
1359 lines
53 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import asyncio
import collections
import json
import os
import re
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
from contextlib import closing
from re import RegexFlag
import aiohttp
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
import numpy as np
import openai
from behave import step
from behave.api.async_step import async_run_until_complete
from prometheus_client import parser
@step("a server listening on {server_fqdn}:{server_port}")
def step_server_config(context, server_fqdn, server_port):
context.server_fqdn = server_fqdn
context.server_port = int(server_port)
context.n_threads = None
context.n_gpu_layer = None
if 'PORT' in os.environ:
context.server_port = int(os.environ['PORT'])
print(f"$PORT set, overriding server port with to {context.server_port}")
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
if 'FQDN' in os.environ:
context.server_fqdn = os.environ['FQDN']
print(f"$FQDN set, overriding server fqdn with to {context.server_fqdn}")
if 'N_GPU_LAYERS' in os.environ:
context.n_gpu_layer = int(os.environ['N_GPU_LAYERS'])
print(f"$N_GPU_LAYERS set, overriding n_gpu_layer with to {context.n_gpu_layer}")
context.base_url = f'http://{context.server_fqdn}:{context.server_port}'
context.model_alias = None
context.model_file = None
context.model_hf_repo = None
context.model_hf_file = None
context.model_url = None
context.n_batch = None
context.n_ubatch = None
context.n_ctx = None
context.n_ga = None
context.n_ga_w = None
context.n_predict = None
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = 0
context.n_server_predict = None
context.slot_save_path = None
context.id_slot = None
context.cache_prompt = None
context.n_slots = None
context.prompt_prefix = None
context.prompt_suffix = None
context.server_api_key = None
context.server_continuous_batching = False
context.server_embeddings = False
context.server_metrics = False
context.server_process = None
context.seed = None
context.draft = None
context.server_seed = None
context.user_api_key = None
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
context.response_format = None
context.temperature = None
context.tasks_result = []
context.concurrent_tasks = []
context.prompts = []
@step('a model file {hf_file} from HF repo {hf_repo}')
def step_download_hf_model(context, hf_file, hf_repo):
context.model_hf_repo = hf_repo
context.model_hf_file = hf_file
context.model_file = os.path.basename(hf_file)
@step('a model file {model_file}')
def step_model_file(context, model_file):
context.model_file = model_file
@step('a model url {model_url}')
def step_model_url(context, model_url):
context.model_url = model_url
@step('a model alias {model_alias}')
def step_model_alias(context, model_alias):
context.model_alias = model_alias
@step('{seed:d} as server seed')
def step_seed(context, seed):
context.server_seed = seed
@step('{ngl:d} GPU offloaded layers')
def step_n_gpu_layer(context, ngl):
if 'N_GPU_LAYERS' in os.environ:
new_ngl = int(os.environ['N_GPU_LAYERS'])
if context.debug:
print(f"-ngl upgraded from {ngl} to {new_ngl}")
ngl = new_ngl
context.n_gpu_layer = ngl
@step('{n_threads:d} threads')
def step_n_threads(context, n_threads):
context.n_thread = n_threads
@step('{draft:d} as draft')
def step_draft(context, draft):
context.draft = draft
@step('{n_ctx:d} KV cache size')
def step_n_ctx(context, n_ctx):
context.n_ctx = n_ctx
@step('{n_slots:d} slots')
def step_n_slots(context, n_slots):
context.n_slots = n_slots
@step('{n_predict:d} server max tokens to predict')
def step_server_n_predict(context, n_predict):
context.n_server_predict = n_predict
@step('{slot_save_path} as slot save path')
def step_slot_save_path(context, slot_save_path):
context.slot_save_path = slot_save_path
@step('using slot id {id_slot:d}')
def step_id_slot(context, id_slot):
context.id_slot = id_slot
@step('prompt caching is enabled')
def step_enable_prompt_cache(context):
context.cache_prompt = True
@step('continuous batching')
def step_server_continuous_batching(context):
context.server_continuous_batching = True
@step('embeddings extraction')
def step_server_embeddings(context):
context.server_embeddings = True
@step('prometheus compatible metrics exposed')
def step_server_metrics(context):
context.server_metrics = True
@step("the server is starting")
def step_start_server(context):
attempts = 0
max_attempts = 20
if 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in os.environ:
max_attempts *= 2
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(context.server_fqdn, context.server_port, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
family, typ, proto, _, sockaddr = addrs[0]
while True:
with closing(socket.socket(family, typ, proto)) as sock:
result = sock.connect_ex(sockaddr)
if result == 0:
print("\x1b[33;46mserver started!\x1b[0m")
attempts += 1
if attempts > max_attempts:
assert False, "server not started"
print(f"waiting for server to start, connect error code = {result}...")
