91772) in Tirisfal Uplands currently have no loot tables whatsoever, not even dropping silver.\r\n\r\nI imagine these NPCs should have loot tables appropriate for level 14-15 and level 15-17 mobs respectively.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T12:27:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T17:06:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Suksiboksi"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"It's working as intended and this can be closed.\r\n\r\nIn vanilla, Ghost Wolf has a 3 second casting time, so two points in the talent bring that down to 1 second. It wasn't until TBC that the basic cast speed was 2 seconds and you were able to make it instant with those two talents.","createdAt":"2022-09-03T21:55:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"sailor4242"},"body":"In classic wow it was instant with 2 points spent (probably 2 sec default cast time), can you please consider an improvement of that sort for this spell?\r\nIts' a shame that shamans have to spent 2 points and still not have it instant.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T20:59:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/193904704-4f17766d-6e68-4611-9414-c28dfc7d917f.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/193905824-aff05ea9-3c75-4d78-8afc-f00d7848935a.png)\r\nGhost wolf does not become instant cast with the talent. Closing this as resolved.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T21:13:17+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T20:47:29+0200","number":1836,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bug with Improved Ghost Wolf Talent","body":"The Enchancement Shaman talent Improved Ghost Wolf should decrease the cast time of the Ghost Wolf by 2 seconds to instant cast. Nonetheless, after picking both ranks of the talent, the Ghost Wolf still has 1 second cast time. \r\n\r\nI believe this is caused by me selecting the first rank of the talent before I had learnt the spell. Therefore:\r\n\r\n1. Pick the first rank of the improved Ghost Wolf talent before you achieve level 20 and can learn the spell.\r\n2. Learn the spell at the trainer. (After learning the spell, the cast time was at 2 seconds)\r\n3. Pick the second rank of the talent, and the cast time goes to 1 second.\r\n\r\nIDs of affected spells:\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2645 Ghost Wolf\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16262 Talent rank 1\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16287 Talent rank 2\r\n\r\nHow this should work is that whether one picks the talent before or after learning the Ghost Wolf spell should have no impact on whether the talent actually has an effect or not.\r\n\r\n![Ghost Wolf Talent](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110740737/183262097-5ac3d19b-74ad-4f7e-92d9-f250c148a2df.jpg)\r\n\r\n![Ghost Wolf Tooltip](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110740737/183262089-45661f46-868f-4e9e-9973-fefe52c52d2b.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T21:13:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T21:13:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed due to non present client side showing of extended debuffs.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T18:04:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T20:11:08+0200","number":1835,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shadow Word Pain bugging out on some bosses","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nSometimes shadow word pain does not apply even though the enemy has not reached debuff cap yet, atleast for shadow word pain\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.raid\r\n2. notice that shadow word pain does not apply sometimes\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T18:04:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T18:04:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"andersahp"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"So obviously there's many differences between how classic and 1.12 client do netcode and batching and whatever, but it really sounds like what you're describing is just how melee attack floating numbers are tied to animations. The damage is done instantly but the floating text doesn't appear until your character has time to swing, and sometimes the animation gets interrupted so the engine has to wait until your next swing to display the whitenumber, resulting in what seems like 2 melee attacks happening at the same time. This actually has nothing to do with netcode and is just an animation issue (and it's not even a bug, just how blizz decided to code it for some reason). The damage happens exactly like expected. Pay attention to the health bar or install a floating damage text addon and you'll see how you actually do damage the first swing despite no number popping up, and in fact you do damage before the animation even starts, the game just delays the number from popping up to make it more cinematic or whatever.\r\n\r\nThat quote is also incorrect as far as I know and even if it were correct it'd have nothing to do with the issue you're describing, you sure that guy wasn't just trolling you?","createdAt":"2022-08-07T18:48:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixing performance issues is an on-going process.","createdAt":"2022-10-21T23:35:29+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T19:28:10+0200","number":1834,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Combat is \"laggy\"","body":"\r\n1. Combat seem more laggy / slower than in classic. Swings and spells often have an extra delay before hitting, and often two white swings are shown simultaneously even though swing timer is 3 sec. My ping is 19 so its not real \"lag\" and the issue has been there consistently since i started playing. From discord i know its a know issue, perhaps inherent to the client version. As Zaas said on discord:\r\n\r\nZaas: so its not batching\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: its how abilities are sent to the server\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: theres no real queueing\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: when your client is able to send a spell, only then is it sent\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: this makes it WAY shittier of a client to play on\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: this is the big reason why in old 2005 clips\r\n[1:00 AM] Zaas: casters would press frostbolt\r\n[1:01 AM] Zaas: then wait like a second\r\n\r\nOne could mistake it for batching, but its not consistently batching. \r\n\r\nIts very easy to notice in PVP combat, and its almost unplayable as melee. Comparing with combat on classic server its immediately obvious. \r\n\r\nI assume there's no fix for this, but i would like to know if its something you are aware off and are trying to fix?\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T23:35:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T23:35:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Mozlo"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Client side issue. Try enabling vsync.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T04:28:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T14:02:01+0200","number":1833,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Friend's characters are bugged when trying to follow","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWHenever my friend follows my character it starts off fine. Soon though his character begins to jitter and then if I turn a corner his character starts running off in a different direction and does not follow. We tried making a new character that was not a night elf male but it did the exact same thing. He has also deleted and re-exported the client which did not fix the issue. He is therefore unable to follow anyone at all as this persists across his characters and whomever he tries to follow.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be on his characters and try to follow anyone after right clicking their portrait and clicking follow\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWhen I follow him it works perfectly like it should in retail wow however his bugs 100% of the time.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T04:28:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T04:28:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Joooni"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:30:46+0200","number":1832,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunting Engineer Figgles gives reputation with Stormwind","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nWhen handing in the quest Hunting Engineer Figgles (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40539), you get 300 reputation with Stormwind on a horde character.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Take quest Hunting Engineer Figgles\r\n2. Hunt and kill Engineer Figgles in Hateforge Quarry\r\n3. Hand in quest at Valril the Seeker\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60736\r\nItem: \r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40539\r\nSpell: \r\nObject: \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI would imagine 300 reputation with Orgrimmer would make more sense.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:26:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:26:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"body":"Already Reported, apparently.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:26:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"body":"Already reported, but found under the \"closed\" category, as in fixed. It is not fixed.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:37:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"you made the 3rd report about this.\r\nit's reported here already https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1624","createdAt":"2022-08-07T13:58:31+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:24:55+0200","number":1831,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood Frenzy Druid Talent","body":"When two points are taken, the Blood Frenzy talent in the druid feral tree does not increase melee haste by 12%\r\n\r\n1. Take blood frenzy talent 2/2\r\n2. Attack target dummy \r\n3. Use tiger's fury\r\n4. Observe player's attack speed not increasing\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= Tiger's Fury\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\nWhen 2/2 taken in blood frenzy, and in cat form, a player's melee attack speed should increase by 12% when under the Tiger's Fury self-buff ability. Of note, 2/2 blood frenzy DOES increase Tiger's Fury duration as intended, so at least that works.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-11T15:19:31+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-11T15:19:31+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:24:09+0200","number":1830,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"First Aid immune while under immunity (divine shield/BoP)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/106287790/183246762-6e3633fd-b68d-4f86-8d72-a893ecba79f7.png)\r\n\r\nSince last patch, when trying to apply bandages on a character who is under immunity (such as Divine Shield and Blessing of Protection in the attached image), the healing will not occur and instead combat log indicates the character is immune. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have character apply immunity such as Divine Shield or Blessing of Protection\r\n2. Apply bandage (ensuring there is missing health)\r\n3. Watch as the combat log says character is immune, and no healing occurs\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHealing should occur despite immunity as it normally did prior to latest patch\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-07T02:01:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-07T02:01:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"body":"Already opened.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:33:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"konungr10"},"body":"Was opened before, but found it under closed, as in \"fixed bugs.\" It is not fixed.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:35:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"you might be just seeing the 1% miss bug that is affecting vmangos upstream https://github.com/vmangos/core/issues/1419\r\n\r\ncan you sit infront of the dummy for maybe an hour, with an addon to record hits/misses, and confirm if you are getting 4% miss, or 1% miss? if its the former then yes this talent is bugged. if the latter, no it's just that other bug that affects all meele on all vmanogs servers.","createdAt":"2022-08-07T00:43:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"You don't need to sit for an hour, just get enough +hit gear, and see if you still get misses.","createdAt":"2022-08-07T13:45:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"> You don't need to sit for an hour, just get enough +hit gear, and see if you still get misses.\r\n\r\nyou do, as there is 1 confirmed upstream bug, and this being the unconfirmed 2nd bug. A big sample size is needed to tell if you get 1% miss or 4% miss.","createdAt":"2022-08-08T00:22:31+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:18:31+0200","number":1829,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Natural Weapons does not add melee hit% ","body":"Natural Weapons does not add melee hit% like the tooltip says\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Select three points in Natural Weapons talent\r\n2. Equip 6% hit from gear\r\n3. Attack \"boss\" dummy from behind. Witness yellow damage misses.\r\n\r\nWith 3 points in Natural Weapons, and 6% hit from gear, the character should not miss on a boss with yellow damage abilities.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:18:17+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:18:17+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Attempting to fix it in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T20:45:00+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3372\r\n\r\nReopening.","createdAt":"2023-05-05T15:43:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"This issue no longer seems relevant.","createdAt":"2023-10-19T04:33:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T07:53:25+0200","number":1828,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Eastern Kingdoms\" in BG queue indicator","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-06 12-50-27](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/183236142-3b62974f-9069-4d31-9c33-1645cf20389a.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nUhm, hard to say for sure, but I think this mostly happens when you queue for some bgs, then log out and log in again in a few mins.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould not have \"Eastern Kingdoms\" there.","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:50+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2023-10-19T04:33:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The battery powered crowd pummeler does not have charges, because its battery powered. You need a battery to activate the effect. It consumes a battery when used.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T04:10:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The reason it looks like it does nothing at the moment is because the new MPQ patch is not live yet. The game client needs to be updated for it to work properly.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T04:20:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"body":"Thank you for the fast response :)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-06T06:22:23+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T01:16:07+0200","number":1827,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Battery-Powered Crowd Pummeler cannot be charged","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Loot Schematic: Hypertech Battery Pack from Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomer. Create some of these.\r\n2. Loot Schematic: Battery-Powered Crowd Pummeler for Gizlock in Maraudon. Make the weapon.\r\n3. See that the weapon has no charges and that the batteries cannot be used in conjunction with it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60099 and https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60098\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe batteries should charge the Pummeler","updatedAt":"2022-08-06T06:22:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-06T04:20:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"davmon01"},"body":"I'd like to second this, I am unable to apply this enchant to my shoulders. I wonder if the problem is due to there already being a +5 nature res enchant on the shoulders and it's not triggering the pop-up to replace it. ","createdAt":"2022-08-10T12:37:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"this isnt fixed, just tried this today and have the same issue.","createdAt":"2022-08-16T06:36:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Twili1"},"body":"Same here, enchant still not working ","createdAt":"2022-08-16T06:39:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"[the enchant now works](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/737297929584377947/1017536328285560853/unknown.png) and this issue can remain closed","createdAt":"2022-09-08T22:55:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-06T00:59:02+0200","number":1826,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Zandalar Signet of Tenacity does not work","body":"The new ZG signet added recently does not apply the enchant to a shoulder. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-08T22:56:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T14:07:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"eX1stenZT"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"This also affects other channeled abilities liek warlock rain of fire.\r\n\r\nOr consecration which is not channeled and has its own ticket somewhere here ","createdAt":"2022-09-12T13:12:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Just tested this 3 hours after restart, and out of 10 casts, 3 of Arcane Missiles did not fire their last volley. This is still not completely fixed assuming the fix was applied to live in the last update, and thus the issue needs to be reopened.\r\n\r\nRank 3 was used to test, combat log confirms visual observation of projectiles. The interval between volleys is still inconsistent as well.","createdAt":"2023-01-30T00:33:11+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@ratkosrb see above pls","createdAt":"2023-01-30T00:44:22+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I made another change, you can test it next week. And if it still doesn't work then try to catch the issue on video with the combat log open.","createdAt":"2023-01-30T04:44:45+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This is fixed with @ratkosrb's latest fix after tonight's server maintenance.","createdAt":"2023-02-01T01:27:16+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T22:14:11+0200","number":1825,"labels":"Mage, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Arcane Missiles often losing final wave/tick","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nArcane Missiles often lose the final wave/tick. This happens most commonly during peak time with ~2.5k players online when there is a global delay.\r\nIt is possible that this is a common channeling issue, which was often times happening with Penance (wotlk) on private servers - although I can't remember any other channeling spell w/ waves, perhaps the NE priest racial spell.\r\nWith recent class changes buffing arcane and making it a viable spec, the absence of last tick pushes arcane back below other 2 specs as you effectively can lose ~10% dps on this along with clearcasting procs (assuming happening circa 50% of the time).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Log on a mage during peak time, as it is most commonly happening during. (It CAN happen when the server is doing perfectly fine with less people, although it is less common.)\r\n2. Start casting 'Arcane Missiles (Rank 3)' onto any target. A dummy is fine.\r\n3. Observe that quite often the last tick produces sound effect and animation, but no actual \"wave\" goes out.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5145\r\n(Note: any rank of arcane missiles should be affected, tested with 3 and 4 which have 5 ticks, r1 having 3 ticks, r2 4, r3 and higher get 5)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nArcane Missiles should produce 5 ticks and not skip the final tick.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-01T01:27:17+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-29T08:59:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Galuur"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"This is fixed already ","createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:52:16+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T19:05:16+0200","number":1824,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin Redoubt talent triggering at 100%","body":"Paladin's Redoubt talent (at 3/3) is triggering at 100% instead of only on received critical strikes. Currently it has a perpetual duration during combat.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20134\r\n\r\nI've uploaded a youtube video showing the behaviour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtbnkUCFwHw\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T09:44:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T09:44:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"This is actually how threat works for damaging abilities and auto-attacks. The exception is non-damaging threat abilities like sunder armor, other debuffs, healing aggro or certain buffs/group buffs, all of which can still work even if a mob has an absorb shield active. Working as intended.","createdAt":"2023-03-06T00:10:16+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T17:37:39+0200","number":1823,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Power Word: Shield on NPC blocks threat","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nObserved in Scarlet Monastery on NPC Scarlet Chaplain. Their spell Power Word: Shield blocks threat from tank spells. Damage is caused to the shield but no threat is generated.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Group in Scarlet Monastery Library\r\n2. Have tank attack NPC with Power Word: Shield active on the NPC as their ability\r\n3. Tank cannot generate threat until shield on NPC is gone\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=4299\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=6066\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=27674\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThreat should be generated when damaging Power Word: Shield ability on NPC.","updatedAt":"2023-03-06T00:10:17+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-06T00:10:16+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Same as cow lvl","createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:53:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T14:57:27+0200","number":1822,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Fishing from Icepoint Rock yields nothing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFishing does not produce any loot. Even the fisherman says the fish are always biting, what a lie! They bite, you just don't catch them lol.\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/183081846-b6f110ce-ee38-4eb4-9897-9d5eb05b6a92.png)\r\n\r\nSeems the text is missing punctuation at the end. A period or something .\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Take boat to Icepoint Rock\r\n2. Fish\r\n3. Receive no loot\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60543\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18248\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nProduce loot or not have a fisherman on the shore which signals a fishing area.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Chromie-the-gnome"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T09:22:07+0200","number":1821,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Omen of Clarity is not working as intended","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen using offensive damage spells (Like wrath or Starfire), Omen of Clarity is not proccing even though it should.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Buff yourself with Omen of Clarity\r\n2. Cast an offensive druid spell\r\n3. Not get any procs\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2912\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5176\r\netc\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOmen of clarity should work on offensive spell casts instead of only melee attacks.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:31:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:31:22+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"body":"enemy insignia looting giving a mark of honor and stacking to 250 when","createdAt":"2022-08-08T02:53:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"BG corpse looting in general is still quite buggy.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T16:06:34+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"That's looks like a vanilla bug actually.\r\nBut we fixed it anyway.","createdAt":"2024-02-19T23:43:48+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T01:58:24+0200","number":1820,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Insignia looting interrupted by releasing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nReleasing ghost interrupts insignia looting.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Kill enemy in bg.\r\n2. Start looting insignia.\r\n3. Enemy releases.\r\n4. Looting interrupted, you have to loot again.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nLooting not interrupted by releasing.","updatedAt":"2024-02-19T23:44:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-19T23:44:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-05T00:58:53+0200","number":1819,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wrench of Creation is not available in xmog collection","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Loot Wrench of Creation from Engineer Figgles in Hateforge Quarry\r\n2. Equip it\r\n3. Check xmog collection at the fashionista - it is not in the collection\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60543 \r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"Unrelated - it seems the apes also have an high increased stealth detection compared to other NPC's. Is this correct?","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:39:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"itswicky"},"body":"Are they considered humanoids instead of beasts?","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:41:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"> Are they considered humanoids instead of beasts?\r\n\r\nThey are considered beasts. So they should not have pockets to pick. But no message displays. You use pickpocket and the spells casts with no loot obtained.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:43:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed in next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T22:17:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:32:17+0200","number":1817,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Un'Goro Gorillas","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUn'Goro Gorillas can be pickpocketed but they have no loot?\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Pick pocket an Un'Goro Gorilla\r\n2. Receive no loot\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6513\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6514\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6516\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=921\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEither produce loot or say target has no pockets to pick!","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T22:17:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T22:17:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"Further testing shows Rogue Sword Specialization at a 2% proc rate and Thrash Blade at a 1% proc rate. I will do a steady 100 mob kill to test a decent % of procs.\r\n![Screenshot 2022-08-04 140653](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182920471-ca9e9d9d-36f9-4e54-8d9e-42304801ca63.png)\r\n![Screenshot 2022-08-04 140201](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182920479-63423e0a-84a3-460d-b752-4ec711b5e2cb.png)\r\n \r\n![b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182920851-bebfd4dc-9113-45bb-ab89-0d1e1d99434e.png)\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182920857-95cd1af5-c46f-4554-9ae7-6e97c0acf486.png)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:07:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"I stopped at less than 50 NPC kills. Thrash continues to drop in proc rate, even with Blade Furry active and Slice and Dice active at all times possible. This is a total of 18+ minutes of sustained in combat action attacking. Thrash did a total of 6% of all damage done in the timer period with less than a .4% proc rate. \r\nWould also note that Thrash had a almost 40% miss chance per proc and Sword Specialization had a 26% chance to miss per proc. Auto attack had a 18% chance to miss. I feel these are affecting the issue. Chance to hit at +5%.\r\n![d](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182934512-ae0ca16c-d55b-4af6-aa99-4ee71cd76bcf.png)\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182934521-fb78672e-15ec-4364-84ea-0b567bb374a0.png)\r\n![b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182934524-45ab9625-4b43-42d8-9e51-71a7b0e60a4c.png)\r\n\r\nChance to hit - \r\n![ff](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182935599-80e0a3f0-28e2-42fe-a1d5-6ccf74b9cdaa.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-04T21:15:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"I believe the main cause to be a wrong increased chance to miss on off-hand weapons\r\n![b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182968706-e4c372fc-bf48-436f-9e8e-8bd303e8f86c.png)\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182968707-71042776-d9cd-403d-a465-7a14d8a4c69f.png)\r\n\r\nSwitching sword to main-hand did increase overall proc rate - Thrash has a slightly higher proc rate than Sword Specialization talent. This is correct.\r\n\r\nIt seems the overall +19% chance to miss with dual wield skill is heavily weighed into the off-hand weapon more than the main-hand and it should be nearly equally balanced.\r\n![c](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182970371-9c8bec8d-7ab9-4a21-8686-3b2a97a7caf3.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nChance to hit with Thrash as off-hand weapon is significantly reduced for Thrash blade. Chance to proc hits work and deal damage every single time with other chance on hit weapons. When Thrash blade is equipped in off-hand for some reason the procs miss. No other weapon has this issue I have tested.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T00:54:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"In conclusion I either believe chance to miss on off-hand weapons has the full 19% and it should be split between main-hand and off-hand weapons or Thrash Blade proc itself has a +50% chance to miss while wielding in off-hand. Note that other proc chance on hit weapons do not miss this often when in off-hand, if the proc misses at all. The proc should not miss. If it procs it procs. Chance to gain extra attack can be missed, but it should not occur more with off-hand than main-hand.\r\n\r\nAbout 1.5 PPM... with a high miss chance\r\n![a](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43530387/182973486-df6bfe4c-89e4-4a59-8789-fe4ad0ac0ea9.png)\r\n\r\nYes I'm aware only a few procs will show a high miss chance %. 10+ procs the miss chance is still +40% as noted above.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T01:30:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T19:46:37+0200","number":1816,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Thrash Blade","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThrash Blade seems to have wrong PPM when equipped in off-hand. It should have an overall proc chance around 4% with information gained online and videos of DPS meters. The proc rate now, I'm unsure of the %, is definitely much lower than it should be. Gaining 1 extra swing through Thrash Blade maybe every 2 NPC's. Further, Rogue talent Blade Furry should proc the extra attack from Thrash Blade, and other proc on other weapons similar. As such, the off hand weapon should have an increased proc chance due to the way Rogues handles offhand weapons - including the talent Sword Specialization to cause swords to increase chance to gain an extra attack - there is no 5% + 4% proc from blade. Something is not calculating right.\r\n I will post an updated % based on a DPS meter that gathers what attack does what damage and how many times it procs to further help with this.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip Thrash Blade IN OFF-HAND\r\n2. Attack enemies\r\n3. Wonder why extra attack is not proccing\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=17705\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=12281\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nProc rate should be increased. 5% from sword specialization + 4% from Thrash Blade. Even if it is not a +9% it should still be a +5% then add another +4% this is not occuring.\r\n\r\nSword Specialization and Thrash Blade extra attack should be able to proc together and they are not.","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T17:18:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T17:18:18+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"loot29"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This model doesn't have this animation by default, I'm sorry! If it's too much of a concern, please request a refund of tokens via in-game ticket :)","createdAt":"2022-08-05T14:59:16+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T13:47:04+0200","number":1814,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Donation Mount Shadowhorn Stag","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe mount has no mountspecial at all. Pressing Space while standing does nothing.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Mount up\r\n2. Press Space\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50406\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould at least have an animation, probably with a sound.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-31T07:03:18+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-05T14:59:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"loot29"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Moving this issue to the internal client tracker.","createdAt":"2022-09-23T17:23:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T13:39:42+0200","number":1813,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Donation Mount Swift Magic Rooster","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSwift Magic Rooster's Mountspecial is not working correctly. Whenever you stand still and hit Space (later xpacs /mountspecial) the rooster does an animation, but there is no sound.\r\nAlso the mounting up sound is from Bloodelf's Hawkstriders, it usually has another mount up sound. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Mount Up\r\n2. Press Space\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50406\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould reproduce a Rooster sound/ chicken sound.","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:50+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-09-23T17:23:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"XyloWasTaken"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T12:46:56+0200","number":1812,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Daphne Stilwell holding a checkered cube instead of a gun.","body":"When Daphne goes to get her gun to fend of the bandits for the Paladin quest, instead of a gun she grabs a checkered cube.\r\n\r\nTo recreate the bug, just do the Tome of Valor questline, and reach the part where you have to defend Daphne. She will walk inside the small house to grab a gun, but instead she gets the cube. Also she would walk inside the home, she'd switch from holding a bucket to the \"gun\" (which is a cube instead), and she would not shoot at enemies, but melee attack them.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6182\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1651\r\nExpected behavior:\r\nDaphne walks inside the house, and switches the bucket she is holding for a checkered cube.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:28:30+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:28:30+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sallammbo"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"CosminPOP"},"body":"Did you hide your rank maybe ?\r\nYou can see your highest rank as Corporal, so you did rank up.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T15:44:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Sallammbo"},"body":"> Did you hide your rank maybe ? You can see your highest rank as Corporal, so you did rank up.\r\n\r\nnop, im not, i must see progress bar anyway. and i didn't hide anything","createdAt":"2022-08-07T11:28:05+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1506","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:53+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T11:58:47+0200","number":1811,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"pvp rank bug?","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Why character named Salammbo get nothing ranking progress? We played together with mage (on screenshot) but he did and I not?\r\n2. \r\n![WoWScrnShot_080322_212501](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110562916/182819490-c40454ab-2212-4096-ae2f-007391f70657.jpg)\r\n\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:51:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T05:23:11+0200","number":1810,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Duel request against opposing faction PVP flagged player is treated as a PVP event.","body":"The initiating player is flagged; neutral guards agro against the intiating player.\r\n\r\nTested Examples:\r\nUnflagged Alliance initiates duel against Flagged Horde in Cenarion Hold (Silithus)\r\nFlagged Alliance initiates duel against Flagged Horde in Cenarion Hold (Silithus)\r\nUnflagged Horde initiates duel against Flagged Alliance in Booty Bay (STV)\r\nFlagged Horde initiates duel against Flagged Alliance in Booty Bay (STV)\r\nUnflagged Alliance initiates duel against Flagged Horde in Booty Bay (STV)\r\nFlagged Alliance initiates duel against Flagged Horde in Booty Bay (STV)\r\n\r\nDoes not trigger when:\r\nFlagged Horde initiates duel against Unflagged Alliance in Booty Bay (STV)","updatedAt":"2022-09-06T00:32:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-06T00:32:13+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Repeatable Arathi working as intended:\r\nhttps://i.imgur.com/ma815Fq.png\r\n\r\nRepeatable Alterac not:\r\nhttps://i.imgur.com/xUi0qbG.png","createdAt":"2022-08-04T03:43:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T03:30:51+0200","number":1809,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Quest] Remember Alterac Valley Turn-In Bug","body":"All Alliance Brigadier Generals offer the repeatable version of Remember Alterac Valley, but the UI has some issues that can cause confusion in players. Rather than the usual template for displaying a repeatable quest (blue \"?\"), it displays a golden \"?\" regardless of number of marks possessed. The button at the bottom of the frame says \"Complete Quest\" rather than \"Continue\" and does not display the requirements for turn-in within this frame (3x Alterac Valley Mark of Honor with icon).\r\n\r\nAs a result, clicking on Complete Quest will play fanfare and attempt to complete, but the client will throw an error saying you do not have the appropriate items. While minor, language barriers and lack of experience may confound players who believe they have a quest to turn in. Other side effects of this behavior have yet to be determined.\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8383\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15351\r\n\r\nThe quest above, when selected from the NPC's gossip option for it, should display the same frame template as for the following repeatable quests:\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8404\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8405\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8406\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8407\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8408\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8386\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8384\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8393\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8394\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8397\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8398\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8385","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T04:26:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T04:26:20+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The fix is not live yet. You have to wait for the server update.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T04:48:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-04T00:22:48+0200","number":1808,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin: Sanctified Command dispel resistance not working, mana refund not recorded","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nRefer earlier issue which was closed: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1701\r\nNote: Unclear if this is to be fixed next patch\r\n\r\nMatter is reported to be fixed, however the Sanctified Command talent still does not provide any resistance to dispel.\r\nFurther, the mana refund does not appear in combat log, making it difficult to track.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Choose 2/2 Sanctified Command talent\r\n2. Cast Seal of Command, have enemy player cast dispel/purge on paladin\r\n3. Observe as Seal of Command is removed 100% of the time, thereby indicating there is no dispel resistance\r\n4. Judge Seal of Command on target, watch as no combat log records refund of mana to paladin or the party\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nWith Sanctified Command talent 2/2 chosen, paladin should resist Seal of Command dispelling 90% of the time. Further, it would be beneficial if the mana refund from judging Seal of Command was visible in the combat log to all party members, similar to how any mana gain is shown, such as the Shield Specialisation talent mana refund\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T04:48:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T04:48:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Deiliomoon"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1712","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:24:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T21:08:49+0200","number":1807,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"improved starfire bug","body":"Hi , I would like to report an interesting bug with any healing and even moonfire spell can proc the stun from the improved starfire its kinda strange \r\n\r\nI hope you can find a way to fix this\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:24:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:24:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Mozaiczny"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'll move this issue to the internal tracker, thank you.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T17:19:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T13:03:41+0200","number":1806,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Armory talents redirect user to WoWHead, instead of Turtle WoW","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nArmory redirect to [https://classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/druid](url) instead of Turtle-WoW Calculator.\r\nTurtle-WoW has altered talents relative to classic WoW, and this can cause significant differences.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Open any character armory, as example: [https://armory.turtle-wow.org/#!/character/Mozaiczny](url)\r\n2. Click on linked talents: **0 / 0 / 0**\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46848544/182592506-541266c4-36c0-47c3-88ce-151500e2f9ad.png)\r\n3. User is redirected to **classic.wowhead** talent page.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIn the above test case, for _step 3_, the expected result is the opening of talents on this site: [https://talents.turtle-wow.org/](url).","updatedAt":"2022-08-05T17:19:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-05T17:19:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zulmamwe"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"xhummerx"},"body":"thats intented","createdAt":"2022-08-03T15:03:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zulmamwe"},"body":"> thats intented\r\n\r\nSucks :(\r\nWanted to wear that set on a rogue alt, definitely not gonna level LW on him just for that","createdAt":"2022-08-03T15:30:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T11:50:28+0200","number":1805,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grifter's Boots are BoP?","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nGrifter's Boots are becoming soulbound on pick up making it impossible to get a full set for non-leatherworkers\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22682876/182577522-1a15cb05-7e7e-4109-a5ea-a09f4cc145c3.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83255\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83405\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThey should probably be BoE","updatedAt":"2024-02-12T23:50:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:12:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Mozaiczny"},"body":"It's funny. Trainer at **Dolanaar** got rank 1 and rank 3, but not rank 2! :D \r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46848544/182697546-55fa7820-f252-4e73-905a-684b216fdb04.png)\r\n\r\nIt should be fixed, but hey! You can go and buy **Insect Swarm** here!","createdAt":"2022-08-03T21:56:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"body":"![no insect swarm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45656368/183145946-80967c14-38b8-45ea-915b-07f937b22727.png)\r\n\r\nIt's missing for me even there!","createdAt":"2022-08-05T21:17:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Rank 2 version (should be available level 30) of the spell was still missing from trainer as of 2 days ago (12.08.2022).\r\nLearned rank 3 version which was available at level 40 2 days ago when i got level 40 on my druid. But in fact it learned rank 2 spell (and the trainer tooltip was strange, saying it's rank3 requiring rank1). At level 40 druid should have rank 3.","createdAt":"2022-08-13T23:54:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"body":"The issue was fixed manually by GM (thanks a lot). I hope it already was fixed globally :)","createdAt":"2022-08-19T09:04:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T11:05:31+0200","number":1804,"labels":"Requires a client update","state":"CLOSED","title":"Insect swarm can't be learned beyond rank 2","body":"Insect swarm can't be learned beyond rank 2. When i speak with trainer it looks like rank 3 is missing from the list.\r\n\r\n\r\n1. Find you closest druid trainer and try to learn insect swarm beyond level 2\r\n\r\n![insect swarm turtles](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45656368/182569666-8547d79a-e2fb-4810-a1a6-ea4d49a39a8b.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nExpected behavior. Describe how it should work:\r\n\r\nInsect swarm maximum rank is 5\r\nIdk if every druid have this problem maybe it's just me.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-08T21:55:49+0100","milestone":{"title":"Patch 1.17.0 or Earlier","state":"CLOSED","url":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/milestone/2"},"closedAt":"2022-11-04T18:09:05+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T03:44:16+0200","number":1803,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chromatic Elite Guard at the end of UBRS keeps respawning. 30secs?","body":"The one to the right of the orb https://i.imgur.com/1BRRCI1.png","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T05:24:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T05:24:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/5cabf4d53fcbf4863ea8603598238ba530c25b0a","createdAt":"2022-08-03T05:28:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T03:25:13+0200","number":1802,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cooldowns added in unintentionally to certain pets","body":"There should not be 10 minute cooldowns on \"Auctioneer Drezbit\" and \"Field Repair Bot 75B\" for usage.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T05:28:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T05:28:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T02:36:50+0200","number":1801,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved slam bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nHaving the talent improved slam 5/5 should reduce the cast time of decisive strike 0.5 sec. As the tooltip says with 5/5 it shoulf have 1 sec cast time. But in reality have much longer cast time like 2 sec like if is not talented\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.have improved slam 5/5\r\n2. Cast decisive strike \r\n3.look his cast time. Much longer than 1 sec\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIt should have 1 sec cast time like the tooltip says\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T07:01:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T07:01:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Darcisselock"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T01:36:18+0200","number":1800,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance - Westfall spot","body":"During the quest [16]Trial of the Sea lion, druids have to acquire items underwater. The Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance is located in a deep spot inside a Strange Lockbox in Silverpine Forest/Westfall for horde/ally respectively, which takes more time than the 1minute breath timer to swim down, loot, and get to the surface. In order to make this possible, druids are supposed to use bubble fissures located in the vicinity of the chest they have to loot.\r\nThe Westfall spot currently has no bubble fissure which would allow this, so the alliance druid requires outside aid (warlock buff, alchemist potion etc.), or a very long travel to the horde alternative.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Swim to Westfall spot at (17,33) coords, where the chest is just beneath an underwater cliff with a rusty anchor as decor.\r\n2. Notice the lack of nearby fissure or its bubbles.\r\n3. Swim back up before you drown.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=15882\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=272\r\nFissure: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=177524\r\nChest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=177790\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThere should be a fissure blowing bubbles located next to the chest which contains Half Pendant of Aquatic Endurance to let the druid loot without drowning.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T05:00:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T05:00:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tellerofjokes"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"You're most likely not running our wow.exe or your update has failed. Try to download the updated full client on the website and try that one.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T01:53:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-03T01:15:44+0200","number":1799,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"FrameXML error CTD","body":"I downloaded the client and updated.\r\nLogged in, created a character and pressed Enter Server\r\nLoading bar fills, then crash to desktop with the following error box\r\n![CTD](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110502985/182492103-19e3e34a-dba8-4973-bf59-2f45edb07772.png)\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-05T01:53:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-05T01:53:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"loot29"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"This is an addon issue.\r\n\r\nTry https://github.com/CosminPOP/_LazyPig","createdAt":"2022-08-03T12:22:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T23:24:53+0200","number":1798,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Swift Magic Rooster Dismount","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nNot being able to automatically dismount while on Swift Magic Rooster\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Mount up Swift Magic Rooster\r\n2. Cast Totem/Spell. Does not dismount. Not even when using various auto-dismount addons, or shagutweaks\r\n3. Only manually possible, clicking the Rooster itself, or the Buff. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80431\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should be able to automatically dismount you when you cast a spell or similar. Especially with addons that were created exactly for that purpose. Automatic dismount works with all other tested Mounts.","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T19:52:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T19:52:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"The aura that appears when using Flourish does indeed say 21 to 20%. This may require a clientside update.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T15:58:38+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"I believe this is due to the way that the spell system reads the base value and die sides. I believe this can be fixed by changing spell 45604 effect 2's base points from 20 to 19 and die sides from 0 to 1. It won't change what the spell does but iirc that should fix the tooltip display.","createdAt":"2023-03-05T22:22:13+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T15:47:38+0200","number":1797,"labels":"Rogue, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Flourish rogue spell","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe finishing move increases chance to parry by 21%. The spell tooltip sais \"increases your chance to parry by an additional 21 to 20%\" which is odd. The patch notes sais 20%. The increase is of 21%. The spell in twow database sais 10%.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=5934\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-23T13:37:12+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-23T13:37:12+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Jekan4eek"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. I have more armor with the talent than without.