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Change folder name from "git" to ".git" open cmd CD to your directory with folder renamed .git folder and run commands point by point.
- Check the Current Branch Ensure you are on the correct branch where the files exist: git branch . If not, switch to the appropriate branch: Code: git checkout .
- Restore the Working Directory If the working directory is empty or the files are missing, you can restore them using: Code: git checkout. This command will restore all the files to the state of the latest commit on the current branch.
- List Files in the Repository To see the files and their content: Code: git ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only. This will list all the files in the repository at the current commit. 4. View the FilesIf you want to view specific files or extract them, navigate to the repository directory (outside of the .git folder) where they should now be visible, and you can open them with any text editor or IDE.5. Export the Repository (Optional)If you want to export the entire repository to a directory without the .git folder, you can use: Code: git archive --format=tar --output=../repository.tar HEAD This will create a tar archive of the current working directory (excluding the .git folder) Good luck.