@step("the server is {expecting_status}")
async def step_wait_for_the_server_to_be_started(context, expecting_status):
match expecting_status:
case 'healthy':
await wait_for_health_status(context, context.base_url, 200, 'ok',
case 'ready' | 'idle':
await wait_for_health_status(context, context.base_url, 200, 'ok',
params={'fail_on_no_slot': 0, 'include_slots': 0},
expected_slots=[{'id': slot_id, 'state': 0}
for slot_id in
range(context.n_slots if context.n_slots else 1)])
case 'busy':
await wait_for_health_status(context, context.base_url, 503,
'no slot available',
params={'fail_on_no_slot': 0, 'include_slots': 0},
expected_slots=[{'id': slot_id, 'state': 1}
for slot_id in
range(context.n_slots if context.n_slots else 1)])
case _:
assert False, "unknown status"
@step('all slots are {expected_slot_status_string}')
async def step_all_slots_status(context, expected_slot_status_string):
match expected_slot_status_string:
case 'idle':
expected_slot_status = 0
case 'busy':
expected_slot_status = 1
case _:
assert False, "unknown status"
expected_slots = [{'id': slot_id, 'state': expected_slot_status}
for slot_id in range(context.n_slots)]
await request_slots_status(context, expected_slots)
@step('a completion request with {api_error} api error')
async def step_request_completion(context, api_error):
expect_api_error = api_error == 'raised'
seeds = await completions_seed(context, num_seeds=1)
completion = await request_completion(context.prompts.pop(),
seeds[0] if seeds is not None else seeds,
if context.debug:
print(f"Completion response: {completion}")
if expect_api_error:
assert completion == 401, f"completion must be an 401 status code: {completion}"
@step('{predicted_n:d} tokens are predicted matching {re_content}')
def step_n_tokens_predicted_with_content(context, predicted_n, re_content):
context.completion = context.tasks_result.pop()
assert_n_tokens_predicted(context.completion, predicted_n, re_content)
@step('{predicted_n:d} tokens are predicted')
def step_n_tokens_predicted(context, predicted_n):
context.completion = context.tasks_result.pop()
assert_n_tokens_predicted(context.completion, predicted_n)
@step('all predictions are equal')
async def step_predictions_equal(context):
n_completions = await gather_tasks_results(context)
assert n_completions >= 2, "need at least 2 completions"
context.tasks_result = []
@step('all predictions are different')
async def step_predictions_different(context):
n_completions = await gather_tasks_results(context)
assert n_completions >= 2, "need at least 2 completions"
context.tasks_result = []
@step('all token probabilities are equal')
async def step_token_probabilities_equal(context):
n_completions = await gather_tasks_results(context)
assert n_completions >= 2, "need at least 2 completions"
context.tasks_result = []
@step('the completion is truncated')
def step_assert_completion_truncated(context):
step_assert_completion_truncated(context, '')
@step('the completion is {truncated} truncated')
def step_assert_completion_truncated(context, truncated):
truncated = truncated != "not"
assert context.completion['truncated'] == truncated, f'{context.completion}'
@step('{n_prompt:d} prompt tokens are processed')
def step_impl(context, n_prompt):
assert n_prompt < 0 or n_prompt == context.completion['timings']['prompt_n'], f"n_prompt={context.completion['timings']['prompt_n']}"
@step('a user prompt {user_prompt}')
def step_user_prompt(context, user_prompt):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
@step('a system prompt {system_prompt}')
def step_system_prompt(context, system_prompt):
context.system_prompt = system_prompt
@step('a model {model}')
def step_model(context, model):
context.model = model
@step('{max_tokens:d} max tokens to predict')
def step_max_tokens(context, max_tokens):
context.n_predict = max_tokens
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
@step('a response format {response_format}')
def step_response_format(context, response_format):
context.response_format = json.loads(response_format)
@step('{temperature:f} temperature')
def step_temperature(context, temperature):
context.temperature = temperature
@step('streaming is {enable_streaming}')
def step_streaming(context, enable_streaming):
context.enable_streaming = enable_streaming == 'enabled'
@step('a user api key {user_api_key}')
def step_user_api_key(context, user_api_key):
context.user_api_key = user_api_key
@step('no user api key')
def step_no_user_api_key(context):
context.user_api_key = None
@step('a user api key ')
def step_no_user_api_key_space(context):
context.user_api_key = None
@step('a server api key {server_api_key}')
def step_server_api_key(context, server_api_key):
context.server_api_key = server_api_key
@step('{n_junk:d} as number of junk')
def step_n_junk(context, n_junk):
context.n_junk = n_junk
@step('{n_batch:d} as batch size')
def step_n_batch(context, n_batch):
context.n_batch = n_batch
@step('{n_ubatch:d} as ubatch size')
def step_n_ubatch(context, n_ubatch):
context.n_ubatch = n_ubatch
@step('{seed:d} as seed')
def step_seed(context, seed):
if context.seed is None:
context.seed = [seed]
@step('BOS token is {bos:d}')
def step_bos_token(context, bos):
context.bos = bos
@step('a prefix prompt')
def step_prompt_prefix(context):
context.prompt_prefix = context_text(context)
@step('a junk suffix prompt')
def step_prompt_junk_suffix(context):
context.prompt_junk_suffix = context_text(context)
@step('a suffix prompt')
def step_prompt_suffix(context):
context.prompt_suffix = context_text(context)
@step('{n_ga:d} group attention factor'
' to extend context size through self-extend')
def step_impl(context, n_ga):
context.n_ga = n_ga
@step('{n_ga_w:d} group attention width to extend context size through self-extend')
def step_impl(context, n_ga_w):
context.n_ga_w = n_ga_w
@step('a passkey prompt template')
def step_prompt_passkey(context):
context.prompt_passkey = context_text(context)
@step('{n_prompts:d} fixed prompts')
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
def step_fixed_prompts(context, n_prompts):
context.prompts.extend([str(0)*(context.n_batch if context.n_batch is not None else 512) for i in range(n_prompts)])
context.n_prompts = n_prompts
@step('a "{passkey}" passkey challenge prompt with the passkey inserted every {i_pos:d} junk')
def step_prompt_passkey(context, passkey, i_pos):
prompt = ""
for i in range(context.n_junk):
if i % context.n_junk == i_pos:
prompt += context.prompt_passkey # the passkey is already substituted
prompt += context.prompt_junk_suffix
if context.debug:
passkey_highlight = "\x1b[33m" + passkey + "\x1b[0m"
print(f"Passkey challenge:\n```{prompt.replace(passkey, passkey_highlight)}```")
context.prompts.append(context.prompt_prefix + prompt + context.prompt_suffix)
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
@step('an OAI compatible chat completions request with {api_error} api error')
async def step_oai_chat_completions(context, api_error):
if context.debug:
print(f"Submitting OAI compatible completions request...")