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T09:59:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Jekan4eek"},"body":"The problem seems to have been resolved. There is more armor when putting on a shield, but when you take off the shield and completely undress the character, the armor that was added due to the talent remains even on a naked character, when you log out, it is removed. It turns out that this is more of a visual bug.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T12:20:04+0200"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"This has been confusing players. Perhaps we can maybe fix the lua in the client to accommodate for this talent and put an end to this visual bug.","createdAt":"2024-01-04T04:39:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Made a fix to that. You will now see how armor raised up, when you grab talent!","createdAt":"2024-02-19T19:40:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Muigin"},"body":"As stated above, will be fixed in the next maintenance.","createdAt":"2024-02-19T19:40:47+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T14:38:49+0200","number":1796,"labels":"Shaman, Client, Reproduced","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Talent Spirit Armor causes Character panel Armor value to read too high after removing shield. Fixes with relog.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nClass: Shaman\r\nNew talent Spirit Armor not working\r\nArmor is not added when equipping a shield on a hero. The talent states that when using a shield, a 10/20/30% armor bonus is given.\r\nThe talent does not add armor.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/95292017/182596071-bfdde157-6e66-45fe-aae6-e3c43afc26b6.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/95292017/182596640-007c732b-a388-4376-9769-e0babc29ec80.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n10% that is added when equipping a shield, this gives a talent Ancestral Guardian. Indicated in blue on the screenshot\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nCouldn't find this talent in the knowledge base\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nWhen a hero uses a shield, a percentage of the shield's armor should be added depending on the talent level.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-19T19:40:47+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-19T19:40:46+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T13:51:39+0200","number":1795,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wyvern Sting not broken on damage","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHunter spell Wyvern Sting acts like a stun, damage doesn't break the effect.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20941\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe sleep effect should be removed when taking damage.","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T04:53:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T04:53:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"topik43"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"В Дун Мороге такой краш происходит? Если да, то вот этот файл загрузите в папку Data, пожалуйста. Это патч на конкретно этот краш.\r\n[patch-Z.zip](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9246108/patch-Z.zip)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-03T00:48:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"topik43"},"body":"Скажите пожалуйста где можно найти Сфера Каландуса в Монастыре Алого Ордена по квесту The orb of kalandus","createdAt":"2022-08-13T19:04:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T12:45:29+0200","number":1794,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"проблемы с игрой","body":"![20220802_131813](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110463875/182356376-d576ad6c-8f43-4a31-82ce-beca3e16ab4e.jpg)\r\n![20220802_124717](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110463875/182356450-4a871671-5edb-4fa7-9613-82101548e32a.jpg)\r\nу меня возникла вот такая проблема как решить ее ","updatedAt":"2022-08-13T19:04:47+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T16:03:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1786\r\n\r\nwill be fixed next update","createdAt":"2022-08-02T10:15:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T09:48:59+0200","number":1793,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Entrapment hunter talent not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe entrapment talent is not working since the patch. it does not proc the entrapment effect on mobs from any of the traps.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec entrapment.\r\n2. Place immolation / frost / explosive trap and have a mob walk through it.\r\n3. See that no entrapment debuff occurs on the mob.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19390\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T10:15:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T10:15:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T09:47:05+0200","number":1792,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"quest The Good Snuff available to both factions","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe quest The Good Snuff in Theramore Isle is available to both factions. It is in an alliance hub, gives Theramore reputation. SHould be alliance only.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40411\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T09:24:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T09:24:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"grammarslammer"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T06:56:11+0200","number":1791,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Chair in Hawk's Vigil","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nYou can sit in a chair in Hawk's Vigil (Dun Agrath) that already has an NPC in it\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Click the chair\r\n2. Profit\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC in the chair: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=52056\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYou shouldn't be able to sit in an occupied chair.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T09:54:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T09:54:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T06:30:41+0200","number":1790,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ritual of Souls (Cookie Table) is nonfunctional [also Conjure mana orange table spell] 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nRitual of Souls is non-functional, no table spawns for people to retrieve cookies from.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Click your Ritual of Souls spell (its also in the General tab instead of Demonology but its cool)\r\n2. Notice it consumes a Soul Shard\r\n3. Also notice that nothing happens, and realize you are 1 shard less\r\n5. Also Mage table isn't working either\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83003 The book, also mine is missing from inventory where did it go \r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=45920 Supposedly the spell according to Moon but I don't think database is updated yet.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould summon a portal like the original cookie table item, allowing players to interact with it and summon the table.","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T11:58:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T11:58:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-02T02:14:27+0200","number":1789,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Banish","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nWhen a demon is banished by a Warlock, no debuff should be able to affect the banished NPC. NPC can be affected by Druid Faerie Fire (Feral). This was observed specifically in Crescent Grove dungeon.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Have Warlock banish a demon NPC (was observed on Fel Guards)\r\n2. Have Druid use Faerie Fire (Feral)\r\n3. Observe debuff on banished NPC\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould not be affected by any debuff or magic.","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T09:21:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T09:21:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_080222_044629](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35845488/182274348-b3af7696-3eee-4cc4-977b-ed97f06be442.jpg)\r\n\r\nIt's not bugged, he drops the item. I just spawned the npc and killed it a few times and it dropped.","createdAt":"2022-08-02T03:49:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"He only drops one item though, in hateforge quarry there drops a blue and the manual when it drops. Should be the same case here. The codex should not take the place of the blue","createdAt":"2022-08-02T10:00:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Issue was fixed in a previous applied update.","createdAt":"2022-08-02T10:27:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T22:24:58+0200","number":1788,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Codex:Shadow Mend Drop-eventuality is buged","body":"The Codex Shadow Mend is at the moment not obtainable since it can not drop (confirmed by Tinyfin)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Run Kara Crypts all day\r\n2. Ask a GM if the codex is even in the game\r\n3. Be mad that you find out dropchance is buged\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83571 (item link)\r\n\r\nShould drop for 20 % on Alarus, and should not take the blue item drop slot\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T10:27:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T10:26:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1788","createdAt":"2022-08-02T03:49:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T22:20:43+0200","number":1787,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Codex: Shadow Mend does not drop","body":"Codex: Shadow Mend does not drop \r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83571","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T03:49:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T03:49:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T21:05:16+0200","number":1786,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Entrapment hunter talent not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEntrapment hunter talent not working, not proccing entrapment since the patch.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.spec it\r\n2. test it\r\n3. see it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T05:24:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T05:24:23+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Muzzledfox"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T19:34:13+0200","number":1785,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Issues with The Balance of Light and Shadow - Priest quest ","body":"This is my tforth attempt at trying to complete The Balance of Light and Shadow quest, and each time I have an evade bug. I was told to put this in the bug tracker.\r\n\r\n1. First wave is fine\r\n2. Second wave the skeletons spawn. I use and AOE (Oil of Immolation or Holy Nova) and some skeletons in the group will Evade bug and run back to the entrance. They will reset aggro.\r\n3. I have to chase them, OOMing myself and allowing villagers to die - the skeletons will also reset aggro\r\n4. Quest fails \r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/quest=7622/the-balance-of-light-and-shadow\r\n\r\n(I was only able to get one screenshot, as I was trying to complete the quest - and as you know - a fail takes 2 hours to reset)\r\n\r\n![Screenshot showing evade](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110416403/182208210-43cbd2cd-0b64-463b-9107-66eac1b20e9b.jpg)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T05:54:52+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T05:54:52+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"bugsyreporter"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in one of the recent updates.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T01:02:06+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T18:16:07+0200","number":1784,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spirit of Zandalar buff not given in booty bay","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSpirit of Zandalar buff not given in booty bay when the quest is completed\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. be in booty bay\r\n2. wait for somebody to complete the quest\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI should get the buff","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:02:06+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:02:06+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T01:53:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Uff that drop rate on a bop. Thx for fixing it thought! ","createdAt":"2022-08-05T11:24:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T17:53:42+0200","number":1783,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"incendosaur skin paudlrons do not drop anywhere","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhateforge quarry introduced a cool new leather incendosaur set\r\n\r\nthe boots drop from a boss\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60568\r\n\r\nthe gloves are BOE and drop from trash\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60582\r\n\r\nand the las item the shoulder??? according from database their are not available\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60572\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nshould drop somewehre in hateforge","updatedAt":"2022-08-05T11:24:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-05T01:53:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f363adsZ6Ic&list=PLoJjOcE78CJvfcUrAXe1v5Wm9Mj3Vj5tJ\r\n\r\nHere is video of us doing the three Abyssal Lords that do not drop the Scepter, as you can see there is no scepter on them","createdAt":"2022-08-03T06:47:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"According to the database, none of the Lords except Kazum have the Scepter on their loot table. Like likely got removed somehow when the new Abyssal (Element) were added on. ","createdAt":"2022-08-06T18:49:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"The Fire Lord is now dropping the Scepter as of 8/7\r\nI am yet to confirm the others","createdAt":"2022-08-08T02:11:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"Confirmed Wind is dropping scepter.\r\nWill close ticket if i can confirm water is dropping","createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:37:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"Confirmed that this is not dropping from the Water Lord still","createdAt":"2022-08-19T05:02:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T17:06:43+0200","number":1781,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Silithus Abyssal Lords do not drop the Abyssal Scepter 100% of the time","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen killing Abyssal Lords in Silithus they should drop the Abyssal Scepter 100% of the time.\r\nmy guild has observed this as not happening. So far we have only seen this issue with the Wind Lord but that could just be our smaller sample size.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Summon an Abyssal Lord and defeat it \r\n2. Loot the Lord\r\n3. Sometimes there is no Abyssal Scepter\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20515\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15205\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15204\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15305\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15203\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAbyssal Scepter should drop 100% of the time.","updatedAt":"2022-09-10T01:28:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T01:28:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"adiosamigos"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a part of a more general problem and we're aware of that. We cannot fix pathing on a specific house, platform, or cave. Fixes like that come in batches with the general mmap/vmap overhaul!","createdAt":"2022-11-06T00:32:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T12:27:08+0200","number":1780,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Oil platform east of Durotar // bugged pathfinding and/or aggro","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHi, the aggro works not as indended in the water near the oil platform and on the platform itself. \r\nHunter's pet can't get to the platform (and it ignores the follow command), instead it aggroes ALL the mobs in the water for some reason.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be a lv 12 hunter with boar pet\r\n2. Jump to the water from the goblin settlment (can't recall its name) and swim towards the oil platform\r\n3. Get to the lower level of the platform (jump out of the water)\r\n4. Try to get your pet with you on the platform (use follow command)\r\n5. See as your pet is unablet to get to you and instead gets aggro from the mobs in the water triggering combat for both of you\r\n6. Once the pet is dead try to recall in while you are on the platform (your pet will be summoned in the water outside of your vision)\r\n7. Get the same result as in para 5 above\r\n8. Once your pet is dead, jump down to the water from the platform and get aggro from dozen of surrounding mobs which just shredded your pet\r\n9. Get back to the platform if you are lucky and HS the hell out of there\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYour pet should follow you in water as usual and be able to get to the platform with you, it should not attack/neither be attacked by the mobs outside of their aggro range.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:32:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:32:23+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T10:42:14+0200","number":1779,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mob: \"Living Flame\" have too much HP","body":"For the NPC Living Flame:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3417\r\n\r\nHave approx 1700-1900 HP, which is considerably more than during Vanilla, where they only had 70 hp.\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/npc=3417/living-flame\r\n\r\n_Note: They are spawned by Defias Magicians (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1726)_ ","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Is it possible to have server-side coordinates? ","createdAt":"2022-08-01T20:37:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Map 0, Zone 33, Area 1577\r\nX: -13450\r\nY: -281\r\n\r\nGive or take, ish?\r\n\r\nAlso is orientation seriously expressed in radians, I had no idea","createdAt":"2022-08-07T07:16:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T09:38:58+0200","number":1778,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Underground Mining Node - STV","body":"Player reported an inaccessible Truesilver Deposit in Stranglethorn Valley approx 39,53\r\n\r\nPotentially an underground mining node?","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:18:20+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1786","createdAt":"2022-08-02T06:31:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T09:19:05+0200","number":1777,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Entrapment bugged","body":"The hunter talent entrapment is bugged. The \"root\" effect never happens no matter the trap\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should be a chance to root the npc affected by any trap. But the chance is 0% because the root never happens","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T06:31:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-02T06:31:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T09:01:16+0200","number":1776,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Schematic: Recharge Manual Crowd Pummeler disappears when learning and does not show up in Engineering 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe [Schematic: Recharge Manual Crowd Pummeler] recipe is disappearing from inventory upon use but does not show up in the Engineering page\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Farm Tinkerer Gizlock for several days\r\n2. Get the recipe drop\r\n3. Learn the recipe and despair as you look for it in the engi page and realize you don't have the ability to recharge mcp's\r\n4. Realize this has been reported before in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/825\r\n5. Also realize gnomer is a prison for all druids who want to be relevant\r\n6. Try not to cry\r\n7. Cry a lot\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51801\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nLearning a recipe via item should give you the ability to craft said recipe.\r\n\r\n#freethedruidsfromgnomer","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T10:44:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T10:44:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SagaPaladin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"The respawn time is currently 2 hours. Do you think it should be shorter?","createdAt":"2022-08-01T08:59:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SagaPaladin"},"body":"2 hours seems extreme for 3 lockpick training boxes to me? Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems all the others are closer to 5 minutes. The three inside the cave are also a slightly higher level box than the others in the crag, so they're very nice while leveling lockpicking.. \r\n\r\nSeems like a nice short lockpicking boost to reward players braving the much more dangerous cave. ","createdAt":"2022-08-01T15:17:23+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T05:39:23+0200","number":1775,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Windshear Mine Lockpick Box Respawn","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Pick the locks on the boxes in Windshear Mine\r\n2. Wait 30 minutes for respawn\r\n3. Only the outside box respawned, once. They haven't respawned since\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:** Lockpick boxes should respawn at a normal rate\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-11T01:44:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-11T01:44:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Abolish Poison works fine for me. Only Remove Curse was not castable in tree form.","createdAt":"2022-08-01T08:54:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"It should still be able to be casted, though","createdAt":"2022-08-01T21:16:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It will be fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-02T10:20:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"Thank you","createdAt":"2022-08-02T21:45:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T05:13:16+0200","number":1774,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't Dispel Curses or Poisons as Tree of Life form.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTitle, it's not possible to cast Remove Curse or Abolish Poison.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enter Tree of Life Form\r\n2. Try to dispel a curse on any member of the party or yourself.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs it reads, you should be able to cast Remove Curse or Abolish Poison.\r\nNew Talent: Tree of Life Form (Row 7)\r\nShapeshift into the Tree of Life. While in this form you increase healing received by 20% of your total Spirit for all party members within 30 yards, your movement speed is reduced by 20%, and you cannot cast damaging spells or Healing Touch, but the mana cost of these spells is reduced by 20%.\r\n\r\nThe act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-02T21:45:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T08:53:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"doesn't happen for me","createdAt":"2022-08-01T18:31:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"I can stream it, don't know how to record it, but it kept happening to me yesterday, it's either that, or a bug with the talents because I used to be spec'd as balance.\r\n\r\nFound a way to upload a video, since it's 90mb in size, I'll post a link to it.","createdAt":"2022-08-01T19:43:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rw-4EA4nfWYpGFnNda8xEYyjxhulS9nv/view?usp=sharing","createdAt":"2022-08-01T19:51:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1712","createdAt":"2022-09-02T12:05:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T05:10:14+0200","number":1773,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Any druid spell can trigger Improved Starfire. Even friendly ones.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAs the title says, even if you don't have the talent, Improved Starfire can trigger off of Moonfire cast, Moonfire procs, Wrath and even healing spells used on your party and yourself.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nAs an example, you can:\r\n1.- Cast Rejuvenate on yourself several times, you're sure to proc it eventually.\r\n2.- Enter combat with a high level mob or a Dummy, cast Wrath or Moonfire or Insect Swarm sometimes until it triggers.\r\n3.- It also triggered a couple of times with Soothe Animal, so I do not discard the possibility of it being able to stun with Roots or Hibernate.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:05:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:05:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/182112456-93e086a1-1df1-48af-87da-ee4234bb1f04.png)\r\nI can read an spell description only here:15% haste to melee attacks","createdAt":"2022-08-01T10:59:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"body":"Dragunovi's statement means that all haste buffs should be reworked to reflect the new change. ","createdAt":"2022-08-01T23:57:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Qix03"},"body":"Nah, he was pretty clearly referring to the ones that affect melee/ranged attack speed. Specific vs General. Otherwise you ought to report quivers not affecting your speed, too.","createdAt":"2022-08-02T13:22:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"When he refers to \"haste stat\" he means the new thing assigned to items. That \"haste stat\" is a spell. That is the spell being changed. Warchief's Blessing is a different spell which is not stated to be changed; the \"haste\" on it is an effect, not a spell.\r\n\r\nThese spells here were the ones changed, which are normally just melee haste:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45871932/182498470-68e31c2e-16a6-4839-8d59-9662122b8a04.png)\r\n\r\n\r\nThere's room for interpretation, but given the circumstances, I **_really_** doubt the developers want to improve world buffs, given how problematic they are.","createdAt":"2022-08-02T20:23:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Timonthemage"},"body":"need MSG to start bitching about it not working for casters then it will get fixed within a few minutes","createdAt":"2022-08-03T02:18:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Closed. @Velite12 is right.","createdAt":"2022-08-05T01:50:38+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T03:03:28+0200","number":1772,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warchief's Blessing not giving casters Spell Haste 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHaste should now apply to casters\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Warchief's Blessing\r\n2. Cast any spell, like fireball\r\n3. See no cast time reduction\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16609\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould see cast time reduction on spellcasts when buffed with Warchief's Blessing\r\n\r\n\r\n![Screenshot from 2022-08-01 19-27-45](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108923904/182138604-16547c3f-1b22-4608-95ae-a14a335f900c.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-05T01:50:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-05T01:50:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This has been already altered the way you are suggesting it :) \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/182096426-f3b6a099-64db-49da-8ae4-53bf03219756.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-01T09:31:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T02:51:04+0200","number":1771,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Suggestion: \"Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem\" allow non-Taurens","body":"For the quest \"Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem\" - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=758\r\n\r\nThis quest is completable by Taurens only, this is original Blizzard behavior - https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=758/thunderhorn-cleansing\r\n\r\nIn the spirit of Turtle WoW, I suggest that this quest be opened to other races. This can be accomplished by reflagging the on-use quest item - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5415","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T09:31:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T09:31:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Khanz0"},"body":"Fixed","createdAt":"2022-08-03T02:28:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T01:53:47+0200","number":1770,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Die by sword doesnt work","body":"Just learned the new technique \"die by sword\" and tested it. But it doesnt increase your parry chance\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83570\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. When using retalations. This passive skill should increase your parry chance 20%\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T08:51:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T08:51:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"pypaut"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Greetings!\r\n\r\nThe tent should be in your survival profession skill tab. If it's not there you need to reinstall patch W","createdAt":"2022-08-01T01:16:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-08-01T01:08:19+0200","number":1769,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cannot learn the \"Traveler's Tent\" skill","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAfter buying and triggering the item \"Outline: Traveler's Tent\", I cannot find the \"tent\" skill anywhere in my spell book.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Buy the \"Outline: Traveler's Tent\" from Rufus Hardwick NPC\r\n2. Right click this item from inventory\r\n3. Wait for the progress bar to complete\r\n4. Read the success message \"You have learned...\"\r\n5. Cannot find \"Tent\" in skill book\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=50234\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=50070\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI should be able to find the \"Tent\" recipe, in the skill book or Survival book.\r\n\r\n**Thank you and good luck**","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T01:16:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T01:16:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"lucas-m123"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Tested on current version. This is indeed still triggering Warrior Thunderclap cooldown.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T15:52:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"This is an NPC thunder clap spell that is used by the item, but is currently listed in the same spell category with shared category recovery times as the warrior thunder clap spells. This should be a simple fix.","createdAt":"2023-03-06T22:26:00+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"Disregard my previous post, I just checked and the shared cooldown with thunder clap for warriors is actually how the item worked on Blizzard servers.","createdAt":"2023-03-06T22:32:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T21:26:36+0200","number":1768,"labels":"Warrior, Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hand of Antu'sul proc","body":"The item Hand of Antu'sul (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=9639) procs a Thunder Clap-like effect but it triggers your thunder clap cooldown as a warrior. Does its damage (7 nature according to the item) regardless of its rank.\r\n\r\nIt shouldn't be like that because they're separate skills:\r\n\r\nThe proc skill: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13532#used-by-item\r\nWarrior skill: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11581\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-06T22:33:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-06T22:33:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1975","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:34+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T21:16:20+0200","number":1767,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"ravager missing ticks","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe ravager spins is 9 sec long and very 3 sec it should aoe\r\nbut the last ticks is msising\r\n\r\nwhat happens is 3 sec wait aoe. 3 sec wait aoe 3 sec wait NOTHING\r\nlast tick is missing\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=7717\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60413\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n9 seocodns every 3 sec an aoe","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"probably related, if you use the gnomish battle chicken in a duel, then the chicken will show no mercy and finish your opponent off after you won. ","createdAt":"2022-08-05T00:40:22+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed.","createdAt":"2022-08-23T15:21:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:47:13+0200","number":1766,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sw vault enslaved imps attack group memebrs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nIF you enslave an imp as a warlock on sw vault, the imp will first attack other imps, and then group nembers\r\n\r\nEnslvaed demons sjoild not attack group members ","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T15:21:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T15:21:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"goudekid"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Do you have proof of this expected behavior? Classic wowhead also says max range of 100 yards.","createdAt":"2022-08-23T15:22:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:33:14+0200","number":1765,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mind Vision breaks after target moves a few hundred yards","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nMind vision should last until channeling is finished or cancelled, currently it will break automatically if the target moves too far away\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Use mind vision on someone who is moving away from you\r\n2. automatically breaks after they move too far away\r\n\r\n**I have only tested with rank 1 but others in discord say that rank 2 also faces the same issue**\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2096\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n it should continue to channel and provide you vision to them until cancelled or the channel runs out","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It's probably related to the fog object in this room. It's somewhat... a perk. Can't see bodies in the white fog on the floor.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:33:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"ah see now what you meant torta, it is the fog","createdAt":"2022-08-16T13:14:04+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_090622_170141](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/190431444-70a982f3-d5b1-43ad-b644-e8be71a96e2e.jpg)\r\nissue this prevails. cant loot in the fog. sucks when you pull the boss into that room and then cant acutally click it \r\n\r\n@Tinyfin-github would it be pissible to reopen pls?","createdAt":"2022-09-15T16:33:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:19:41+0200","number":1764,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sw vault uncklickable trash","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nSometimes some of the trash (slimes and undeads) in the room in font of the boos you reach if yo ugo strisght from the dungeon entrance become untargetable\r\n\r\nYou can't click them, loot them, you can target them with tab thought \r\n\r\nIts somewhat random\r\nIn my first run only oone mob was affected, in my section run 2 groups, in my third run none","updatedAt":"2022-09-15T16:33:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:33:55+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Azeron223"},"body":"Can confirm this, ventured in there for the first time today, it was a little dissapointing to see no loot, especially with the level of these mobs it would be excellect to see them have level 61~ mob loot added to their tables as these would be a new source for extra rare high level items!\r\n\r\nPlus it would be cool to see demonic runes added to the loot tables of the demons in here as well ;)","createdAt":"2022-08-29T18:11:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next update.","createdAt":"2022-11-12T13:18:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:16:42+0200","number":1763,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormwind vault no trash loot at alll","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nAll mobs in sw vault don't drop anything besides silver. Maybe of you lucky you get some runecloth.\r\n\r\nNo greys, no whites, no random greens or blues, no wolf drops nothing. Pls add it Similiar to hateforge or cresent groove has it","updatedAt":"2022-11-12T13:18:47+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-12T13:18:47+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Also counterweight weapon enchant ","createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:43:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Kuz-Shaman"},"body":"Can there please be a response from a Mod? Just tell us if the spellhaste on enchants is intended to be added in the future or not. thanks!","createdAt":"2022-11-07T08:45:08+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@redmagejoe you misread. this ticket isnt about the items. those half aways worked. this ticket is about the encahnts","createdAt":"2023-02-21T15:50:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Looking at the spells on DB at least, it does not seem like they all work properly anyway even before getting into enchants.\r\n\r\n[Haste 1](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13679) has Aura 140 and 65 incorrectly set at Value 2 instead of Value 1.\r\n[Haste 2](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8815) has Aura 140 and 65 incorrectly set at Value 3 instead of Value 2.\r\n[Haste 3](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13680) is missing Aura 65 at Value 3 and has Aura 140 incorrectly set at Value 4 instead of Value 3.\r\n[Haste 4](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13681) is missing Aura 65 at Value 4.\r\n[Haste 5](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13682) has the correct values.\r\n[Haste 10](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18065) has Aura 140 and 65 incorrectly set at Value 11 instead of Value 10.\r\n\r\nHaste in general needs to be reviewed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T17:01:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T20:15:06+0200","number":1762,"labels":"Spell, Item, Profession","state":"CLOSED","title":"1% chaste enchants don't work on spells","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nDragu confirmed that the glove, helm and leg 1% haste enchants are supposed to increase spell speed as well. This is currently not the case.\r\n\r\nOnly my ring from cresent groove does both. Enchants don't ","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T17:35:51+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T17:35:51+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"OrnsteinHunter"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"After reading the code, I see that cleave is always casted on current target, not on nearest random unit. Which means that it will affect everyone who stands near the boss. It is by design","createdAt":"2024-02-19T17:14:09+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Also it doesn't actually care, if someone stand near or not. It will cast it anyway","createdAt":"2024-02-19T17:15:11+0100"},{"author":{"login":"luskanek"},"body":"Working as intended.","createdAt":"2024-02-19T17:18:04+0100"},{"author":{"login":"balakethelock"},"body":"Some explanation the reason why this issue happens here and not in classic wow for the people who don't know:\r\nMobs pathing to attack a target in vmangos takes them to enter far into the mob's hitbox. In classic (and in real vanilla wow) when a mob (or a pet) is sent to attack a target, it will walk up only to the edge of the hitbox.\r\n\r\nSo in here, the pet will go deep into vael's hitbox, and become in range of the maintank causing the cleave to chain.\r\nIn classic, the pet only walks up to the edge of the hitbox, far away from the maintank.","createdAt":"2024-02-21T18:48:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T19:17:06+0200","number":1761,"labels":"Hunter, Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter pets trigger the chain cleave on the Vaelastrasz the Corrupt fight.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Start the Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Fight\r\n2. Send a hunter pet in\r\n3. It triggers Vaels chain cleave because the pet gets too close to the front of the boss\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13020\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHunters are supposed to be able to use their pet on Vaelatrasz but currently it triggers a chain cleave which wipes the raid. This is a huge damage loss for a hunter player.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jR0GxFJYqc \r\n\r\n@ 1:50 in the video you can see the orange damage from a hunters pet but it doesn't trigger any cleave to wipe the raid.","updatedAt":"2024-02-21T18:48:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-19T17:18:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"This will be looked into, thank you.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:11:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T18:18:04+0200","number":1760,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:45:13+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T20:11:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"noticed that too, also noticed it weirdly excludes some ranks, so I went and tried everything\r\n\r\nCurrently, only the following spells can be cast while shapeshifted into Dire Bear Form:\r\n\r\n (I provided database links, but the database is still on patch 1.16 )\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 1) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16689](url)\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 2) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16810](url)\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 3) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16811](url)\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 4) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16812](url)\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 5) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16813](url)\r\nNature's Grasp (rank 6) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17329](url)\r\nOmen of Clarity [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16864](url)\r\nSoothe Animal (rank 2) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8955](url)\r\nSoothe Animal (rank 3) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9901](url)\r\nThorns (rank 4) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=8914](url)\r\nThorns (rank 5) [https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9756](url)\r\n\r\nNo balance or restoration spells can be cast while shapeshifted into Cat Form","createdAt":"2022-08-01T07:45:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"1Szatesz1"},"body":"Nastures grasp should be usable in all forms it works fine in bear but cancles cat form on activation.....","createdAt":"2022-11-18T00:25:21+0100"},{"author":{"login":"welpenhund"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30401521/230903891-549d8c0b-d1ce-4f49-b74b-1ad76ab06414.png)\r\nSource: https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Nature%27s_Grasp\r\n\r\n\"\"Can also be cast in Cat, Bear, Tree of Life, and Moonkin forms.\"\"","createdAt":"2023-04-10T14:46:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"> \"\"Can also be cast in Cat, Bear, Tree of Life, and Moonkin forms.\"\"\r\n\r\nThe fact that it mentions Tree of Life means it's referring to TBC, if not later expansions.\r\n\r\nHowever, [a comment on Wowhead](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=16689/natures-grasp#comments:id=2781874) says it's available in all forms.","createdAt":"2023-04-10T14:52:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Will be fixed in 1.17 update","createdAt":"2023-08-25T10:38:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T18:07:30+0200","number":1759,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Thorns, nature grasp and dire bear form.","body":"You can cast thorns and nature grasp in Dire Bear Form!:\r\n\r\nSteps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:\r\n\r\n1. Use your dire bear form\r\n2. See your thorns and nature grasp is not grayed out on action bars\r\n3. Use it and ensure that is not visual bug. They still spend mana tho.\r\n\r\nIDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:\r\n\r\nExpected behavior. Describe how it should work:\r\n\r\nThey should not be usable in bear form\r\n\r\nUPDATE:\r\n\r\nSoothe animal works in dire bear form too!\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-08-25T10:38:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-08-25T10:38:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"body":"Update! seems like every item with on-hit effects gives CP on proc.\r\n\r\nI got this today https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60568\r\nAnd now I'm literally getting combo point on every auto attack","createdAt":"2022-08-06T13:00:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Cannot reproduce this issue.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T15:42:15+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T18:00:49+0200","number":1758,"labels":"Druid, Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid, PRIMAL FURY, Electrified gloves and free combo points","body":"Electrified gloves https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80747 gives a combo point on proc (in druid cat form):\r\n\r\nSteps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:\r\n\r\n1. Equip https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80747 and get 2/2 PRIMAL FURY\r\n2. Start attack some mob\r\n3. See combo points generating from procs, you got 2 combo points on crit, so that why I think it's another issue with PRIMAL FURY\r\n\r\nExpected behavior. Describe how it should work:\r\n\r\nIt should not give combo points on proc\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T16:29:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"streppyD"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T17:59:19+0200","number":1757,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest text typo","body":"Just a small quest typo.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40372\r\n\r\n\"...directly to the Highlord Bolvar Fordargon,...\"\r\n\r\nTypo with the last name, it should be Fordragon.\r\n\r\nCheers","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T10:30:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T10:30:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, I was unable to find this one. Please provide a specific location for this mob.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:36:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I found one and was able to aggro them w/o any issues. I'm suggesting that you download a fresh client from our website, it seems like some sort of client-side glitch.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/184538095-ac1cd5e4-634b-43e6-9242-4ecb6bd24c68.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-14T15:00:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T17:35:00+0200","number":1756,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:45:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-22T11:05:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Valamartle"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate of https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1898","createdAt":"2022-08-11T21:59:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T17:20:55+0200","number":1755,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Guild Text boxes only have first letter capitalized","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nText entered into guild text boxes only has the first letter capitalized, except GMotD. I couldn't find any other report of it. \r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Enter text into a text box for any type, Officer note, public note, guild info, except GMotD\r\n2. Once entered, anything past the first letter is forced into lowercase. Noticed this when trying to put a discord link in Guild Info box. It shows correctly in GMotD though. \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIn notes and guild info, text should have more than just the first letter capitalized. ","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T03:48:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T03:48:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"AstridCone"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T16:28:09+0200","number":1754,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Back to Nel'doriel quest wrong text","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nthe \"Back to Nel'doriel\" quest for the high elf engineer and gnome in Ironforge has the text for the previous quest. And that's it really, it works fine\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\nSimply follow the short quest chain starting at the mystic ward in Ironforge\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nquest=40517\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nI'm not sure what its supposed to say, but I assume something about the return of the notes being very cool & nice, and that I should take them to the elf","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Velite12"},"body":"Just curious, does this happen with all pets or just totems?","createdAt":"2022-08-02T20:38:00+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"body":"Noticed this with totems, did not try to recreate this with pets. I would assume the pet would have to be in combat with the target player rejoining the group for this to occur.","createdAt":"2022-08-03T23:25:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed on next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T20:21:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T16:18:24+0200","number":1753,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman Totem Attacking Cross-Faction In Group","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf in a dungeon group with warmode enabled, if the opposing faction uses a totem while in group, once group is dropped the totem will attack opposing faction group members who are no longer in group - this is correct.\r\n\r\nIssue is the totem will continue to attack once invited back into the group.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Summon Searing Totem while in group with an Alliance in group and within range\r\n2. Have Alliance with warmode enabled attack opposing faction\r\n3. Rejoin group that was dropped due to attacking while in group with opposing faction\r\n4. Watch searing totem\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T20:21:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T20:21:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Vociferous121"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T16:13:52+0200","number":1752,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Engineering Compact Harvest Reaper","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nCompact Harvest Reaper lasts longer than 10 mins\r\nHas increased Threat\r\nCan be healed through HoT spells (specifically Druid did not test on other classes)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.Create Compact Harvest Reaper\r\n2. Summon Compact Harvest Reaper\r\n3. Wait longer than 10 mins\r\n4. Go into combat and heal Harvest Reaper with a HoT spell\r\n5. Summon Harvest Reaper in dungeon and it will last for correct amount of time (10 minutes)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-04T10:49:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-04T10:49:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"dole555"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Easy to reproduce this bug, even on target dummies. It's especially annoying in battlegrounds.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T00:24:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T15:49:58+0200","number":1751,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Feign Death broken","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf you use trueshot during a combat, if you feign death you get put back in combat shortly after feighn death.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Attack a target.\r\n2. Use Trueshot\r\n3. Feign death.\r\n4. You get put back in combat after combat dropping.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=3669\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt doesn't matter if you use Trueshot right before Feign Death. It also happens if you do Trueshot -> Autoshot -> Multishot -> Autoshot -> Feign Death, you still get put back into combat regardless of how far ago you used trueshot. In a rotation/combat that has no trueshot use at all, if you Feign Death you get put out of combat normally without issue.","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T18:45:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T18:45:58+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"}],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"nyronic"},"body":"I just discovered this same issue myself. While doing my own tests I observed the same exact behavior the OP has described. Ranks 2 and 3 of Meditation cause equipable items with cast regen to do nothing.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T14:03:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Shouldn't it stack with rank 1 as well? I understand it doesn't as the item uses the same aura as the talent, but that doesn't seem right.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T14:29:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Trofogol"},"body":"This spell called Meditation, I think the issue is about it\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14521\r\n\r\nAccording to my data, it works fine up to 2 stacks (10%). Any further stacks look not working (regeneration speed remains as on 2 stacks)","createdAt":"2023-02-27T17:12:34+0100"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"Any way to get this looked at? Super disappointing to get these items only to realise they don't work at all for priests if you have 3/3 Meditation which is a staple in literally every priest spec.