Changyeon Kim 8f275a7c45
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ggml: Add POOL2D OP for GPU acceleration to the Vulkan backend in the MobileVLM model. (#9763)
* ggml: Add POOL2D OP for GPU ACC to the Vulkan.

- The MobileVLM model now supports inference acceleration through GPU by utilizing the Vulkan backend.
- A GGML_OP_POOL_2D shader has been added. (Pooling)
- The encoding performance of the CLIP model improved from 2.8s on the CPU to 0.7s on the GPU.

Signed-off-by: Changyeon Kim <cyzero.kim@samsung.com>

* [fix] Correct the incorrect order of the parameters.

fix casting to int.

Signed-off-by: Changyeon Kim <cyzero.kim@samsung.com>


Signed-off-by: Changyeon Kim <cyzero.kim@samsung.com>
2024-10-29 09:52:56 +01:00

75 lines
1.7 KiB

#version 450
#include "types.comp"
#extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require
layout(push_constant) uniform parameter {
uint IW; uint IH;
uint OW; uint OH;
uint OC;
uint pelements;
uint op;
int k0; int k1;
int s0; int s1;
int p0; int p1;
} p;
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
#define FLT_MAX 3.402823466e+38F
#define OP_POOL_MAX 0u
#define OP_POOL_AVG 1u
layout (local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
layout(binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];};
layout(binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];};
void main() {
const uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
if (idx >= p.pelements) {
const uint O_HW = p.OW * p.OH;
const uint nc = idx / O_HW;
const uint cur_oh = (idx % O_HW) / p.OW;
const uint cur_ow = (idx % O_HW) % p.OW;
const int start_h = int(cur_oh) * p.s0 - p.p0;
const uint bh = max(start_h, 0);
const uint eh = min(start_h + p.k0, p.IH);
const int start_w = int(cur_ow) * p.s1 - p.p1;
const uint bw = max(start_w, 0);
const uint ew = min(start_w + p.k1, p.IW);
const float scale = 1.0 / float(p.k0 * p.k1);
float res;
if (p.op == OP_POOL_AVG) {
res = 0.0;
} else if (p.op == OP_POOL_MAX) {
res = -FLT_MAX;
} else {
#pragma unroll
for (uint i = bh; i < eh; i++) {
#pragma unroll
for (uint j = bw; j < ew; j++) {
const float cur = D_TYPE(data_a[nc * p.IH * p.IW + i * p.IW + j]);
if (p.op == OP_POOL_AVG) {
res += cur * scale;
} else if (p.op == OP_POOL_MAX) {
res = max(res, cur);
data_d[nc * O_HW + cur_oh * p.OW + cur_ow] = res;