expect_api_error = api_error == 'raised'
seeds = await completions_seed(context, num_seeds=1),
completion = await oai_chat_completions(context.prompts.pop(),
seeds[0] if seeds is not None else seeds,
model=context.model if hasattr(context, 'model') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'n_predict') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'enable_streaming') else None,
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
if hasattr(context, 'response_format') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'user_api_key') else None,
if context.debug:
print(f"Completion response: {completion}")
if expect_api_error:
assert completion == 401, f"completion must be an 401 status code: {completion}"
if context.debug:
print(f"Completion response: {completion}")
@step('a prompt')
def step_a_prompt(context):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
@step('a prompt {prompt}')
def step_a_prompt_prompt(context, prompt):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
@step('{num_prompts:d} prompts {prompt} with seed {seed:d}')
def step_many_prompts(context, num_prompts, prompt, seed):
if context.seed is None:
context.seed = []
for _ in range(num_prompts):
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
@step('concurrent completion requests')
async def step_concurrent_completion_requests(context):
await concurrent_requests(
# prompt is inserted automatically
n_predict=context.n_predict if hasattr(context, 'n_predict') else None,
user_api_key=context.user_api_key if hasattr(context, 'user_api_key') else None,
@step('concurrent OAI completions requests')
async def step_oai_chat_completions(context):
await concurrent_requests(context, oai_chat_completions,
# user_prompt is inserted automatically
True, # async_client
if hasattr(context, 'model') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'n_predict') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'enable_streaming') else None,
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
if hasattr(context, 'response_format') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'user_api_key') else None)
@step('concurrent OAI completions requests no v1')
async def step_oai_chat_completions(context):
await concurrent_requests(context, oai_chat_completions,
# user_prompt is inserted automatically
True, # async_client
if hasattr(context, 'model') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'n_predict') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'enable_streaming') else None,
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
if hasattr(context, 'response_format') else None,
if hasattr(context, 'user_api_key') else None)
@step('all prompts are predicted')
async def step_all_prompts_are_predicted(context):
await all_prompts_are_predicted(context)
@step('all prompts are predicted with {n_expected_predicted:d} tokens')
async def step_all_prompts_are_predicted_with_n_tokens(context, n_expected_predicted):
await all_prompts_are_predicted(context, n_expected_predicted)
async def all_prompts_are_predicted(context, expected_predicted_n=None):
n_completions = await gather_tasks_results(context)
assert n_completions > 0
for i in range(n_completions):
assert_n_tokens_predicted(context.tasks_result.pop(), expected_predicted_n=expected_predicted_n)
assert len(context.concurrent_tasks) == 0, f"{len(context.concurrent_tasks)} pending requests"
@step('embeddings are computed for')
async def step_compute_embedding(context):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = 1
context.embeddings = await request_embedding(context_text(context), None, base_url=context.base_url)
@step('all embeddings are the same')
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
async def step_all_embeddings_are_the_same(context):
n_embedding_requests = await gather_tasks_results(context)
assert n_embedding_requests > 0
embeddings = []
for i in range(n_embedding_requests):
embedding = context.tasks_result.pop().pop()
n = len(embeddings)
for i in range(n-1):
for j in range(i+1, n):
embedding1 = np.array(embeddings[i])
embedding2 = np.array(embeddings[j])
if context.debug:
print(f"embedding1: {embedding1[-8:]}")
print(f"embedding2: {embedding2[-8:]}")
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
similarity = np.dot(embedding1, embedding2) / (np.linalg.norm(embedding1) * np.linalg.norm(embedding2))
msg = f"Similarity between {i} and {j}: {similarity:.10f}"
if context.debug:
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
assert np.isclose(similarity, 1.0, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False), msg
@step('embeddings are generated')
def step_assert_embeddings(context):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
assert context.n_prompts == len(context.embeddings), (f"unexpected response:\n"
for embedding in context.embeddings:
@step('an OAI compatible embeddings computation request for')
async def step_oai_compute_embeddings(context):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = 1
context.embeddings = await request_oai_embeddings(context_text(context), None,
@step('an OAI compatible embeddings computation request for multiple inputs')
async def step_oai_compute_embeddings_multiple_inputs(context):