\r\nYou can only pick 1/3 Meditation and need at least 3 of these items to gain the benefit of one of them over just picking 3/3 Meditation and taking something else.\r\n\r\nThe issue seems to be that you used the 1/3 Meditation talent for the effect which you can stack multiple times but any amount gets canceled out by a 2/3 or 3/3 talent if you have it.\r\n\r\nCan you make it so the effect applies the Druid (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17106) or Mage (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18462) talent instead if you're a priest?","createdAt":"2023-05-11T17:10:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"Would very much like to see a fix for this. Especially since the new raid has an item with this feature.","createdAt":"2023-05-13T06:02:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Should be fixed in patch 1.16.6","createdAt":"2023-07-12T01:17:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"this is broken again","createdAt":"2023-12-04T18:03:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"Same issue as before they stack with 3/8 T2 and /or Improved Shadowform but anything more than 1/3 Meditation cancels out the item effects:\r\n\r\n225 (spirit) / 4 + 13 gives me ~the expected 24 mana per 2 second tick for 35% regen while casting with 3/8 T2 and Improved Shadowform and one +5% item with no mp5 on my gear and 0/1 Meditation (+5% item works)\r\nwith 1/3 Meditation I get 27 mana per tick with a(stacks with 1 point)\r\nwith 2/3 Meditation I still get 27 mana per tick (with or without the +5% item = talent works but cancels out the +5% item)\r\nwith 3/3 Meditation I get 30 mana per tick still no interaction with the +5% item\r\n\r\nI only have one +5% meditation item right now so can't test any interaction between multiple but that worked last time this was an issue unless you had more than 1 point in meditation.","createdAt":"2023-12-04T18:37:35+0100"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Thorough details in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/5586","createdAt":"2023-12-13T19:48:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ConcernedTurtler"},"body":"Any update on whether or not this is being looked into?","createdAt":"2024-01-10T03:05:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"nyronic"},"body":"I just discovered this same issue myself. While doing my own tests I observed the same exact behavior the OP has described. Ranks 2 and 3 of Meditation cause equipable items with cast regen to do nothing.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T14:03:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Shouldn't it stack with rank 1 as well? I understand it doesn't as the item uses the same aura as the talent, but that doesn't seem right.","createdAt":"2022-10-24T14:29:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Trofogol"},"body":"This spell called Meditation, I think the issue is about it\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14521\r\n\r\nAccording to my data, it works fine up to 2 stacks (10%). Any further stacks look not working (regeneration speed remains as on 2 stacks)","createdAt":"2023-02-27T17:12:34+0100"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"Any way to get this looked at? Super disappointing to get these items only to realise they don't work at all for priests if you have 3/3 Meditation which is a staple in literally every priest spec.\r\nYou can only pick 1/3 Meditation and need at least 3 of these items to gain the benefit of one of them over just picking 3/3 Meditation and taking something else.\r\n\r\nThe issue seems to be that you used the 1/3 Meditation talent for the effect which you can stack multiple times but any amount gets canceled out by a 2/3 or 3/3 talent if you have it.\r\n\r\nCan you make it so the effect applies the Druid (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17106) or Mage (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18462) talent instead if you're a priest?","createdAt":"2023-05-11T17:10:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"OonaFae"},"body":"Would very much like to see a fix for this. Especially since the new raid has an item with this feature.","createdAt":"2023-05-13T06:02:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Should be fixed in patch 1.16.6","createdAt":"2023-07-12T01:17:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"this is broken again","createdAt":"2023-12-04T18:03:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"Same issue as before they stack with 3/8 T2 and /or Improved Shadowform but anything more than 1/3 Meditation cancels out the item effects:\r\n\r\n225 (spirit) / 4 + 13 gives me ~the expected 24 mana per 2 second tick for 35% regen while casting with 3/8 T2 and Improved Shadowform and one +5% item with no mp5 on my gear and 0/1 Meditation (+5% item works)\r\nwith 1/3 Meditation I get 27 mana per tick with a(stacks with 1 point)\r\nwith 2/3 Meditation I still get 27 mana per tick (with or without the +5% item = talent works but cancels out the +5% item)\r\nwith 3/3 Meditation I get 30 mana per tick still no interaction with the +5% item\r\n\r\nI only have one +5% meditation item right now so can't test any interaction between multiple but that worked last time this was an issue unless you had more than 1 point in meditation.","createdAt":"2023-12-04T18:37:35+0100"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Thorough details in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/5586","createdAt":"2023-12-13T19:48:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ConcernedTurtler"},"body":"Any update on whether or not this is being looked into?","createdAt":"2024-01-10T03:05:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Dragunovi"},"body":"Leaving this open to be safe but these issues should've been alleviated when the spell used for equipment was swapped from the Priest talent to its standalone unique spell just made for equipment.","createdAt":"2024-01-15T14:23:40+0100"},{"author":{"login":"schanzee"},"body":"Not working for me right now","createdAt":"2024-01-19T03:41:04+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Dragunovi"},"body":"This issue should be finally eliminated with the next server restart after manually changing all items to use the new custom spell version of the effect instead of using the Priest talent version, lets hope it never comes back. This issue also fixes all the linked issues that were closed for this centralized issue if it wasn't clear.","createdAt":"2024-01-25T21:41:58+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T11:46:36+0200","number":1750,"labels":"Priest, Spell, Item, Needs Replication","state":"CLOSED","title":"Regen Items with Priest's Meditation Talent","body":"Regen items with the \"Allows 5% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting\" effect ([Meditation Rank 1 (14521)](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14521)) do not stack with the Priest's talent [Meditation Rank 2 (14776)](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14776) or [Meditation Rank 3 (14777)](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=14777)\r\n\r\nItem examples:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=19369\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60564\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83465\r\n\r\nMy tests: https://i.imgur.com/n7oA2Gt.png\r\n\r\nValues are the mana ticks that I observed while regening directly after casting a spell.\r\n\r\nExpected results would have been to see an increase in mana per tick when using 2/3 or 3/3 Meditation while wearing the items.","updatedAt":"2024-01-25T21:42:31+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-01-25T21:41:58+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Attempting to fix it in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-04T20:47:51+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T05:07:03+0200","number":1749,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Number of enemy debuffs beyond 16 are invisible 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEnemy debuffs beyond 16 cannot be seen, and the hidden ones do not 'move up' when earlier ones fade.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. debuff an enemy to 16\r\n2. put a DoT on enemy that you cant see\r\n3. notice you are still dealing damage\r\n4. notice you cannot see the debuff you just applied\r\n5. wait till a debuff from the 1-16 slot to fade\r\n6. notice your DoT still ticking and still not visible, indicating that it didnt go up the ranks\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nall debuffs heh\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWell according to some sneaky screenshots all 24 buffs should be visible, and thus interactable with 'detect spell icon' macros, a side effect of this is that most macros searching for enemy debuff faerie fire etc stop functioning","updatedAt":"2022-11-04T20:47:52+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-04T20:47:51+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tygoro"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T04:16:54+0200","number":1748,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"thunderhead talent shaman","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** thunderhead talent shaman\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. obtaining the new talent thunderhead for the enhance shaman\r\n2. using this ability in a hostile environment against the opposing faction\r\n3. e.g. wsg, i use lightning shield it applies to my enemy and i get hit with my own orbs\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T04:42:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T04:42:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Darcisselock"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I tried many times and couldn't reproduce it. Please clean your WDB folder, must be a client-side glitch!","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:09:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T04:13:26+0200","number":1747,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Weaver quest - Archmage Ataeric invisible and unlootable","body":"During the quest [22]The Weaver, you have to kill an NPC Archmage Ataeric who is inside a building in Ambermill, Silverpine forest. Problem is that sometimes he is not visible (only his nameplate if you have it enabled, which allows you to target and attack him), and upon death, his corpse is not lootable if you kill him in this state. His invisibility can also be a nasty surprise to hardcore levelers.\r\nMoving him by line of sighting and pulling him outside tends to jerk him back to visibility and then he drops loot as intended. \r\n\r\nI really don't know why he sometimes spawns like this (I can't give steps to reproduce) but I saw it twice so far, so it cannot be a one-time glitch. Other times he respawns normally and is visible and lootable.\r\n\r\nI can provide screenshot proof of him in bugged state, you can see his corpse is there because of the hitbox, but Ataeric himself is not visible, and there is no loot on his corpse (which there should be, because I was on the aforementioned quest): https://ibb.co/jJBFy9Q\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2120\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=480\r\nLoot: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3515\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nArchmage Ataeric should always be visible to players and lootable upon death.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:09:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:09:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Trinitygam3r"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This has been fixed in 1.16.3. Please re-download a client from our website if your auto-update is failing to get installed!","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:07:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-31T03:06:06+0200","number":1746,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Error #132 error with full error log","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\n\r\nI've been playing this game for over a month without any issues. I'm now on a particular mission just outside of IronForge (killing headhunters in their cave). As soon as I enter their cave I get kicked out with an Error #132. I've played this area before without any issues (prior to the recent update).\r\nI tried downloading a fresh copy of the client which did not fix the issue.\r\nI also tried disabling my antivirus to see if that was causing an issue ... it did not.\r\nI'm at my wits end... can anyone help?\r\nHere is the entire error log:\r\n\r\n==============================================================================\r\nWorld of WarCraft (build 5875)\r\n\r\nExe: D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\nTime: Jul 30, 2022 8:41:00.951 PM\r\nUser: frank\r\nComputer: MSI\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThis application has encountered a critical error:\r\n\r\nERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception\r\nProgram:\tD:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\nException:\t0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:006D6AD0\r\n\r\nThe instruction at \"0x006D6AD0\" referenced memory at \"0x00000000\".\r\nThe memory could not be \"read\".\r\n\r\n\r\nWoWBuild: 5875\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n x86 Registers\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n\r\nEAX=00000000 EBX=000000C8 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0019F8E8\r\nEDI=00000000 EBP=0019F8D0 ESP=0019F8B8 EIP=006D6AD0 FLG=00010246\r\nCS =0023 DS =002B ES =002B SS =002B FS =0053 GS =002B\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n Stack Trace (Manual)\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n\r\nAddress Frame Logical addr Module\r\n\r\n006D6AD0 0019F8D0 0001:002D5AD0 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n006D2FD6 0019FA58 0001:002D1FD6 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n006D25D9 0019FB9C 0001:002D15D9 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n006D45A0 0019FBC8 0001:002D35A0 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0066FE82 0019FBE4 0001:0026EE82 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0048329C 0019FC88 0001:0008229C D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n00482E73 0019FD14 0001:00081E73 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0076FC31 0019FD30 0001:0036EC31 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n007658E7 0019FD54 0001:003648E7 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0076434C 0019FD60 0001:0036334C D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0044264E 0019FE28 0001:0004164E D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n004246B0 0019FE5C 0001:000236B0 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0042106F 0019FECC 0001:0002006F D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n00420BF1 0019FEE4 0001:0001FBF1 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0040411E 0019FF74 0001:0000311E D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n77417BA9 0019FF84 0001:00007BA9 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KERNEL32.DLL\r\n77ABBB3B 0019FFDC 0001:0006AB3B C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll\r\n77ABBABF 0019FFEC 0001:0006AABF C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n Stack Trace (Using DBGHELP.DLL)\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n\r\n006D6AD0 WoW.exe <unknown symbol>+0 (0x00000000,0x0019FA8C,0x19DD6808,0x00000000)\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n Loaded Modules\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n\r\n0x00400000 - 0x00D06000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\WoW.exe\r\n0x02DE0000 - 0x02E49000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\DivxDecoder.dll\r\n0x10000000 - 0x10096000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\fmod.dll\r\n0x14A60000 - 0x14AE3000 C:\\Program Files\\Logitech Gaming Software\\SDK\\LCD\\x86\\LgLcdApi.dll\r\n0x31020000 - 0x31138000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\dbghelp.dll\r\n0x50020000 - 0x50088000 C:\\Program Files\\Norton Security\\NortonData\\\\Definitions\\BASHDefs\\20220727.011\\UMEngx86.dll\r\n0x50090000 - 0x5010A000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\AcSpecfc.DLL\r\n0x50CE0000 - 0x50CF0000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\resourcepolicyclient.dll\r\n0x50D00000 - 0x50D3B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\wdmaud.drv\r\n0x534B0000 - 0x534B8000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\midimap.dll\r\n0x53500000 - 0x5351F000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\winmmbase.dll\r\n0x55940000 - 0x55982000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\GLU32.dll\r\n0x55FD0000 - 0x55FDB000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\msacm32.drv\r\n0x55FE0000 - 0x55FFE000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\DiscordOverlay.dll\r\n0x56000000 - 0x56019000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\MSACM32.dll\r\n0x5A050000 - 0x5A0E1000 C:\\WINDOWS\\WinSxS\\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.22621.436_none_42d86fc98da003f3\\COMCTL32.dll\r\n0x5B470000 - 0x5B477000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ksuser.dll\r\n0x5CF20000 - 0x5CFBF000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\mscms.dll\r\n0x5D620000 - 0x5D6B5000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\TextShaping.dll\r\n0x5D6C0000 - 0x5D78D000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\CoreMessaging.dll\r\n0x5E060000 - 0x5E069000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\msdmo.dll\r\n0x5EBB0000 - 0x5ECBA000 C:\\Windows\\System32\\Windows.UI.dll\r\n0x5ECC0000 - 0x5EE49000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\AudioSes.dll\r\n0x5EE50000 - 0x5EE59000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\AVRT.dll\r\n0x5F1D0000 - 0x5F208000 C:\\ProgramData\\A-Volute\\A-Volute.Nahimic\\Modules\\Scheduled\\ASM.Plugin.AudioDevProps2.dll\r\n0x5F210000 - 0x5F28C000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\MMDevApi.dll\r\n0x5F2A0000 - 0x5F2B1000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\wshbth.dll\r\n0x5F2C0000 - 0x5F344000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\schannel.dll\r\n0x5FB00000 - 0x5FB09000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ktmw32.dll\r\n0x5FB10000 - 0x5FB26000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\pnrpnsp.dll\r\n0x5FDA0000 - 0x61D94000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_3e62be9c39fb0007\\igc32.dll\r\n0x61DA0000 - 0x61DBD000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_3e62be9c39fb0007\\igdinfo32.dll\r\n0x61E40000 - 0x61E47000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\DCIMAN32.dll\r\n0x61E70000 - 0x61E88000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\nlansp_c.dll\r\n0x62FE0000 - 0x630D9000 C:\\ProgramData\\A-Volute\\A-Volute.Nahimic\\Modules\\Scheduled\\AudioDevProps2.dll\r\n0x632B0000 - 0x632BE000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\winrnr.dll\r\n0x63330000 - 0x64745000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nvmii.inf_amd64_bade69c3f3c5f2ca\\nvd3dum.dll\r\n0x647E0000 - 0x648E9000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\drvstore.dll\r\n0x648F0000 - 0x6497C000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nvmii.inf_amd64_bade69c3f3c5f2ca\\nvldumd.dll\r\n0x64980000 - 0x649BC000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\directxdatabasehelper.dll\r\n0x649C0000 - 0x64AF6000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_3e62be9c39fb0007\\igdgmm32.dll\r\n0x64B00000 - 0x6874B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_3e62be9c39fb0007\\igd9dxva32.dll\r\n0x68750000 - 0x6888B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_3e62be9c39fb0007\\igdumdim32.dll\r\n0x68890000 - 0x68A01000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\d3d9.dll\r\n0x68C50000 - 0x68CA4000 C:\\ProgramData\\A-Volute\\A-Volute.Nahimic\\Modules\\Scheduled\\ProductInfo.dll\r\n0x697A0000 - 0x697C7000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\cryptnet.dll\r\n0x69EC0000 - 0x69FA3000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\textinputframework.dll\r\n0x69FD0000 - 0x69FFD000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\dxcore.dll\r\n0x6A000000 - 0x6A0CA000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\dxgi.dll\r\n0x6CB90000 - 0x6CBA2000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\napinsp.dll\r\n0x6CFA0000 - 0x6CFB4000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ondemandconnroutehelper.dll\r\n0x6CFC0000 - 0x6CFE8000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\NTASN1.dll\r\n0x6CFF0000 - 0x6D015000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ncrypt.dll\r\n0x6D340000 - 0x6D359000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\MPR.dll\r\n0x6D400000 - 0x6D440000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\wldp.dll\r\n0x6D440000 - 0x6D46A000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\SspiCli.dll\r\n0x6D4A0000 - 0x6D6CE000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\iertutil.dll\r\n0x6D6D0000 - 0x6D6DB000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\netutils.dll\r\n0x6D6E0000 - 0x6D6FD000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\srvcli.dll\r\n0x6D700000 - 0x6D8A1000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\urlmon.dll\r\n0x6D960000 - 0x6D980000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ncryptsslp.dll\r\n0x6DD60000 - 0x6DD68000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\DPAPI.DLL\r\n0x6DD70000 - 0x6DD7A000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WINNSI.DLL\r\n0x6EF50000 - 0x6EFF5000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\apphelp.dll\r\n0x6F000000 - 0x6F024000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devobj.dll\r\n0x6F030000 - 0x6F08D000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\fwpuclnt.dll\r\n0x6F090000 - 0x6F098000 C:\\Windows\\System32\\rasadhlp.dll\r\n0x6F0A0000 - 0x6F0C1000 C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bonjour\\mdnsNSP.dll\r\n0x6F0D0000 - 0x6F189000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\DNSAPI.dll\r\n0x6F290000 - 0x6F356000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\PropSys.dll\r\n0x6FD00000 - 0x6FD1A000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\bcrypt.dll\r\n0x6FD20000 - 0x6FD2B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\CRYPTBASE.DLL\r\n0x6FD30000 - 0x6FD60000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\rsaenh.dll\r\n0x6FD60000 - 0x6FD75000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\CRYPTSP.dll\r\n0x72450000 - 0x72469000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\profapi.dll\r\n0x724F0000 - 0x72514000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\dwmapi.dll\r\n0x72520000 - 0x7259F000 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\uxtheme.dll\r\n0x739D0000 - 0x739DE000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\UMPDC.dll\r\n0x739E0000 - 0x73AA6000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\wintypes.dll\r\n0x73B90000 - 0x7424E000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\windows.storage.dll\r\n0x74250000 - 0x7425E000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\msasn1.dll\r\n0x74260000 - 0x742A5000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\powrprof.dll\r\n0x742B0000 - 0x742D9000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntmarta.dll\r\n0x742E0000 - 0x743B6000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WINHTTP.dll\r\n0x743C0000 - 0x743FD000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\cfgmgr32.dll\r\n0x74400000 - 0x74424000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\IPHLPAPI.DLL\r\n0x74FA0000 - 0x74FF1000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\mswsock.dll\r\n0x75000000 - 0x75013000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\kernel.appcore.dll\r\n0x75020000 - 0x754A8000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WININET.dll\r\n0x75510000 - 0x75584000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WINSPOOL.DRV\r\n0x75590000 - 0x75598000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\VERSION.dll\r\n0x755A0000 - 0x755BF000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\USERENV.dll\r\n0x756F0000 - 0x756F8000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WSOCK32.dll\r\n0x75700000 - 0x75731000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\WINMM.dll\r\n0x757A0000 - 0x75864000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\msvcrt.dll\r\n0x75870000 - 0x758CF000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WS2_32.dll\r\n0x75930000 - 0x759B2000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\clbcatq.dll\r\n0x759C0000 - 0x75AC3000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\CRYPT32.dll\r\n0x75AD0000 - 0x75B1B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\SHLWAPI.dll\r\n0x75B30000 - 0x75C42000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\ucrtbase.dll\r\n0x75C50000 - 0x762A0000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\SHELL32.dll\r\n0x762A0000 - 0x762BA000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\win32u.dll\r\n0x762C0000 - 0x762E5000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\IMM32.dll\r\n0x762F0000 - 0x763B0000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shcore.dll\r\n0x763B0000 - 0x764FD000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\ole32.dll\r\n0x76510000 - 0x765C9000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\RPCRT4.dll\r\n0x765D0000 - 0x76632000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\bcryptPrimitives.dll\r\n0x76640000 - 0x768A8000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KERNELBASE.dll\r\n0x768B0000 - 0x768B7000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\NSI.dll\r\n0x76960000 - 0x76A3D000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\gdi32full.dll\r\n0x76A40000 - 0x76A5B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\imagehlp.dll\r\n0x76A60000 - 0x76AD9000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\msvcp_win.dll\r\n0x76AE0000 - 0x76B62000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\sechost.dll\r\n0x76B70000 - 0x76C0C000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\OLEAUT32.dll\r\n0x77050000 - 0x770FF000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\COMDLG32.dll\r\n0x77100000 - 0x7717C000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\ADVAPI32.dll\r\n0x77180000 - 0x773FC000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\combase.dll\r\n0x77400000 - 0x774F0000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\KERNEL32.DLL\r\n0x774F0000 - 0x77697000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\USER32.dll\r\n0x776A0000 - 0x776C2000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\GDI32.dll\r\n0x776D0000 - 0x777AB000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\MSCTF.dll\r\n0x77920000 - 0x77977000 C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WINTRUST.DLL\r\n0x77A50000 - 0x77BFF000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ntdll.dll\r\n0x77C50000 - 0x77D3B000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\DDRAW.dll\r\n0x77D40000 - 0x77FF3000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\msi.dll\r\n0x79A00000 - 0x79A99000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\ResampleDmo.DLL\r\n0x7C460000 - 0x7C540000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\OPENGL32.dll\r\n0x7C540000 - 0x7C843000 D:\\Games\\WOW Turtle\\discord_game_sdk.dll\r\n0x7C850000 - 0x7C8C2000 C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\dsound.dll\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n Memory Dump\r\n----------------------------------------\r\n\r\nCode: 16 bytes starting at (EIP = 006D6AD0)\r\n\r\n006D6AD0: 8B 01 8D 04 C0 8D 44 42 EF 85 C0 7C 12 3B 05 A8 ......DB...|.;..\r\n\r\n\r\nStack: 1024 bytes starting at (ESP = 0019F8B8)\r\n\r\n* = addr ** * \r\n0019F8B0: 00 00 00 00 D0 F8 19 00 E9 64 6D 00 00 00 00 00 .........dm.....\r\n0019F8C0: 54 69 DD 19 00 00 00 00 40 2F 6D 00 00 00 80 3F Ti......@/m....?\r\n0019F8D0: 58 FA 19 00 D6 2F 6D 00 00 00 00 00 8C FA 19 00 X..../m.........\r\n0019F8E0: 08 68 DD 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .h..............\r\n0019F8F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\r\n0019F900: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\r\n0019F910: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\r\n0019F920: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 55 D0 43 ............UU.C\r\n0019F930: 9A 99 99 BE 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F ...........?...?\r\n0019F940: 33 33 73 3F 33 33 73 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 33s?33s?...?....\r\n0019F950: 00 00 00 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 40 3F 00 00 80 3F ...?...?..@?...?\r\n0019F960: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................\r\n0019F970: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 84 83 7F FF 66 44 13 FF ............fD..\r\n0019F980: 16 12 0B FF 59 4C 1D FF 60 67 46 FF 8A 8F 47 FF ....YL..`gF...G.\r\n0019F990: 8C 7E 46 FF 54 40 0F FF D2 E7 DD FF 73 7E 6A FF .~F.T@......s~j.\r\n0019F9A0: 73 52 23 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 29 25 14 FF sR#.........)%..\r\n0019F9B0: 1F 14 0D FF 29 25 14 FF 1F 14 0D FF 46 CA 4E 44 ....)%......F.ND\r\n0019F9C0: 8E E3 38 3E 4D 4D 4D FF 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F ..8>MMM....?...?\r\n0019F9D0: 00 00 00 3F 33 33 73 3F 00 00 80 3F CD CC 4C 3E ...?33s?...?..L>\r\n0019F9E0: 00 00 00 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 40 3F 00 00 80 3F ...?...?..@?...?\r\n0019F9F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......?........\r\n0019FA00: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 C8 00 00 00 .......?........\r\n0019FA10: FC FA 19 00 C8 00 00 00 56 29 00 C6 B3 71 C2 43 ........V)...q.C\r\n0019FA20: 54 69 DD 19 34 16 81 00 08 4A E3 0E 00 01 00 00 Ti..4....J......\r\n0019FA30: 08 4A E3 0E 00 01 00 00 20 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 .J...... ... ...\r\n0019FA40: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B3 71 C2 43 54 69 DD 19 .........q.CTi..\r\n0019FA50: 00 00 80 3F AB 3C 48 43 9C FB 19 00 D9 25 6D 00 ...?.<HC.....%m.\r\n0019FA60: 6C FC 19 00 60 9B CE 00 00 00 00 00 65 65 65 FF l...`.......eee.\r\n0019FA70: 5F 4E 4E FF 6F 6F 6F FF 6D 6D 6D FF 6F 6F 6F FF _NN.ooo.mmm.ooo.\r\n0019FA80: 67 67 67 FF 52 53 52 FF 52 54 52 FF 58 58 58 FF ggg.RSR.RTR.XXX.\r\n0019FA90: B5 C3 C3 FF 3E 3F 3D FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF ....>?=.........\r\n0019FAA0: 4D 4D 4D FF 43 43 43 FF 4D 4D 4D FF 43 43 43 FF MMM.CCC.MMM.CCC.\r\n0019FAB0: 8E E3 8A 43 00 00 00 BF 38 38 38 FF 00 00 00 00 ...C....888.....\r\n0019FAC0: 00 00 80 3F 33 33 73 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F ...?33s?.......?\r\n0019FAD0: 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 40 3F ...?...?...?..@?\r\n0019FAE0: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...?.......?....\r\n0019FAF0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 84 82 7E FF ...........?..~.\r\n0019FB00: 66 44 12 FF 16 12 0A FF 58 4C 1C FF 62 66 46 FF fD......XL..bfF.\r\n0019FB10: 8C 8E 46 FF 8C 7E 42 FF 5E 48 16 FF D2 E6 DC FF ..F..~B.^H......\r\n0019FB20: 8E 92 76 FF 98 6C 36 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF ..v..l6.........\r\n0019FB30: 28 24 14 FF 1E 14 0C FF 28 24 14 FF 1E 14 0C FF ($......($......\r\n0019FB40: 14 F6 31 44 5B 9B 3A 3D 4C 4C 4C FF 00 00 80 3F ..1D[.:=LLL....?\r\n0019FB50: 00 00 80 3F A4 5C 20 3F 33 33 73 3F 00 00 80 3F ...?.\\ ?33s?...?\r\n0019FB60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 40 3F .......?...?..@?\r\n0019FB70: 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...?.......?....\r\n0019FB80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F C8 00 00 00 ...........?....\r\n0019FB90: AB 3C 48 43 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 C8 FB 19 00 .<HC............\r\n0019FBA0: A0 45 6D 00 E8 FF 66 00 DB 01 00 00 6C FC 19 00 .Em...f.....l...\r\n0019FBB0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F D8 F6 6B BF ...........?..k.\r\n0019FBC0: 4C 90 C6 3E 00 00 00 00 E4 FB 19 00 82 FE 66 00 L..>..........f.\r\n0019FBD0: 08 80 15 1A 08 00 F7 0E 08 80 15 1A 6C FC 19 00 ............l...\r\n0019FBE0: FC FB 19 00 88 FC 19 00 9C 32 48 00 D2 F5 38 C0 .........2H...8.\r\n0019FBF0: 24 C2 F2 0E 08 00 F7 0E E8 20 43 25 70 1C AD C5 $........ C%p...\r\n0019FC00: FD 6E 17 44 F9 08 C7 43 94 FC 19 00 E0 EE 8E 68 .n.D...C.......h\r\n0019FC10: C0 AD B2 05 DC AD B2 05 60 FC 19 00 9B EE 8E 68 ........`......h\r\n0019FC20: C0 AD B2 05 02 00 00 00 94 FC 19 00 8B E4 9C EB ................\r\n0019FC30: 94 FC 19 00 C0 AD B2 05 88 9A 0F 0F C4 AD B2 05 ................\r\n0019FC40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6A 67 AD C5 70 6B 18 44 ........jg..pk.D\r\n0019FC50: 35 11 C6 43 6A 67 AD C5 70 6B 18 44 35 11 C6 43 5..Cjg..pk.D5..C\r\n0019FC60: 6A 67 AD C5 70 6B 18 44 EB FC C7 43 10 15 AD C5 jg..pk.D...C....\r\n0019FC70: 2A 56 17 44 6B 09 C7 43 00 00 00 00 90 C2 75 3C *V.Dk..C......u<\r\n0019FC80: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 FD 19 00 73 2E 48 00 ............s.H.\r\n0019FC90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......?........\r\n0019FCA0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 ...........?....\r\n0019FCB0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F ...............?\r\n\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n======================================================================\r\nHardware/Driver Information:\r\nProcessor: 0x0\r\nPage Size: 4096\r\nMin App Address: 0x10000\r\nMax App Address: 0x7ffeffff\r\nProcessor Mask: 0xfff\r\nNumber of Processors: 12\r\nProcessor Type: 586\r\nAllocation Granularity: 65536\r\nProcessor Level: 6\r\nProcessor Revision: 42242\r\n\r\nPercent memory used: 72\r\nTotal physical memory: 2147483647\r\nFree Memory: 2147483647\r\nPage file: -1\r\nTotal virtual memory: 2147352576\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:07:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:07:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T21:41:06+0200","number":1745,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rain of fire warlock misses ticks","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe rain of fire spell only ticks 3 times instead of 4\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nDmg of warlock not nerfes\r\nThe 2 warlocks said it has always, been like this on the seevee\r\n\r\nMaybe related to consecration not doing full 8 tucks, sometimes (other old issue here) \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T03:28:52+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T03:28:52+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zasnool"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm going to make The New Horde available again :)","createdAt":"2022-08-01T16:14:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T20:11:50+0200","number":1744,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"quest - Your place in the world","body":"1. Create a Horde character of a race other than Troll or an Orc\r\n2. Go to Durotar orc starting area\r\n4. quest is not available\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=3143\r\nQuest: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=4641\r\n\r\nEither this [quest](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=4641/your-place-in-the-world)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100788360/181936135-94d50a82-d3ce-4abd-9abb-e861a176d3a4.png)\r\nor [the new horde](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=787/the-new-horde)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100788360/181936179-8ef9e610-1de4-47bd-b4e9-c574bd78a433.png)\r\nshould be available to the Horde characters of race other than orc or a troll so that you can start the questing in Durotar instead of your races specific starting location.\r\n\r\nYou closed my other bug report without really resolving it, and i don't know if you will ever look at a closed issue. So according to #1707 example I am creating the new report just in case.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T16:20:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Unable to reproduce, couldn't blink through the church.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:38:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"It might get fixed for you when we generate new server-side maps for the next Patch 1.16.4, not earlier.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:57:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T18:52:56+0200","number":1743,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:44:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:38:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"Trueshot also turn melee swing on cd so we can’t weave after using trueshot (unsing raptor strike or normal melee swing when the mob go to melee, same in pvp)","createdAt":"2022-09-28T13:16:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Related:\r\n#1647 Not starting Auto Shot\r\n#1751 Breaking Feign Death\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-28T19:41:36+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"Another issue with trueshot : it is not affected by hawk aspect procs (from talent) and rapid fire which means you finally clip your auto shot when attack speed increase.","createdAt":"2022-10-19T09:58:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Francesq"},"body":"In addition, there is some delay in casting aimed shot too. The duration of the cas is more than 3 seconds, maybe 3.5 like it is more than 1 sec for trueshot (maybe 1.5).","createdAt":"2022-10-19T10:00:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Should be fixed by https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/d43c170dece7856500e432ff85a5d08536340d68","createdAt":"2022-11-01T01:23:30+0100"},{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"I don't think this issue should have been closed, as the spellbook still shows a 1 second cast time. There's definitely a delay, but the delay isn't consistent across haste procs. Aimed Shot also hangs slightly with haste procs, so maybe that's intended. It's definitely not a 1 second cast.\r\n\r\n1.0 second bar\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18298014/203809110-55737914-e1f4-4f1d-978f-c1c179f6dbd0.mp4\r\n\r\n1.35 second bar\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18298014/203809144-dd961a72-3233-4f87-9707-47d46ab515e8.mp4\r\n\r\n1.35 second bar + haste procs\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18298014/203809199-08174822-d424-4105-83c2-917bf45817e6.mp4","createdAt":"2022-11-24T15:39:53+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T18:02:31+0200","number":1742,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Trueshot Cast Delay and Melee Weave","body":"Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot fire when the cast finishes. Trueshot has a delay after the cast, during which movement will cancel the shot. This delay results in Auto Shots clipping at fast attack speeds (around 2.2 weapon speed or lower).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Trueshot at a target dummy.\r\n2. Move immediately after the cast completes.\r\n3. Notice Trueshot doesn't fire.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nNo idea! Is the delay intended? If so, is it a constant value that castbar addons can show?\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-24T15:42:35+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T01:23:30+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"while at it\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40490\r\n\r\nis a hateforge quests but its labeled as elite instead of dungeon","createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:46:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:44:44+0200","number":1741,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"sw vault quests are not amrked as [dungeon]","body":"\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nall sw vault quests are not marked as [dungeon] as all other dungeo nqeusts are\r\n\r\ntheses are the sw vault quests i know of\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40427\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40426\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40425","updatedAt":"2022-08-21T14:31:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-21T14:31:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Praesagus"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Praesagus"},"body":"Tried disabling Survival UI, got logged in, then crash:\r\n\r\n[2022-07-30 15.44.14 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226580/2022-07-\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:45:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sadly this can and will be fixed only with the next client update. It's noted in our internal tracker. Thank you for providing a crash log, it helped greatly!","createdAt":"2022-07-30T16:11:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:42:58+0200","number":1740,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Instant Login Crash With High Elf Paladin (Missing UI Icons?)","body":"**Hi. I was leveling near the toxic gnome city near Ironforge with my character Silveryn when I got DCd with an error message.**\r\n\r\n**I just tried to login over and over again, once or twice made it into the game, but I got dropped out to the desktop instantly.**\r\n\r\n1. I have the addons Darker Night (TWOW), pfQuest Vanilla, pfQuest Turtle, Shagu Tweaks & Survival UI 1.2 installed.\r\n2. So I was fighting a Leper Gnome lvl 10 right at this position where I DCd, when I got a crash. \r\n3. The Leper Gnome got defeated, picked up Restabilization Cog, then crashed. \r\n4. Everytime I try to log in with this character I got a crash with crash log.\r\n5. Sometimes I can look at my UI for a moment and it's full of question marks. Then I get crashed. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1211\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=727#dropped-by\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=412\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2537\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3083\r\n\r\n**I just expect the game to continue on---**\r\n\r\n[2022-07-30 14.42.52 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226569/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.07.45 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226570/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.08.25 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226571/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.09.06 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226572/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.10.09 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226573/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.11.15 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226574/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.12.15 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226575/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.13.17 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226576/2022-07-\r\n[2022-07-30 15.39.41 Crash.txt](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/files/9226577/2022-07-\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T16:12:18+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T16:11:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lancelot7622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Lancelot7622"},"body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20218 проверил на всех заклинаниях паладина не работает аура святой урон не повышается","createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:24:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"You are wrong.\r\nFirst screenshot - consecration tick with aura:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181917751-6e5a571a-e9fc-410c-acd9-9840938fdfe7.png)\r\nSecond screenshot - consecration tick without aura:\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181917814-fb0da23d-57c7-4afb-8636-6293d275c34a.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-30T16:01:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It definitely works.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:09:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T15:17:06+0200","number":1739,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sanctity aura not work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20218\r\n2. Sanctity Aura not work\r\n3. проверил на вех боевых заклинаниях паладина святой урон не повышается\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T19:09:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T19:09:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Slyklaw"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T13:57:50+0200","number":1737,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quests without turn-in locations","body":"I'm starting to notice an extremely annoying pattern. Many quests don't specify where the completion occurs. Examples:\r\n\r\n* Triggered!\r\n* No More-pid!\r\n* A New Power Source\r\n\r\nA quest done right:\r\n* Break a Few Eggs. \"Bring 3 Taillasher Eggs to Cook Torka in Razor Hill\"\r\n\r\nI shouldn't have to use Google to find where the quest turn-in is.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:47+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T11:54:25+0200","number":1736,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:44:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-21T14:31:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Was fixed in 1.16.2.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:05:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T11:25:56+0200","number":1735,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:43:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:05:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"Most likely what happened here is that the corrupted flower respawn time and the non-corrupted flower respawn time are different, so if you're unlucky and someone else already purified the flower a while ago, there's a specific window of time where you'll cleanse the corrupted flower and the non-corrupted flower won't spawn because it's still in cooldown. Or it spawns, but a few minutes later, I don't remember.\r\nAnyways this is really dumb but it's blizzlike","createdAt":"2022-07-30T10:23:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T06:55:28+0200","number":1734,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cleansing the Songflower in Felwood","body":"Attempting to cleanse a corrupted songflower in felwood will not give you the intended world buff, Songflower Serenade. ","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:33:22+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:33:22+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"body":"Dear Torta, I did receive your email with your screenshot showing your orc with the completed quest log. And the issue was somehow solved as I could finish this quest.\r\nBut now I am having the exact same issue with the next quest totem (see the screenshot below).\r\n![WoWScrnShot_073022_214223](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181992444-ccaeb101-a695-4d6c-b210-79d173ebf787.jpg)\r\n\r\nI did make sure to delete my WDB folder before taking those two totem screenshots and I did try to use the items aswell without succes.\r\nI must admit that I don't understand what is going on. Maybe an issue related to goblins?","createdAt":"2022-07-30T22:00:10+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"> I did make sure to delete my WDB folder before taking those two totem screenshots and I did try to use the items aswell without succes. I must admit that I don't understand what is going on. Maybe an issue related to goblins?\r\n\r\nIt was fixed and it's fixed on my end, I tried it with the Goblin as well. Could you try to delete your WDB once again and see if you can use this item?\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/181994635-444ead1a-f723-41b9-bfbf-64f72b460251.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-30T22:07:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"body":"I am not sure if you got my answer as I answered to you directly by mail.\r\nI deleted my WDB folder once again and I still get the red tag \"Races: Tauren\" on the totem and still can't use it.\r\nI feel stupid to waste your time with such a issue.\r\nI am not in a hurry and I don't mind if I can't finish the quest right now.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T22:46:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, this heat gets me really hard. It's the next quest in the chain... Fixing this one as well >.<","createdAt":"2022-07-30T22:53:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"body":"No worries, we are also melting here in France. Thank you very much for your very quick replies though! Much respect for being everywere at anytime!","createdAt":"2022-07-30T23:00:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"body":"Waou! Thank you very much for your reactivity! Well I have deleted my WDB\nfolder once again and the red quote \"Races: Tauren\" is still there. And\nwhen I click on it, it says: you can't use that item.\nNot a big deal if I can not finish the quest today though. I am not in a\nhurry.\nI feel quite bad to waste your time.\n\nLe sam. 30 juil. 2022 à 22:07, Torta ***@***.***> a écrit :\n\n> I did make sure to delete my WDB folder before taking those two totem\n> screenshots and I did try to use the items aswell without succes. I must\n> admit that I don't understand what is going on. Maybe an issue related to\n> goblins?\n>\n> It was fixed and it's fixed on my end, I tried it with the Goblin as well.\n> Could you try to delete your WDB once again and see if you can use this\n> item?\n> [image: image]\n> <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/181994635-444ead1a-f723-41b9-bfbf-64f72b460251.png>\n>\n> —\n> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub\n> <https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1733#issuecomment-1200286293>,\n> or unsubscribe\n> <https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AYONXTPBTQOHK3AVZJYCJBDVWWDPTANCNFSM55CTA75A>\n> .\n> You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID:\n> ***@***.***>\n>\n","createdAt":"2022-10-11T09:56:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T06:43:48+0200","number":1733,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem is only usable by Taurens","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem is only usable by Taurens.\r\nI read on Discord that it was supposed to be fixed by a short maintenance scheduled on the 07/29/22.\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_073022_062239](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181872565-6893ae1a-c461-4eff-9948-8bfec3d9026b.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to th Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) and start the quest chain from Mull Thunderhorn.\r\n2. The fourth quest asks you to use the Thunderhorn cleansing totem which you can not use if you are not a Tauren.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2948\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=5415\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=758\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nAs any Horde race can now do this quest chain, this item shall by usable by any Horde race.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-11T09:56:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T10:53:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T02:37:07+0200","number":1732,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Feral Spirit Is Not Working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe new orc shaman racial spell \"Feral Spirit Rank 2\" has a tooltip which states: 5 second cast, Summons two greater spirit wolves under the command of the shaman for 20 seconds. Currently, Rank 2 of this spell instantly casts and does not summon any wolves. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have an orc shaman level 60 with the quest completed to get Feral Spirit\r\n2. Learn Feral Spirit Rank 2 at a trainer\r\n3. Cast Feral Spirit Rank 2\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1764\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCast time should be 5 seconds (debatable), 2 wolves should be summoned for 20 seconds.","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T05:25:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T05:25:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"meebybell"},"body":"Thought I'd mention that although it appears that rockbiter is working properly, it isn't. The on-hit component is the threat, not the extra damage. Your attack power is increased by rockbiter directly, mean you do extra damage with anything that uses attack power regardless of whether the on hit effect works.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T10:41:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Melphoone"},"body":"also to mention on flametongue is, that it´s not applied to every weapon swing on lvl 60+ mobs. it doesn´t even is showsn in the combat log (no resist or something)","createdAt":"2022-08-05T10:53:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"body":"Issue has returned but affects rank 1 stormstrike as well now. Both are yellow hits so neither procs weapon enhancements.","createdAt":"2023-05-08T15:02:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Should be fixed next restart :)","createdAt":"2023-12-04T16:38:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T02:30:23+0200","number":1731,"labels":"Spell, Reproduced","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stormstrike Rank 2 Cannot Proc Shaman Weapon Imbues","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nStormstrike Rank 1 is able to proc all shaman weapon imbues (windfury, frostbrand, flametongue). Rank 2 is currently not able to proc any of them. It still benefits from rockbiter, however.\r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/ecdebkB\r\n\r\nRank 2 stormstrike shows as a yellow hit.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec out of and back into stormstrike so you have rank 1 and rank 2 (rank 1 is removed on logout)\r\n2. Cast any shaman weapon imbue with a proc (windfury, frostbrand, flametongue). flametongue is the easiest to see the issue.\r\n3. Cast rank 1 stormstrike, it will do fire damage as well from flametongue. Cast rank 2 stormstrike, it will not do fire damage.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=17364\r\n\r\nI don't think I can link to rank 2 stormstrike in the database.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRank 2 stormstrike should proc shaman weapon imbues just like rank 1. \r\n","updatedAt":"2023-12-04T16:38:09+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-12-04T16:23:31+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T00:08:26+0200","number":1730,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"rival pressence hateforge qeust issues","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40458\r\n\r\nthe qeist is labeled as orgrimmar instead of hateforge\r\nthe quest is also not sharebale\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"SabineWren"},"body":"Can confirm. That loot despawn happened the second time I did this event (without the quest).\r\n\r\nStuck in combat is probably a separate bug. I don't see an issue for it, but it happens occasionally in raids. Current workaround is for everyone to relog.