context.embeddings = await request_oai_embeddings(context.prompts, None,
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
@step('concurrent embedding requests')
async def step_concurrent_embedding_requests(context):
await concurrent_requests(context,
# prompt is inserted automatically
@step('concurrent OAI embedding requests')
async def step_concurrent_oai_embedding_requests(context):
await concurrent_requests(context,
# prompt is inserted automatically
@step('all embeddings are generated')
async def all_embeddings_are_generated(context):
n_embedding_requests = await gather_tasks_results(context)
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
assert n_embedding_requests == context.n_prompts
for i in range(n_embedding_requests):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
@step('adding special tokens')
def step_tokenize_set_add_special(context):
context.tokenize_add_special = True
async def step_tokenize(context):
context.tokenized_text = context_text(context)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
tokenize_args = {
"content": context.tokenized_text,
if getattr(context, 'tokenize_add_special', None) is not None:
tokenize_args['add_special'] = context.tokenize_add_special
async with session.post(f'{context.base_url}/tokenize',
json=tokenize_args) as response:
assert response.status == 200
tokenize_json = await response.json()
context.tokens = tokenize_json['tokens']
@step('tokens can be detokenized')
async def step_detokenize(context):
assert len(context.tokens) > 0
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{context.base_url}/detokenize',
"tokens": context.tokens,
}) as response:
assert response.status == 200
detokenize_json = await response.json()
# SPM tokenizer adds a whitespace prefix: https://github.com/google/sentencepiece/issues/15
assert context.tokenized_text == detokenize_json['content'].strip()
@step('tokens begin with BOS')
def step_strings_for_tokenization(context):
assert context.tokens[0] == context.bos
@step('tokens do not begin with BOS')
def step_strings_for_tokenization(context):
assert context.tokens[0] != context.bos
@step('first token is removed')
def step_strings_for_tokenization(context):
context.tokens = context.tokens[1:]
@step('an OPTIONS request is sent from {origin}')
async def step_options_request(context, origin):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {context.user_api_key}', 'Origin': origin}
async with session.options(f'{context.base_url}/v1/chat/completions',
headers=headers) as response:
assert response.status == 200
context.options_response = response
@step('CORS header {cors_header} is set to {cors_header_value}')
def step_check_options_header_value(context, cors_header, cors_header_value):
assert context.options_response.headers[cors_header] == cors_header_value
@step('prometheus metrics are exposed')
async def step_prometheus_metrics_exported(context):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with await session.get(f'{context.base_url}/metrics') as metrics_response:
assert metrics_response.status == 200
assert metrics_response.headers['Content-Type'] == "text/plain; version=0.0.4"
metrics_raw = await metrics_response.text()
metric_exported = False
if context.debug:
print(f"/metrics answer:\n{metrics_raw}")
context.metrics = {}
for metric in parser.text_string_to_metric_families(metrics_raw):
match metric.name:
case "llamacpp:kv_cache_usage_ratio":
assert len(metric.samples) > 0
metric_exported = True
context.metrics[metric.name] = metric
assert int(metrics_response.headers["Process-Start-Time-Unix"]) > 0, "no header process start time"
assert metric_exported, "No metrics exported"
@step('metric {metric_name} is {metric_value:d}')
def step_assert_metric_value(context, metric_name, metric_value):
if metric_name not in context.metrics:
assert False, f"no metric {metric_name} in {context.metrics.keys()}"
assert context.metrics[metric_name].samples[0].value == metric_value, f"metric: {context.metrics[metric_name]}"
@step('available models')
def step_available_models(context):
# openai client always expects an api_key
openai.api_key = context.user_api_key if context.user_api_key is not None else 'nope'
openai.api_base = f'{context.base_url}/v1'
context.models = openai.Model.list().data
@step('{n_model:d} models are supported')
def step_supported_models(context, n_model):
if context.debug:
print("server models available:", context.models)
assert len(context.models) == n_model
@step('model {i_model:d} is {param} {preposition} {param_value}')
def step_supported_models(context, i_model, param, preposition, param_value):
assert i_model < len(context.models)
model = context.models[i_model]
param_value = param_value.split(' ', 1)[0]
match param:
case 'identified':
value = model.id
case 'trained':
value = str(model.meta.n_ctx_train)
case _:
assert False, "param {param} not supported"
assert param_value == value, f"model param {param} {value} != {param_value}"
async def concurrent_requests(context, f_completion, *args, **kwargs):
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
context.n_prompts = len(context.prompts)
if context.debug:
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
print(f"starting {context.n_prompts} concurrent completion requests...")
assert context.n_prompts > 0
seeds = await completions_seed(context)
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
for prompt_no in range(context.n_prompts):
shifted_args = [context.prompts.pop(), seeds[prompt_no], *args]
context.concurrent_tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(f_completion(*shifted_args, **kwargs)))
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
@step('the slot {slot_id:d} is saved with filename "{filename}"')
async def step_save_slot(context, slot_id, filename):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{context.base_url}/slots/{slot_id}?action=save',
json={"filename": filename},
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) as response:
context.response = response
@step('the slot {slot_id:d} is restored with filename "{filename}"')
async def step_restore_slot(context, slot_id, filename):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{context.base_url}/slots/{slot_id}?action=restore',
json={"filename": filename},
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) as response:
context.response = response
@step('the slot {slot_id:d} is erased')
async def step_erase_slot(context, slot_id):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{context.base_url}/slots/{slot_id}?action=erase',
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) as response:
context.response = response
@step('the server responds with status code {status_code:d}')
def step_server_responds_with_status_code(context, status_code):
assert context.response.status == status_code
async def request_completion(prompt,
if debug:
print(f"Sending completion request: {prompt}")
origin = "my.super.domain"
headers = {
'Origin': origin
if user_api_key is not None:
if debug:
print(f"Set user_api_key: {user_api_key}")
headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {user_api_key}'
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{base_url}/completion',
"input_prefix": prompt_prefix,
"prompt": prompt,
"input_suffix": prompt_suffix,
"n_predict": n_predict if n_predict is not None else -1,
"cache_prompt": cache_prompt,
"id_slot": id_slot,
"seed": seed if seed is not None else 42,
"temperature": temperature if temperature is not None else 0.8,
"n_probs": 2,
timeout=3600) as response:
if expect_api_error is None or not expect_api_error:
assert response.status == 200
assert response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == origin
return await response.json()
return response.status
async def oai_chat_completions(user_prompt,
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
if debug:
print(f"Sending OAI Chat completions request: {user_prompt}")
# openai client always expects an api key
user_api_key = user_api_key if user_api_key is not None else 'nope'
seed = seed if seed is not None else 42
enable_streaming = enable_streaming if enable_streaming is not None else False
payload = {
"messages": [
"role": "system",
"content": system_prompt,
"role": "user",
"content": user_prompt,
"model": model,
"max_tokens": n_predict,
"stream": enable_streaming,
"temperature": temperature if temperature is not None else 0.0,
"seed": seed,
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
if response_format is not None:
payload['response_format'] = response_format
completion_response = {
'content': '',
'timings': {
'predicted_n': 0,
'prompt_n': 0
if async_client:
origin = 'llama.cpp'
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_api_key}', 'Origin': origin}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{base_url}{base_path}',
headers=headers) as response:
if enable_streaming:
assert response.status == 200
assert response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == origin
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == "text/event-stream"
event_received = True
while event_received:
event_received = False
async for line_in_bytes in response.content:
convert-hf : save memory with lazy evaluation (#7075) * convert-hf : begin refactoring write_tensor * convert : upgrade to sentencepiece v0.2.0 * convert-hf : remove unused n_dims in extra_*_tensors * convert-hf : simplify MoE weights stacking * convert-hf : flake8 linter doesn't like semicolons * convert-hf : allow unusual model part names For example, loading `model-00001-of-00001.safetensors` now works. * convert-hf : fix stacking MoE expert tensors `torch.stack` and `torch.cat` don't do the same thing. * convert-hf : fix Mamba conversion Tested to work even with a SentencePiece-based tokenizer. * convert : use a string for the SentencePiece tokenizer path * convert-hf : display tensor shape * convert-hf : convert norms to f32 by default * convert-hf : sort model part names `os.listdir` is said to list files in arbitrary order. Sorting the file names should let "model-00009-of-00042.safetensors" be loaded before "model-00010-of-00042.safetensors". * convert-hf : use an ABC for Model again It seems Protocol can't be used as a statically type-checked ABC, because its subclasses also can't be instantiated. (why did it seem to work?) At least there's still a way to throw an error when forgetting to define the `model_arch` property of any registered Model subclasses. * convert-hf : use a plain class for Model, and forbid direct instantiation There are no abstract methods used anyway, so using ABC isn't really necessary. * convert-hf : more consistent formatting of cmdline args * convert-hf : align the message logged for converted tensors * convert-hf : fix Refact conversion * convert-hf : save memory with lazy evaluation * convert-hf : flake8 doesn't like lowercase L as a variable name * convert-hf : remove einops requirement for InternLM2 * convert-hf : faster model parts loading Instead of pre-loading them all into a dict, iterate on the tensors in the model parts progressively as needed in Model.write_tensors Conversion for some architectures relies on checking for the presence of specific tensor names, so for multi-part models, the weight map is read from the relevant json file to quickly get these names up-front. * convert-hf : minor changes for consistency * gguf-py : add tqdm as a dependency It's small, and used for a progress bar in GGUFWriter.write_tensors_to_file