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T17:41:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This event seems to work mostly properly, except you are placed in combat and stuck in combat the moment you place the Banner of Provocation. The banner must be placed before starting the Arena event to replace the Arena boss with Theldren's team, so you cannot complete this event after you have already completed the Arena event.\r\n\r\nCurrent issues:\r\nThe box despawns after about a minute. The box SHOULD NOT despawn at all until it is looted.\r\nCombat should not be initiated by the banner itself, and should be cleared properly when not in combat.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T15:14:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-30T00:07:37+0200","number":1729,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Quest, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"brd arena banner of provocation issues","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nwe killed the brd arena banner of provocation t0.5 fight.\r\nfirst we killed the dwarf and i looted my quest item immidielty, then we killed the remaining dues.\r\n\r\nafter the last boss died the loot box spawned for 1 sec and despawned immideitly.\r\n\r\nour group was therfore ripped of their loot\r\n\r\nsecndly after we had killed the trash wave before the boss, we were permaetly stuck in combar for the total remiander of the dungeon run\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. go brd arena\r\n2. use banner of provocation t0.5 item\r\n3. after trash wave yo uare stack in combar\r\n4. after you killed the boss wave the loot box despawns immidiely\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=9015\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21986\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nno stuck in combat\r\nno despawning loot box","updatedAt":"2023-10-19T23:43:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-10-19T23:43:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T21:27:59+0200","number":1728,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: \"Glyph Chasing\" objects unable to interact","body":"For quest \"Glyph Chasing\"\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8309\r\n\r\n**Clicky objects in the Silithus hives have a wheel upon mouseover but do not generate quest items via these spells:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24805\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24806\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24807\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior - the corresponding objects should generate quest items upon rclick:**\r\nHive\\'Ashi Rubbing - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20455\r\nHive\\'Zora Rubbing - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20454\r\nHive\\'Regal Rubbing - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=20456\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-10T01:19:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T01:19:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue can no longer be reproduced. Lethon appears to have normal aggro range on current version (level 60 can be just below him on his ramp without pulling).\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:57:43+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T20:41:29+0200","number":1727,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Lethon has a buggy aggro/reaggro range","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nLethon (currently in feralas on live right now) will aggro almsot from the water, where he used to aggro from the bottom of the stairs. He also will re-aggro when resetting, immediately and spam the chat\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. go to feralas green dragon area on live\r\n2. approach lethon, see him aggro early\r\n3. go midway into the water to see him constantly aggro/deaggro/reaggro again and again\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14888\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nhe should only pull from the base of the stairs. he should also fully reset back to his home spot before reaggroing","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T14:33:32+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T14:33:32+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T20:08:40+0200","number":1726,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:43:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:47:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is a client issue, moving this to the internal client tracker.","createdAt":"2022-10-22T00:40:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-10-23T12:10:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T18:53:31+0200","number":1725,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Northern Arathi Highlands has terrain gaps in the seam that connects it to the southern half.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nI've noticed a spot along the seam that connects northern Arathi Highlands with the rest of AH, where the terrain doesn't match the seam, creating a clearly visible gap. The gap is not just cosmetic but an actual hole in the collision mesh so spells like Eagle Eye can be used through it, and if you can shrink the model down far enough you could potentially fall through the world. I don't know yet if there are more spots like these, but it is easy to see that the holes only appear between the seams of the two map sections (the minimap shows clear discoloration that seperates the custom northern section of AH vs. the vanilla southern section of AH.)\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the marked location provided in the screenshot.\r\n2. Observe the gap.\r\n\r\n![WoW_zUUOTyvLWU](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/181806945-4cfe5463-0695-43b1-bef1-dae2da4fcb22.jpg)\r\n![WoW_pe5t70v7tA](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/181806965-64724b49-ab2f-48eb-a973-d104678b464f.jpg)\r\n![WoW_652V9geH0U](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57675820/181806972-59a1a3ad-bdcb-4500-9092-27a4cd53209e.jpg)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-23T12:10:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:40:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"matejchi"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T18:22:25+0200","number":1724,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Retaliation doesn't work","body":"I poped Retaliation a bunch of times and it seemed to not do damage but i thoght i'm mistaken. So i actually tried it without attacking the mob, front facing him, and there were no counterattacks proccing.\r\n\r\nYou can duplicate this by just activating retaliation\r\n\r\nShould be attacking the mob everytime it hits you with a melee attack, but it doesn't, only animation shows up.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T19:16:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T19:16:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T17:20:03+0200","number":1723,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"*Not an emergency* Sparkwater Port Inn - no rested bonus","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nPlayer characters do not get the rested bonus when they are in Sparwater Port Inn.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the Sparkwater Port Inn, in Durotar.\r\n2. Notice that you do not get the rested bonus xp you usually get in other Inn.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThis is a known issue which was meant to be fixed with the 1.16.1 patch:\r\nhttps://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1248\r\n(see the very last message).\r\n\r\nNevertheless it is totally understandable that it as not be fixed regarding the overwhelming amount of work involved in the 1.16.1 patch.\r\nAs this issue is not game breaking, this is why I have tagged it with *Not an emergency*.\r\n\r\nTake care Turtle Devs, you all are doing a amazing job!\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks for reporting it, I'll move it to our internal client bug tracker :)","createdAt":"2022-09-23T22:36:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T17:07:39+0200","number":1722,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"*Not an emergency* Cactus floaters","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThere are two cactus floaters located between the Sparkwater Mine and Sparkwater Port in Durotar.\r\n\r\n![floaters](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181788744-1b1a575d-5e97-4258-8a98-652adcede67e.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Sparkwater Port.\r\n2. Locate the group of cactus between the mine and the city.\r\n3. See that two of them have started there ascendance to the stars!\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nI agree with Turtle Dev'. Cactus shall be able to fly!","updatedAt":"2022-09-23T22:36:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-23T22:36:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T17:01:05+0200","number":1721,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"*Not an emergency* Underground copper node","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe copper node located south of Tiragarde Keep (Durotar) is out of range because of the uplifted terrain after the 1.16.1 patch.\r\n\r\n![copper node](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181786904-16ca8e1f-b927-4db4-86ff-c8c123d4c21c.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Play a character with mining as a profession.\r\n2. Go south of Tiragarde Keep on the little path leading to the new farm.\r\n3. You will see a copper node on your minimap, you can point at it with your mouse but is it too far to be mined.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nTurtles shall get a bigger mining pick! :)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T11:31:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T11:31:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T16:50:36+0200","number":1720,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"*Not an emergency* Quest \"Polymporph enslavement!\" tagged as a Mulgore quest","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe quest \"Polymorph enslavement is tagged as a Mulgore quest when it takes place in Durotar.\r\n\r\n![quest](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181784066-2ebed3c2-b273-4f39-bef0-b3ba06792af4.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Find the little path south of Tiragarde Keep in Durotar which leads you to a little farm.\r\n2. Start the quest \"Polymorph enslavement!\" from the sheep Lashog.\r\n3. Open your quest log and see that it is under the Mulgore tab.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40513\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThis quest shall be under the Durotar tab.\r\n\r\n_Special Note:_ As Turtle Dev' must face a lot of work because of the release of the 1.16.1 patch. I prefer to tag those insignificant bugs with *Not an emergency*\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T22:25:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T22:25:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"FeyfolkenFantasy"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T16:36:02+0200","number":1719,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"*Not an emergency* 1.16.1 abilities above lvl 6 in starting areas","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nNew abilities from the 1.16.1 patch appear in the class trainers of the starting areas even though they can't be learned below lvl 6.\r\n(Title is not very clear, sorry about that)\r\n\r\n![talent](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102554573/181781865-cc800dcd-0f6c-4899-82ac-410f20fa5586.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create a character. a rogue for instance.\r\n2. Go to your Class Trainer.\r\n3. See that the new 1.16.1 abilities are there when they should not as they can not be learned below lvl 6.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nClass Trainers in starting areas allow the player to learn abilities from lvl 2, 4 and 6 only.\r\nProbably a Blizzard move not to overwhelm new players with too many informations.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T22:25:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T22:25:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"already reported https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1624","createdAt":"2022-07-29T16:17:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T15:16:24+0200","number":1718,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood Frenzy Druid Talent Bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe attack speed bonus is not granted when Enrage or Tigers fury are active, Also does not generate the 10 free rage for Bear form.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Shift to bear or cat\r\n2. use tigers fury or enrage\r\n3. check character screen (no atk speed increase)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T00:27:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T00:27:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"It will be fixed in the next client patch.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:32:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T15:13:36+0200","number":1717,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid Primal Fury Talent Bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPrimal Fury talent, Instead of on crit, it is giving 5 rage on every hit, and also when this talent is taken most of the druid bear form abilities dont consume rage, essentially giving druid unlimited rage in bear, Also using Demoralising roar generates 5 free rage.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Turn into bear\r\n2. Hit stuff\r\n3. Use demo roar\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T19:32:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T19:32:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"voodoom-fr"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I tested it and I get 2% of total mana, not just 2 mana.\r\n\r\n![WoWScrnShot_072922_185656](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35845488/181798514-ae01f616-a36e-45fe-a17b-e88f1fd284a6.jpg)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-29T17:58:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"voodoom-fr"},"body":"Fixed.","createdAt":"2022-07-29T23:48:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T12:11:11+0200","number":1716,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin : Shield Specialization returns 2 mana instead of 2% mana","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen you block an attack with the \"Shield Specialization\" talent, you get 2 mana back instead of 2% mana.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Learn the \"Redoubt\" and \"Shield Specialization\" talents.\r\n2. Attack a mob and wait for \"Lasting Defense\" to proc.\r\n3. You get 2 mana instead of 2% of your mana.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYou should get 2% of your mana back when \"Lasting Defense\" does proc, but instead you get 2 mana.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T23:48:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T23:48:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ReggyDawn"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T10:31:27+0200","number":1715,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"NPCs have all gained a block chance, and it feels like they have an increased chance to dodge and parry.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nEvery enemy that didn't have a block before, can now block, including SW target dummy. The increased parry/dodge is anecdotal, it just feels that way. I don't have the addons to test exact values. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Attack the test dummy for a while, you will see blocks. \r\n2. Use a tool to calculate dodge/parry chance and compare to realistic values (6% for a level 63, much less for a level 60)","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:33+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:33+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T10:01:58+0200","number":1714,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Time-Worn Rune not being sold by Wardens of Time Quartermaster","body":"[**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe Time-Worn Rune (now fixed, awesome) is not being sold by the Quartermaster Dronormu in the Caverns of Time like it used to.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the Caverns of Time\r\n2. Fly or walk down to Dronormu <Quartermasster>\r\n3. Notice that the Time-Worn Rune is missing from the vendor pages. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80943 Dronormu QM\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=61000 Time-Worn Rune\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDronormu should be selling the Time-Worn Rune. I suspect it was removed from the shop when the Rune itself was nonfunctional, but was not returned to the store once the teleport fix (awesome) was implemented.\r\n\r\n![Screenshot from 2022-07-29 15-58-04](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108923904/181713257-5fe8e307-a080-4ebd-b98d-ca4f9f9d06d3.png)\r\n\r\n![Screenshot from 2022-07-29 15-58-02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108923904/181712857-dadd9a44-41b7-453d-9261-e3afa78bae38.png)]","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T15:16:31+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T15:16:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"OriusKhan"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, but it's impossible to reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-11-15T02:19:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T02:56:50+0200","number":1713,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Disconnected while in party leads to inconsistent party zombie state","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThere seems to be a drastic increase in random disconnects since the major update a day or 2 ago. The specific issue I'm reporting is related to that: When you're in a party and get D/C'd, upon logging back in SOMETIMES (fairly often) everything on the UI will indicate that you're NOT in a party. Party frames, hitting F2-F5, trying to type in /p party chat, etc. However, everyone else in the party still sees you as being in the group. Since your client thinks you're not in a party, there's no way for you to leave it either.\r\n\r\nRequires the party leader to kick you from the group, and then re-invite. Everything seems to work as expected after that. If the leader of the party has this happen to them while in a dungeon, they re-appear outside the dungeon when logged back in, and there's no way for the group to get them back inside. (ie. Everyone has to drop party and the dungeon gets reset...)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be in a party.\r\n2. Get disconnected.\r\n3. Log back in.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nYou should still be in the party when logging back in after getting disconnected. Alternatively if that is not the desired behavior, then you should be fully removed from the party, not partially.","updatedAt":"2022-11-15T02:19:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-15T02:19:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Milton3450"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This was fixed shortly after the class changes patch and is no longer an issue.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:53:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T01:40:26+0200","number":1712,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid / Starfire stun","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe talent \"Improved Starfire\" (3/3 talented) should work, giving starfire casts a 15% chance to stun the target. It shouldn't, but it can proc of all spells (Entangling Roots, Insect Swarm, Wrath etc..). It can EVEN proc on yourself (stun yourself) when casting any healing spell on yourself.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec into Improved Starfire\r\n2. try casting any offensive spell on an enemy, or spam heals on yourself. You will see that starfire stun procs with all kinds of abilities.\r\n3. profit?\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: (improved starfire): https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16926\r\nSpell (starfire): https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=9876\r\nFor some reason, the talent is 5 step in the database but ingame it's only 3 steps.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould only proc with starfire on enemies when specced into Improved Starfire talent.","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T11:23:04+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T11:23:04+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Owlnighte"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-29T00:51:25+0200","number":1711,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Retaliation stopped working as of last hotfix","body":"It no longer triggers from being hit.","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T19:25:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T19:25:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"GuybrushGit"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T22:40:34+0200","number":1710,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged item: Jarl's Juicy Jumbly","body":"The quest Juicy Darkfang Legs! rewards 5 Jarl's Juicy Jumbly but they are not consumed when used, effectively giving you infinite food.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60593\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T23:58:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T23:58:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ylfek"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"body":"I am not having this issue, when clearcasting procs from either melee or spell I can see my Earthshock go from 450-270 mana","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:21:02+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T22:27:28+0200","number":1709,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shaman: Clearcasting","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:*\r\n*Elemental Power talent procs fine, i can see 2 stacks of clearlasting, but when I cast spell it has normal mana cost\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.i cast spell, passive procs\r\n2. can see 2 stacks, so i cast another spell\r\n3. cost didnt change either for shocks or lightning bolt\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T00:28:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T00:28:30+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"ratkosrb"}],"author":{"login":"Olamek"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"sharlatan"},"body":"UP,still not working.","createdAt":"2022-09-07T08:51:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Also related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1520","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:00:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Quest still doesn't correctly give completion credit. Tested right now now on live.","createdAt":"2023-02-27T23:18:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"Apparently after you abandon the quest you cant pick it up again. I wanted to test it further because there seems to be a bug with the amount of mobs each wave, but now I cant.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T17:44:13+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"You can pick it up again but you need to wait for the quest giver to reset","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:03:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"I did wait for at least 10+ hours (logged out next to her and went to sleep) and when I logged back in she still didn't want to give me the quest.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:09:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Then I think you need to wait for the server reset but no point in trying since it's bugged.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:11:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"As of the time I'm writing this 22 March. After the server restart I tried the quest again and what do you know ?\r\n![WoWScrnShot_032223_031325](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2021593/226784695-7ab2983d-9a9c-45f4-a0ba-dc6c5fe063e3.jpg)\r\nEverything worked perfectly. Waves came at reasonable time. They engaged properly. NPC healed herself after each wave etc. Completed the quest without a problem. Unfortunately I don't have second character to try it again and see if it works for him too.\r\n","createdAt":"2023-03-22T03:21:10+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Bovrilmatter"},"body":"Still having the issue of not being able to complete this quest I could imagine after a server reset it is possible as the person above has shown but right now on the server after you kill all the waves you get the message \"Well done. A blow to the Arugal no doubt!\" and then no credit for completing the quest.","createdAt":"2023-04-06T03:37:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"lasuax"},"body":"The issue is still there, tested today.","createdAt":"2023-04-07T18:19:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"sharlatan"},"body":"UP,still not working.","createdAt":"2022-09-07T08:51:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Also related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1520","createdAt":"2022-09-13T12:00:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Quest still doesn't correctly give completion credit. Tested right now now on live.","createdAt":"2023-02-27T23:18:49+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"Apparently after you abandon the quest you cant pick it up again. I wanted to test it further because there seems to be a bug with the amount of mobs each wave, but now I cant.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T17:44:13+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"You can pick it up again but you need to wait for the quest giver to reset","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:03:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"I did wait for at least 10+ hours (logged out next to her and went to sleep) and when I logged back in she still didn't want to give me the quest.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:09:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Then I think you need to wait for the server reset but no point in trying since it's bugged.","createdAt":"2023-03-21T19:11:20+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Herdon"},"body":"As of the time I'm writing this 22 March. After the server restart I tried the quest again and what do you know ?\r\n![WoWScrnShot_032223_031325](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2021593/226784695-7ab2983d-9a9c-45f4-a0ba-dc6c5fe063e3.jpg)\r\nEverything worked perfectly. Waves came at reasonable time. They engaged properly. NPC healed herself after each wave etc. Completed the quest without a problem. Unfortunately I don't have second character to try it again and see if it works for him too.\r\n","createdAt":"2023-03-22T03:21:10+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Bovrilmatter"},"body":"Still having the issue of not being able to complete this quest I could imagine after a server reset it is possible as the person above has shown but right now on the server after you kill all the waves you get the message \"Well done. A blow to the Arugal no doubt!\" and then no credit for completing the quest.","createdAt":"2023-04-06T03:37:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"lasuax"},"body":"The issue is still there, tested today.","createdAt":"2023-04-07T18:19:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Hasegawa007"},"body":"Issue still exists. After finishing the waves, she says the line but quest marker above her doesn't change into the one for completed quests and you can't finish the quest. \r\n![Screenshot (1318)](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/assets/133974297/b0596d5b-74b4-4a77-ae2c-9f8d1147d0ce)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-05-18T14:21:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"emomilk"},"body":"Did this quest twice today. First one bugged out so we tried again and the second one work.\r\n\r\nIn the first run I used freeze traps to trap a few enemies as they entered the room. In the last wave the first enemy got caught in the trap and this somehow caused the other two enemies to stay outside the main room. Once the first enemy thawed out we killed him but the other two were still stuck in the small room outside the main room. We killed the last two enemies in the small room and the quest bugged. The reason was probably that the last two enemies, which we killed in the small room, did not engage the quest giver in combat.\r\n\r\nIn the second run we did not use any crowd control and allowed all enemies to walk into the main room freely so they all engaged the quest giver in combat and the quest was successfully completed.\r\n\r\nSo if you are having trouble with the quest, you could try that.","createdAt":"2023-09-17T17:01:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"![изображение](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/assets/10399905/d55a2c25-9690-431d-aa3f-d6aea18e788f)\r\nCan't reproduce. Tried two times, and two times it completed without problems.","createdAt":"2024-02-19T16:31:40+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T19:36:08+0200","number":1708,"labels":"Quest","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bugged quest \"Pyrewood Ambush\" - Horde only","body":"Hello,\r\n\r\nI found out that quest \"Pyrewood Ambush\" (quest giver \"Deathstalker Faerleia\" in Silverpine Forest) is bugged.\r\n\r\nThis quest is about beating couple of ways of elite creeps, after defeating last one, quest giver just announce that PC did a good a job but quest is not set as complete (try to do it at least 5 times, always with the same outcome).\r\n\r\nLast time tried quest on Monday 25th.\r\n\r\nCould you take a look at it and possible fix it?\r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\nBest regards","updatedAt":"2024-02-19T18:46:20+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-19T18:46:20+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T19:28:18+0200","number":1707,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2023-07-18T11:41:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T23:59:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zasnool"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T18:24:47+0200","number":1706,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"quest bug - the mindless ones","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Quest \"The mindless ones\" should not be a part of quest chain\r\n2. I can't provide proof other than a similar [issue](https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=2598) that has been resolved on Twinstar Kronos server\r\n3. Otherwise you can't start doing quests in Trisfal glades as a race other than an undead because the previous one in the (currently but shouldn't be a)chain is exclusive to undead.\r\n\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1569\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=364\r\n\r\nOther races should be able to obtain it, therefore it shouldn't be a part of the quest chain starting from [Rude awakening](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=363)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:38:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"zasnool"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This quest was only available from Eitrigg during beta days when he was spawned in Valley of Trials instead of Orgrimmar.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T00:27:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"zasnool"},"body":"Either the \"[your place in the world](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=4641/your-place-in-the-world)\" or this quest should be attainable for horde character other than orc or a troll race.\r\n\r\n[The new Horde](https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=787/the-new-horde)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/100788360/181860163-e1f2c2ed-cfbb-48ab-8174-17d709f2b8e4.png)\r\nclassic wow wowhead says it was added but wasn't removed","createdAt":"2022-07-30T01:28:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T18:14:16+0200","number":1705,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest - The new Horde","body":"1. Create a Horde character other than orc or a troll\r\n2. Go to Eitrigg\r\n3. He doesn't have the quest\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3144\r\nQuest: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=787\r\n\r\nEitrigg should give that quest to Horde races other than orc or a troll so that they can start a quest line in durotar. The following quest is [Cutting teeth]( https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=788). Orcs and trolls have [your place in the world](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=4641) instead of the described one.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T01:28:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:27:35+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T12:54:34+0200","number":1704,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin: Crusader strike stacks reset by other paladin","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf there are multiple stacks of Crusader Strike on a target, and a second paladin applies Crusader Strike (such as in raid), it resets the stacks to 1\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast multiple crusader strikes on target \r\n2. Have second paladin cast crusader strike \r\n3. Observe stacks reset to 1\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase not available \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCrusader strike stacks should not reset, and should behave similar to sunder armor, in that any application adds stacks to the existing debuff and refreshes duration, rather than overwrites it.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:45:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:45:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This was fixed earlier today, fix should be already live.","createdAt":"2022-07-29T15:20:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"> This was fixed earlier today, fix should be already live.\r\n\r\nplease reopen, this is not fixed at the moment for mob attacks. pvp works though\r\n![pve meele](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810850727215104050/1003764900058910871/unknown.png)\r\n![pve spells](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11151284/182244400-497300f5-691b-4536-8306-62acff6520c4.png)\r\n![pvp meele does work though](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810850727215104050/1003764637428371588/unknown.png)","createdAt":"2022-08-01T22:51:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"pchigrin"},"body":"It still doesn't work for PvE","createdAt":"2022-08-18T17:49:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Will be fixed in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/1300df08b7f62e64b146c91a6b22e88f98f46d8c","createdAt":"2022-08-19T11:32:59+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T10:07:46+0200","number":1703,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest : Reflective Shields talent does not work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nReflective Shields talent does not reflect any damage to enemy mobs\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Select Reflective shields talent\r\n2. Cast a PW:Shield on yourself\r\n3. Aggro a mob\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSpell should reflect 20% od incoming damage back to it's attacker\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-19T11:32:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-19T11:32:59+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed in https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/3832250c1a2afcdcac65dccf7f4b1baa7ff422e7","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:33:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"body":"> Fixed in [slowtorta/turtle-wow@3832250](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/3832250c1a2afcdcac65dccf7f4b1baa7ff422e7)\r\n\r\nDispel resistance still not working, dispels 100% of the time, and still no indication in combat log of mana refund","createdAt":"2022-08-03T11:21:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T06:45:47+0200","number":1701,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin: Sanctified Command does not work","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nNew talent 'Sanctified Command' in Retribution not working at all\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Choose 2/2 talents of Sanctified Command\r\n2. Cast Seal of Command, get enemy player priest to cast dispel on paladin, watch as Seal of Command is removed 100% of the time\r\n3. Cast Seal of Command, cast Judgement on target, observe as no mana is returned to paladin or group\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase not available\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs per tooltip, should return 20% base mana cost of Seal of Command to group, and should resist dispel 90% of the time\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T11:21:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T19:33:33+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheShreen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"TheShreen"},"body":"UPDATE: Quest was completed it's just that the numbers were not incrementing!","createdAt":"2022-07-28T06:04:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"A very similar thing happens with [Bristleback Aggression](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60150) _([Google cached](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:CU4A3eOoVqYJ:https://database.turtle-wow.org/%3Fquest%3D60150+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us))_ in that the counter for Bristleback Quilboars will sometimes stop counting or even reset, despite the quest working fine.\r\n\r\n**Edit:** It may be related to _pfQuest_, if you're using that. I just did the quest I mentioned with no AddOns at all and it didn't break.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T06:29:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please clear your WBD folder. ","createdAt":"2022-07-28T09:43:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T06:00:25+0200","number":1700,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: Defias of Duskwood is broken","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen killing the mobs required for quest I was stuck at 3/10 on Defias Enchanters and 5/15 on Defias Night Runners. Killing more of each did not progress the quest. Killing more enchanters did not give me credit and killing more Night Runners also did not give me credit.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Quest kill mobs watch the progress stop. \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T09:43:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T09:43:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zeyla-TW"},"body":"I assume this no longer applies after recent changes, but if it is then it's more likely a problem with the addon you're using to track debuff durations at this point, as my personal addon for debuff durations no longer has this issue. Gonna consider this solved for now but we can re-open it if another technical issue is found.","createdAt":"2023-03-06T00:35:34+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-28T02:41:13+0200","number":1699,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Paladin: Crusader strike lower ranks visually refresh duration only","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOnce a higher rank (rank 5) of crusader strike debuff is on a target, a lower rank of crusader strike when applied will visually reset the 30second duration on the debuff, but in reality the time doesn't reset and the debuff when expire based on time of last used highest rank.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Apply rank five crusader strike, observe debuff and 30sec duration \r\n2. Apply rank four or lower crusader strike, observe debuff duration reset to 30sec\r\n3. Observe as the debuff drops off in accordance with time left from initial rank five application, despite the debuff visually showing more time left \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase unavailable \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDepending on design: Crusader strike lower ranks should refresh the debuff duration in accordance with visual state currently, or the visual debuff duration should not reset at all visually ","updatedAt":"2023-03-06T00:35:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-06T00:35:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed partly server-side next week / partly client-side in 1.16.4.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T22:50:49+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:39:45+0200","number":1698,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"High Elf Starting Weapon Inconsistency (Post 1.16.1)","body":"When creating a high elf character, one kind of weapon is shown in their hands. When _finalizing_ a high elf character, they're equipped with something entirely different.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log in to _Turtle WoW_ using the official game client.\r\n2. Click \"Create New Character\". Select \"High Elf\" for the race. Gender, Class, and Name don't matter.\r\n3. Take note of the weapon in the character's hand, then click \"Accept\".\r\n4. Examine the newly-created character. The weapon they start with is different from what was shown in Step 3.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe character should be finalized with the same weapon they were created with.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nI'm re-opening / remaking this bug report because it still hasn't been fixed despite the \"fixed\" status and label.\r\n\r\nHere are the weapons that appear in the Character Creator, followed by what the player actually ends up with:\r\n- _Warrior_\r\n**Scratched Claymore** -> Worn Shortsword, Worn Thalassian Shield\r\n(This one's particularly odd since the preview shows a _two-handed weapon_ while the character gets a _one-hander_.)\r\n- _Hunter_\r\n**Scuffed Dagger** -> Worn Dagger\r\n- _Rogue_\r\n**Scuffed Dagger** -> Worn Dagger\r\n- _Priest_\r\n**Blackrock Mace** (?) -> Worn Mace\r\n(The weapon in question _looks_ like a Blackrock Mace. No other model in Vanilla matches it.)\r\n- _Mage_\r\n**Apprentice's Staff** (?) -> Bent Staff\r\n(The weapon in question _looks_ like the Apprentice's Staff from _The Burning Crusade._ No other model in Vanilla matches it.)\r\n- _Paladin_\r\n**Scratched Claymore** -> Battleworn Bastard Sword\r\n\r\nNot to put too fine a point on it, but this is still _just a cosmetic thing_ and obviously has no impact on gameplay or anything important. But, hey. It _is_ a bug – or at least an \"oversight\" of some kind. It wouldn't be until Retail v5.0.1 that the player could preview what their character would look like completely decked out in high-level gear.\r\n\r\n**Relevant screenshots:**\r\n![116-1_HelfWeaponry](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/180888227-acd05618-9584-43b4-9c4b-e9522f6efc37.jpg)\r\n_The character creation weapon is not the same as what's given upon creation._\r\n\r\n**See also:**\r\n- #1535 \r\n(The original issue from 1.16.0, not fixed.)","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T22:50:49+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T22:50:49+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, transport is very hard to add and I'm happy that it swims at all. Minor docking misplacement will have to stay.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T00:29:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"The thing is… it wasn't doing that before Patch 1.16.1. So, ya know…","createdAt":"2022-08-01T06:28:26+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sadly, it was exactly the same in the previous patch: tower position didn't change, otherwise, we'd have Thunder Bluff zeppelin misplaced as well, zeppelin docking coordinates are exactly the same as they were before. This bug has one of the lowest priorities and this has to stay as it is for now. Eventually, when we have better tools for that, we might adjust it to work a bit more smoothly.\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-01T08:25:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:22:06+0200","number":1697,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Zeppelin Landing in Durotar from the Swamp of Sorrows Docks Incorrectly","body":"When the zeppelin from Kargoth, Swamp of Sorrows docks in front the western zeppelin tower in front of Orgrimmar (Durotar), it stops moving a little farther back than it should, leading to a somewhat awkward boarding process.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Create a new orc or troll and log in\r\n(A pre-existing character is fine, too. Just someone who's near Orgrimmar.)\r\n2. Climb the West Zeppelin Tower outside of Orgrimmar and wait for the northern zeppelin to Kargoth\r\n3. Behold the wonky way it docks!\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe opening of the zeppelin should be as close to centered on the wooden platform of the tower as possible, much like the other three zeppelins. It should also park a tiny by closer.\r\n\r\n**Relevant screenshots:**\r\n![TWoW_116-1_WonkyZep](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/181354582-9fa761da-3455-4c3d-9a18-ad4b49d390d7.jpg)\r\n_\"Hey! You missed your mark!! Pull forward a little, there!\"_","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T08:25:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:29:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"If True Shot works like other ranged attacks, this is perfectly normal as ranged attacks _always_ \"toggle\" melee auto-attack on and off.\r\n\r\nOtherwise, please provide more details.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:03:22+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T19:46:57+0200","number":1696,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"True shot can reset melle attack","body":"True shot can reset melle attack","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T15:25:29+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T15:25:29+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:39:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T18:44:09+0200","number":1694,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"target unit frame can't be moved after unlocked","body":"target unit frame can't be moved after unlocked","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:39:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:39:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"_Duplicate of #1651_","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:01:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T18:37:51+0200","number":1693,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"blood ring does not close properly when there are not enough players","body":"blood ring does not close properly when there are not enough players\r\n\r\nplayers have to /afk to get out ","updatedAt":"2022-08-01T00:31:26+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-01T00:31:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Kurpatoff"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"In order to always remain in Stealth while using Sap, you need to spend **three** talent points, not two.\r\n\r\n**Edit:** I forgot to check in-game. Never mind.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:00:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"> In order to always remain in Stealth while using Sap, you need to spend **three** talent points, not two.\r\n\r\nThe talent was changed. It's just two ranks now, so the original post is correct. The talent calculator at TWoW doesn't reflect all of the changes.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:35:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"joeblack16"},"body":"I can confirm its broken.\r\nInteresting moment - right after i put 2/2 in improved sap it worked just fine. But after i relogged, every time i use sap it reveals me and puts me in combat.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T08:49:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"pe-hy"},"body":"Yup its broken. Currently a huge nerf for PVP rogue.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T14:22:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. I always remain in stealth with the talent.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:37:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"joeblack16"},"body":"@ratkosrb how did you try? Have you relogged?\r\nI double checked. I resetted talents and put 2/2 to improved sap again. It worked fine **until relog**. After that it does not return me to stealth","createdAt":"2022-08-03T09:11:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Slimthegrim"},"body":"@ratkosrb I'm still able to reproduce this bug as of this morning. I've attempted clearing WDB multiple days to no avail. I've attempted a fresh client install as well with neither mods nor addons, which also doesn't fix improved sap.\r\n\r\nHere are the exact steps to encounter bug:\r\n1. Clear talents, and choose at least 2/2 imp sap.\r\n2. Test sap, and confirm it's not broken when talent is freshly applied\r\n3. Logout\r\n4. Login to same character\r\n6. Test sap, _**stealth breaks**_ when it should not. [bug here]\r\n7. Clear talents, and apply 2/2 imp sap, return to step 2.\r\n\r\nA fresh application of talents, or re-applying the same talent set via Gobbo Brainwash Device appears to mitigate the bug until relog when it just happens again.\r\n\r\n@ratkosrb Please take a second look at the input, I'd kindly ask what specific evidence can I go out and gather for you? ","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:45:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I tested with logging out and it still works for me.\r\nhttps://streamja.com/Q23eq","createdAt":"2022-08-06T04:08:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"pe-hy"},"body":"Try that on a player entity. You are sapping NPCs.\r\n\r\nAlso, don't show people that to login to a GM account you just type in \"admin\" and a 5 letter password. That's how really bad things happen. If that's on a test realm, disregard this.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T10:28:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Twitnyeastern"},"body":"Hello! This issue exists for me too for more then 2 weeks, exectly as Slimthegrim has written above(steps).\r\n Could you please explain what does \"Couldn't reproduce\" mean? No one will not look and fix for us or? Need to understand what to do next with this problem that permanently brokes one of game class. (char name: Anomay)\r\n\r\nP.S. pe-hy, it also reproduced with any humanoids: NPCs and players.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T10:39:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"In order to always remain in Stealth while using Sap, you need to spend **three** talent points, not two.\r\n\r\n**Edit:** I forgot to check in-game. Never mind.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:00:38+0200"},{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"> In order to always remain in Stealth while using Sap, you need to spend **three** talent points, not two.\r\n\r\nThe talent was changed. It's just two ranks now, so the original post is correct. The talent calculator at TWoW doesn't reflect all of the changes.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:35:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"joeblack16"},"body":"I can confirm its broken.\r\nInteresting moment - right after i put 2/2 in improved sap it worked just fine. But after i relogged, every time i use sap it reveals me and puts me in combat.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T08:49:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"pe-hy"},"body":"Yup its broken. Currently a huge nerf for PVP rogue.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T14:22:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I can't reproduce the issue. I always remain in stealth with the talent.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T19:37:09+0200"},{"author":{"login":"joeblack16"},"body":"@ratkosrb how did you try? Have you relogged?\r\nI double checked. I resetted talents and put 2/2 to improved sap again. It worked fine **until relog**. After that it does not return me to stealth","createdAt":"2022-08-03T09:11:48+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Slimthegrim"},"body":"@ratkosrb I'm still able to reproduce this bug as of this morning. I've attempted clearing WDB multiple days to no avail. I've attempted a fresh client install as well with neither mods nor addons, which also doesn't fix improved sap.\r\n\r\nHere are the exact steps to encounter bug:\r\n1. Clear talents, and choose at least 2/2 imp sap.\r\n2. Test sap, and confirm it's not broken when talent is freshly applied\r\n3. Logout\r\n4. Login to same character\r\n6. Test sap, _**stealth breaks**_ when it should not. [bug here]\r\n7. Clear talents, and apply 2/2 imp sap, return to step 2.\r\n\r\nA fresh application of talents, or re-applying the same talent set via Gobbo Brainwash Device appears to mitigate the bug until relog when it just happens again.\r\n\r\n@ratkosrb Please take a second look at the input, I'd kindly ask what specific evidence can I go out and gather for you? ","createdAt":"2022-08-04T20:45:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"I tested with logging out and it still works for me.\r\nhttps://streamja.com/Q23eq","createdAt":"2022-08-06T04:08:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"pe-hy"},"body":"Try that on a player entity. You are sapping NPCs.\r\n\r\nAlso, don't show people that to login to a GM account you just type in \"admin\" and a 5 letter password. That's how really bad things happen. If that's on a test realm, disregard this.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T10:28:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Twitnyeastern"},"body":"Hello! This issue exists for me too for more then 2 weeks, exectly as Slimthegrim has written above(steps).\r\n Could you please explain what does \"Couldn't reproduce\" mean? No one will not look and fix for us or? Need to understand what to do next with this problem that permanently brokes one of game class. (char name: Anomay)\r\n\r\nP.S. pe-hy, it also reproduced with any humanoids: NPCs and players.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T10:39:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Slimthegrim"},"body":"@ratkosrb https://streamkek.com/lYrVbWOMdC captured this morning, imp sap breaks stealth.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T15:50:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Fixed in next update.","createdAt":"2022-08-07T23:29:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Twitnyeastern"},"body":"Really fixed, thanks!","createdAt":"2022-08-08T23:42:56+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T18:32:43+0200","number":1692,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Rogue talent \"Improved sap\" is broken","body":"I use 2 point for talent \"improved sap\" and all time after I use sap my stealth dont worked\r\n\r\nChar name: **Gundabad**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-08T23:42:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-07T23:29:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Fixed by https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/8ec03b3af91a4fc822175282f70338a4887c1d23","createdAt":"2022-08-19T11:59:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T17:21:32+0200","number":1691,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest - Pain Spike does not consume Inner Focus effect","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n Casting Pain Spike does not consume Inner Focus effect.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. cast Innter focus\r\n2. cast Pain Spike\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe inner focus should be consumed, reducing the mana cost and increasing crit chance for Pain Spike\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-19T11:59:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-19T11:59:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Depending on how literal the \"Explorer\" title requirements are, there are a lot of potential places that the player can miss without intending to. I'm assuming the Explorer title requirements is limited only to places that give \"discovery XP\", though.\r\n\r\nTo my limited research, in _World of Warcraft_ v1.12.1 / _Classic_, there are 485 different named locations and 27 instances.\r\n_Turtle WoW_ adds several more of both, many of which don't give the player exploration XP.\r\nThere is also no way to track which ones a player has already triggered.\r\n\r\nHow would a player know that they've _actually_ found every single place in the game?","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:16:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T23:59:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T17:17:27+0200","number":1690,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"you don't gain the explorer title after finishing exploring","body":"you don't gain the explorer title after finishing exploring","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T23:59:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T23:59:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T16:10:54+0200","number":1689,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Way of Spiritwalking III, text ","body":"The Way of Spiritwalking III, text \r\n\r\nDuring Sage Palerunner's speech during 'The Way of Spiritwalking III' quest, he says 'he' for female characters.","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T00:05:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T00:05:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T15:48:06+0200","number":1688,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"<The Ramolus Gem> quest bugged","body":"<The Ramolus Gem> quest buged\r\n\r\nRamolus gem does not drop from Grash","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T10:01:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T10:01:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please clean your WDB folder, it's fixed now.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T18:01:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T15:24:53+0200","number":1687,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Repaired electro-lanthern can't be learned","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nPattern requires 60 survival, but unusable even with 150.\r\n\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-27 20-22-58](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/181257796-945c2d56-e715-4fef-836f-afdce14239b3.png)\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-27 20-23-06](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/181257807-9762d38c-d11e-459d-b0f8-c3b686b4fc15.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get the pattern\r\n2. Try to learn\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDb down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be learnable.","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T18:01:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T18:01:10+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Scifsyh"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GrenderG"},"body":"Can you please be more specific? Thanks. ","createdAt":"2022-07-27T14:31:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"wmichon237"},"body":"This talent only decreases rage cost, has no impact on the damage of the spell.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T14:34:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Scifsyh"},"body":"Rank 4 with talent show that it should damage for 55. But its damage in fact is 39. 60% increase dont work","createdAt":"2022-07-27T15:33:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Austyngio"},"body":"I have rank 4 with 2/3 talents and only 51 dmg (due to mob armor). not getting the dmg increase","createdAt":"2022-08-09T19:21:31+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T13:59:09+0200","number":1686,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warrior's talent 'imroved thunder clap' is broken","body":"Warrior's talent 'imroved thunder clap' is broken","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This one is hard to test unless we know how exacty this damage is handled and how the Combat Log displays it. It is melee damage of the fire element, yes, rather than a separate proc of spell damage. This means it may NOT show up separately in the combat log, but still be doing fire element damage. The item would have to be run by a core dev to know if it is working properly or not.\r\n\r\nWhatever the case, I would not expect to see a separate 5-7 fire damage instance in combat log the same way Flametongue Weapon or Seal of Righteousness works.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T14:55:39+0100"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"If you want to test, should be easy with a fire protection potion.\r\nEither way, I don't see how to display resists/absorbs if not separately.","createdAt":"2023-02-22T00:53:05+0100"},{"author":{"login":"jameyboor"},"body":"Confirmed working.","createdAt":"2023-03-06T05:12:50+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T13:28:22+0200","number":1685,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"torturing poker only does physical damage","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTorturing Poker should do physical/fire damage combo. Instead, all damage seems to be physical.\r\nFire damage is mitigated by resists, physical by armor.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-27 18-25-13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/181236032-f28ffb0d-9760-4d74-8233-f0fc8072d453.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip poker.\r\n2. Hit training dummy.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDb down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFire damage component should bypass armor, should be possible to resist.\r\n\r\n(Probably same goes for [Thornfist](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80750))","updatedAt":"2023-03-06T05:12:50+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-06T05:12:50+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"studnafsson"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the present revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-30T00:43:14+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T12:26:33+0200","number":1684,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: The Ramulous Gem - item not dropping","body":"Quest from Ironforge High elves, description says the Gem was stolen by a Trogg called Grash.\r\nGrash is at his supposedly correct location of Gol'Bolar Quarry, close to the end of the cave in a large opening. \r\nDid not drop the quest item after killing him 5 times, just to check.\r\n\r\nShould be quick to fix, I do not know the assigned IDs, as we do not have DB access. \r\n\r\nThank you.\r\nIGN: Ardum.","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T00:43:14+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:43:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Drabic"},"body":"OMG this text is copypast frommy ingame ticket","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:53:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T11:57:31+0200","number":1683,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Holy strike, crusader strike, seal of judgement, seal of crusader bugs","body":"Holy strike bugged\r\nHoly strike work as spell now, must as mellee:\r\nHoly strike resisted now, must be missed\r\n Holy strike critical hit not have 200% damage, must have 200% damage as mellee attack\r\n Holy strike not proc seals now. must proc as mellee attack\r\nCrusader Strike bugged\r\nCrusader Strike is removing any your judgemens from target\r\nCrusader Strike not have critical hits\r\n Seal & Judgemet of Crusader bugged\r\nSeal of Crusader not add bonus from item \"Libram of Fervor\"","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T19:43:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T19:43:02+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gala320"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Same issue as https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1821 ","createdAt":"2022-08-08T15:12:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T11:21:37+0200","number":1682,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid / Omen of Clarity not proccing on offensive spell casts","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOmen of Clarity does not proc Clearcasting when using offensive spells\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec into Omen of Clarity\r\n2. Use any offensive spell (e.g. Starfire)\r\n3. Observe no procs happening.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOmen of Clarity should proc Clearcasting on offensive spells as well.","updatedAt":"2022-08-09T11:31:22+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T11:31:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gala320"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"gala320"},"body":"Demoralizing Shout also procs Primal Fury, use the shout and look in your combat log :)","createdAt":"2022-08-01T12:49:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"leylandpaladin"},"body":"There is also broken synergy with on-hit effects, I made an issue there:\r\n\r\nhttps://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1758","createdAt":"2022-08-06T15:14:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Bear still has almost infinite rage as of today.\r\nOn my feral druid with Ferocity 5/5 and Primal Fury 2/2 these are my observations which i hope will be help to fix the bug:\r\n1. Non-crit Maul does not decrease rage unless it misses or gets dodged/parried (then it decreases rage by 2 (80% of 10 rage is refunded) as it should).\r\n2. Crit Maul increases rage by 5.\r\n3. Single-target Non-crit Swipe decreases rage by 5 unless it misses or gets dodged/parried (then it decreases rage by 15 as it should).\r\n4. Two-target Non-crit Swipe increases rage by 5 unless it misses or gets dodged/parried.\r\n5. Three-target Non-crit Swipe increases rage by 15 it misses or gets dodged/parried.\r\n\r\nFrom that i conclude that every landed Maul and Swipe hit gives 10 rage for no reason. (maybe white-hits as well but i did not pay attention/did not bother with rage calculation formula)","createdAt":"2022-08-14T00:12:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Both Combo points and rage seem to work fine right now.\r\n(combo points were fixed pretty fast right after 1.16.1 update and rage got fixed a few weeks after that)\r\nI suppose this issue should be closed now.","createdAt":"2022-08-30T16:51:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Thanks for testing!","createdAt":"2022-11-07T00:38:23+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T11:18:22+0200","number":1681,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid / Primal Fury generating too much Combo Points/Rage","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPrimal Fury talent is currently working incorrectly: \r\n1) Non-critical hits from abilities used by the player generate extra combo points in Cat Form\r\n2) Non-critical hits received generate extra rage in Bear Form\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nTo reproduce issue from problem 1):\r\n1. Have 2/2 Primal Fury talent\r\n2. Enter Cat Form, use any ability\r\n3. Observe Combo Points\r\n\r\nTo reproduce issue from problem 2):\r\n1. Have 2/2 Primal Fury talent\r\n2. Enter Bear Form, get hit by a monster\r\n3. Observe Rage resource gain\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPrimal Fury should work only for critical hits done by abilities in Cat Form and critical hits received in Bear Form.","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T00:38:23+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T00:37:26+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sardes85"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Sardes85"},"body":"Still not working. Any ETA when it will be implemented?","createdAt":"2022-08-03T06:31:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"When an issue is closed as completed, it means it has been fixed in the internal development branch. It does not mean the fix is live. You have to wait until the next patch update.","createdAt":"2022-08-03T12:40:46+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T10:49:33+0200","number":1680,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Warlock - Demon Portal spell not working 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nNew Demon Portal spell doesnt summon any new demon Felguard. When casted, it consume Demonic figurine, plays casting animation similar to summoning other demons, felsteed or dreadsteed. When casting is finished you hear imp summoning sound and then nothing happens. It doenst matter if casted in group or without.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast new spell Demon Portal\r\n2. Wait till spellcasting is finished\r\n3. Nothing happens\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nDB not available\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nNew spell, no idea. Perhaps it should create a clickable object, just like Ritual of Summoning, and after 2 more party members click on it, new demon Felguard got summoned.","updatedAt":"2022-08-03T12:40:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-03T02:46:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"goudekid"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'm sorry, this sounds like a default model behavior, we cannot easily alter those :)","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:31:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"goudekid"},"body":"To be clear, I want the audio file changed, not the model animation lol","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:42:20+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T09:06:47+0200","number":1679,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[REQUEST] Please fix the female dwarf running sound to match actual gait","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Play on a female dwarf with sound enabled\r\n2. Run\r\n3. Listen as the sound effect is lop-sided like she is limping even though she is clearly running normally\r\n\r\nThis drives me up the wall, would love if you fixed this in the client so the sound matched the run animation","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:42:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:31:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Sagenod"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"EzDismount Turtle version still works on everything but the Turtle.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T09:26:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"This is an addon issue, not server issue.\r\n\r\nYou can a tually, fix this yourself, I teel you how.\r\nAll these addons work by identifying the Mount with the aporoate mount icon namw\r\n\r\nTurtlecwow addon new custom icons with the last patch\r\n\r\nAddons nned to be extended to account for these new icons.\r\n\r\nThat's it. Yiu can do it or ask in #addons\r\n\r\nClose the issue ","createdAt":"2022-08-02T14:54:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T09:00:12+0200","number":1678,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"EZDismount broken after patch","body":"All addons which provide dismount functionality stopped working immediately after the patch. \r\n\r\nPFUI built in dismount function does not work. \r\n\r\nZDismount does not work, after deleting addon and using newest version the problem was not resolved. \r\n\r\nLazypig addon Auto dismount feature also does not work, when enabled it removes the error message \"You are mounted,\" but it does not dismount. Also deleted and installed latest version.\r\n\r\nThe only mount i have is the Turtle mount, can not test with other mounts\r\n\r\nPlease help!\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:21:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:21:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This was fixed 2 weeks ago.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:08:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T08:17:43+0200","number":1677,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Night Elf Wisp Form Moving Slow","body":"Dead NEs report that they are moving slower rather than 50% faster","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:08:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:08:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheShreen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Works fine for me\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181176308-6b46614c-5d42-4cff-acb6-b870f92fc949.png)\r\n\r\nP.s. In combat, feed pet skill ends if pet taking damage.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T08:25:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"Works fine.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:33:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T07:45:36+0200","number":1676,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Hunter Feed Pet broken","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen you feed your hunter pet it starts to feed them but then ends almost immediately.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Log into a hunter\r\n2. Feed your pet with feed pet skill.\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:16:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:16:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheShreen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Auto-loot isn't included to 1.16.1.\r\nYou need to tweak Wow.exe agian if you need auto-loot","createdAt":"2022-07-27T08:18:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Additionally, the Turtle WoW Team is not responsible for third-party additions, AddOns, or modifications made to the game beyond what comes packed with updated patches or the downloadable game client.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about third-party additions, please either refer to the forums or the public _Discord_.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:25:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"> Auto-loot isn't included to 1.16.1. You need to tweak Wow.exe agian if you need auto-loot\r\n\r\nThis is correct, you have to modify your binary once again.","createdAt":"2022-07-28T09:44:56+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T07:23:16+0200","number":1675,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Auto Loot after Tweaked Patch no longer works","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAfter applying the patch to the EXE that creates the WoW_Tweaked.exe auto worked fine. However after this new update the auto-loot no longer functions and you must now, once again, shift+right click to auto loot.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Right clicking to loot no longer auto-loots \r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T09:44:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T09:44:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"yaboydarrell"},"body":"I don't have any evidence of this but I believe Soul Fire (& on TWoW conflag) have the flat 25% chance to stun & the AOE spells are divided by the number of ticks. So Rain of Fire has 25% / 4 instances of damage = 6.25% chance per tick\r\n\r\nNot sure of intended behavior but this are just my observations. \r\n\r\nEdit: Apparently this was confirmed as the intended behavior on Nostalrius but unfortunately I think their bugtracker is offline. \r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23KBxLPWhao","createdAt":"2022-11-10T17:38:15+0100"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Yaboydarrell is correct. The chance is divided by the max number of ticks for aoe spells.","createdAt":"2022-11-18T08:15:37+0100"},{"author":{"login":"welpenhund"},"body":"Bump - problem is still going on. Got asked by a warlock friend to refresh it.","createdAt":"2023-05-11T10:19:49+0200"},{"author":{"login":"V3cnu"},"body":"Video proof of the pyroclasm not working. My guildmate plays a Paladin and doing DME and confirmed that lashers are stunnable with Hammer of Justice. Therefore being no reason why would Pyroclasm not work in this scenario.\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6D2mn3vEPk&ab_channel=Vecnu","createdAt":"2023-12-07T23:27:25+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Tried this on VMaNGOS, and as you can see in the video, there's at least one mob stunned in most Rain of Fire waves, but I don't see a single stun with Hellfire in any of the waves.\r\nhttps://streamable.com/0d2wyp\r\n","createdAt":"2023-12-07T23:48:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"cyaohiri"},"body":"Can't proc stun with Conflagrate either.\r\nhttps://streamable.com/3eu1b2","createdAt":"2023-12-07T23:59:50+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Today I finally checked this issue.\r\nAll spells, except Hellfire has a chance of proc Pyroclasm. Hellfire was legit broken.\r\nThe chance of triggering of Pyroclasm was correct, however, even when triggered, it doesn't apply on target for some reason. Still investigating.\r\nRain of Fire is a specially interesting, since it does rarely apply EVEN if you hardcode proc chance to 100%.","createdAt":"2024-02-14T21:31:33+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"Ok, I finish my research. I apply fix to Pyroclasm so it can be triggered from \"Hellfire effect\".\r\nEverything else work as intended, and I need to clarify a few things. I will speak only about \"Rank 2\" from now on.\r\nThe proc chance is not just 26%. For spells that have multiple ticks, the chance of triggering is divided by ticks.\r\nHere a chances:\r\nConflagrate (1 tick): 26 / 1 = **26%**\r\nHellfire (15 ticks): 26 / 15 = **1,73%**\r\nRain of Fire (4 ticks): 26 / 4 = **6,5%**\r\nSo every time those spell ticks, it rolls the dice and trigger stun if you lucky. But even if it triggered, there is a 2 limitations still apply:\r\n1) You can't exceed debuff limit. I'm not sure what debuff limit on main server, but if debuff limit is reached, the stun will be cancelled.\r\n2) Stun diminishing is still affecting pyroclasm! That includes stuns from other spells and talents. if you apply stun on unit more then 2 times, it will be immune to any stuns, including pyroclasm.","createdAt":"2024-02-16T16:34:41+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T07:12:11+0200","number":1674,"labels":"Warlock, Spell, Reproduced, Reproduced on VMaNGOS","state":"CLOSED","title":"Pyroclasm talent not working on Hellfire, Conflagrate and very very low proc chance as opposed to the proclaimed 26% 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPyroclasm talent not working on hellfire and conflagrate, and the stun chance on rain of fire and soul fire is much lower than 26%\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Talent Pyroclasm to either 1/2 or 2/2\r\n2. Cast 100 conflagrates (yes)\r\n3. Notice you never stun anything\r\n4. soul fire stunned so im editing this as of 1.16.2\r\n6. cast 100 ticks of Hellfire (use r1 to save mana/hp)\r\n7. Return to 3\r\n\r\n8. Bonus: Notice rain of fire stuns for 3 sec extremely rarely\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nDB closed\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThese new talents should apply a little over 25% stun chance on aoe ticks/spells landing. For reference the 10% daze chance from aftermath procs _significantly_ more, if numbers are needed.","updatedAt":"2024-02-16T16:40:11+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-16T16:40:11+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T06:10:30+0200","number":1673,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wardrobe Toasts Appear in Middle of Screen Going Up","body":"The \"toasts\" (pop-up notifications) that appear when a new item is added to the Wardrobe appear smack in the middle of the screen and can't be relocated without editing a configuration file.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log in to any character\r\n2. Buy / find a brand new piece that's not already in the Wardrobe and equip it\r\n3. Examine the toast in the middle of the screen\r\n(And more above that one, should multiple new things be equipped at one time.)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n- The first toast should appear just above the Experience and Faction Bars, a'la Retail Achivements.\r\n- There should be an option to move or _disable_ the toasts.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nMaybe it's just me, but I think it's kind of redundant… and annoying… that these \"toasts\" are a thing. I'm sure they're there so players have no excuse to overlook a new addition to their wardrobe, but as for me? I tend to look at the chat log for confirmation.\r\n\r\nI know there's a setting in one of the `WTF` files, somewhere, that can adjust the position and anchoring of these things… I've done it before, accidentally putting them _under_ the hotbar. I just can't remember where it is. It would be nice if there was a tutorial on adjusting / removing these things, in any case.\r\n\r\n**Relevant screenshot:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_072622_224249](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/181159211-bfeb9421-cbf7-4c55-a7fb-472aa81278a2.jpg)\r\n_Equipping two new pieces of equipment._","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:39:28+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:39:28+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"madScripting"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Reignwizard"},"body":"have same problem too. please fix this","createdAt":"2022-07-30T01:39:07+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zulmamwe"},"body":"![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22682876/182571310-10242282-e04b-49e6-b221-78ea4a776986.png)\r\nHave same problem, even tried to craft it once hoping that it's just a visual bug and will produce griefter's leggings, but it created plate","createdAt":"2022-08-03T11:23:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"Please fix this","createdAt":"2022-08-05T23:17:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next server update. The client display might look messy but the actual crafted item will actually be correct.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T23:16:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T03:16:44+0200","number":1671,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Grifter's Leggings are Steel Plate Legguards","body":"\r\n![screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33383366/181139054-86b8882d-8030-4b3c-b722-618178c296bd.png)\r\n\r\nThe Grifter's Leggings in the Leatherworking panel is showing the Steel Plate Legguards when mousing over the item's icon.\r\n\r\nI did not craft the item.\r\nI do not know if crafting the items actually gives Grifter's Leggings or Steel Plate Legguards.\r\n\r\nSince Grifter's Leggings is a new item and the Turtle DB is down, i do not know the item ID#.","updatedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-10T23:17:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"aswlt"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"This should work as intended after https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/66d9f22c09166e33dcb6e17592cef566c275d0eb","createdAt":"2023-05-12T00:25:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-27T01:37:10+0200","number":1670,"labels":"Hunter, Quest, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Quest][Hunter][NPC] - This demon need to be enslaved: Solenor's freewill","body":"Hello there,\r\nAfter killed two of them, I am now struggling with this guy, but you know I saw 3 videos about mechanics et strategies, not only those dum-dum and getting a Warlock for Curse of Reckless Rank 1, to avoid Dreadful Fright(A fleeing effect). I tried to solo it, in pre-bis raid for t1, not doable, even with a [Greater Shadow Protection Potion] + [Major Healing Potion], It's impossible to kite him, even playing with the Environemental advantage.\r\n-Solenor can summon bugs, they're very very slow, they're not in issue.\r\n-Solenor have a Rage effect in early, as a player, you can cleanse it with a Frozen/Freezing Trap, it work perfecly.\r\n-Solenor's damage are accurate, his movespeed too, he's fast but it's normal.\r\n\r\nLevel: 58 - 60\r\nClass: Elite\r\nReact: A H\r\nFaction: [Demon] 73\r\nHealth: 18,918 - 19,193\r\nWealth: 4 46\r\nDamage: 790 - 939 (Physical)\r\nModel: 8610\r\n\r\nBad guy in disguise\r\nNelson the Nice\r\nNPC: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=14536\r\nAKA\r\nSolenor the Slayer\r\nNPC: https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=14530\r\n\r\nDreadful Fright can be ONLY casted when Solenor is under Crippling Clip effect.\r\nSpell: https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=23275\r\nCrippling Clip, debuff applied WHEN you Wing Clip Rank 3, WC Rank 1 doesn't works, it wont trigger Crippling Clip\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/spell=23279\r\n\r\nDropping this item\r\nItem: https://classic.wowhead.com/item=18954\r\n\r\nEpic Hunter Quest\r\nQuest: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=7636\r\n\r\n\r\nSo, how It should be, simple :\r\n-If Solenor the Slayer is under effect of Crippling Clip, applied with Wing Clip Rank 3.\r\n-Solenor is able to cast Crippling Clip, without it he can't, that all.\r\n\r\nBonus: This is a good example how he can be killed without Wing Clip, by the way. This perso is doing it, naked, hunter buffs only, no assistance, no cheese.\r\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjCCI8jMMsQ","updatedAt":"2023-05-12T00:25:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-05-12T00:25:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Can't reproduce this.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T10:39:11+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T23:45:18+0200","number":1669,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: berserk doesn't remove fear","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nBerserk doesn't remove fear.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get feared.\r\n2. Try to cast berserk. It's not usable in fear.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDb down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be castable in feared state. Should clear fear.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T10:39:11+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T10:39:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ieronimakis"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"fixed","createdAt":"2023-02-27T12:57:54+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T21:26:34+0200","number":1667,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Tree of life new druid form bug+talent bug after update","body":"\r\nwhile in tree of life form you cant use ANY abilities including the one you are allowed you cant even recast the shapeshift to remove the form you must manually right click the buff + also i cant learn swiftmend and gifr of nature talents despite having the required points invested in the talent tree...pls fix\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-27T12:57:55+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-27T12:57:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tobbsu"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"akzkak"},"body":"([5](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1658)): {**Consecration**} Do not have increased scaling (0.042 → 0.119) \r\n([6](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1643)): ~~{**Retribution Aura**} Do not have scaling added: (0.033)~~ fixed\r\n([7](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1644)): ~~{**Redoubt**} do not have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance to activate off of any direct attack, but instead 100% chance.~~ fixed","createdAt":"2022-07-26T23:27:31+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"(2) Please provide evidence of this. I've tested this for several minutes with rank 3 of the talent (it's 33% per rank on the taunt) and haven't failed to taunt yet. It even puts a taunted debuff on the enemy just like Taunt or Growl does.\r\n(4) Please provide evidence of this. I'm in the middle of testing. Note that the effect is not a buff, but an invisible change to incoming damage. You need to watch your combat log to test this effectively.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T23:45:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Galuur"},"body":"Issue 7 does not appear to be fixed. I am still getting 100% redoubt activation on each hit taken by mobs.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T04:32:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T21:26:34+0200","number":1668,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Talents for Paladin","body":"(1): {**Shield Specialization**}: do not give mana back when you block the attack.\r\n(2): {**Improved Seal of Justice**}: do not taunt the target - even if is not attacking you.\r\n(3): {**Precision**}: do not give 1/2/3 hit change to melee or spell.\r\n(4): {**Ardent Defender**} do not give reduce damage when below 35% heath.","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"terraform123"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"This issue also occurs with Magistrate Solomon (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=344)\r\n\r\nConfirm Terraform123's hypothesis - Foreman Oslow and Magistrate Solomon's dialogue options are available when your character has quests still pending, but are no longer interactable once those quests are completed.","createdAt":"2022-08-08T06:56:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"lokhengchau"},"body":"Confirmed. Both Foreman Oslow and Magistrate Solomon won't talk.","createdAt":"2022-08-30T22:29:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T20:44:46+0200","number":1666,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Young and Foolish can not interact with Quest NPC","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe [Young and Foolish] quest part where the player needs to talk to NPCs in Lakeshire does not work as one can not talk with Foreman Oslow (probably due to completing all his quests already previously). This bug was claimed to have been fixed in #1549 but it seems some parts are still bugged.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Take up quest [Young and Foolish]\r\n2. Progress to part where one needs to interact with NPCs in Lakeshire\r\n3. Can not talk with Foreman Oslow\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nTo progress the quest, the player must be able to interact with the NPC.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93649249/181086813-9f6636cc-ee88-42ca-97c5-ca86af46a4be.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T01:50:48+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T01:50:48+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gabor-varga"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T20:30:44+0200","number":1665,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Young and Foolish can not interact with Quest NPC","body":"The [Young and Foolish] quest part where the player needs to talk to NPCs in Lakeshire does not work as one can not talk with Foreman Oslow (probably due to completing all his quests already previously). This bug was claimed to have been fixed in #1549 but it seems some parts are still bugged.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Take up quest [Young and Foolish]\r\n2. Progress to part where one needs to interact with NPCs in Lakeshire\r\n3. Can not talk with Foreman Oslow\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nTo progress the quest, the player must be able to interact with the NPC.\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10705425/181084273-c091b0f9-d0e2-4881-aff3-e7d2d3ecad16.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T20:43:31+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-26T20:43:31+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Still bugged as of 30.08.2022","createdAt":"2022-08-30T17:06:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"dan-personal"},"body":"Still bugged as of 5/10/2022. Quite an annoying issue.","createdAt":"2022-10-05T13:50:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"body":"Server patch notes claim´that this is supposed to be fixed, but nothing has changed. ","createdAt":"2023-04-12T18:44:55+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"Still bugged","createdAt":"2023-08-07T13:59:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"> Still bugged\r\n\r\nThis required a client patch to 1.17.0 which was not released until October. It appears fixed now, here's maul and bite going off within 0.5s of eachother.\r\n![image](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/assets/151180101/23814ace-bc5b-44cc-9fac-16b279be5845)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-12-04T04:15:42+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T20:15:11+0200","number":1664,"labels":"Druid, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"(Druid) Savage Bite's inexplicable GCD category","body":"Savage Bite's GCD category makes no sense. It's not on regular abilities GCD, but it triggers GCD on abilities which should be off GCD\r\n\r\n**how it works:**\r\nRegular ability GCD, caused by for example Swipe (bear), Rejuvenation, or Moonfire does not affect Savage Bite. It looks like Savage Bite doesn't conform to GCD at all. \r\n\r\nSavage Bite doesn't cause GCD for these regular abilities which should be on GCD (I can use Savage Bite and Swipe right after, or Rejuvenation, or Moonfire)\r\n\r\nOn the other hand, using Savage Bite puts GCD on abilities which should not be on GCD, abilities like Maul, Feral Charge, Growl (taunt), or even potions\r\n\r\n**how it should work:**\r\nnot like this i'm sure","updatedAt":"2023-12-04T04:15:43+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T21:46:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Wariced"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T19:49:34+0200","number":1663,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Decisive Strike - Rage cost and Talent Bug","body":"Decisive Strike (the new improved version of Slam) is useable once you have 15 rage, as intended. However, once used, it will consume 30 rage, given the warrior has that much rage left. \r\n\r\nDecisive Strike requires 1.3 seconds cast time, no matter how many points are invested in \"Improved slam\" Talent. Patch notes however state, that Decisive Strike would benefit from \"Improved Slam\" Talent. \r\n\r\nSlam would reset the swing time of your weapon to 0 after a Slam, meaning you would wait your full swing time until the next normal hit. Decisive Strike does not do so in its current state. Not sure if this is intended. Currently it can simply be cast in between swings, without any penalty, which seems too powerful.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-08T16:42:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-08T16:42:51+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"\"Note the skill does go up, but yields no XP.\"\r\n\r\nDo you mean yields no loot? Vanilla did not give xp for professions. ","createdAt":"2022-07-26T20:01:11+0200"},{"author":{"login":"TheSyg"},"body":"> \"Note the skill does go up, but yields no XP.\"\r\n> \r\n> Do you mean yields no loot? Vanilla did not give xp for professions.\r\n\r\nGives no loot. Sorry, mistyped","createdAt":"2022-07-26T20:06:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"Had this issue before (as in 1.16) as hunter: pet kills an enemy, I skin it and get no skin. The same problem also happened when I was killing critters for scraps with ranged weapons.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T21:28:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This issue cannot be reproduced on the latest version. I have been able to regularly follow other players around and skin their mobs.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:52:32+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T19:47:16+0200","number":1662,"labels":"Profession","state":"CLOSED","title":"Skinning mobs I did not kill won't yield loot.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Walk to a skinnable mob who wasn't killed by you or a party member.\r\n2. Proceed to skin.\r\n3. Note the skill does go up, but yields no XP.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nSkinned mob should yield some sort of leather, or leather scraps.\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"voodoom-fr"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T19:38:12+0200","number":1661,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crusader Strike is removing your judgement debuff on the target","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCrusader Strike is removing your active judgement debuff on the target.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Judge a Seal on a target.\r\n2. Cast Crusader Strike.\r\n3. Your judgement debuff on the target is removed.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase unavailable right now.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nWhen you cast Crusader Strike, your active judgement debuff on the target should not be removed.","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T10:25:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T10:25:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"NeroSoft111"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Please resolve it with a help of a GM with the in-game ticket!","createdAt":"2022-08-14T14:11:44+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T19:33:27+0200","number":1660,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"after unlearned my new talents, old talents have appeared","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nNickname Simfero, I play for a druid, after the reset of new talents, old talents appeared and I can't study them\r\nI'm applying a screen\r\n![2022-07-26_20-19-27](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110053693/181072866-3eddf0cb-de45-459e-a5f2-44519c38d28a.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.contact the druid trainer Turak Runetotem, say \"I wish unlearn my talents\"\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nafter unlearned my new talents, new talents remain","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T14:11:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T14:11:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ReggyDawn"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"body":"Holy Strike also does not proc any other seal (wisdom, light, justice, command)","createdAt":"2022-07-28T06:39:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:29:19+0200","number":1659,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Holy Strike not proccing Seal of Righteousness and being Resisted, rather than missing, and having a 1.5 crit multiplier.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs in the title. Additionally, Sanctity Aura still doesn't seem to have an effect on it.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Using SoR and casting Holy Strike.\r\n2. Holy Strike will be resisted, which suggests the reason is because it may be considered as a spell rather than a melee attack for some reason.\r\n3. With my stats, holy strike deals around 550 damage, which crits for 1.1k. My crits have instead been around the 800 mark.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHoly Strike counting as a melee attack, missing as a melee attack and proccing seals as normal, and critting for 200%.","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T23:14:00+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T23:14:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ReggyDawn"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:24:26+0200","number":1658,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Consecration Spellpower Scaling unchanged ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nI have tested the consecration spell with 138 spellpower and sanctity aura up. According to my calculation, if the scaling of each tick is 0.119, which should be adding roughly 16 damage per tick and I should be doing 24 damage per tick on a rank 1 consecration. \r\n\r\nSimilarly, my damage should be 64 per tick with a max rank consecration, and I'm only doing 58 with sanctity aura up.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Casting consecration and calculating the damage that should be happening vs the damage that is.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nDetailed above.","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T15:26:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ReggyDawn"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"UPD: moved from [#2801](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2801) since original issue is not related to Precision\r\n\r\n+1\r\n\r\nTried to check hit rating with\r\nhttps://github.com/yutsuku/BetterCharacterStats\r\nhttps://github.com/Linae-Kronos/StatCompare\r\nAPI calls:\r\nGetCombatRating()\r\nGetCombatRatingBonus()\r\nGetHitModifier()\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220143332-4576041c-95e2-4f4e-9e47-2fb5f69385e2.png)\r\n\r\nscreenshot from a friend who is playing rogue\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220143367-a299a15a-2cdd-4876-8660-ea0bf572d41f.png)\r\nthis means that addon is working","createdAt":"2023-02-20T11:48:56+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This requires more testing to determine if it is an addon issue (is the addon reading hit from the server, or only predefined Talent IDs in the client, which may have been impacted with the class changes?) or if it is indeed a serverside issue.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:51:31+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"@redmagejoe seems like you're right\r\n[addon code](https://github.com/yutsuku/BetterCharacterStats/blob/master/helper.lua#L135)\r\nwill try to update this code in the evening\r\n\r\nbut still\r\naccording to formula from [here](https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Hit#Calculating_Miss_Rate_for_Physical_Damage_Attacks)\r\n\r\nI'm lvl 47 human paladin with sword fighting humanoid level 44 so \r\nmy_weapon skill = (47 * 5) + 5(from racial) = 240\r\nmob_defense = 44*5 = 220\r\ndifference is less than 10, so following should be correct `5% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill)*.1%`\r\n5%+(220-240)*0.1% = 0.03% chance to miss\r\nwith at least 1 point Precision (and I have 2) seems like I should never miss an attack, but I am\r\n\r\nMy calculation and understanding could be wrong, but still any additional check and info from devs would be awesome!","createdAt":"2023-02-21T11:27:36+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"Forked and updated BCS to handle precision talent\r\nhttps://github.com/software-eugeneer/BetterCharacterStats\r\n[ReggyDawn](https://github.com/ReggyDawn) could you please install and verify ? :)\r\n\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220415157-88343f70-1263-4429-8c21-c348a28cf498.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220415194-bf9eaba5-775b-4ed5-b91c-47db61f53a59.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-02-21T18:19:25+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"Tested a bit more fighting mobs level 44-45 (still lvl 47 2h sword with 2 points precision)\r\nper formulas from vanilla-wow\r\nlvl44: 5%+(220-240)*0.1% = 0.03% chance to miss\r\nlvl45: 5%+(225-240)*0.1% = 0.035% chance to miss\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220696972-0b5699a6-c07f-4663-be50-e92a9755c7cc.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-02-22T17:45:26+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"with no points spent on Precision\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45651092/220884490-abbf93c1-2cf5-4fe1-92ed-5faca022d2bc.png)\r\nso it seems like talent is working\r\nMy only questions would be: \r\n1. is it any hardcoded miss chance for melee hit?\r\n2. is [this formulas](https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Hit#Calculating_Miss_Rate_for_Physical_Damage_Attacks) correct for TWoW ","createdAt":"2023-02-23T11:46:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"kingalion"},"body":"So everything is working? Missing and not criting is just a bad luck thing?","createdAt":"2023-02-23T17:59:56+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"re: @kingalion \r\n\r\nI could 100% said only when we would know exact calculation formula that is used\r\nfor now only thing that i could say - Precision talent affects you hit rating :)\r\n\r\nyou could try to test on your own using [DPSMate](https://github.com/Geigerkind/DPSMate) addon\r\n","createdAt":"2023-02-23T18:18:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Talent is working as intended with empirical evidence.\r\n\r\nThis can be closed.","createdAt":"2023-02-23T18:18:34+0100"},{"author":{"login":"software-eugeneer"},"body":"@redmagejoe are you somehow close with dev team?\r\nI'm really wondering formula and hard miss cap ","createdAt":"2023-02-23T18:20:25+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:17:56+0200","number":1657,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Precision talent in Protection Paladin tree not working.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAs in the name. It does not show up in any sort of stat tracker, and I appear to be missing level 60 enemies where before I did not.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Simply selecting the talent and checking character sheet. \r\n2. Testing against dummies and/or live targets then comparing the math.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be getting 3% physical and spell hit rate from the talent.","updatedAt":"2023-02-23T19:01:36+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-23T19:01:36+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:16:43+0200","number":1656,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:42:59+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-09T18:26:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"ReggyDawn"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Working as intended. It was probably an online DB display bug. \r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/200149997-00598bc2-1514-4037-a450-d570037420ab.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:36:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:16:09+0200","number":1655,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Avenger's Breastplate missing physical hit rate.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** Avenger's Breastplate seems to have lost it's 1% physical hit and reverted to 1% spell crit.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nDatabase currently unavailable, so cannot.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should instead have 1% physical hit rate, as described in changelogs.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:36:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:36:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"chloejaynebond"},"body":"tested before and after using the book on a target dummy on my friend's druid. this is only a visual bug and the damage increase from the new book is about 11.7%","createdAt":"2022-07-27T10:09:50+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"A visual bug is still a bug.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T11:57:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:07:12+0200","number":1654,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shred Rank 6 is no different to Shred Rank 5","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:** The new rank of Shred 6 from the custom class book is no different to Shred Rank 5.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create a druid with Shred Rank 5. Check the tool tip for Shred Rank 5: \"Shred the target, causing 225% damage plus 180 to the target. Must be behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.\" Also check the damage the individual druid does.\r\n2. Learn Rank 6 from the custom book: \"Book of Shred VI\"\r\n3. Compare to what is listed in step 1 and notice there is no difference.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item= https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=83573\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:** The new rank 6 of Shred should increase damage from Shred compared to rank 5.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-27T11:57:02+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-27T10:09:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"xhummerx"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:54:34+0200","number":1653,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Earth Shield","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDoesnt Scale with either spell dmg or bonus healing\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. have any gear on cast earth shield get hit always heals for 150\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\ndatabase down\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nshould probaly scale with bonus healing","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T21:04:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T21:04:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"xhummerx"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Will be fixed after https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/eec5bcfe24f89091f3e87beb38ce656decebb02a","createdAt":"2022-08-29T23:00:01+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:51:03+0200","number":1652,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spirit Link (Tauren Shaman)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSpirit Link Shaman racial does nothing after casting it since i aint sure how they want it to work i cant really explain much more\r\ncooldown is also 30 sec instead of the intended 10 min\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. target a friendly player cast spirit link\r\n2. targets gets buff for half a second it fades\r\n3. nothing happend\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nCant linkt to db since its down first week\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nshould buff the target and nearby friendly players should take 15 % of the dmg of the buffed player\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-29T23:00:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-29T23:00:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"this is not fixed, still happening right now, please reopen\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11151284/183549877-6e4f208a-a105-484a-9468-6b1f0beef6b0.