2024-05-08 22:16:38 +00:00
line = line_in_bytes.decode('utf-8')
line = line.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')
if line == '':
event_data = line.split(': ', 1)
assert event_data[0] == 'data', f'Bad event code received: ```{event_data}```'
chunk_raw = event_data[1]
chunk = json.loads(chunk_raw)
assert len(chunk['choices']) == 1, f"no choices provided, line ```{line}```"
delta = chunk['choices'][0]['delta']
if 'content' in delta:
completion_response['content'] += delta['content']
completion_response['timings']['predicted_n'] += 1
if expect_api_error is None or not expect_api_error:
assert response.status == 200
assert response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == origin
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == "application/json; charset=utf-8"
chat_completion_raw = await response.json()
completion_response = {
'content': chat_completion_raw['choices'][0]['message'],
'timings': {
'predicted_n': chat_completion_raw['usage']['completion_tokens'],
'prompt_n': chat_completion_raw['usage']['prompt_tokens']
return response.status
openai.api_key = user_api_key
openai.api_base = f'{base_url}{base_path}'
chat_completion = openai.Completion.create(
json-schema-to-grammar improvements (+ added to server) (#5978) * json: fix arrays (disallow `[,1]`) * json: support tuple types (`[number, string]`) * json: support additionalProperties (`{[k: string]: [string,number][]}`) * json: support required / optional properties * json: add support for pattern * json: resolve $ref (and support https schema urls) * json: fix $ref resolution * join: support union types (mostly for nullable types I think) * json: support allOf + nested anyOf * json: support any (`{}` or `{type: object}`) * json: fix merge * json: temp fix for escapes * json: spaces in output and unrestricted output spaces * json: add typings * json:fix typo * Create ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: fix _format_literal (json.dumps already escapes quotes) * json: merge lit sequences and handle negatives {"type": "string", "pattern": "^({\"question\": \"[^\"]+\", \"response\": \"[^\"]+\"}\\n)+$"} * json: handle pattern repetitions * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * Create regex-to-grammar.py * json: extract repeated regexp patterns to subrule * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * json: handle schema from pydantic Optional fields * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update json-schema-to-grammar.py * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: simplify nullable fields handling * json: accept duplicate identical rules * json: revert space to 1 at most * json: reuse regexp pattern subrules * json: handle uuid string format * json: fix literal escapes * json: add --allow-fetch * json: simplify range escapes * json: support negative ranges in patterns * Delete commit.txt * json: custom regex parser, adds dot support & JS-portable * json: rm trailing spaces * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs * json: updated server & chat `( cd examples/server && ./deps.sh )` * json: port fixes from mjs to python * Update ts-type-to-grammar.sh * json: support prefixItems alongside array items * json: add date format + fix uuid * json: add date, time, date-time formats * json: preserve order of props from TS defs * json: port schema converter to C++, wire in ./server * json: nits * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * Update json-schema-to-grammar.cpp * json: fix mjs implementation + align outputs * Update json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp * json: test C++, JS & Python versions * json: nits + regen deps * json: cleanup test * json: revert from c++17 to 11 * json: nit fixes * json: dirty include for test * json: fix zig build * json: pass static command to std::system in tests (fixed temp files) * json: fix top-level $refs * json: don't use c++20 designated initializers * nit * json: basic support for reserved names `{number:{number:{root:number}}}` * Revamp test cmake to allow args (WORKING_DIRECTORY needed for JSON test) * json: re-ran server deps.sh * json: simplify test * json: support mix of additional props & required/optional * json: add tests for some expected failures * json: fix type=const in c++, add failure expectations for non-str const&enum * json: test (& simplify output of) empty schema * json: check parsing in test + fix value & string refs * json: add server tests for OAI JSON response_format * json: test/fix top-level anyOf * json: improve grammar parsing failures * json: test/fix additional props corner cases * json: fix string patterns (was missing quotes) * json: ws nit * json: fix json handling in server when there's no response_format * json: catch schema conversion errors in server * json: don't complain about unknown format type in server if unset * json: cleaner build of test * json: create examples/json-schema-pydantic-example.py * json: fix date pattern * json: move json.hpp & json-schema-to-grammar.{cpp,h} to common * json: indent 4 spaces * json: fix naming of top-level c++ function (+ drop unused one) * json: avoid using namespace std * json: fix zig build * Update server.feature * json: iostream -> fprintf * json: space before & refs for consistency * json: nits