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-09T04:25:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:40:12+0200","number":1651,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood Ring doesn't teleport out on premature end","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nIf opposite side didn't accept queue, you get stuck in BR waiting room.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue BR.\r\n2. Join.\r\n3. Other side doesn't show up: \"Not all players have accepted queue\"\r\n4. You're stuck. The only way out is HS or other teleport, along with deserter debuff.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nTeleported back where you were when accepting invitation.","updatedAt":"2022-09-10T01:58:25+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T01:58:25+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Actually, not limited to bgs, had the same happen in instances (HFQ, BRD).","createdAt":"2022-07-26T23:58:40+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"It seems to be working mostly fine in AV now.\r\n\r\nHowever, there's another issue: if a gy gets attacked just before you are resurrected, sometimes you're not ported to the nearest friendly gy, and have to ghost run. That happens on AB, at least. Hard to reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-08-04T06:32:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Can't reproduce.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T11:43:28+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Of course you can't, it's hard to reproduce. But it happens.","createdAt":"2022-08-15T12:35:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"![Captura de pantalla de 2022-08-19 18-53-56](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/185613068-4c9120b1-f36b-412d-bd78-428b5c25b660.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-08-19T13:55:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:36:53+0200","number":1650,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dying in BGs doesn't teleport to nearest gy","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nDying in BGs doesn't teleport to nearest gy.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Die in BG.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTeleport to nearest gy owned by the faction. If that gy is attacked during waiting for ressurection, then port to the next allied gy, and so on.","updatedAt":"2022-08-19T13:55:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T11:43:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Massie323"},"body":"To add to this from the horde side;\r\nAll Undead trainers in Undercity/Brill are lacking the new abilities to teach you.\r\n\r\nHowever all trainers in Orgrimmar are able to teach you the new abilities.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T18:02:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"Ranger Canarah Kim'Alah - https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80458\r\n- also does not teach Trueshot nor Aspect of the Wolf","createdAt":"2022-08-07T07:04:49+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T15:33:40+0200","number":1649,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Some Hunter Trainers do not teach new abilities","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nNot all hunter trainers can teach the new abilities. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nHunter Trainers that can't teach new abilities (Aspect of the Wolf and Trueshot):\r\nJocaste at Darnassus\r\nDanlaar Nightstride at Ashenvale (can only teach Aspect of the Wolf)\r\nClover Spinpistol at Dun Morogh\r\n\r\nHunter Trainers that shouldn't teach new abilities:\r\nAyanna Everstride at Teldrassil (she should only teach abilities up to level 6)\r\nThorgas Grimson at Dun Morogh (he should only teach abilities up to level 6)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nCannot link anything since DB is disabled.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEvery class trainer except the starting ones should be able to teach all abilities.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T23:19:06+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T23:19:06+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to the same matter as here: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1612","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:26:04+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@slowtorta the linked issue has been closed but this issue here remains. Pls reopen, they don't cover the same problem ","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:40:42+0100"},{"author":{"login":"twowTurtReynolds"},"body":"Current investigation shows this to be a hardcoded client issue, something we can't fix unfortunately.","createdAt":"2023-12-17T01:00:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T15:11:52+0200","number":1648,"labels":"PvP, Client, Can't Fix","state":"CLOSED","title":"Can't queue for all bgs simultaneously.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nCan't queue for more than 3 bgs.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue for each bg.\r\n2. See that you can't queue for more than 3. Nothing happens upon pressing the join button.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be able to queue for all of them.","updatedAt":"2023-12-17T01:00:58+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-12-17T01:00:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"Can confirm that. If you are using auto-shot and weave a Trueshot, the character will continue shooting after the cast. If you start with Trueshot, the character will just stand there after the cast.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:36:06+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T14:50:30+0200","number":1647,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Trueshot (new ability: Hunter) not intitating auto-shoot","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nTrueshot (new ability: Hunter) not intitating auto-shoot\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Find a player/npc\r\n2. Use Trueshot\r\n3. See how the ability does not start auto-shooting afterwards as it should\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= (Database currently unavailable: Hunter ability: Trueshot)\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nStart auto-shooting after using the ability.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-01T01:18:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-01T01:18:56+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"TheShreen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"The only solution so far is to relog.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:36:55+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T14:12:38+0200","number":1646,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"When you are concussed or stunned by a mob you acquire a permanent movement impairment","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nWhen you are concussed or stunned by a mob you acquire a permanent movement impairment where your character walks normal then walks slow and normal and slow. It makes playing the game for melee almost impossible.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get on hunter turn on cheetah to force stun witness the pain of the movement impairment\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T04:59:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T04:59:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Gabsky8"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T14:10:38+0200","number":1645,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"New Talent; Protection Paladin: Shield Specialization does not grant mana on successful block.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWith the reworked Shield Specialization talent in the Paladin's Protection tree, it is indicated that a successful block should grant 1% of the user's mana on a successful block. After trying multiple times, it was found that no mana was awarded for successful blocks.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have a Paladin level 22 or more.\r\n2. Spend 10 talent points anywhere in the Protection Tree.\r\n3. Spend the next 3 Points into the \"Shield Specialization\" talent.\r\n4. Go fight against mobs.\r\n5. Spend mana during the fight.\r\n6. Wait for a Block to occur for the Paladin.\r\n7. Notice that no mana is awarded for blocking the attack as the talent suggests.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nTalent: https://talents.turtle-wow.org/paladin/0-5K03\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe Paladin is awarded 1% of their total mana on a successful block, no more than once every second.\r\n\r\n**Notes:**\r\nTalent was only tried with 3 Points in it, and not the earlier 2 stages of the talent.\r\nTested with Paladin level 29-30.\r\nNo attachment available.","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:14:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:14:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Gabsky8"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.3","createdAt":"2022-08-15T11:34:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T14:01:27+0200","number":1644,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"New Talent: Redoubt procs on 100% of successful attacks against the Paladin.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe new Redoubt talent suggests that the extra Chance to Block should only happen 10% of the time on successful attacks made against the Paladin but right now it happens on 100% of successful attacks, thus Redoubt is always up.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Have a Paladin level 14 or more.\r\n2. Put 5 talent points into Redoubt, first row of the Protection tree.\r\n3. Get attacked by mobs.\r\n4. Notice that the Redoubt talent procs every single time the Paladin gets hit, instead of the 10% suggested by the talent.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nTalent: https://talents.turtle-wow.org/paladin/0-5\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe talent should have a 10% chance to happen on successful attacks made against the Paladin.\r\n\r\n**Notes:**\r\nThe talent was not tried with 1-2-3-4 points in it, only with 5/5.\r\nCharacter level tested with: 29-30.\r\nNo Video available.","updatedAt":"2022-08-15T11:34:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-15T11:34:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T13:59:12+0200","number":1643,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Retribution Aura isn't scaled with Spell power","body":"Accroding to patch notes: Retribution Aura scaling coefficient has been added: (0.033)\r\n\r\n**Problem:** Retribution Aura still does 20 holy damage with 259 Spell power\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=10301\r\n\r\n\r\n![Retri1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181000461-a4591cf9-af43-4648-84a1-77f5dd0de7a1.jpg)\r\n![Retri2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181000459-3e9b782b-5206-4af4-9fc4-6b07a2d63600.jpg)\r\n![Retri3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99164611/181000452-5ad1c322-1fee-4e62-ac6b-d6c9147b7764.jpg)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRetribution Aura shoud does 28 Holy damage (20+259*0.033=28.547)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T22:00:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T22:00:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Owlnighte"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T13:18:51+0200","number":1642,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Improved Thunder Clap does not grant damage increase","body":"The new talent \"Improved Thunder Clap\" is supposed to give 60% more damage in addition to rage reduction, however this does not happen. You do get rage reduction, but the damage remains the same - as in same damage as if you never talented for damage increase.\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:07:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:07:20+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Still broken as of today:\r\nWith 240 stamina Frenzied Regeneration(Rank 1) heals for 102 per 10-rage-tick instead of 340.\r\n(10 + 240*0.1)*10=340","createdAt":"2022-08-14T00:23:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T13:06:14+0200","number":1641,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Frenzied regeneration heals too little","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFrenzied regeneration does not add 10% of stamina to heal. More like 1%.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-26 17-55-49](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/180991618-ae60fdf6-182f-4aed-a9de-ce616d9269d0.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Shift to bear\r\n2. take some damage\r\n3. Pop frenzied regeneration.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDB down.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould add 10% of stamina to heal.\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-28 06-11-54](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/181388092-adceadb7-7735-40cd-96a0-e4f9b7f08f21.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T04:59:46+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T04:59:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"banallwowbots"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"That's not a bug. That's how it should work. The new behavior is blizzlike.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T15:14:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T11:24:05+0200","number":1640,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Channeled spells will not aggro mobs until damage is done.","body":"Channeled spells like blizzard and arcane missilies will not aggro mobs immediately when used on mobs. They only aggro once damage is done to the mob by the channeled spell.\r\nThis bug happened after the latest update.\r\n\r\n1. Have a mage cast blizzard or arcane missilies on a mob, then immediately cancel the channeling.\r\n -> The mob will not aggro (bug).\r\n2. Have a mage cast blizzard or arcane missilies on a mob. The mob will aggro first when damage is done to the mob.\r\n\r\n\r\nExpected behaviour:\r\nMobs should aggro immediately when using channeled spells on them, even if no damage is done yet. This worked before the latest update.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T15:14:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-26T15:14:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"banallwowbots"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"VenRPG"},"body":"Is this still the case after the hotfix they did to fix those abilities not giving xp?","createdAt":"2022-07-26T11:06:24+0200"},{"author":{"login":"banallwowbots"},"body":"Seems to be fixed now!","createdAt":"2022-07-26T11:16:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T10:10:08+0200","number":1639,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Direct spells/abilities does not generate threat. Only autoattack hits and \"dots\".","body":"When using spells or abilities on mobs, no threat are generated. You must either autoattack hit the mob or use an ability/spell that do damage over time (dot).\r\nYou will not get experience from mobs that you only do direct spells/abilities to.\r\n\r\n1. Cast frostbolt spell on any mob as a mage. Do not kill it. \r\n -> You will have aggro cause you are the only one on the threat list.\r\n2. Have a another character (eg. rogue) do a normal white hit (auto attack) to the same mob.\r\n -> Mob will start attacking the rogue immediately cause white hits generate threat, direct spells like frostbolt do not.\r\n\r\nExpected behaviour:\r\nSpells should generate threat and you should get experience from mobs you only do direct spells to.","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T15:00:51+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T15:00:51+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T07:07:47+0200","number":1637,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Health Funnel, Mana Funnel, and Soul Link do not work on Enslaved Demons 1.16.3","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe 3 spells related to demonology Health Funnel, Soul Link, and the 1.16.1 new spell Mana Funnel are not doing anything to Enslaved Demons\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enslave a demon\r\n2. Try using Health Funnel when the demon is on low HP, Mana Funnel on low mana and Soul Link\r\n3. Realize you are getting an error message saying 'You do not have a pet'\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11695#see-also-ability HF\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=mana+funnel Not sure which mana funnel is the correct one, mine is rank 2 and these are all rank 1 and books\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=25228 SL\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19028 \r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThose 3 spells should work on enslaved demons, regenerating health, mana and applying the soul link buff to the caster and enslaved demon.","updatedAt":"2022-09-05T20:51:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-05T20:51:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"tbh im am not sad about that bug at all, smite priest need mana reduction lol","createdAt":"2022-09-22T22:54:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Reworking this spell completely in 1.16.4, stand by.","createdAt":"2022-11-07T00:23:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:25:29+0200","number":1636,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest - High elf racial Sun's embrace does not fade after 5 casts","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nSun's embrace stays active after 5 casts have been made\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Activate Sun's embrace\r\n2. Cast 6 or more Smites/Holy nova or Holy fire\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe buff should fade after 5 casts of any damaging spells listed in its description or after 20 seconds\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-07T00:23:56+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-07T00:23:56+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:21:45+0200","number":1635,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest - Rank 2,3 of Lightwell require Shadowform to use","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nLightwell Rank 2 and 3 require Shadowform to use. Rank 1 does not\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Learn Lightwell rank 2 and 3 at trainer\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be usable without Whadowform\r\n\r\n\r\n![Snímek obrazovky 2022-07-26 061919](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110008297/180922258-42170123-add1-4514-b353-9d356855d1e9.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-16T05:00:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-16T05:00:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VenRPG"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"VenRPG"},"body":"Being hotfixed!","createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:27:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:18:23+0200","number":1634,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Spell damage + Ranged Damage doesn't give experience on kill of a mob","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen a mob is killed via direct damage spells or ranged abilities only, the mob does not give experience. Using a DoT or melee hits at all during the fight seems to avoid this bug.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Use a spell like Wrath to kill an enemy entirely.\r\n2. No Experience\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTo gain experience no matter what damage method is used to kill the enemy","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T06:27:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-26T06:26:49+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"body":"Correction:\r\n\r\nUpon further testing, Vampiric touch regenerates 9% mana twice. It also applies second heal. See picture below:\r\n\r\n![Snímek obrazovky 2022-07-26 070157](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/110008297/180927235-b436d408-c150-421c-be62-04fc880cb16e.png)\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-26T07:02:59+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fix for this should be already in-game, please double-check.","createdAt":"2022-07-29T15:22:13+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"body":"Vampiric touch is applied only once, however mana return is still 9% and not 4% as it should be.","createdAt":"2022-07-29T18:23:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:16:07+0200","number":1633,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest - Vampiric Touch regenerates 10% mana instead of 4%","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nVampiric touch regenerates 10% mana from damage cause instead of 4%\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1.Spend 2 points in Vampiric touch\r\n2. Apply Vampiric Embrace on target\r\n3. Cast damaging spell\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nVampiric touch should regenerate only 4% mana from damage caused.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T18:23:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-29T15:22:13+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JustAnima9"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Vynora"},"body":"this bug is still present. bump","createdAt":"2022-08-16T23:19:01+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"yes please fix this, its really annoying, you cant go to shadow again if you swaped to healer mid raid","createdAt":"2022-08-18T16:51:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"body":"we probably have too many healer and tank in-game anyway","createdAt":"2022-09-17T01:58:06+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Apimius"},"body":"bump","createdAt":"2022-11-02T21:26:51+0100"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1843","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:15:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T06:08:26+0200","number":1632,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Priest - Improved Shadowform lost on talent reset","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen player resets it's talents through trainer or goblin brainwashing device and then chooses again Shadowform as a talent, player will not gain Improved Shadoform and instead has to relearn it from Trainer again\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Learn Improved Shadowform from trainer\r\n2. Reset talents at trainer or through Goblin Brainwashing device\r\n3. Choose Shadowform in Shadow talent tree\r\n\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nUpon selecting Shadowform talent in Shadow tree and being lvl 60 with already trained Improved Shadowform, player should automaticaly re-learn it.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:15:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:15:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T04:18:45+0200","number":1631,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Time-Worn Rune not working 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTime-Worn Rune full casts and consumes a charge but does not teleport you to the Caverns of Time.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Click Time-Worn Rune\r\n2. Wait for cast to complete\r\n3. Notice that you havent teleported\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nDB closed can't find link\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould teleport you to the CoT","updatedAt":"2022-07-28T11:38:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-28T11:38:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Platinumcoated"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"This item is giving 10 extra rage rather than 15 now, but it is still not the listed 5. Either update the spell serverside or update the description depending on developer intentions.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T14:47:23+0100"},{"author":{"login":"dan-personal"},"body":"I think this bug has been mistakenly labelled as a Warrior bug, it's a Druid bug! @Gurky-Turtle","createdAt":"2023-03-10T23:37:19+0100"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Fixed ty","createdAt":"2023-03-10T23:57:15+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T04:15:25+0200","number":1630,"labels":"Druid, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wolfshead Helm generates too much rage [1.16.1]","body":"At the moment, the druid item Wolfshead Helm generates more rage than it should.\r\n\r\n**Expected behaviour:**\r\nAccording to the item's description, \"when shapeshifting into Bear form, the Druid gains 5 rage.\"\r\n\r\n**How it works now** (tested now):\r\n- without any talents and with no helm - 0 rage generated\r\n- without any talents and with Wolfshead Helm - 15 rage generated\r\n- with Furor and no helm - 10 rage generated\r\n- with Furor and Wolfshead Helm - 25 rage generated\r\n\r\n**Links:**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=8345\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=8345/\r\n\r\nAlso a side-note, before the patch (during 1.16) the Helm would generate 10 extra rage","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T17:41:39+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T17:41:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T04:04:47+0200","number":1629,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Demonic Aegis not working 1.16.1","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe Demonic Aegis talent is not updating in the Character Screen, and is not reflected in the Demon Armor/Demon Skin tooltips.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Put 1 talent point into the new Demonic Aegis talent\r\n2. Cast any Demon Armor / Demon Skin spell\r\n3. Notice that tooltip remains unchanged and stat page +n reflects the old tooltip\r\n4. Put 2nd talent point into the new Demonic Aegis talent\r\n5. Recast Demon Armor/Skin\r\n6. Notice no change.\r\n7. Put 3rd talent point into the new Demonic Aegis talent\r\n8. Recast Demon Armor/Skin\r\n9. Notice no change.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nArmor\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11738 r5 max\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11737 r4\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=11736 r3\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1404 r2 \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1384 r1 \r\n\r\nSkin\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=696 r2\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20798 r1\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEach individual talent point should reflect their changes on their tooltip and character sheet, indicating it is applying the talents with their respective +% increases\r\n\r\n![Screenshot from 2022-07-26 10-02-09](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/108923904/180906649-04a63b7a-fa19-402b-8b85-35ec6a81839f.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-07T02:38:43+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-07T02:38:43+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T03:46:16+0200","number":1628,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid / Natural Weapons, no +to hit","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nMelee +to hit component of Natural Weapons doesn't appear to work.\r\nNot sure about other components.\r\n![hittalents](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/180904274-bc4fbdf9-7a82-41ad-8562-fce7c1912ba3.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip gear with total +6% to hit.\r\n2. Get 3 ranks of Natural Weapons.\r\n3. Attack heroic target dummy.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDb disabled.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n+hit working. (and other components, too)\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:18:40+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:18:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Testerrosaurus"},"body":"Still only increases max HP as of today.","createdAt":"2022-08-13T23:57:37+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T03:30:07+0200","number":1627,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid's Berserk increases max health only","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen cast in Bear form, Berserk does not add health, only increases max HP.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Check that you have full HP.\r\n2. Shift to bear, cast berserk.\r\n3. See that you don't have full HP.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase disabled.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBerserk actually adding 20% health.\r\nCurrent implementation makes no sense. My understanding is that it's bear's [Last Stand](https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=12975/last-stand), which increases max hp, and increases current health by the same amount.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T10:40:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T10:40:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tubtubs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"nonameform"},"body":"The same is true for some other classes too.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T17:43:45+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Talent Calculator hasn't been updated yet, but it'll be soon!","createdAt":"2022-08-14T11:26:34+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T03:20:04+0200","number":1626,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Talent Viewer on Website shows old talents for hunters","body":"https://talents.turtle-wow.org/hunter\r\n\r\nDoesn't show the new changes to any of the 4 talents changed, it shows the old talents instead.\r\n\r\nOther classes may be affected, I didn't check them all. \r\n","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T11:26:34+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T11:26:34+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in 1.16.4, along with the target frame repositioning.","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:21+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T01:45:01+0200","number":1625,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Target Frame No Longer Displays Relative Health","body":"As of v1.16.1 (7010), the Health bar on target unit frames no longer display any sort of numbers.\r\nThis applies to both **on hover** and **with Status Bar Text** enabled.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log in and find any unit (enemy, friendly, neutral, player), target the unit\r\n(If Status Bar Text is disabled, hover the mouse over the target unit frame)\r\n2. Notice the lack of numbers in the target status bar\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nA relative or estimated amount of Health and/or Resources should appear on the target's unit frame.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nBack in v1.16.0 (and prior?), using the default UI would display a specific number for a target's Health and the game would kind of display health decreases in numbers and percentile as damage was done. This was a _Turtle WoW_-exclusive sort of thing done without AddOns and the like. As of v1.16.1, this is no longer the case.\r\n\r\n**Relevant screenshots:**\r\n![v116-0_EnemyHealth](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/180892967-0fc50e20-7fe7-4deb-b2af-165c43b46d36.jpg)\r\n_Target Health with the default UI (v1.16.0)_\r\n\r\n![v116-1_NoEnemyHealth](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/180892968-f0274bf9-38d6-4495-b25f-146064539d6d.jpg)\r\n_Target Health with the default UI (v1.16.1)_","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:21+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:19:21+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"Stil bugged Patch 1.16.2","createdAt":"2022-08-09T19:24:27+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Milton3450"},"body":"Can confirm.","createdAt":"2022-08-09T22:27:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GrizB37"},"body":"Still bugged 1.16.3","createdAt":"2022-08-11T21:18:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Wait for next server update.","createdAt":"2022-08-12T07:49:58+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T01:43:03+0200","number":1624,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood frenzy missing attack speed, rage [1.16.1]","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nTiger's fury with Blood frenzy learned doesn't increase attack speed, Enrage doesn't add extra rage.\r\nThe only thing working from the talent is tiger's fury increased duration.\r\n\r\n![Captura de pantalla de 2022-07-26 06-40-22](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1279852/180892687-4319ab02-fa10-4080-84de-6b968e322fe1.png)\r\n\r\n(This is with BetterCharacterStats addon, I think vanilla doesn't show attack speed for forms?).\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Learn blood frenzy.\r\n2. Shift to cat, cast tiger's fury, check attack speed.\r\n4. Shift to bear, cast Enrage, see that no rage is added immediately. Also check attack speed.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nDatabase is disabled, so...\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n- Increase attack speed, as per talent description.\r\n- Enrage instantly generates 10 rage as per talent description.\r\n- Spell and buff tooltips should reflect changes from the talent.","updatedAt":"2022-08-12T07:49:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-11T15:19:31+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-26T00:03:58+0200","number":1623,"labels":"Druid, Spell, PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"blood ring mana not restored when entering in animal form","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUpon opening BR gates, participants get full mana.\r\nFor druids, when entering in caster form, it works. However, if shifted, they will not get full mana.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Enter BR as a druid.\r\n2. Spend some mana.\r\n3. Shift to cat or bear.\r\n4. Wait for bg start.\r\n5. Shift to humanoid.\r\n6. See that mana is still depleted.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nFull mana upon start, whether in humanoid or animal form.","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T18:03:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-04-04T18:03:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"lokhengchau"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Happened at level 40 to me as well, at some point this broke as it used to work.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T20:21:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=3000284 is the object in question - it will spawn Kheyna and allow quest turn-in.","createdAt":"2022-08-08T08:27:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"madScripting"},"body":"Can confirm, picked the quest there but when trying to turnin the quest, clicking on the object spawns Chromie.\r\nHaving another player that did not complete the quest clicking the object will successfully spawn Kheyna Spinpistol and allow you to turnin the quest.","createdAt":"2022-08-10T20:59:34+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"While I traveled all the way to Barrens to the first crystal to turn in this quest, I decided to pour over the quest text carefully in-game and on the database, and I see what the problem is with this quest. From reading the context given, it seems that Chromie is supposed to spawn, narratively, but the quest is asking that you turn it into Kheyna. It should instead have you turning it in to Chromie.\r\n\r\nReading through similar bug reports, it seems that this behavior was working properly, until someone errantly pointed out the discrepancy between quest text and the database information, and this errant report was errantly \"fixed\". This is not the only time that the narrative instructions do not line up with database information, as it is intended by developers for a narrative twist just as with this quest.\r\n\r\nThis needs to be corrected in the quest database itself. Furthermore, for the sake of addressing all bugs, I would advise making this a separate unique NPC ID of Chromie that doesn't give quests in Andorhal, similar to the convention of making duplicate NPCs in retail to avoid this exact janky and unpolished behavior.\r\n\r\nIn short, a new Chromie copy should be made with a unique NPC ID whose specific purpose is to be the turn-in for this quest and explains that the Kheyna you've been helping is, in fact, not the Kheyna you encounter in Caverns of Time and has an ulterior motive in seeking the player's help.","createdAt":"2022-10-04T16:14:24+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-25T20:17:49+0200","number":1622,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cannot complete quest Return to Kheyna at level 60","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe quest Return to Kheyna at Tanaris asks you to return to the crystal and talk to Kheyna Spinpistol. I did not see this quest before but now that I'm level 60, when right clicking on the crystal at the crash site (48.1, 23.4), Chromie appears instead of Kheyna. Kheyna actually can be found in Caverns of Time but cannot right click on her and complete the quest either.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Reach lvl 60.\r\n2. Pick up quest Return to Kheyna in Tanaris.\r\n3. Cannot complete.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC:\r\nKheyna: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=65004\r\nReas: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51266\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80409\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=3000246\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBe able to turn in and complete the quest, either by using the crystal or directly going to Kheyna at Cavern of Time.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T00:44:59+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T00:44:59+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"quititsquid"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"quititsquid"},"body":"I tested the custom launcher some more and it seems like this is more of a general sound issue than I thought.\r\n\r\nI really was under the impression that all sounds worked because **all game sounds that happen while your window is still in focus still go on after you alt-tab** (for example, warlock's Rain of Fire plays for it's entire duration, general ambience and water sounds still play, the music still plays), **but the sounds that happen after you alt-tab do not play until you focus back on the game window** (for example, warlock's Hellfire doesn't keep making noise, the music after it's enabled but didn't start yet before you alt-tab, the fishing bobber, other player sounds, etc.). \r\n\r\nI thought it was only the fishing bobber but it's not. Can't seem to remove the topic but also not sure if the issue needs a proper page of its own since Turtle only ever claimed that it was just the music that works while alt-tabbed?","createdAt":"2022-07-25T06:39:21+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"In its current implementation, it'll continue to play only sound events active at the moment of alt-tab.\r\n\r\nI don't think we can do much more at this moment, even if we wanted to, without having a client source.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T10:20:16+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I'll keep this open for a while in case anyone will come up with a solution.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T10:21:42+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-25T06:06:47+0200","number":1621,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Fishing bobber DOES NOT make sound with Widescreen Build 1.16.0 (7001) while alt-tabbed","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe fishing bobber doesn't make any sound when the fish gets hooked while alt-tabbed, while everything else does. It still makes sound if your window is in focus, or if it was in focus at the moment that the fish bit.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Fishing\r\n2. Alt-Tab\r\n3. Wait until a fish gets hooked\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nFishing: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=7620\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIt should still make sound when alt-tabbed.","updatedAt":"2022-08-14T13:55:45+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-14T13:55:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Do fish actually exist? Does the cow level even exist? To try and fish within a level that may or may not exist is a question of philosophy and not of actual design intent. One must first figure out the laws of reality and determine if fish can be fished in a place that may or may not exist within the ever-flowing space-time continuum. \r\n\r\nThat said the laws of fishing in one realm may be different in another, so do not expect all fishing to behave similarly in a potentially fake dimension as it does in the rest of Azeroth.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T01:24:36+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-24T23:44:07+0200","number":1620,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"fishing in the cow level","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nwhen you fish in the cow level, fish do acutally hook, but when you click it, there is no catch. it doesnt say fish got away either or aything. \r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nsome fish should be catcahble in cow level.","updatedAt":"2022-07-25T01:27:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-25T01:24:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-24T19:51:21+0200","number":1619,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Thandol Span is bugged","body":"Thandol Span is bugged\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80703\r\n\r\nThe scarlet recruit's never spawn\r\n\r\nVladeus Springriver is in Wetlands and you can't interact with him.","updatedAt":"2022-08-23T14:59:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-08-23T14:59:10+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"Kruxis"}],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-24T19:08:53+0200","number":1618,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"The Garrick Stead is under attack! (NPCs That Shouldn't Be PvP-Flagged)","body":"The enemy NPCs at The Garrick Stead are flagged as PvP targets when they shouldn't be, leading to quite a lot of WorldDefense spam.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Join the WorldDefense channel and wait\r\n2. Watch as the channel becomes inundated with \"The Garrick Stead is under attack!\" messages\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPCs:\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91980 (Remnants Farmer)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91981 (Remnants Militia)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe NPCs in question should not be flagged for PvP.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nIf you take a look at the thirteen NPCs currently in the \"[Army of Lordaeron](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=The+Army+of+Lordaeron)\" faction, you'll notice that the only ones who are flagged for PvP are the _named_ units at the Remnants Camp and the ones over at the Garrick Stead farm. Now, it kind of _makes sense_ that the named ones at the Remnants Camp are flagged if only because two of them [have quests](https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1598). The farmers and militia, though? That makes little sense because none of the other generic units are flagged.","updatedAt":"2022-07-30T00:42:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-30T00:42:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"body":"https://i.imgur.com/C9hotsV.png\r\n\r\n\r\nI think you just disabled them. They work fine for me.","createdAt":"2022-07-24T01:13:35+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"It was an AddOn. Sorry. I'm a dum-dum.","createdAt":"2022-07-24T06:06:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-23T18:17:33+0200","number":1617,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Creature Hits vs. You\" Not Appearing in Combat Log","body":"`COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_HITS` (\"Creature Hits vs. You\") messages are not appearing in the chat log.\r\n**Note:** `COMBAT_HOSTILEPLAYER_MISSES` (\"Creature Misses vs. You\") are still working just fine.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Log in to any character and switch to the Combat Log chat tab\r\n2. Get into a fight with any creature that can attack back and take damage\r\n3. There will be no display in the Combat Log of damage taken\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe Combat Log should display how much damage an attack does against the player, as well as if it's \"glancing\" or not.\r\n\r\n**Major edit:**\r\nHey, guess what? It was an AddOn that was doing it. _Who would have thought_.\r\n\r\nApologies. I'll transcribe this to the appropriate _GitHub_ repository.","updatedAt":"2022-07-24T06:06:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-24T06:06:12+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"testening"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"body":"Greetings!\r\n\r\nIn vanilla wow you don't get dismounted when you use skills for any mount.. This is a Addon function. ","createdAt":"2022-07-23T07:21:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-23T03:13:12+0200","number":1616,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Bear mount does not dismount on skill use","body":" **Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nUsing skills while riding a custom bear mount does not dismount you\r\n\r\n **Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Activate Black Bear mount.\r\n2. Attempt to autoattack or use any skill\r\n3. Stay on mount instead of being dismounted\r\n\r\n **IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=80433\r\n\r\n **Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nUsing a skill while mounted should dismount you.","updatedAt":"2022-07-23T07:21:05+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-23T07:21:05+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Tedementa"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"3.70 speed became 3.88 upon weapon proc.\r\n\r\nThis does indeed behave contrary to its description. \"Increased attack speed\" and the use of \"swing timers\" in the game, even with Blizzard behavior, can at times cause confusion. In this case, the swing timer is being increased, thus the attack speed is being DECREASED. Whatever the intended behavior, let's please match the effect and the description.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T14:52:14+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-23T00:52:14+0200","number":1615,"labels":"Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ragehammer proc bug","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWith my ret pally have the ragehammer and when i hit something and gain enrage my attack speed is lowered instead of faster.\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Equip ragehammer without enchants\r\n2. Hit some dummy and active enrage who is the proc of weapon\r\n3. with and without seals happens\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://es.classic.wowhead.com/item=10626/martillo-de-ira\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nwhen procs happen you gain the effect of enrage who increase your attack speed in 5% and your damage in 20 points( i dont know if this is weapon or base damage)\r\n![imagen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109830289/180577928-6059d2c9-0847-4267-8c62-e87e32e269d7.png)\r\n![imagen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109830289/180577993-a5865e79-f354-4d67-b8ca-8500cee7260f.png)\r\n![imagen](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109830289/180578026-8a38fdc5-5d3f-47e1-8710-cbe5418fc4b9.png)\r\n","updatedAt":"2023-03-23T00:08:27+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-23T00:08:27+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Please make video of the bug, so I can see what happens, because I can't reproduce it locally. The quest works for me.","createdAt":"2022-08-14T09:19:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T16:54:04+0200","number":1614,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"In dreams bugged","body":"In dreams bugged\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=5944\r\n\r\nAfter taelan dies, the mob despawns and the quest fails.\r\n\r\nThe quest was attempted in multiple possible ways, even trying to kill the elites and tank Inquisitor Isillien\r\n\r\nThere was a bug like this in the past : https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/132\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-09-02T12:07:44+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-02T12:07:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Suggest increasing start timer of Blood Ring to >=2 minutes instead of 30 seconds.","createdAt":"2023-02-23T13:42:52+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T15:35:07+0200","number":1613,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Blood ring timer","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nBlood ring timer is 30 sec, but invitation lasts for 2 mins like other BGs.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue for BR.\r\n2. When it pops, don't accept right away. Wait ~40 secs, then accept.\r\n3. You get ported into an empty BG, which you can only leave.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIf the timer is 30 sec, invitation should also be removed after 30 secs.\r\nOr maybe start timer should be increased to 1-2 minutes.\r\n\r\n---\r\nCurrent situation is a mess. Only 1 of 5-10 BRs actually have a fight, and other times one side doesn't show up.\r\nMaybe also consider applying a deserter debuff on characters that don't accept BR invitation.\r\nOr maybe there are other, not so visible bugs with this queue. I find it hard to explain the extremely low turn up rate for this bg.","updatedAt":"2023-03-22T12:52:34+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-22T12:52:34+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Actually I think this won't fix ghost queues but thdi woidl\r\n\r\n1. You are queued to multiple bgs x y z\r\n2. The game decides if bg x should pop\r\n3. The game found enough players sets out enter notifications to players\r\n4. NEW: Players with enter possibly are treated as in a bg already\r\n5. The players stay queued for bg y z but temprtalily skipped just like when inside a ng\r\n6. The game decides if it should pop bg y, it does not consider players queued but inside a bg already, NEW it should not consider players with an active enter promt\r\n\r\nMensing you will never have to choose which bgs tto choose, because another bg won't pop for you until the first one you entered or 2 min passed, or you left queue manually\r\n\r\nThis will effectively stop ghost games which absolutely ruin pvp on the server.\r\n\r\n100% of wsg and ab Pop at the same time, which results in 2 scuffed games with not enough players","createdAt":"2022-07-24T22:50:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"That will result in many more bgs of the first type, than the second one.\r\nIn any case, what I reported is a bug, while what you suggest is a modification, and should probably be discussed separately (I do agree that some modification could improve user experience).","createdAt":"2022-07-25T12:52:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Check the related issue while looking into this one. ^","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:26:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Update on this? What is the desired approach by devs?","createdAt":"2023-02-23T15:25:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@Letic92 \r\nhey, is it possible this changed cuases this new bug\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/227375412-6279728f-2653-4f75-84e9-fdce7658d50e.png)\r\nwsg is supposed to be maximum 10 vs. 10\r\nbut here we see 11 allaiance. this has never happened before and is very unfair. pls fix\r\n","createdAt":"2023-03-23T23:07:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Letic92"},"body":"@geojak If the same thing continues to happen, I will research what is going on, btw I didnt mess with system who makes team, feel free to bump if continues to happen.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:18:27+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@Letic92 while we are talking. Is it intentional that you get removed from any queues when you join e.g.wsg.\r\nOr is this unintentional? ","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:24:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"See https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3071 ","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:42:17+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Letic92"},"body":"It was intentional to prevent player to switch bgs while already in bg.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T14:34:01+0100"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"That's just exchanging one bug for another.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T23:37:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Actually I think this won't fix ghost queues but thdi woidl\r\n\r\n1. You are queued to multiple bgs x y z\r\n2. The game decides if bg x should pop\r\n3. The game found enough players sets out enter notifications to players\r\n4. NEW: Players with enter possibly are treated as in a bg already\r\n5. The players stay queued for bg y z but temprtalily skipped just like when inside a ng\r\n6. The game decides if it should pop bg y, it does not consider players queued but inside a bg already, NEW it should not consider players with an active enter promt\r\n\r\nMensing you will never have to choose which bgs tto choose, because another bg won't pop for you until the first one you entered or 2 min passed, or you left queue manually\r\n\r\nThis will effectively stop ghost games which absolutely ruin pvp on the server.\r\n\r\n100% of wsg and ab Pop at the same time, which results in 2 scuffed games with not enough players","createdAt":"2022-07-24T22:50:46+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"That will result in many more bgs of the first type, than the second one.\r\nIn any case, what I reported is a bug, while what you suggest is a modification, and should probably be discussed separately (I do agree that some modification could improve user experience).","createdAt":"2022-07-25T12:52:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Check the related issue while looking into this one. ^","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:26:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Update on this? What is the desired approach by devs?","createdAt":"2023-02-23T15:25:18+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@Letic92 \r\nhey, is it possible this changed cuases this new bug\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/227375412-6279728f-2653-4f75-84e9-fdce7658d50e.png)\r\nwsg is supposed to be maximum 10 vs. 10\r\nbut here we see 11 allaiance. this has never happened before and is very unfair. pls fix\r\n","createdAt":"2023-03-23T23:07:14+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Letic92"},"body":"@geojak If the same thing continues to happen, I will research what is going on, btw I didnt mess with system who makes team, feel free to bump if continues to happen.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:18:27+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@Letic92 while we are talking. Is it intentional that you get removed from any queues when you join e.g.wsg.\r\nOr is this unintentional? ","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:24:28+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"See https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/3071 ","createdAt":"2023-03-24T00:42:17+0100"},{"author":{"login":"Letic92"},"body":"It was intentional to prevent player to switch bgs while already in bg.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T14:34:01+0100"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"That's just exchanging one bug for another.","createdAt":"2023-03-24T23:37:07+0100"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@Letic92 16 vs 15 ab right at the moment. i happened again, so i am tellign you as you said\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/229923091-9e5f91e0-196e-42d6-8ca6-9988a43320cc.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2023-04-04T23:05:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T15:28:35+0200","number":1612,"labels":"PvP","state":"CLOSED","title":"Multi-BG join","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen multiple BGs pop, you can go from one BG to another.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Queue multiple BGs.\r\n2. Multiple BGs pop, you get multiple invitations simlutaneously.\r\n3. Enter one.\r\n4. You still have the invitations to the other BGs open. You can accept them, leaving current BG. If you don't accept, you leave those queues.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOnce you enter a BG:\r\n1. You should not be able to accept invitations to other BGs.\r\n2. But you should stay queued for the other BGs.","updatedAt":"2023-04-04T23:09:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-03-20T19:05:49+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T15:21:03+0200","number":1611,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"AFK not cleared upon accepting a BG","body":"Enter BG queue. Go AFK. Get invitation. Accept invitation. Get ported to BG. Immediately get ported back and marked deserter.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAFK cleared upon being ported into BG.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T16:26:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T16:26:38+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T11:24:42+0200","number":1610,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Staff of Eldara / Keeper Iselus Item Deletion","body":"It is possible to delete the item obtained from Keeper Iselus, with no NPC gossip option to create a new one. The item does not have the usual flags to prevent a player from accidentally deleting it, and it continues to be required to use the game objects necessary to reach a quest-giving NPC (Keeper Laena) in Azshara. If you delete this item, you can no longer reach this location or do these quests.\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91722\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=60372\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40247\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40252\r\n\r\nConsider one of the following solutions:\r\n1. Add a gossip option on Keeper Iselus to create another Staff of Eldara.\r\n2. Make the item unable to be deleted or prompt the player with an \"Are you sure?\" prompt that requires typing \"delete\"\r\n3. Make the staff consumed upon use and unlocking the stones to the player based on quest status flag.","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"gheor7"},"body":"Considering radios are part of the game, a radar isn't necessarily out of the question.\nRadars are an ingenuity done by engineering.\n\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=10585/goblin-radio\n\nDefinition of a radar:\n\n\"a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of radio waves which are reflected off the object back to the source.\"\n\nAn antenna also exists in WoW already, based on these already existing things, a radar is definitely possible to exist in the universe. It's simply that your character might not be accustomed to it so he'd simply shrug at the mention if it.\n\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=7119/twitching-antenna","createdAt":"2022-07-22T10:18:25+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T09:45:25+0200","number":1609,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:42:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-22T08:11:27+0200","number":1608,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Misleading Quest Text - Sacred Waters of Eldre'thalas","body":"At the conclusion of this quest--\r\n\r\n**Sacred Waters of Eldre'thalas**\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40382\r\n\r\nthe turn-in location is back in Feathermoon Stronghold (where the quest was initially picked up). However, the NPC tells the player:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68176649/180374710-d0cd605d-a975-4fd9-8c98-1865dad06dce.png)\r\n\r\n**Suggested fix:** Change the quest text to inform the player to return to Feathermoon Stronghold.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:36+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:36+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Dragunovi"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Recently tested and found this is no longer the issue.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:48:56+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-21T16:07:27+0200","number":1607,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ironbark Protector and Ghost Stack in Dire Maul West","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPatrolling Ironbark Protectors and Eldreth Spectres are bunched up as a deathball patrol in Dire Maul: West.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Dire Maul West side.\r\n2. Look at tree ancients and see them stacked.\r\n3. Go to ghost room and see that all invisible ghosts are also stacked together.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11459\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11473\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nTheir pathing should be spread out evenly.","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:54+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"VonGeijer"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-21T10:29:39+0200","number":1605,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Model Crimson Deathcharger","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nModel of armored crimson deathcharger is wrong and shows as blue armored deathcharger.\r\nI mean the exalted rep reward from undercity.\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=81245\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T02:27:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T02:27:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"BosBeest"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in patch 1.16.1 :)","createdAt":"2022-07-22T03:16:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"BosBeest"},"body":"> Fixed in patch 1.16.1 :)\r\n\r\nThanks for the response but I'm confused, i just downloaded another client of the website and it is still version 1.16.0\r\nHow does one get an client with version 1.16.1?","createdAt":"2022-07-22T21:35:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-21T01:16:41+0200","number":1604,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Druid: Equiping Idols gives (Turtle_TransmogUI.lua) error","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen logging in with the trinkets mentioned below will spit out an Error message saying: \r\n\"...ace\\FrameXML\\Turtle_TransmogUI\\Turtle_TransmogUI.lua:1996: attempt to concatenate field `?'(a nil value)\"\r\n\r\nBut is also happens when you switch/swap said Trinkets later on(continuously), it will spit out the same message but line (2073) is giving Errors:\r\n\"...ace\\FrameXML\\Turtle_TransmogUI\\Turtle_TransmogUI.lua:2073: attempt to concatenate field `?'(a nil value)\"\r\n\r\nDeleting WDB Folder and clearing Recycle Bin does not resolve the problem(same 2 Error codes).\r\nDisabeling all Addons does not resolve the problem(same 2 Error codes).\r\nSetting Addon Script Memory to \"0\" or \"999\" does not resolve the problem(same 2 Error codes).\r\nThe client i'm running is downloaded of the website when it was alterred to 1.16.0, so not updated from the older versions.\r\n\r\nAlso an Error message can pop up at random, but normally this happens immediately or in an time frame of less then 10 seconds after switching Idols(line 1996 or later on after an 1996 error , line 2073 will continue), When logging in the Error is immediately visible(line 1996).\r\n\r\nThis has been an problem for me since the Transmog capability was added to the game.\r\nI'm not 100% sure that the Idols are the **only** item that is responsible for errors, i've only narrowed down the Idols items to give an Error message.\r\n\r\n![BosBeestIdolError](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86881988/180097616-16686ca6-0fc5-4d12-b637-fdaae8f8786f.jpg)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1.Equipping Idols:\r\n - \"Idol of Ferocity\"(https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22397), \r\n - \"Idol of Brutality\"(https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23198) \r\n - \"Idol of Rejuvenation\"(https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22398)\r\n - The idols: _(Idol of Health), (Idol of Longevity) and (Idol of the Wildshifter)_ might also be problematic but i cannot give an positive on that.\r\n2. Log in your character **or** Switch between Idols **or** wait for it to randomly spit out an Error message.\r\n3. -\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: -\r\n**Item:** (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22397), (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23198), (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22398), _(https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22399), (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=23004), (https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=51798)_.\r\nQuest: -\r\nSpell: -\r\nObject: -\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSpit out no Error messages.\r\n\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T21:35:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T03:16:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JaceEverwood"},"body":"It is almost September and we still have this bug. not sure why it takes so long to get any attention. if the melee part is working it could just shift the similar logic to ranged and spell attacks","createdAt":"2022-08-26T16:26:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Niqlo"},"body":"Just to add, this issue was previously posted (https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/386) and Torta replied: \r\n\r\n\"[slowtorta] commented [on May 15]\r\n Probably fixed in the next revision, please report if still not working as intended.\"\r\n\r\nthis leads me to believe that shadowguard is intended to proc on spells/ranged attacks through shield.","createdAt":"2022-08-26T19:37:43+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-20T19:49:41+0200","number":1603,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shadowguard Not Proccing on Ranged or Spell Attacks When Shielded","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nShadowguard's tooltip states that an attacker will be struck with shadow damage on a melee, ranged, or spell attack.This effect has a small internal cd, and procs regardless if the attack is absorbed by Power Word: Shield. Right now this currently works correctly with melee, but ranged and spell attacks do not trigger shadowguard damage if you are shielded. \r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/UbuIr2m\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Apply Shadowguard and Power Word: Shield and attack a mob that uses ranged or spell attacks\r\n2. Notice how Shadowguard does not Proc until your shield wears off\r\n3. Shadowguard works normally against ranged and spell attacks when unshielded\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19331\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShadowguard orbs should trigger regardless of Power Word: Shield or not. The proper behaviour can be observed when fighting a mob that uses melee; orbs fire regardless of shielded status.\r\n\r\nhttps://youtu.be/5LGQKEzRY_s?t=167\r\n\r\nat this timestamp you can see the mage's spells triggering shadowguard through the shield which also applies shadowweaving.\r\n\r\nhttps://imgur.com/a/Z2dlhKg","updatedAt":"2022-09-10T03:07:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T03:07:09+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Cabblue"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-20T21:01:15+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-20T14:33:30+0200","number":1602,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Crescent Grove bugged boss ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n( Grovetender Engryss in crescent Grove is immune to all damage. )\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=Grovetender Engryss\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-20T21:01:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-20T21:01:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Pulling Morphaz and Hazzas specifically are not meant ot trigger a meaningful interaction with Shade of Eranikus. In fact, you need to manually attack the Shade to initiate the event where he summons all remaining dragonkin. This works properly. In the video, the Mage aggro'd Eranikus with Cone of Cold. It had nothing to do with dragging a dragon over him.\r\n\r\nThis issue can be closed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T10:44:04+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-20T06:49:42+0200","number":1601,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, Mechanic, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sunken Temple \"Shade of Eranikus\" Mob Trigger","body":"Bringing Hazzas or Morphaz to Shade of Eranikus does not trigger an event in which all green dragonspawn mobs are pulled to the shade itself. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Pull either Hazzas or Morphaz (or both) to the Shade of Eranikus\r\n2. Nothing happens likely???\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nHazzas: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5722\r\nMorphaz: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5719\r\nShade of Eranikus: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5709\r\n\r\nNightmare Wanderer: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5283\r\nNightmare Scalebane: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5277\r\nNightmare Wyrmkin: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=5280\r\nNightmare Whelp: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=8319\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nVideo Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWy94I5Gxlo&t=193s\r\nGo to timestamp 4:10 of the video. \r\n","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:49+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T11:22:49+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"yoseftwow"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-20T20:38:04+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-20T03:34:07+0200","number":1600,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ripped Ogre Loincloth has no armor class","body":"\"i want to transmog my pants to look like [Ripped Ogre Loincloth] however after buying it and making my set match i realized i cant transmog it because it has no armor classification. any chance you guys can change it to, cloth maybe?\"\r\n\r\nCurrently the Ripped Ogre Loincloth has no armor class, and there are some players who would like to have one added for xmog purposes. \r\n\r\n![unknown (1)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/109637894/179876352-6907f58c-63e5-4165-ac76-9a1ce9699c77.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-20T20:38:04+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-20T20:38:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is intended for 1.16.1. The change wasn't supposed to be live, but will be aligned with the rest of the changes SoonTM.","createdAt":"2022-07-22T14:55:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"1.16.1 is out, but the spell is still missing.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T02:25:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Milton3450"},"body":"After last hotfix we can train IS r2. But not further from there. Now it's just like before, just r3 now.","createdAt":"2022-07-29T16:46:20+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-20T01:04:19+0200","number":1599,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Insect swarm rank 2 is missing from NPC's","body":"Insect swarm rank 2 is missing from trainer's.\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/spell=24974/insect-swarm\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=24974\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-29T16:46:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T14:55:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"In lore they are completely different entities: Lordaeron Remnants are not part of the Alliance. This is working as intended, those quests are not supposed to give any reputation values.\r\n\r\n> Additionally, the quests are marked as available to both factions despite the quest-givers being hostile to Horde players.\r\n\r\nThis also is a quite normal approach for WoW Vanilla, many Blizzlike quests are done in the same fashion. Strict limitations were added in TBC. ","createdAt":"2022-07-20T20:48:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T21:58:10+0200","number":1598,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"A Call to Aid\" Quest Chain Gives No Reputation","body":"The three quests in the optional \"A Call to Aid\" quest line in West Tirisfal gives the player absolutely no reputation upon completion.\r\nAdditionally, the quests are marked as available to both factions despite the quest-givers being hostile to Horde players.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As a Level 11+ Alliance player, head to The Remnant Camp in West Tirisfal\r\n2. Talk to Captain Silas, do his quest, do the return quest\r\n3. Talk to Barkeep Clemens, do his quest\r\n4. The quests give absolutely no reputation reward with any Alliance faction or sub-faction\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nQuests:\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40318 (\"A Call to Aid\", trip to Stormwind)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40319 (\"A Call to Aid\", trip back)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40320 (\"A Call to Aid\", Graypaw Flanks quest)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe Lordaeron NPCs should give reputation for _some_ Alliance faction. Oddly, they're marked as \"Stormwind\" NPCs despite being part of the Lordaeron Remnant.","updatedAt":"2022-07-20T20:48:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-20T20:48:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Well, the archmage no longer has anything to sell, apparently. Guess this was hot-fixed.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T10:38:02+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The server never receives updates listed in the tracker immediately. We usually apply them once a week. All the reputation rewards will be available at this NPC after the update:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/180735899-3d200b8c-478d-4cea-b308-bcd7309adf48.png)\r\n\r\nThe Dalaran warhorse has been removed from the game due to not having proper animations at all (we're unable to fix this).\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-25T10:43:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T20:03:03+0200","number":1597,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Archmage Ataeric Marked as Vendor; Sells One (1) Dalaran Wizard's Robe","body":"Alliance players can interact with certain NPCs at Ambermill within Silverpine Forest. One such NPC is Archmage Ataeric, who sells a Dalaran Wizard's Robe in limited quantity.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As an Alliance player, go to Ambermill in Silverpine Forest\r\n2. Within the town hall, find Archmage Ataeric and interact with him\r\n3. He will act as a vendor selling one (1) Dalaran Wizard's Robe\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2120 (Archmage Ataeric)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nArchmage Ataeric probably should not be marked as a vendor.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nThe only reason I bring this up is because there is a Dalaran Quartermaster right outside the town hall, [Lonum Magicus](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=80953), who not only sells an _infinite_ supply of Dalaran Wizard's Robes, but also sells an Armored Dalaran Warhorse.\r\n\r\nOn a similar note, there's a seemingly random NPC, [Abigale Rowe](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=81045), who's in charge of selling Dalaran Tabards. That seems a bit odd.\r\n(She also has a _disproportionate_ amount of health when compared to other nearby NPCs.)","updatedAt":"2022-07-25T10:44:20+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T04:13:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T19:20:34+0200","number":1596,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Olfan Goldenbrow in the Remnants Camp of Western Tirisfal Sells Nothing","body":"Olfan Goldenbrow, an NPC in The Remnants Camp of Western Tirisfal, doesn't have anything to sell to Alliance players despite being marked as a vendor. Additionally, he can't repair items despite the implication that he's a blacksmith.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As an Alliance player, go to Western Tirisfal and reach the Remnants Camp\r\n2. Go to the blacksmith and talk to Olfan Goldenbrow\r\n3. Examine his inventory of zero (0) items\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91977 (Olfan Goldenbrow)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOlfan Goldenbrow should _probably_ be selling weapons up to Level 20 or 30 and probably have the ability to repair player equipment.\r\n\r\n**Further notes:**\r\nAs an aside, there's also [a bartender](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=91976) who not only has nothing to sell, but isn't even flagged for interaction until a certain quest has been triggered.\r\n\r\n**Related issues:**\r\n#1561 (It's very similar to this Vanilla oversight.)","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T15:04:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Daribon"},"body":"Vmangos has a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to graveyard. Several graveyards are incorrectly set as horde or alliance, when they should be set as neutral. I'm working on fixing it, turtle can pull the fix whenever it is pushed to vmangos.","createdAt":"2022-07-25T03:06:17+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Good enough for me~","createdAt":"2022-07-25T05:40:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T18:09:13+0200","number":1595,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Alliance] Death in Northern Barrens, Revival in Ashenvale?","body":"Dying in the northern parts of the Barrens as an Alliance player leads to the player's spirit teleporting to Ashenvale.\r\nAdditionally, dying in Silverpine Forest as an Alliance player leads to the player's spirit teleporting to Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n_Barrens to Ashenvale_\r\n1. As an Alliance player, walk to The Sludge Fen in the northern-most area of The Barrens\r\n2. Lose all one's health, then click Release Spirit\r\n3. The player will be teleported to the Spirit Healer in Ashenvale, coordinates: 80.7, 58.4\r\n\r\n_Silverpine to Southshore_\r\n1. As an Alliance player, find a way to Silverpine Forest\r\n2. Lose all one's health, then click Release Spirit\r\n3. The player will be teleported to the Spirit Healer in Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills, coordinates: 51.8, 52.5\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6491 (Spirit Healer)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe Alliance player should be teleported to the Spirit Healer at Ratchet or the Spirit Healer near the Scarlet Monastery, respectively.\r\n\r\n**Further details:**\r\nWhile attempting to do a singular quest in The Sludge Fen of the northern Barrens, I died to an Elite Rare Mob. I expected a lengthy walk back from Camp Taurajo, or some neutral spot, but instead, I found myself in Ashenvale!\r\nI also experienced a similar thing while wandering through Silverpine Forest as an Alliance character. I died and ended up in Southshore!\r\n\r\nThis doesn't seem right, to me. But, for all I know, it probably is. Vanilla is a weird beast.","updatedAt":"2022-07-25T05:40:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-25T05:40:37+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This is normal, many quests didn't have this limitation in Vanilla. The availability was defined by a quest giver's faction. I'll fix it for those two, but it's really not that relevant unless players can find a way to speak with hostile quest givers.","createdAt":"2022-07-20T20:53:07+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T17:52:05+0200","number":1594,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"\"Wanted!\" Quests Marked as Available to Both Factions in Database","body":"The quest, \"WANTED: Hole Escapee\", is marked as being available for both the Horde and the Alliance in the _Turtle WoW Database_, but the object which gives the quest can only be interacted with by Horde players.\r\nAdditionally, the quest, \"Wanted: Maggot Eye\", is marked as being available for both the Horde and the Alliance under similar circumstances.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As a Level 8+ Alliance player, go to either Sparkwater Port in Durotar or Brill in Tirisfal Glades\r\n2. Try and interact with the \"wanted\" board and find that it's impossible\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nQuests:\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=398 (Wanted: Maggot Eye)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=55048 (WANTED: Hole Escapee)\r\nObjects:\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=711 (\"Wanted!\" signpost)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=1000504 (\"WANTED!\" signpost)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nEither:\r\n- The quests should marked as Horde-only\r\n- The quest-givers should be moved somewhere that Alliance players can interact with it\r\n\r\n**Additional notes:**\r\nWhile I didn't expect an object deep within a Horde sub-city to be available to Alliance players, I do think that it's an oversight that the quest is flagged as \"available\" to both sides. This is definitely an oversight of some kind.","updatedAt":"2022-07-20T20:53:07+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-20T20:53:07+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"the lunar festival NPCs giving tokens around the world in january, those also give you both freindly and opposite faction reputation.","createdAt":"2022-07-20T17:22:20+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-19T17:32:06+0200","number":1593,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Vanilla Oversight?] Rezlak's Quests Give Horde Reputation to Alliance Players","body":"Two neutral quests that NPC Rezlak has give reputation for Orgrimmar and the Darkspear Trolls. This is normal. What _isn't_ normal is that these reputation gains also apply to Alliance players!\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. As a Level 7+ Alliance player, find the Ratchet NPC Rezlak near the entrance to Orgrimmar in Durotar\r\n2. Accept his quests and complete them\r\n3. Gain 200 (100 + 100) Reputation with both Orgrimmar and the Darkspear Trolls\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3293 (Rezlak)\r\nQuests:\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=834 (Winds in the Desert)\r\n- https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=835 (Securing the Lines)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHonestly, these quests are _probably_ working exactly as it always has since Patch The thing of it is… because players can seen _all_ faction reputation on this server, it's much easier to notice for an Alliance player to notice a sudden reputation gain with a Horde faction. I'm not sure if any other quests in the game are like this, either. Would be kind of fun to not be attacked sight-on-scene by the opposite faction's guards, though…","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T04:13:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T04:13:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"melg8"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"ive experienced this in a lv 9 game and many lv 60 games. it's been broken since patch 1.16. i thought it was already reported, but i searched and cant find any other post, so thanks for doing the reporting","createdAt":"2022-07-18T01:11:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"melg8"},"body":"@Zebouski is it character based (like this character never could bring flag), or sometimes you can still bring flag back? \r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-18T01:25:33+0200"},{"author":{"login":"melg8"},"body":"@ratkosrb can confirm, now problem fixed, captured 3 flags today. Thank you so much for fast fixes!","createdAt":"2022-07-19T12:01:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Zebouski"},"body":"> @Zebouski is it character based (like this character never could bring flag), or sometimes you can still bring flag back?\r\n\r\nnah, its just super random. i havent had it happen to me in a few months. but before, some games it would work fine, some games no.","createdAt":"2022-07-19T16:34:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-18T00:28:07+0200","number":1591,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wsg doesnt register flag carry ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOn my horde rogue character Melgo (not hardcore mode character, but with War Mode challenge enabled) - playing in bracket 40-49 on wsg - take alliance flag and\r\ntake it to our base i can't place it and get +1 to our team. Our flag is on base and not captured by\r\nenemy team. If i drop my flag with right click on buf, and other horde player pick it up - he can score\r\nflag by simply entering ring around our flag. \r\nI myself cant score flag by entering red zone around our flag, by entering and going out from it, jumping, dropping and picking it up again. So i bassically can't score as flag capture.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Go to wsg as Melgo in 40-49 bracket (maybe that behaviour same on other brackets)\r\n2. capture ally flag\r\n3. bring it to horde base\r\n4. Enter room with horde flag\r\n5. Enter circle around horde flag\r\n6. Nothing happens.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould score as flag capture and get additional honor.","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T16:34:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-18T13:57:46+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-17T18:59:02+0200","number":1590,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"More NPC should teach you blink","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=1953 \r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/spell=1953/blink","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T14:00:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T14:00:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-17T16:27:12+0200","number":1589,"labels":"Mage, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Vanilla Oversight] Slow Fall Does Not Lock / Reset \"Fall Damage\" Counter","body":"Slow Fall doesn't appear to work as expected and it's very easy to hurt oneself – or even take _lethal_ damage – if the spell fizzles out at the wrong time.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Cast the spell \"[Slow Fall](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Slow+Fall)\" on yourself\r\n2. Jump from a great height that would normally do non-fatal damage\r\n(For example, from a small hill or a zeppelin tower.)\r\n3. Right before hitting the ground, cancel Slow Fall\r\n4. The character should reach terminal velocity in an instant _and_ take considerably more damage than if they had jumped without Slow Fall\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Slow+Fall (various Slow Fall spells)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAs soon as Slow Fall disappears, the player's character should begin to _gradually_ pick up speed until hitting terminal velocity – at which point, the longer they remain in freefall, the more damage they would take when hitting the ground.\r\n\r\n**Additional notes:**\r\nFrom what I can gather, falling in _World of Warcraft_ works like this:\r\n- The game checks to see if the player is falling.\r\n- If the player is falling, the game starts a counter. The bigger the number on the counter, the faster a player falls until they reach terminal velocity.\r\n- When the counter reaches a certain value, a flag is set to deal a certain percentage of damage to the player when they land. The longer they're in freefall, the more damage they'll take upon landing.\r\n\r\nThis is all perfectly normal and makes sense. But then, things get complicated when Slow Fall is cast…\r\n- If the player is under the effects of \"Slow Fall\", the player's **vertical momentum** is locked to a certain value, but the fall speed / fall damage counter continues to increase.\r\n- If Slow Fall disappears before the player lands, the counter tells the game that the player should be falling at maximum speed and makes it happen in an instant.\r\n- Since the \"fall counter\" never stopped increasing, the player also takes more damage than expected from the fall.\r\n( This number that increases while a player is in freefall doesn't appear to have a maximum value, so it's possible for a player to take a truly **ridiculous** amount of damage if they fall for long enough.)\r\n\r\nLooking it up on _Wowpedia_, this seems to be a consistent oversight that's been around since Vanilla and persists clear through to the now. So… probably not a bug, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.","updatedAt":"2023-01-13T02:59:29+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-01-13T02:59:29+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-17T12:09:26+0200","number":1587,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Turtle WoW Database Displays \"Mailbox\" as 65 Entities","body":"When browsing the official _[Turtle WoW Database](https://database.turtle-wow.org)_ for the object \"Mailbox\", it displays a list of **sixty-five** (65) entities rather than one (1) consolidated entry.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Run a search for \"[Mailbox](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Mailbox)\" on the _Turtle WoW Database_\r\n2. Witness a result of 65 objects (and 3 extra ones from Expansion01)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=32349 (Mailbox), https://database.turtle-wow.org/?search=Mailbox (various mailboxes)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSince the database is based on the one seen at _[Wowhead (Classic)](https://classic.wowhead.com/object=32349/mailbox)_, one would think that instead of displaying all 65 Mailbox objects, it would simply show a consolidated list of mailboxes with a list of maps to click through. In fact, clicking on the [very first Mailbox object](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=32349) shows this exact thing – albeit with only two mailboxes.\r\n\r\nEither the database is too literal for its own good, or someone goofed when placing mailboxes around the world. Having to check up to 65 entities to find the specific one a player is looking for is simply not fun. I can't imagine it would take a massive amount of time to write a script to replace all mailboxes of a similar design with one, consolidated object (32349). The other, unique mailboxes are fine – it's just the \"normal\" one I'm most concerned with.","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T04:13:15+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T04:13:15+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Steelborne"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-16T23:09:47+0200","number":1586,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ignore List Unknown Player","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nError when trying to remove Unknown player from Ignore List.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Ignore player\r\n2. Player is deleted? Renamed? Banned?\r\n3. Player now shows as \"Unknown\" in Ignore List and cannot be removed.\r\n - When trying to remove, server returns error: Player not found.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nShould be able to remove deleted Players from ignore list as the list is very limited. (20-30 max)\r\n![IgnoreList](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88329879/179371958-beac994c-e1a7-4a1f-b6fc-32de27238a98.PNG)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-17T15:07:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-17T13:55:19+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-16T15:08:40+0200","number":1585,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Troubles From Distant Lands does not give any experience ","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=70048 Troubles From Distant Lands does not give any experience","updatedAt":"2022-07-16T18:29:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-16T18:29:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:56:39+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-15T13:14:28+0200","number":1584,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:41:38+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:56:39+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Iacov"},"body":"@slowtorta please re-open this is a persisting issue :\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13138 is making checks upon login as if the item was equipped, this after using https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=10720 in one session, then logging out even hours/days after will trigger:\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=13139\r\nor\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=16566\r\nThe two malfunctions.\r\n\r\nIronically, this can be game-breaking like for myself relogging on fpath and net dropping me off it getting me stuck in a loop because CC on mounted flight path renders unusable (to avoid abuse, i'm aware):\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/190623007-d2d7c966-6a0f-4a00-93dc-28a7bfea7237.png)\r\n\r\nso now i'm stuck in a loop, unable to dismount, can't even [Auto-Unstuck] as it cannot be used mounted:\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6597238/190623400-ba5d7e09-eae2-4a24-80e8-e085ce278a31.png)\r\n\r\nPlease look into this,\r\n\r\nThank you,\r\n","createdAt":"2022-09-16T12:53:19+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-15T09:57:45+0200","number":1583,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":".","updatedAt":"2023-07-18T11:42:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T13:22:22+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-15T04:24:17+0200","number":1582,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dire Maul East Chests","body":"They do not spawn like on classic or other servers. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Look at the spawn locations of the Dire Maul East chests from classic or vanilla source\r\n2. Reset the instance as much as you want to find these chests at these spots\r\n3. Most likely you will not see them spawn\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nChest Object: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=153469\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nVideo Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE-nQbq1ivA\r\nThese are the chest spawns shown by this youtuber above, refer to the time stamps in the video to see the chest spawns. \r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-18T14:36:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-18T14:36:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-15T01:05:19+0200","number":1581,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Sacrifice does not Reflect","body":"When using a shadow reflector trinket, \"Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector,\" it should reflect the ability \"Sacrifice\" from Zevrim Thornhoof back onto it as it should. \r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Pull Zevrim Thornhoof\r\n2. Pop Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector as it casts Sacrifice\r\n3. It does not work\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=11490\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=18639\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=22651\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nVideo Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UD7X3A_8tU\r\nSkip to 4:05 to see it work\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T14:04:32+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T14:04:26+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gorxen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"This server is based on _World of Warcraft_ v1.12.1.\r\nThe official shortcuts for the `reloadUI` console command weren't added to retail until [v3.2.0](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/MACRO_reload).\r\n\r\nCertain AddOns also add these shortcuts in versions prior to 3.2.0.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T20:02:30+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"That is correct. Those commands do not exist in Vanilla.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:37:03+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-14T19:42:42+0200","number":1580,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":" /reload and /reloadui commands missing from custom classes/races","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nwhat the title says, the /reload and /reloadui commands appear to be missing on most custom classes/races combinations, tested with some of them but not all, notably high elves and dwarf mages.\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:37:03+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:37:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"gorxen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"I just attempted to trigger this glitch. I was entirely unable to do so. The door consistently closed at 25 seconds, for me, and the target NPC respawned a second after.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T20:43:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Kruxis"},"body":"Greetings and thanks for the report! Unfortunatelly i, too, was unable to recreate that issue. Must have been a 1 in 1000 bug which happened.","createdAt":"2022-07-19T06:34:45+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-14T19:29:47+0200","number":1579,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce","state":"CLOSED","title":"Dark Iron Scrapping - Starter High Elf quest issue","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nThe door of the cage that holds the Elf refugees takes forever to close back once someone has triggered it. I've been here around 30 mins waiting and it just won't close.\r\n\r\nEDIT UPDATE: This does not seem to happen all the time but randomly.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80207\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nClose back within 1 or 2 mins. after being opened.","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T06:34:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T06:34:45+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-16T00:00:44+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Problem 1 has been fixed. Kudos!\r\nProblem 2 has not, but I didn't expect it to be since the player has to _go out of their way_ to make that happen.","createdAt":"2022-07-26T02:02:26+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-14T13:58:51+0200","number":1578,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"30-Second Riding Gryphon (Goldshire) / Wind Rider (Razor Hill) Technical Problems","body":"There are various problems with the 30-second riding gryphon (Goldshire) and wind rider (Razor Hill) that prevent the temporary mount from working correctly, on occasion.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n**Problem 1:** Flying mount gets stuck\r\n1. Complete the Alliance quest \"[A Matter of Trust](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60070)\" in Goldshire (or)\r\nComplete the Horde quest \"[Red Skies of Durotar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40298)\" in Razor Hill\r\n2. Ride Kelton's Riding Gryphon (Alliance) or Ride Bristlefur (Horde) and immediately try to move\r\n3. The riding gryphon / wind rider \"mount\" will break and become frozen in place, usually with violent twitching\r\n\r\n**Problem 2:** Flying mount disappears prematurely\r\n1. Follow step 1 of the previous issue.\r\n2. While already mounted, buy another ride on the riding gryphon (Alliance) / wind rider (Horde)\r\n3. Any time the player attempts to ride the gryphon / wyvern during that play session, it will despawn far sooner than intended\r\n\r\nThe (extra) food item will be consumed in either of these cases and not be refunded.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51562 (Kelton's Riding Gryphon)\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60539 (Bristlefur)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nRegarding **Issue 1**, the flying mount should not get stuck and the player should be able to fly away as soon as they've purchased a ride. I have no idea why it gets stuck during \"take-off\" when moving. I just know that hanging back for about a second usually prevents this from happening.\r\n\r\nRegarding **Issue 2**, the player shouldn't be able to purchase multiple rides on the flying mount. One solution to this would be to make the NPC disappear and reappear akin to [Maybell Maclure](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=251) during the quest \"[The Escape](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=114)\". That would make it less likely for a player to _accidentally_ purchase two rides. The other, more recommended idea would be for the NPC to set a temporary flag on the player (if it doesn't, already) and to check the player's status. If they detect that the player is already mounted, they can refuse service.\r\n\r\n**Related issues:**\r\n- #1577","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T02:02:26+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-16T00:00:44+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-16T00:00:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"For the curious, this was fixed by removing the emotes and replacing it with a \"status\" text message:\r\n\"Dwarven Mild / Mutton Chop required.\"\r\n\r\nWorks for me~","createdAt":"2022-07-26T02:01:41+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-14T13:40:01+0200","number":1577,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"30-Second Riding Gryphon (Goldshire) / Wind Rider (Razor Hill) Emote Problems","body":"After completing the Alliance quest \"[A Matter of Trust](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60070)\" in Goldshire or the Horde quest \"[Red Skies of Durotar](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40298)\" in Razor Hill, the player is allowed to pay and use a flying mount for about 30 seconds. If the player doesn't have the required food item, the NPC plays an emote reading:\r\n\r\n\"The [gryphon / wyvern] recognizes you and doesn't seem to be satisfied. Perhaps a handful of [famous Dwarven Mild / Mutton Chops] could do some good?\"\r\n\r\nAdditionally, the emote always uses \"second person\" phrasing, meaning that Player A can initiate it and Players B, C, and D will all see \"recognizes **you**\" instead of \"recognizes **[player name]**\".\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Complete the quest \"A Matter of Trust\" (Alliance) / \"Red Skies of Durotar\" (Horde)\r\n2. Attempt to ride Kelton's Riding Gryphon (Alliance) without any Dwarven Mild (or)\r\nAttempt to ride Bristlefur (Horde) without any Mutton Chops\r\n3. The gryphon / wyvern will play an emote to everyone within range regardless of who initiated it.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=51562 (Kelton's Riding Gryphon)\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60539 (Bristlefur)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nOne of two things should happen. Either…\r\n\r\n- This emote should play only for the player who initiated it.\r\n- Two different emotes should play – one for the player and one for everyone nearby.\r\n\r\nFor the latter, the current emote can easily be modified to use third-person terms:\r\n\"The [gryphon / wyvern] recognizes [player name] and doesn't seem to be satisfied. Perhaps a handful of [famous Dwarven Mild / Mutton Chops] could do them some good?\"\r\n\r\nPersonally, though? I recommend the former. I recently found out that a persistent player can actually **fill the chat log** with the emote if they keep clicking without the requested item. Just a thought.\r\n\r\n**Related issues:**\r\n- #1578","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T02:01:41+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-16T00:00:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"That's intentional. There are a handful of NPCs with the faction of \" \". There are two such factions, in fact – one on the Alliance side and one on the Horde side. Honestly, it wouldn't hurt anything if the factions were renamed \"Horde / Alliance Forces\" or something.\r\n\r\nHilariously, you can actually _go to war_ with the one on your faction's side and _kill_ any NPCs with that faction. Every time I'm in Thunder Bluff, I make sure to kill Harken Windtotem. Hee hee.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T13:24:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of this ghost faction?","createdAt":"2022-07-14T20:07:39+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next client patch.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-14T05:59:05+0200","number":1576,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Harken Windtotem has empty faction (\"You are now Friendly with .\")","body":"**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Make new character\r\n2. Talk to Harken Windtotem\r\n3. You are now friendly with .\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=2947\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nHis faction should be \"Thunder Bluff\" like other nearby NPCs: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3066","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Beertaster"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"I know a strategy when Aqir Larvas do not crawl to anyone in the group and, accordingly, do not use life drain.\r\nSo try to figure out how to keep away them from people while they spawned (hint - they just have to crawl as long path as possible)\r\n\r\nRegarding Infinite Chromie - I agree with you, her mana burn is incredible. About adds - big dragonkin will spawn a small one (who also drain your mana) - so all people should focus add when he spawn. ","createdAt":"2022-07-13T22:40:15+0200"},{"author":{"login":"gorxen"},"body":"Confirming, this boss requieres a MANDATORY frost mage to kill (to be able to hold the larvas in place for aoe) and I find that completely unfair, my guild friends and I decided to not do this place anymore until something about this is done.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T19:47:51+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Frost mag isn't necessary. There is a rock ledge at the battle site. If you kite the boss on him, and when the Larvas appear - everyone who was there, jump off, then they will crawl along a long path. And while they crawl - kill them all.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T08:22:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-13T19:03:30+0200","number":1575,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Black Morass Aqir Larva mobs glitched AoE life drain spam (instant party wipe) + others.","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nAqir Larva spams AoE Life drain 10-20 times a server tick it seems. Wiping the party intantly.\r\nWhen the second boss Harbinger Aph'ygth spawns larva the party instantly wipes. We had to skip this boss and sneak around him after 2-3 attempts.\r\n\r\nAlso when Fighting Infinite Chromie. Her mana burn would delete my mana bar at the start of the fight. I was useless as a warlock. Can't say for sure its a bug, man was it punishing. We couldn't get her past 60% adds would murder us on every attempt. and despite chugging major mana pots If had no mana, healer to focused n tank, healthstone + bandages didn't help either.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Be in melee range.\r\n2. \r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc= https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=65115\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc= https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=65114\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nTo attack once a second and not 10 times a second, or more.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:49:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-16T00:09:57+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-13T04:25:33+0200","number":1574,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Most, if not all, quests in Gillijim's Isle don't give money instead of XP when completed at lvl60","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen you do a quest at lvl60, they are supposed to give you extra money to make up for the XP that you're not getting because of being max level, at a rate of 6 copper per XP point. Almost all (if not all?) vanilla quests work like this.\r\nHowever, a common problem with Turtle WoW quests is that they don't do that, they just give 0 gold or their normal amount of gold when completed at lvl60. This is because their RewMoneyMaxLevel field needs to be set manually.