2024-03-21 11:50:43 +00:00
except openai.error.AuthenticationError as e:
if expect_api_error is not None and expect_api_error:
return 401
assert False, f'error raised: {e}'
if enable_streaming:
for chunk in chat_completion:
assert len(chunk.choices) == 1
delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
if 'content' in delta:
completion_response['content'] += delta['content']
completion_response['timings']['predicted_n'] += 1
completion_response['truncated'] = chunk.choices[0].finish_reason != 'stop'
assert len(chat_completion.choices) == 1
completion_response = {
'content': chat_completion.choices[0].message.content,
'timings': {
'predicted_n': chat_completion.usage.completion_tokens,
'prompt_n': chat_completion.usage.prompt_tokens
'truncated': chat_completion.choices[0].finish_reason != 'stop'
if debug:
print("OAI response formatted to llama.cpp:", completion_response)
return completion_response
async def request_embedding(content, seed, base_url=None):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{base_url}/embedding',
"content": content,
}) as response:
assert response.status == 200
response_json = await response.json()
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
return [response_json['embedding']]
async def request_oai_embeddings(input, seed,
base_url=None, user_api_key=None,
model=None, async_client=False):
# openai client always expects an api_key
user_api_key = user_api_key if user_api_key is not None else 'nope'
if async_client:
origin = 'llama.cpp'
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
if user_api_key is not None:
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {user_api_key}', 'Origin': origin}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(f'{base_url}/v1/embeddings',
"input": input,
"model": model,
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
timeout=3600) as response:
assert response.status == 200, f"received status code not expected: {response.status}"
assert response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == origin
assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == "application/json; charset=utf-8"
response_json = await response.json()
assert response_json['model'] == model, f"invalid model received: {response_json['model']}"
assert response_json['object'] == 'list'
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
if isinstance(input, collections.abc.Sequence):
embeddings = []
for an_oai_embeddings in response_json['data']:
embeddings = [response_json['data']['embedding']]
return embeddings
openai.api_key = user_api_key
openai.api_base = f'{base_url}/v1'
oai_embeddings = openai.Embedding.create(
if isinstance(input, collections.abc.Sequence):
embeddings = []
for an_oai_embeddings in oai_embeddings.data:
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
embeddings = [oai_embeddings.data.embedding]
return embeddings
def assert_n_tokens_predicted(completion_response, expected_predicted_n=None, re_content=None):
content = completion_response['content']
n_predicted = completion_response['timings']['predicted_n']
assert len(content) > 0, "no token predicted"
if re_content is not None:
p = re.compile(re_content, flags=RegexFlag.IGNORECASE | RegexFlag.MULTILINE | RegexFlag.DOTALL)
matches = p.finditer(content)
last_match = 0
highlighted = ''
for match in matches:
start, end = match.span()
highlighted += content[last_match: start]
highlighted += '\x1b[33m'
highlighted += content[start: end]
highlighted += '\x1b[0m'
last_match = end
highlighted += content[last_match:]
if 'DEBUG' in os.environ and os.environ['DEBUG'] == 'ON':
print(f"Checking completion response: {highlighted}")
assert last_match > 0, f'/{re_content}/ must match ```{highlighted}```'
if expected_predicted_n and expected_predicted_n > 0:
assert n_predicted == expected_predicted_n, (f'invalid number of tokens predicted:'
f' {n_predicted} <> {expected_predicted_n}')
def assert_all_predictions_equal(completion_responses):
if 'DEBUG' in os.environ and os.environ['DEBUG'] == 'ON':
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
content_i = response_i['content']
print(f"content {i}: {content_i}")
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
content_i = response_i['content']
for j, response_j in enumerate(completion_responses):
if i == j:
content_j = response_j['content']
assert content_i == content_j, "contents not equal"
def assert_all_predictions_different(completion_responses):
if 'DEBUG' in os.environ and os.environ['DEBUG'] == 'ON':
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
content_i = response_i['content']
print(f"content {i}: {content_i}")
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
content_i = response_i['content']
for j, response_j in enumerate(completion_responses):
if i == j:
content_j = response_j['content']
assert content_i != content_j, "contents not different"
def assert_all_token_probabilities_equal(completion_responses):
n_predict = len(completion_responses[0]['completion_probabilities'])
if 'DEBUG' in os.environ and os.environ['DEBUG'] == 'ON':
for pos in range(n_predict):
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
probs_i = response_i['completion_probabilities'][pos]['probs']
print(f"pos {pos}, probs {i}: {probs_i}")
for pos in range(n_predict):
for i, response_i in enumerate(completion_responses):
probs_i = response_i['completion_probabilities'][pos]['probs']
for j, response_j in enumerate(completion_responses):
if i == j:
probs_j = response_j['completion_probabilities'][pos]['probs']
assert probs_i == probs_j, "contents not equal"
async def gather_tasks_results(context):
n_tasks = len(context.concurrent_tasks)
if context.debug:
print(f"Waiting for all {n_tasks} tasks results...")