\r\nHere's an example of one such quest that doesn't have a RewMoneyMaxLevel value despite seeming like it should: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40196\r\n![firefox_22-07-12-23-36-20](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6526157/178638873-136d1158-29c6-4dd7-ac35-14bc6fa3e6de.png)\r\n\r\n...compare to a normal Vanilla quest chosen at random:\r\n![firefox_22-07-12-23-37-05](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6526157/178638951-bef95eac-1a57-47cf-a950-e0ea2ab5301e.png)\r\n\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Do vanilla quests at lvl60\r\n2. Notice how they give extra gold at a rate of 6 copper per xp that they would have given\r\n3. Do Gillijim's Isle quests at lvl60\r\n4. Notice how you get no gold or just the normal gold for a non-60\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40196\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThey should give extra gold for lvl60 characters.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-16T00:09:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-16T00:09:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:39:48+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-13T04:09:57+0200","number":1573,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Matter Of Trust quest is not shareable","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nA common problem with Turtle WoW quests is that they are not marked as shareable, even though it seems that they should be.\r\nUsually when a vanilla quest is not shareable it's because it's part of a chain, or because it has a special requirement in the form of starting from an item or requiring you to take an item from the questgiver to do the quest. Many TurtleWoW quests are simply not shareable for no apparent reason (my guess is that it's probably just the default when making a quest from scratch and it goes unnoticed?).\r\n\r\nOne example of a nonshareable TurtleWoW quest is Matter of Trust: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60070 which doesn't seem to have any reason for not being shareable\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Accept the quest\r\n2. Try to share it\r\n3. Share button greyed out\r\n4. Sadness\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=60070\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nLike Vanilla quests that don't have special requirements, it should be shareable.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:39:49+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:39:48+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in this commit: https://github.com/slowtorta/turtle-wow/commit/918790683eb9f4ee6ba60172c3bd1ef59c06ccdb","createdAt":"2022-11-06T02:22:57+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-13T02:07:51+0200","number":1572,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Princess Tempestria's corpse disappears EXTREMELY quickly, taking all loot with it","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nPrincess Tempestria is a world boss that spawns in Winterspring as part as the Elemental Invasion.\r\nShe functions normally, except that, for some reason, her corpse despawns EXTREMELY fast. So fast that I was unable to loot the BOPs fast enough, she disappeared before I could click \"accept\" on the binding notification.\r\nI don't know if this issue also happens with the other elemental invasion bosses (Baron Charr etc), but it would be worthwhile to check.\r\nMy guess is that this could be an issue with the code that ends the elemental invasion (boss dies -> call EndElementalInvasion() -> the first thing EndElementalInvasion() does is despawn the boss' corpse) rather than an issue inherent to the mob itself.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to Winterspring while the elemental invasion event is active.\r\n2. Kill Princess Tempestria.\r\n3. Notice how her corpse will despawn unusually fast, taking all loot with it\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=14457\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThe corpse should stay up for, like at least a couple minutes so you don't easily lose all loot from it\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-11-06T02:22:57+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-11-06T02:22:57+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:45:14+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-13T01:30:44+0200","number":1571,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Scarlet Cleric casting Mind Blast on himself/herself (Tyr's Hand)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nScarlet Cleric at Tyr's Hand casts Mind blast at herself/himself. Should cast at player.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Find a Scarlet Cleric at Tyr's Hand\r\n2. Attack the NPC and damage it a little\r\n3. See how the Cleric casts Mind Blast on herself\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc= 9449\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nShould cast Mind Blast on player.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:45:14+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:45:14+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"CasualNerdity"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Should be fixed next update. ","createdAt":"2023-06-27T05:53:54+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-12T02:01:36+0200","number":1570,"labels":"Spell, Item","state":"CLOSED","title":"Food not restoring the listed value","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nFestival Dumplings tooltip states it restores 4% of max health and mana over 25 seconds, 100% if you wait the entire duration. I have noticed that they only leave me with 75% of my max mana after spending the full 25 seconds eating, the same value as Conjured Mana Oranges, Candy Corn, Lollipops, and Candy Bar from the Hallows End seasonal event.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Run down to lowest possible mana (36/3855).\r\n2. Start eating Festival Dumpling.\r\n3. After the final tick, end up with less than 100% mana (3468/3855)\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21537\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nBased on the tooltip, I expected to be at 100% mana after the full duration.","updatedAt":"2023-06-27T05:53:54+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-06-27T05:53:54+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"CasualNerdity"},"body":"Using the Illusion: Scarlet Crusade does not visibly change the character, nor does it change the Scarlet Crusade faction to Friendly, but it does use up one charge from the item and causes a shapeshift state, throwing the \"You are in shapeshift form\" error when trying to mount. Using a second charge will remove the shapeshift effect and allow mounting again.","createdAt":"2022-09-07T02:11:54+0200"},{"author":{"login":"LachtanCesky"},"body":"Same issue for me:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80729 A Different Shade of Red illusion does not work\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=53003 When applying the scarlet illusion nothing happens","createdAt":"2022-09-13T16:33:14+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Duplicate for https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/2222","createdAt":"2022-10-04T00:16:28+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-11T20:35:46+0200","number":1569,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"A Different Shade of Red illusion does not work","body":"https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=80729 A Different Shade of Red illusion does not work\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=53003 When applying the scarlet illusion nothing happens","updatedAt":"2022-10-04T00:16:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-04T00:16:28+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Szwedowski"},"body":"Here is unfinished zone where in future will be new raid Scarlet Citadel. Nothing to do here while zone isn't ready - because it will be necessary to save any curious person who will come here and fall under the textures","createdAt":"2022-07-12T07:48:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"That's intended :)","createdAt":"2022-07-13T18:25:18+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"Okay, but… the invisible box doesn't do anything. It's not even in the way. It just sticks out so far and can be swam around. Possibly even swam _under_. It serves no purpose at all.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T08:34:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-11T20:27:25+0200","number":1568,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Invisible Wall Near King's Harbor (Eastern Plaguelands)","body":"There is a large, invisible, rectangular wall or \"box\" situated just south of King's Harbor in the Eastern Plaguelands.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Arrive at King's Harbor from any direction.\r\n2. Swim south along the rocky hills and get to around **61.8, 27.3** (in _Cartographer_ coordinates) on the World Map.\r\n![TWoW_Eastern Kingdoms 61-8 27-3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/178332203-5d34fa31-14ef-481c-9213-994d9dc1895f.png)\r\n3. Behold the spectacle of swimming in place against a solid wall of nothing!\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nThere should be no box. It's not blocking access to anything. It just kind of slides out from the mountain and sticks out into the sea. Here's a picture of where one corner of it ends, facing King's Harbor.\r\n![WoWScrnShot_071122_060700](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/178332641-3a242f38-aabc-40db-bd15-04d06c130a04.jpg)","updatedAt":"2022-07-14T08:34:08+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-13T18:25:18+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Dragunovi"},"body":"This zone is currently under production and not open to the general playerbase, so a spirit player and respawn location hasn't been placed yet. This issue will be fixed when the zone is fully complete and open to experience. In the meanwhile in the case that you get stuck somewhere feel free to open a ticket for our gamemasters to handle the issue swiftly.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T00:51:50+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-11T20:16:06+0200","number":1567,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"There Are No Spirit Healers in the Scarlet Enclave (Eastern Plaguelands)","body":"As stated, there are no Spirit Healers in the Scarlet Enclave. This means that if a player dies within New Avalon or any regions within the zone, they don't get teleported anywhere and simply spawn as ghosts right on top of their corpse. One could argue that this is a \"good bad bug\", but a bug it is, all the same.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the Scarlet Enclave zone southeast of the Eastern Plaguelands. Enter New Avalon.\r\n2. Run out of Health and release your spirit to the nearest graveyard.\r\n3. Watch as your spirit stays right where your body was.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nPlayers should respawn near Hope's Light Chapel, or maybe even someplace within New Avalon, itself.\r\n\r\n**Further details:**\r\nOkay, so hear me out on this one. I was taking a very roundabout path to get to Light's Hope Chapel. Specifically, I jumped off the Thandol Span between the Wetlands and the Arathi Highlands and swam around. I arrived at King's Harbor and headed into New Avalon with every intention of dying and respawning at the 'Healer. When I was obliterated by a Scarlet Enchanter, I noticed that my ghost appeared where I died instead of at Light's Hope Cathedral. This struck me as odd because I took a similar trip with another character where I went around the _north_ side of the Eastern Plaguelands. When I died in the Scarlet Enclave, that time, I ended up respawning at Light's Hope.\r\n\r\nNo idea. None at all. Especially since King's Harbor is classified as being part of the Eastern Plaguelands rather than the Scarlet Enclave.","updatedAt":"2022-07-14T00:51:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-14T00:51:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-15T23:51:08+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-11T17:58:54+0200","number":1566,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"rot hide ichor dropchance too high","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nthe rot hide ichor drops far too esaily (80%), makign the qeusts a bit too easy to complete. i dont mind making compelting stuff easier on twow, but this is too much imo\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=3236\r\n80%\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nhttps://classic.wowhead.com/item=3236/rot-hide-ichor\r\n30%","updatedAt":"2022-07-15T23:51:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-15T23:51:08+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Haaxor1689"},"body":"Will be fixed next update","createdAt":"2023-02-21T16:01:08+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-11T10:02:47+0200","number":1565,"labels":"NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Nonfunctional Vendor: Argent Quartermaster Hasana","body":"Argent Quartermaster Hasana: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10856\r\n\r\nDoes not sell Argent Dawn reputation items as expected. No vendor window is selectable when the dialogue window opens.\r\n\r\nFor example of expected behavior:\r\nAlliance counterpart: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10857","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T16:01:08+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T16:01:08+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"quest only appears when the compettion starts, got me confused becuase side quets are alreayd there","createdAt":"2022-07-10T13:41:33+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-10T13:34:16+0200","number":1564,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"stv fishing contest qeust not repeatable","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nso last sudnaz i won the fishing contest and took the arcanite rood, this week i wanted to trz for the hook trinket. unfortuneltz on twow the grand price quest appears to be not repeatable.\r\n\r\nits i repetable on classic, and it also states it is repetable on the turtle db\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8193\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nlinked quest should be repetable","updatedAt":"2022-07-10T13:41:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-10T13:41:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"i finished the quests, maybe you didnt get milked?","createdAt":"2022-07-10T18:37:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"banallwowbots"},"body":"Had the same issue on some of my alts. They simply can't turn in the quest. Retaking the quest don't help.\r\n\r\nAnd yes, it won't work even with the milked debuff.","createdAt":"2022-07-18T15:05:19+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Can't reproduce the issue. You need to have the \"Mother's Milk\" debuff on you and when you talk to him and the \"Milk me, John\" option will appear.","createdAt":"2022-07-19T14:16:05+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-10T13:26:38+0200","number":1563,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Mother's Milk (Quest)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nNot able to turn in the quest even with the \"Mother's Milk\" buff on you (quest ID: 4866). Supposed to be able to turn it in at Ragged John once you've obtained the debuff from inside a dungeon.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Go to the boss Mother Smolder Web (10596) and obtain Mother's milk debuff (16468)\r\n2. Go to Ragged John in Burning Steppes\r\n3. Turn in the quest and see how the dialogue box is not there.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc= 10596\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest= 4866\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= 16468\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nYou should be able to turn in the quest Mother's Milk (4866) after having the debuff: Mother's milk (16468) on you and the NPC Ragged John (10596) through a dialogue box.","updatedAt":"2022-07-22T14:58:24+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-22T14:58:24+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"If anyone knows, it would be helpful to know whether it can also proc Crusader and other similar on-hit enchants.","createdAt":"2022-07-11T02:32:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Ravager definitely did not proc off itself in Classic, not sure about vanilla, but probably also not.","createdAt":"2022-07-22T16:13:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"9600bauds"},"body":"It surprises me that anyone would say that considering it's pretty obvious when using the weapon, and is in fact pretty much the whole point of it.\r\n\r\nRegardless, some proof is in order, this is footage from Classic, fairly self-explainatory:\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6526157/180597171-74130f1e-b08c-464c-b06d-dd64446ca091.mp4\r\n\r\nhttps://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6526157/180597181-c5400d21-58a6-4811-b86c-1eec5ad4cdd9.mp4\r\n\r\n\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-23T10:28:47+0200"},{"author":{"login":"burner1024"},"body":"Hm, looks right. It doesn't prove that each of 100 hits of a tick can reproc, though. Just that it can reproc.","createdAt":"2022-08-06T06:59:08+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Related to https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1975","createdAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:56+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-10T08:41:54+0200","number":1562,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Ravager cannot proc off itself","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nRavager is a weapon that has a chance to cast Bladestorm, causing the user to spin around and do AoE damage every 3 seconds.\r\nHowever, each hit that you get on a mob by means of this AoE damage is supposed to still have a chance to proc Ravager. Currently it does not work like that in this server.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Get Ravager\r\n2. Stand next to 100 mobs\r\n3. Get Ravager to proc\r\n4. Expect it to constantly reproc itself from all the hits it's causing (in this example, each tick of the proc would cause 100 hits, all of which would have the normal chance to start the proc again)\r\n5. It never reprocs off itself, proc always ends at 9 seconds\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=7717\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nIt should proc off itself, resulting in the proc \"refreshing\" itself commonly","updatedAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:56+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-21T22:11:56+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision!\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/66763404/178116222-578057d1-f003-4801-8915-c52b3001c4f4.png)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-09T19:20:47+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-09T01:49:50+0200","number":1561,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"[Vanilla Bug] Thorvald Deepforge in Loch Modan Sells Nothing","body":"There's a vendor in the Valley of Kings in Loch Modan that is marked as a weapon / equipment vendor, but when the player clicks on him, he has absolutely nothing to sell. He has a blacksmithing quest, \"[12] Supplying the Front\", but otherwise? He's just an empty vendor.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Take a character to the south-west Loch Modan.\r\n2. Find the NPC \"Thorvald Deepforge\" at coordinates **23.6, 74.3**.\r\n3. Interact with Thorvald and open the vendor dialogue. He will have nothing to sell.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=6030 (Thorvald Deepforge)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSurprisingly, Thorvald Deepforge has _always_ been like this since he was added to the game in v1.11.1.7272. Even in _World of Warcraft Classic_, Thorvald is an \"empty vendor\" with a blacksmithing quest. So, technically speaking… there's nothing wrong with him, at all.\r\n\r\nWhen _World of Warcraft: Cataclysm_ rolled around on Retail, the NPC was updated, slightly, and began to sell [various Level 4 / 5 weapons](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=6030/thorvald-deepforge#sells). I would consider updating his inventory accordingly, but obviously, leaving him empty-handed isn't hurting anything.","updatedAt":"2022-07-09T19:20:48+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T19:20:47+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-09T23:46:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T22:21:48+0200","number":1560,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"into the jaws sfk qeust item in tirisfal upladns","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_070822_183943](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/178064878-b4dce2ad-8d65-4145-9fe0-eeb3896c3efd.jpg)\r\n\r\nthis is a custom turle wow qeust for sfk\r\n\r\nits not marked as dungeon qeust, nor elite, or is in sfk qeust category.\r\n\r\neven more so, the quest item i looted in a pile of dirt at the screenshtot location in tirisfal uplands entrance","updatedAt":"2022-07-09T23:46:35+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T23:46:35+0200"},{"assignees":[{"login":"Kruxis"}],"author":{"login":"Gasan918"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Kruxis"},"body":"Thanks for the report, we adjusted the loot slightly =) Will be fixed on next server restart\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-12T15:50:40+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T22:18:31+0200","number":1559,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Icepoint Rock and Kaneq'nuun mobs drop","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nIcepoint Rock and Kaneq'nuun mobs\r\n\r\n1) Ice Crawler\r\n2) Icepoint Whiteclaw\r\n3) Tarqsiku\r\n\r\ndrops only money as if they are humanids.\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96973359/178064175-f3b262be-90bd-4994-a80e-41fa353882ef.png)\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96973359/178064013-bb12fecc-dbc9-4093-8ff4-3c37f9c6a693.png)\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96973359/178064086-9ebdaa30-90cc-4077-89ec-ccad0683e9c2.png)\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\nCome to \"Vanilla Nordskol\" and loot those mobs\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60605, 60545, 60544\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThey should have\r\n\r\n1) Crab\r\n2) Bear\r\n3) Elemental\r\n\r\ndroplists.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-12T15:50:57+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-12T15:50:40+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Same problem in DM North. Had an eye spawn 2x2 void walkers on us","createdAt":"2022-07-10T10:27:52+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T15:57:54+0200","number":1558,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Stratholme bug (Eye of Naxxramas summoning too many Gargoyles)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nEye of Naxxramas (NPC) inside of Stratholme\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Find Eye of Naxxramas\r\n2. Do not kill it\r\n3. See how it keeps summoning Gargoyles that do not despawn.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=10411\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= \r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIt is supposed to summon **_### ONLY 2 gargoyles per aggro_** (after yelling 2-3 times), and not an unlimited amount every 5-10 seconds while in combat and casting. It is impossible to do the dungeon right now (if you do not kill them fast enough, once they spot you) as they do not despawn the gargoyles either. Unsure whether they are supposed to despawn or not, but only 2 should be summoned.","updatedAt":"2022-07-17T22:19:09+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-17T22:19:03+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Daribon"},"body":"Known vmangos bug: https://github.com/vmangos/core/issues/1307","createdAt":"2022-07-25T02:59:35+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T10:26:50+0200","number":1557,"labels":"Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Amplify Curse not working with Curse of Exhaustion","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen casting Amplify Curse, then casting Curse of Exhaustion, the Amplify Curse buff stays on the player and curse of exhaustion lands on the enemy, not consuming the amp.curse buff nor adding 20% to the effect\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Amplify Curse\r\n2. Cast Curse of Exhaustion\r\n3. Notice Amplify Curse buff stays on player\r\n4. Also notice that Curse of Exhaustion tooltip is stuck at 10%\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell:\r\nAmplify Curse \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18288\r\nCurse of Exhaustion(s)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18310\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18311\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18312\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=18313\r\n\r\nYes there are 4 different 'ranks' of it depending on the talents and none of them work with Amplify Curse.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nAmplify Curse into Curse of Exhaustion should add 20% slow to the Curse of Exhaustion debuff and be consumed in the process.\r\n\r\n\r\nThanks in advance, have a good day","updatedAt":"2023-08-25T17:03:16+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-08-25T17:03:16+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"tocopherylacetate"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Cannot reproduce the issue. The school of the spell I was casting gets locked for 8 seconds after getting interrupted by a Felhunter pet.\r\n\r\nhttps://streamja.com/nzJkz","createdAt":"2022-12-10T22:27:29+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T10:02:42+0200","number":1556,"labels":"Couldn't reproduce, Warlock, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"Felhunter's Spell Lock not Counterspelling","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nThe warlock's level 30 pet Felhunter's Spell Lock does not silence the opponent's school when used during an enemy cast. It only global silences for 3 seconds.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Summon felhunter\r\n2. Have an enemy player cast a non-instant offensive spell\r\n3. Have felhunter use Spell Lock\r\n4. Notice that the enemy can still cast the entire school related to the silenced spell after 3 seconds\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=417\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16389\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=19647\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nA felhunter's spell lock should silence the related school for 8 seconds if used during an enemy cast.\r\n\r\nThanks in advance, have a good day","updatedAt":"2023-02-16T22:09:05+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-16T22:09:05+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision.","createdAt":"2022-07-09T16:49:04+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T07:58:35+0200","number":1555,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":",","body":".","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:40:37+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T16:49:04+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Shellyoung"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T06:57:42+0200","number":1554,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":".","body":",","updatedAt":"2022-10-03T17:36:50+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T03:33:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"afizzler"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"The online DB is displaying values from the actual server. The % is the same as on any other Vanilla server :)","createdAt":"2022-07-09T19:24:00+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-08T00:23:30+0200","number":1553,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Plate Scraps not Dropping Abnormally","body":"It seems like plate scraps in naxxramas drop way less frequently than stated on the turtle wow database. I want to confirm if the database is showing the wrong values, or it is an actual bug.\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=22375\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:\r\n\r\n1. Spawn a certain number of naxxramas mobs of one type\r\n2. Kill all of them\r\n3. Loot them\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-09T19:24:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T19:24:00+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-07T11:45:07+0200","number":1552,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cenarion Scout Jalia does not give the option to get Hive'Ashi Scout Report","body":"Cenarion Scout Jalia does not give the option to get Hive'Ashi Scout Report\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=8739\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=21161\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=15611","updatedAt":"2022-09-10T01:35:01+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-09-10T01:35:01+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-07T10:21:41+0200","number":1551,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Wrong quest objective First Mate McCoy","body":"First Mate McCoy\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40183 First Mate McCoy\r\n\r\nThe quest text asks you to kill first mate McCoy https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60452 but the quest objective asks you to kill First Mate McGillicuddy https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=60497\r\n\r\n![Window - World of Warcraft (33)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/177726825-11244bc1-754e-437a-9206-c02456ee83c6.png)\r\n![Window - World of Warcraft (34)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/83077166/177726836-3ff2eaae-29b4-499b-8505-87ceb914286f.png)\r\n\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-09T23:50:53+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T23:50:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-07T00:23:53+0200","number":1550,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shadowguard (Troll Priest Racial) not working","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nShadowguard does not seem to proc at all.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast Shadowguard\r\n2. Attack a player or NPC\r\n3. Notice how Shadowguard does not proc\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell= 18137\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nThe spell should proc sometimes. It does not seem to proc at all.","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T12:52:19+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T12:52:11+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"the dwarf songblade acutlly worked, i could interact with him and click the option.\r\n\r\ntheforeman also did not wany to talk","createdAt":"2022-07-06T15:55:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-06T15:44:12+0200","number":1549,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"young and foolish cant interact with npcs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n![WoWScrnShot_070622_154241](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/177564452-6a8c5963-c1d1-4515-8e90-66f4b4b73ba2.jpg)\r\n\r\nthe custom turtle qeust \"young and foolish\" want you to interoage 3 npcs in lakeshire.\r\n\r\nme and anotehr player wehre there and could not iteranct","updatedAt":"2022-07-08T15:34:27+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-08T15:34:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"same problem on the tailoring augerer set","createdAt":"2022-07-08T16:56:20+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Casting time will be fixed on the next update, the skill values in the patch 1.16.1 :)","createdAt":"2022-07-09T23:56:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"It's probably worth noting (but not re-opening the issue) that actually _making_ the Copper Knuckles takes a good 30 seconds, too. That's probably more realistic than whipping it up in five, but man, that's a heck of a discrepancy compared to most other weapon craft time.\r\n\r\n**07/25 Edit:** Both of the issues have been fixed, as promised.\r\n\r\nCopper Knuckles is instantly learned, just like all trainer skills, and only takes about 6 seconds to craft.","createdAt":"2022-07-23T17:06:14+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-06T03:26:28+0200","number":1548,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Problems with Blacksmith Skills: Copper Knuckles","body":"I recently started to raise a Blacksmith character. When said character was a sufficiently high level, I noticed that there was a new recipe available from a trainer: Copper Knuckles. This recipe has three problems with it.\r\n\r\n- When learning the recipe from a trainer, there is a **two-second cast time**. If the player moves while learning the recipe, **they are not refunded their spent money**.\r\n(Special thanks to someone on _Discord_ for mentioning the second part.)\r\n- The item requires **a very low amount of skill** to create, meaning that the recipe is **already grey** by the time it's obtainable.\r\n- ~~The item **requires Level 5** to equip, but characters **can't learn Fist Weapons until Level 10**.~~\r\nI made a mistake. Players can learn Fist Weapons at Level 1 but normally, the earliest fist weapon is found at Level 10.\r\n–\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n1. Create a character and have them learn Blacksmithing up to Skill Level 50.\r\n2. Go to any Blacksmith Trainer and have your character learn Copper Knuckles.\r\n3. A black cast bar will appear for two seconds before the skill is learned.\r\n4. Once the skill is learned, open the Blacksmithing menu. \"Copper Knuckles\" will be gray, meaning no skill points can be earned from it.\r\n5. Hover the cursor over the item in the Blacksmithing menu. It will say \"Requires Level 5\". ~~Players cannot learn Fist Weapons until Level 10.~~ Normally, the lowest level fist weapon is the Brass Knuckles at Level 10.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=65010 (Copper Knuckles)\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=2018 (Apprentice Blacksmithing)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n- Learning _any_ recipe from a trainer should be **instant** and **uninterruptable**.\r\n- Recipes learned at-level should **always grant an increase in skill** when crafting.\r\n- ~~Copper Knuckles should **require Level 10** to equip _or_ Fist Weapons should be learnable at a lower level.~~\r\n~~(The latter would not be implemented until _Cataclysm_ on Retail, however.)~~\r\n(Never mind. I made a mistake.)","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T02:12:23+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T23:56:41+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Alicemay99"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Tested on latest version, and ticks for the full 18 second duration.\r\n\r\nFixed.","createdAt":"2023-02-21T14:37:30+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-06T02:09:17+0200","number":1547,"labels":"Priest, Spell, Dungeons & Raids","state":"CLOSED","title":"Shadow word pain issue in ZG","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nShadow word pain on crocs is only lasting ten seconds, not 18 as per the spell\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Cast shadow word pain on croc\r\n2. Count to twenty\r\n3. Falls off at 10 not 18\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nCast on croc, lasts 18 seconds","updatedAt":"2023-02-21T14:38:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-21T14:38:44+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"I finished gaffer Jack's on my highelf Paladin. Maybe you don't have the required fishing skill for it to show up. It's rather high","createdAt":"2022-07-06T08:47:25+0200"},{"author":{"login":"GitGurky"},"body":"Lets close this, I did not see anywhere on the database that is requires fishing, confirmed though from comments on wowhead.","createdAt":"2022-07-06T16:13:32+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-06T02:06:33+0200","number":1546,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Gaffer Jacks is not available for high elfs","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nHigh elfs cannot take the quest Gaffer Jacks\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Gaffer Jacks cannot be picked up from the quest giver.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\n[NPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=3666)\r\n[Quest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=](https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=1579)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nHigh Elfs should be able to take this quest seeing all other alliance races can.\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-06T16:13:33+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-06T16:13:32+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"geojak"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"sometimes i could bug it out, when i used an item just before the race beamed me in or if i dismounted during the race, i would end up invisible with just my weapon visible, in this case the speed buffs you can pick up on the ground acutally worked somehow, but then the gun would always say invalid target. also sheeps cannot hit you anyway, due to the bug described in the folliwng comment","createdAt":"2022-07-05T16:41:41+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"![WoWScrnShot_070522_163957](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25199983/177354338-21586906-5d38-4ea4-835e-b3fa3caa6492.jpg)\r\n","createdAt":"2022-07-05T16:41:56+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"if you use the trick to dismount after the race started to make speed buffs acutaly work, you will noticed that you have a hard time acutally picking up the seed buffs on the ground because they dont register when you fly over them too fast, same for sheeps.\r\n\r\nsame thing with the blue cystalls, sometimes you get kciekd from the race, because with 40$ movespeed buff you fly so faster of the crystalls, it doesnt register it in time you wee tehre.\r\n\r\nmeans if you fix the speed buffs, isstead this even more severe bug will have to be fixed aswell","createdAt":"2022-07-05T16:51:12+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"I couldn't reproduce the mounting bug, but hopefully, it's fixed now.","createdAt":"2022-07-19T14:24:53+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"Awesome, will do a few more races ","createdAt":"2022-07-19T14:48:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Server has not received an update yet, try tomorrow.","createdAt":"2022-07-19T14:51:12+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-05T16:22:39+0200","number":1545,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Issues with Shimmering Flat race","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\n1. the speed buffs dont work, both the ones you can pick up which should give 40% speed and the one you can use that gives 30% speed. the buff appears but they do not have any effect.\r\n\r\n2. if you are mounted when you start the race, you actually stay mounted, so you can race with insaen speed. this is a severe exploit which prevents real competitive races, pls fix \r\n\r\n3. if you mounted bfore the race, then after the race you will still have the buff from mount but actually not the speed. you need to dismount and remount for the acutally speed\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n1. speed buffs working\r\n2. mount buffs removed when race starts","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T14:51:12+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T14:24:53+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Riverleafs"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Sorry, cannot reproduce, working as intended.","createdAt":"2022-07-09T23:53:30+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-05T12:45:19+0200","number":1544,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Portal at Rut'theran Village / Darnasuss not working after running Cresecent Grove (requires relog)","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nUnable to use the portal at Rut'theran Village or Darnassus after running Crescent Grove - must relog in order for it to work.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Enter Crescent Grove\r\n2. Exit Crescent Grove\r\n3. Try to use portal to Rut'theran from Darnassus or the other way around\r\n4. Relogging solves the issue\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nDungeon: Crescent Grove\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nYou should be able to use the portal without having to relog","updatedAt":"2022-07-09T23:53:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-09T23:53:30+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"PizzaOfHut"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@slowtorta porbably fixed with the change that balake did on vmangos that you pulled\r\np.s. hammer of wrath still bugged ever since","createdAt":"2023-08-02T10:21:52+0200"},{"author":{"login":"Giperion"},"body":"@PizzaOfHut Can't reproduce with newest revision of core. I followed steps and according to code - miss chance for Seal of Command is now 0%.\r\nSpell still can be dodged however.","createdAt":"2024-02-14T14:01:04+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-05T12:42:38+0200","number":1543,"labels":"Paladin, Spell","state":"CLOSED","title":"SoC does not benefit from Human weapon skill racial","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nA Human Ret Pally using a sword or mace with 3/3 Precision and a total of 3% melee hit on gear still has a 3% chance for the proc on SoC to miss.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Spec a Human Pally into 3/3 Precision and SoC\r\n2. Equip a gearset that includes a sword or mace, and an additional 3% melee hit.\r\n3. Attack the level 63 training dummy in SW for 3 minutes with SoC up.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=20920\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nA Pally with 305 skill in his equipped weapon, 3/3 Precision, and an additional 3% melee hit from gear should never have an SoC proc miss against a raid boss.\r\n","updatedAt":"2024-02-14T19:48:44+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2024-02-14T19:48:44+0100"},{"assignees":[{"login":"Kruxis"}],"author":{"login":"Veg93"},"comments":[],"createdAt":"2022-07-05T12:30:32+0200","number":1542,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Goblin Craftsmen shouldn't spawn Golems in Deadmines","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nGoblin Craftsmen in the Deadmines should only be using the ability \"Melt Ore\" whilst the Engineers should be using \"Summon Remote-Controlled Golem\". As it is now both of them summon the golems.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Pull the mobs. \r\n2. Golems get summoned.\r\n3. You die.\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=1731\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-19T12:59:58+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-19T12:59:58+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Rykenwolf"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Dragunovi"},"body":"This issue has been resolved, please delete your WDB file to see the fixed version of the item.","createdAt":"2022-07-04T12:06:27+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-04T08:53:56+0200","number":1541,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Updated Lawbringer set items have Healing as \"Use:\" instead of \"Equip:\"","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nLawbringer set wasrecently updated with all set items to add spell damage, and some healing back. The healing on the following items has been added as \"Use:\" instead of \"Equip\". This results in the item going on 30sec cooldown when equiping, and *probably* doesn't provide the healing as intended.\r\n\r\nItems included are: Lawbringer Spaulders, Lawbringer Legplates, Lawbringer Boots, Lawbringer Chestguard, Lawbringer Belt, Lawbringer Helm\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. View Lawbringer item details in game to observe\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nItems: \r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16856\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16858\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16853\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16854 (not shown on database, but ingame they are wrong)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16859 (not shown on database, but ingame they are wrong)\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=16855 (not shown on database, but ingame they are wrong)\r\n\r\n![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/106287790/177098123-63addb92-55ca-44b6-a8d3-aca2941c0100.png)\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:** All Healing on items should be \"Equip:\" not \"Use:\"\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-04T12:06:28+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-04T12:06:27+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Fin9622"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"https://github.com/slowtorta/turtlewow-bug-tracker/issues/1520","createdAt":"2022-07-04T10:45:42+0200"},{"author":{"login":"geojak"},"body":"@slowtorta \r\n\r\nthis issue here is that the scripted qeust event/patrol doesnt work.\r\n\r\nthe one that was linked is about the npcs not truning into werewolfes at night and the howling.\r\n\r\ni dont think its an duplicate","createdAt":"2022-07-11T00:02:18+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-03T19:46:33+0200","number":1540,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Pyrewood Ambush event does not start","body":"Pyrewood Ambush event does not start\r\n\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=452\r\n\r\nhttps://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/c3iebpV0ZIK","updatedAt":"2022-07-11T00:09:30+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-04T10:45:42+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"jim-goose"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"I can confirm this. The default human female player model only has the default 15 faces while the two Vanilla NPC skins, \"Scarlet Inquisitor\" and \"Scholomance Student\", are available as donation rewards. The skin displayed in the linked image does not match any of these skins and is, therefore, unavailable at this time.","createdAt":"2022-07-05T02:46:37+0200"},{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"Fixed in the next revision. We can't add new skin types in the selection menu without the client update, but it'll be available as donation reward or a reputation reward in the later content :)","createdAt":"2022-07-16T13:12:50+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-03T10:25:57+0200","number":1539,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Human Female Face Customization Option Missing","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\n\r\nA human female face customization opition shown in a screen shot on the website under new character customizations linked here: https://www.turtle-wow.org/images/skins/unknown%20(9).png is missing in game.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Create new human female\r\n2. Face from website is missing\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nPlease add the face. Sorry if this doesn't count as a real bug. I just really like the face and want to use it! <3\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-07-16T13:12:51+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-16T13:12:50+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"Nathan2403"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"Lexiebean"},"body":"Working as intended","createdAt":"2023-02-27T12:36:54+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-03T03:59:46+0200","number":1538,"labels":"Dungeons & Raids, NPC","state":"CLOSED","title":"Farming Sand in BWL is not possible ","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nOur BWL raid cleared to Chromag and then went to farm sand from the pack we had skipped. After killing the Blackwing Technicians and resetting the pack, the goblins did not respawn.\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Kill the Goblin Technicians\r\n2. Reset the pack by jumping on a barrel or leaving the instance\r\n\r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=13996\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n\r\nIf a single npc from one of these packs lives, then the whole pack should respawn. After killing the goblins and resetting the rest, the goblins should respawn.","updatedAt":"2023-02-27T12:36:55+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2023-02-27T12:36:54+0100"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"usedcars4cheap"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"PvP flag is the same in normal PvP mode and in War Mode, sorry, I couldn't reproduce this bug!","createdAt":"2022-07-10T00:01:57+0200"},{"author":{"login":"magzys"},"body":"I just encountered this bug. Stood on a tower for 5-10 minutes as a warmode player. was curious as to why the bar wasn't coming up. Found this page, and typed /pvp and it poped up and started capping. going to 2nd tower as we speak.","createdAt":"2023-03-20T01:41:06+0100"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-02T22:56:45+0200","number":1537,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Quest: \"Establishing New Outposts\" - Warmode PVP Flag doesn't count","body":"For the quest \"Establishing New Outposts\", where Alliance players are tasked with taking control of all four Eastern Plaguelands towers:\r\nhttps://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=9664\r\n\r\nCredit is not granted to players pvp flagged under Warmode - they must manually flag up to receive quest credit.\r\nUnsure if intended.","updatedAt":"2023-03-20T01:41:06+0100","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-10T00:01:57+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"freddemannen"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"gorxen"},"body":"confirming, this bug has been present for over a year now.","createdAt":"2022-07-14T19:54:43+0200"},{"author":{"login":"redmagejoe"},"body":"Encountered this bug today. It seems that using the activation a third time after the second attempt fails to activate, the event starts as normal. Something is not triggering properly on the second activation that is apparently resolved by the third.","createdAt":"2022-07-20T05:24:58+0200"},{"author":{"login":"ratkosrb"},"body":"Actually you should not be able to restart the event after failing. You only get 1 chance. I tested on Classic and you have to reset the dungeon to attempt the Avatar of Hakkar event again after dying. However if you die after Hakkar has already been summoned and becomes attackable, he does not despawn on evade, and you can run back in and kill him, as the event itself is considered complete at that point.","createdAt":"2022-07-27T05:26:21+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-02T02:15:04+0200","number":1536,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"Cant restart Avatar of Hakkar encounter","body":"**Please, provide a clear description what the bug is:**\r\nWhen you fail the Avatar of Hakkar encounter, on the quest The God Hakkar the mobs wont spawn again when you use the [Egg of Hakkar] which has a 5min CD, and you cant get out of the gates.\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Mobs wont spawn after you use the egg again, you just see the green glow on the ground.\r\n2. Gates stay closed so you have to use hearthstone.\r\n3. \r\n\r\n**IDs of affected creatures, items, quests or spells with a link to the relevant page:**\r\n\r\nNPC: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?npc=\r\nItem: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?item=\r\nQuest: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=\r\nSpell: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?spell=\r\nObject: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?object=\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\n","updatedAt":"2022-10-22T00:18:21+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-10-22T00:18:21+0200"},{"assignees":[],"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"comments":[{"author":{"login":"slowtorta"},"body":"This will be fixed in the upcoming patch 1.16.1!","createdAt":"2022-07-10T16:28:23+0200"},{"author":{"login":"JoLiKMC"},"body":"**This has not been fixed as of v1.16.1.**\r\n\r\nThe \"character creation preview\" weapons and the actual weapons a high elf gets upon finalization are still _entirely different_.\r\n\r\n**Relevant image:**\r\n![116-1_HelfWeaponry](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/102710555/180888227-acd05618-9584-43b4-9c4b-e9522f6efc37.jpg)","createdAt":"2022-07-26T00:58:10+0200"}],"createdAt":"2022-07-02T02:14:54+0200","number":1535,"labels":"","state":"CLOSED","title":"High Elf Starting Weapon Inconsistency","body":"Greetings. I'm here to report a bug that seems to have slipped under the radar.\r\n\r\nWhen creating a High Elf character, the characters are equipped with one kind of weapon, but when the character is finalized, they end up with something else. Which this is largely a \"cosmetic\" thing, there are a couple of cases in the weapons aren't even equivalent to each other. One weapon model, in particular, also doesn't appear to be in the game anywhere else.\r\n\r\nHere are the weapons that appear in the Character Creator, followed by what the player actually ends up with:\r\n\r\nWarrior\r\n**Scratched Claymore** -> Worn Shortsword, Worn Thalassian Shield\r\n\r\nHunter\r\n**Scuffed Dagger** -> Worn Dagger\r\n\r\nRogue\r\n**Scuffed Dagger** -> Worn Dagger\r\n\r\nPriest\r\n**Blackrock Mace** (?) -> Worn Mace\r\n(The weapon in question _looks_ like a Blackrock Mace. No other model in Vanilla matches it.)\r\n\r\nMage\r\n**Apprentice's Staff** (?) -> Bent Staff\r\n(The weapon in question _looks_ like the Apprentice's Staff from _The Burning Crusade._ No other model in Vanilla matches it.)\r\n\r\nPaladin\r\n**Scratched Claymore** -> Battleworn Bastard Sword\r\n\r\n**Steps to reproduce the behavior with as much detail as possible:**\r\n\r\n1. Log in to _Turtle WoW_ using the official game client.\r\n2. Click \"Create New Character\".\r\n3. Select \"High Elf\" for the race. Gender, Class, and Name don't matter.\r\n4. Take note of the weapon in the character's hand, then click \"Accept\".\r\n5. Examine the newly-created character. The weapon they start with is different from what was shown in Step 4.\r\n\r\n**Expected behavior. Describe how it should work:**\r\nSimply put, unless _Turtle WoW_ is implementing some sort of \"This is how your character _could_ look\" system like Retail has, the characters should begin life with the weapons they were displayed with in the Character Creation screen. And that's it.","updatedAt":"2022-07-26T00:58:10+0200","milestone":null,"closedAt":"2022-07-10T16:28:23+0200"}]