for task_no in range(n_tasks):
context.tasks_result.append(await context.concurrent_tasks.pop())
n_completions = len(context.tasks_result)
return n_completions
async def wait_for_health_status(context,
if context.debug:
print(f"Starting checking for health for expected_health_status={expected_health_status}")
interval = 0.5
counter = 0
if 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in os.environ:
timeout *= 2
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
while True:
async with await session.get(f'{base_url}/health', params=params) as health_response:
status_code = health_response.status
health = await health_response.json()
if context.debug:
print(f"HEALTH - response for expected health status='{expected_health_status}' on "
f"'{base_url}/health'?{params} is {health}\n")
if (status_code == expected_http_status_code
and health['status'] == expected_health_status
and (slots_idle is None or health['slots_idle'] == slots_idle)
and (slots_processing is None or health['slots_processing'] == slots_processing)):
if expected_slots is not None:
assert_slots_status(health['slots'], expected_slots)
if (status_code == expected_http_status_code
and health['status'] == expected_health_status
and (slots_idle is None or health['slots_idle'] == slots_idle)
and (slots_processing is None or health['slots_processing'] == slots_processing)):
if expected_slots is not None:
assert_slots_status(health['slots'], expected_slots)
await asyncio.sleep(interval)
counter += interval
if counter >= timeout:
# Sometimes health requests are triggered after completions are predicted
if expected_http_status_code == 503:
if len(context.tasks_result) == 0:
print("\x1b[5;37;43mWARNING: forcing concurrent tasks,"
" busy health check missed, probably too fast inference\x1b[0m\n")
n_completions = await gather_tasks_results(context)
if n_completions > 0:
assert False, f'{expected_health_status} timeout exceeded {counter}s>={timeout}'
def assert_embeddings(embeddings):
assert len(embeddings) > 0
embeddings_computed = False
for emb in embeddings:
2024-03-07 09:41:53 +00:00
if not isinstance(emb, float):
assert False, f"Bad embeddings: {embeddings}"
if emb != 0:
embeddings_computed = True
assert embeddings_computed, f"Embeddings: {embeddings}"
async def request_slots_status(context, expected_slots):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with await session.get(f'{context.base_url}/slots') as slots_response:
assert slots_response.status == 200
slots = await slots_response.json()
assert_slots_status(slots, expected_slots)
def assert_slots_status(slots, expected_slots):
assert len(slots) == len(expected_slots)
for slot_id, (expected, slot) in enumerate(zip(expected_slots, slots)):
for key in expected:
assert expected[key] == slot[key], (f"invalid slot {slot_id}"
f" expected[{key}] != slot[{key}]"
f" = {expected[key]} != {slot[key]}")
async def completions_seed(context, num_seeds=None):
if hasattr(context, "seed") and context.seed is not None:
assert len(context.seed) == context.n_prompts
if num_seeds is None:
num_seeds = context.n_prompts
assert num_seeds <= context.n_prompts
seeds = context.seed[:num_seeds]
context.seed = context.seed[num_seeds:] if num_seeds < context.n_prompts else None
return seeds
if hasattr(context, "server_seed") and context.server_seed is not None:
if num_seeds is None:
return [context.server_seed] * context.n_prompts
return [context.server_seed] * num_seeds
return None
def context_text(context):
return context.text.replace('\r', '')
def start_server_background(context):
if os.name == 'nt':
context.server_path = '../../../build/bin/Release/server.exe'
context.server_path = '../../../build/bin/server'
if 'LLAMA_SERVER_BIN_PATH' in os.environ:
context.server_path = os.environ['LLAMA_SERVER_BIN_PATH']
server_listen_addr = context.server_fqdn
server_args = [
'--host', server_listen_addr,
'--port', context.server_port,
if context.model_file:
server_args.extend(['--model', context.model_file])
if context.model_url:
server_args.extend(['--model-url', context.model_url])
if context.model_hf_repo:
server_args.extend(['--hf-repo', context.model_hf_repo])
if context.model_hf_file:
server_args.extend(['--hf-file', context.model_hf_file])
if context.n_batch:
server_args.extend(['--batch-size', context.n_batch])
if context.n_ubatch:
server_args.extend(['--ubatch-size', context.n_ubatch])
if context.n_threads:
server_args.extend(['--threads', context.threads])
if context.n_gpu_layer:
server_args.extend(['--n-gpu-layers', context.n_gpu_layer])
if context.draft is not None:
server_args.extend(['--draft', context.draft])
if context.server_continuous_batching:
if context.server_embeddings:
if context.server_metrics:
if context.model_alias:
server_args.extend(['--alias', context.model_alias])
if context.n_ctx:
server_args.extend(['--ctx-size', context.n_ctx])
if context.n_slots:
server_args.extend(['--parallel', context.n_slots])
if context.n_server_predict:
server_args.extend(['--n-predict', context.n_server_predict])
if context.slot_save_path:
server_args.extend(['--slot-save-path', context.slot_save_path])
if context.server_api_key:
server_args.extend(['--api-key', context.server_api_key])
if context.n_ga:
server_args.extend(['--grp-attn-n', context.n_ga])
if context.n_ga_w:
server_args.extend(['--grp-attn-w', context.n_ga_w])
if context.debug:
if 'SERVER_LOG_FORMAT_JSON' not in os.environ:
server_args.extend(['--log-format', "text"])
args = [str(arg) for arg in [context.server_path, *server_args]]
print(f"bench: starting server with: {' '.join(args)}")
flags = 0
if 'nt' == os.name:
flags |= subprocess.DETACHED_PROCESS
flags |= subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
flags |= subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW
pkwargs = {
'creationflags': flags,
'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
'stderr': subprocess.PIPE
context.server_process = subprocess.Popen(
[str(arg) for arg in [context.server_path, *server_args]],
def server_log(in_stream, out_stream):
for line in iter(in_stream.readline, b''):
print(line.decode('utf-8'), end='', file=out_stream)
thread_stdout = threading.Thread(target=server_log, args=(context.server_process.stdout, sys.stdout))
thread_stderr = threading.Thread(target=server_log, args=(context.server_process.stderr, sys.stderr))
print(f"server pid={context.server_process.pid}, behave pid={os.getpid()}")